Tomb Raider Angel of Darknes (walkthrough)


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AUTHOR: Saturn
CREATED: 07/16/2003
LAST UPDATE: 08/11/2003
Based in the European (PAL) version of the game


C.1) Next Update

A) General Movements
1. Walk
2. Run
3. Duck
4. Crawl
5. Commando Crawl
6. Somersault
7. Roll
8. Hop Jump
9. Standing Jump
10. Walking Jump
11. Running Jump
12. Mid Air Grab While Jumping
13. Swan Dive
14. Instant Dive
15. Swimming
16. Hug the Wall
B) The Action Button
17. Hang From Edges
18. Backflip Hang
19. Climbing
20. Shimmy
21. Swimming
C) Combat Movements
22. Using Guns
23. Hand to Hand Combat
D) Action Modes
24. Walking Mode
25. Stealth Mode
E) Special Movements
26. Sprint
27. Sprint Jump
28. Handstand

1. Parisian Back Streets
2. Derelict Apartment Block
3. Industrial Rooftops
4. Parisian Ghetto
5. Le Serpent Rouge
6. Parisian Ghetto (second visit)
7. St. Aicard's Graveyard
8. Bouchard's Hideout
9. Parisian Ghetto (third visit)
10. Louvre Storm Drains
11. Louvre Storm Drains (part 2)
12. Louvre Galleries
13. Louvre Galleries (part 2)
14. Louvre Galleries (part 3)
15. Archaeological Dig
16. Tomb of Ancients
17. The Hall of Seasons
18. The Breath of Hades (wind)
19. Neptune's Hall (water)
20. Wrath of the Beast (earth)
21. The Sanctuary of Flame (fire)
22. The Hall of seasons (part 2)
23. The Hall of Seasons Boss fight: Brother Obscura
24. Tomb of Anciets (part 2)
25. Archaeological Dig (part 2)
26. Galleries Under Siege
27. Von Croy's apartment
28. The Monstrum Crimescene
29. The Strahov Fortress
30. Biodome Research Facility
31. Biodome Research Facility (part 2)
32. The Sanitarium
33. Maximum Containment Area
34. Maximum Containment Area Boss fight: Proto Nephilim
35. Aquatic Research Area
36. Vault of Trophies
37. Boaz Returns
38. The Lost Domain
39. Eckhardt's Lab
40. Eckhardt's Lab Final Boss fight: Eckhardt and Karal



Copyright (c) Saturn 2003 All Rights Reserved. This FAQ is exclusively for
personal and private use. It cannot be reproduced, modified, re-edited,
published or used for any promotional or comercial purposes. See below for
more details on how to use this FAQ in your site.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (c) Core Design Limited, 2003.
All rights reserved. I am not in no way affiliated to Core Design or any
companies that were involved with this game.

I am not giving more permissions to webmasters to use my faq in their
sites. Don't bother asking any longer because the answer will be "No".

The following sites have my permission to use this faq:


Please take some time to read this section to learn more about my FAQ.
I apreciate if you do so. This section will be constantly updated as well.
Thank you!

Hi! As you may already know, this faq was created to help you out
beating the game and learn as much as possible about this game. Feel free to
e-mail me your comments, questions, corrections or any kind of information.
Opinions are welcome, as well :). I will try to answer all e-mails as fast as
as I can, but please consider that once in a while I get error messages when
sending answers and there is nothing I can do to send answers whenever it
happens. I will try to cover every single detail about the game, but
considering I am doing everything by myself without the help of any type of
solution it is easy to miss some things. I will also try to leave the
walkthrough free from spoilers, but sometimes it's not possible to avoid
a few. And, please, whenever you want to send an e-mail, make sure you don't
add any file or picture. Thanks for reading my faq and I hope it helps.

This faq is growing as fast as I can. Although I've finished the game
before I started writing it, I have to play it from scratch. Feel free to
e-mail me about other questions you might have. I am working on many other
sections as I play. At least six more sections besides the walkthrough will
be created, and more will hopefully be created as soon as I get the
information I need. Priority will be given in finishing the walkthrough, but
even the old text will be corrected and updated constantly up to a final
version of this faq. As soon as I can I will include critical parts of the
game where you should save, due to the difficulty of the next part or due to
the bugs and glitches of the game that might screw your save file. I will also
include a search system to help you out navigating through the sections of my
faq by using the "search" feature. At the moment only part of the walkthrough
is completed, and it will take some days until it is completely finished. Also
note that one of my objectives with the walkthrough is to explain every single
detail the easiest way I can. If you think some information is confusing,
please e-mail me telling why.

As a last thing to say, please try to use my faq only if you get stuck
or if you finish the game or a particular area and wish to learn more about
it. Try to enjoy the game exploring everything, and take some time to look
around the areas. Thank you for reading my FAQ and I hope you enjoy it :)


Version 1.3 [08/11/2003]
- Corrected some small errors;
- Added "Content" section;
- Added Movements list.

Version 1.2 [08/08/2003]
- The Walkthrough was completely finished;
- Added a couple of items locations to the previous levels.

Version 1.0 [08/04/2003]
- The Walkthrough up to the Maximum Containment Area was finished;
- Corrected some small errors;
- Added a couple of items locations to the previous levels.
- Added Credtis section.

Version 0.8 [07/20/2003
- The Walkthrough up to the Biodome Research Facility was finished.

Version 0.7 [07/22/2003]
- The Walkthrough up to Von Croy's Apartment was finished;
- Corrected some small errors;
- Added a couple of items locations to the previous levels.

Version 0.6 [07/21/2003]
- The Walkthrough up to Louvre Galleries was finished;
- Finished the Parisian Ghetto Map;
- Corrected some small errors;
- Added a couple of items locations to the previous levels.

Version 0.5 [07/18/2003]
- The Walkthrough up to St. Aicard's Graveyard was finished;
- Corrected some small errors;
- Added more information and items locations to the first levels.

Version 0.4 [07/16/2003]
- The Walkthrough up to the Parisian Ghetto was finished.


The walkthrough is finally finished. A few corrections will be
constantly made and information will be added in the next updates. I'll now
finish the other sections and use the search system. I'll try to re-organize
the walkthrough as well. The next update should include at least two new
sections: Notebook updates and Strengt updates. Items List should be added
soon as well. I'm almost done with the Dialogues section. That section will
include the full dialogues with all the possible answers and every kind of
information you can collect through the game. The Dialogues are very important
to understand the storyline - that's why I'll try to include them in my faq -
but don't forget this section will be filled with HUGE spoilers, so don't even
try to look at the parts you still didn't listen when playing. I had a lot of
work to write all the dialogues after taking hundreds of pictures with all the
phrases. I had to listen to every dialogue a lot of times. This should help
you remembering the first dialogues and allow you to see how the dialogues
would follow if you choose different options. I would like to know what you
think about this: if I should include it or not. I do my best to answer every
e-mail I get as best as I can and I don't think asking for an opinion is
asking too much, so please take one minute to tell me what you think. I will
appreciate that.

The next few updates should include some changes in the walkthrough section
To make it easier to find where you're stuck and less confusing to understand.
Small corrections and I'll also put the items in capital letters. I lost part
of the information on the dialogues, but I am trying to recover it again.
That's why I wasn't able to put the dialogues section yet. The other sections
should be finished soon, but they will not be included in the enxt few days.

CONTROLLERS (Playstation(r) 2)

These controllers listed here will make it easier to explain the movements
list you'll find bellow.

Dualshok (r) 2 Main View:

____ || ____
/_____ __________||_________ _/_____
/ _ -------------------/ _
/ _| |_ / _ (T) _
| |_ D _| | !SL! !ST! | (S) _ (C) |
| |_| / _ _ (X) |
| / / / /|
| '----- ( ( LS ) !A! ( RS ) ) -----' |
| ___/ -___- ___/ / |
| / ___ / ___ / |
| / |
| / |
'____ ' '_____'

| Abr. | Button | Function |
| | | |
| D | Directional Buttons | Circle through In-game Menus |
| LS | Left Analog Stick | Move Lara |
| RS | Right Analog Stick | Camera Angle Control |
| A | Analog Mode (always on) | --- |
| SL | Select Button | Open In-game Menu |
| ST | Start Button | Pause/Cancel Menu |
| | | |
| S | Square | Roll |
| T | Triangle | Duck |
| C | Circle | Jump |
| X | Cross | Action |

Dualshock (r) 2 Top View:

.---. .---.
/ /
| / |
| _____ _/____ |
| /.----. /.----. |
| /|| L2 || /|| R2 || |
| / ||____||_______________/_||____|| |
|¨ |.----.| _ |.----.| ¨|
||_L1_|| (_) ||_R1_|| /
_|_|_ _|_|_
----- -----

| Abr. | Button | Function |
| | | |
| L1 | Left Shift 1 | Activate Walk Mode |
| L2 | Left Shift 2 | Activate Stealth Mode |
| R1 | Right Shift 1 | Draw / Holster weapon |
| R2 | Right Shift 2 | Sprint (later) |


A. General Movements

1. Walk
- Slowly pull LS forward;
- Lara will walk if you slowly pull the LS up, but she will start running
if you press all the way forward.
- Lara is able to walk in shallow water, but she will walk slowly.

2. Run
- Press LS all the way forward;
- If you press it slowly Lara will wakl before start running, but it you
quickly tap forward she will immediately run.

3. Duck
- Press and hold Crouch button.
- Lara will crouch while she is standing. Hold down T to keep Lara crouched
and release T to make her stand up.
- Pressing the LS left or right while crouched will make Lara turn around
in that direction.

4. Crawl
- Press and hold Duck button and tap Forward on the LS;
- Lara will crawl if you use the LS while crouched. Pull the LS forward
will make her crawl forward while pushing it back will make her crawl
- By pulling the LS left or right will make Lara turn in that direction. If
you pull the LS forward and left/right, Lara will crawl forward and turn
to the left/right.

5. Commando Crawl
- Press and hold Stealth button while crawling;
- Pulling the LS forward will make her crawl forward while pushing it back
will make her crawl backwards;
- By pulling the LS left or right will make Lara turn in that direction. If
you pull the LS forward and left/right, Lara will crawl forward and turn
to the left/right.

6. Somersault
- When crawling, approach a ledge and quickly tap Forward. Lara will
somersault to the area bellow. This is specially used when crawlinbg
inside air shafts if you have to drop to a room/area bellow.

7. Roll
- Press Roll button to make Lara will roll and automatically turn around.
- If you rool near an edge Lara will roll forward off the edge.

8. Hop Jump
- Press and Hold L1, then press Jump button.
- Hop jumps are very short jumps that allow you to hop over small gaps.

9. Standing Jump
- Press C to jump;
- If you press circle and a direction on the LS, Lara will jump in that
direction. She is able to jump forward, to the left/ right and
- Pressing C under a celing or spot that Lara can grab will make her
automatically grab the ceiling;

10. Walking Jump
- Press C while walking;
- Similar to the Standing jump, but Lara will be able to jump further. This
jump is only possible if you jump forward;
- The Walking Jump is a longer jump that allows you to reach a bit further
than the Standing Jump;

11. Running Jump
- Press C while Running;
- Similar to the Standing and Walking jumps, but Lara will be able to jump
even further. This jump is only possible if you jump forward;
- The running jump is longer than all the previous, but it is also trickier
to make if you are not used to the controllers.

12. Mid-Air Grab while Jumping
- While performing a Standing Jump, a Walking Jump or a Standing Jump, Lara
is able to grab edges or surfaces while in the air. Press Action while
performing any of those jumps.
- Note that the The Tomb Raider AOD uses the analog sensitive preassure.
This means two things:
. If you pull the analog stick all the way forward, jump at the same time
and then keep pulling it forward while Lara is in the air, Lara will
jump a bigger distance;
. If you quickly tap forward and jump at the same time and then release
forward while Lara jumps, Lara will jump a smaller distance.
This works for both standing and running jumps. You probably noticed this
before when you tried to jump over a broken ledge or over a hole.
Sometimes it seems that Lara's jump isn't enough to reach the other side,
but sometimes she can just do it perfectly.

13. Swan Dive
- Press and hold L2 when starting a Standing Jump, Walking Jump or Running
Jump. Lara will perform a Swan dive
- If you Swan Dive into water, Lara will swim through the water and resume
swimming after slowing down.
- If you Sawn Dive to the floor Lara will roll forward and stand up.

14. Instant Dive
- Apporach one ledge near the water and pres Action. Lara will directly
dive into the water.

15. Swimming
- Lara is able to swim at the surface and underwater through a limited
period of time. Once you enter the water, an Air bar will start
decreasing. Once it is empty, Lara's Health bar will start decreasing. In
order to restore her Air dar, you must swim to the surface to breath.
Leaving the water automatically fills the Air bar;
- Press and hold C to make Lara swim and use the LS to control her;
- Pull left/right to make her swim in that direction, Forward to make her
swim up and Backward to make her swim down;
- While swiming at the surface you only need to pull the LS in the
direction you want to swim;
- There are many actions that can be done while swiming. Those actions are
listed bellow:
. Press Jump to make Lara dive while swimming at the surface;
. Press Roll to make Lara turn around underwater;
. There are two main ways to leave the water. The first way is
approaching a low ledge: press X and pull the LS Up to make her
climb (note that Lara can only climb to very low ledges she can reach).
The second way is using a ladder: approach a ladder, press X and pull
the LS forward to climb.

16. Hug the wall
- Automatically executed when you approach a narrow ledge near a wall;
- Lara will hug the wall allowing you to walk over the narrow ledge.
Pull the LS left or right to make Lara sidestep in the direction you
want to go.

The Action Button ( X )

- This button is used for several actions during the game. Those actions
will be listed here. The following actions are possible whenever the
small "hand" icon appears in the bottom right corner of the screen at
certain spots (note that Lara will not be able to act everytime the
"hand" icon appears):
. Pick up objects
. Pull levers, press swithes and turn valves
. Open doors
. Examine obtects/closets/several elements of the game
. Talk to people
- The Following actions are used in the Advanced movements listed in the
section bellow:
. Hold Edges when jumping/falling
. Automatically hold climbable surfaces/objects
. Fight
. Hug the walls in Stealth Mode
. Stealth Kills

17. Hang from edges
- Approach an edge, and press Action
- Lara will Hang from the edge. Press Action to release the edge or tap the
LS Forward to pull up.
- Note that Lara cannot hang from all edges, like the ones in the Breath of
Hades room.
- You can also hang from a ledge when you are running. As soon as you start
falling from a ledge quickly tap the Action button. Lara will be able to
turn around and grab the edge before falling.

18. Backflip Hang
- Approach an edge while walking backards. Once Lara is close to an edge
Press Action. She will use a backflip and hang from the ledge.

19. Climbing
- Lara is able to climb certain vertical surfaces, such as fissured rocks,
certain metallic structures, creeping plants or drain pipes. Approach a
climbable surface/object and press Action to start climbing. Pull the LS
in the direction you want to climb
- In order to climb ladders or pipes, you only need to approach the ladder
and use the LS forward/backward in the direction you want to climb. Then
pull the LS forward and left/right in the direction you want to leave.
- By pressing Pressing action while climbing Lara will immediately release
the surface/object and fall.

20. Shimmy
- While hanging an Edge, fissure, or cord (check movement above for
details), Pull the LS left/right to shimmy in the direction you want to

21. Swinging
- Lara is able to swing while holding cords, tubes and certain areas in the
ceiling. Jump and press Action to hold the cord/tube/ceiling and use
the LS in the direction you want to swing. Press Action to release
- If Lara is swinging using a cord, she's able to duck her legs up by
pressing the Duck button.

B) Combat movements

22. Using Guns
- Any gun collected in the game can be used to shoot enemies. For a more
detailed information on every gun, check the "Weapons" section;
- Press R1 to Draw the weapon Lara will automatically aim an enemy. Press
and Hold Action to shoot the enemy, or quickly tap Action several times
to shoot faster. Press R1 to holdster the weapon again.
- Lara is able to shoot while walking/running and in Walk Mode. However,
she is unable to shoot while jumping, in Stealth Mode and while swimming;
- Lara is also able to execute sidesteps while shooting. When she's aiming
the enemy, pull the LS left or right in the direction you want to
sidestep. This is also effective to evade several attacks and counter
attacks from enemies.
- By pressing the Roll button while aiming it is possible to switch between
the targets. Lara is able to aim enemies automatically, but on certain
ocasions you'll have to press this button to switch targets.

23. Hand to Hand Combat
- When Lara is close to an enemy she is able to fight. You can only fight
weak enemies. Press Action once to punch the enemy once and press Action
twice to double puch the enemy.
- If you use the LS while fighting, Lara is also able to kick the enemy.
Lara is able to use a Kick combo consisting in one left kick, one right
kick and one final round kick. Note that Lara will aim enemies
automatically when fighting.

C) Action Modes

24. Walking Mode
- Press the Walk Button (L1) to enter Walking mode. A small blue icon
will appear at the top right corner. Lara will only only walk when you
activate Walking Mode. By walking Lara is able to approach edges and she
will never fall;
- While in stealth mode, Lara is able to turn around by pulling the LS left
or right;
- If you pull the LS forward and left/right she will walk forward in the
direction you want to go;
- If you press and hold the Walk button and then pull the LS left, right,
forward ot backward, Lara will step in the direction you pulled.

25. Stealth Mode
- Press the Stealth Button (L2) to enter Stealth mode. While in stealth
mode, you'll be able to walk without alerting enemies as much as you stay
out of the enemy's vision field. Stealth mode should only be used against
human enemies;
- While in stealth mode, Lara is able to use the stealth kills against
human enemies. Approach an enemy from its back and press Action button to
throw and puch the enemy. When Lara gets stronger (by the time you get
to The Strahov level)Lara will break the enemy's neck instead;
- Lara is also able to hug any wall while in Stealth Mode. Approach a wall
and press Action button to make Lara hug the wall. Use the LS to move
left and right near the wall and pull the LS left near corners to make
Lara peek.

D) Extra movements

26. Sprint
- Press and hold R2 when running;
- Lara only gains the Sprint in the "Galleries Under Seige" level, after
you pick up the respirator from the closet

27. Sprint Jump
- Press Jump button when sprinting;
- Lara only gains the Sprint Jump in the "Lost Domain" level, after the
jump to reach the first lever in the first room.

28. Handstand
- When pulling up from a ledge, press and hold Walk button;
- This movement is useless, it's just an extra movement that was added.


...........................PARISIAN BACK STREETS..............................

-Chocolate x 2
-Large Health Pack x 1
-Health Bandages x 1
-160 Euros x 1
-Antique Doubloons x 2
-Necklace x 1
-Gantry Gate Key

-No enemies


The alley

You start the game in an alley. Start moving forward to collect a Chocolate in
front of the door. Explore the area if you like, but don't get too close to
the dog as it may kill you. Climb to the bin at the left and then jump and
grab the balcony just above. Jump to the next balcony. From here, you might
want to do a running jump to the left side of the gate on the other side to
collect a LARGE HEALTH PACK. If you do so, repeat the way to reach the
balcony. Once you are back there, climb the ladder on the left to reach the
balcony above. You'll find a ladder on the other side of this balcony and an
opened window just before. Go inside the room through the opened window and
examine the cupboards to collect a CHOCOLATE and 160 EUROS. You will find
ANTIQUE DOUBLOONS near the trash on the floor as well. The closet is locked
and you can't open it yet. Leave this room after that. Climb the ladder to
the level above and before jumping to the other side pick up the Antique
Doubloons at the left. Jump to the other side after that. Pick up the
Chocolate at the left balcony and move to the right. Hop to the right and
climb up the drainpipe. Once you reach the top shimmy to the right and
release the edge once you are over the small roof. Jump and hold the right
edge and shimmy around the corner. Climb up to the rooftop as soon as you can.

The roof top

On the rooftop push the barrel at the top left corner and go down to
the platform bellow to collect the Crowbar. Get the Health Bandages at the
left side of the cabin, over a barrel. At this point, you can return to
the room you entered trough the window to open the closet with the Crowbar. In
order to do so, you must return by going the reverse way. You will find a
Necklace inside the closet. Once you have it, return to the rooftop and open
the small cabin's door with the Crowbar. Lara will feel stronger once you do
it. Inside examine the closet and you'll find the M-V9. Return to the platform
where you found the Crowbar, jump and hold the edge and quickly shimmy to the
left. Lara will fall just after passing the fence. Tap the Stealth button and
follow the balcony. You'll find the Gantry Gate Key just before the stairs and
the guard, over the wooden table. Collect it. If you want, you can approach
the guard and press action while standing behind him. This will knock him out,
but there is no big advantage in doing so. Open the gate at the other side of
this balcony and go down the ladder. You'll start the next level after the

.........................DERELICT APARTMENT BLOCK.............................

