Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption FAQ
* Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption FAQ Walkthrough *
* Author: Kevin Janess (Ikon) *
* E-mail: *
* Version: 1.0 - March 1, 2007 *
My FAQ Walkthroughs @
- Dragon Quest V (Super Nintendo)
- Dragon Quest VI (Super Nintendo)
- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (Super Nintendo)
- The Mars Saga & Mines of Titan (Commodore 64 & PC)
- Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC)
- Stronghold (PC)
- Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption (PC)
Version History
Version 1.0 - March 1, 2007
- I finally finished up the entire FAQ, this probably took me the longest to
complete since I had to find out all the weapon, armor, item etc.... stats on
my own since the strategy guide I was using had a lot of incorrect
information. If anyone spots any incorrect, missing or has information to
submit please e-mail me and let me know, full credit will be given.
I. Walkthrough
1. Prague
1. The Beginning
2. Bonn Silver Mines
1. Silver Mines 1
2. Silver Mines 2
3. Silver Mines 3
3. Prague by Night
4. Petrin Hill Monastery
1. Monastery 1
2. Monastery 2
5. The Golem of Prague
6. Josef's Tunnels
1. Josef's Tunnels 1
2. Josef's Tunnels 2
3. Josef's Tunnels 3
7. Ardan's Chantry
1. Ardan's Chantry 1
2. Ardan's Chantry 2
3. Ardan's Chantry 3
4. Ardan's Chantry 4
2. Vienna
8. Luther Black
1. Stephansdom 1
2. Stephansdom 2
3. Stephansdom 3
9. Teutonic Knight Base
1. Teutonic Knight Base 4
2. Teutonic Knight Base 3
3. Teutonic Knight Base 2
4. Teutonic Knight Base 1
10. Haus De Hexe
1. Tremere Gargoyle Lair
2. Tremere Laboratory
3. Tremere Library
11. Vysehrad Castle
1. Vysehrad Castle 1
2. Vysehrad Castle 2
3. Vysehrad Castle 3
4. Vysehrad Castle 4
3. London
12. Society of Leopold
1. Society of Leopold 3
2. Society of Leopold 2
3. Society of Leopold 1
13. Temple of Set
1. Setite Temple 1
2. Setite Temple 2
3. Setite Temple 3
4. Setite Temple 4
14. Tower of London
1. Tower of London 1
2. Tower of London 2
3. Tower of London 3
4. Tower of London 4
4. New York
15. New York Sewers
1. Sewers Level 1
2. Sewers Level 2
3. Sewers Level 3
4. Sewers Level 4
16. Giovanni Warehouse
1. Giovanni Warehouse 1
2. Giovanni Warehouse 2
3. Giovanni Warehouse 3
17. Orsi International
1. Orsi International 1
2. Orsi International 2
3. Orsi International 3
18. The Cathedral of Flesh
1. The Cathedral of Flesh 1
2. The Cathedral of Flesh 2
3. The Cathedral of Flesh 3
4. The Cathedral of Flesh 1
19. The Three Endings
II. In-Depth Game Information
1. Character List
2. Item List
3. Armor List
A. Accessories
B. Gauntlets / Gloves
C. Helmets
D. Shields
E. Armor
4. Weapon List
5. Tome / Discipline List
6. Enemy List
III. My Game Review
IV. Credits And Thanks
V. Contact Information
I. Walkthrough
1. Prague
1. The Beginning
The game starts out by showing Christof in the battle of Moravia, once he
gets struck down by an arrow the cut scene ends and he awakens in a convent to
sister Anezka. After some conversation the scene will end out with two hideous
shadows approaching the convent. Christof will awaken to screams heard by
Anezka, he gets up with a pain in his stomach and grabs his broadsword, this
is when you take control of him. Head into the next room where two Szlachta's
are attacking the nun's, run over to the Szlachta's and strike them down with
your sword. Soon after your win Christof will collapse from his wounds, he
awakens once more to Anezka and soon after you will have a conversational
decision to make... you will need to click on one of them to continue. (NOTE:
Most of these conversation decisions will affect your humanity and can affect
the outcome of the end of the game, if you select the line that sounds the
"meanest" you will probably lose humanity, if you select the more noble kind
hearted line then you can gain or not change your humanity at all.) Once done
with your selection a new day will break and Christof will be ready to set
off, head into the next room where you can chat with Anezka. When outside the
convent explore the city to find out where everything is, also bust open
the barrels around town to possibly find some treasures. Visit the inn and
speak with the man behind the counter to get a full healing slave, when ready
to go to the mines head to the east gate which is beside the university, now
outside the city two guards will give you a rough time about if the monsters
in the mines could be defeated then the knights themselves would have done it.
Head straight out and turn the corner to the left to be in front of the mines,
here you will see a torch stick in front of the mines you can use to help
light up the darkness in the mines.
2. Bonn Silver Mines
Quest: Reclaim the Bonn Silver Mines.
Main Treasures: Amulet of St. Jude
Enemies: Rats, Szlachta, War Ghouls
Boss: Ahzra
Silver Mines 1
- Follow along the path until you reach a man slumped over, Christof will
wonder what happened to him, as he does a Szlachta will come at you from the
right. Kill it and grab the two healing slaves here, head around to the left
down the slopes until you come across two more Szlachta's, so do to them what
you just did to the other Szlachta. Continue up and around for a couple more
Szlachta's and then continue along until you see a healing slave and a couple
of bags of gold, behind you is a tunnel going down so head down and into the
open room where Christof will discover the rats that attack you. Kill them off
and kill the Szlachta up the ramp to your right, when you do continue up the
ramp to find some holy water, a healing slave and a barrel to bust open.
(NOTE: It's best to just hold onto the holy water and not use it because you
fetch a good price for them, this also applies to disease/poison antidotes,
and if you can save the full healing slaves and use the less full ones.) Head
back down the ramp and go to the right where you will see some Szlachta's to
your right, kill them for the experience and then head back out into the open
room. If you look at where you came in to the open room you will see a path to
the left of where you came in, this is where you need to head now so get
Just around the corner will be a rat nest where about four of them will pop
out and attack you, make quick work of them and round the corner. Kill off the
rats on the wooden bridge and bust the barrel here, head forward to the other
side of the bridge and to the next bridge where a healing slave will be to
your left. Snag it up and proceed forward until you reach another open room
with some Szlachta's and some more rats, when you kill them all off grab the
chest up on the ramp and then come back down and go down the ramp at the back
of the room and follow it around. Here will you find some more rats on a
wooden bridge, finish them off and cross the bridge and round the corner to
come across some more rats. When you kill these rats off you will see a large
opening which will lead to the second part of the Silver Mines.
Silver Mines 2
- Follow the path along until you reach the large room, kill off the rat and
grab the shield laying on the ground, equip it and get ready for the Szlachta
Boss coming from your left. When dealt with go up the ramp behind the Szlachta
Boss and grab the treasure up there, now go back down and head up the ramp on
the other side of the room. Follow along the path killing the rats in your way
until you reach a room with a wooden bridge going across to the other side,
kill all the Szlachta's here and watch for the rats in the nest beside the
bridge. Grab the little chest here and then cross the bridge, when you cross
there will be a path to your right which leads back to Silver Mines 1 which
you shouldn't need to go back yet.
Continue forth through the large rat until you reach another room with two
Szlachta's in it, finish them off and grab the healing slave and bash the
barrel open to take what's inside. Now follow along to the next room where
there will be a large amount of water in the middle of the room, to the right
is a Szlachta and a Szlachta Boss so get ready for a bit of a fight. After
taken care of head off to the right, you should see a lever on the right
corner of the wooden contraption, flick it and then proceed to the room to the
right of it to grab the healing slaves, holy water and barrels here. Now go
back out into the open room and wait for the water to drain out, make sure you
have some good health because across the way you should be able to see a War
Ghoul... these monsters can be a bit of a challenge so it's best to be
prepared. After the War Ghoul to the right and up the ramp will be two
Szlachta's, get what's inside the barrel behind them and then go back down the
ramp and take the path left of where you walked across the water.
Here there will be three Szlachta's so make them pay and get the bag of gold
behind the bucket, head down the ramp into the next room where a couple of
rats will be and a Szlachta coming down the large ramp. When done head up the
ramp where another rat will be, kill it and get the treasure and then go back
down the ramp and continue forth to the next room. Here will be three more
rats, after them you will notice the torches of fire which lead to Silver
Mines 3, but before going in head over to the other side of the room and get
what's inside the barrels here. (NOTE: If your inventory is full of stuff head
all the way back to town and sell your weapons/armor you have to the Smithy
and for all of your potions you will have to go Unorna's Shoppe to sell them
off, her shop is through the gate to Judith Bridge which is behind the
Smithy's shop, follow the bridge along and go through the large gate to Golden
Lane and her shop will be just up ahead to the right. Also upgrade your
weapons and armor for the upcoming fight and finally head to the convent to
get a free heal from Anezka.) When you are ready head back to Silver Mines 3
where you will be very close to fighting the boss for this level, Ahzra.
Silver Mines 3
- Grab the treasure in this room and proceed along the path until you reach a
large room with stairs going down to circular pad, here you will meet and
fight Ahzra so get ready.
| Boss: Ahzra | Health: 150 | Blood: 100 | Difficulty: Medium |
| |
| Ahzra can be a tough match, she will blood heal when she gets low on health |
| and can have some hard hits. What you need to do soon as your done talking |
| with Ahzra is retreat back to the stairs which lead to the circular pad |
| your on now, you will be safe here... it seems Ahzra is bound to the |
| circled area. When ready head up to her and begin your assault, it's best |
| to just use your sword to strike her down because holy water is best used |
| to sell for better weapons. If you start getting your butt kicked just take |
| a few steps back to heal up and then dive in again, when Ahzra gets low on |
| health, you need to pour it on before she blood heals and you will come out |
| with a win. |
| |
After you have slain the beast you will get a change to raise your stats, it's
best to focus on strength right now so you can use better weapons. After you
decided grab the bags of gold on Ahzra's throne and then head back up the
stairs where there is a shortcut to Silver Mines 1. On the way up Christof
will stop and pick up a locket of st. jude, head back to town now and if you
haven't already did so sell off your stuff in your inventory, also visit the
inn again for another healing slave. When your finished go and visit the
archbishop at the st. thomas cathedral located beside the convent, once
finished leave where you will be praised by the people of Prague. Visit sister
Anezka now, after a brief conversation head to the next room where the
archbishop will lecture you... now choose your conversational choice.
3. Prague by Night
Quest: Protect Prague By Night
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: Ghouls, Szlachta, War Ghouls
Boss: None
- When the scene of darkness finishes head around the corner towards the inn
until you find a Szlachta feeding, kill it and the one just behind it. Now go
around the Smithy's shop, you should notice that all the barrels are back so
bash them and grab what's inside, also there are rats in some of the corners
around town, it's best to grab all these up since you will be needing them
shortly. When finished with this head back towards the convent where you will
be encountered by three ghouls who will not be happy about you killing Ahzra,
these guys aren't really a challenge so finish them up quickly. Right after
their deaths you will hear screams coming from the convent, run to the convent
quickly and enter it. In here will be a couple more ghouls and a Szlachta,
clean them up to engage in a lengthy conversation with Anezka.
After the conversation a scene will trigger showing a couple of people talking
about the recruitment Christof after that another scene will trigger where
Christof is all weary walking through Prague, as he enters a alley way he
hears a faint laugh, he draws his sword only to be tossed like a rag doll
against the hard wall. Ecaterina emerges and will eventually embrace Christof
making him a vampire.
Christof Awakens to a thirst and will drink blood for the first time, after
being told what is to become of him you come to some conversational decisions.
Make your choices and soon after you will meet a new ally, Wilhem. After
another conversation you will be given a new task to perform.
4. Petrin Hill Monastery
Quest: Recover The Nod Fragment
Main Treasures: Femur Of An Elder Tzimisce, Nod Fragment
Enemies: Cappadocian Vampires, Rats, Skeletons, Zombu
Boss: Mercurio
Leave the university and head toward the Smithy's shop, once there go through
the gate to Judith Bridge behind the Smithy's. Cross the bridge and about half
way Wilhem will explain a bit about drinking blood from humans, when finished
continue across the bridge and once across follow around to the left to find
Petrin Hill.
Continue forward and when you reach the Monastery Wilhem and Christof will
engage in a short conversation, when finished head around to the right to find
the door to enter.
Monastery 1
- Now inside another conversation will take place, when done head into the
room just ahead to get some treasures, if you are in need of blood feel free
to drain the monks down to about 25% of their blood(This will make sure you do
not kill them and lose humanity). Come back out and take the path left of the
room and follow it along until you reach a door with two Cappadocians guarding
it, take them out and grab the treasures around the area, don't forget the
leather armor just beside the doorway you just passed by.
Now go through the door here and round the corner after the conversation,
there will be quite a few enemies in the room ahead so get ready. Once
finished get the chest in here and anything that fell off the dead enemies and
continue up the stairs to another hefty battle, bust the three barrels up and
grab what's inside and then continue left around the corner to where the
painting will be, go into the room just right of it and wipe the enemies out
in here. Next pull the lever to the right and then grab any treasures, head
back out of the room and go left and into the next room that looks just like
the last. Do the same in this room as the last room, flip the switch and head
back out, you will see the wooden gate has been removed from the stairs going
down... so go down them for another quick conversation. Proceed down the steps
and around the corner to meet a few more enemies, get the chest in the middle
of the room and take a right into another room. Here just slash and kill and
pick up any treasures, go back out when done and continue down the stairs past
the chest, a couple of skeletons will try to stop you but finish them up and
go through the door to Monastery 2.
Monastery 2
- When you enter the second part of the Monastery a couple of rats will rush
you so kill them off, grab the blood behind you and continue forward until you
have a little talk. Continue up until a couple Cappadocians come at you, after
them grab the coins in front of you but be careful of the fireball that shoots
down at you. Now go to your left and finish the skeletons and snag up the
coins behind them, go back to the left and kill the rat and buried
Cappadocian, now grab the treasure chest behind him and bust open the barrels
and get what's inside. Now finally go through the door in the middle of the
room, kill the enemies here and take the steps up on either side to go back
down the steps on the other side. Kill the enemies here and them search behind
them and behind the steps for some more treasures, once done you can go down
the steps to engage some more enemies. When finished bust open the barrels and
get what's inside and go through the doorway to the left room, kill everything
in here and go to the back of the room to get the treasures back there. Come
back out of the room and head up the plank of wood going up, up here kill the
Cappadocian standing right beside you. Now go down into the room where a fair
amount of enemies will come at you, slice and dice them all up and go to the
back of the room to flip the lever, now grab up any left over treasures
dropped in here. Go back up the wood and down the other side into the room you
were in previously and open the door that is now open and not blocked.
On the other side will be a few enemies to the right, smite them and go into
the room to your left where the Zombu is, kill it and flip the flat switch on
the shrine to open it and grab what's inside... flipping this switch will also
open a secret door just to the left of the door which leads to Monastery 3,
although it takes a bit to open. Once it is open head inside and kill
everything in here, at the back on the table is a few items including a main
treasure which is the femur. The femur is unidentified so if you find a
spirits touch scroll use it on the femur to find out it's details, also you
will be able to sell it for more money if it's identified. Anyways go back out
and proceed through the door which leads to Monastery 3.
Monastery 3
- Start by grabbing the treasures behind you, after that follow the tunnel
around killing what's in front of you. At the end of the tunnel is a door to
the right, a door to the left and stairs in front of you, kill the skeleton to
your right but go through the door to the left since the one on the right is
locked right now. Kill and take everything in here and go back out and go up
the steps and kill whatever is in your way until you reach the bottom of the
steps, now to your left will lead to Garinol's study but it's locked right now
so continue forward killing the thing here. Grab up anything you can find here
and then flick the tile that's to the right of the far door, this rise up the
wooden gates blocking the door's path. Proceed up the steps which will bring
you to another set of wooden gates, don't worry these ones will open if you
click on them. If you rush into the room the gates will close back behind you
most likely trapping you in with the enemies and leaving Wilhem locked out, so
it's best to open the gates and lure the enemies out to you and Wilhem.
