You Don’t Know Jack! Movies (šifre)

You Don't Know Jack! Movies

Submitted by: conner54

Start a seven question, one player game. Finish the game. 
Keep pressing B at the high-score screen and continue to 
do this during the commercials. After the first commercial 
or two, you will be treated to bloopers. The sounds will 
play as follows: commercial, blooper, commercial, blooper, etc.

Special greeting:
When playing the game on a holiday you will get a special 
greeting. The same thing happens early in the morning, late 
at night, and Friday and Saturday nights.

Host burns you worse then usual:
Type F**k You (without the asterisks) as your player name, 
then when you get a gibberish question, type F**k You 
(without the asterisks) to get an even worse response than 
if you had entered a regular name.

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