Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3 – Athena Sword (walkthrough)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 - Athena Sword
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword
Version 1.1
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2007 idyoticwyzard
Table of Contents
1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
3. The Campaign
3.01 Azure Gate
3.02 Hunter Storm
3.03 Jasper Heart
3.04 Omega Shadow
3.05 Proud Flag
3.06 Granite Cage
3.07 Jagged Silver
3.08 Athena Sword
4. The Classic Missions
4.01 Steel Wind
4.02 Sargasso Fade
4.03 Virgin Moon
5. Closing
1. Legalities
This guide should only be available at the following sites:
If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:
AIM: idyoticwyzard
Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.
1.1 Version History
Version 1.0 (9/16/06): Covers the single player campaign.
Version 1.1 (2/18/07): Added the 3 classic missions.
2. Gameplay Tactics
--(Thanks to PyroFalkon) SATS Sniping: Smoke and Thermal Strategy.
This tactic gives you free reign to take out terrorists at your leisure. You
throw a smoke grenade and let it saturate, then stand in the middle of the
cloud and begin sniping using the thermal scope. You will be able to see your
enemies, but you won't be seen until the smoke wears off. THE best technique
to use, except the AI can't pull it off because they don't turn on their
thermal scopes (and therefore can't see the enemy through the smoke). You
need to control the SATS sniper in order for it to work.
--Team AI has seriously improved from the rest of the Rainbow Six series. With
good planning, you can let the computer complete the mission for you. Maybe
not, but still take advantage of the computer's high reflexes.
--Unlike the previous two Rainbow Six games, you can control every single
character that you deploy. This allows for better variation in equipment,
including snipers armed with smoke grenades and thermal scopes.
--Try not to continue the campaign with dead operatives; it's unprofessional.
If your characters are wounded, continue only if you're absolutely frustrated
with the mission AND you have a decent substitute for the next mission.
--For the sake of organization, I usually assign the main objectives to Red
Team, Green Team serves as a supporting assault team, and Gold Team contains
the primary sniper.
--There isn't just one solution to each level. Experiment with other weapons
and team members to find your way around problem spots.
3. The Missions
Note: Mission plans were tested in both the Veteran and Elite campaigns.
EXT = extraction zone
INS = insertion zone
3.01 Azure Gate
-A relatively easy mission to get you used to hostage rescues and SATS sniping.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Pak, Suo-Won
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Starting from the west INS, head east into the next "room" and wait for Alpha
Alpha, head east and enter the art museum using the SE entrance. Climb the
stairs here and flashbang the room with the hostage. With this hostage secure,
head north and west towards the 2nd hostage. Flash and secure this hostage as
well. Now continue south, clearing the rest of the 2nd floor. There is one
guard patrolling the western rooms and one last guard on the balcony that
branches off from the SW room. It looks down on a hostage room on the 1st
floor. Hold for Charlie here.
Charlie, escort the hostages to EXT.
Green Team
Price, Eddie
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Maldini, Antonio
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Begin with Red in the West INS and head north, going down the stairs. Wait for
Bravo outside the grated door here, watching the wooden platform in the next
room for any tangos.
Bravo, enter and climb up the walkway in front of you. Head south and east
into the courtyard, then head north and enter the museum through the SW
entrance. Advance north, clearing this side of the building until you reach the
door that leads to the hostage. Flashbang and clear the room, then hold for
Charlie by the hostage.
Charlie, escort him back to EXT.
Gold Team
Bogart, Daniel
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Narino, Emilio
Light Black
AW Covert, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Begin in the south INS and head north. There are a bunch of offices in this
area. Open the first door you see and begin clearing this area going clockwise.
One tango is patrolling here, so be ready to catch him off-guard. There's also
another guard watching Red's route, so take him down too. Now return to the
hallway you came from and continue east. Before reaching the opening to the
courtyard, throw a smoke grenade in the door frame and let it smoke up before
standing in the cloud and sniping to the north. There can be 0-2 tangos in this
area. Scan to make sure the place is clear.
Head to the east side of the monument and continue north. SATS snipe in the
passage between the two courtyards. You are looking for an enemy sniper on the
2nd floor, SW part of the museum. Sometimes he's there, sometimes not. In any
case, continue NE and SATS snipe one last time in the SE part of the main
courtyard (the area with the pool). Aim north for a guard on patrol. Continue
sniping until Charlie.
Charlie, return to EXT. If you want to take everyone on the map down, there's
normally one last tango in the basement. You can reach him by crossing the
courtyard to the stairs in the NW and throwing a flashbang down there before
rushing in.
