White Gold: War in Paradise – in-game trejler

White Gold: War in ParadiseDeep Shadows je izbacio prvi in-game trejler (41.3MB) iz igre White Gold: War in Paradise. Da podsetimo, Deep Shadows je razvojni tim igre Boiling Point: Road to Hell, RPG-a iz 2005, koja je prošla neslavno zbog neoptimizovanosti i mnogobrojnih bagova koji su uništili gameplay. Sada Deep Shadows pokušava da istu ideju implementira u igru White Gold i, nadamo se, da će uspeti u onome što je naumio. Uz trejler objavljena je i ova poruka:
This first clip of in-game footage reveals a sweeping view of the island’s topography, up close encounters with numerous characters as well as a demonstration of forceful weaponry including an automatic rifle and a grenade launcher. The main hero will be seen driving a tank to cover an infantry assault, haggling with a street trader for a bundle of bananas, attacking enemy airfield from a high-tech chopper and exploring the jungles on foot in search of a mystical Indian artifact. On display are some of the game’s most unusual situations including riding sharks and taking over a mafia gunboat with a knife in stealth mode.

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