-Health Pills x 1
-Small Medipack x 1
-Health Bandages x 1
-Chocolate x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2
-K2 Impactor Battery x 1
-Lift Maintenace Key
-Apartment Key

Guards x 3 (Only one can be killed)


After the sequence, start pushing the closet to the front of the door.
Start climbing the stairs. The first two doors can't be opened, so keep
running to the right until the guards break through the door. They will throw
gas grenades, so you can't breath for too long when the gas is nearby. Don't
try to go back to fight the guards because if you get too close you'll be

Ignore the doors on the left and jump over the broken stairs.
Once you see the piece of the ceiling falling jump over the hole to the other
side ignoring the doors again (the first door before the hole can be opened
later). After the jump check the left side to collect Health Pills on the
floor. Push the closet and keep going up the stairs. Check the left side again
to collect a Small Medipack and break through the first door (Lara will feel
stronger after you do so). Open the two closets to get V-Packer Standard
Cartridges and K2 Impactor Battery. Leave the room and move to the stairs
again, but make sure you collect the Health Bandages before the next set. You
will find a metal box at the top. Push it and climb to it. Jump to the next
floor and open the door close to Lara on the right. In this room collect the
Lift Maintenace Key from the floor and the Apartment key from the board.


Before exiting through the
metal door press the switch to activate the lift. Exit the room, enter the
lift near by and take it to floor 1. Exit the lift and jump over the broken
stairs again. Open the first door to the left (the one that you couldn't
previously open). Inside collect the Vector-R35 from the closet, a
Chocolate in the left drawer and V-Packer Standard Cartridges in the right
drawer. Return to the elevator, take it to floor 4 and finally open the
metal door to exit this building.

...........................INDUSTRIAL ROOF TOPS...............................

-Large Health Pack x 2
-Health Bandages x 2
-Health Pills x 1
-Chocolate x 1
-Antique Doubloons x 3
-M-V9 Clips x 3
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2

-Dog x 2


Start climbing to the metal platform and go up the ladder. On top, jump
to hold the wire and swing to the other side (press crawl to pass over the
roof). Release the wire once you are on the other side and collect the Health
Bondages near the boxes. Go down the roof from the right side of the boxes and
make sure you try to slide backwards and grab the edge of the roof and release
to land on the balcony if you want to keep your health high. If you slide down
forward, you'll lose 50% of your health. You can also jump to the other side
instead of sliding to the balcony to find some Health Bandages inside a box.
After that drop down to the balcony from that side.

There is a ladder at the left side of the boxes. While I missed it at
first, you can go down walking without needing to slide to the balcony.

Either ways, open the red metal door and collect the Antique Doubloons
on the floor. Move to the next door and once inside collect the chocolate over
the drawers and the M-V9 Clips on the floor. Exiting the room through the
other door.

The next section has many optional areas and items. There are two ways
to finish the level, one of them allows you to collect every item. I decided
to divide this section by Parts, depending on how fast you want to finish the
level, because I think it is less confusing to explain everything. In my
walkthrough you will be able to pick up all items available for the path you
choose, but the only way to pick them all is by following all the Parts.

If you wish to finish the level collecting every single item, follow
every single Part up to the last one. If you want to finish the level right
now, simply exit the room through the other door to the balcony, ignore the
door in front and check the ladder on the left. Proceed from Part 3...

Part 1:
Once you leave the room to the balcony, ignore the ladder at the left
and open the door just in front. Go right and try to reach the drainpipe by
walking close to the wall across the small platform. At the bottom you will
find a Large Health Pack. Crawl under the big door and pick up the M-V9 Clips
on the floor. Keep running until you see a barrel on fire. Go left and check
the end of the alley to the left of the fence to find another Large Health
Pack. There is a gate in this fence, but can't be opened. Instead, climb to
the other side of the fence through the gap of the barbwire, kill the dog and
collect the M-V8 Clips inside the container. Push the block near the barrel on
fire and Lara's legs will feel stronger. Climb to the block and jump to reach
the ladder. Go to inside the warehouse again and take the left stairs down.
Press "Walk" button to aproach the edge and then press "Action" to hang and
drop down to the platform bellow. Do a running jump from the right side of
this platform and press "Action" to hold the edge of the small platform on
the other side. Shimmy to the left to climb up to the platform and go up the
ladder. Pick up the V-Packer Standard Cartridges and hop to the other side.
Open the door. Keep going and open the door on the left. Jump to the balcony
on the other side.

If you wish to finish the level now, go up the stairs, open the door at
the top and proceed to Part 4. Otherwise proceed to Part 2...

Part 2:
Go down the stairs and collect the Antique Doubloons. Slowly approach
the edge of this balcony and drop down to the area bellow. Kill the dog and
jump the right fence to the other side (by simply getting close to it,
pressing "Jump" and holding "Action" and then pressing "Up"). Go back to the
barrel on fire and climb back to the ladder. Proceed to part 3...

Part 3:
Climb the ladder all the way up and climb another ladder at the top.
Pick up the V-Packer Standard Cartridges before sliding down the roof. After
sliding down pick up the Health Pills on the ground and climb another ladder
at the right. At the top jump through the opening in the fence to the other
roof top.

Part 4:
Collect the Antique Doubloons behind the small cabin. Approach the
place where the fence is broken to finish this level.

.......................MARGOT CARVIER'S APARTMENT.............................

-Notebook x 1
-Health pills x 1
-Diamond Ring x 1
-Vintage Cognac x 1

-No enemies


Once the Dialogue starts, you'll have several options for answers.
Don't be too harsh with Mademoiselle Carvier, otherwise she will not give you
Werner's Notebook. The right options in order to see the entire dialogue and
get the Notebook are marked with a (*), but it's up to you to choose the

-Yes, and I don't have time to waste. I'm being chased all over Paris
-Can I get you anything? (*)

-Who was the comission from?
-Package? (*)

-Were you able to help him?
-Obscura paintings? (*)

-Werner didn't scare easily!
-I wonder why exactly? (*)
-Can we move this along a bit?

-There was gunfire. That's all I can recall.
-We argued. I can remember that. And - gunfire! (*)

-If I'd wanted to kill Werner I could have done that in Egypt.
-Mademoiselle, I was a good friend of Werner's. I didn't kill him. I didn't!

-Then I suggest you give it to me, now!
-I really am going to need Werner's notebook. (*)

-If you got the notebook:
Open the old desk's drawer to collect the Health Pills. Examine the
small lamp to the left of the kitchen's entrance to get the Diamond Ring. Go
to the kitchen and get the Vintage Cognac (the green bottle). Don't bother
examining anything else, as it is useless. The police will be there in no
time and you must rush. You'll see two sequences of the police coming. If the
police enters the apartment before you leave it's game over. Leave the house
through the main door in the corridor and you'll see a sequence of Lara hoping
out through a window.

-If you didn't get the notebook:
You can collect the three items as described above (Health Pills,
Diamond Ring and Vintage Cognac) as well as the Notebook, which is hidden
inside the first drawer (right side) in the kitchen, just under the microwave.
After that leave the house through the door on the corridor before the police

After the sequence You'll start in a new area.

...............................PARISIAN GHETTO................................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-Small Medipack x 1
-Chocolate x 1
-160 Euros x 7
-Diamond Ring x 2
-Desert Ranger Clip x 1
-Vector R-35 Rounds x 2
-M-V9 Clips x 2
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 1
-Ex-Janitor's Keys
-Bartender's Key

-No enemies

Second visit:

-Large Health Pack x 1 (sewers)
-80 Euros x 1 (sewers)

Third visit (Rennes Prawnshop)

-Renne's Wallet
-Scrap of Paper
-Dart SS
-Dart SS Darts x 1
-K2 Impactor Battery x 1
-Map of Sewers Around Louvre
-Map of Archaeological Dig

-No enemies


In order to help you out locating everything at the Ghetto, I did my
best to recreate the map. It is the best I could do.

| ' ' |
| ' ST. AICARD'S ' |
| ' GRAVEYARD (*) | |
| ' H, A | |
| ____________________________ ' _______________ | |
| / ' / | |
| / ________________________' / | |
| / | | / | |
| / | | | | | |
| / | | | | | |
| / | | | | | |
| ,---------, | | | | |
| | CAFÉ | | | | ST. AICARD | |____|
| |METRO (C)| | _________ (G) | | CHURCH | | |
| | | | | | V | | H,A,V | | |
| |___(2)___|. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |_____| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | M _|_____|___(3)___|______|(F)_|_________(1)_______|_____| |
| | |
| | (*) ,----------, ,,,,,_____________ _____________ |
| | | | | | | ''''''| /|
| | | | | | | M,A | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | |___________| | | | | | |
| |__ _______________ | | | PARC DU LUNE | | |
| | | ; | | | (*) | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (D) | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | |_______________| |________ | | | | |
| | '------...| '-------------------' | |
| | ,..---'''''''..,,,_____ ___________________ | |
|___ | ---''' '---_ | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | (E)|
| | | M | | | ./ |_|
|RENNES' | | | ./ |
|PRAWNSHOP ; | | ./ |
| ''...._________________ | |___________./ ....------|
| (*) M---------' ,' |
|--------------------------(B),_______(4)_____________ _____..' |
| _________________(A)| | | | |
| |______________________| (5) |
| SERPENT | | |
| ROUGE (6) | |

(1) - St. Aicard's Church entrance
(2) - Café Metro's entrance
(3) - Rue Dominique, 17 (door to Francine's house patio)
(4) - Man hole to the sewers
(5) - Man hole to the sewers
(6) - Serpent Rouge's Stage Entrance (Pierre's path)
(7) - Serpent Rouge's Garage Entrance (Bernard's path)
(A) - Civilian
(B) - Jenice
(C) - Café Metro
(D) - Bernard
(E) - Willowtree Herballist
(F) - Doorman
(G) - Francine
(*) - Map locations
M - Money
A - Ammo
H - Healing items
V - Valueable items
(*) Accessible later (through Francine's house)

Lara wakes up inside an old train. Leave the train and speak to the man
on the bottom left side. After that climb to the top of the train by using the
pipe and climb the fence to reach a platform just over a big pipe. Drop down
to the other side to find a Large Health Pack on top of the train. Drop down
to the area bellow and climb back to the metal platform. Before going to the
right side through the opening in the fence, you can do a running jump to the
other metal platform in front of the one you are standing. After that jump to
the ledge with some plants and walk to the right side trough the broken fence.
You'll find a Chocolate and 160 Euros lying on the floor. To leave, you can
either drop down to the area bellow (you'l lose some health) or walk along the
ledge with plants and jump backwards to the platform. Either ways, return to
the first metal platform and go through the opening in the fence. Speak to the
man standing there. You can select the answers again. The ones I gave are
marked with a (*) but it doesn't really matter what you answer.

-The Monstrum is a "him"? How do you know that?
-What do you really know about the Monstrum? (*)

-What's at Café Metro?
-Who do I talk to there? The owner? (*)

After the talk the Notebook will be updated. Before leaving to the
streets through the door at the right of the man, make sure you go all the way
right until the end where you can find 160 Euros.

In the streets talk to the women standing there. You'll have to answer
again and she will tell you her name at the end of the conversation.

-Have you worked in this neighbourhood for long? (*)
-I wouldn't worry, we're not in the same class.

-And no one knows where he is.
-Oh? Trouble? (*)

-Better than anything I have so far. Thanks. I didn't catch your name. (*)
-What makes this café owner so unlucky?

After the talk with Janice, the Notebook will be updated. There are
several tasks to complete while in the streets. There are two ways to
finish this level, but I'll give the description on how to get the maximum
amount of items possible for both ways. Go right first to collect 160 euros
from the floor, but then head left. Take a look on the map of the Ghetto in
the wall to the right. Keep going left and enter the last door. This is
Renne's Pawshop. Talk to the man inside.

-But you can keep your mouth shut?
-How concerned are you with legal niceties? (*)

You will be able to sell all your valuable items for cash:
-Antique Doubloons: 20 Euros
-Necklace: 65 Euros
-Diamond Ring: 195 Euros
-Vintage Cognac: 320 Euros
-Gold Watch: 160 Euros
-Antique Flintlock: 320 Euros
-Antique Record: 245 Euros

Go left as you exit the shop and turn left again. Go up the stairs and
check the the small area on the right to find 160 Euros on the floor. This
large area with the tree in the middle is where the Café Metro is located.
Remember the location if you wish to come back here. Collect 160 Euros in the
corner in front. Now you have to choose whom you want to deal with: the barman
(Pierre) or the janitor (Bernard). By dealing with Bernard you will be able to
pick an extra valuable item, the Antique Flintlock, and a couple of extra
items, but Pierre's place will allow you to visit an extra alley later.
Before you decide between Pierre or Bernard, you can go to the park by
heading East from the place where you found the last 160 Euros on the floor
throught the left street. Take the right street going down (the one that ends
up in the place where the truck is blocking the street) and go up the stairs
on the left. Open the last door to enter the Willowtree Herbalist store. Talk
to the chinese man there to get more information and a Notebook update. Leave
the store after that and choose who you want to deal with.


You can now go to the park or enter Café Metro. If you wish to enter
Café Metro, just open the door near the motorcycle. Talk to Pierre.

-No I don't, but I do deal with problems. Sort them out. (*)
-How would you know?

He will ask you to collect a certain box hidden in a light that doesn't
work. He will also give you Bartender's Key to open Serpent Rouge's door.


Open the gate on the right at the corner after leaving the herbalist
store to enter the park. You'll find Bernard there. Talk to him and try to be
nice, otherwise he will refuse to speak to you and will not ask you to deal.
If that happens, you'll have to deal with Pierre.

-You should be more polite to strangers. You never know who they are.
-You're name's Bernard. Janice said I might find you here. (*)

-Watch your attitude old man!
-I'm trying to find someone. (*)

-You'd better not be giving me the run around, old man!
-Here! Now, how do I find Bouchard? (*)

He will give you Ex-Janitor's Keys.

................................SERPENT ROUGE.................................

-Chocolate x 4
-Health Pills x 1
-Health Bandages x 2
-Large Health Pack x 1
-M-V9 Clips x 3
-Desert Ranger Clips x 2
-K2 Impactor Batteries x 2
-Desert Ranger x 1
-Vintage Cognac x 2
-Antique Record x 1
-Antique Flintlock x 1
-Sports Watch x 1
-Socket Spanner x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2
-M-V9 x 11 (dropped by guards)
-Stage Door Key x 1
-Trinket Box x 1
-Ticket Office Key x 2
-160 Euros

-Guard x 11



Leave the bar and head back to the place where you met Jenice. Take the
route to the left and you'll see a sequence with a strange biker. It was the
same guy that was sitting in the bar. Enter the small alley at the right.
Ignore the manhole and open the door that says "Stage Entrance" on a tablet at
the right. You are now inside the Serpent Rouge. Enter the door and after the
camera shows you the guard move to the left. Press the switch nearby to
turn the lights off. Kill the guard by either using your guns or fighting
him. Examine the desk to get a Chocolate, the Desert Ranger, the Stage Door
Key and the M-V9 the guard drops and leave. Collect the Desert Ranger Clips on
the boxes at the left and go to the other side of the corridor. Go up the
stairs and open the door. Head for the SERPENT ROUGE'S MAIN ROOM section


Leave the park and take the right street until you see a truck. Head
right again and look for the garage door near the alley to the left. Open the
door. Inside, activate the lever to make the lift with the jeep go up. Pick
up the Socket Spanner on the table and press the lever next to the table to
open the trapdoor and to make Lara stronger. Get the M-V9 Clips and K2
Impactor Batteries inside both lockers on the right. The lockers on the left
have an Antique Flintlock and Health Bandages. Climb the stairs and open the
door to get the Desert Ranger handgun and the Desert Ranger Clips. Leave this
small room and go down the trapdoor under the lift. Get the Chocolate and the
M-V9 Clips over the boxes. Climb the ladder down there. In the new room get
the Vintage Cognac near the boxes and then use the Socket Spanner on the
switch in order to use it. A lift with two sets of V-Packer Standard
Cartridges will come up, but you will not be able to pick them at the moment.
The noise will bring the attention of a guard that will open the door. Kill
him and exit through the door to the main room with the stage. head for the
SERPENT ROUGE'S MAIN ROOM section just below...


At this point the paths converge.
At the stage kill the two guards and collect their MV-9 if you wish.
Examine the bar and press the switch behind the counter to reveal 2 sets of
V-Packer Standard Cartridges. Then get the two Chocolates and the Vintage
Cognac. Head for the stage and ignore the two doors on the left (you come from
the right if you deal with Pierre the left if you deal with Bernard). Check
the right side of the stage first to get some Health Pills. Climb to the stage
by its left side and collect the Antique Record. Activate the music switch on
the wall. This will attract more guards. Use your weapons to kill both and
collect the M-V9 they leave.

Climb the stairs to the next level. At the top take care of another
guard. Go to the other side of this floor to find the stairs blocked with
boxes. There is a metal box nearby. Push it to the center and use it to climb
to the metal structure. At this point another guard sometimes shows up from
the other side, so be careful. Do a Running Jump to the other side of the
structures to get to the 3rd floor's platform, but be careful because part of
it falls before you get the limit. Wait until it completely falls before
jumping. Pick up the Large Health Pack and take care of the guard that comes
from the left. Kill the guard that shows up in the opposite side and look out
for the second guard of the lower floor (if he didn't show up before he will
probably show up now). You'll then have to jump to the moving structure with
the coloured lights. Wait until they come down to jump and hold them. Climb up
and wait until they stop to jump to the other side. Climb the left structure
to the top, walk to the left corner, jump to the other side and from there
jump to the balcony just in front before the structure moves down. After that
climb up the ladder just near by and go down the sliding ledge but jump before
falling to land over the platform. Jump to the other one at the right and go
left. Run and Jump to the structure in front and shimmy to the left until
you can climb up. After that jump to the platform just bellow and kick the
small bridge to make it fall, but don't across it yet. This makes Lara
stronger and now she will be able to open the cabin's door just on the right
side. Inside you'll find two levers and the Ticket Office Key on the floor.
Press the left lever two times and the right lever once. Leave the cabin, go
across the bridge and climb the ladder. examine the light on the left to get
the Crinket Box. You have to deliver it to Pierre. Before going down the
ladder kill the guard near the cabin. Return to the cabin. If you wish to
finish the level open the green door, otherwise go down the ladder first.


Go down the ladder before opening the door. Get the Chocolat bar on the
floor and open the door. Go around the platform and jump back to the metal
structure (the one that broke before). Turn around to kill a guard in the
lower platform and drop down at the end of the structure. Go to the stairs
back to the first floor and open the ticket office at the left corner. Inside
collect 120 Euros and another Ticket Office Key. Return to the cabin on the
last floor and open the green door to exit the Serpent Rouge. To return to
that door go up the stairs, go arount the platform to reach the metal box,
climb to it to reach the metal structure, use it jo jump to the other side
and finally go left and climb the ladder behind the door.

..................PARISIAN GHETTO (second visit)..............................

(Items and Enemies description under the first section of PARISIAN GHETTO)


Go down the ladder and slowly go down to the platform below through the
hole. Go down the stairs and slowly hang and drop down back to the streets.
Everytime you go down make sure you don't jump or simply run to the edge,
otherwise you'll lose some health.


Head down the street and take the alley a bit further to the right of
the truck (the same alley with the Serpent Rouge's stage entrance). Open the
manhole and go down to Bouchard's hideout (not exactly, but that's how they
call it). Go forward, ignoring the side paths. This should take you to a dead
end, but if you climb to the wooden box you can then jump and grab the wall to
climb up to a wooden platform. From there jump to the next platform just in
front. Jump and grab the small strip on the wall and shimmy to the left until
you can climb to the passageway. Crawl to the next space and move to the next
passage. You will end up in the Metropolitan's exit you could see from the
park. Pick up the the two sets of M-V9 Clips, the V-Packer Standard Cartridges
and two sets of 160 Euros. Unlock the gate to the park, but return to the
sewers. Go back to the intersection in the sewers and take the left path. Move
along until you find a circular, deep area. Walk to the right egde of the
broken circular platform as further as you can and press "Action" to move down
and hold the edge. Do not release it though. Shimmy around the corner and use
the climbable wall to reach the opening above where you can find a Diamond
Ring. Return to the circular platform and do a running jump to the other side.
Collect the Vector-R35 Rounds. If you already got strong enough (after the
Serpent Rouge), you can open the door at the top of the ladder. Behind you'll
find a Large Health Kit and 80 Euros. Return to the crossing and take the left
path. Use the ladder to leave the sewers.

At the sewers, the only path you didn't visit will take you to a ladder
that leads to to a manhole in the middle of the street just outside.


St. Aicard's Church's entrance is located exactly in front of the
park's gate. Go inside. Talk to the fat man with a white shirt there and make
a bet. You can win a Gold Watch if you win the bet. He will ask you to choose
between the two fighters. Note this is a one-time bet, and if you lose you
don't get the Gold Watch and still lose 200 Euros.