--Order of Operations--
Begin as Gold and do all the SATS sniping yourself. When Gold's waiting for
Charlie, switch to Red and clean up the 2nd floor. Finally, let Green secure
the last hostage and call Charlie to send everyone back to EXT.
3.02 Hunter Storm
-Long streets and alleys make for many sniping opportunities. Each team will
need their own sniper to get through the mission. It may take many tries to
figure out where all the enemies are placed so you can get the first shot off
in each situation.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Light Black
G3A3, mini scope
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Light Black
G3A3, mini scope
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Johnston, Homer
Light Black
PSG-1, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Start from the east INS and run to the corner of the street, throwing a smoke
grenade by the car there. Let it saturate, then SATS snipe north at the 1-3
tangos facing your way. You need to do this quickly to clear the way for the
rest of your team. Continue up the street and throw a frag onto the balcony to
your left as it comes up (I marked it as a milestone because you can't tell the
AI to frag the 2nd floor). Sometimes there's a hard-to-reach tango up there.
Climb the ladder to check, then snipe NE until Bravo. You should be able to get
1-2 tangos.
Bravo, head down and east to the fire engine, securing the hostage and killing
a guard to the north, if he's still there. Continue north, keeping close to the
east wall and watching the alley to the west. Sometimes there is a single tango
remaining in this alley. At the corner that leads to another street with more
buildings, throw a smoke grenade and SATS snipe across the street at the
window. You won't be able to detect a heat signature through the window, so
shoot out the window to see where the one tango is. Shoot him once you see him.
Enter the room he was in and throw a frag through the south door that leads to
the next room. Kill anyone who's left inside, then throw a flash down the
hallway to the north. Shoot the guy in here, then continue into the warehouse,
taking out the guy in the far corner. Crouch and follow the path around the
boxes, clearing out this building. Exit onto the street and head north. Snipe
down the northmost west-east alley until Charlie.
Charlie, take your hostage to EXT.
Green Team
Novikov, Arkadi
Light Black
G3A3, mini scope
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Petersen, Einer
Light Black
PSG-1, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
From the west INS, advance cautiously up the north-south street. Hold for
Alpha next to the first car yoyu reach (as the street curves NE). You can
revert back to normal pace from here on out.
Alpha, continue following the street east, staying as close as you can to the
south wall to avoid a sniper right above you. Climb the stairs carefully, and
after the 2nd flight of stairs, watch the windows above you so you don't get
surprised by an ambushing terrorist. Now at the top of the stairs, peek around
the corner and take out the tango behind the crates. Continue around to the
edge of the balcony, eliminating 2 more. From up here, snipe the hostage guard
who is standing next to a fire engine to the east. With him down, snipe the
alley to the north until Bravo.
Bravo, climb down and head to the alley you were just guarding. For safety's
sake, flashbang first and head up to make sure it's clear. Hold for Charlie at
a point before the alley ends. Bounce some frags to the right and left to take
out anyone that could get in Red's way and to draw them to your chokepoint.
Cover this area until Charlie.
Charlie, head north to EXT, clearing out the long back-alley just to the west
of EXT.
Gold Team
Bogart, Daniel
Light Black
G3A3, mini scope
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Hanley, Timothy
Light Black
G3A3, mini scope
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Weber, Dieter
Light Black
PSG-1, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
From the west INS, follow Green cautiously up the north-south street. At the
T-intersection, head west into the next area containing a shop with a hostage
As the sniper, head north, staying to the east of the statue. Keep your scope
up and pointed at the windows. You can take down 1-2 tangos as they appear,
then run up and secure the hostage. One more terrorist is in the storeroom off
to the right, so frag the room and make sure he dies.
Exit the store the same way you came in and approach the west alley carefully;
a tango comes by to investigate the noise. Shoot him first and continue down
the alley. At the end of it, SATS snipe eastward until Bravo. At least two
tangos can be taken down.
Bravo, head west and north, clearing out this alley as well. Advance NE up the
next area and wait for Charlie at the SW corner of this new area that contains
the market.
Charlie, enter the market to the north using the western entrance, throwing a
flash in first and killing the guard in this area. Head up and turn the corner,
then bounce a flashbang off the refrigerator toward the center of the mart and
rescue the last hostage just around the corner. Escort both to EXT.
--Order of Operations--
Start as Red and begin clearing out the first main street. Once you're on the
balcony and have sniped the 1 or 2 tangos to the NE, switch to Gold and take
them through rescuing their hostage and getting in position to SATS snipe for
Bravo. Then give Alpha and switch to Green to put them in position above the
street. Wait a few seconds so that Green might be able to snipe an
investigating tango coming from the alley across the street.