Anyways when you clean the room up proceed up the steps killing more enemies
in your way, when finished go to the very top of the steps and look at the
mural on the wall, see the thing poking out of the skeleton's finger? Grab it
because it's a key... even Christof will point that out when you pick it up.
Now head all the way back to where Garinol's study is and open the door up,
kill the Cappadocian behind the door and go down the steps on the right and
the other enemy here. Grab any treasures you see and then go up and then down
the other steps, kill the two other enemies on either side of the stair case
and claim any treasures. Now go back up the steps and into the room at the end
of the hall, kill the Zombu and female Cappadocian in here and then grab all
the stuff on the table. Now head all the way back to almost the start of
Monastery 3, remember the room that was locked at the end of the tunnel?
That's Mercurio's room where we need to go, before entering it if you have
the patch for this game save here because Mercurio can be a bit of a hand
full. Now ready, enter the room and speak with Mercurio, answer the
conversational decisions how you want and prepare for battle with Mercurio!.
| Boss: Mercurio | Health: 300 | Blood: 200 | Difficulty: Hard |
| |
| Mercurio is a pretty tough opponent, simply for one reason, his plague |
| breath. When he uses it, it will likely hurt both Christof and Wilhem |
| because it has a wide dispersal area. Plague breath will hurt you while |
| driving up your frenzy and occasionally you will wince in pain, in which |
| case you should blood heal to heal up and lower your frenzy. There is no |
| real special way to fight him other then straight attacking him, you can |
| cast potence and celerity on yourself to enhance yourself for a very brief |
| amount of time which does help a bit but runs out quick. Also the fight can |
| go either way depending how often you land a hit and for how much damage so |
| really it is a bit random who wins here, any who good luck. |
| |
After defeating Mercurio he will drop the Nod Fragment so pick it up, next
grab the contains of the chest and then get yourself out of the Monastery
completely. Just before you leave outside fill up on the monks if you need to.
When outside Wilhem will talk with you and then a scene plays out of you can
Anezka having a lengthy talk, afterwards you will emerge out behind the
convent. Right now would be a good time to sell off all the stuff you have
acquired in the Monastery, so go to the Smithy's and Unorna's Shoppe and sell
off your equipment. Don't buy any new equipment yet though, at least not just
yet. Head back to the university and speak with Ecaterina and Cosmos, they
will congratulate... Wilhem but Wilhem will say you were a big help. After
the talking you will get a new quest and will be able to raise your stats.
5. The Golem of Prague
Quest: Kill The Golem
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: None
Boss: Maqqabah The Golum
- Before going to kill the golem let's go buy some better weapons and armor,
so head over to the Smithy. Personally I like to get a couple of exquisite
bastard swords, studded leather armors, full helms and a couple pair of
gauntlets for this part of the game but get what you like. When done we need
to go through the gate to the northern quarter, start by going right of the
Smithy and keep going until you see a Knight of St. John near the gate, now
pop through the gate to go where we need to go.
You will see bloody dead bodies upon entering the gate, follow around to the
right and continue along until you reach a part where a woman will cry out for
help. You will then engage in a conversation with Mendel, after a quick pep
talk get ready for a fight with the golem gone wild. Go through the tunnel and
up the steps to watch the golem smash down a wall and come right for you.
| Boss: Maqqabah The Golum | Health: 300 | Blood: 0 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| Maqqabah The Golum isn't to hard to beat, it uses no disciplines so it uses |
| only brute force. The golum doesn't seem to hit much harder than Mercurio, |
| maybe because of your new armor upgrade but still. The only thing the golem |
| can get you with is it's "uppercut", it will lift you up off the ground and |
| delay your attack for a while. Other than this just slice it up with your |
| weapons and heal if you need to heal. |
| |
After you kill the golem pick up the Maqqabah's Shem and go and speak with
Mendel, when done you will need to bring the shem to Garinol. Garinol is back
in front of the Monastery on Petrin Hill so head all the way there, when you
reach Garinol you will notice a woman with him, she will be your next ally.
When done speaking with Garinol, Serena will join you. If you have any money
left you should upgrade Serena's weapons and armor if you can, when ready go
and rest at the haven under the university.
Christof will have a dream of biting Anezka and drinking from her, as he
awakens he will go and check in on Anezka who will be gone. After that you
will be in front of Ecaterina and have a chat with her about Anezka, you will
get a letter from her to read now.
Soon after that you will be in front of Prince Rudolf Brandl, you will be
faced with a conversation decision and soon after be given a new quest to
6. Josef's Tunnels
Quest: Retrieve The Reliquary
Main Treasures: Reliquary, Gangrel Eye, Tome of Animalism
Enemies: Ghouls, Nosferatu, Rats
Boss: Vaclav
Before getting right to this quest there is something we have to do before we
will be able to get into Josef's Tunnels, we start by going to see Josef
himself. Josef is located behind the graveyard, the graveyard is behind the
large doors right beside where you fought the golem so head there now and
follow to the back of the graveyard near the statue of the woman holding a
baby and down the ramp to find Josef.
Before Josef let's you into his tunnels you must pay his price, his price is
a goblet of elder vitae. To get this head back to the university and speak
with Ecaterina, she will give you a goblet of her vitae for Josef. Head back
to Josef and talk to him to give him the goblet, he will now let you enter his
tunnels but he does not promise a safe journey.
Josef's Tunnels 1
- Start by going around the corner to the left to meet your first two victims,
next click on the coffin here as it acts like a treasure chest, however, not
all of the coffins in here are treasure chests, only about 60% of them are.
You will now be at a path where it separates into two parts, one left and the
other right, take the left one and follow it down opening the coffins on the
way. When you come to the end of the tunnel you will most likely be attacked
be a couple of Nosferatu from both sides to kill them off, now loot the
treasures in the room to your left and go back out and continue along the path
until it bends to the right. Behind you will be another Nosferatu who probably
won't of seen you yet but kill him for the experience points, go left and
follow until you come across some more Nosferatu near a couple of coffins.
Finish them up and grab what's inside the coffins and continue forward where
you will see a wall that has been busted out to allow access. Go through there
and kill the rat to your left, bust the barrels here and get the rats, also
get the coins on the wall to the left. Now keep going along and when you reach
a dark room with a rat kill it and flip the level and look behind you to see
a secret door opening, go into the room but watch out for the flames that come
shooting out from the wall. In here is a rat and two Nosferatu so kill them
and get what's in the chest, come back out and take a left of where you just
flipped the switch to come to a room with a lot of Nosferatu in it.
Wipe them all out in here and get any treasure and barrels you find here, take
the sets of steps down near the back of this room and take a hard right and
kill the rat uner the steps. Now kill the three Nosferatu at the back and flip
the lever here to open up the gates on the door we need to go through, go
right of the steps to go through a doorway where there will be about seven
Nosferatu in total in this room. When done with them get all the treasures in
this room and then we can take the steps up at the back of the room. This will
lead to another room with more Nosferatu in it, kill them and get what's in
here and take the little steps up to where a couple more Nosferatu will be,
after them you will see a busted out wall just in front of you, don't rush in
here to quickly because there are a lot of the harder Nosferatu in here so
it's best to lure them in and kill them one by one because if you run in there
you could easily die if things go bad. Once you clean them all up proceed
through and through the next busted out wall to a room with a rat and two more
Nosferatu, when your finished with them claim anything in here and go through
the busted wall at the back to get to Josef's Tunnels 2.
Josef's Tunnels 2
- Josef's Tunnels 2 is pretty straight forward, follow along the path killing
the Nosferatu in your way and picking up any treasures you find. A few rounds
of the corner will bring you to a spot where there is a brick wall on the
right side of the room, you should notice that a part of the wall is
dis-colored, a darky looking color. If you have a heightened senses scroll use
it and click on that part of the wall to find a secret area! Get the treasures
in here and go back out and continue to follow along until you come to a spot
where the paths breaks off into a left and right way, take either way since
they lead to the same spot. When you reach the stairs circling up save the
game before you go through the busted out wall because Othelios and some
Nosferatu are behind there waiting for you. Othelios will use drawing out the
beast on you so be careful of frenzied allies, also his axe will frenzy you in
a shot or two. This plus the other Nosferatu is a challenge, best way to do
this is to barley step into the busted path and lure some of the Nosferatu out
and kill them before facing Othelios. Once you kill them rush in and focus
your attack on Othelios, when you defeat him grab the treasures behind you and
any dropped. Round the corner and to your left will be a path that will lead
up to golden lane, this is helpful to help unload your inventory because there
is still quite a bit more to go before beating this quest.
Once you come are done unloading your inventory go back in the way you came,
now go across the way and down the steps, here you will see a Nosferatu but he
is not a enemy, he is Illig. Talk to him if you want to hear babbling, but
anyways go through the door beside him to enter Josef's Tunnels 3.
Josef's Tunnels 3
- This is sorta a maze/puzzle of the game, to figure out what doorway to go
into your suppost to click on the tablets on the pillars which gives you a
clue on which door to take but it's a bit fuzzy on where to go so i'll just
tell you. See the colored emblems above the doors there? I'll tell you what
color to go into to advance to the next area, start by taking the door with
the red emblem above it, next go through the door with the yellow emblem above
it, now go through the door with the green emblem on it, here go through the
door with the blue emblem on it, and finally go through the door with the
orange emblem on it. Finally, you will be in the crypts of the cathedral. Kill
the two ghouls that challenge you and grab the treasures on the wall behind
them, now go left and another left at the gate, kill the two Nosferatu in here
and get the treasures on the tiles on the ground. Be careful not to step on the
tiles because a ball of flames will shoot out at you, when your done flip the
lever to your right which will in turn open one of the gates blocking your
way. Walk around and go through the now opened gate and flip the other lever,
now here is a secret, there is a tile on the staircase right beside the lever
you can push, this will open a small gate up the stairs which allows you to
grab some treasures. Head up the steps and kill the two Nosferatu blocking
your way, now grab the bastard sword and coins in the little area to your left
that is now no longer blocked by the gate. Continue up the stairs and kill the
rats, check behind the tombs up here to find some vitae and other treasures.
Just around the corner is the tomb of Vaclav which you will have to face so
prepare yourself.
| Boss: Vaclav | Health: 250 | Blood: 0 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| Vaclav isn't to difficult, he only attacks with physical attacks but in two |
| hits he can frenzy a ally which makes things difficult. Stick to regular |
| attacks on him and cast potence and celerity to make the fight easier and |
| quicker, also don't forget to heal if you get low on damage. |
| |
After Vaclav falls grab the stacks of coins beside his tomb and open up the
large door and up the steps, open the wall door and grab everything in this
room especially the Reliquary. When you have everything leave this place, take
the path out in Josef's Tunnels 2 up to golden lane to get out faster. Sell
off anything in your inventory and then go see Prince Rudolf Brandl through
the Prague castle ground gate which is located beside the golden lane gate.
After a brief conversation and a conversational decision you will be given a
new quest to invade the Tremere Chantry.
7. Ardan's Chantry
Quest: Invade Tremere Chantry
Main Treasures: Ivory Bow, Sire's Finger
Enemies: Elementals, Gargoyles, Hoppers, Tremere
Boss: Ardan
Before going to where we need to go make sure you upgrade your weapons and
armor, just a hint the Tremere shoot a lot of fire balls at you so studded
leather armor is good and if you can find a fire insulated piece of equipment
then it's a bonus.
Ardan's Chantry 1
- Alright let's go to Ardan's Chantry, where is it you ask? well go to Golden
Lane and it's the building at the back to the right which was locked
previously. When you go in Christof will let you know that the magic shop is
a fraud, head to the back and open up the half door and then the curtain to
reveal some stairs going down. Take the stairs down to the next room, here you
will see little purple flames around a circle on the ground near the walls,
if you see little flakes of magic coming out of them it means they are
activate and you can step on the flame which will cause one of four things,
one that a blood stone will appear, two a hopper will appear, three a
elemental will appear and four which is rare a blood pearl will appear. These
flames will be all over Ardan's Chantry so step on them and get or fight what
Back to the walkthrough, when you walk a bit into the room some hoppers will
come at you so finished them off, hoppers usually drop a decent amount of gold
so be sure to pick it up. When you claim all the treasures in this room move
to the next room where you will meet some Tremere, the best tactic is to lure
one or two of them out at a time and kill them then, because a group of
Tremere can be a handful, simply because alot of fire balls will frenzy you.
Alright when the Tremere are dead and you looted the room head around the
corner, there will be a room to the right as you round the corner but leave it
for right now and continue forward. Same thing as before kill and loot
everything in this room and the one just to the right of it, just make sure
when your looting don't forget treasure chests on the tables. Ok go back to
the room I told you to ignore for now and go in and hack and slash and grab
whats there, now to the right is two doorways. Take the one to the right first
and kill the Tremere and hoppers in there, to the very right is the ivory bow
so make sure to grab that up. Now go back out and take the left doorway, get
whatevers in the purple flame at the end of the room. As you can see there is
a dark doorway which leads to Ardan's Chantry 2 underneath a room at the top
of the stairs but go there after you kill the Tremere and loot the upstairs
Ardan's Chantry 2
- Now in Ardan's Chantry 2 take the stairs down into the next room, kill the
Tremere around the corner along with the hoppers and grab everything in here,
even the barrels near the doorway. Continue along through the doorway and
around the corner to find another Tremere to take care of, down the stairs
some hoppers will come up and challenge you. Before going down the steps go
into the room across the way first and kill the Tremere and hoppers in there
and snag up the loot in here. Now go back out and down the stairs, get what's
in the purple flame and the barrels. Now go through the doorway and round the
corner to find a couple Tremere in the middle of the room in front of a couple
prisoners, kill the Tremere and their hoppers and set the prisoners free. They
decide to stick around I guess cause they do not move, grab the treasures
around the room and proceed through the next doorway which goes down some
steps to more Tremere. Finish them and grab what's in the purple flame at the
bottom of the steps, go back up and into the room that was across the way and
do what you do best for this quest, kill and loot. The Sire's Finger is in
here and if you have a spirits touch scroll use it on the finger. Go into the
next room which is Tremere and hopper free so take what's here and then go up
the steps into Ardan's Chantry 3.
Ardan's Chantry 3
- As soon as you get into Ardan's Chantry 3 a Tremere will spot you and come
up the stairs to the right so wait for him and kill him, now go down the
stairs to the right and you will see somebody chained up ahead of you. Kill
the hoppers to your right and then a walk over to the chained up man and a
gargoyle will come at you, kill it and approach the man to watch him free
himself. He will now join you, his name is Erik. Equip him with the some
weapons and armor you found and then go to the left of the room where there
is a Tremere and some hoppers, kill them and get the two chests. Now go back
over to where Erik was chained up and continue past it to the hoppers, kill
them and continue through the doorway to Ardan's Chantry 4.
Ardan's Chantry 4
- Ardan's Chantry 4 is just a boss battle, head down the stairs to meet Ardan
himself for a lengthy conversation and a battle to the death.
| Boss: Ardan | Health: 300 | Blood: 200 | Difficulty: Medium |
| |
| Ardan can be a challenge if your dexterity is low and cannot land many hits |
| upon him, his biggest threat is when he uses immolate on you. Not only does |
| it do a significant amount of damage on you, it will drive you to frenzy |
| very quickly. Ardan has decent defense to physical attack so it will take |
| a little bit to beat him, just try to heal to get your frenzy down before |
| the beast gets the best of an ally. Potence and celerity are a welcomed |
| advantage once again so use it at your own discretion. |
| |
After you have defeated Ardan you will automatically appear in front of
Ecaterina, you will have a bunch of conversation decisions if you choose to
try and argue to save Anezka. Just so you know if at any time turn your back
on her in this conversation you will lose humanity. After the discussion you
will leave for Vienna through the east gate which is right beside the
university. Don't worry about selling the stuff in your inventory, just do it
in Vienna since there is a new and better Smithy and Unorna's Shoppe there.
So leave now by the east gate to Vienna.
