World of Warcraft patch v2.1.3

World of WarcraftIz Blizzarda nam stiže najnoviji patch za World of Warcraft, koji donosi ispravke raznih bugova i ubrzavanje kondicionalnih makroa, a samim tim i FPS-a u igri. Detaljan changelog pročitajte u nastavku teksta, a patch se može preuzeti ovde (3.3 MB).




-The Warlock spell Incinerate has had the performance of its graphical spell effect improved.
-The “show launcher” option has changed so that it now defaults to“on”. Players will now see the launcher when running WOW by default.

User Interface
-Improved the performance of conditional macros, slightly increasing the framerate.
-Fixed a crash triggered by many unit frame AddOns.

Bug Fixes
-Fixed an issue with the movement of Archimonde's Doomfire.
-Fixed the wand missile art on most Shadow based wands to show the correct graphical effect.
-Infinity Blades will now despawn properly when the encounter with Kael'thas resets after a wipe.
-Gan'arg Underlings and Felhound Defenders are now properly classified as demons.

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