-Zak looks a good mover
-My money's on Carl

I don't know if the winner is completely random, but every time I pick
Carl he wins. It is best to save the game before talking to the man. Now you
can push the block near the statue. If you do so, Lara's legs will feel
stronger. Push it to the left and use it to climb to the platform on top. Jump
and hold the row and shimmy to the left. Take a break over the first column,
then proceed to the left and release the row over the second column. Pick the
Small medipack and drop down. Go back to the statue and pull/push the block to
the right side this time. Repeat the process (grab the row, shimmy to the
right, taking a break over the first column) to collect Vector-R35 Rounds and
Desert Ranger Clips. After that you can shimmy to the corner at the right.
Release the row, turn yourself a little bit to the right and Side-jump to the
balcony where you can find a Diamond Ring. You can also climb to the top of
the small house where the piano is, and from there you can climb and walk in
the wooden structure (part of it will fall, so be careful) and go down the
wall under the left window in the corner, but I find this to be useless since
I couldn't find anything there. Leave the Church once you are done. You can
then sell the Gold Watch.


Return to the park and talk to him. He will tell you the password
("Pluit noir") and the Notebook will be updated. Now leave the park and go
talk to the Doorman standing in a gate to the left from the park's entrance.
You will be entering the graveyard from the main door. Move to the ST.


Return to Café Metro (Northwest corner of the Ghetto) to deliver the
Trinket Box. Talk to Pierre and he will give you Café Owners Contact and a
Notebook update. The papper has the adress and the code of his ex-wife's
house. You must get there. Take the first left street as if you were heading
to the park. This is Rue Dominique. Look for number 17 on the left side (it's
the one near a bin) and once you find it imput the code 15328 on the lock
device. Enter the door. Climb the stairs and enter the house. Talk to Francine
to get some information and then examine the drawer behind her to get a Sports
Watch and some Health Pills in the right drawer. Leave through the balcony's
door and move to the ST. AICARD'S GRAVEYARD section below.


Make sure you have at least 800 Euros and go talk to the Doorman. He is
the guy standing next to a gate to the left of the Park's entrance. You will
give him the Crincket Box and 800 Euros. Proceed to the ST. AICARD'S GRAVEYARD
section below


I was returning to the park to deliver the Crincket Box after leaving
Serpent Rouge and I passed in front of the door you are supposed to unlock
with the code Pierre leaves you. I already knew the code (15328), so I decided
to open the door anyway. Strangely enough, I was able to enter the house and
talk to Francine. I also got the Sports Watch and the Healph Pills before
leaving through the balcony's door. I was able to save the Crincket Box and to
keep all the valuable items as well, even knowing they are useless. I must
warn you, this is not the right way to complete the game. It was probably a
flaw. Don't do it unless you played the game before. This way works best if
you choose to deal with Bernard, because that way you can keep all the
valuable items. Proceed to the ST. AICARD'S GRAVEYARD section just below.

.........................ST. AICARD'S GRAVEYARD...............................

-Health Bandages x 2
-Chocolate x 1
-Desert Ranger Clips x 2

-Dog x 2



You will be immediately inside the graveyard. Skip to the GRAVEYARD
MAIN AREA paragraph.


-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 1

Once you leave Francine's house, you will be out in the balcony.
Running jump to the next balcony at your right. Move along the balcony to the
next one (hop over the rails) and climb the drain pipe there. You are now over
a platform near the roof. The objective is to run to the other side because
this platform will break. Don't worry, since the last ledge will not fall.
Take a left turn and the camera angle should chagnge. At this point you can go
down the the alley bellow to collect V-Packer Standard Cartridges before using
the wire to get to the other side. In order to do so, approache the left edge,
press "Action" and shimmy to the right to reach the drain pipe. Go down to the
area below and break the door there to find the cartridges lying on the floor.
You will only be able to break through the door if you got stronger by
pressing the lever inside Serpent Rouge's garage. For more details on how to
choose Bernard's path and sill visit this alley please refer to the "IF YOU
WISH TO MOVE TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND KEEP THE BOX" section above. Return to the
platform, jump and grab the wire and use it to reach the balcony at the other
side of the alley. From this balcony go around the corner, and you can slowly
drop down in the place where the raisl are broken to the graveyard. You'll
land on top of a shrine. Drop down to the area below.


Once you are inside the graveyard, go around to the right and kill the
dog. You will see a gate just in front and a door at the left, but they can't
be opened. Check the right corner behind the shrine to find some Health
Bandages. Then climb to the top of the shrine on the right side of the door
and jump to the top of the other one just next to it. Turn right and do a
running jump to the next one in front (the camera angle should change). Jump
to the shrine in the area surrounded by bars with the statue. Open the
shrine's door and Lara will feel stronger. Collect the Desert Ranger Clips. If
you want to finish the level skip the next optional part.


Before examining the statue you can still get some extra items if you
wish. Climb to the shrine (the one with the clips you just got) and jump back
to the top of the previous shrine (where the camera angle changes). Walk
towards the left side of the screen and jump forward to hold an edge with some
plants/grass. You might fail this jump once or twice, but that's normal.
Approach the left limit of this platform. Jump forward to the top of the
shrine surrounded by bars. Drop down to open the shrine's door and get the
Desert Ranger Clips and the Health Bandages. Note that you must open the right
shrine's door first in order to get strong enough to open this one. To leave
this area you must climb to the top of the shrine and jump over the bars. You
have to climb and jump to the top of the shrines to reach the statue again.

Push the statue against the tombstone. It will fall over the tomb and
unlock a secret path. Go inside to leave this area.

..............................BOUCHARD'S HIDEOUT..............................

-Desert Ranger Clips x 3
-Small Medipack x 1

-Rat x 5


Unlike the sewers you've seen in the Parisian Ghetto, this is the real
path to Bouchard's Hideout. Start by killing the rat. As you walk forward the
ground will start to fall. Don't stop running and jump before the end (avoid
to fall in the next section)

If you didn't fall, skip the next two paragraphs. If you fall in the
first section, kill the rat and ignore the hole at the left and climb up the
roots near the hole.

If you fall in the next section, kill the rat, use the small hole to
crawl to the previous section (kill another rat if you didn't kill it before)
and climb through the roots at the right side of the hole back to the top.

To skip the next hole you must grab the red cord on the right wall and
shimmy to the other side as fast as possible, since you can barely make it. If
you fall read the previous paragraph before continuing. If you make it to the
other side, wait until the edge falls. Now you will slide down the edge and
fall in the water. It is ok to fall, although you might not think at first.
Swim to the other side and climb the plants on the right wall. Once you get to
the top Lara will grab a fissure. Shimmy to the left to get to the other side
and release the fissure. I found a rat in the bottom of the water, but he
didn't attack and I couldn't kill it either. Continue to move forward. You'll
pass by an air shaft at the right wall that can be opened, but first approach
the dead end with the wrecks and pull the rock to clean the way. After that
return to the air shaft. Kill the rat around and open the shaft. Crawl to the
next room, collect the Desert Ranger Clips on the floor and open the door.
Open another door in the corridor and head left. You are back to the place
where you started the level. Now you can go across the wrecks to the other
side. Keep going until you find more water. Swim to the other side and you
should find a small room with pipes and steam. Check the right wall you came
from to see an opening. Go through it to finally reach the hideout. Take the
left door (the gate in front can't be opened and in the next room you'll find
a weird man in a bed and a Small Medipack next to him. Check the cell in front
of this man to find Desert Ranger Clips. Then head for the left and open the
door to enter Bouchard's room. You have a talk with him. If you choose the
first option during the dialogue, you die and it's a game over.

-Don't jerk me around Bouchard. I lost that friend yesterday.
-Easy, Bouchard. I lost that friend yesterday. Now I'm wanted for his murder.

-What would you suggest?
-A front, obviously.(*)

-Why not have one of your men deliver your... passports?
-Passports! (*)

After the conversation the Notebook will be updated. press the lever
near the closed door. Leave the room back to the cells and enter the second
cell at the left. You can find some Desert Ranger Clips on the floor. Pick
them up and push the wooden box to the cell's entrance (push it to the left
until it stops moving and then to the door). Climb to it to reach a platform
on top. Press the lever there to open the closed door in Bouchard's room.
Leave the hideout through that door. You will get out in ST. AICARD'S CHURCH.
If you didn't collect the items before, now's your chance. Check the two
OPTIONAL paragraphs in "PARISIAN GHETTO" (second visit) section if you wish to
get what you missed before. Note that due to a glitch ALL the items you picked
up before in Parisian Ghetto, St. Aicard's Church, St. Aicard's Graveyard and
the Sewers (Bouchard's Hideout) might be there again even if you picked them
before. I didn't count the repeated items.

.......................PARISIAN GHETTO (third visit)..........................

(Items and Enemies description under the first section of PARISIAN GHETTO)


Leave St. Aicard's Church and head for Rennes Prawnshop. In case you
don't remember, it's the shop located at the Southwest corner of the Ghetto.
Check the Notebook update to see the exact adress (Rue St. Mark and Cours La
Seine). Once you enter you will see a man passing by you. Go inside the shop
and downstairs behind the counter. Pick up Rennes Wallet on the floor and
examine it to get the Scrap of Paper with a code. The "beep" you hear is a
bomb, located on the other side of the room. Ignore it. Also check the wooden
trapdoor. It can't be opened yet. Open the metal door by entering the code you
got with the Scrap of Paper (14529). Inside you'll find a Map of Sewers Around
Louvre, the Dart SS gun, Dart SS Darts, Explosives, a Map of Archaeological
Dig, a K2 Impactor and K2 Impactor Battery. Be careful, because after
collecting the last item the room will be filled with lasers and the bomb will
be activated. Immediately press the switch on the right to unlock the door
and run to the wooden trapdoor. Open it and drop down. Run forward and you
should fall inside a big tube. Run in the direction of the screen as fast as
you can because the flames should be just behind you. If you make it you
finish the level.

............................LOUVRE STORM DRAINS...............................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-Chocolate x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 1
-Desert Ranger Clips x 2
-M-V9 Clips x 1

-Rat x 4


After sliding down go forward to the circular area with water and kill
a rat. Get the Chocolate on the floor on the left. Take the left path first to
collect a Large Health Pack at the top of the stairs near the door (can't be
opened), but then come back and take the right path through the tunnel with
water. Go forward, ignoring the opening on the left for now and killing a
mouse in your way. Keep going until you reach the area with the water falling.

At this point, the objective is to turn six valves located around the
level in order to stop the waterfall. There is no special order to turn them.

Kill the rat walking around at the left area. Locate and climb up the
drainpipe near the two large tubes coming from the wall on the other side of
the water falling. Climb to the platform and press the switch at the end. Go
down the drainpipe (ignore the bar with black and yellow stripes for now) and
head to the left tunnel where the rat you killed was walking. Take the right
opening and go up the small ladder. Turn the ventilator twice to make Lara
strong enough to turn the valves and crawl to the shaft behind the
ventilator. Collect the V-Packer Standard Cartridges and go forward to the
other side. At the other side don't bother checking the left entrance, as it
leads to a dead end. Turn the first valve just in front and return to the area
with the water falling. Climb the drainpipe one more time to the platform
above, but this time use the bar with black and yellow stripes to reach a
platform at the other side, without worrying with the water falling over you.
You should see the second valve just in front, so turn it. Collect the Desert
Ranger Clips on the other side of the platform, but don't bother climbing the
ladder a little bit above. Trust me, you will find another way later that will
make you come back to this area but from the top. Once again, go down the
drainpipe and take the tunnel on the left of it. Go through the opened door at
the end and collect the Desert Ranger Clips on the floor. The next room has
the third valve on the left, a rat moving around and a ladder heading down
the hole. Turn the valve after killing the rat and head down the ladder. Swim
through the only opening available and you should end up coming from the first
opening I told you to ignore. Go left to return to the area with the water
falling. You can now swim through the hole in the middle of this area.

You have to swim for a bit, taking two left turns and going up before
reaching the next room. You'll end up in a big, circular room. Climb the
broken platform to leave the water and go around it until Lara says "I can
Climb up on that". There's a thin metalic tube above that point. Jump to it
and head for the other side, but release it once you are above the large bar
with balck and yellow stripes. The fourth valve is at the left with a ladder
right next to it. Turn it and ignore the ladder (as it is useless) and use the
thin metal bar again to continue to the left side. Climb up the broken
platform to the top and go around it, passing by the large tunnel and jumping
to the fifth valve.

If you missed any of the first valves, you can return by going through
the large tunnel close by. Duck and crawl to pass the bars to the other side
and find the opening on the left wall. Slide down back to tunnel near the
place where you turned the ventilator twice and got stronger. This is just a

Now look for the door on the other side. Jump back to the tunnel's
entrance and follow the platform to the door. Do a running jump to reach it.
Open the door and follow the corridor collecting the M-V9 Clips on the way.
Once you leave the corridor you'll notice you are back to the room with the
water falling, but in a platform above. Go across another large bar with black
and yellow stripes to the other side and head right. Hold the thin metal tube
and use it to reach the last valve. Turn it. After that, simply return using
the thin metal tube again and go around the platform. Jump to the tunnel,
since there is no more water running and open the door.

At this point you can climb down at any time and still be able to
return if you climb the ladder a bit above the second valve (the one I told
you not to climb when you turned the valve), but that is useless if you turned
all five valves up to this point and considering there is a shortcut to get
you down there (read the previous NOTE above).

....................LOUVRE STORM DRAINS (part 2)..............................

-No items

-No enemies


Slowly walk to the limits of the tunnel and press "Action" to slowly
drop down. Head right to find the large pipe. Lara says it is the place where
the explosives must be set. Place them, and immediately jump backwards to the
water. Do not try to come to the surface, otherwise you'll die. Instead, swim
to the tunnel on the left. Take the second turn to the left and swim until you
get out of the water. Turn left twice to return to the room and, again,
drop down slowly by hanging the edge first. Return to the place where you set
the explosives by heading left. Climb the small ladder, jump over the fire
instead of going down the next ladder and finally climb the ladder on the
right wall to reach a platform on top to avoid the fire. Drop down at the
other side and while running to the Louvre careful not to fall near the pipe,
since the platform's rails are destroyed. Enter the Louvre's lower floor
through the newly opening on the wall and head right to find the stairs to
the next floor.

In this room there are two ladders, one in each side of the room. While
the right one is usefull to help you passing the fire after the explosion,
the left one is useless, so there is no point in climbing it.
If you fall in the water before setting the explosives, you can return
by climbing the ladder on the other side and going all the way around to the
place where they must be set. Don't bother exploring the tunnels because there
is nothing you can find. They are only there to allow to to leave the water on
fire due to the oil.

..............................LOUVRE GALLERIES................................

-Large Health Pack x 3
-K2 Impactor Battery x 1
-Louvre Low Security Pass

-Security Guard x 8


I recommend you to use your K2 Impactor to kill guards in this level,
because that gun works very well against them and you have plenty of ammo at
this point.
As soon as the level starts, the Notebook will be updated. The next
objective is to reach Carvier's office to get a pass. Go up the stairs. You
should see a door in front. There is a camera near by, if you are caugh you
will have to kill an extra guard, so try to avoid it. That door can't be
opened yet because Lara isn't strong enough yet, so turn right and
immediatelly kill the guard. He will drop a K2 Impactor Battery. Go up the
stairs and then go around the corridor and open the door at the end. This is
the first exposition room and it is filled with lasers.

If you touch the lasers the door on the other side will be locked with
bars, and a guard will show up. The guard only shows up the first time you
activate the alarm by touching the lasers, but the door will always be
blocked. In order to shut the alarm and make things return to normal you must
press the switch on the right wall near the painting (at the entrance). The
objective is to reach the door without touching the lasers. Climb to the
showcase in the middle and jump to the stone on the left wall (walk and jump
if you can't reach it with a normal jump). Hold its edge and climb up to
collect the Large Health Pack over it. Use this ledge to do a running jump
over the first set of lasers, and then climb to the showcase in the center.
Now you have a set of 6 lasers aligned horizontaly and two other lasers moving
up and down. You have to run and jump to the next showcase in the middle over
those lasers. Wait until the moving ones come down to jump. More lasers will
show up in front of you. There are four just in front, and the upper two are
constantly on and off. Jump to the next showcase when they are off. Turn left
and hang the showcase from the right side. Shimmy to the right in order to
avoid the next set of lasers. Release the showcase at the other side. After
this a net of lasers will show up. To pass through it simply climb to the
right showcase and jump over the laser (keep yourself close to the wall). Open
the door.

In the next room the camera will circle around. If you touch the lasers
you'll alert the guard keeping the door at the right and attract another one
from the other side of the room, so be careful if you don't want extra
trouble. Pass the cross-shaped lasers by crawling through the middle and enter
stealth mode. To pass the next set of lasers you must hug the wall (pressing X
while facing it in Stealth mode) and move to the right, but first watch the
guard. You can kill the guard without being seen, but you have to wait for the
right moment, when he moves to the right. You can then pass the lasers and
move against him to grab him from behind. If he sees you the other guard will
show up as well. Collect the Louvre Low Secuity Pass he drops, but before
opening the door he was keeping get Large Health Pack at the left corner of
the room, near another door that cannot be opened from this side. There is a
security camera here too, and if it catches you a third guard will show up
from the room's entrance. Take a look at the door with the card reader in the
opposite corner of the camera. You can't open it yet, but you get a Notebook

Head through the door on the right the guard was keeping. At the
corridor before the next exposition room there is another camera you can avoid
to prevent an extra guard from coming behind you. Enter Stealth mode before
entering the next room, walk behind the guard and take care of him. You'll see
Mona Lisa surrounded with lasers. If you touch the lasers a mortal gas will
come from the crates on the floor. You must reach the air duct on top of the
picture. Push/pull the small showcase at the corner to reveal the card reader
(Lara's legs will get stronger). Before using the card, push the higher
showcase in the middle of the room in the direction of the painting until you
can't move it anymore. Use the card in the card reader and climb to the top of
the big showcase you pushed. Do a Running jump to hold the ledge above the
painting before the lasers are on again and crawl through the air shaft. You
have nearly 15 seconds to reach the edge.

If you don't reach the air shaft on time you can use the card on the
card reader and try again.
If, for any reason, you touch the lasers and still stay alive, the
deadly gas will disapear 5 seconds later, so there is no need to load the
game as much as you don't touch the gas.

Enter the air shaft and head right.

...........................LOUVRE GALLERIES (part 2).........................

-Health Bandages x 1
-Louvre Guard's Key

-Security Guard x 2


Go through the air shaft until you see a small entrance in front. The
left path leads to a dead end, so crawl through the small entrance to the
other side. Climb the ladder and kick the crate. Kill the guard immediately
and leave the air shaft. The first thing to do here it to head right as soon
as you leave the shaft and climb to the pipe. Jump and hold the ledge just
above the air conditioner and shimmy to the right. You can climb up, but you
must shimmy by holding the edge to get past the round-shaped railings. After
passing the second railing pull up, jump and grab the cord. Use it to reach
the ledge on the opposite side. Lara will feel stronger after doing so. Walk
to the right above this ledge. Once you reach the gap hold down the edge and
shimmy to the right to reach the drainpipe. Go down the drainpipe and head
right at the strip to reach the opened window on the right. There is a guard
inside. Wait until he passes to cacth him from behind if you want, otherwise
enter the window and kill him. He will drop the Louvre Guard's Key. Leave
throught the same window and drop down to the area bellow. Climb the metal
stairs, open the gate and examine both doors at each side. The strengh you got
by using the cord will allow you to break through them. The right one hides
some Health Bandages, but the left one unfortunately doesn't hide any item.
Return to the drainpipe near the opened window and climb it back to the top.
Head right, pass through the gap on the railings and go to the other side.
Open the gate with the Crowbar there and go inside.

You should have the Crowbar at this point because you had to collect it
in the first level, but if you don't for any reason you can get it now by
going down the ladder in front of the gate and opening the door with the
Louvre Guard's Key near the right corner. The Crowbar is inside on a shelf.
Leave through the same door.
You can also unlock the gate at the top of the metal stairs to access
the central area if you like, although there's no reason to do so. There are
also two doors, one at each side (just like the ones at the other side), but
these ones cannot be opened. Climb the ladder back to the top after that.

Inside the gate, climb to the top of the machine and crawl throught the
opened air shaft there. Go down the ladder and head through the shaft.

..........................LOUVRE GALLERIES (part 3)...........................