Switch back to Gold and give Bravo, taking Gold to their Charlie waypoint. The
AI can easily be surprised by the tangos in Gold's path, so you should control
them for this part of the mission. Next is to finish Green's clearing of the
alley yourself. And when they're in position, switch to Red and guide Red until
Charlie. Charlie, control Gold to the end of the mission.
3.03 Jasper Heart
-A bunch of hostages scattered throughout a warehouse complex complete with
catwalks and open areas. Seems like a tactical nightmare, but it's so much
easier when you know which tangos need to be eliminated first.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Medium Tan
G36K, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Tan
G36K, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Begin in the basement INS and proceed west through the opening, taking out two
tangos around here. Continue forward while aiming south down the long hallway,
looking for anyone patrolling down at the other end. Hold for Alpha behind the
Alpha, step to your right (west) slowly while looking towards the staircase. A
tango is hiding in the corner there. Now head SE a bit and open the door. Throw
a flashbang all the way down the hall, then charge in and shoot the two tangos.
Secure the hostage here and head south into this hallway, killing the tango in
here as well. Exit into the long hallway and cross to the door ahead of you,
where another hostage waits. Flashbang the room and secure this hostage. Now
take both hostages south and up the huge ramp to the ground floor. You end up
at the SE corner of a warehouse. With your scope up, sidestep north while
looking into the warehouse. There's a tango by the crates by the north wall, a
second terrorist hiding behind the crates near the west wall, and a last tango
at the top of the stairs to the NW of the building. You should have no problem
dealing with them.
Head up to the 2nd floor and throw a flashbang into the office up here. Secure
the hostage here, then head back north and open the door that leads to the
outdoor staircase. From here, you can shoot a guard on the roof directly across
from you. Wait for Charlie here.
Charlie, escort the three hostages to EXT.
Green Team
Price, Eddie
Medium Tan
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Murad, Jamal
Medium Tan
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Starting at the INS in the NE corner of the map, follow the perimeter of the
complex south, going down and back up the ramps. When you reach the SE corner,
turn west and head forward a bit until you reach a bunch of wooden crates in
front of you. On the other side of the crates, the fence opens up and you have
a clear line of sight along the south side of the warehouse closest to you.
Snipe this area until Bravo.
Bravo, continue around the perimeter until you reach the gate near the middle
of the west side of the complex. Go through here and make your way to the south
door of the northern warehouse. As you do so, look up through the windows of
this warehouse and you will see a tango inside in the distance, waiting on the
catwalks. Take him out before he sees you. Proceed to the door and throw a
flashbang in to drive out the tango in the corner. Enter and drop him. There's
another guard on the catwalks in the NE corner across from you; make sure he
goes down, too. Go north and throw a flashbang over all the crates so that the
hostage guards will be stunned. Run around the boxes and secure the hostage.
Hold for Charlie nearby.
Charlie, escort the hostage to EXT.
Gold Team
Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Tan
G36K, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Weber, Dieter
Medium Tan
PSG-1, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Begin at the INS in the NE corner of the map. Head south to the main entrance
of the complex, in the middle of the east side of the map. Bring up your sniper
scope (thermal makes it easier to see targets) and prepare to kill the tangos
outside. Throw a smoke grenade at the truck in front of you beforehand to hide,
then look for everyone: one by the stairs directly across from you, one on the
catwalk above the center of the complex, one inside the warehouse, one standing
outside at the NE corner of the northern warehouse, and maybe one on the
catwalk at the NE corner of the same warehouse.
Once everyone you see is dead, move west a bit to the forklift. Keeping your
scope up still, sidestep left/west while aiming into the warehouse. Eventually
you will see one of the hostage guards; take him down quickly. Now head up the
stairs to the north and enter the office. Go inside and look for a patrolling
tango who is usually on the first floor (to the north) or on the stairs. With
him down, throw a flashbang into the 2nd floor office and kill the tango in
there. Throw another flashbang into the storage room to the north and secure
the hostage in here. Now head downstairs to the first floor offices. While on
the stairs, you can snipe yet another terrorist in the warehouse across from
you. Finally, clear out the last room on the 1st floor and hold for Charlie in
Charlie, escort your hostage to EXT.
--Order of Operations--
Begin as Gold to clear out the majority of guards outside. Then clean out the
office building and rescue the first hostage. Alpha, switch to Red to sweep the
basement areas and the southern warehouse. Finally, Bravo and switch to Green
to finish securing the northern warehouse.
