Unreal Tournament 3 NVIDIA PhysX Mod Pack izašao

Unreal Tournament 3NVIDIA je objavila novi Unreal Tournament 3 NVIDIA PhysX Mod Pack koji sadrži 3 nove mape. Da bi ovaj mod uspešno funkcionisao potrebno je pre toga aktivirati Hardware Physics opciju u Video Settings-u u UT3 opcijama. Pored ove aktivacije potrebno je posedovati grafičku karticu NVIDIA Serije 8 (i to pod minimumom), a ako to već imate onda možete preuzeti ovaj novi pack (457Mb) sa ove adrese.Description:
The Extreme NVIDIA PhysX mod pack includes 3 maps and requires a full version of Unreal Tournament 3 – It is not a stand-alone title. Make sure to enable "Hardware Physics" under Video Settings in the UT3 settings. Driver release v177.39 or later is required for GPU PhysX hardware acceleration.

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