2. Vienna
When you first enter Vienna your haven will be the church door to the right,
there is a secret level you have to pull to open a passage down the steps to
your coffin and save point. Back to our quest, we need to attend count
Orsi's party but before we do that we have to get an invite and also upgrade
our equipment. Start by dumping off our weapons at the local weapon smith who
is located on the outer stradt, just keep doing a circle around until you
locate his door with a sign above it. Once you unload your equipment it's time
to unload our scrolls and other mystical things we don't need, so it's off to
Order of Hermes which is located in the eastern ringtrasse, also this is where
we need to go to get our invite to count Orsi's so head there now. To the left
is the Order of Hermes, go there now and engage in a conversation with him,
after dump your mystical equipment off to him. Head back out into the eastern
ringstrasse, see the beggar laying down by the fire just ahead to the left?
You can drain him dry of blood and kill him without losing humanity, when he
dies save your game and reload it and he will revive with full blood and you
can keep doing this until your characters are all full. After filling up on
blood the Green Frog Inn is just to your right, head inside and speak with
one of the three ladies and once your done an invite will be laying on the
bench for you to take.
Head back out into the outer stradt and then to the inner stradt right in
front of you, go straight across to the other side and out into the outer
stradt again. You will now be in front of the gate which leads to count
Orsi's, go through the gate and look upon his mansion and then up the steps
into the mansion. Go and speak with one of the three ladies again and then
Orsi himself will greet you, after a talk and a conversation decision Orsi
will have a quest for you to do if you want to find out where Anezka is.
8. Luther Black
Quest: Find Secret Entrance To Clock, Find Luther Black
Main Treasures: Heart Shield
Enemies: Dark Hunters, Lasombra Ghouls, Rats
Boss: Luther Black (No Fight)
Stephansdom 1
- After you leave Orsi's upgrade your weapons and armor if you haven't
already, after that head into the inner stradt in front of Orsi's, take a left
and walk forward for a bit and then take a left around the building to find
the inner house. Once in climb the steps to the top and leave out the big
window at the top, now your on the roof, climb the steps to your left and just
follow along the roof until you reach a the secret entrance to the clock
tower. When you get inside daylight will break, inside take the steps down
until you find a couple Lasombra ghouls. After you kill them you will run into
a part which requires a bit of carefulness, around the corner is a hallway
with sunlight coming in from the windows, so what you need to do is check off
the green beside all off your character which is located beside your health
and blood meter. This will make your character hold their positions and not
run into the sunlight when you run by this hall, only use Christof or your
character of choice to run down the hall and open the door at the end. Two
rats will come at you just outside the door so clean them up, head around to
corner to the left and you will see some Lasombra ghouls ahead. Again it's
best to just use one character to take these guys out and the rats around the
corner, when you are done with them there will be a ramp ahead going down
which is all sunlight so your gonna get burned no matter what going down so
just haul down it and take your burning.
To your right you will see a large mechanism go back and forth, do not try to
get past it right now as it will kill you in one shot, it's very rare to get
by without using a scroll we will soon get. Go down the stairs and get the
chests, gold and scroll we need, now go back up and up the steps to your right
to get some more treasures. Go back down in front of the large mechanism and
use your scroll of the mist form which will turn you into a ball of mist,
float by and then right click on buff logo to turn it off, push the button on
the wall to turn of the large mechanism so you can safely get by with your
other characters. Continue ahead and ignore the path to the left as we can get
over there without burning ourselves, once you get past the two spots of
sunlight to your right stop before going down the ramp and then switch to your
other character's and manually guide them to Christof. Once you get all of
your character's together hit the large button in the bottom left of your menu
or click all the character's green light back on. Now all together go down the
ramp and take a left into a busted out wall, in here a quite a few Lasombra
ghouls around the corner along with a rat or two. Wipe this room out and grab
anything worth while and then take the steps up to kill a couple more Lasombra
ghouls, grab the claymore and head back to where just came down the ramp to go
through the busted wall. You see those three switches on the wall? Flick the
two in light which is the very left and very right one to open the passage to
Stephansdom 2.
Stephansdom 2
- Go around the corner to fight some Lasombra ghouls and pick up the treasures
behind them, continue along for another fight with some more Lasombra ghouls
and rats, again loot anything you find. Continue ahead to the next room and
wipe out the enemies in here, here is a ramp going up and a opening outside
with sunlight, go outside and kill the Lasombra ghouls and get the treasure
here. Now go back inside and up the ramp killing the Lasombra ghoul in your
way, here is another situation where you have to go up a ramp full of sunlight
into a building. So again check off the green light to make your characters
say put and manually guide them up one by one to get into the building, once
they are all in check the green lights on again and kill the Lasombra ghouls
in here and take the treasure chests in here. Advance to the next room and
kill the enemies here, get the chest and go to the next room. When you kill
the Lasombra ghouls in here you will see the path to the next room is blocked
off by some stone pillars going across, what you need to do here is look in
mirror across the room, this will reveal which tiles you need to push on the
fire place to open up the stone pillars. If your lazy and don't want to look
it's the second to the left tile and the very right tile, when the pillars
move continue through and take out the Lasombra ghoul here and go through the
door into Stephansdom 3.
Stephansdom 3
- Wait for the Lasombra ghoul to come down the steps and then kill him, next
bust up the barrels and take what's inside and then up the stairs with you.
Here you will meet your first dark hunter, like Vaclav dark hunters have
good physical defense so it might take a bit to kill them. After you kill it
and the Lasombra ghoul grab any treasures and continue up the next set of
stairs, here is a couple more Lasombra ghouls so kill them and get the
treasures in the corner to the right. Now enter the room with lots of
paintings on the wall, if you look around you can see all off the Black's that
have ruled this place. Continue across to the other side where you will
encounter a couple dark hunters and a Lasombra ghouls, still in the room with
the painting on the wall check to the left of the doorway leading out, there
is a heart shield sitting on the ledge in front of the mirror just past the
last painting, it is easily missable if you are not looking for it. Round the
corner to the left and kill some more Lasombra ghouls and dark hunters. Get
the chests at the back of the room and then climb up the stairs, kill the
enemies all in front of you here. Now there is a big locked wooden gate in the
middle of the room and a doorway to the left, head in doorway to confront
Luther Black. After you have a long talk with Luther you will come to a
conversation decision, this decision will effect if Luther Black kills himself
and possible kills you or if you decide to kill him. What I mean by possible
killing you is if you deny to kill him he will open up the roof himself and
flood the room with sunlight killing him and hurting your entire party, if you
can not get out in time then you will die. It's best to just kill him yourself
as there is no downfall here, once you agree to kill him go back out and enter
the now unlocked large wooden gate. Head up the stairs and get what's in the
barrels up top, now flip both switches up here on either side of the room to
kill Luther Black. When you finished your quest head back down the stairs and
down the other stairs around the corner, when you reach the bottom of the
stairs Orsi will be waiting for you with two Teutonic knights. He betrays you
and locks you up in the Teutonic Knight Base.
9. Teutonic Knight Base
Quest: Escape The Teutonic Knight Base
Main Treasures: Ainkurn Sword, Tremere Amulet
Enemies: Hoppers, Teutonic Knights, Rats, Ghouls Spiders, Tremere
Boss: Dark Knight
Teutonic Knight Base 4
- After a scene of Serena using a corpse to free your party you will be free
to leave the prison cell and take some revenge. When your outside your cell
kill the three Teutonic knights up ahead, next open up the gate to your right
down the steps. If you rush inside the gate will close behind you and you will
be stuck fighting all the enemies in here by yourself so lure your enemies out
to you, when you kill everything in here open up each prison cell and grab
what ever is in them. Head back out and open up the prison cell to your
right to kill a couple ghoul spiders, continue forward and kill the Teutonic
knights as they come at you. When finished here the room to the right will
have a Teutonic knight at the back and also a battle axe up against the wall,
snag it up and come back out into the main hallway. Ignore the stairs to your
left for right now and open the two gates up to your right, the second gate
or the further one has a small chest in it but it's hidden in the shadows so
scan over it to find it. Behind the second prison cell will be some Teutonic
knights as well as the room beside the prison cell, when you finished cleaning
them up go back into the main hall and at the end of it is a flanged mace and
a shield, also there is another prison cell with a rat in it.
Head back to the stairs I told you to ignore and take them up killing the
Teutonic knight in your way, when you reach the top kill all the Teutonic
knights up up here but don't open the gate on the other side of the room just
yet. Open all four of the prison cells and take what's in any of them, next go
into the room where the steps go down, there will be a Teutonic knight on
either side of the room so kill them now. Again take what's in the four prison
cells here and go back out, now open up the door to the left and continue
forward killing the Teutonic knights in the rooms to your left and the one in
front of you. When done with them proceed up the steps and and through the
door to Teutonic Base 3.
Teutonic Knight Base 3
- To start out go through the gate just in front of you, again it's one of
those lobster trap doors which closes behind you. When you kill everything in
the room get the bag of gold behind the crates, go back out now and go left,
kill the Teutonic knight coming up and then grab what's in the barrel just
behind him. Head up the ramp and kill the Teutonic knights to the right, the
room just to the right is four rooms connected, kill everything in these rooms
and grab all the precious loot. When your done in these rooms go out through
the back and up the stairs to encounter some more Teutonic knights, get the
treasures near them and continue right through the Teutonic knight. If you now
look to the left up the stairs you will see a Tremere, go and slice him up and
then continue past his remains to fight some hoppers and another Teutonic
knight. To your right will be a gate that leads to Teutonic Knight Base 2 but
it's locked so you have to go left into what looks like a Tremere Chantry,
kill the Tremere in here and the hoppers and then step on the purple flame to
which I think will always turn into a blood pearl. Now go through the "lobster
trap" door to the left of the Tremere chantry entrance, when you kill the
Tremere he will drop the Tremere amulet, you can't pick it up but it
disappears and you have it but it's not in your inventory, just so you know.
Now you can go back out and open up the gate to Teutonic Base 2.
Teutonic Knight Base 2
- Teutonic Knight Base 2 has a lot of loot in the rooms to the back, ignore
the stairs going up to your right and visit all the rooms going back. Most of
them will have three Teutonic knights in them along with up to eight small
chests in them, after you clean them all out including the Tremere room at the
back you can now go up the stairs.
Go around to the right killing the Teutonic knights in your way, when you come
to a doorway to your right go in. At the back will be a Teutonic captain along
with four Teutonic knights, when you kill them pick up the ainkurn sword
behind their corpses. This sword should be your main weapon through out the
entire game, it does aggravated damage which is rare, drains blood often and
adds it to your own blood pool and adds a +10 dexterity to your stats, it's
quite possible the best weapon in the game. Alright go back out and continue
around the room until you come to a room to your left with some Teutonic
knights and a Tremere in it, get the chest behind them after they are dead and
then go across the room through the doorway and up the stairs to Teutonic
Knight Base 1.
Teutonic Knight Base 1
- Kill the Teutonic knights that charge you and take what's in the barrels,
continue to climb the stairs killing the knights in your way and go out the
door into a courtyard. More Teutonic knights will be waiting here, after them
go through the door to the left and kill off the knights here. Grab the chests
and proceed through the doorway into the next room, kill the Teutonic knights
and grab the barrels. This part is weird, in the next room there is sometimes
a Tremere lord and sometimes there isn't. I have beat this game at least ten
times over and there has been a Tremere lord in the next room twice that I
recall, anyways if there is one kill him and continue down the room to kill
three more Teutonic knights. Keep going forward and kill the knights on either
side of the doorway, snag up what's inside the chest and prepare for another
Teutonic captain and some knights in the next room. After you kill them the
Teutonic captain will drop a exquisite battle axe, by now your inventory for
all your characters is probably pretty close to being full. Head up the
stairs, in the room around the corner is a Tremere lord, a Tremere and a
hopper. When you kill them get the two chests and pull the lever on the wall
to open the gate which will finally let you out of the Teutonic Knight Base.
Go back down the steps and leave through the door in this room to get outside.
10. Haus De Hexe
Quest: Retrieve The Journal Of Etrius
Main Treasures: Berserker Fang, Tome of Ritual Thaumaturgy
Enemies: Gargoyles, Hopper, Tremere
Bosses: Virstania, Etrius
Go and speak with Orvus at the Order of Hermes, he will infuse your Tremere
amulet with the magic you need to enter the Haus De Hexe. Now sell off the
things in your inventory and upgrade your equipment, when ready go through the
southern ringstrasse to reach the Haus De Hexe. Follow along through the gate
and into the castle, when you get in the castle a couple of Tremere will
wonder how you got in and then attack you. Kill them and then you have a
choice of where to go. In front of you stands three doors, I list from left to
Tremere Gargoyle Lair
- Upon entering a Tremere will see you and come at you, do away with him and
head into the room to the left. Kill the two Tremere here and get the loot in
here, now take the right path and follow it until you reach a door. Open it
and kill the two Tremere on the other side, get the small chest and continue
forward where you will come to your first gargoyle. Now your at a three way
intersection, take the ramp up to score some more loot, head back down and
take the only other path which goes forward. Three gargoyles will await you in
here, finish them and get the emeralds at the back. Go to the next room where
three more gargoyles will be along with a Tremere, when done bust open the two
barrels in the back room and claim what's inside. Proceed along where yet
again three gargoyles will be to test you, do to them as before and move to
the next room where a couple more gargoyles will be along with two Tremere.
When you are done killing them get the treasures behind them and head off to
the next room with a couple more gargoyles. Finally when your done with them
Virstania will be in the next room with you guessed it another gargoyle.
| Boss: Virstania | Health: 300 | Blood: 140 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| Virstania is easy enough, she will cast prison of ice on you and can and |
| probably will use immolate as well. With four characters you should be |
| able to kill her fairly quickly and continue on. |
| |
When you kill Virstania and the gargoyle grab the arcanulum piece and step
into the circling white dots to teleport back into the main room of the
castle, click on the triangle on the floor to place the acranulum piece onto
it. When all three pieces are places down the magical seal to the room up the
steps will disappear and allow you to enter the room, but until then the
Tremere Laboratory is next.
Tremere Laboratory
- start by taking the path to the right and killing the Tremere in the room,
go down the steps to the right which will lead to another room. Just as a
warning the statues that look like howling dogs on either side of a hallway
will shoot flames at you as you walk past them. Anyways again kill the Tremere
in this room and grab anything on the floor you see, go into the room to the
right of the steps going down. Kill the hoppers in here and grab the treasures
on the table, take the steps up to the room which will lead to a room with
some more Tremere inside. After your done with them pick up any loot laying
around and head to the back of the room where there is a dark little closet
with some treasure chests in it. Go back up the steps and into next room with
more Tremere, as usual kill and loot and head up the steps, take a left which
will lead to a room with a Tremere lord inside along with a couple regular
Tremere. Kill them all and grab the tome and chest, proceed to the next room
with caution as there is two Tremere lords and a regular Tremere in here. As
you should know by now Tremere lords are pretty deadly and even deadlier in
a group, when you do manage to kill them the next arcanulum piece will be up
the steps. Although you have the arcanulum piece there is still more Tremere
and loot in other rooms to explore, they are not hard to find as all the rooms
are connected so I will leave it to you to just browse around looking, it's a
good idea to do this just for the experience you get for killing Tremere. When
you are done step into the circling white dots and teleport to the main room
to place the second arcanulum piece in the floor, finally step into the
hardest section of the castle which is the library.
Tremere Library
- Start by heading to the left and cleaning out the room of the Tremere here,
grab the loot and then go back out and head down the steps to the right. Now
there is four different rooms that all break off from this long set of stairs,
just go down the steps and clean out all for rooms of the Tremere within them
and snag up the treasures in the rooms. Just as a warning through most of the
rooms have at least one Tremere lord in them and one has two of them in it.
Also as the very bottom of the steps is a couple Tremere, sometimes they can
see you coming down the stairs so they will come up after you instead of
waiting for you to come to them. Now when you reach the bottom of the stairs
kill the Tremere to your left if they didn't already come up after you. To
your right is another room with 3 Tremere in it and a Tremere lord, there is
no loot in here only the experience for killing the Tremere. When you finished
up head back out into the room at the bottom of the stairs and just before the
doorway to the next room is a little closet room with a chest in it, grab it
and proceed through the doorway. To the right is a room with a Tremere and two
Tremere lords so rush in and kill them quickly, grab any loot and come back
out. Up ahead just around the wall is a room with three Tremere lords in it,
yes three!. This can be a doosy, your best bet is to just barley step into
their vision so only one maybe two see you and they will come to you around
the corner. When you kill them or one of them rush in and kill the rest, after
that grab the last acranulum piece and enter the circling white dots. Place
the last piece of arcanulum in the floor and watch as the magical seal
disappears at the top of the stairs.