3.04 Omega Shadow
-A small map with large, open rooms filled with terrorists. Let your team do
most of the work and this one's a breeze.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Arnavisca, Santiago
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
From INS, advance north all the way to the northmost staircase, through the
kitchen. At the top of the stairs, hold for Alpha.
Alpha, head out into the upstairs kitchen and help Green clear it. Then head
for the two storage areas to the west and secure both hostages. Go back into
this kitchen and hold for Bravo by the north opening, which leads to the
dining room.
Bravo, move into the dining room and walk around the perimeter of the room,
checking to make sure the room is clear and giving Gold some time to secure the
next area. Head south and hold for Charlie by the eastern door that leads to
the lobby.
Charlie, move into the lobby and shoot anyone left alive, then escort your
hostages to EXT.
Green Team
Walther, Jorg
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Follow Red north, but take the 2nd northmost stairs up and wait for Alpha.
Alpha, enter the kitchen and help Red clear this area. There's a tango in the
pantry to the west, so hold for Bravo by the south entrance to the dining room
and let Red take care of the rest.
Bravo, enter the dining room and clear it out, then wait for Charlie by the
western door that leads into the lobby.
Charlie, head into the lobby and being clearing it out, then climb the fancy
staircase to the west (use the northern end). Hold for Alpha at the top of the
Alpha, make your way through the hotel room and secure your target, escorting
him to EXT.
Gold Team
Price, Eddie
Light Black
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Johnston, Homer
Light Black
Dragunov, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Run out from INS and look left/south. There is a single patrol here to take
down. Let the other teams advance north and follow behind them. As they go up
the stairs, head east into a storage room and secure the hostage here. Escort
her back to EXT before heading up the northmost staircase that Red took. Once
you're up here, throw a smoke grenade into the passage that leads to the dining
room and SATS snipe all the guards you can see in the dining room. Once it's
clear, head south and clear the hallway next to the lobby: there's a tango at
each end. You might want to flashbang the east end of the hallway just in case.
Then SATS snipe into the lobby using the east door. Make sure you get the one
hiding behind a table on the large staircase to the west. With this area clear,
head back north through the dining room and take the NE stairs up. Head
forward, killing two tangos in the hallway and another in a room to your left
(it connects to the hotel suite). Throw a smoke grenade into the hallway and
SATS snipe southward, picking off up to three tangos. Hold here for Alpha.
Alpha, return to EXT.
--Order of Operations--
Red and Green can take care of themselves for the most part, so control Gold
for the entire mission. When the other two teams are ready for Alpha, give the
go-code and let them clear that area. During the SATS of the dining room, once
you can't find any more targets, give Bravo to let your assault teams clean up.
But as Gold, make sure you clear the hallway to the south before the other
teams get there since they can get ambushed here. SATS in the lobby until you
can't find any more targets, then give Charlie. You can switch to Green at
Alpha if you want to capture the main target yourself.
3.05 Proud Flag
-Seems like a complex map with a huge system of streets and buildings, but with
a bunch of flashbangs, this mission isn't so bad.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Murad, Jamal
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Start at INS and follow the south passage, waiting for Alpha at the stairs
nearby. A patrol may pass by here, so shoot him if he comes.
Alpha, head forward to the door in front of you and crack it open just a bit.
Throw a flashbang in and shoot the guard by the window, then throw a flashbang
down the stairs and kill the 1-2 tangos down here. Exit through the east door
and head east a bit to the pillars. Set up a sniper by the pillars here and
have him face east towards the open area. Snipe until Alpha.
Alpha, make your way SE to the building with the hostage. Enter through the
north entrance and begin clearing out this floor. When you step into the
hallways, you might spot some guards in the garden outside to the west; shoot
them if you see them. Once this floor is clear, head to the bottom of the south
staircase and throw a flashbang upstairs. Run up and clear this room, then
flashbang and secure the hostage. Escort him downstairs and to EXT.
Green Team
Bogart, Daniel
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Hanley, Timothy
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Arnavisca, Santiago
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Follow the passage leading north from INS and hold for Alpha by the stairs,
just as Red is doing. You may also spot a patrol, so shoot him if he comes.
Alpha, continue forward and north, taking the ramp down a level. Enter the
first door on your right (it's the same building structure that the enemy
sniper is in) and clean out this room to keep them from ambushing your own
sniper. Exit through the SE door and head south down the alley, holding for
Charlie next to Red. This building connects to a walkway with many windows and
snipers, in case you're not sure where to go.