-Health Bandages
-Small Medipack
-Vector R35 x 1
-Carvier's Security Pass


Security guard x 4


Leave the air shaft to the storage room bellow, enter stealth mode and
open the door. Knock the guard out. You'll see a door with the card reader at
the right, but you cannot open it yet. Head through the corridor and enter the
first door at the right. There is nothing special here (the two closets are
empty), but make sure you memorize the closet behing the automatic doors.
There are three masks inside, but you can't take them yet. They will be useful
later so don't forget where they are. Leave the room after that. Continue
through the corridor and enter the next door at the right. Kill the guard
behind the automatic doors. It's funny to say that he won't see you if the
doors don't open, so wait until he turns his back to enter while in Stealth
mode and knock him out. There is a gun at your right on the shelf (I don't
know which weapon is for sure, but I think it is a Vector-R35). There are a
few camera monitors in this room. Check the left one to see Carvier's office.
Use the left Analog stick to move the camera around and the right analog stick
to use the Zoom feature (push it forward to zoom in and pull it back to zoom
out). Zoom in the PC monitor over the desk to find the piece of paper with the
number 14639. Don't forget this number, as it's the code to open Carvier's
office. Leave this room and open the door at the end of the corridor with the
code (14639).

The security cameras show several different rooms at the Louvre. The
first one at the right is one of the galeries you saw from outside after
leaving the air shaft (there's a security guard there). The second one shows
the metallic stairs. The third
one is the corridor just outside the office.

Inside the room you can open a lot of drawers and cupboards, most of
them are empty. You can get Carvier's Security Card inside the desk's right
cupboard. Collect information on the Obscura Paintings from the painting and
from the book at the left and leave this room. Open the door on the other side
of the corridor with the card. Go down the metallic stairs and go through the
door. The next room has two more doors, but only the right one can be opened.
Open the right door to the next gallery and enter Stealth mode to kill the
guard. Don't worry if he sees you, since no more guards will appear. At the
other side of the gallery use the card on the card reader and leave through
the door. You'll be back to the second gallery you come across at the
beginning of the level. If you didn't collect the the Large Health Kit
previously, now there's your chance. Note that if you are caugh by the
security cameras even if you weren't before the guards shouldn't show up
anymore, but I am not sure about that.


Before heading through the door at the corner on the right, head
through the door you previously came on the left. Unlock the bars by using the
card on the card reader at the right, open it and pass the gallery that was
prevously full of lasers to the main stairs. You can now open the door near
the security camera because Lara is strong enough to break it. Inside you will
find the Health Bandages and a Small Medipack. Return to the room where you
unlocked the bars from the gallery's door.

Open the door at the corner at the right corner of this room after
unlocking it with the card reader on its left side and head down the stairs.
The first entrance on the right leads to a room with a security gurd, but
there is nothing useful inside. Kill the guard and head down the stairs. Open
the door at the end. There is nothing to get at these last rooms. After
opening the door head left, then go down the stairs on the right to the room
with computers and a few spotlights. Open the big right door (the blue one) to
leave the Louvre galleries for now.

...............................ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG.............................

-K2 Impactor x 1 (dropped by the security guard)
-M-V9 x 1 (dropped by the security guard)
-Second Ancient Symbol Tracing

-Security Guard x 4

Pass the big gate and head by the right side of the fence. You'll see a
guard coming from the first compartment. Kill him and he will drop a K2
Impactor. Go inside the compartment and press the switch to turn on the power.
This will give power to an x-ray machine and to an electronic switch. Leave
the compartment and head right. Another guard will come from the tent, and
this one will drop an M-V9. Open the next compartment's door and check the
printer inside to get the Second Ancient Symbol Tracing. Examine the computer
on the left to get information about the Nephilim. Exit the compartment and go
left. Kill another guard outside and open the big door to the left of the
yellow tent. This is the X-ray machine you activated with the power switch.
Approach the control panel. Now you can use the left Analog stick to control
the machine. Examine the top left corner to find a symbol. You'll need to know
this symbol. Leave the room after that.

Check the left side of the fence to find the ladder. You have to reach
the lower level of the diggins. Head down the ladder to the platform bellow.
Go to the right end of this platform and down another ladder. Move along the
next platform and ignore the small ladder, then slowly drop down to a platform
bellow. Kill the guard walking around bellow. Ignore the ladder going up and
hop on the rails to the left to find another small ladder. The wall on the
right side near the ladder can be climbed. You don't really need to visit the
area bellow, since there is nothing there. Climb the wall to the top left
ledge. Jump and grab the ceiling under the brigde and swing across to the
other side. You must be fast. Jump to reach the small wooden platform above
and climb to the brige. Unlock the electronic switch on the left at the middle
of the bridge, near the gate. This will make the lift go down. Go back to the
to the ledge you prevously were after swinging and jump to the top of the lift
to reach the yellow circular wheel. It will stop spining once you get close.

Now you have to solve the puzzle to get access to the next level. In my
opinion, it is best to save before turning the wheel. You must turn the wheel
to align the four correct symbols horizontally on the left bar. The first and
fourth symbols are shown on the last page of the Notebook. The second symbol
is the one you saw using the X-ray machine and the third one is the one on the
print of the Second Ancient Symbol Tracing you found near the printer. After
you place a symbol in the right place you can press the corresponding lever on
the right side of the machine to block it and prevent it from spinning the
next time you turn the wheel.

If you can't still solve the puzzle here's a little help from the
default position (before you move the wheel for the first time). Turn it three
times and press the first lever. Then turn the wheel once and press the fourth
lever. Then turn the wheel twice and press the third lever. Finally, turn
the wheel once and the puzzle is solved.

After solving the puzzle, the circle-shaped door on the ground above
will open. To reach it simply jump to the left wood platform from the top of
the lift and use it to jump back to the ledge under the bridge. Climb back to
the bridge and take the left path to find the door in the yellow tent just in
front. Head for the next level.

...........................TOMB OF ANCIENTS...................................

-Health Bandages x 1
-Skeleton x 2
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2

-Bat x 3

Start by moving forward and hold the edge to drop to the wooden bar and
then drop down to the area bellow. The camera will show you the next huge
room. Approach the limit and press Action to hold the edg eand climb down the
rock to a ledge bellow. Kill a bat and the jump forward to the wooden bar on
the left and jump to the cave. Drop down to the rocks to the room bellow. At
the broken bridge you can run and jump to grab the other side to get some
Health Bandages. You may fall so be careful. After climbing up to the other
side turn around and kill a bat. Collect the bandages and kill another bat.
Check the right side. There is a ledge with a statue missing. Run and jump to
grab that ledge. Climb up and turn left. You should see the statue. Jump to
the statue and grab the edge. Climb up, turn left again and press X to hang
from the edge and shimmy under the statue to the other side. After that you
can drop down to the path bellow. Once again, you can hang from the rock's
edge and climb down to an opening below. After that, Climb the left wall all
the way to the left side, around the corners. Then drop down. Note that you
may lose some health here if you drop down from too high. Follow the path to
the left and then jump to the wooden bar and press the leveron the wall. This
will make six platforms come out of the wall, and the objective is to jump
from platform to platform until you reach the ground.

At the broken bridge you can take a shotcut, but it will cost you over
50% of your health. Simply vault over the rails on the right side near the
wall directly to the path bellow. You can also get the Health Bandages at the
other side and jump back before taking this shortcut.

Here's what to do to pass the platforms whithout falling. You can use
Walk mode whenever I tell you to jump, unless I warn you to run first. This
will prevent you from accidently falling trom a ledge. I also addvise you to
press Action while in mid-air just in case you don't fall directly above the
platform after the jump. Some jumps require you to use the Action button while
in mid-air while others don't, but sometimes it depends on how you jump.

-First time going down: Hop to the first one. Jumpt to the second
(press Action while in mid-air for safety). The third one requires you to grab
the edge. Hop to the fouth one, drop down to the fifht one and walk and jump
to the last one, then drop down. You can also jump forward directly from the
middle second platform to the last one, but you might lose between 20% and 45%
of your health.
-Going up to the lever on top: Climb to the first one and jump to the
next two. Jump and hold the fourht platform and climb up. Jump to the next two
(pressing Action in mid-air), turn around and run and jump to the seventh
platform. Jump and hold the next one and then simply jump to the other three.
(pressing Action while in mid-air) to reach the opening with the lever.
-Going down: jump to the first 4 platforms, then hang and drop to the
one bellow. Turn around, jump to the one in front, turn around again and hop
to the one bellow from the middle of the platform. Jump and hold the next one,
then hand and drop to the next one just bellow. You don't have to jump to the
next two before droping to the floor, as you can just hang and drop from this
one with safety.

There is a Skeleton walking around at the end. You can figh him or
shoot him but he can't be killed, but if you shoot him enough times he will
temporarly fall. It is best to run away to the opening on the other side of
the platforms after he falls. You have to crawl to the other side, press the
lever and leave before he stands up again. The lever will make more platforms
show up (a total of 11 will be there) and hide some of the others. Now you
will have to climb all the platforms to the top (refer to the NOTE above if
you need help) and then climb to the opening to press the lever. It will open
the trapdor at the bottom. You have to use the platforms again to go down
(refer to the NOTE above if you need help). Pass the trapdoor. Go through the
tunnel and open the door to the right first. Break the door to get a strenght
upgrade and collect the V-Packer and the two sets of V-Packer Standard
Cartridges. Then leave and take the left tunnel and open the next door.

Once you enter the next corridor the door behind you will be locked.
There is another door at the other side, and it will be locked two. If you
explore the room you'll see it is composed with three sections, the first and
the last one with shooting darts that take around 20% of your total health if
they hit. There is a lever directly to the right of the entrance. If you press
it you unlock the door at the other side for a short period of time, but you
will also activate deadly spikes between each section from the wall. These
spikes can take anything between 5% to 100% of your health (instant death) if
you get hit. The door will shut 10 seconds after it is completely opened. The
only effective way I found to get to the other side on time is to press the
lever and immediately run to the other side, jumping over the 3 sets of spikes
close to the right side. You can do it without losing any health and it is not
that hard, even if it seems so. Don't stop until you are completely outside
the corridor. Take the next corridor to the left and the notebook will be
automatically updated before you open the last door of this level. Open the
door to enter the hall.

.........................THE HALL OF SEASONS..................................

-Large Health Pack x 2
-Health Bandages x 1
-Viper SMG Clip x 3
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 3

-Skeleton x 6



This first paragraph is dedicated to explain how this level works and
what you have to do. The next objective is to collect four items that will
unlock a door. You will learn more about this as you progress through the
level. The Hall of Seasons is a circular room with four buttons in the middle
and a so-called guardian walking around (a Skeleton). Each one opens a set of
3 doors: the door in the middle is the main door and the one you have to open.
There is a lever near the main door. The other two doors at each side of the
the main door have access to a gate with a lever, meaning you have a total of
three levers. You have to choose one of those levers. Two things may happen
after you press the lever you choose:
1. the floor bellow your feet will open and take you to an underground gallery
full of traps;
2. the main door and the two side gates open allowing you to pass.
Behind each one of the these doors, you will have to pass a test. Each
test is related to one of the four elements: Wind, Water, Earth and Fire.
After passing the test you will be able to pick up an item and return to the
Hall of Seasons. If you fail to open the door and end up in the gallery with
all the traps, you can still get out. I will explain you how in every section
of the rooms.

As soon as you enter the room, it is best to knock out the
skeleton first. You cannot kill him, as you may already know, but it is best
to look at each of the four buttons to know what you'll be steping. The
description I'll give is according to the hall's entrance. The button in front
with the small spirals is the Wind. The next one on the left with the small
waves is water. The other one with the weird symbol that resembles a stone is
Earth. Finally, the button with the symbol that looks a star is Fire. You can
visit any room at any order. If you are running low on health it is best to
clear the Wind and Water challenges first. The Wind room is free from enemies
and the Water room allows you to pick up a good amount of large medipacks.

If for some reason you press the wrong lever, you will most likely meet
the deadly machine unless you save before pressing the lever and load. To
easily avoid this machine, run a little bit and as soon as you see a hole stop
and press Action to hang the edge. Stay like that until the machine passes
over and pull up after it's gone. You can do all the challenge with the
machine behind, but that's up to you.
Whenever you try to jump over a hole it is best to press Action while
in mid air to prevent from falling.
The deadly machine will only activate if you run to one of the sides,
depending on the door you came. You don't have to deal with it all the time.

.........................THE BREATH OF HADES (wind)..........................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-M-V9 Clips x 1
-Vector R34 Rounds x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2
-Air Crystal

-No enemies



Head down to the gallery with all the traps and collect the Large
Health Pack after sliding down. Turn around. and go forward to enter the
gallery. You will see the deadly machine at the right side as you enter. As
you start running to the right the machine will be activated. Run and jump
over the first hole. There are two holes just in front. Stop at he first one,
press action to hang the edge and wait until the machine passes over to pull
up. Then jump over these two holes. You then have to deal with spikes. You
must walk in a "S" to avoid them. As soon as the platform narrows, walk
forward to activate all the spikes and learn how to avoid them by passing at
the oposite side from where they come. The spikes come from the left, right,
right, left and then right. Jump over the next hole. You will see the machine
stopped, but it will move again against you as you approach it. You have an
opening and there's enough time to get to it before the machine kills you. You
can also collect the V-Packer Standard Cartridges. Continue to the right and
jump over the next hole. The path becomes narrow after that hole, and don't
stop running until you pass the entrance at the right, because a razor wheel
will come from the right wall. Don't worry, becase as much as you don't stop
running there's no way it will kill you. At the next path use the elevator to
go up. Pull the elevator chain once, collect the Health Bandages and the
V-Packer Standard Cartridges. Pull the chain again and return to the Hall of
Seasons. The two doors wil open as you approach them.


The right lever is the correct one. Pass the doors and go down the
steps. You can push the right wall to reveal a secret passage. Inside you'll
find a lever, as well as Vector R34 and M-V9 Clips on the floor. Press the
lever to make some trunsk appearfrom the abyss. You'll then have to Hop over
the trunks to the other side (make sure you press L1 in every jump). The
trunks are constantly moving, and you'll have to jump once they are at the
right distance:
not too far nor too close, otherwise you'll fall. As you can notice, there is
wind coming from the statues, but it will not be a big problem at all. Try not
to jump when the wind is in front just for safety. Igonore the
three trunks at the left and use the seven trunks at the right since it is the
easiest (though longest) route to reach the other side. Collect the Air
Crystal on the wall at the other side once you make it, and then you will have
to return using the trunks again. This time there is no more wind, since you
disactivated it by collecting the Air Crystal. You'll have to return to the
other side once again by hoping over the trunks. There's a small secret in
this room. If you wish to visit it check the Optional ection bellow. Once you
reach the other side, leave the room.


While replaying this level for the 5th time, I actually noticed
something different when I accidently felt. The over view of Lara falling
allowed me to identify a trunk that actually wasn't moving at the right. By
running and jumping to that trunk, the second dragon statue will move and a
secret opening will be revealed. Jump to it to collect the two V-Packer
Standard Cartridges and A Large Health Kit. Then move hop back to the trunk
and hop left to the other trunks. Jump to the other side from the last trunk.


If you accidently fall from a trunk because you didn't hop well, press
Action anyway. It is possible to hang from the trunks, but it is hard to
Note that Lara cannot grab the edges at each side of the room. If you
are planning to jump to the other side without hoping to the last trunks
expecting to grab the edge remember that you will fall. You can still jump to
the other side, but Lara only reaches it if she's only one trunk away from it.
Still, it is a risk not to hop to the last one first.

........................NEPTUNE'S HALL (water)................................

-Large Health Pack x 3
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2
-Desert Ranger Clips x 1
-Water Crystal

-Knight with fire saber x 1



Slide down to the area bellow and turn around. Take the left way and
you should see the opening at the right wall. But first you must be careful
with the two claws at each side that will be activated once you are close to
them. They will constantly drop to the floor after activated. To avoid them,
make sure you run in the middle of the corridor and pass between them. Jump if
you think it is necessary. Take the left entrance and pull the elevator chain
once, collect the Health Bandages and the V-Packer Standard Cartridges behind
if you didn't get them before and pull the chain again to return to the top.
The gate will open as you approach, allowing you to return to the Hall of


The correct lever to open the door is the one at the left. Pass the
door. At the next room, squared-shape with four columns and an opening in the
middle, you'll meet a Knight with a fire saber. To get rid of him you will
have to pull him to the opening in the center. In order to do that, it is best
to start running and go around to the left/right to the place where he is,
avoiding the fireball he shoots. Run past him to the entrance he is keeping.
He will try to hit you and probably miss. Turn around after that and wait
until he comes. Equip the V-Packer and once he walks near the entrance shoot
him up to four times to pull him down to the opening. If you know a better
strategy to beat him just let me know. Pick up the two sets of V-Packer
Standard Cartridges at each corner. Don't go down the opening. Instead, go to
the fountain after the entrance and swim down through the crack to the flooded
room. Then swim to the door with the two blades. Swim through them when they
stop and press the lever inside. You will see a room being flooded. Leave this
area by passing the blades again and return to the fountain through the crack
just above. Pull up and head back to the room where the knight was. This time
drop down through the opening to the room bellow. This is the main room, and
the one that was flooded after you pressed the lever.

Since this is a circular roo, I'll use the door with a sculpture of
Neptune's head underwater as a reference. At the right side of this door there
is a small opening. Inside you'll find a lever. Press it to make the water
level of the room go up. You can now reach the three openings available: one
above Neptune's sculpture and the other two at each side.


You can check the opening to the right of Neptune's sculpture after
pulling out of the water to collect some Desert Ranger Clips at the left.
After that check the opening above Neptune's sculpture to find a Large Health

Go through the opening to the left side of Neptune's sculpture (near
the pipe) outside the water. Go left and drop down to an underwater tunnel.
This tunnel leads around the main room. You have to reach the other side of
the tunnel. Swim forward and collect the Large Health pack a little bit
forward on the ground. Keep swimming forward and then down through the opening
to the tunnel bellow and collect another Large Health Pack. Go trough the
opening in the bars right next to the Halrge Health Pack you just collected to
find a place to breath before proceeding through the tunnel. Return to the
tunnel and go forward. The next section will be full of spikes. Swim next to
the top right side to pass the first set. Pass the next set at the bottom
right side. Stay close to the bottom right side to pass the next even spikes.
You will see some bars with an opening. There's another set of spikes behind
these bars. Pass this set by swimming close to the top left side. Pass the
next bars and swim to the right at the end to breath (ignore the ammo you see
on the floor before breathing). Dive again and go forward, collecting the
Desert Ranger Clips you previously saw on the floor. At the other side you'll
find yourself in a big circular room with a large column, just below the main
room. The Water Crystal is just above that column. Collect it. Immediately
swim around the column to find a lever almost at the bottom. Press it to open
the door under the Neptune sculpture. Swim all the way to the top to breath,
then dive again and head through the door. You will be in the first flooded
room you visit, so swim up to the crack and leave the water near the fountain.
Finally, exit this room through the door you first came, You're back the the
Hall of Seasons.

.........................WRATH OF THE BEAST (earth)...........................

-Health Bandages
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 2
-Earth Crystal

-Knight with fire saber x 3



Collect the Desert Ranger Clips and slide down the the gallery. Turn
around and go forward to the circular gallery. The deadly machine will be
stoped at the right. If you choose to go to the left you will have to deal
with every trap, and I don't think that is a good idea. Instead, go right and
pass the machine by its right side. Don't worry with the spike it has, it will
not harm you and you can just pass by without even activating the machine.
Jump the hole behind the machine and pass the narrow running if you don't want
to be sliced by the razor wheel. Take the right entrance to the elevator and
pull the chain once. Turn backwards to collect the Health Bandages and the V-
-Packer Standard Cartridges and then pull the chain one more time. Leave the
elevator and return to the Hall of Seasons.


The correct lever is the one in the middle. Go through the door to the
next room. You will see a sequence with a statue. The entire room will shake
and both the statue and the floor will break. The ground will be all broke,
and most ledges you step to will fall. You have to reach the door at the other
side. From the place where you begin, you can go down to the right ledge just
bellow to collect the Helaht Bandages. Climb back to the entrance after
getting them. run forward and count two seconds before jumping forward to land
on the ledge in front (make sure you press Action while in mid-air just for
safety). This ledge will not break if you stand still. Turn right and run and
jump to the ledge near the right wall before you fall. That ledge will not
fall. Hug the wall and walk above the narrow ledge to the left (this narrow
ledge will fall too after a while). The ledge at the left will shake but it
will not break. Now here comes the tricky part. Look at the ledge in the
center of the room with the drawings. Check the other two near the wall at the
other side, a bit to the right (the second is larger and at shadow). Both will
break, specially the one in the center, which breaks very fast. You will have
to run and jump to the center and make a right turn while running to jump to
the next one near the wall and then jump forward normally to the next platform
at shadow. If you stand still it will not break. Run forward and jump to the
next ledge just in front, but immediately turn right and stop after the two
steps. This ledge is safe. Jump and hold the next ledge, pull up and climb
to the one at the corner as soon as possible. This ledge is safe as well. Turn
right and jump to the next one a bit above and immediately climb to the next.
After that, jump to the platform that looks like a bridge just in front of the
door. This entire platform will fall, so walk until the first too pieces fall
and then immediately run over this narrow bridge and jump to the door. Save
your game, it's not over yet! Pick up the two sets of V-Packer Standard
Cartridges, equip your V-Packer and collect the Earth Crystal from the door.