Before going up the stairs strip Erik of all his weapons and armor and give it
to your other characters to hold onto, trust me Erik will not be needing it
and if you leave it on him you will lose it. Now go up the steps and through
the door, pick up the journal Of Etrius. Just as you do Etrius will appear and
catch you in the act, after a conversation Erik will get frustrated and
charge at Etrius who will in turn change Erik into a gargoyle who you will now
have to kill. After you kill Erik the gargoyle Etrius will begin to attack
| Boss: Etrius | Health: 350 | Blood: 160 | Difficulty: Medium |
| |
| Etrius can easliy kill your party quickly if you get caught in his flame |
| storm discipline, it does massive damage and inflicts damage into a |
| concentrated area. Not only does Etrius use that discipline but he will |
| summon a elemental to aid him and can use prison of ice on your party, this |
| fight is probably harder because you don't have the extra character helping |
| you out. Just make sure to avoid his flame storm and you should be fairly |
| ok, using potence and celerity would be a bonus here as well. |
| |
After you defeat Etrius he will get frustrated and give you the information
you wish to know so you leave the Haus De Hexe, leave the castle and empty out
your inventory at the weapon smiths. Pay Orvus a visit at the Order of Hermes,
he will thank you for the journal and give you an apparent enchantment to help
protect against fire, although I never have noticed a difference. Once
finished here you must now return to Prague through the northern ringstrasse.
11. Vysehrad Castle
Quest: Infiltrate Vysehrad Castle
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: Rats, Szlachta, Tzimisce, War Ghouls, Wolves
Boss: Vozhd
When you get back to Prague you will see that it is all smashed up and there
are a lot of citizens walking around town. Head to the university and speak
with Ecaterina, she talk to you for a while and then you will get the quest to
go to Vysehrad castle. Enter the gate which leads to Vysehrad Castle which is
just behind the convent, when you reach the castle a guy will make a speech
and then you can enter the castle, just to point out you can only enter the
castle through the smashed out wall to the left of the front door.
Vysehrad Castle 1
- I'll point this out first of all, don't bother picking up any weapons, armor
or any items like gold rings and necklaces because your not gonna get the
chance to sell them as this will be the end of the Medieval part of the game,
the only things worth picking up is maybe blood and scrolls to use during this
Alright now in Vysehrad Castle kill the Tzimisce just ahead, the opening to
the left will have a Szlachta and a rat in there so kill them for the
experience. Now go back out and up the stairs to kill three Szlachta's, go
back down and go through the opening to the right to meet a couple Tzimisce
and ghouls. When your done with them continue along until you reach a part
where four ghouls stop you and give you a lecture, slice their heads off for
boring you and continue on. You will run into a war ghoul and a couple
slzachta's just ahead, kill them and go down the steps to run into some
wolves. After them there will be a couple Tzimisce and a Szlachta just around
the corner to the right, once finished with all of them go around the corner
and find four more ghouls along with a war ghoul. Continue ahead where another
war ghoul will be just down some steps with two Szlachta's. Go through the
door here to go to Vysehrad Castle 2.
Vysehrad Castle 2
- Start by rounding the corner to the left, you will spot a couple of war
ghouls down the hall. Also there is a room to the right with a war ghoul and
Szlachta's inside, wipe them all out and proceed to the end of the hall and
down the steps. Kill the enemies in the rooms to the left and then come back
out, keep going down the steps until you see two Tzimisce and a ghouls, also
a war ghoul will spot you and come in for a fight too. Kill them and continue
along around the corner killing the rat and the Szlachta in the way, enter the
room to the left and defeat the enemies in here and go up the steps. Proceed
forward ignoring the steps going down to the right and kill the war ghoul
walking around along with the wolfs, now go up the stairs in front of you and
keep following along until you reach some stairs going all the way down to a
door going to Vysehrad Castle 3, if you want kill the two Szlachta just behind
the stairs and get the bottles of vitae and then go through the door.
Vysehrad Castle 3
- Go straight and kill the two Tzimisce on either side of you, now go left and
kill the two wolves in front of you. Go to the end of the hall and go down the
broken pillar to kill three more Tzimisce, go down the steps here and kill
both wolves that will attack out of the rooms off to either side. Before going
through the big door here prepare yourself because a Vozhd is behind this
door, if you have not seen one yet then your in for a surprise. When ready
open the door and fight.
| Boss: Vozhd | Health: 500 | Blood: 80 | Difficulty: Medium |
| |
| Vozhd's are big, ugly and strong, they can pick one of your characters up |
| and bit down on them killing them instantly, they have a pretty strong |
| regular attack to. They will blood heal if low on health but that's about |
| it for their disciplines, use potence, fortitude, and celerity to help you |
| out here. |
| |
After you defeat the Vozhd go through the door behind it to enter Vysehrad
Castle 4.
Vysehrad Castle 4
- Go straight ahead until you engage in a long conversation with Vukodlak and
Anezka who you now see has been turned into a ghoul by Vukodlak. After a long
conversation Christof attempts to save Anezka and the castle begins to
collapse and a pillar falls on top of you and Anezka.
As the next scene takes over the date it shows is 1999, far into the future
from once you just were. It shows men moving coffins around and then shows
Christof being awakened by a familiar voice. He will then rise up and begin to
question a man who has no idea what he is talking about and will eventually
kill the man for shooting at him. Christof is alone, all of his friends and
allies are gone, possibly dead. He is alone in the world once more but
continues to search for his beloved Anezka.
12. Society of Leopold
Quest: Escape From The Society Of Leopold
Main Treasures: Argent Baton
Enemies: Lab Soldiers, Lab Workers
Boss: Father Leo
Society of Leopold 3
- Go through the door to encounter your first enemies of the stage, kill them
and go out the door to the left. Go straight across the hall to the other
door and kill the lab worker in there, now go into the door to the left and
kill the humans in there. Grab the plasma bags hanging on the I.V. stand and
go back out into the hall, continue along and round the corner to the right
where there will be three lab soldiers to fight with. After them go through
both of the doors here and clean out the rooms of enemies and loot, come back
out and proceed forward around the corner to the left because the doors just
ahead are locked right now. Two more lab soldiers will be waiting here so
take them out and go through the door to the right, kill the humans here and
push the switch on the wall to open up the locked doors. Go into the room to
the left and down the steps to go into the next room where there will be four
or five humans in here, kill them all and take anything you can find.
Go back out now and go through the doors that were once locked, go through the
door straight ahead and clean it out of humans. If you walk to the back of the
room Christof will mention how old all the relics are and how he has aged as
well, go back out and continue forward and around to the right to kill a
couple more lab workers. Go into the door to the left, kill the lab soldiers
in here, to open the jail cells flip the two levers behind the door, grab the
scroll and plasma bag from the cells now. Leave the room and go around the
wall just outside the room and defeat the lab worker and lab soldier, open the
door to the right and kill the lab worker in here. Do not attack the red
barrel in here as it obviously explodes hurting Christof, go back out of the
room and go up the steps and through the door to enter Society Of Leopold 2.
Society of Leopold 2
- Kill the lab worker to your right and go straight through the door, keep
going straight and kill the two lab soldiers to your left and ahead. Now go
in the door to the right and clean it out for humans and loot, come back out
and go right around the corner and then a left. There is three rooms here
which you can kill all the humans inside and loot whatever you find, when your
done come back out and go straight across to kill another lab soldier. Go in
the room he was in front of and as you should know kill everything in here and
loot the treasures, come back out and round the corner to the right and kill
the two soldiers guarding the door. Go inside and do your thing and come back
out, now round the corner going back and go right. Kill the soldier in front
of the door and the ones that are probably shooting at you to your right,
enter the room and pillage. Get back out and go into the next room down the
hall which looks like a library, kill the humans here and grab the tome. Get
out of the room via the other door, kill the lab soldiers outside the doors
running along the wall. You will see a lot of lab workers and soldiers at the
back of the open area, they can be a bit of a problem if you run into all of
them. Cast celerity, potence and fortitude just for some precautions and then
run in and kill them all. Get anything they might have dropped and then go
back and go into all the rooms along the side wall and do what you do best
which is kill and loot. When you finished up with that go through the door at
the end of the open area to go to Society Of Leopold 1.
Society of Leopold 1
- Open up the door in front of you and kill the soldiers behind it, go up the
stairs and kill the soldier in your way here. Open the door to some more lab
soldiers around to the right, go through the door to the left and pillage
inside. Get back out and continue along killing anything in your way, when you
reach the next door to your left go in and kill what's in here. You see the
two cases off to the left? one you can open yourself easily and the other to
the far left won't open by itself, there is a bookshelf just to the left of it
with a silvery book on it you can push to open it up. What's inside is the
agent baton, it does extra damage to lupines or in another word werewolf's,
unfortunately you cannot sell this weapon... for some reason no weapon seller
will buy it. Anyway go back out and kill what's ahead of you, when you reach
a point where you can go left ignore it for now because father Leopold is over
there, instead go straight into another room where you will kill and loot
again. For some reason in this room there is a gold watch on the fireplace
that is impossible to get, i've tryed for like 30 minutes one time and could
not find a place where Christof could pick it up. Now go out and head over to
father Leopold to engage in a fight with him.
| Boss: Father Leopold | Health: 300 | Blood: 80 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| This guy is really easy to beat, you can just slug away at him and kill him |
| in six or seven shots or you can just smash his big machine of vitae to |
| your right and he will wimper like a child and get down licking it. Either |
| way is good enough, I prefer to slash him to death for being cocky. |
| |
When you kill father Leopold get the case behind him and go back down the
stairs you came up to get on this level and go out the now opened door, kill
the lab soldier to your right and the two around the corner to the left. Now
the door to outside is just ahead so get out of this place.
When you get outside walk down the road until you are met by a mugger who
Christof does not understand but knows his profession, so as good ol' Christof
is a noble man he pulls out his sword and has at the mugger. But before he
does anything the mugger gives up and gives him a duffle bag of clothes for
Christof to have, when Christof next emerges he is all suave and cleaned up
for the modern age. Alright so now let's dump off the stuff in our inventory,
there is a Curio shop just to the right where you encountered the mugger. When
your finished with that come out of the Curio shop and go straight ahead
rounding the corner down, keep going straight until you get in front of a
night club which is the Tenebrae club. Go inside and speak with the punk
looking guy leaning against the blood bar, this is Pink, Pink will be our
first ally of the new age. When you have Pink leave the club and go left, take
the stairs down to the right and down the other stairs to go to west London.
Go left again down the steps and go straight, down these steps here to and
walk over to the van beside the building. This is Otto's van, Otto is the
"weapon smith" of the new age, dump any weapons you have from Society of
Leopold. Also pick up some weapons and armor for three characters, yes three
because your second ally is not to far away.
When you finished with Otto just for a note, your haven is just to your right
in the building next to you. Alright let's head to where we need to go, head
back up both sets of steps you just came down and go right of the entrance to
west London. There is a door around the corner at the back of a building which
you need to go in to get where our next quest is.
13. Temple of Set
Quest: Infiltrate Setite Lair
Main Treasures: Black Gloves
Enemies: Setites, Viper
Boss: Lucretia
When you get inside head up the ramp and talk to the girl in the red dress,
this is Lily and she is your second ally that will join you. When you have
Lily take a left and go to the end of the hall, take a left again and down the
ramp, one more left into a room with just paintings all around, or is that all
there is? Check the wall behind you to the right, there is a lever near the
bottom of the wall you need to switch over. Switching this lever will lift up
a big painting and expose a door leading to the Setite Temple.
Setite Temple 1
- Go through the door just ahead and go left, there will be a a couple Setites
here so kill them off and go into the room ahead. Kill the rest of the Setites
in here and pull the lever to the right, pick up the case in the corner and go
back out into the large lobby area. The big door down the steps is open but go
to the right first and do the same as you just did to the left, except there
is no lever in here just kill and loot. When your done come back out and go
down the stairs for a couple more Setites, one of them has a grenade launcher
so be careful and try to avoid the shot. When you defeat these to obviously
take the path to the left as the right door is locked, kill the two Setites in
this little area here. Continue along to a room with three more Setites
inside, hit the lever to open the previously locked door to the right, go back
now and go through that door. Proceed forward and finish off the Setites in
this room, you may be done with the Setites but not with this room. See how
theres three little alcoves on each side of the room? The third one on the
left has a switch on the bottom of the wall there, push it and the wall in
front of you will open up and stairs will be leading up. Go up the steps and
kill off the two snakes up here, grab all the treasures including the black
These gloves are unique, when you put them on a character they will have
permanent feral claws, any weapons equipped on them are useless but it's worth
it to have permanent feral claws. Alright go back down and take the path to
the right, here is a room full of Setites, as you probably have seen before
Setites like to charm you so you cannot attack for awhile, this is most likley
gonna happen here. A couple of the Setites have stake guns so watch out for
getting stakes for awhile, when you kill off this room grab the lott in the
corners and then go through the door here to Setite Temple 2.
Setite Temple 2
- Start by going straight ahead and a left at the split, watch out for flames
that shoot out from the pillars to your left and right. Go into the room to
the left and kill the Setites in here, hit the lever and go back to the right
and enter the room there. Kill the two Setites here as well and flick the
lever, go inside the door here and down the steps. Here is another Setite with
a grenade launcher so be warned, kill him and the viper around, search behind
the flaming pots at the back for jewels. Head up the stairs on the other side
of the room and kill the Setites blocking your way, round the corner for more
of them. After you finish them all go to the left of the wooden gate in front
of you and enter a room with a lever in it, wipe this room out and loot it for
it's treasure and then hit the lever. Come back out, now the wooden gate has
lifted so go push the triangle button on the ground in the middle, while
watching out for the flames that shoot out from the pillars. Pushing this
button will open a door to your right, rushing out will be a couple Setites
and probably a viper. Kill them off and grab the goods inside while pulling
the lever inside, this opens up a huge door in the large room we were in
previously. Go back out into that room and kill the two Setites in here now
from the door opening.
Head down the hall and round the corner to the right, kill the Setite and two
viper here, continue going ahead and kill the two Setites you come upon. Go
through the door to the left into a room filled with Setites, crash their
party by beheading them all and snagging up their loot. When done go into the
next room and spoil their party as well, after they are dead pick up anything
in the area and go to the back to go in a room with another Setite hiding
away. Kill him and go in the next room where there is a door which leads to
Setite Temple 3.
Setite Temple 3
- Kill the Setites in this room and proceed up the stairs ahead, there is two
Setites on either side up here so you know what to do. Walk around either side
killing the viper in front and flick the switch on the side of the wall to
open up the door back in the large room, come back down and go through the now
open door and kill the Setite in your way. Down the hall are a couple more
Setites with a viper, when done round the corner and go forward to run into a
crap load of Setites. After the long battle you will be in a large room where
vipers lay underneath the pits of fire, go around smashing them and grab the
loot that is in this room. Continue along into the next area, kill off the
Setites in the hallway and get the crate behind you, continue forth until you
reach a large room with a pyramid in the center of it. Go around killing all
the Setites in this room along with the vipers, when you kill them all pick up
any dropped loot and also the chainsaw at the back near a burning pit. Before
going to the back go up the stairs on either side of the room and kill both
Setites and the viper up there and snag up any treasures, now you can go to
the back and go through the door to Setite Temple 4.