Charlie, crack open the door and flashbang the room, then take out the two
tangos inside. This part can be a little tricky. Slowly climb the stairs facing
north, shooting whatever enemies you can see. Head north across the walkway and
before you reach the room at the end, throw another flashbang to help you clear
it more easily. Head downstairs and outside into the open area, making your way
to EXT and cleaning up any last tangos lingering around.
Gold Team
Walther, Jorg
Medium Black Camo
Galil ARM
AP Army, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Johnston, Homer
Medium Black Camo
SL8-2, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Head north in front of Green Team down the passage and pause a few seconds by
the stairs. Sometimes a tango comes into view from the left. Take him down,
then advance forward into the alley and head south to take out up to 2 tangos.
Enter the first door on your right and climb up to the 2nd floor. Follow the
linear passage as you kill two tangos and a sniper at the end, then set up your
own sniper in the NE corner of the balcony, facing eastward. At least 2 tangos
will come into your view, so take them down quickly. Keep sniping until Bravo.
Bravo, head down the nearby stairs and then down another flight (you should be
on Level #0, according to the planning map). Exit north and climb the stairs up
against the north wall. Open the door and shoot the sniper in plain view, then
toss in a flashbang and clear the other 2 tangos in this room. Once they're
dead, throw a smoke grenade at where the enemy sniper was, and start SATS
sniping south at the hostage's building. You may see some more guards in the
open area; kill them now. Shoot out the 2nd story windows in the hostage
building and the heat signatures of 2 enemy snipers will appear. Make sure they
die as well. Keep sniping until Alpha.
Alpha, head downstairs and go to EXT.
--Order of Operations--
Begin as Gold and take them all the way to Bravo, putting your own sniper in
position. Give Alpha and switch to Red to help them clear their building. When
Green is in position, give Bravo and as Gold, get into your 2nd sniping spot.
Now control Green as they mop up the remaining enemy snipers. Alpha and Red
again, finally rescuing the hostage.
3.06 Granite Cage
-You've got 3:15 to get downstairs and disarm a bomb. Run and gun. That's all
there really is to it.
Red Team
Price, Eddie
Medium Black Camo
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Burke, Andrew
Medium Black Camo
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Black Camo
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Medium Black Camo
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Run forward through two rooms and exit the suite using the door to the north.
There will be a tango near here; drop him quickly and run to the stairs to the
NE while reloading. Race downstairs and crouch/go prone as you descend the last
flight. Shoot anyone you see, and once it gets quiet, throw four smoke grenades
along the path from the stairs to the NW corner of the dining room. Let the
smoke saturate and run forward, shooting the tangos to the south if you'd like.
Head through the kitchen as fast as you can; there's about 3-4 tangos in your
way, if they haven't come out to meet you in the dining room. Run down the
stairs to the north and enter the 1st floor, where a tango is in the room here
and another is guarding the hallway past the locked door. There's another tango
at the far south end of the map (by the south staircase). Finally, enter the
parking garage where there's a tango or two in the SW corner. Take him down as
your demolitions expert disarms the bomb. At this point, I still had a minute
left on the timer. With that done, take your hostage to EXT.
3.07 Jagged Silver
-Another familiar map and another time limit, but this time you have 13:15 to
disarm 6 bombs. That's plenty of time, so just worry about staying alive,
which can become quite a hassle in this mission.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
Begin in the NE corner of the compound and head for the gate to the west of
INS. Before reaching it, crouch and advance along the north wall cautiously,
taking out patrols on the catwalks and in between the warehouses. At the corner
of the fence, before turning south, hold for Alpha here.
Alpha, turn the corner and shoot anyone else alive here. Disarm the bomb. Now
go through the fence to the south and climb the stairs to the roof of the
northern warehouse. Enter and head down the stairs, eliminating any tangos left
inside on the ground floor of the warehouse. Make your way to the bomb below
you and disarm it. Hold for Charlie afterward.
Charlie, exit the warehouse using the south door and climb the stairs nearby,
heading for the offices in the southern warehouse. As you enter, peek left to
take out a guard silently, then open the door in front of you and shoot the
guard up ahead. Throw a frag into the room he was standing in, driving out the
last tango. Kill him and disarm the bomb. Stand by until the mission ends.
Green Team
Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
Galanos, Kure
Medium Black
AW Covert, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
From the NE INS outside the compound, head south, down and back up the ramp.
Make your way back north through the main gate of the compound and begin
clearing the open space. Stay close to the office building just north of you
and snipe at the stairs just west of you until Bravo.