Once you get the crystal the ground of the room will be restablished,
but a vortex will be left in the middle. Three Knights holding a fire saber
will show up. I only found one good strategy to clear the three knights. As
soon as you collect the Earth Stone, turn around and move forward to the
vortex. Stop at the edge and let the two side knights approach, each one by
its side, avoiding the fire balls or loading the game if they put you on fire
with a ball. Jump backwards and shoot one at a time to the vortex. The third
one should be coming from the left. Run to the left side around him and shoot
him to the vortex. This worked fine with me and I was not hit once, althoug
it doesn't work all the time. After you took care of the three, press the two
levers at both sides of the room to open the door. Leave this room back to the
Hall of Seasons.

If the knights put you on fire, you can put it off by passing under the
water falling near the two doors.
There are several ways to clear this room. There are several routes you
can take to reach the crystal and there are several ways to deal with the
knights as well. I'll include most of them soon.

....................... THE SANCTUARY OF FLAME (fire).........................

-Fire Crystal
-Health Bandages x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 1

-No enemies


Collect the Viper SMG Clips at the left before sliding down. Follow the
underground gallery to the right. As soon as the platform narrows, walk
forward to activate all the spikes and learn how to avoid them by passing at
the oposite side from where they come. The spikes come from the left, right,
right, left and then right. Jump over the next hole. You can also collect the
V-Packer Standard Cartridges if you didn't get them previously at the right
entrance. Continue through the gallery and jump over the next hole. The path
becomes narrow after that hole, and don't stop running untill you pass the
entrance at the right, because a razor wheel will come from the righ wall.
Don't worry, becase as much as you don't stop running there's no way it will
kill you. At the next path use the elevator to go up. Pull the elevator chain
once, collect the Health Bandages and the V-Packer Standard Cartridges if you
still didn't get them. Pull the chain again and return to the Hall of Seasons.
The two doors wil open as you approach them.


The correct lever is the one at the right. Enter the room and you
should see a sequence of the lava running filling the fissures all over the
room. You must get to the other side as fast as possible, because if you take
too long a wave of fire will come and kill you. Start running forward and jump
over the first hole( don't worry about the flame column). Go down the
platforms and jump to the small set and run over this set. Jump forward the
next set and run over it making a small U turn to the right and jump to the
next set at the right. Immediately turn left and jump to the ledge just before
the stairs. Go up the stairs and collect the Fire Crystal at the end. You can
do all this without stoping, but it may take a few tries understanding the
path to take and the places to jump according to my explanation, since it
wasn't very easy for me to describe this section of the game.
To leave this room, you must return to the entrance. This time most
platforms were destroyed, and some new ones will appear. The next paragraph
describes what to do to return, and whenever I tell you to jump it means you
can do a stand jump to reach the next platform. I will tell you otherwise if a
stand jump is not enough.

After collecting the crystal, look to the left side near the stairs.
You should see two floating platforms and an opening. Go down five steps and
jump to the platform (a standing jump is enough). Climb to the next platform
and jump to the opening. Collect the Health Bandages and the V-Packer Standard
Cartridges. A new platform will appear, allowing you to run and jump back to
the stairs.

Go down the stairs. Hop to the first platform just in front. You should
see some new platforms appearing (one to the left, another one in front. Jump
to the platform to the left (a normal jump is enough). Two platforms will
appear above this one, as well as another two at the left. Climb to the first
two, turn to the left and jump to the next two (a normal jump is enough to
reach them). Turn left again and check the two platform bellow near the lava.
Jump to themand turn right. Wait for five more platforms appear and walk to
the right-most platform. Turn right and wait for another platform to appear.
Jump to that platform. Two more platforms will appear a bit to the left of
your current position, so jump to those. After that simply turn a bit to the
left, jump to the three platforms just below and finally jump to the other
side and exit through the door. Careful not to fall in a hole to the lava
while going up to the room's exit. You'll be back at the Hall of Seasons

........................HALL OF SEASONS (part two)............................

(Items and Enemies discription under the first HALL OF SEASONS section)


Once you have cleared all the four rooms and collected the Wind, Water,
Earth and Fire Crystals, return to the entrance of the Hall of Seasons (the
door near the torch at the left side of the wrecks) and place all the crystals
on the paintings on the wall. Make sure you shoot down the skeleton again in
order to place the crystals in safety. Once all crystals are placed, you must
go to the underground gallery with all the traps. The best way to reach that
door is to activate the Wind switch in the center of the Hall. Head for the
middle door and activate the lever to open the trapdoor to the level bellow.
Slide down the edge to the lower galleries and check the deadly machine at the
left. Head through the right side and the machine will activate. Jump over the
hole and a bit further open the door at the right side between the two
columns. This will take you to a new room.

I will provide a complete description of this underground area as soon
as I can. If you didn't visit that area before, you can still pick all the
items as well.
Head down the stairs after opening the door. Press the lever at the
left wall and head down the next set of stairs. You will be inside a new room
with a large machine and several level. The objective is to turn 4 valves here
to activate the machine. Each valve corresponds to one of the elements as
well, and it has a plaque with the correspondant symbol. As soon as you enter
the room, head to the left to find the Wind valve. turn it. Turn around and
check the platform at the other side, with a large pipe. Run and jump to it.
Go to the other side of this circular platform and look for a chain above.
Jump and grab it to reach a platform at the other side. Go up the ladder on
the left side and turn the Water valve. Go down the ladder and use the chain
to return to the circular platform, then run and jump to the entrance (press
Action while in mid-air for safety). Go down the ladder at the left side of
the entrance and then go down the next ladder at the other side of the
platform bellow. Use the V-Packer to push the skeleton to one of the lava
wells. Look at the other side of the machine to find Viper AMG Clips on the
floor and go up the ladder nearby. Check the left side of this platform and
look for another chain. You can also find the Fire valve in this platform, but
you can't turn it yet because it is protected with bars. Jump and grab the
chain and go to the other side. Climb up the ladder and jump after the 14th
step to land on a platform. Climb another ladder at the right and turn the
Earth valve on top to the right. Go down the ladder and drop down near the
other one. Grab the chain again and return to the circular platform with the
Fire Valve at the left. You can now turn it. Once you do so, the room will be
filled with slicing propellers. You have to return to the Hall of Seasons
again. To easily leave this room simply hang the edge and drop down to the
lower level from the Fire Valve and run to the ladder a little to the left,
taking caution to avoid being hit by one proppeler (run after it passes). Go
up the two ladders back to the entrance. Head up the stairs, pressing the
lever on the left to open the gate on your way. Once you pass the door to the
underground gallery, go right.

Jump over the next two holes. You then have to deal with spikes. You
must walk in "S" to avoid them. As soon as the platform narrows, walk forward
to activate all the spikes and learn how to avoid them by passing at the
oposite side from where they come. The spikes come from the left, right,
right, left and then right. Jump over the next hole. You will see the machine
stopped, but it will move again against you as you approach it. You have an
opening and there's enough time to get to it before the machine kills you. You
can also collect the V-Packer Standard Cartridges if you didn't get them
before. Continue to the right and jump over the next hole. The path becomes
narrow after that hole, and don't stop running until you pass the entrance at
the right, because a razor wheel will come from the right wall. Don't worry,
because as much as you don't stop running there's no way it will kill you. At
the next path use the elevator to go up. Pull the elevator chain once and turn
around collect the Health Bandages and the V-Packer Standard Cartridges if it
is the first time you are using the elevator. Pull the chain again and return
to the Hall of Seasons. The two doors wil open as you approach them.

Back to the Hall of Seasons, you'll notice there are now some pillars
moving up and down. These pillars will help you reaching the second floor of
the hall. Shoot the skeleton first, to temporarly get rid of him. Climb to the
pillar in front of the water button once it comes down. Pull up and
consecutively jump to the left untill you reach the top of the fourth pillar.
Standing jumps will do. You must jump when the pillar where you are standing
is above the one to the left. Once you are over the fourht, wait until it goes
up and jump to grab the big ring above and then pull up. You can walk over the
second bar connected to the ring to reach the 2nd floor platform around the
room. Jump/vault over the rails. At this floor, two skeletons will break from
the wall. You can either pull them off the ledges to get rid of them or simply
ignore them by running by. Note that you can pull them anywhere and not just
from edges without rails. If you head left a skeleton will break from the
wall. You can avoid this from happening if you don't go left, as it takes some
time to pull him off the ledge. Go right. Another skeleton should break
through the wall. Run to the other side and go up the stairs to the 3rd floor.
Ignore the door on the right for now and head around the third floor to the
left. There are two skeletons walking around here. Once you reach the other
side of the broken floor, climb the left surface to the right to reach a small
ledge with a lever. Release the surface once you are above the ledge. Pressing
the lever will open the door near the stairs just bellow (the one I told you
to ignore earlier). Return to that door by using the surface to return to the
floor and going all the way around. Inside you'll find V-Packer Standard
Cartridges. You have to push the left wall in order to get a strenght update.
Collect the Large Health Pack and return to the small edge where you previouly
pressed the lever.

You are about to leave the Hall of Seasons. Once you are standing near
the lever, climb the wall all to the top. As soon as Lara turns around to
start swinging, immediately locate and head to a small platform on the left
side to recover your grip bar. Jump back to the celing and continue the way to
the left, all the way to the top trough the crack in the dome. Once you pass
the opening, immediately jump backwards. It may be a bit hard to do this
because you cannot waste any time while climbing, otherwise the grip bar will
end before you can reach the top. Aproach the door at the right and it will
open. Go left and another door will open. Go up the stairs. You will be now
entering the room with the infamous boss, the Red Ghost. Pass the next door.
After the sequence the battle will start immediately. Your notebook gets an
update here as well.

..................HALL OF SEASONS Boss fight: Brother Obscura.................

-Large Health Kit x 1
-V-Packer Standard Cartridges x 4
-V-Packer x 1

-Brother Obscura (the Red Ghost)


The Red Ghost usually causes trouble to people because they can't
accomplish the objectives for several particular reasons. You are inside a
room with a tomb. The objective here is to collect the painting. The problem
is the room is kept by a Red Ghost.

There are five statues surrounding the tomb: two at the left, two at
the right and one just in front. Each one is holding a painting, but only one
painting is the real 4rth painting: the one shining blue. The problem is blue
shine will disapear from a statue and appear to another when you get close to
the picture. The red boss in this area is keeping the picture so he will
charge against Lara. If the Red Ghost touches Lara, it may take a certain
amount of health between 5% and 90%. I never got killed with a single charge.
The Red Ghost cannot be defeated, but it is not invulnerable to bullets. There
are also several objects in this room to help out: at the left you have a
V-Packer (you probably don't need it, as you should already have it), some
V-Packer Standard Cartridges and a Large Health Pack; at the right you have
two sets of V-Packer Standard Cartridges. As you probably understood, the
objective is to grab the picture and run away.

In order to do that, you must first stun the ghost. The most effective
weapon is the V-Packer. After a few shots he will stop (it takes me around 15
V-Packer shots as the minimum required to stun him). In order to avoid his
charges, you can either side jump, press the Crouch button to avoid being him
or keep the gun and roll. Also try to stay away from him and try not to stay
too far away from the blue shine as well. It is kinda complicated to do all
this at once, but by staying away from him I usually have a better view of the
room due to the camera angle change. If you crouch and shoot him, he cannot
harm Lara and also allows you to pick up the items in safety. As soon as he
stops, unequip the gun in order to allow Lara to run freely instead of
targeting the Ghost and run as fast as possible to the statue with the blue
shine. Press Action once you are close to get the painting at once. If the
Ghost starts moving again before you take the painting from the statue you
will have to shoot him again to stun him and the blue shine will be moving

People also have trouble controling the camera to get to the statue on
time, so that is why it is best to leave the weapon once your target is the
blue shine. Try to control the camera angle in order to locate the shine
before moving in the wrong direction. It is normal if you fail to get the
picture because you take too long to locate the right statue on time or
because you run in the wrong direction. If you are still unluck, you should
try a few times until you are close to the statue where the shine will be
after you stun the ghost, but luck will be required.

After you stun the ghost you have between 3 and 6 seconds to get the
picture. The right time is usually 3 seconds, but sometimes the final shot
before stunning the Ghost will hit him while he is charging. When that happens
the time only stars counting when he stops charging, meaning you have some
spare time to get the picture. I am not 100% positive about this, but so far
it is the only thing I noticed that explains the timing difference after
trying for several times.

Once you have the picture, leave this room through the door you came
and go down the stairs. Everything will be filled with water. After passing
the door in front you will finish the level.

.........................TOMB OF ANCIENTS (Part 2)............................

-No items

-No enemies


As soon as the level starts you will se a sequence of water filling the
corridor. Swim through the opening above and you will be out at the broken
bridge. You will have to swim all the way to the top from from this bridge to
the place where you started at the TOMB OF ANCIENTS level.

While swimming up, you have the chance to breathe if you follow the
righ path after leaving the big circular room through the caves above. Then
head back to the cave leading up to the surface.

.....................THE ACRHAEOLOGICAL DIG (part 2)..........................

-No items

-No enemies


The only thing you need to do here is to climb to the box near the
fence, jump and hold the fence and pull to the other side. Then leave the
level through the left doors.

........................GALLERIES UNDER SIEGE.................................

-Health Pills x 1
-Vector-R35 Clips x 2
-Mag Vega Clip x 2
-Mag Vega x 1
-Respirator x 2 (only one can be taken)

-Security Guard x 2
-Soldier x 7


You have been here before, and you will have to find a way out. Start
by going up the stairs and head left. Take the door at the right and go up. A
guard will come just in front from a room as you climb the 3rd set of stairs,
so kill it with the K2 Impactor. He will drop some Vector-R35 Clips. Ignore
the room in front and keep going upstairs. You should see a sequence showing
the soldiers entering the museum and throwing gas grenades. Kill a guard just
in front as you leave the stairs and collect more Vector R35 Clips. After
opening the next door, you'll enter the rooms with all the gas and you will
have to return to the room with the gas masks inside the cabinet.

Take the left door as you leave. A soldier will be there, so kill him
before he sees you and collect the Mag Vega he drops. Don't bother going right
before that door becase there will be a guard there that might take some
health and he doesn't drop anything. Inside the next gallery a soldier will
drop from a rope at the other side. You can shoot him while he is coming down,
but it will be unnefective, so it is best to wait until he drops down. Pass
the gallery and head through the left door. You are at the metallic stairs.
There is a soldier there that will drop Mag Vega Clips. Go all the way up and
pass the door. Open the first door at the right in the corridor after killing
the soldier at the other side. Pass the automatic glass doors and get the gas
mask. There are two, but you can only take one. You will finally get the
sprint ability. Immediatly open the inventory screen and use the Respirator.
Before leaving the room get the Health Pills inside the second closet at the
left and head left down the stairs once again (on your way to the stairs
you'll see a door unlocking).

You can enter all the rooms at the corridor including Carvier's office,
but there is nothing inside.

In the next room at the bottom of the stairs kill two more soldiers and
open the left door. One soldier will drop from a rope. Wait until he drops to
shoot him. Go through the left or right sides and kill a another soldier at
the other side before going down the stairs. There is another soldier waiting
behing the right pillar, so kill him and go down the next set of stairs
nearby. The entrance at the right corner leads to the exit. Turn left to
finish the level (a sequence involving Kurtis will start) or open the two
doors at the right if you want to visit the bathrooms, but there is nothing to
get there.

............................VON CROY'S APARTMENT..............................

-Large Health Pack x 2
-Chocolate x 1
-Small Medipack x 2
-Health Bandages x 1
-Rigg 09 Clips x 18
-Viper SMG Clip x 7
-Rigg 09 x 1
-Viper SMG x 1
-Jackal Walking Stick
(to be updated)

-"The Cleaner"


As soon as you start you should notice the Jackal Walking Stick on the
floor. Do not pick it untill you have collected everything in the house first,
as picking this and the Rigg 09 will trigger "The Cleaner" event. Pick the
Rigg 09 first at the left side of the pot. You will find Clips scattered all
over the house:

-Near the table on the left (Due to a glitch, you can pick up this item as
many times as you wish if it is the first one you try to pick);
-Right side of the pot with the gun;
-Immediately next to the gun;
-At the right corner near the table;
-Over the table in the center of the kitchen;
-At the left table in the kitchen;
-On the kitchen's floor;
-Behind the door under the stairs, on the floor;
-Behind the door under the stairs, over the shelf;
-Behind the doorn over a shelf near the previuos clip;
-In the room upstairs, on the left side of the bed;
-In the room, near the closet on the left;
-In the room, in front of the closet;
-In the room, near the small table with a painting above;
-In the room, at the corner of the balcony.

There are other items available as well:

-Health bandages: under the stairs to the room floor;
-Small Health Pack: near the shower, on the right;
-Large Health Pack: in the room, near the closet on the right.

You will be able to get a leg strenght upgrade by opening the door
under the stairs do the room. There's also information on the Lux Veritatis
and the Sanglyph at the small office to the left of the kitchen. In the room
examine the book over the small table on the left to get information about the
Cabal. Once you have examined the house and collected all items, return to the
first floor and pick up the walking stick. The music will start and the
cleaner will show up from the main door. Equip the Rigg 09 (the only available
weapon at the moment).

The Cleaner will appear from the main door. He will not suffer almost
any physical damage and he will easily kill you if you don't hide from the
bullets. You must start shooting him once he appears. While he is running you
can shoot, but once he stops he is about to shoot you. Do not stop running
when he is targeting you, otherwise you'll die very easily. After several
tests I found a simple strategy that works most of the times and it is very
effective, as it prevents you from receiving any damage.

In order to defeat him, as soon as you have the Rigg 09 and the Jackal
Walking Stick run to the entrance, near the bookshelf. Stand infront of the
left bookshelf facing right. Wait for a while untill he enters the house. Once
he passes in front of you he will run to the opposite corner of the house.
Run after him and shoot him around 10 times, but make sure you hide
behind the pillar of the stairs (stay between the pillar and the kitchen, to
be exact). He will stop in the corner under the stairs and try to shoot you,
but since the pillar is between you and him the bullets won't touch you. He
will sometimes go up the stairs, but don't leave your position. Once he starts
running he will not shoot and he will try to return to the living room
(sometimes he passes by the kitchen first). As soon as he starts running
unleash your ammo on him and then run behind him. Once he gets to the living
room he will stop and crouch near the blue sofas and try to shoot you. Since
you are shooting right next to him, you can easily shoot and sidestep around
him to avoid being hit (whatever you do don't saty in front of him!). After a
few more shots he will stop shooting and run away trough the main door. It
took me nearly 30 shots as the least amount to deal with him at this point,
but I also wasted up to 40 shots some times. You are safe for the moment.

Run to the entrance and head left, since the lasers keeping the exit
door are off. In the corridor you'll see an opened door at the left and you
will not be able to open any door, but first go to the end of the corridor.
The strenght update you previosly got inside the house will allow you to break
through the red door at the end to get a Small Health Pack and a Rigg 09 Clip.
Head through the broken door after you got it. There are two Rigg 09 Clips,
one just in front over the papers and another one near the blue sofa on the
left. Py picking up the second clip from the floor the Cleaner will shot and
open a hole in the wall. He will run out of ammo and draw the twin pistols.
They do a lot less damage than his machine gun. In order to get rid of him for
now, you must shoot him a few times. Around 15 shots should be enough. The
best way I could find to deal with him this time was to keep a distance and
shoot while moving left and right, then aproach to give the last shots. Check
the room where he was to get a Chocolate over the table at the right and the
Viper SMG he dropped among two Viper SMG Clips. Leave through the opened door
to the left.

Exit the room through the opened door at the left and turn right. You
should see three lasers in front. It's possible to jump over the first one,
pass under the second and jump again over the third one, but it is much easier
to use Commando Crawl to pass under all the three lasers. After turning right
a sequence wIll show you the bombs exploding. You will have to jump to the
platform bellow at the corner, since the stairs are destroyed.

Immediately after the explosion and before jumping to the ledge at the
right corner, you can collect a Small Health Pack at the corridor on the other
side of the destroyed platform where the flames are, just in front. From the
destroyed ledge you are currently standing, run and jump diagonally over the
rails at the other side. Collect the Small Health Pack at the end of the short
corridor, then return to the ledge by jumping back near the right wall where
the rails are destroyed (but without getting too close to the flames). A
standing jump will do.

Jump to the ledge of the destroyed stairs at the right corner, then
turn left and jump forward to the platform of the floor bellow. From here you
can either walk over the wrecks and fire near the right wall and proceed
through the corridor in front, or check the first floor first (check the
OPTIONAL paragraph bellow).