Setite Temple 4
- Head around the pyramid in the center of the room and kill the two Setites
along with any vipers, get the case to the right of the left of the door you
came through and then go back and down the stairs. Kill off the two Setites
here and then continue to the right, as you go there are little rooms to each
side of the hall with Setites and vipers in them, kill them and grab the
treasures in them and then walk into the big room where you will confront and
fight Lucretia.
| Boss: Lucretia | Health: 250 | Blood: 130 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| This is a easy fight, Lucretia will only charm you and summon vipers to her |
| aid, other than that she is useless. Swing for the fences at her until she |
| goes down which is fairly quickly. |
| |
After you defeat Lucretia she turns into a bunch of vipers and runs away, Pink
points out that she is not dead because Setites ripe their hearts out so they
can't be killed one you beat them. You have to go and find her heart before
you can completely kill her. Now is the fun part, you have to get out of the
Setite temple the same way you got in, run all the way back and go through the
brothel. When you reach the brothel feel free to fill up on blood by feeding
on all off the people here.
14. Tower of London
Quest: Find Lucretia's Heart
Main Treasures: Monocle of Clarity
Enemies: Ghouls Spiders, Wraiths
Boss: None
Dump off your weapons and mystical stuff at Otto's and the curio shop and
upgrade your weapons and armor, when you finished the tower of London is to
the right of your haven and Otto's just round the corner and continue along to
find it.
Tower of London 1
- This place is pretty creepy, start by going through the door to the right,
kill the large ghoul spider that comes down to attack you. You will see round
white sacks in some of the corners of this place, these sacks are small ghoul
spiders that pop out when you get close to them. Anyways grab the chest at the
back and go into the next room where a couple more ghoul spiders come at you,
kill them off and claim what's in the barrels. Go back out and head left of
the entrance now, kill the ghoul spiders that drop down and the sack of small
ghoul spiders in the corner. Continue forward through the next doorway and
a couple more ghoul spiders will drop down to your right, head toward them and
finished them off and grab the chest at the back of the room. In the next room
is more of the large spiders, slice them up and grab the two large chests and
coffins at the back of the room. Go through the next doorway and kill the
small spiders in the sack to your left, and then the big ones that will come
at you, snag up the barrels and then go through the doorway around to the
Go striaght and kill the spiders in the sack, go straight through the doorway
ignoring the way to the right for now. Kill the two large ghoul spiders in
here and loot the chests and get the tome, now go back out and go the way that
went to the right. More large ghoul spiders here, get the two chests to the
right and go into the last room for this section. As usually there are more
large spiders in here along with a sack in the corner, when you kill them all
and grab the treasures go up to the stairs to Tower of London 2.
Tower of London 2
- When you start out a large ghoul spider and a wraith will spot you so stay
put and wait for them to make it over to you, after you have killed them go
through the room to the right and kill all the wraiths in here. Grab the
wooden chests and go into the next room ahead, kill the ghoul spiders here and
get the other wooden chests at the back. Come back out to the room you started
in and go into the left room, kill off the wraith and spiders in here and snag
up anything in here. Head through the next doorway where a couple of wraiths
will be along with a large ghoul spider and a sack of small ghoul spiders. Get
the chests in here and go through the next doorway, vanquish any enemies in
here and go through the door to the right. There are quite a few wraiths in
so finish them up quickly and get the barrels around to the right, now come
back out and go left this time. Destroy the wraiths and ghoul spiders in here
and grab up what's in the wooden chests. The next room ahead is just stairs
going up to Tower of London 3 so get up there.
Tower of London 3
- Wait and kill the large ghoul spiders that drop down, to the left you can
see outside through a gated door which is pretty cool. Head through the
doorway to the right and kill the wraiths in here, grab up what's in the
wooden chests and move to the next room. Same as before kill the wraiths and
ghoul spiders and get what's in the wooden chests also there is a button on
the wall in the corner of the room which will open up a secret wall leading to
some wooden chests and also the Monocle of Clarity, move in the next room
where yep more wraiths and a ghoul spider are. After them head through the
gated door into a room full of wraiths, kill them off and get the wooden
chests. Come back out and kill the large ghoul spider at the top of the stairs
and continue up the stairs at the end of the hall and through the door to some
more stairs that lead to Tower of London 4.
Tower of London 4
- Head through the gated door and pick up Lucretia's heart on top of the
table, when you do and after your conversation a bunch of vipers will come out
of the wall and attack you. Kill them off and then head all the way back to
the very entrance of the this level, but do not go outside just yet!. You are
done this quest and level but outside is waiting something fierce.
There may be no boss for tower of London but just outside to the right when
you walk by to the right a werewolf will jump out at you, probably sent by
Lucretia to stop you from reaching her heart.
| Boss: Werewolf | Health: 350 | Blood: 130 | Difficulty: Hard |
| |
| The Werewolf can be really tough sometimes, other times he can be medium. |
| Think of the Werewolf as a stronger modern golum, he is strong, can lift |
| you up with his uppercut type attack and doesn't cast any disciplines on |
| you. I'm not 100% positive but I think the Werewolf will blood heal when it |
| gets low on health so be careful, also I think it sometimes casts potence |
| on itself. Make sure to cast potence, fortitude and celerity for sure to |
| really help you out, if you have the prison of ice discipline then it's an |
| easy win for you hands down but it's still earlier in the game to have it |
| just yet. Anyways cast those three disciplines for sure and get ready for |
| a powerful foe. |
| |
After you defeated the Werewolf sell off the things in your inventory you
picked up and upgrade your equipment, next it's time to head off back to see
Lucretia. Head on over to the brothel and down to where the Setite temple is,
there will be a Setite waiting for you and will automatically bring you to
Setite Temple 4. Go and speak with Lucretia will give you all the information
you need now that you have her heart, when you are done speaking with her Pink
will hand over her heart reluctantly to a Setite and of course she will turn
on you and attack you as a very large snake!
| Boss: Giant Cobra | Health: 250 | Blood: 130 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| Lucretia as a giant cobra isn't to hard, basically just chop at her with |
| your weapons until she goes down. She can hit kind of hard and will cast |
| some useless disciplines but other than that you don't need any special |
| disciplines yourself to beat her. After she goes down the Setite to your |
| will come at you and try to stop you, dust him and grab Lucretia's heart. |
| |
You come to a decision now, you can drain her heart and get her power, which
is a tome of serpentis will be added to your list of disciplines, also this
will lower your humanity. The other choice is to destroy her heart and her
wickedness, you lose no humanity and nothing changes. Make your choice and
then you have a very long walk outside as the maker's of the game have decided
to make you walk back through the whole level to get outside again, just cast
celerity and speed run out of there.
When you reach outside you will need to go down by the docks to board the St.
Magdalena, the docks are to the right of your haven if you round the corner
you will see a ship and a door leading to the cargo hold.
When you board the ship you will meet up with a couple of Nosferatu attacking
some police, after they kill the police it's your chance to kill them so do so
now. After you dust them a cop will talk to you for awhile and then your off
to New York after a dream by Christof.
4. New York
When you reach New York head just up the road to talk with FBI agent George
Thorn, after a conversation you will get a new quest to do.
15. New York Sewers
Quest: Get The Warehouse Access Codes
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: Alligators, Nosferatu, Rats, Spiders
Boss: Underprince
Continue up the street where you will have a run in with some Nosferatu, they
are trying to kill one of their own because his beliefs are different to their
own. The one they are trying to kill asks for your help and then you will have
to kill off the Nosferatu trying to kill him, once the fight is over the lone
Nosferatu who is Samuel will join you as your third ally. Head over to the
gun haven around the corner and buy Samuel some weapons and armor, when ready
come back out into the streets and go over to the right, in the ally is a
ladder going up which leads to Dev' Nulls apartment.
Go up the ladder and go and speak with Dev' Null, his one weird bastard who
you probably won't understand much. If you listen very carefully to him as he
speaks he will talk about each character and give clues about them which gives
you an insight to Pink later on in the game. Anyways when you are finished
talking with him leave his apartment and enter the sewers just in front of
Sewers Level 1
- Head forward until you run upon a couple rats with a large ghoul spider
dropping down, continue ahead and kill the three Nosferatu in your way. To
your right is a door partially opened but not enough to get by, go to your
left killing the rats and Nosferatu here. Go down the steps to kill a few more
Nosferatu, grab the treasures here and go back up the steps and over to the
machines to the right, hit both releases valves to open up that partially
open door. Go back now and head through the door into the next room, kill the
enemies in here and then go through the door at the back. Kill the small ghoul
spiders in here and grab the loot at the back, come back out and take the
other path to the right, this room is empty a side from some treasures in
When your done grabbing them up proceed to the next room with small and large
ghoul spiders and a couple of Nosferatu with grenade launchers, there is
another door that is partially open but it does not open so don't worry about
it. Head down the stairs to battle some more Nosferatu, after them grab the
treasures to the left and proceed through the hole in the wall, continue down
the tunnel to reach Sewers Level 2.
Sewers Level 2
- Head down the tunnel and kill the ghoul spiders when you come to them, get
the loot to your right and continue across the narrow path which spits fire
out at you as you walk along it. When you come to the Nosferatu chop them up
but watch out for their grenade launchers, get the treasures down the steps
and continue along the tunnel until you reach a spit way but just continue
forward into the next room and kill what's in here, grab the treasures and go
into the next room off the split. Head into the little room off to the right
and kill the rats, here you are going to have to click the green lights beside
your characters to make sure they don't follow you, move one character over by
the two release valves and keep him there. You are doing this because there
is a power generator out there that electrifies your characters so it's safer
this way. Use the character you want and then go down the steps here, kill the
Nosferatu at the bottom of the steps, here the tunnel splits two different
ways, take the left path even though there is an electrified part right here,
it doesn't matter cause further down on the other tunnel is one too. Anyways
go the left path and take your zapping as you pass by, continue along until
you reach a part with some small and large ghoul spiders along with a couple
Nosferatu. When you kill them finally there is a release valve to the back
left of the room so head over there, use your character to flick the release
valve 3 and then quickly switch over to the other character who was in front
of the other valves and then flick valves 1 and then 2 to disable the power.
Hit the large regroup button in the bottom left to make your characters come
back to you, continue along with your lone character until your other one's
catch up with you. Head up the stairs and kill the other two Nosferatu here,
grab any treasures in the room and continue along until you reach a hole in
the wall to the left, wait for your other characters to catch up and then go
through the hole in the wall. Kill the two Nosferatu here and continue down
the tracks to kill some more Nosferatu and a couple small ghoul spiders, to
your right is the path you need to go but first head up the steps at the end
of this tunnel and get the loot along the top here, also kill the Nosferatu as
you come across them. When your ready go back down and go down the path I
said you need to go down, when you reach the room kill the rats, spiders and
Nosferatu. Get any treasures and then go down the next tunnel to Sewers Level
Sewers Level 3
- Much like sewers 1 head down the tunnel and kill the two rats along with the
large ghoul spider that drops down, continue along and kill the small ghoul
spiders and the Nosferatu as well. To your left is the door in the side of the
tunnel but head to the end of the tunnel in front of you to kill the large
ghoul spider first and then go through the door. In here are a bunch of
Nosferatu and loot so kill and take it all, continue forward through the rat
and down the stairs. This room has a fungus problem with all the large
mushrooms in it, grab the treasures and proceed to the next area where there
are some more Nosferatu. By this time the Nosferatu love to cast frenzy on you
so watch out for that, when you kill them off grab any loot and continue down
the steps to the next room with Nosferatu in it. Again kill and loot and go
down to the next room with yep more Nosferatu, same as before and then go
through the hole in the wall.
Kill the rats and small ghoul spiders here and continue along until you reach
some Nosferatu with grenade launchers, kill them and head through the hole in
the tunnel. Go down the steps to fight a whole mess of rats and then grab the
treasures to the right, go back out of the hole and proceed along the tunnel
and down the stairs when you come to them. Keep following along the tunnel and
kill the large ghoul spiders that drop down, if you keep going you will come
to a room with water in it and a crate for a raft. If you look in the water
and across the way you can see alligators in here, they can be a hand full so
get yourself ready and cross the water on the raft by clicking on it.
When you reach the other side get ready to fight the alligators, they will
cast potence on them self's and they can grab you with their bite and toss you
around like a rag doll, they are pretty powerful with their attacks as well.
If your not careful they can wipe your party out, try and fight them one at a
time if you can. When you eventually kill them all continue down the tunnel
until you reach Sewers Level 4.
Sewers Level 4
- Sewers Level 4 is basically just a boos fight thank god and not a huge
level, round the corner to see the Underprice. Walk up and talk with him to
come to a conversation decision, after that decision you will have to fight
him and his many rats.
| Boss: Underprince | Health: 200 | Blood: 140 | Difficulty: Medium |
| |
| I only classify the Underprince as medium is because of his ability to use |
| frenzy on you which can drive a character to destroy other characters, also |
| his many rats can be an annoyance. Kill the rats in your way to the |
| Underprince and slash at him unless he is using cloak of invisibility then |
| you will have to use a discipline to see him or wait for him to attack you. |
| A few swats with your weapon should drop him and his rats around him. |
| |
After you have beaten the Underprince go through the opened up door and round
the corner, grab all the awesome loot in here including the $2000 in cash on
the floor and then take the tunnel to the left, attach the transponder to the
box on the wall to talk with Dev' Null. Once you are done your conversation
click on the elevator at the end of the tunnel to get out of here.
Up top you will be in uptown New York, go to your right and enter the new moon
shop which is like the curio shop. Sell off any mystical stuff you have and
then go back out into New York, go right and down the street to the end and
click on the taxi to go back to the other New York. Sell your weapons off at
the gun haven and go back to Dev'Nulls. Speak with him to get the warehouse
access codes and then you are done with this quest.
16. Giovanni Warehouse
Quest: Use Access Codes To Enter Warehouse
Main Treasures: Tome of Mortis
Enemies: Giovanni, Wraiths
Boss: Alesandro Giovanni (No Fight)
To get to the Giovanni warehouse you need to go left just out of Dev' Nulls
apartment and down the slopping road, the door to the warehouse will just be
to your left up the steps.
Giovanni Warehouse 1
- Around the corner to the left are a couple of Giovanni, let me tell you
about the Giovanni, they are powerful just by themselves. They usually summon
wraiths to adi them and have and will use plague breath a lot, also most of
them have powerful weapons such as rocket launchers and chain guns, this level
is gonna be a rough one so set in. Anyways when you kill the Giovanni open the
door to see another one, also one is around the corner to the left behind the
crates. When you have killed both of these guys head through the next door,
two givoanni are in here, one on the ground floor and the other up on the
ramp. When you kill them head up the ramp and hit the lever up here to open up
the door, when you do a couple more Giovanni will be behind it. After them
continue forward to run into some more, around to the right will be some more
Giovanni. After you are done killing them go through the door and kill the
lone Giovanni with the chain gun in the room, hit the switch on the wall to
open up a previously locked door at the end of the hall. Get out of the room
and round to the left and go through that open door way at the other end,
eliminate the Giovanni in this room and head into the next room.
Here will be three more Giovanni and you should spot George Thorne, after you
kill the Giovanni you will speak with George. When you finish he will be hurt
and will wait there while you go in and do your thing, now go through the next
door which is behind the one you just came in. Kill both Giovanni in here and
head through the next door, two more Giovanni wait in here, kill them and get
the gold watch on the ground. Again the next door is behind the one you came
in, but watch out here because the lone Giovanni in here has a rocket launcher
that can do a considerable amount of damage to you, there also is a wraith in
here to kill. After both of them the next door will lead to Giovanni Warehouse
Giovanni Warehouse 2
- Head down the ramp and kill the two Giovanni in this room, go through the
door here and watch out for the red exploding barrels to the left. Ahead is a
couple more Giovanni so take them out, around the corner to the right is
another Giovanni in front of a door. Kill him and go inside to battle some
more, after them hit the lever on the wall and grab up the cash on the table.
Leave this room and go down the ramp and kill the Giovanni to your left and
right, watch for the one on the right with a rocket launcher. Continue right
where you will run into another Giovanni along with a wraith, after them go
through the door to fight a couple more wraiths. Climb the ramp and kill the
Giovanni to the right, go back left and head through the door, watch out for
the Giovanni behind the door here and also one to your left. After them round
the corner to the left and kill the wraith, enter the room to your left and
finish off the Giovanni in here, flick the lever and grab the tome of mortis.