Bravo, throw a frag through the window of the office just north of you, then
enter and make sure the tango inside is dead. Climb upstairs and carefully
clear out the two rooms up here. The tangos can easily surprise you, so it's
probably a good idea to toss in frags before entering the rooms. Wait up here
until the mission ends.
Gold Team
Walther, Jorg
Medium Black
M14, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades
Weber, Dieter
Medium Black
AW Covert, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Start in the NE INS with the other teams and hurry down the ramp to the south.
Head back up and continue south, turning the corner west when you can. Shoot
the tango if he's here and continue forward a bit until you can see the south
warehouse through the fence. First of all, snipe the tower in the center of the
compound; sometimes you can get an enemy sniper out of the way for Green. Now
snipe the two guards by the bomb south of the warehouse. When it looks clear,
sidestep west a bit while looking into the warehouse and you can shoot a tango
in here as well.
Continue walking west and before you turn the corner north, throw a smoke
grenade at the corner. There's a tango around the corner who has quick
reflexes, if you haven't killed him already. Check the rooftop of the northern
warehouse for anyone alive, then continue north to where Red team is waiting.
When you can, head east through the fence and enter the compound. Watch the
area to the north, since there could be a pair of tangos here that Red missed.
Head south to the bomb and disarm it when you get there. Make your way down
the ramp nearby and throw a smoke at the corner. SATS snipe east to take down
two terrorists, and maybe another coming from the east side of the basement. In
any case, head NE towards the furnace and van and throw another smoke at the
corner, just in case. There can be a tango waiting for you to the north, but
the van can be blocking him, too. Sidestep east just to make sure.
Once the large areas are clear, go through the door nearby, crack open the
next door and throw a frag into the bomb room. Don't let your teammate get too
close and open the door all the way, thereby exposing himself to the enemy and
the grenade. Disarm the bomb here, then continue through the room and exit
north. Clear out the one or two tangos left in this area and disarm the bomb.
Wait around until the other teams finish.
--Order of Operations--
Begin as Gold and take them through all their waypoints. When you actually
enter the compound (close to where Red is waiting), give Alpha and let Red
clear out the north warehouse while you secure the basement. Once Gold's
disarming their last bomb, switch to Green and give Bravo. Sweep the offices
for any remaining snipers. Once they're done, switch to Red, Charlie, and
secure the last warehouse and bomb. with luck you might finish with everyone
3.08 Athena Sword
-A pretty simple mission to end this expansion pack. As long as you minimize
noise and save the terrorists surrounding the bomb for last, you should finish
this easily, having come this far.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Medium Black Camo
L85A1, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Johnston, Homer
Medium Black Camo
AW Covert, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Medium Black Camo
L85A1, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Head north up the stairs and shoot the enemy sniper here. Throw a smoke
grenade where he once was and snipe the guy in the store window directly west
of you. Wait for the patrol below you to walk toward the same shop; once he
stops, take him out. Head back downstairs and continue north. Go west a bit,
crouching and taking the curved route to the staircase nearby. This is to
ensure that the guard in the market to the south does not see you. Staying
crouched, continue up the stairs as high up as you can go, securing this
building. There is one on each floor. Head back down the way you came and hold
for Bravo at the door leading back outside.
Bravo, head south into the market and mop up any remaining tangos. When it's
all safe, disarm the bomb.
Green Team
Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Black Camo
L85A1, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Black Camo
L85A1, silenced
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Weber, Dieter
Medium Black Camo
AW Covert, thermal scope
AP Army, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Head north from INS as far as you can, and at the corner (just east of the
ladder), snipe west into the market in the NW of the map. You will take out at
least 2 tangos. Hold here until Alpha.
Alpha, head west, crouching and heading NW behind the statue to avoid the
guards in the south market. Continue NW into the other market, killing the two
remaining tangos in here. Head south into the SW area with the stone pillars.
There are two more tangos in here; take care of them as well. Wait around for a
patrol to come into view at the SE opening. With this area clear, head back up
through the alley you came and head east into the small store. A tango is
waiting in this first room, so kill him quickly. Crouch and exit the building
through the SE exit. You are behind some cover, so throw about 4 smoke grenades
to the south (behind the booths) so that you have a safe path to a sniping spot
from where you can see the bomb. Get into position and snipe here until Bravo.
You should see two tangos; kill the one farther from you because he can trigger
the bomb. Then shoot anyone else who tries to detonate it, and finally take
down any last tangos you can still see.
--Order of Operations--
Begin as Red and take them through clearing the major building on the map.