If you wish to visit the floor bellow to collect a Large Health Pack
and two Viper SMG Clips, drop down to the floor bellow through the gap where
the railings are broken and collect the Large Health Pack on the table and the
two clips under the stairs. There is also some water dropping from the ceiling
at the end of the stairs, so if you are burning you can come here to put down
the fire. To proceed from this floor, simply go up the stairs and turn left to
the corridor.

Once you are at the corridor, you will meet the Cleaner for the last
tine. Turn left and you should see him at the other end. As you walk on his
direction, a laser will block the path behind, meaning you will be trapped in
this corridor. Pick up the AMG Clip at the corner. Run down the corridor and
hide near the first door at the left. Pick up the Viper SMG Clip and then run
and hide near the door immediately at the right side. Pick up the Viper SMG
Clip on the flor. Now look at the lasers in the corridor just in front of you.
You should notice two sets that constantly appear and disapear. Note that the
lower laser of the second set never disappears, so you'll have to jump over
it. Once the first set disappears and the second set appears (this happens at
the same time), wait two seconds and run through the lasers immediately
(jumping over the lower laser of the second set). If you made it, run and hide
near the door at the left. You are very close to the Cleaner. Draw your Viper
SMG, Leave your hideout and shoot him. He doesn't stand a chance and will die
in about 16 shots, which makes two seconds to kill him. Once he is dead, wacth
the sequence and head for the next level.

Although you can get closer to the Cleaner by passing a third set of
lasers when they disappear, it is pointless to try to get closer because there
is nothing to collect and the path is blocked.

.......................THE MONSTRUM CRIMESCENE................................

-Small Medipack x 2
-Scorpion X x 1
-Combined Claw Hammer
-Vasiley Full Fax
-Last Obscura Engraving
-Cellar Key
-Strahov Low Security Pass

-Guard x 3
-Dog x 1


As soon as you start the level, the Notebook is updated. Go to the red
car just in front and speak to the man standing there.

-That one. Big with snow on it.
-The one you're watching? With police tape all around. (*)

-Just tell me what you have on the art dealer. (*)
-I gathered Vasiley was some kind of art dealer.

-You said he found something. Do you know what it was? A painting perhaps?
-How could you possibly know that? (*)

-You unsavoury little runt!
-Keep talking till the money runs out. (*)

-Is that it! Is that all you've got?
-All of them? (*)

Once you finish talking with Luddick, the notebook will be updated
again. Take the alley just behind at the right. Kill the guard that shows up
walking and get the Combined Claw Hammer at the right end near the bins. Go
back to the main area and look for manhole at the other side of the square, a
bit to the right. Open it with the hammer and drop down to the small edge
bellow. Go down the ladder, collect the Small Medipack and leave. Go to the
closest alley on the right and go all the way to the other side. Once you turn
left shoot the first guard and another guard with a dog a bit further. Look
for the Manhole near the second guard and go down.

In the sewers go forward to the tunnel with water and go right to the.
There's nothing to collect here, so pass through the hole on the right wall.
Inside the the basement go through the left door and go upstairs and all the
way around the corridor until a sequence begins. You'll be able to talk to
Bouchard after that.

-So, you sold out.
-A psycho, huh! (*)

-I was told the Mafia ran Prague.
-The Cabal? Not the Mafia? (*)

-So, they were working together.
-I found Vasiley's faxes. And four Obscura Paintings he sent to Von Croy. (*)

-Killed like Vasiley you mean! Why does Eckhardt do that to the bodies
Bouchard. And why does he want the painting for?
-Killed, not tidied up. Why does Eckhardt desecrate the bodies like that
Bouchard? (*)

-How do you know all this stuff Bouchard?
-A Lux Veritatis vault! (*)

Once the conversation is finished, the notebook is updated again. Open
the door to the main room just in front of Bouchard. Go up the stairs in the
main room and head to the other side of the balcony. You'll find a chest of
drawers you can push to get stronger. Climb to it to reach the platform above.
Walk to the other edge and climb to another platform above. Turn right and
jump to the next platform. There's a chain there. This chain will move the
rose-window up. Pull the chain twice to make the closet move and reveal one
Small Medipack. Before going down to collect it run and jump to the platform
at the right. There is another chain you can pull there (this one will move
the rose-window down), so pull it four times to make the sunlight reflect over
the circle with numbers in the center of the room. This will make the clock's
glass open. Hang and drop from the right edge of the platform to the balcony
bellow and go down the stairs. Collect the Small Medipack that was behind the
closet at the right corner and then examine the clock near the desk on the
left. Use the Directional buttons to set the clock to 3:00 o'clock. Once you
do so, leave the clock and you'll see the circle on the floor going down and
transforming into stairs. Go down the new stairs to the secret room bellow.
Collect the Vasiley Full Fax on the floor near the desk. Open the items list
to see the description, which contains the code number 31597. Check the
electronic device behind the desk at the right side of the big painting and
inpout the code you found in the Vasiley Full Fax (31597). This will reveal
the Last Obscura Painting behind the large picture. Collect it, but before
leaving the room examine the artifacts to get some information on the Periapt
shards, the Sleeper and a Notebook update. Return to the room where you left
Bouchard (go up the stairs and through the door on the right of the clock).

You will notice Bouchard is not there anymore. Head through the door on
the other side of the room and examine the next door on the left of the
corridor. You'll find Bouchard there... Collect the Cellar Key he drops and
head down the stairs back to the basement. Open the red door just in front go
go back to the alley. You'll find Luddick there. Talk to him to get the
Strahov Low Security Pass. If you have 800 Euros he will sell you a Scorpion X
pistol. After the conversation, you'll start the new level inside the Strahov.

.......................... THE STRAHOV FORTRESS...............................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-Viper SMG Clips x 2
-Mag Vega Clip x 1
-Mag Vega x 2
-Strahov Low Security Pass

-Security guards x 6


The level starts inside a warehouse with some big crates. There is a
pile of three crates in the middle, a crate at each side of the pile and an
opened crate at the other side on the left. Inside this opened crate you can
find a Large Health Pack. Approach the big iron gate at the left to see a
sequence with a magnet picking up the highest crate on the pile. Climb to any
of the crates near the pile and jump to the top. Look around to the
air-conditioner on the wall a little bit above. Run and jump to it, then turn
right and run and jump to the top of the wall near the metallic platform. Jump
to the platform and go down the small ladder to the platform bellow. Enter
Stealth mode after doing so, as there are three guards walking around bellow.

You can go down and kill all the guards to collect extra ammo and a
card. There are three guards here. The first one is inside the small cabin.
The second one is walking around all over the room. The third one is also
walking around all over the room. After going down the small ladder, enter
Stealth mode and walk forward while looking for the small set of wooden boxes
at the right side on the floor bellow. If the second guard is far away from
those boxes, vault over the railings and try to land over the highest box so
you don't lose health. There is a metal crate in front of this small set of
boxes and a wooden crate at its left. Hide behind the wooden crate on the left
and take a peek on the guard in the cabin. Make sure the third guard is away
and wait until the guard inside the cabin turns its back. When that happens,
walk to the cabin behind him and knock him off (always in Stealth mode).
Collect the Low Security Pass he drops. Hide inside the Cabin in Stealth
mode and stand still near the fire estinguisher facing the entrance untill the
the second guard passes near by. This may take a while but it is the safest
way. Walk behind him and draw your Rigg 09 to kill him with five shots before
he reacts. Collect the Viper SMG clips he drops. Take care of the third guard
the same way and collect another Viper SMG Clip. To leave this area you must
find the broken ladder on the top at the right corner. To reach it, climb to
the crates, jump and hold it.

At the right side of the tubes you will find a red button you can press
to make a lift go down and allow you to climb to the last shelter, but I
didn't find anything useful in doing that.
You can go all the way to the top to the cabin by climbing the ladder
in the middle of the platform near the wall (on the other side of this
warehouse), but I haven't found anything useful there.

There are two doors at the other side of the warehouse, one at each
corner. You will have to walk to one of those. You only need to open one of
the doors. I recommend you to open the right door. Open the right door to
acess a small, empty room and use the card on the card reader to unlock
another door to access the second warehouse. (Note that these doors can be
opened anytime if you want to return)

In the next warehouse the objective is to destroy the security machine
guns at the lower level and kill the three security guards. Two of them are
walking around on the platforms. As soon as you enter the warehouse turn left
you'll find a ladder at the left side of the door you just opened. There's
another ladder heading down just in front, which allows you to go down to the
area bellow, but first you must destroy the machine guns to go down that
ladder. One of the guards will slowly approach your position, but he will take
some time. Go up the ladder on the left wall near the door but stop in the
middle and look up. Wait for the guard up there to turn its back and climb up
to the control room. Kill the guard once you are inside. He will drop a Mag
Vega. While inside press the lever at the control panel to activate the cabin
at the top. Before going down the ladder look at the guard walking on the
platform and wait until he turns around to go down the ladder. You can then
catch him from behind to kill him. He will drop a Mag Vega Clip. Follow the
platform to the other side and look for the ladder just in front on the wall
before you turn left (the camera angle changes to a far-away view when you
approach it). Before going up, kill the guard walking on the left side to
collect Mag Vega Clip. Then go up the ladder to reach another platform at the
top. Go all the way to the left and go down the stairs to enter the cabin. A
sequence will start as soon as you approach the door, showing lara destroying
the machine guns with the magnet. Once they are destroyed, return to the
ladder at the right and head down to the platform bellow. Return to the door
you came (at the other side near the left corner) and take the ladder going
down at the right side. Once you are at the area bellow turn right and open
the green door near the truck.

........................THE STRAHOV FORTRESS (Part 2).........................

-Chocolat x 1
-Health Bandages x 1
-Mag Vega Clip x 3
-Scorpion X Clips x 2
-Mag Vega x 1
-Scorpion X x 1
-Strahov High Security Pass x 1

-Dog x 2


You will now be in a new, large rooms with plenty of boxes. You will
see a door blocked with purple lasers at the left. At the right you'll see a
fence with a locked gate and a set of boxes. A little bit forward there is a
path blocked with more lasers, but ignore it for now. Approach the fence with
the locked gate and Lara will say "I can climb up on that". Kill the dog at
the other side of the fence. Now check the boxes in this area. There is one
box at the left (with a red symbol) and another one at the right, as well as
the pile of boxes. Above the boxes you can see the gas coming from the pipe.
If you get too close to it you'll die. You'll have to turn the gas off first,
but you'll need a strength update. In orther to get the strength update you'll
have to move the box at the top of the pile against the fence. Note that you
only need a small space to push or climb to a box.

Never climb to the highest box with the gas coming out, otherside
you'll die. In order to help you out the puzzle, check out the diagram below
to understand.
After you finish the puzzle, you can get a Notebook update by
approaching the door with the lasers.

In order to solve this puzzle, push the box at the left forward to the
pile. Then push the right box to the pile as well, but leave it next to the
one you previopusly pushed. Climb to the pile and pull the upper right box
(the one touching the fence) from its left side. It will only move a little
bit. Hop over it to the other side and push it against the wall (the small
space you have to push it is enough, even if it doesn't seem). Once it touches
the wall climb to it and pull the highest box of the pile as much as you can
(pull it twice to make sure it can't be pulled anymore). You'll only be able
to pull it a little bit, but you should have enough space at the other side to
push it against the fence and get the strength update. To help you out, here's
a small example of how the boxes will stay after the puzzle is solved:

/ /| A. Left box with the red symbol
/_______/ | B. Right box
| | | C^ Upper right box near the fence
| D. | | (default position)
| |/| C. Upper right box near the fence
|______ / | (after correctly placed)
/ D^ /|C. D^ Highest box (default position)
/______ / | /_______ D. Highest box
| | |/ C^ /| (after correctly placed)
| | /_______/ |
| |/ /| |
|______ /______ / | |____
/ / /| |/
/______ /______ / | /
| | | |/
| A. | B. | /
/| | | /
/ |_______|_______|/

As you try to solve the puzzle, another dog might show up at the other
side of the fence. Kill it if that's the case.
Once you have the strength update find the two boxes at the right side
of the door with the lasers, behind the concrete wall. Pull them to the other
side where the air conditioner is and climb to the boxes. Jump and hold the
air conditioner and climb to it to turn the vavle that stops the deadly gas.
Drop down after turning the valve. You can now climb to the highest box of the
pile and jump and hold the metal bar on the ceiling to wing to the other side
of the fence. You have to press Crouch to pass over the barbed wire. Drop down
at the other side after that, and be careful with the second dog if you still
didn't kill it. This section has some big stone blocks with inscriptions and
two round chain-saws. You'll see the ladder just in front after you drop to
the other side of the fence. Climb it to a platform above and press the level
you find in the control panel. You'll see a sequence that shows one of the
chains cutting the air duct. After the sequence climb to the metal bars on the
left just above (shimmy a bit to the right if you can't pull up immediately)
and head right. Climb to the top of the duct at your left from the wooden bar
and keep going right. Stop near the saw and hang from the ledge. Release
Action and immediately press it again to grab the edge bellow. Pull up and
crawl through the air shaft. Once you somersault to the air shaft below, a
sequence involving Eckhardt and Luddick will start. After that continue
crawling to the air shaft. Once you reach the other side, make sure you let
the guard pass by before somersault to the area bellow. Once you leave the air
shaft the guard will not see you if you stay still, but as soon as you drop
your gun he'll see you. Kill him immediately and collect the Strahov High
Security Pass he drops. go to the house at the right and open the door at the
stairsd with the card. Wait for the guard to come out and shoot him before he
has the chance to harm you. Go inside the house (opening the door again, if it
closed while you were killing the guard) and be careful wih the two guards in
the other section. Bring their attention but hide behind the wall and kill
each one at a time. They can be easily killed without losing health, and they
both drop a Mag Vega Clip. Collect the Chocolat and the Mag Vega Clips over
the tables where the two guards were and then examine the two closets to get
two Scorpion X Clips. Finally, examine the computer to shut down the lasers.
After the sequence, leave the house by opening the door with the card.

Return to the corridor after you left the air shaft. You will see a few
lasers still on, as well as some things on the floor with a red signal
sparkling. Those are fragmentation mines, and if you get too close you can
suffer some damage (rarelly above 10%). Stay away from then, as they will
explode once you get too close. Go through the opening at the left side and
open the door by using the card on the card reader. This is the room where
Luddick's body is. Collect the Scorpion X over the bed and the Health Bandages
inside the closet, then leave.

Back to the corridor, draw your weapon and look for the red gas bottle
at the right. Lara will auto-target it. Shooting it three times will make it
explode, and the cable whell will roll through the lasers. In order to pass
the lasers, there are two things you can do:
-If you wish to neutralize the first two mines and collect the Mag Vega
on the right shelter, let the cable wheel roll to the other side and then
commando crawl to the other side of the corridor to avoid the lasers (but
remember the last mine is still active and can deal some damage). This is the
best way to pass the lasers.
-If you wish to use the cable will to pass the lasers, make sure you
walk/run by its right side while it passes the first set of lasers, then run
by the left side to pass the second set. Finally run by its right side to pass
the third set until it stops at the other side. You can still collect the Mag
Vega if you activate the first mine before shooting the gas bottle. This way
is the hardest and you still suffer a good amount of damage with all the

If you stay too close to the gas bottle while it explodes, you'll
suffer nearly 10% of damage.
Standing in front of the Cable wheel will not kill you but it will push
you against the lasers if you stay on its way.

Once you are at the other side go left. You'll find yourself in the
same room where you solved the puzzle with the boxes, and now you'll be able
to open the green door at the right that was previously blocked with lasers.
Use the card on the card reader to unlock the door and then open it to finish
this level.

You can open the gate at the left near the boxes now that you have the
Strahov High Security Pass to return to the room, but I didn't find any
particular reason to do that.

.........................THE BIODOME RESEARCH FACILITY........................

-Small Health Pack x 1
-Health Bandages x 1
-Health Pills x 1
-Viper SMG Clips x 2
-Mag Vega Clips x 4
-Vector R35 Clips x 3

-Creature x 1
-Crawler x 9
-Razor Jaw x 1


Pass the first door to enter the Biodome facility, which ressambles a
garden with many carnivorous plants. Go down the stairs. There is a fountain
in the middle of the room, and a man standing near. Talk to him. After the
sequence go to the stairs at the other side but head left before climbing
them. Collect the Viper SMG Clips on the floor but be careful because the
plant at your left will try to bite you. After collecting the ammo, look
behind a rock at the left near the corner to find another Viper SMG Clip and
Vector R35 Clips. After that examine the fountain. The Statue facing the other
door can be pressed. This will reveal a secret passage behind the sculpture at
the left side of the stairs from the door you came. Go through it to find a
small secret room with a ladder. Climb the ladder and collect two sets of
Vector R35 Clips on the platform above. Press the switch on this platform to
unlock the door at the other side of the room. Go down the ladder and up the
stairs to the door at the other side. Press the yellow swith at the right to
unlock the other door in front and enter the second Biodome room, which is has
plenty of capsules.

Some of the tall, spiked carnivorous plants will try to bite you. They
will make small damage (between 5-10%), but it is best to avoid those. If you
get too close to its spikes you'll lose the same amount of health.

Upon entering the second room you'll see a sequence with a creature
breaking through the glass. Go down the right/left stairs and you should see
him running from the other side shoot it. Be careful though, because it can
shoot some balls that can take over 25% of your health if they hit. The
Scorpion X can easily slow him down and kill him with 7/8 shots. It is not
over yet. Some crawlers will roll from the pipes above. They can deal around
10-15% damage if they touch you and they still take some shots to kill. A set
of tree will come from the right pipes. If you walk a bit further down the
room two more sets will show up from both sides. This means you have to kill

Once they are all dead, you'll have to find an exit from this room
because the main door at the other side is completely blocked. Climb the
stairs on the right at the other side and head right to the other side of the
edge to collect the Mag Vega Clip. Slide down to bellow and examine the other
corner at the right side near the stairs. You'll find some Health Bandages
bewteen the bushes. Return to the other side of the room but this time go up
the left stairs to the left at the top. You should find some Mag Vega Clips in
the center of this ledge. Collect them and look up. You should see a tube just
above Laraheading for the platforms in the center of the room above the
capsules. Before jumping and grabing the tube, collect another Mag Vega Clip
at the end. Jump and hold the tube and swing to the platform. Once you are
above it, release the tube and go right first to turn a valve. Go to the
opposite side at the left (hop over the two places where the platform is
broken) and turn another valve. This will open the crate at the floor of the
capsule where the first creature you killed was. To go down to the room
bellow you can either return to the tube you used to reach the ledge and go
down the stairs or by going down the ladder at the left side near the second
valve, but you'll have to drop down and lose nearly 60% of your health. Either
ways, drop down trough the hole you just opened in the last left capsule
(counting from the room's entrance) to fall in a room with water.

Leave the water and head through the passage to another room with
water. in this room there's a ladder at the other side on the wall, a sliding
ledge just in front and water at the bottom. Make sure you are standing in
front of the ladder.Walk forwards and slide down the ledge, then jump and hold
the ladder before falling in the water. If you grabbed the ladder without
falling in the water, skip the next paragraph.


Swim through the gap in the bars to the next room. You'll find yourself
in a gig tank with a Razor Jaw. Immediately swim to the top left side and try
to find the ladder to leave the water. You can kill the Razor Jaw, but it will
be a waste of ammo because it takes some time until it dies. Kill the guard
walking upstairs to the left. It's possible to kill in Stealth mode by waiting
him to go to the right area. It is best to kill him with your weapon though,
but make sure you use a fast weapon.


Go up the ladder and collect the Small Medipack on the platform above.
Open the door just in front. Go all the way through the corridor and up the
stairs until you reach the door. Open it. The first thing to do in this room
is to kill the guard walking bellow. It's possible to kill in Stealth mode by
waiting him to go to the right area. It is best to kill him with your weapon
though, but make sure you use a fast weapon. Note that there's a Razor Jaw
hidden in the water, and even if you can kill it from the surface he will take
a lot of ammo to die.

If you fall in the water for some reason there are two laddres in the
room near the surface that allow you to escape to a platform before the Razor
Jaw kills you. One is located near the center of the room, and the other one
can be found at the left side near the platform with some plants where the
guard you just killed usually stops.