Now go back out and go through the door near the conveyer belt going across,
dust these two Giovanni in here and continue along out the other side of the
doorway, grab what's in the wooden crate behind the next doorway and then go
through the doorway to fight a crap load of Giovanni and a wraith.
When you have finished with them go through the large door at the end of the
room, the next room is big and has about four Giovanni in it so kill them off
and head into the next big room with three more Giovanni in it. Pick up any
treasures dropped in these rooms and go through the door in the second large
room, go down the ramp dusting the Giovanni in your way along with three more
of them at the end of the ramp, when your done with them go through the doors
here to Giovanni Warehouse 3.
Giovanni Warehouse 3
- Walk down the ramp and kill the Giovanni to your left, careful since one has
a rocket launcher. Round the corner to the right for another Giovanni and then
go back to your left for two more of them, at this point strip Pink of all his
equipment because you will be losing him shortly, don't worry an old friend
will be back to join you. Go through the door and dust the last Giovanni you
will have to face, round the corner to the right and speak with Alesandro
Giovanni. After a brief discussion and a conversation decision Pink will lunge
at Alesandro Giovanni and kill him, Christof will wonder why he did it and
then Wilhem all suaved up will make an appearance and tell you that Pink is a
assamite and an assassin. Pink will deny it but eventually tell you his true
intent, Pink will make an escape and ol' Wilhem will join your party. You can
now leave the Giovanni warehouse.
17. Orsi International
Quest: Infiltrate Orsi's Factory, Find Orsi
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: Szlachta, Tzimisce, Ventrue, War Ghouls
Boss: Orsi
Before getting into Orsi International we need to do a few things, firstly we
need to go to the Barclay south building which is in uptown New York. When you
are in there talk with Fred Varney, when finished head around the corner to
the left and click the elevator switch to pen the door to get to Orsi's
penthouse, now in his penthouse head around to the right and pick up the blood
palette on the ground, Lily will recognize it as Alexandra's who is Lily's
sire. You can now leave the apartments and go to the Barclay south storage
It is located near the New Moon shop just to the left of it if your facing it.
Go inside and speak with Alexandra who will be drawing a painting of Vukodlak
if you want a quick peek of what he looks like, when you finish talking with
Alexandra a couple of Ventrue show up to grab the painting, dust them and
don't forget to pick up the painting by clicking on it. Now that we have the
painting we can enter Orsi International.
Orsi International is located in uptown New York still, if you walk around
here you will see a street that goes off to a church, Orsi International is to
the right of the church at the end of the street. Approach the two Ventrue who
will be wondering where the painting is, go up and speak with them to be able
to get inside. Head straight and go up the ramp until you reach a door and go
Orsi International 1
- (NOTE: I am just gonna explain where to go to get to the next area, there
are more rooms with treasures in them so explore if you want to grab these
treasures.) Kill the Ventrue off to the left and then go up the stairs, go
straight ahead and down the stairs when you come to them. Dust the Ventrue
that come at you here and grab the chests, proceed to the next room and kill
the Ventrue and war ghoul here, pick up the chests and then go to the next
room where across the way is a couple of Szlachta, a Tzimisce and a war ghoul.
Head across and kill them all and grab what's in the chests here, continue
around the corner to the left and kill off the Ventrue with the war ghoul.
Snag up the chests at the end of the room and go through the door to the left,
go up the ramp and you will come to the door that leads to Orsi International
Orsi International 2
- Around to the left are a couple of Ventrue, dust them and grab the chests,
continue across the way to run into some more Ventrue. Same as before dust
them and grab the chests, there is a room off to the left with some Ventrue,
Szlachta and a war ghoul. Clean this room out for enemies and loot and go back
into the previous room, head to the next room where there are a bunch of
Ventrue in here. Kill them and grab any treasures, go through the doorway and
watch out to your left because a war ghoul will approach. When you finished
with him go right to the end of the way and kill the two Szlachta to the right
and grab up what's in the chest. Head through the doorway just to the left and
be careful here, there are three Ventrue across the way who begin to shoot at
you. When you run over into the next room to get at them there will be a lot
more Ventrue in here along with two war ghouls so there is gonna be a pretty
big war in here, it's a good idea to use potence, celerity and fortitude while
fighting because it gets rough and some of your party might die.
After you have won the war grab and loot on the floor and grab all the
treasure chests around the area, now continue across where the three Ventrue
where just shooting at you and go through the door here, go up the ramp to go
through the door which leads to Orsi International 3.
Orsi International 3
- When you first enter you will see a Tzimisce and a couple of Szlachta across
the conveyer belt so go up the steps and around to kill them, get the chests
and go back up the stairs and down the left side to dust a couple of Ventrue.
Get the chests and go back up the stairs and down the right side, grab both
chests at the back here and then go through the doorway just behind you. Kill
the war ghoul and Tzimisce here and go through the doorway to the left, clean
this room out for enemies and loot and come back out and go through the other
doorway. Kill the war ghoul right here and enter the room to the left for a
Tzimisce and a couple of Szlachta, grab the chests and come back out. Get the
two chests here and go up the stairs to dust a couple of Ventrue, follow
across to the next room where three Ventrue will meet you. Dust them and get
the chest at the end and then go down the stairs, there will be two Szlachta
to your left and two Ventrue to your right.
Kill them all and grab up the chests in here, go through the next doorway
which leads to an empty room with a couple of wooden chests in here. Get
what's in the chests and go into the next room with four Ventrue in here, dust
them all and grab up the chests in here. Now finally go through the next door
which will have a ramp leading up to Orsi.
Speak with Orsi who will barley remember you, once you tell him your here for
vengeance he will try to bribe you with power from Vukodlak. After he is shot
down you will engage in a battle with him.
| Boss: Count Orsi | Health: 300 | Blood: 140 | Difficulty: Easy |
| |
| Orsi is very easy, he will just try to shoot you with his gun for the most |
| part. Just slug away at him and quickly there after he will be defeated, |
| once you beat him Christof will grab him by his tux and toss him through |
| the glass and he will fall into the lava below ending his life. |
| |
Once you finish your business with Orsi the party will take an elevator down
to the first part of the factory, head down the ramp to go outside and you
will see Orsi's ladies here. Speak with them and you will have a conversation
decision, don't threaten them because you will get the same information from
them without losing humanity. Leave Orsi International through the door behind
the three ladies.
18. The Cathedral Of Flesh
Quest: Destroy Vukodlak
Main Treasures: Nothing
Enemies: Demon Hounds, Szlachta, Tzimisce, Vozhd's, War Ghouls
Bosses: Vukodlak, Zulo
When you get outside of Orsi International the camera will show you where you
need to go, it will also show you Vukodlak rising from his slumber. When the
cut scenes end go sell off the things you picked up and upgrade your equipment
for the last time, don't be afraid to buy blood rings, bracelets and
necklaces. Also buying giant's blood will help out with boss battles, go all
out and spend all your money on the upcoming battles because this is the end
of the game here! When your ready head over to the church and open the front
gate, walk around to the back and go down the stairs back here and through the
door to enter The Cathedral Of Flesh.
The Cathedral of Flesh 1
- Just as a reminder you don't need to pick up any treasures along the way
since this is the last level of the game, you can pick stuff up and sell it if
you plan on leaving and coming back, but just so you know after a certain
point you can't leave the cathedral.
Ok to the walkthrough, head straight from where you are and go through the
doorway here, kill the war ghouls and Tzimisce. Go right up the steps and into
the room with the Vozhd, kill the big beast and go back into the room you just
were in. Go into the next room across the way and kill the Tzimisce and
Szlachta in here and go to the next room, there is a door to the left that is
locked and an opening leading to The Cathedral of Flesh 2, just so you know
you needed to kill that Vozhd before you can enter here.
The Cathedral of Flesh 2
- Walk around to the right killing the Szlachta and war ghouls you come
across, in the next room you will see Libussa, last time you seen her she was
being used by Vukodlak in Vysehrad Castle. Behind her is a room with some
demon hounds, war ghouls, Szlachta and a Tzimisce, kill them and come back
out. Head around to the left and follow along the tunnels until you reach some
demon hounds, kill them and go further to find three war ghouls and a Szlachta
boss. After them around the corner is a room with another Vozhd and some demon
hounds in there, rush in there and mop the floor with them and prepare
yourself for one of the toughest fights yet.
Around the corner to the right is Vukodlak, go and have a long discussion with
him and if your humanity is between 20 - 80 you will get three choices which
all will affect the ending of the game. If your humanity is lower then 20 then
you will be forced to take the evil ending, if it is above 80 then you will
be forced to take the good ending, if you are between 20-80 then you can
choose any of the three endings you want. If you want to save it before
speaking with Vukodlak and choose all three to watch how all three play out,
anyways I have to go on with the good ending since it is the only one that has
more gameplay to it. Here comes your difficult fight with Vukodlak!.
| Boss: Vukodlak | Health: 2000 | Blood: 200 | Difficulty: Hard |
| |
| Ahh Vukodlak, he can kill you in one attack which is a combination of three |
| attacks in one. He will use theft of vitae on you to steal your blood and |
| add it to his own, also he uses call of lightning to harm your party. He |
| usually summons a Szlachta to aid him which is nothing, he will also blood |
| heal to add to this our problem. |
| |
| To beat him is easy if you have prison of ice since you can keep casting it |
| on him and freezing him until your party defeats him, if you do not have it |
| then potence, celerity and fortitude is a large help. Use your giant's |
| blood if you did indeed buy some, this will give you extra attack power to |
| fight with. Circle him with your party and swing away, revive any party |
| member that falls and continue your assault until you can finally manage to |
| take him down. |
| |
After defeating Vukodlak he will send you to the bowels of the cathedral which
is The Cathedral of Flesh 3.
The Cathedral of Flesh 3
- Head straight and do battle with the demon hounds, war ghouls, and Szlachta
boss, after dusting them all follow around the corner to the right until you
reach a spot that declares it is the wall of Anezka's memory. At this point
you will have to slick on each of the heads that look like Anezka, each will
be a though/memory of what Anezka went through as she went on her quest to
save Christof from his damnation. When you have click on them all the doorway
or whatever it is will open up and allow you to pass.
Libussa will be behind it, speak with her and answer yes to her conversational
decision and she will open up the wall behind her. Head through the wall into
thew next room, if you want grab the lot in here and continue forward which
will lead to The Cathedral of Flesh 1.
The Cathedral of Flesh 1
- Head around the corner and prepare for the final boss of the game, Vukodlak
will transform into the powerful Zulo!.
| Boss: Zulo | Health: 3000 | Blood: 200 | Difficulty: Hard |
| |
| Zulo can be a tough fight if not properly ready for him, I personally think |
| Vukodlak is harder but Zulo is still really tough unless you have prison of |
| ice, then it is just as easy as Vukodlak. Zulo will use theft of vitae as |
| well and can use call of lightning to, for the most part that is all he |
| will use for offensive disciplines. He attacks pretty hard and can grab you |
| and toss you about with his powerful jaws. |
| |
| Use the same tactics as you did against Vukodlak, prison of ice if you have |
| it, if not potence, celerity and fortitude. If you have any giant's blood |
| left over use it all now to become super strong, again circle Zulo and |
| slice away at him reviving any fallen party members, after a while you will |
| defeat him and will have beaten the game! Congratulations. |
| |
19. The Three Endings
1. The Evil Ending
Christof will rush Vukodlak jumping on him and biting him, after draining
Vukodlak's blood Christof will be fused with the wickness that Vukodlak once
had. Christof becomes the evil he sought to vanquish and has plans to rule the
world for himself, he will then bite Anezka, does this kill her? Will it turn
her into his undead bride of evil? No one knows as the scene cuts out of
Christof biting her.
2. The Bad Ending
Christof will submit to Vukodlak to be with his precious Anezka, Vukodlak
makes Christof taste his burning blood to become his slave. When Christof
tastes Vukodlak's blood it is poison in his mouth, again the game is not clear
on if Christof dies or becomes Vukodlak's slave.
3. The Good Ending
After denying Vukodlak's request to join him you will have to defeat Vukodlak
yourself, after being sent to the bowels of the cathedral you make your way up
to The Cathedral of Flesh 1, there you will fight Vukodlak who transforms into
a horrific beast Zulo. After defeating Zulo Christof will rush to Anezka's
side who is dying because Vukodlak is dead and her ghoul bond is fading,
Christof will ask her to join him in his damnation and she will accept with
glee, Christof then bites her as the scene ends out.
II. In-Depth Game Information
* 1. - Character List *
Christof Romuald
Clan: Brujah
A young Frenchman, Christof has seen too much slaughter and his eyes are
weary. An acclaimed warrior with the holy order of the sword brethren, he has
seen more combat than men twice his age and each death on the battlefield has
stripped away a little more of his soul. Before he fell in the battle of
Moravia, his heart was empty and his faith dead.
Nursed back to health by sister Anezka, her gentle care rekindled feelings he
had forgotten in the blood-rage of battle. As he falls to the curse of Caine
and she begins her quest to save him from the darkness, no one knows if their
story will be one of redemption or damnation.
Wilhem Streicher
Clan: Brujah
Wilhem is reticent about his background, but it is known that, although he was
a soldier, he was never a knight. Other Brujah whisper he was a brigand or
footpad, but never to his face. Wilhem has found purpose in battle. Here the
philosophical quandaries of damned existence are resolved into the eternal
moment of battle. Hailing from Germany, this pragmatic monster finds peace in
war, and contentment in damnation.
Serena Cappadocius
Clan: Cappadocian
As pale as death and twice as beautiful, Serena is a true childe of
Cappadocius. The mysteries of eternity are a source of endless fascination to
her and she often mocks the mayfly, brief lives of mortals around her. This
belle dame sans merci recognizes both the darkness in Christof's soul and his
potential for salvation. She is drawn to him just as much as she turns away
from him into the eternal night she calls home.
Erik McDonough
Clan: Gangrel
Hailing from the Celtic wilds of the north, this massive man was embraced over
two centuries before he meets Christof. A barbarian who rejects civilization
and the weak vampires he finds there, Erik holds to an ancient path of honor
and commitment that would shame the most chivalrous knight. Like many of his
clan, Erik prefers the untamed wilderness and the challenges that can be found
there to the viper's nest of the cities.
Clan: Brujah / Assamite
Pink is an enigma. Although he appears to be a raging Brujah, a stereotype
borne out by his outrageous punk fashions and street slang, there is something
odd about him. The vampires of London are not sure what to make of this rebel
hero and generally avoid his company. Pink couldn't be happier about this,
scoring their fear and relishing the stir he is making.
Those who look closely at him come away disturbed. His aura is broken by dark
lines a sign he has fed on the heart's blood of other vampires, his tattoo's
seem foreign, different from the tribal tats adopted by other young Brujah,
and every now and again he refers to events no modern Brujah could have seen.
Is he a modern jester using cockney slang and a punk attitude to rile the
elders or is he something darker... Only time will tell.
Clan: Toreador
Lily is a young vampire. An aspiring singer, she was brought into the darkness
for her beauty and her voice. On her grand tour (a Toreador tradition in which
the young of the clan travel the great cities of the world), she was seduced
and blood bound to the Setite, Lucretia. When we first meet her, she has been
a slave for over a year and is desperate to escape.
Clan: Nosferatu
The tunnels beneath New York have been the site of an unseen war for human
generations. The Nosferatu creeps of the Sabbat have been cementing their
sect's stronghold on the city from below and they will tolerate no resistance
to their plans. Samuel disagrees with his clan-mates and seeks independence,
tending more toward the Camarilla's Masquerade than the Sabbat's crusade.