Then switch to Green and clean up the rest of the outlying areas. As Green, you
need to be quick with killing the tangos who can set off the bomb. Once they're
dead, you can take your time finishing off the last few tangos and disarming
the bomb.
4. The Classic Missions
These three missions have been updated from previous versions of Rainbow Six.
Steel Wind was in the original Rainbow Six, Sargasso Fade in Rogue Spear, and
Virgin Moon in Rogue Spear: Urban Operations. Find these three maps under
Custom Mission -- Practice Mission.
4.01 Steel Wind
-This map wouldn't be so tricky if the rooms were laid out more linearly. But
as it is, enemies can come up behind you from areas you've already cleared
(though it rarely happens). Watch your back, but more importantly watch the
front for tangos who come to investigate the gunshots.
Red Team
Chavez, Ding
Medium Black
FAL, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Medium Black
FAL, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Yacoby, Ayana
Medium Black
FAL, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Head west to the ladder on the south side of the embassy. Climb to the 2nd
floor and open the door. Wait here for a tango to come into view from the east
hallway, then shoot him. Look towards the billards room to the north and see if
you can neutralize a tango up there. Continue north towards the NW staircase
(double check the east/west hallway as you pass it), then climb up to the first
landing. Sometimes a tango is up here. Head back down and open the door nearby.
Sometimes a tango is also in here too. Now for the two rooms on the north side
of this floor: toss a flash around the bookshelf and rush in to eliminate two
Now you should be just outside the eastern balcony overlooking the main
entrance. Crack open the door and flashbang the room, shooting the guard on
this balcony as well as the one on the west side of the room. If anyone tries
to come upstairs, take care of them too. Head south to the staircase and climb
them to the top floor.
As you are going upstairs, keep your aim towards the large eastern room. If
you don't see anyone, peek west down the hall and check if it's clear. Then
keep aiming into the eastern room as you backpedal south into the SE corner.
Open the door to the southern room and drop the tango inside. Continue west
into the hall and then into another bedroom. Head north through the bathroom,
then another bedroom, then out into the hall again.
Now the middle two rooms. Head south down the hall, then east, then throw a
flashbang through the door on your left (into the north room). Clear these two
two areas, then finally head to the NE corner where the hostage is. Flashbang
the room and secure the hostage. Hold for Bravo here.
Bravo, go down a floor using the stairs in the SE, then use the main staircase
to get to the 1st floor. Exit the embassy through the north door and head to
EXT. This is a safer path than using the ladders.
Green Team
Price, Eddie
Medium Black
G3A3, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Burke, Andrew
Medium Black
G3A3, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Filatov, Genedy
Medium Black
G3A3, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Run past Red west to the backyard. Check the SW corner for a tango, then
follow the building north and into the hedges. You may be able to shoot just a
head over the hedges, but remember to kill the tango already patrolling out
here. Set up to snipe the backdoor until Alpha. A handful of tangos will come
through here to investigate the noise.
Alpha, make your way to the northern entrance of the embassy. Head south down
the hall, checking the room to the east as you go. When you reach the junction
that leads south, flashbang that hall and clear the hallway while you head
south. The double doors on your right lead to a kitchen; flash and clear it.
Then head east into a dining room and north through the entrance hall and a
With the 1st floor clear, make your way to the basement stairs. The angle is
difficult from up here, but throw a flashbang or two into the cellar, where at
least one tango is guarding the hostage. Secure him and wait for Bravo.
Bravo, escort the hostage to EXT using the northern exit.
Order of Operations
Since you need to account for tangos changing positions, you need to control
each team as they progress through the embassy. Control Red until Bravo, then
Green until Bravo too. If the mission doesn't end right away, there is usually
a straggling tango outside, and Green's AI will take care of them if they block
the way to EXT.
4.02 Sargasso Fade
-The siberian base has a lot of open space, so your snipers will have plenty of
targets. Remember that it's harder to find cover in open areas, so take your
time advancing, especially through the two buildings.
Red Team
Novikov, Arkadi
Light Winter
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Frag Grenades
Murad, Jamal
Light Winter
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Frag Grenades
Beckenbauer, Lars
Light Winter
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Demo Kit
Walk north from INS and through the tunnel. As you emerge, annouce that the
first milestone is complete to alert Green to get going. Continue west to the
corner of the roof of the closest building. It is built into a hill, so you
should be by a rail looking downhill towards the farther building. Snipe here
until Bravo; tangos will come out the door, onto the catwalk, and down the
stairs into your view. Shoot them all down.