Go to the lower platform near the wall with some plants where the guard
you just killed usually stops. Check the creeping plants near the left corner
- they can be climbed. Start climbing up and then climb to the left and up
until you reach the ledge with the big metal door that can't be opened. You'll
find a ladder heading up to another platform. Go up the ladder and press the
switch at the other edge of the platform. This will move the electric platform
to the other side. Go back to the ledge with the door and return to the area
bellow by climbing down the creeping plant. Go to the metallic platform near
the water to the right with the big tube close to it (you must go up and down
the two small sets of stairs). Jump to the tube, collect the Mag Vega Clip
over it and turn the valve just in front to stop the deadly gas. After that
return to the platform and go up the stairs. Go all the way up the stairs and
head left. Run and jump to the other side where the platform is broken. Just
in front you'll see a tube and a very narrow ledge close to the wall. Before
huging the wall and walk over the narrow ledge, you can climb the stairs at
your left and go up the small ladder to collect some Health Pills, Mag Vega
and Vector SMG Clips at the top (on the semicircular platform with some
plants). Walk over the narrow ledge and climb up the tube. Shimmy to the left
at the top and pull up as soon as you can. Climb the creeping plant at the
left and use it to reach the electronic platform you previously moved after
pressing the switch (you must be fast enough before the grip bar ends). Once
you are above it, release the plant and go down the ladder to the platform
bellow. Go down another ladder to finally reach the door at the other side of
this room. Press the switch on the wall near the door to open it. Press
another switch at the left wall to unlock the second door and proceed to the
fourth Biodome room.

...................BIODOME RESEARCH FACILITY (Part 2).........................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-Health Bandages x 2
-Health Pills x 1
-Mag Vega Clips x 1
-Viper SMG Clips x 1
-Vector-R35 Clips x 1
-Botanical Low Acess Pass
-Botanical Medium Access Pass
-Botanical High Acess Pass

-Guards x 3


Enter the next room and follow the platform untill you see the ladder
at the right. You'll also see a sequence of the plant closing the metallic
door, preventing you from going any further. Go down the ladder and collect
the Mag Vega Clip near the big mushrooms, under the room. Go upstairs to the
room above. You'll find a lever at the left and six valves on the wall. There
are also some diagrams at the righ on the board, one of those give you the
solution for the puzzle. You must push the table to see them all. The plant
that blocked the door is fed by a tube. By turning the right valves you can
feed the plant with a green liquid. The diagrams at the left explain how to
feed the plant correctly. The diagram with the red cross shows the way the
plant shouldn't be fed. If you turn the valves according to the diagram with
the red cross the plant will die. You must turn the valves as shown in that
diagram. That means you need to turn the first, second and fifth valves
(counting from the left). Press the lever at the right and after the sequence
showing the plant dying. Pass through the blue door it was blocking and open
the second blue door just in front.

You'll be in the fifht room of the Biodome. The objective here is to
collect the three passes that are dropped by the guards. This room as full of
platforms and it might be a bit confusing to explain everything you need to
do. Follow the right path and kill a guard walking a bit further. You can hide
and catch him from behind if you want. Collect the Botanical Low Acess Pass he
drops. This guard was keeping an entrance at the right where you will have to
use all the three cards. There are also some stairs that lead to a small pool.

Climb the small wall at the left of the stair to the small upper area
with the threes. Find the ladder there a bit to the left near the carnivorous
plant. Climb it to the platform above and head left, all the way up the
stairs. You should see a locked gate at your left, but you can't open it from
this side. Climb to the vent just in front and hop to the next one on the
roof. Now jump to the roof and make sure you slide down and land over the vent

If you want to collect some bandages, you can slide down backwards from
the left side of the vent you are currently standing (or from the one at its
right side) and hold the edge before falling. Shimmy a bit to the right and
climb the pipe to the small ledge bellow. Collect the Health Bandages and drop
down to the pool. Leave the pool using the stairs at the left. Read the
previous paragraph to return to the roof with the vents, and then follow the
paragraph bellow.

From the last vent where you were standing, jump to the one at its
right side. Now you have to jump and grab the platform above where the rails
are broken. Climb up to the platform and kill the guard walking at the left
side near the carnivorous plant. As you approach the broken platform Lara will
say she will not be able to do that jump. Go to the left to the tree. At the
tree go left first to unlock the gate, but then follow the platform to the
right of the tree. Follow the right platform all the way to the left untill
you see the place where it is broken. Run and jump to the other side to
receive a new strenght update (make sure you press Action in mid-air to make
it) and collect the Large Health Pack. Jump back over the hole and head left
at the tree to return to the broken ledge near the carnivorous plants where
you previously killed the guard.

If you fall at this jump you will have to return by going up the stairs
and passing the gate that you opened at the left. You don't need to jump over
the vents again.

With the strenght upgrade you just got you will be able to jump it
across, but it is a tricky jump. A running jump is required here, as well as
pressing action while in mid-air. Also make sure that you jump near the left
rails. If you fail, you die. If you make it, pull up and turn right. You
should see a semicircular platform with a tree and a guard standing there.
Draw your gun and kill him. This guard will drop a key card, but don't go down
yet. You'll return later to get it. Instead, go up the stairs at the left and
all the way around this platform. At the end climb up the tube hidden by the
creeping plant on the right wall. Shimmy to the right at the top and pull up.
A sequence will start. After it ends, collect the Botanical High Access Pass
near the dead boddy and vault over the rails at the end after collecting the
Viper SMG Clip. Drop down to the platform bellow near the corner in front and
go all the way to the right to pass the gate you previously opened. Head down
the stairs and go to all the way forward to the other side of the platform.
Jump over the broken ledge to the other side (by running near the right rail
and pressing Action while in mide air) and climb the stairs. Collect the
Botanical Medium Acess Pass near the tree where you previously killed the
guard, then head back downstairs and head left before the broken ledge.
Collect the Mag Vega Clip and go down the broken ladder as much as possible
before releasing it. After that head to the entrance near the place where you
killed the first guard (at the other side of the small pool) and use the three
cards you just got on the three card readers. After you use each card a light
will turn on. After you used all three the door will open allowing you to
pass. Pass the door and head down the stairs to the room with the gas. If you
want to finish the level now and miss a few items, read the paragraph bellow.
Otherwise, skip to the OPTIONAL paragraph. You'll end up in the same place if
you take both ways.


Instead of going above the platform in the room with gas, check the
stairs at the left side and go down. Remember that down there Lara can't
breath for too long. Find the small opening with water near the right wall,
but first collect the Vector-R35 Clip on the floor near the left corner and
swim through the tunnel to the pool at the other side. Leave the water using
the ladder and look up to find a platform above with an opening. You can pull
the small metal box at the left side. Place it under the opening at the
platform above, climb to the box and jump to reach the platform. Pull up and
examine the first and the third lockers to collect the Health Pills and the
Health Bandages. You can't open the door there, so you'll have to return to
the room with gas. Go up the stairs.

Use the metal platforms to reach the door at the other side and enter
the desinfection room. Press the yellow switch just in front to open the door
and head for the next door at the left side (you'll not be able to open the
right door from this side). After you press the next switch a sequence will
trigger and the level is finished.

..............................THE SANITARIUM..................................

-Chocolate x 2
-Health Pills x 1
-Boran X Ammo x 4
-Boran X (Kurtis only)
-Farsee Code
-Strahov Assistants Pass

-Zombie x 12
-Red Zombie x 1


You will have to enter the Sanitarium with Kurtis. Inside the
Sanitarium there are a few areas with many small rooms you can enter. However,
there is nothing you can do in most rooms. I will tell you whenever a room has
an item.

Collect the the Boran X Ammo at the right and approach the lift. Look
to the bottom You'll have to get to a lower floor. In order to do that, you
will have to approach the edge, press Action to hang it, and then releas
Action and press it again to hold the edge bellow. You can go all the way down
by repeating this, but if you examnie the platforms at each floor before you
drop down and grabing the next one bellow you'll be able to get a few items.

Before you drop down and grab the second ledge bellow, note that there
is a ladder near the wall that allows you to go down two floors. Jump to it,
go down that ladder and run and jump back to the central platform to keep
going down through the lift shaft. Collect the Health Pills on the ledge
below. If you do not wish to use this ladder, ignore this paragraph.

Drop down three more floors, then pull up to collect the Health Pills.
Drop down two more times to the top of the lift and open the yellow manhole.
Drop down again to the lift and go down the two ladders on the left side of
the lift. Once you are at the platform bellow the second ladder, approach the
lift and jump to the platform just above at the left. Noit that you must grab
the edge where the rails are broken. Pull up and open the door at the left to
enter the Sanitarium.

Once inside the Sanitarium, kill the zombie at the other side of the
gate just in front. Pass the gate and head to the corridor just in front. A
sequence will trigger. Collect the Boran X Ammo near the dead body and kill
the zombie that will walk just in front. Proceed to the left. Go right on the
corridor and you should see an opened door at the right and a gate just in
front. Check the opened door and talk to the man inside the room. After that
examine the gate. Kurtis will now use the "Farsee" ability to get the code
number 06289. Use this code to open that gate wiht the lock device. Pass the
gate and kill the zombie before opening the next gate.

After opening the gate with the Farsee Code, you'll see the control
panel through the glass where the code was. On the floor you should be able to
see what it seems to be a Chocolate. The door to that control room cannot be
opened and there doesn't seem to be a way to collect that Chocolat. I didn't
count this item because you cannot get it.

Open the next gate once the zombie is dead. Keep going forward and open
a third gate. Go left down the stairs and another zombie should appear running
in your direction. Kill him. Ignore the room at the left and open the white
door in front. After opening the white door, another zombie will run in your
direction, but if you shoot him he will try to run away. Meanwhile, another
zombie will show up from a room at the right. Kill the first one before it
runs away and then take care of the second coming from the right. Check the
first room at the right where the second zombie was to get a Chocolate. Leave
the room and head to the canteen. You will find a zombie dressing red. He will
not harm you and you don't really have to kill him. Another zombie will come
from the canteen and attack you, and you'll have to kill this one. Before
exploring the large room with the broken tables there are a couple of things
you have to do first, but don't worry because you will return to that room.
First, check the white door at the right where the red zombie is usually
walking. This door has the number 38471. Write down the number, you'll need
it. Keep going through the corridor and kill one more zombie coming in your
direction. Proceed through the corridor and open the door at the end to acess
one of the research laboratories. Inside you'll find a dead specimen that
resembles Proto. Collect the Boran X Ammo on the floor and examine the dead
scientist's body at the right corner to obtain the Strahov Assistants Pass.
Leave the room through the door you came and return to the canteen. Go to the
large room and kill the zombie behind the counter. Collect the Boran X Ammo on
the floor in the middle and a Chocolate at the right side between the broken
tables. Check the door at the right corner and use the card to unlock it. Go
inside and immediately go all the way up the metallic stairs at the left.
Collect the Large Health Pack at the right end and then go left and run and
jump over the broken ledge (press Action while in mid-air because you will
lose some health if you fall). Examine the control panel and input the code
you previously wrote down (the one at the white door where the red zombie was
walking, which is 38471). Go back to the bottom floor by either going down the
metallic ladder or hanging and dropping from the broken ledge. Go trough the
door you just opened at the other side of the canteen and head up the stairs.
Open another door.

This section is all about following the Proto. As soon as you start,
you'll be in a corridor with a glass just in front. You can see a research lab
at the other side of the glass. You must go right and you'll trigger a
sequence involving the scientist and the proto after a couple of steps. Keep
going down the corridor and head left through the opened door. Kill the zombie
once you turn left. Go to the end of the corridor and open the air shaft's
crate. Crawl through the air shaft and climb up to the next one. Keep crawling
and press Action and Forward at the shaft's exit to Somersaul to the lab.
There is nothing to get inside the lab. Check the other air shaft at the right
and open the crate to crawl inside. Climb up again to the next one and keep
crawling until you reach the air shat's exit. You'll see another sequence with
the Proto. Somersault to the room bellow with the ventilator. Collect the
Boran X Ammo on the floor. You will have to turn the ventilator off, but you
can't climb the broken ladder to reach the platform with the switch. Instead,
draw your gun and shoot one of the three canisters near the ventilator to make
it blow. Three or four shots is enough, and make sure you keep your distance
before it blows if you want to save 10 to 15% of your total health. This will
make the ladder fall, allowing you to jump and grab the edge to reach the
platform. Pull up and press the switch to turn the ventilator off. You'll now
be able to crawl through the ventilator's gap to reach the other side. Crawl
through the other air shaft at the left.

........................MAXIMUM CONTAINMENT AREA..............................

-Chocolate x 1
-Boran X Ammo x 2
-Sanitarium Low Access Pass
-Sanitarium Medium Access Pass

-Upgraded Zombie x 6
-Guard x 1 (cannot be shot)
-Proto Nephilim


The next area might be a bit confusing before you knw it well. As soon
as the level starts, the camera will show you the area. Fo down the corridor
and open the gate. There's another small control room at the left, a gate just
in front and a corridor to the right, with a destroyed section. Remember that
Kurtis can't swim. He'll die if you try to swim. In order to collect the Boran
X Ammo at the other side of the destroyed section you'll have to run and jump
over the destroyed section near the right wall. Might be a tough jump, so save
before trying. Collect the ammo and jump back. Open the gate at the left and
the double doors just in front.

After passing this door do not go forward and then to the left to
examine the room at the left side just before the closed iron gate. If you do
you'll have to deal with two Upgarded Zombies as you try to leave the room.

After passing the double doors, go righ and approach the second door at
the right. Kurtis will once again use his "Farsee" ability to obtain the code
number 17068. Head back to the control room at the left and open the green
door near the game. Input the code at the panel to unlock the doors to both
rooms that Kurtis examined with his Farsee ability. Leave the control room and
return to the second door where Kurtis used the Farsee ability. Inside the
office collect the Sanitarium Low Access Pass and a Chocolate over the desk.
As you try to leave the room one Upgraded Zombie will atack you. Kill him and
go right after leaving. Use the Pass you just obtained on the card reader at
the right wall near the iron gate to open all the iron gates. You will then
have to go down the ramp at the right after passing the iron gate, but first
you can collect the Boran X Ammo in a room at the left side of the ramp,
over the bed. Once you have it, go down the ramp and open the double doors. In
the next area you'll have one corridor just in front and another one to the
left. These corridors surround a room at the center. Just in front of you at
the other side you'll be able to see/hear a guard behing the half-opened gate.
You will not be able to kill him with your Boran X, but there's a way to get
rid of him. Follow the right corridor and open the double doors at the left.
You'll se a sequence involving Proto. Proto will kill the guard. At this point
there is an optional area you can visit. Note that there are two Upgraded
Zombies walking around in these corridors: one at the right corridor and
another near the place where the guard was to the right. If you wish to visit
this area, skip to the optional paragraph bellow. Otherwise you can take a
shortcut to finish the level.

Note that this is probably a flaw to allow you finish the level
earlier. In order to finish the level correctly, skip this paragraph.
Approach the gate at the right corner of this area (the corner at the
left side of the plave where the guard was) and use the pass on the card
reader at the right wall. Pass the gates to enter the next room. Skip the next

After the sequence with Proto, you can examine the authopsy room, but
an extra Upgraded Zombie will enter the room and attack you and there is
nothing inside. Leave the room and head right to the place where the guard
was. You'll now be able to crawl through under the gate to pass to the other
side. Go down the stairs all the way to the bottom and head through the
corridor to reach a large round room after opening the metallic door at the
end. This room is the one where the sequence of Proto escaping occurred (you
saw this sequence at the Strahov when you turned the power off). Go around
this room to the right and climb the ladder to reach the platform above.
Follow the platform to the left untill you see the control room behind the
glass. There's a bidge in front that allows you to approach the Proto's cage.
Climb to ip and jump and hold the platform at the right side of the cage. Pull
up and walk along this platform. Run and jump over the broken section to the
other side (press Action while in mid-air) and climb to the air shaft at the
right wall. Crawul through the shaft and Somersault to the level bellow.
Slowly drop down to the bottom and keep crawling through the shaft. Crawl to
the left, right and left at the crossings and Somersault to the room bellow at
the end. You'll be over a broken ventilator with a ladder. Go up the ladder
and collect the Sanitarium Medium Acess Pass near the dead body. Collect the
Chocolate on the floor and use the pass on the card reader at the left side of
the passage to unlock the door. Approach the door at the left at the end of
the ramp to access the next room.

............MAXIMUM CONTAINMENT AREA Boss fight: Proto Nephilim...............

-Boran X Ammo x 1
-Large Health Pack x 1

-Proto Nephilim

Once you're inside the last room, you'll have to fight Proto and finish
him once and for all. After the sequence, draw your Borean X and shoot. Proto
is ridiculously weak when fighting you, and he will just try to bite you. Make
sure you evade his attacks by simply pressing left or right all the time to
sidestep while shooting at the same time. Careful though, as Proto will run
away several times but it will return! Sometimes it also plays dead, but it
will wake up and charge at you again. This is an example of a strategy to beat
Proto. It is what I did to beat him one of the times I fought him.

-Proto will start attacking. Shoot him will using the sidestep movement to
avoid it from bitting you. Took me 60 to 70 shots until it ran away
through the shaft. When that happens, collect the Boran X Ammo near the
generator and the Large Health Pack in the opposite side of the room;
-You will then see Proto returning from the shaft. Once Kurtis aims, shoot him
again and use the same strategy. After 20 shots Proto played dead.
-Once it started attacking again, I wasted six shots on it and it returned to
the air shaft;
-Proto returned. Using the same strategy, Proto was playing dead after ten
shots. When it woke up I only needed to shoot it three more times to
make it run away to the air shaft again. However, this time Proto
jumped from the platforms above instead of returning from the air
shaft. I shoot it eight times to make it fall dead again.
-Once Proto woke up, eight more shots were enough to take care of it.
-Kurtis will use the Periapt Shard to kill Proto after a while. Once it's
dead, you can pull the lever to activate the power once again.

..........................AQUATIC RESEARCH AREA...............................

-Small Health Pack x 1
-Mag Vega Clips x 1

-Razor Jaw x 1
-Guard x 1


As soon as the level starts, press the switch in front to finally open
the door, since Jurtis already turned the power on. At the next room you must
be particularly careful. There are two machine guns at the lower floor, and
you cannot simply go down the ladder at the right. Instead, hang and drop from
the left side of the platform and release the edge to the floor bellow. Turn
left as walk as close to the left wall as you can. Careful not to step in that
stiffner because Lara will accidently slip and be shot by the security machine
guns. At the next stiffment you'll see a verry small and narrow passage.
Carefully climb to the metallic box at Lara's right and jump to the left over
the canisters. Climb up the pipe on the wall near the second machine gun,
shimmy to the right at the middle and proceed climbing up. Shimmy to the right
and around the corner once you reach the edge at the top and release the edge
once you are above the passage. Follow this passage to the left and down the
stairs and press the switch just in front to use the camera. You should be
able to see an intermittent light at the left with the camera. The ligh marks
a dangerous spot you'll be able to shoot. Press Cancel to leave the camera
view and proceed to the room. There's a machine gun at the other end of this
room. Walk close to the left wall and stop before the next set of boxes. Lara
will be able to target the spot with any gun (the Rigg 09 will do). Shoot it
and it will explode and destroy the machine gun. However, the explosion will
also destroy the pipes and release a deadly gas. Touching this gas will reduce
your health very quickly and you must reach the door where the gas is. Make
sure you walk by the left side over a small box without touching the gas. Once
you reach the door at the right press the switch to open it and climb up the
ladder at the left behind the door. Proceed through the corridor and after the
small set of steps the door in front will open allowing you to enter the next

You will now be at the Aquatic Research room. The monitors just in
front will show you the room low on electricity. You'll have to turn it on.
This area has plenty of platforms all around and two sections with water. The
right section is smaller and is split from the left section with some bars.
There's a Razor Jaw swimming in the left section. You don't need to kill the
Razor Jaw if you want to save your ammo, but that's up to you. If you want to
do the things the right way do not kill it, as there is a way to prevent it
from attacking Lara. There are also two ladders at each side of the room to
allow you to leave the large left section of water in case you fall.

Go down the steps to the right of the monitors you come across when you
enter the room and walk over the platform to the right. Dive to the right to
the water and swim through the broken glass of the flooded control room at the
right side near the bottom. Pull the first power lever at the left side
inside this room. You can then return to the surface to recover the air bar if
the bar is nearly empty, but then you'll have to swim back to the control room
and this time to the right. Go through the opened door at the right and swim a
little bit up and through another big opened door (there is no need to swim to
the left side, as there is nothing there). After that simply swim all the
way to the top and leave the water by pulling up to the room at the left.
Before opening the door at the other side of the room you can collect a Small
Health Pack at the left side. Press the yellow switch at the righ side of the
door to unclock it and proceed through the corridor to return to the
Aquatic Research room. You will be able to see the door you opened with the
first power lever at the other side of this room, and that's where you have to
go next. To get there simply walk over the platforms at the left, climb the
steps at the right and follow the platform untill you reach the entrance. Pass
the opened door and open the next one at the other side of the corridor by
pressing the yellow switch at the right wall just next to the door. You'll be
inside a room similar to the one you previously left and you'll have to reach
the other control room, which isn't flooded. Press the switch at the right
corner to call the lift. You can then press the switch at the left corner
to view the room bellow through the camera, but there is no special reason to
do that. Enter the lift and press the switch at the left inside the lift to
close the door and go down. Once the lift stops, leave it and drop down to the
control room's entrance bellow. The door will automatically open when you
approach it. Pull the second power lever at the other side of the control room
and leave the room. Go up the two sets of stairs back to the lift and press
the switch near the door at the corner to enter the lift. Once again press the
switch inside to go up and leave the lift. Go back to the corridor and press
the yellow switch to open the door and return
to the Aquatic Research room.