* 2. - Item List *
Antediluvian Vitae
Item Effect: +50 To All Physical And Mental Attributes, Blood Increase +100,
Non-Human Only
Arrows (Longbow)
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & +20 Ammo
Arrows (Compound Bow)
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & +20 Ammo
Assault Rifle Clip
Item Effect: +20 Ammo & +40 Ammo
Blood Pearl
Item Effect: Blood Increase +55, Non-Human Only
Blood Pouch
Item Effect: Blood Increase +25, 5 Uses, Non-Human Only
Blood Stone
Item Effect: Blood Increase +70, Non-Human Only
Bottle of Vitae
Item Effect: Blood Increase +25, Non-Human Only
Crossbow Bolts (Dark Ages Crossbow)
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & +20 Ammo
Crossbow Bolts (Modern Day Crossbow)
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & +20 Ammo
Chain gun Rounds
Item Effect: +50 Ammo & +100 Ammo
Item Effect: No Effect
Disease Vaccine
Item Effect: Cure Disease +3
Dragons breath Clip
Item Effect: +11 Ammo
Elder Vitae
Item Effect: +20 To All Physical And Mental Attributes, Blood Increase +100,
Non-Human Only
Item Effect: No Effect
Fae Vitae
Item Effect: +20 To All Mental Attributes, Frenzy Increase +50,
Blood Increase +100, Non-Human Only
Healing Slave
Item Effect: Health Increase +20 & Health Increase +40 & Health Increase +50
Human Only
Incendiary-Tipped Arrows
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Incendiary-Tipped Bolts
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Kindred Vitae
Item Effect: Blood Increase +100
Launch Grenades
Item Effect: +6 Ammo
Magnesium-Tipped Arrows
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Magnesium-Tipped Bolts
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Mana Potion
Item Effect: Mana Increase +30, Human Only
Pistol Clip
Item Effect: +11 Ammo
Plasma Bag
Item Effect: Blood Increase +40
Poison Antidote
Item Effect: Cure Poison +3
Item Effect: Blood Increase +10
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +3 Ammo
Item Effect: No Effect
Item Effect: No Effect
Scroll of Acidic Touch
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Atrophy
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Aura Perception
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Awaken
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Awe
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Beckoning
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Black Death
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Dexterity
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Healing
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Of Potency
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Rage
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Stamina
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Blood Strength
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Call Lightning
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Cauldron Of Blood
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Celerity
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Cloak Of Shadows
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Cloak The Gathering
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Command
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Dark Hunter
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Decay
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Drawing Out The Beast
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Dread Gaze
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Earth Meld
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Entrancement
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Eyes Of Chaos
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Eyes Of The Beast
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Eyes Of The Serpent
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Feral Claws
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Feral Whispers
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Fireball
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Firestorm
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Flame Ring
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Flash
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Fortitude
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Hatch The Viper
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Heart Of Stone
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Heightened Senses
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Ignore Flame
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Immolate
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Invisibility
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Majesty
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Mesmerize
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Mist Form
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Passion
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Plague Wind
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Possession
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Potence
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Prayer
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Prison Of Ice
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Psychic Projection
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Shambling Hordes
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Shape Of The Beast
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Skin Of The Adder
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Spirit's Touch
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Subsume The Spirit
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Summon Elemental
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Summon Soul
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of The Forgetful Mind
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Theft Of Vitae
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of The Haunting
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Tongue Of The Asp
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of Torch
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Non-Human Only
Scroll Of True Faith
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of True Sight
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Turn To Dust
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Vigor Mortis
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Voice Of Madness
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Scroll Of Walk The Abyss
Item Effect: Grants One Use Of The Discipline, Human Only
Silver-Tipped Bolts
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Stake Gun Pack
Item Effect: +1 Ammo & +5 Ammo & +10 Ammo & 20 Ammo
Submachine Gun Clip
Item Effect: +16 Ammo & 32 Ammo
Tome Of Animalism
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Auspex
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Celerity
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Domination
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Dominate
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Faith
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Fortitude
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Morits
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Numina
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Obfuscate
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Obtenebration
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Potence
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Presence
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Protean
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Serpentis
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Blood Magic
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Hands Of Destruction
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Blood Rituals
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Lure Of Flames
Item Effect: Adds The Discipline To Your Discipline Pane
Werewolf Vitae
Item Effect: +20 To All Physical Attributes, Frenzy Increase +50, Blood
Increase +100, Non-Human Only
* 3. - Armor List *
= A. - Accessories =
Amulet Of Intelligence
Item Effect: +5 Intelligence
Amulet Of Perception
Item Effect: +5 Perception
Amulet Of Wits
Item Effect: +5 Wits
Blood Bracelet
Item Effect: +20 Blood Pool, Non-Human Only
Blood Necklace
Item Effect: +25 Blood Pool, Non-Human Only
Blood Ring
Item Effect: +10 Blood Pool, Non-Human Only
Item Effect: +5 Appearance
Discipline Amulet
Item Effect: Blood Cost 60%. Non-Human Only
Discipline Bracelet
Item Effect: Blood Cost 69%, Non-Human Only
Discipline Ring
Item Effect: Blood Coast 80%, Non-Human Only
Diamond Bracelet
Item Effect: +20 Appearance
Diamond Necklace
Item Effect: +20 Appearance
Diamond Ring
Item Effect: +20 Appearance
Item Effect: Brightens Darkened Areas
Gangrel Eye
Item Effect: Eyes Of The Beast, Non-Human Only
Gold Bracelet
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Gold Necklace
Item Effect: +15 Appearance
Gold Ring
Item Effect: +15 Appearance
Gold Watch
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Griffin's Ring
Item Effect: +10 Faith, Human Only
Holy Cross
Item Effect: +5 Faith, Human Only
Holy Star Of David
Item Effect: +5 Faith, Human Only
Holy Statuette
Item Effect: +5 Faith, Human Only
Light Enhancing Goggles
Item Effect: Increases Visual Senses
Monocle Of Clarity
Item Effect: Increases Vampiric Senses, Non-Human Only
Neck Guard
Item Effect: Protects Wearer From Vampire Bites
Onyx Band
Item Effect: +5 Appearance
Ring Of Appearance
Item Effect: +5 Appearance
Ring Of Charisma
Item Effect: +5 Charisma
Ring Of Chrysostom
Item Effect: +10 Faith, Human Only
Ring Of Manipulation
Item Effect: +5 Manipulation
Serenity Amulet
Item Effect: Decreases Wearer's Frenzy Rate, Non-Human Only
Serenity Bracelet
Item Effect: Decreases Wearer's Frenzy Rate
Serenity Ring
Item Effect: Decreases Wearer's Frenzy Rate, Non-Human Only
Silver Bracelet
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Silver Necklace
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Silver Ring
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Silver Watch
Item Effect: +10 Appearance
Sire's Index Finger
Item Effect: Frenzy Reduction (50), Non-Human Only
Item Effect: Brightens Darkened Areas
= B. - Gauntlets / Gloves =
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Accuracy Gauntlets
Effects/Info:: Adds To Wearer's Accuracy, Increased Offense +5
Dexterity Gauntlets
Effects/Info:: +5 Dexterity
Dodging Gauntlets
Effects/Info: Adds To Wearer's Defense, Increased Defense +5
Fortitude Gauntlets
Effects/Info: Adds To Wearer's Soaks, Increased Soak +5
Heavy Gauntlets
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Gauntlets (Cold)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +5 (Cold), +10 (Lethal)
Insulated Gauntlets (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +5 (Electrical),
+10 (Lethal)
Insulated Gauntlets (Fire)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +5 (Fire), +10 (Lethal)
Stamina Gauntlets
Effects/Info: +5 Stamina
Strength Gauntlets
Effects/Info: +5 Strength
Black Gloves
Defense/Type: +15 (Bashing)
Effects/Info: Feral Claws, Non-Human Only
Insulated Gloves (Cold)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +3 (Cold), +10 (Lethal)
Insulated Gloves (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +3 (Electrical), +10 (Lethal)
Insulated Gloves (Fire)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +3 (Fire), +10 (Lethal)
Leather Gloves
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Lethal)
= C. - Helmets =
Defense/Type: +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Full Helm
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Blessed Full Helm
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Insulated Full Helm (Cold)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Cold), +30 (Lethal)
Insulated Full Helm (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Electrical), +30 (Lethal)
Insulated Full Helm (Fire)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Fire), +30 (Lethal)
Insulated Full Helm (Sun)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Sun), +30 (Lethal)
Unholy Full Helm
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Faith), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Maximum 20 Humanity
Light Helm
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Blessed Light Helm
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Insulated Light Helm (Cold)
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Cold), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Light Helm (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Electrical), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Light Helm (Fire)
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Fire), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Light Helm (Sun)
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Sun), +15 (Lethal)
Unholy Light Helm
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Faith), +15 (Lethal)
Motorcycle Helmet
Defense/Type: +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Swat Helmet
Defense/Type: +15 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
= D. - Shields =
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Cavalry Shield
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Footman's Shield
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Great Shield
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Blessed Great Shield
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Insulated Great Shield (Cold)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Cold), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Insulated Great Shield (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Electrical), +20 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Insulated Great Shield (Fire)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Fire), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Insulated Great Shield (Sun)
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Sun), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Unholy Great Shield
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Faith), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Maximum 20 Humanity
Norman Shield
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 30 Strength
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Blessed Shield
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Insulated Shield (Cold)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Cold), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Shield (Electrical)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Electrical), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Shield (Fire)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Fire), +15 (Lethal)
Insulated Shield (Sun)
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Sun), +15 (Lethal)
Unholy Shield
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Faith), +15 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Maximum 40 Humanity
Riot Shield
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +60 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
= E. - Armor =
Armored T-Shirt
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Chain Mail
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Blessed Chain Mail
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Chain Mail
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +20 (Faith), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Maximum 20 Faith
Chest Plate
Defense/Type: +10 (Bashing), +15 (Lethal)
Cloak Of Invisibility
Effects/Info: Obfuscate +1, Non-Human Only
Fire-Resistant Suit
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +40 (Fire), +10 (Lethal)
Flak Jacket
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +45 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Half Plate
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +60 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum +45 Strength
Blessed Half Plate
Defense/Type: +30 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +60 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Half Plate
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Faith), +60 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, Maximum 20 Humanity
Heart Shield
Effects/Info: Stake Protection 100%, Non-Human Only
Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Electrical), +10 (Fire),
+15 (Lethal)
Blessed Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Electrical), +10 (Fire),
+15 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Electrical), +20 (Faith),
+10 (Fire), +15 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Maximum 60 Humanity
Leather Jacket
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Leather Vest
Defense/Type: +10 (Lethal)
Medium Ballistic Vest
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +45 (Bashing), +30 (Lethal)
Padded Clothing
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Plate Mail
Defense/Type: +30 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +80 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength
Blessed Plate Mail
Defense/Type: +40 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +80 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Plate Mail
Defense/Type: +30 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +30 (Faith), +80 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, Maximum 20 Humanity
Defense/Type: +5 (Bashing), +5 (Lethal)
Reinforced Clothing
Defense/Type: +10 (Aggravated), +10 (Bashing), +10 (Lethal)
Scale Mail
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength
Blessed Scale Mail
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Scale Mail
Defense/Type: +20 (Aggravated), +30 (Bashing), +20 (Faith), +45 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, Max 40 Humanity
Studded Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +15 (aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +3 (Electrical), +10 (Fire),
+30 (Lethal)
Blessed Studded Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +20 (aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +3 (Electrical), +10 (Fire),
+30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Human Only
Unholy Studded Leather Armor
Defense/Type: +15 (Aggravated), +15 (Bashing), +3 (Electrical), +10 (Faith),
+10 (Fire), +30 (Lethal)
Effects/Info: Maximum 60 Humanity
Tactical Jacket
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +60 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
Tailored Armor
Defense/Type: +25 (Aggravated), +80 (Bashing), +45 (Lethal)
* 4. - Weapon List *
Ainkurn Sword
Damage/Type: 30 (Aggravated)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 85
Effects/Info: Drains Blood, +10 Dexterity, Non-Human Only, 2 Handed Weapon
Argent Baton
Damage/Type: 20 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Extra Damage To Lupines, Non-Human Only, 2 Handed Weapon
Assault Rifle
Damage/Type: 45 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 66
Effects/Info: 40 Ammo, Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Modified Assault Rifle
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 66
Effects/Info: 40 Ammo, Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Sighted Assault Rifle
Damage/Type: 45 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 66
Effects/Info: 40 Ammo, Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Hand Axe
Damage/Type: 25 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Axe
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Axe
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Rusty Axe
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Silver Axe
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Silvered, 1 Handed Weapon
Aluminum Bat
Damage/Type: 25 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 85
Effects/Info: 2 Handed Weapon
Bastard Sword
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Bastard Sword
Damage/Type: 45 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Bastard Sword
Damage/Type: 50 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 60 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Bastion
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Bastion
Damage/Type: 70 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Battle Axe
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Battle Axe
Damage/Type: 70 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Battle Axe
Damage/Type: 75 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Berserker Axe
Damage/Type: 75 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Frenzy In Wielder, Minimum 55 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Berserker Fang
Damage/Type: 30 (Aggravated)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 124
Effects/Info: Non-Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Berserker Hammer
Damage/Type: 65 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Frenzy In Wielder, Minimum 55 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Brass Knuckles
Damage/Type: 10 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Broadsword
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Broadsword
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Blessed Broadsword
Damage/Type: 40 (Faith)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Dread Broadsword
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Fear In Opponent, 1 Handed Weapon
Flaming Broadsword
Damage/Type: 40 (Fire)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Rusty Broadsword
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Silver Broadsword
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: Silvered, 1 Handed Weapon
Broken Bottle
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Chain Gun
Damage/Type: 30 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 100 Ammo, Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Modified Chain Gun
Damage/Type: 35 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 100 Ammo, Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: Minimum 40 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 45 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Claymore
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Claymore
Damage/Type: 55 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Dread Claymore
Damage/Type: 55 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Fear In Opponent, Minimum 45 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Compound Bow
Damage/Type: 50 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 35 Dexterity, Minimum 35 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Magnesium Compound Bow
Damage/Type: 50 (Fire)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 35 Dexterity, Minimum 35 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Crossbow (Dark Age)
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 120
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Incendiary Crossbow (Dark Age)
Damage/Type: 35 (Fire)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 120
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Silver Crossbow (Dark Age)
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 120
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Silvered, 2 Handed Weapon
Crossbow (Modern Day)
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 120
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Magnesium Crossbow (Modern Day)
Damage/Type: 65 (Fire)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 120
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 10 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Dagger
Damage/Type: 15 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Dagger
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Poisoned Dagger
Damage/Type: 10 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: Chance Of Poisoning Opponent, 1 Handed Weapon
Rusty Dagger
Damage/Type: 5 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Silver Dagger
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: Silvered, 1 Handed Weapon
Dagger Of Thorns
Damage/Type: 20 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 15 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Dirk
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Dirk
Damage/Type: 25 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Poisoned Dirk
Damage/Type: 15 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: Chance Of Poisoning Opponent, 1 Handed Weapon
Evil Axe
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Frenzy In Wielder, Maximum 40 Humanity,
Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed weapon
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Falchion
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Falchion
Damage/Type: 45 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Femur Of An Elder Tzimisce
Damage/Type: 20 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 85
Effects/Info: Extra Damage To Vampires, Non-Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Flamberge
Damage/Type 45 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Flamberge
Damage/Type: 50 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 1 Handed Weapon
The Garou's Claw
Damage/Type: 50 (Aggravated)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Chemical Grenade
Damage/Type: 90 (Disease)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Concussion Grenade
Damage/Type: 150 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Fragmentation Grenade
Damage/Type: 150 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
White Phosphorous Grenade
Damage/Type: 100 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Great Sword
Damage/Type: 60 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Great Sword
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Great Sword
Damage/Type: 70 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Blessed Great Sword
Damage/Type: 70 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Faith, Minimum 55 Strength, Human Only,
2 Handed Weapon
Dread Great Sword
Damage/Type: 70 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Chance Of Causing Fear In Opponent, Minimum 55 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Greek Fire
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 60
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Grenade Launcher
Damage/Type: 200 (Fire)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 45 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 45 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Halberd
Damage/Type: 50 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Halberd
Damage/Type: 55 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Hand Of Conrad
Damage/Type: 30 (Aggravated)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Potence(3), Non-Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Holy Water
Damage/Type: 40 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 60
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 33
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 35 Strength, 1 Handed Weapon
Ivory Bow
Damage/Type: 40 (Aggravated)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Non-Human Only, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Lance
Damage/Type: 70 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Lance
Damage/Type: 75 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 71
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Lead Pipe
Damage/Type: 10 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Long Bow
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 35 Dexterity, Minimum 35 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Incendiary Long Bow
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 35 Dexterity, Minimum 35 Strength,
2 Handed Weapon
Flanged Mace
Damage/Type: 30 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Flanged Mace
Damage/Type: 40 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Flanged Mace
Damage/Type: 45 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Blessed Mace
Damage/Type: 45 (Faith)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Molotov Cocktail
Damage/Type: 50 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed weapon
Moro Dagger
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Moro Dagger
Damage/Type: 25 (lethal)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Moro Dagger
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Poisoned Moro Dagger
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: Chance Of Poisoning Opponent, 1 Handed Weapon
Oil Of St. George
Damage/Type: 20 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
The Dolorous Nail
Damage/Type: 20 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: Human Only, 1 Handed Weapon
Napalm Bomb
Damage/Type: 100 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 24
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 11 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Dragons Breath Pistol
Damage/Type: 55 (Fire)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 11 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Modified Pistol
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 11 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Sighted Pistol
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 11 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Poignard
Damage/Type: 25 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Poignard
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 20
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Poison Poignard
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 117
Effects/Info: Chance Of Poisoning Opponent, 1 Handed Weapon
Spiked Mace
Damage/Type: 50 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed weapon
Fine Spiked Mace
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Spiked Mace
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Blessed Spiked Mace
Damage/Type: 60 (Faith)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Human Only, Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Pole Axe
Damage/Type: 55 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Pole Axe
Damage/Type: 60 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Pole Axe
Damage/Type: 65 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 35 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 90
Effects/Info: Minimum 35 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 25 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Fine Rapier
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 111
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Rapier
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 124
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 65 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 6 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Modified Revolver
Damage/Type: 70 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 25
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 6 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Sighted Revolver
Damage/Type: 65 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 30
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 6 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 30
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 22 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Modified Rifle
Damage/Type: 65 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 30
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 22 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Sighted Rifle
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 35
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 22 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Rocket Launcher
Damage/Type: 250 (Fire)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 49
Effects/Info: 3 Ammo, Minimum 50 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Sap Gloves
Damage/Type: 15 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 2 Handed Weapon
Satchel Charge
Damage/Type: 100 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Flaming Scimitar
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 25 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 66
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Short Bow
Damage/Type: 30 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 25 Dexterity, 2 Handed Weapon
Incendiary Short Bow
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, Minimum 25 Dexterity, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 75 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Modified Shotgun
Damage/Type: 80 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 60
Effects/Info: 5 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 35 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 30 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine Spear
Damage/Type: 40 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 30 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite Spear
Damage/Type: 50 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 30 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 5 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 30
Speed: 85
Effects/Info: Chance Of Staking Vampires, 1 Handed Weapon
Stake Gun
Damage/Type: 40 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 20 Ammo, 2 Handed Weapon
Sub Machine Gun
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 5
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 32 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Modified Sub Machine Gun
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 10
Speed: 75
Effects/Info: 32 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
Damage/Type: 20 (Electrical)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 99
Effects/Info: 1 Handed Weapon
Throwing Knives
Damager/Type: 20 (Lethal)
Accuracy: 15
Speed: 60
Effects/Info: 10 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
War Hammer
Damage/Type: 55 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Fine War Hammer
Damage/Type: 60 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 76
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Exquisite War Hammer
Damage/Type: 65 (Bashing)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 83
Effects/Info: Minimum 55 Strength, 2 Handed Weapon
Waxen Poetica
Damage/Type: 30 (Fire)
Accuracy: 0
Speed: 60
Effects/Info: 1 Ammo, 1 Handed Weapon
* 5. - Tome / Discipline List *
Feed: Drains Blood From Targeted Victim.
