World in Conflict – najavljen
Kompanija Sierra Entertainment je objavila danas vest da se radi igra World in Conflict, i navodi se da se njen izlazak može očekivati u proleće 2007 godine. Igra prati ratovanje oko najveće svetske opasnosti po čovečantvo, a to je svakako nuklearna, između Sovjetskog Saveza i Amerike (izmedju koga bi inače :)). Evo ukratko šta sve ova igra treba da ponudi:
* Super-Powered Warfare: Unleash the arsenals of the great military superpowers in the gripping single-player story created by Larry Bond
* Bleeding-Edge Graphics – The latest version of Massive’s proprietary Masstech engine allows for a full 360° range of camera control and features advanced lighting and physics effects
* Complete Destructibility – As the battle rages, the world environment pays the price — every object in the game will crumble under the force of war, including cars, buildings and forests
* Deep Multiplayer Modes: Using Massive’s proprietary Massgate multiplayer server system, World in Conflict will support up to 16 players for head-to-head, team-based battles
* Real World Units: Players will take control of the most devastating arsenal of military weaponry ever created, including Soviet, American and NATO tanks, planes, trucks, troops and helicopters as well as nuclear weapons
* Player Roles – Players will choose to play as Infantry, Armor, Support Forces, or Aerial specialists; multiplayer teams will need to master each role for maximum effectiveness