Back to that room, the camera will show you one lever, one switch and
one ladder with an opened trapdoor - all related with what you have to do
next. Go up the stairs at the right side to the platform above. You'll find an
empty receptacle you can pull at the top on the right (on another lift). Pull
it untill it doesn't move anymore and then press the yellow switch at the
right. This will automatically move the receptacle. Push it all the way to the
right to the cabin where you see some blood drops. Pull the lever inside the
cabin to fill the receptacle with meat and pull it again until it doesn't move
anymore. Lara will get a strenght update after that. Press another yellow
switch to make the receptacle move again and then push it forward to the place
where it previously was. Go back down the stairs and return to the door at
the other side of the room using the same route, but don't go through the
door. Instead, go up the stairs at its left and climb up the ladder at the
right near the boxes. Once at the top, press the two buttons at the right
panel to use the monitors. The right monitor will show you the lever number
one under the water. The left monitor will show you the lever number two
inside a round room at the right. You will have to press those two switches,
but you first you must find a way to distract the Razor Jaw. Leave this room
through the left door and approach the broken ledge. Climb the pipe, shimmy to
the left, climb up again and shimmy all the way to the right as fast as
possible because Lara's Grip Bar will be empty at the very last moment
you reach the platform. Note that this is only possible fi you got the
strenght update. Once you are on the platform press the yellow switch near the
edge at the left to call the platform. Step on it to reach the other side. As
you approach the gate it will automatically open. You should have a door just
in front after passing the gate, but before opening it press the switch at the
left side to make the lift with the receptacle go down to the water. This way
the Razor Jaw will be fed with the meat and from now on you'll be able to
safely swim in the water. Before leaving this corridor open the door at the
left by pressing the yellow switch at its left side. Go up the steps and press
another yellow switch at the left to open the next door. Draw your gun to kill
the guard waiting in the next room. Inside there isn't much you can do.
There's a Razor Jaw inside some sort of cage and a monitor collecting
information about it. You'll be able to collect a Mag Vega Clip and a Viper
SMG Clip inside each cabinet at both sides of the entrance. After that leave
the room through the door you came (press the yellow switch at the right wall
after going down the steps) and go forward to return to the Aquatic Research

At this point you are about to leave this area to enter the Vault.
Since you already fed the Razor Jaw, you'll be able to swim in the left
section with water. After leaving through the automatic gate, Step on the lift
and drop down to the water. Swim to the other side to find the first lever
underwater (you should see the number 1 above it, marking its location). Pull
it to open the first gate at the bottom. Go to the surface to refill the Air
bar and once again swim to the opposite side of the lever number one to find
an opening with the number 2 above it. Swim through that tunnel and go up to
reach the round room with the second lever. As soon as you reach the surface,
Lara will change to the diving suit and the room will flood after Lara presses
the switch. Pull the lever number two and go back to the main room through the
tunnel. Reach the surface to fill the Air bar and swim through the large
tunnel you just opened with the two levers at the bottom to finish this level.

.........................THE VAULT OF TROPHIES................................

-Health Bandages x 1
-Aqua-lung x 2
-Last Obscura Painting

-Knights x 2

Start swimming forward and make a left turn. You'll have to pass a
section with many spikes. In order to do that, swim near the top of the tunnel
and try to pass between two of the three spikes that come from the floor.
You'll be able to fill your Air bar in a small opening at the top at the first
crossing. In order to avoid the next section with spikes just in front, you'll
be able to swim through the right side around those spikes. So it is best to
follow the right tunnel. Turn left twice and swim forward at the crossing.
You'll be able to fill the Air bar above this crossing as well. Just before
the next left turn you'll find an opening at the left wall. This will take you
to an old tunnel with many blocked paths. Swim down the tunnel and turn around
at the bottom. Swim to the right at the first crossing, to the left at the
second crossing and to the ritht again at the last crossing to refill the Air
Bar. You'll be able to collect the Aqua-lung and Health Bandages there, but
you have to find the right place to pull up. Once you have both items, I
strongly recommend you to save the game.

Return to the water and swim all the way forward untill you see a wall
blocking your path. Lara will be able to kick the wall to open her path to the
next room. You get a Notebook update as soon as you enter the room. Before
doing anything else here, make sure you examine the engravings at the other
side of the room to get a Notebook update and more information about what you
have to do here. Make sure you use the Aqua-lung once the Air bar is nearly
empty. This way you'll be able to explore the room with the Aqua-lung, and
once it runs out of exygen Lara's Air bar will be full again.

Here's a small explanation of how this puzzle works. There are a total
of eight statues of the Lux Veritatis in this room. Behind each statue you'll
find a chain. If you pull the chain, the corresponding statue will move to the
center of the room. What you have to do here is to move the two correct
statues (the statues of the brothers) to the center. Only one statue can be in
the middle at a time, except for the two you have to move. If you move one
statue and the previous you moved returns to its place, you know the first one
is wrong. You'll also find the name of each statue in the base behing each
one. Starting at the right side from the engravings the names are Montsegur,
Vasiley, Occitan, Aicard, DeCombel, Bogomil, Limoux and Guilhelm.

In order to solve this puzzle, you have to pull the chains behind
Vasiley and Limoux statues. Once you've done that, the rocks just above the
center of the room will fall and a new opening will be available. Lara will
automatically undress the diving suit and you can proceed through the cave. At
the middle you'll have to pass under a huge stone block that falls from the
ceiling. It's another trap, but pretty easy to avoid. Don't stop running
untill the block falls, so Lara will stop at the right moment. Once it goes up
and you see you have enough space to pass, quickly tap Forward to run to the
other side before you get crushed. Once you reach the end you'll see a huge
hole. Press the lever at the left rock to make some floating platforms appear.
It is up to you how you want to reach the other side, as there are a few ways
to pass over these platforms. I'll provide you the walkthrough for way I think
it is best:

-Hop to the second one from the left. All platforms will disappear excent the
one where Lara is standing and the other two in front;
-Hop to the right platform. Wait until two new platforms appear in front;
-Hop to the right platform and wait for another two platforms show up above.
Jump and hold the closer platform above and jump from it to the
opening in the wall to collect an Aqua-lung;
-Hop back to the previous platform, hang and drop from the left side to the
one bellow;
-Hop over the next two platforms to reach the top of the rock in the center;
-Finally wait for the next three platforms appear and hop over those to reach
the cave at the other side of the hole.

Go down the cave to enter a room with many books and two knights.
Ignore the two knights for now, but don't get too close or avoid being hit.
Approach the table with the book to get a Notebook update and pull the lever
at the right side of the fireplace to reveal the Health Bandages behind a
bookshelf and to get a strenght update. Use your Mag Vega to knock down the
two knights and make sure you use the Roll button to change between targets
whenever one of them gets too close (try standing behind the table when
shooting them because that way sometimes they can't get close). Once they are
on the ground, immediately collect the Health Bandages at the right side and
Sprint to the left corner in the opposite side of the room. Pull the chain
four times to make the carpet on the wall move up and climb wall where the
carpet was up and right. Once Lara grabs the fissure at the top right side
shimmy to the right around the corner and pull up to the wooden platform. Turn
around, jump and grab the ceiling and swing forward. Release the ceiling once
you are above the next platform. Turn left, jump and brab the ceiling once
again and swing all the way forward untill you are above the lamp. Release the
ceiling after that to make the lamp go down a little and reveal a secret hole
with the painting. Return to the area bellow by hanging and dropping from the
top of the lamp (no health loss) and immediately run to collect the Last
Obscura Painting at the right side of the fireplace. This will also stop the
fire at the fireplace, allowing you to Crawl to the other side.

Open the door behind the fireplace and drop down to the hole with
water. Start swimming all the way forward and take the right tunnel at the
dead end. Swim to the bottom making a left and a right turn and follow the
right tunnel at the next crossing. Swim all the way forward to reach a large
round room. Swim to the surface and a sequence will start.

...............................BOAZ RETURNS...................................

-Boran X Ammo x 1

-Boaz Pod
-Mutant Boaz


In order to Defeat Boaz Pod, you must shoot the main body first. Kurtis
will automatically aim the main body once Boaz starts walking and dashing
against you. Shooting it around six times before it dashes will prevent it
from hitting you as well. Once the main body is temporarly stunned, Boaz will
counter attack by opening the pods on its back and shoot some green balls
against you. Once that happens you will have to destroy the pods when they are
opened. There are a total of four pods. Note that by using the Roll button
while aiming you'll be able to change targets. Many people usually get stuck
here because they haven't used the Target Switching button and Kurtis will
never aim two of the pods. After you destroy one of the pods, Boaz will resume
attacking with its dashes but sometimes it will open its mouth and throw a
green liquid amd shake it left and right. To easily avoid it, you can either
jump over it or run behind Boaz. You will have to repeat the process. As soon
as she dashes against you again, you must stun the main body again and shoot
another pod. Repeat this process untill all the four pods are destroyed. A
sequence will start, and Boaz will atack again.

Mutant Boaz is far more easy than her previous form. It can barely harm
you and the only atack it has is its blade slash, which can barely take over
10-15% of your total health. If you shoot it and just run away when it gets
too close it will be dead in 30 shots. Another sequence will start after that.

If you ever run low on ammo you can always find the Boran X Ammo at the
left side of the room (counting from the large entrance where Boaz Pod came).

.............................THE LOST DOMAIN..................................

-Large Health Pack x 1

-No enemies


Back to Lara, this level starts with her sliding down in a tunnel. You
should stop at an intersection. Go right first to an area with a locked gate
at the right (you can see the Large Health Pack behind it). There are some
rocks in the center of this area, as well as lava at the very bottom of the
pit, so you know what happens if you fall. As you walk forward a bit Lara will
start sliding down the rocks. You must jump before the end of this rock to the
one just in front. There's a another small rock in front of this one, and
you'll be able to Hop to it. You should be able to see the section just in
front with the lever. A standing jump is enough to reach it, but try not to
hit the bridge at the right. Lara's legs will feel stronger after that. From
this point, you'll be able to use the Sprint Jump by using Sprint and pressing
Jump. Pull the lever to open the gate you previously saw and climb to the
bridge and go back to the place where you came through. Collect the Large
Health Pack on your way and return to the intersection. Go to the right this
time. You will end up in a room with rocks and a lever at the entrance.
There's a gate at the other side that you can open by pulling the lever. The
camera will show you the gate opening. As soon as you start controlling Lara
you have fifteen seconds to reach that gate before it closes again. In order
to do that, you will have to use the Sprint Jumps to jump over the rocks and
make it to the other side before the game closes. Do not fall before the first
jump and don't try to grab the rock if you didn't jump long enough because
that way you'll not make it. You must land directly over each rock.

After pressing the lever to open the gate, turn a bit to the right and
run and jump to the top of the first rock. Don't stop running as you land and
immediately press Sprint and jump to reach the next rock. Immediately Sprint
again and jump one more time to reach the section near the game. Pass this
gate before it closes. It is bets to save your game after you make it.

It IS possible to pass the gate without using the Sprint Jumps, but it
is somewhat hard . You are NOT SUPPOSED to clear the room like this. Take it
as an extra challenge if you want to try. If for some reason you want to do
it, you will have to start running and jumping to the first rock after pulling
the lever and before the time counting starts. In order to do that you'll have
to start running when the camera angle changes to show you the gate opening -
yes, you'll be able to control Lara and you'll not be able to see what you are
doing. You will only have enough time to jump, hold the rock and pull up
twice, and this should happen at the second and last jumps. It is still
possible to make the second jump and land over the rock instead of hanging,
but it's very hard to do that. The gate will close the moment you pass
through it. And yes, I've done it several times.
In for some reason you get to the gate and it closes before you can
make it there is an easy way to return to the lever without doing all the
jumps again and without loading the game. Simply jump and hold the fissure at
the right rocks and shimmy all the way to the right until Lara can't shimmy
any further. Release the fissure, turn around and jump to the cave at the
other side. Go through this cave and jump to the first rock of this room.
There's another fissure at the other side of the room. Approach it, jump and
hold it and shimmy to the right. Release the fissure once Lara's above the
spot bellow the lever, hop to the right and pull up to the entrance where the
lever is.

Once you make it to the other side, go through the tunnel to the next
room. There's plenty of lava and fire here, and you'll have to jump to the
rockes as well. The fire balls will randomly hit you, just like it happens at
the Sanctuary of Flame. Start walking forward and hop to the first rock before
reaching the edge.

At this point the first thing you might think is that you have to hop
and jump over all those rocks to reach the other side. If you do that you'll
understand that the stairs at the other side are trapped and by steping over
them you'll activate a set of blades coming in your direction. You'll not be
able to get to the other side like that, but you can still avoid being killed
by simply jumping backwards. In order to avoid this, read the paragraph

From the first rock you hop to, turn left and you should see a spot
with a ladder. Jump to that spot and go up the ladder. Go to the bridge at the
right and jump over the broken section to the other side. Walk to the other
side and the camera angle should change. There's a ramp at the left. Try to
slide down this ramp as close to the right side as possible and jump before
falling. Immediately press Action while in mid-air to grab the platform at the
other side. If you fail you'll land over a rock bellow the platform and you
have to jump back to the rocks in the center, return to the spot with the
ladder and repeat the previous steps to reach the platform. If you made
it press the lever you find in that platform. After doing that, you'll see the
two torches the statues hold unlight and this basically means you've
desactivated the trap. Hang and drop to the rock bellow and diagonally run and
jump to the stairs near the two statues. Approach the door and you'll see it
opening. Pass through it to finish this level

...............................ECKHARDT'S LAB.................................

-Large Health Pack x 1
-Small Medipack x 1
-Alchemic Phial #1
-Alchemic Phial #2
-Alchemic Phial #3
-Periapt Shard x 1

-Skeleton x 2


Go through the cave and start sliding down. Look for the edge at the
left side and jump to it before being hit by the spike that is activated once
you get close to that edge. Two more spikes will be activated at the right
wall, but they cannot harm you. You should be able to see a hole. There's also
another spike bellow the edge, but it is only there if you miss the jump to
the ledge. You will have to either run and jump or use the Sprint jump to jump
over the hole from this edge. Two more spikes will activate while you are in
the air and they may take some health. If you jumped far enough to reach the
other side, proceed through the tunnel to enter Eckhardt's lab.

Start pulling the lever in the center of the room to unlock the square
hole and the ladder's trapdoor. Do not try to fall down the hole because the
water is hot and you'll die. Once you do that two skeletons will show up. The
best way to get rid of them is to stay at the other side of the hole and wait
for them to come. They will walk very close to the hole, and you will be able
to pull each one into the hole with a single punch. Go up the steps and
collect the Small Medipack behind the wooden structure and the Alchemic Phial
#1 (oxygen) on a table at the right corner. After that go up the ladder at the
right side of the lab's entrance. Turn around at the top and jump over the
railings to the top of the cage (press Action while jumping to hold the cage's
edge and pull up. Find the trapdoor on the right side of the cage and drop
down inside. Collect the Alchemic Phial #2 (hydrogen) As soon as you collect
it, the cage will slowly fall into the hole with the hot water. You must climb
the right side of the cage to the trapdoor you entered and press left at the
top to pull up. It is okay to stay over the cage when it falls (meaning you
don't really need to jump before it falls), but you'll die if you stay inside.
You can now step over the cage in the hole without touching the hot water. You
should be able to find a small crawling space a little bit above inside the
hole. Jump and hold it and pull up to collect the Alchemic Phial #3 (salt).
Climb the right(left wall inside the hole and once you reach the top jump
backwards to leave the hole. Now you have to place all the three Alchemic
Phials in the three supports inside the Lab:

-Chemical Phial #1 is attatched to the support just above the wooden steps;
-Chemical Phial #2 is attached to the support at the other side of the lab on
the wall (inside the round room with the pool);
-Chemical Phial #3 is attached to the support found at the platform on top
just above the Phial #1's support (you must climb the ladder at the
right side of the entrance again to reach it).

After placing the Phial #3, you should notice the railings behind its
support are broken. If you jump through that gap to the wall and press Action
you'll be able to hold the wooden bar above. Pull up and collect a Large
Health Pack, then hang from the edge and drop down (you'll not suffer any
health loss).

Once all three Chemical Phials are placed, you should see the water
temperature being reduced and now you'll be able to swim in the round pool.
The third Periapt Shard is found at the very bootm of this pool. After you get
it you'll see the other gate inside the lab opening. Swim back to the surface
and leave the pool. Head through the gate and slide all the way down to the
bottom. Open the huge door at the end. You are now inside the last room.

.............ECKHARDT'S LAB Final Boss Fight: Eckhardt and Karel..............

-Eckhardt's Glove



The final battle awaits. Approach the center of this room and start the
fight after the dialogue. You'll fight Eckardt, but he's extremely easy to
defeat. You'll be surrounded by some sort of barrier - which you can't touch
if you want to save 10% of your health - and Eckhardt will be running outside
around. Don't waste your ammo on him, you will not need to use bullets. He
will start sending a thunder wave against you that will cover the entire area.
It is easy to avoid this wave and it doesn't do much damage at all (10% at
most). There are two main ways to avoid them: jump over them or crawl so they
won't touch you. He will repeat this attack six times, and after that he will
start duplicating himself and teleporting to different spots. Don't do
anything at this moment and just watch. Once he creates three duplications,
you'll see the three running through the barrier and joining themselves
together again. When this happens Eckhardt is about to use his most powerful
attack (which is not that powerful...). You should see him stopped in the
center and a lot of sparkles on the floor. These sparkles mark the places
Eckhardt will hit with a lightning storm. If you stay as close as possible to
the barrier or between the sparkles you'll not be hit. One of these hits can
take up to 20% of health. After this attack he will be standing in the center
of the room recovering strenght. When this happens, run in his direction and
punch him. Lara will automatically stab him with the first Periapt Shard.
After that Eckhardt will jump from the center and continue attacking. At this
point he will use the same pattern of attacks, which basically means you have
to repeat all the actions to stab him with another Periapt Shard. The only
difference is that he will now use fire attacks (six fire waves, self
duplication and one fire storm). He will alternate between thunder and fire
attacks, but he always follows the same pattern. Once you have stabbed him
with the three Periapt Shards, he will die. After the sequence, the real final
boss will appear. If for some reason you fail to stab him with a Shard once
he is recovering, Eckhardt will hit the ground and some rocks will fall.

If you followed the storyline so far, you'll that the next boss is and
you'll also know you cannot simply kill him. Korel cannot be killed. Instead,
you'll have to concentrate on destroying the sleeper. Korel will throw energy
balls at you. They cannot harm you much (around 10% damage). Collect Eckardt's
Glove near his body lying near the pillar at the opposite side of the room's
entrance. Use it behind the left pillar where you can see that sort of switch.
This will make two ladders come down. Climb up the ladder a bit to the right
from the pillar to the first platform above. Note that Korel's balls can make
you fall from the ladder if they hit you, but it shouldn't be a problem. Run
to the right to find the next ladder. Climb it up to the second platform. Run
all the way to the left side to find another ladder behing the pillar and go
up to the third platform. You are now close to the Sleeper. Run to the left
and approach the Sleeper using the platform that leads to him.

Congratulations! The ending sequence will start and after that the
credits will roll. Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is finished.


This credit section is still under update. If you don't see your name
here, contact me and tell me what was your contribution. If the information
you contributed was not added or just parcially added to this Faq, please wait
for the next updates. Your contributed info will be completely included.

-Special Thanks to CJayC for his awesome work and dedication to us, gamers,
for making such a great site.
-Special Thanks to Core for making this great series. I know you couldn't
complete this game on time, but I believe you worked hard on it.

-Thanks to Ahsan Rahim for contributing with an item location and extra
strategies to clear the Wrath of the Beast Room;
-Thanks to Pietro Tamburrini for correcting some errors in my faq and for his
-Thanks to Adam Eley for contributing with a strategy to get rid of the
skeleton in the Hall of Seasons;
-Thanks to Headhuntress for giving me information abou a few items with
Kurtis and aditional information about the game;
-Thanks to AyumiSqueezetoy for confirming a Notebook update;
-Thanks to Rob1dana for telling me about the itens inside the Sanctuary of
-Thanks to Lisa Aldinger for telling me how to refill the air supply
when the gas gets released in the Louvre;
-Thanks to "S0B3Yur53lf" and to "rhonacoe" for confirming you can leave the
Wrath of the Beast room without killing the knights first;
-Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me with comments and opinions about my
Faq. Thanks for all the kindness and support;
-Thank you for reading my Faq.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (c) Core Design Limited, 2003

................................END OF FAQ....................................

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