Ultima Online
Increased stats:
When you are on a shard that allows you to bring up
your stats, drink a lot of beer until your stats are
1-1-1, or at least all under 3. Then fight something
such as a dummy or a headless and your stats will go up.
Keep doing this until you cannot buy anymore beer.
Creating a character:
A good safe character is easy to create. The following
character is good for money, fighting, and buying items.
Since you only can have so much skills and stats, try
the following:
Swords/Fencing/Macing (no archery)
100 STR
100 DEX
25 INT
Start at Minoc, which good for ores and Vesper is a good
place of trade, and for when you become GM Smith.
Start in Trammel. A pack horse is a good investment.
You should have a Fisher who can get you a lot of food,
which is important for skill gains. With all the money,
buy some more shovels/pick axes and start a mage.
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