Blood Healing: Restores Health.
Blood Strength: Increases Strength.
Blood Dexterity: Increases Dexterity.
Blood Stamina: Increases Stamina.
Awaken: Awakens Targeted Vampires From Torpor.
Tome Of Animalism
Feral Whispers: Enlists Targeted Animals To Your Aid.
Beckoning: Summons Animals To Your Aid.
Quell The Beast: Lowers Frenzy Levels And Creates Complacency In Targeted
Subsume The Spirit: Grants Control Of Targeted Animal.
Drawing Out The Beast: Releases Frenzy State Onto A Targeted Enemy.
Tome Of Auspex
Heightened Senses: Increases Vampiric Senses.
Aura Perception: Perceives The Aura And Other Statistics Of A Targeted
Spirit's Touch: Determines Properties Of An Item.
Psychic Projection: Allows Exploration With An Unseen Astral Form.
Tome Of Celerity
Celerity: Grants Enhanced Movement And Attack Speed.
Tome Of Domintation
Passion: Heightens The Target's Emotions, Increasing Frenzy And Reducing Wits.
The Haunting: Causes Fear On The Target.
Eyes Of Chaos: Perceives Extended Information About A Targeted Creature.
Voice Of Madness: Causes Extended Fear And Possible Frenzy On The Target.
Tome Of Dominate
Command: Grants Brief Control Of The Target(Kindred Of Equal Or Higher
Memorize: Calls The Targeted Creature(Kindred Of Equal Or Higher Generation)
Towards You.
The Forgetful Mind: Creates Dazed Effect On Target(Kindred Of Equal Or Higher
Possession: Grants Control Of Targeted Creature(Kindred Of Equal Or Higher
Tome Of Faith
Heal: Cures Wounds.
Prayer: Damages A Target With Holy Words.
True Faith: Damages Supernatural Creatures Within Radius Around User.
Tome Of Fortitude
Fortitude: Grants Added Protection Against Damage.
Tome Of Mortis
Shambling Hordes: Awakens targeted Dead To Your Aid.
Vigor Mortis: Takes Control Of A Targeted Dead Creature.
Summon Soul: Calls Forth A Wraith To Your Aid.
Plague Wind: Expels A Damaging Breath Cloud At The Target.
Black Death: Causes Disease Damage On Touched Target.
Tome Of Numina
Invisibility: Removes The User From Visible Sight.
Flash: Creates A Blinding Light That Can Trigger Frenzy In Vampires.
True Sight: Enhances Sight In Darkness.
Tome Of Obfuscate
Cloak Of Shadows: Conceals The User From Sight.
Mask Of A Thousand Faces: Disguises The User As The Targeted Creature.
Cloak OF Gathering: Conceals The Coterie From Sight.
Tome Of Obtenebration
Dark Hunter: Summons A Dark Hunter To Your Aid.
Tome Of Potence
Potence: Grants Increased Automatic Damage.
Tome Of Presence
Awe: Charms Target Towards The User.
Dread Gaze: Causes Fear On The Target.
Entrancement: Grants Control Of The Target To The User.
Majesty: Causes All Surrounding Creatures To Stop And Gaze At The User.
Tome Of Protean
Eyes Of The Beast: Increases Visual Senses.
Feral Claws: Turns Hands Into Large Claws.
Earth Meld: Immerses The User Into The Earth, Allowing Safe Rest.
Shape Of The Beast: Transforms The User Into A Wolf.
Mist Form: Transforms The User Into A Cloud Of Mist.
Tome Of Serpentis
Eyes Of The Serpent: Memorizes The Target Into A Daze.
Tongue Of The Asp: Steals Vitae From The Target.
Skin Of The Adder: Protects The User From Damage With Snake Skin (Affects
Hatch The Viper: Creates A Viper To Aid You.
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Blood Magic
Blood Rage: Forces The Target To Spend Blood.
Blood Of Potency: Grants Lowered Blood Cost For Discipline Usage.
Theft Of Vitae: Steals Vitae From The Targeted Creature.
Cauldron Of Blood: Boils The Blood Of The Touched Target.
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Hands Of Destruction
Decay: Causes Aggravated Damage On Touched Target.
Acidic Touch: Causes Aggravated Damage On Touched Target.
Atrophy: Causes Aggravated Damage, Reduces Strength and Dexterity of the
Touched Target.
Turn To Dust: Causes Aggravated Damage On Touched Target.
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Blood Rituals
Heart Of Stone: Prevents Against Staking.
Prison Of Ice: Freezes Targeted Creature In Ice.
Call Lightning: Calls Forth A Bolt Of Lightning Upon Target.
Ignore The Searing Flame: Protects Against Aggravated Fire Damage.
Summon Elemental: Calls A Golem To Your Aid.
Tome Of Thaumaturgy - Lure Of Flames
Torch: Creates A Light Of Balefire That Follows The User.
Fireball: Propels A Ball Of Fire At The Target.
Flame Ring: Creates A Ring Of Flame Around User.
Immolate: Damages Touched Target With Searing Flame.
Fire Storm: Creates A Rain Of Fire From The Sky.
* 6. - Enemy List *
( A )
| Ahzra |
| Health: 150 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 200 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
| Ardan |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 600 |
| Clan: Tremere |
( B )
| Bobbie |
| Health: 100 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
( C )
| Cappadocian |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Cappadocian |
| Cappadocian Female |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Cappadocian |
| Corpse Minion |
| Health: 80 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 25 |
| Clan: Cappadocian |
| Count Orsi |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 140 |
| Experience: 1500 |
| Clan: Ventrue |
( D )
| Dark Hunter |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 75 |
| Clan: None |
| Demon Hound |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 75 |
| Clan: None |
( E )
| Elemental |
| Health: 200 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 400 |
| Clan: None |
| Etrius |
| Health: 350 |
| Blood Pool: 160 |
| Experience: 1000 |
| Clan: Tremere |
( F )
| Father Leopold |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: Ghoul |
( G )
| Gangrel |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Gangrel |
| Gargoyle |
| Health: 200 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 90 |
| Clan: None |
| Gargoyle 2 |
| Health: 150 |
| Blood Pool: 150 |
| Experience: 90 |
| Clan: None |
| Gargoyle Erik |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 90 |
| Clan: None |
| Ghoul |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 40 |
| Clan: Ghoul |
| Ghoul Rat |
| Health: 20 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 10 |
| Clan: None |
| Ghoul Rat 2 |
| Health: 30 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: None |
| Ghoul Spider |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 75 |
| Clan: None |
| Ghoul Spider (Baby) |
| Health: 60 |
| Blood Pool: 20 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: None |
| Giovanni |
| Health: 150 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 100 |
| Clan: Giovanni |
| Giant Cobra |
| Health: 250 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 1000 |
| Clan: Setite |
| Golem |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: None |
| Guard |
| Health: 100 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
( H )
| Hopper |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 30 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: None |
( I )
No Enemies Start With I
( J )
No Enemies Start With J
( K )
| Knight Of St. John |
| Health: 100 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
( L )
| Lab Soldier |
| Health: 70 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 75 |
| Clan: Human |
| Lab Worker |
| Health: 100 |
| Mana: 60 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Human |
| Lasombra |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Lasombra |
| Lasombra Ghoul |
| Health: 100 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 30 |
| Clan: Lasombra |
| Lucretia |
| Health: 250 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 1000 |
| Clan: Setite |
( M )
| Malkavian |
| Health: 150 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 100 |
| Clan: Malkavian |
| Maqqabah The Golum |
| Health 300 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: None |
| Mercurio |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: Cappadocian |
( N )
| Nosferatu |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Nosferatu |
| Nosferatu 2 |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Nosferatu |
| Nosferatu 3 |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 100 |
| Clan: Nosferatu |
( O )
| Othelios |
| Health: 200 |
| Blood Pool: 140 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: Nosferatu |
( P )
| Policeman |
| Health: 100 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
| Premysl Revenant |
| Health: 60 |
| Blood Pool: 90 |
| Experience: 40 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
( Q )
No Enemies Start With Q
( R )
No Enemies Start With R
( S )
| Skeleton |
| Health: 60 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 30 |
| Clan: None |
| Setite |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Setite |
| Szlachta |
| Health: 80 |
| Blood Pool: 45 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
| Szlachta Boss |
| Health: 90 |
| Blood Pool: 45 |
| Experience: 40 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
( T )
| Teutonic Captain |
| Health: 200 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
| Teutonic Knight |
| Health: 150 |
| Mana: 20 |
| Experience: 50 |
| Clan: Human |
| Tremere |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Tremere |
| Tremere Apprentice |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 100 |
| Clan: Tremere |
| Tremere Lord |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: Tremere |
| Tzimisce |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 100 |
| Experience: 70 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
( U )
| Underprince |
| Health: 200 |
| Blood Pool: 140 |
| Experience: 1200 |
| Clan: Nosferatu |
( V )
| Vaclav |
| Health: 250 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 500 |
| Clan: None |
| Ventrue |
| Health: 150 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 100 |
| Clan: Ventrue |
| Viper |
| Health: 50 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: None |
| Virstania |
| Health: 300 |
| Blood Pool: 140 |
| Experience: 300 |
| Clan: Tremere |
| Vozhd |
| Health: 500 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 550 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
| Vukodlak |
| Health: 2000 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 1000 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
( W )
| War Ghoul |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 60 |
| Experience: 60 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
| Werewolf |
| Health: 350 |
| Blood Pool: 130 |
| Experience: 1000 |
| Clan: None |
| Wolf |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 20 |
| Clan: None |
| Wraith |
| Health: 120 |
| Blood Pool: 0 |
| Experience: 125 |
| Clan: None |
( X )
No Monsters Start With X
( Y )
No Monsters Start With Y
( z )
| Zombu |
| Health: 80 |
| Blood Pool: 80 |
| Experience: 25 |
| Clan: Cappadocian |
| Zulo |
| Health: 3000 |
| Blood Pool: 200 |
| Experience: 2000 |
| Clan: Tzimisce |
III. My Game Review
Storyline 9/10: This game has a great storyline, it starts off in medieval
Prague where a love is kindled and the story of Christof unfolds to become one
of something he hates and fights against, a vampire. Vampire clans do battle
against one another and wars are taken place. Eventually the storyline will
come to London and finally New York just before new years eve, there is more
to fear than just the Y2K bug as a new and powerful evil arises to consume the
Gameplay 7.5/10: This game is a point and click type game, I like it
personally but some people have a problem with it, I guess they prefer pushing
5 buttons to move forward. Anyways the A.I. can be a problem sometimes getting
caught on things and left behind, also this can happen to you sometimes to
where you get caught on something and have a frustrating time getting lose.
For the most part though the game works smooth, the battle system is fairly
easy as is most of the game. It can take you a bit to find out where
everything is but that is to be expected for a game and once you find where
everything is than the game is simple to control.
Graphics 8.5/10: This game is 8 years old and the graphics for it are still
pretty awesome, the creators did a good job on making this game creepy and
dark in the dungeons and the overall game.
Music 10/10: You will never hear better music for another game, by far the
best game for music. Each piece of music suits the situation so perfectly it's
unbelievable, the music will totally get you into this game and keep you going
through out the entire game.
Overall 9.5/10: I love vampire games and this is the ultimate game for it,
there is virtually no drawbacks to this game aside from some A.I. and minor
movement problems, everything else about this game is unbelievably good. If
you love RPG's you have to play this game, once you play it you will love it
and continue to play it for years upon years like me.
IV. Credits And Thanks
Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption Strategy Guide By Sion Rodriguez y Gibson
- I used the strategy guides' character introduction to use in my FAQ
Walkthrough, even though most of the weapon and armor stats in the book are
incorrect I did manage to find a few good things in the strategy guide to help
out with my FAQ Walkthrough so I will give the proper credit.
V. Disclaimer / Contact Information
This FAQ Walkthrough is a copyright Kevin Janess (Ikon) 2006 - 2007. This FAQ
Walkthrough may not be distributed in any way or form without my expressed
consent, anyone interested in adding my FAQ Walkthrough to their website will
have to e-mail and ask my permission.
If anyone has any missing information, anything to contribute or just want to
relay your comments to me please e-mail me at and I will
reply back as soon as possible but I can't check my e-mail as often as I would
like so if you don't receive an e-mail back right away don't worry cause I
make it a mission to reply to everyone's e-mail. I will credit anything
submitted and listed on this FAQ, I do keep committed to this and all of my
FAQ's so I will continue to answer questions and update my FAQ's as needed.
© Copyright 2007 Kevin Janess (Ikon)
Miloš Vučić