Bravo, make your way west to the NW building. Most of the tangos inside should
have come outside already, but often there is one near the SW stairs and almost
always another sniper in the northern annex. Make your way to the SE stairs and
throw a frag over the barrels here. Run up as it goes off and pick off the one
tango up here. Smoke the exit and step outside. Shoot anyone on this roof, then
shoot out the window and throw a frag through. Step through the window and set
the demo charge while your team watches the door for any remaining tangos to
come through.
Green Team
Johnston, Homer
Light Winter
WA-2000, thermal scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Light Winter
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Frag Grenades
Head south from INS and turn the corner. A building will soon come into view,
with a tango lounging outside. Shoot him and another tango who comes up the
hill on the building's south side. Snipe here until Alpha.
Alpha, head onto the roof of the closest building. Smoke the area where the
roof turns into catwalk and step into the smoke. Snipe the guard in the guard
tower to the SW, then scan the ground for other tangos. This number will vary.
Also, up to 4 tangos will come up the stairs nearby. Red will take care of most
of them, but you will need to go downstairs and double check. Down here, make
sure you clear the NW room of the 1st floor. Smoke the exit and step out. Scan
the outdoors one last time, then head for the stairs to your north and make
sure no one flanks Red.
Order of Operations
Most of the kills will be done with Green, so begin with them. At Red's first
milestone, give Alpha and clear the first building and the outdoors. When Green
is done, switch to Red and secure the other building.
4.03 Virgin Moon
-The map seems complex, but this time around the job is easier now that you
have smoke grenades. In fact, my strategy here does not differ much from the
plan I originally used in Urban Operations.
Red Team
Price, Eddie
Light Blue
FNC, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Light Blue
FNC, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Breaching Charge
From INS, crouch and cautiously enter the subway car just south of you. One
tango is waiting at the far end but you can easily shoot him first. Another
will come into the train soon, so take him down as well. Exit the subway and
continue south to the end of the platform. Head up the stairs west of you
(still cautiously) and eliminate the tango at the end by the elevator. Wait at
the bottom of the escalators for Alpha.
Alpha, go up the first set of escalators. At the landing, take the northern
escalator and bring up your scope. As you slowly go upstairs, look for a tango
to come into view to the west. Kill him, then head north to the nearby door.
Breach it, neutralizing the tango on the other side, and secure the hostage. Go
back into the hall and breach the door opposite the hostage (the door that
leads downstairs). The explosion will kill one and your teammate will kill
another on the landing below. Quickly throw a flashbang down there to stun the
last tango in here before you shoot him. Escort the hostage to EXT.
Green Team
Narino, Emilio
Light Blue
M82A1, thermal scope
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Pak, Suo-Won
Light Blue
FNC, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Breaching Charge
Move a bit east from INS so you can see the giant window far south of you.
Snipe the tango there, then get the one on the tracks too. Run SE and climb up
to the eastern platform. Take the stairs up to where the tango behind the
window was. Snipe the guard that comes to the far end of the hallway. When you
get there, smoke the opening before stepping out. You will be able to kill 3-4
tangos under cover of smoke, including the one in the ticket booth. Shoot out
the left/west window (to avoid hitting the hostage) and the guard's head will
become visible.
Once it's a bit quiet, smoke the area a bit north of you, then take a few
steps forward and turn 180 degrees to look up. Shoot out the window above you
and you will be able to see the barrel of a rifle. Back up slowly until the
tango comes into view, then take him out. Wait for Bravo here.
Bravo, continue north towards the ticket booth and the two escalators leading
to the top floor. Smoke the first one you come to (if you feel you need to play
it safe), then peek up the western one. A guard is up here and may try to frag
you. Shoot him first, then smoke the top of the escalator and go up. SATS snipe
one last time to pick off the 2-3 tangos here. Sidestep south as you aim east,
since pillars can block some of the tangos from you. When you reach the door,
crack it open and flashbang the hostage guards, mowing them down as they are
blinded. Escort this hostage to EXT.
Order of Operations
Begin as Green and clear the majority of the subway station until you reach
Bravo. Give Alpha; Red can usually do everything correctly except for that last
flashbang so you might want to control them for that task. After they are down
the stairs, switch back to Green and give Bravo to complete the mission.
5. Closing
For those still having problems, here are some cheats that might come in handy:
Press ~ once you have entered the map and type in:
godhostage 1 Hostages are invincible
godteam All Rainbow operatives are invincible
playerinvisible Operative in control is invisible
disarmbombs Bombs become disarmed automatically
Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.
Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment and UbiSoft.
Copyright (c)2007 idyoticwyzard