Titan Quest
Sites allowed to use the walkthrough:
GameFAQs - gamefaqs.com
Cheat Code Central - cheatcc.com
Gamers Temple - gamerstemple.com
~~~Table of Contents~~~
I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Walkthrough
IV. Contact Info.
I. Introduction
This is my second FAQ/Walkthrough I am writing. It probably will suck after
everyone submit a better one than mine, but this is all you got right now so
you can't complain about it.
This game is very much like D2, but with better graphics and a better interface
and controls. The only bad thing about it is the online mode since you can
easily hack the characters. It is a very fun game which I enjoyed and hope you
guys will enjoy too.
II. Version History
Version 1.66 - 7/27/06
I got the rewards in for Greece and Egypt in epic mode. I'll get the Orient
soon. It will be a while before the legendary rewards will be up because I have
a warrior class and it is hard since my resistance is too low so I have to make
another character.
Version 1.00 - 7/24/06
I got all the side quests written up. The rewards are only for normal mode, but
I will put in the rewards for epic and legendary when I get that far.
Version 0.80 - 7/21/2006
This is the entire walkthrough for the game. It is missing some of the side
quests, but I did get all the ones that give attribute points and skill points
as reward so don't worry about it. I'm going to get them all in future updates
and add a lot more stuff so it will be a better FAQ/Walkthrough.
III. Walkthrough
This walkthrough and side quest rewards are for normal mode. In the harder
difficulty the EXP, health, and resistance reward will be a lot more.
***I. A Troubled Village***
===Road to Helos===
When the game start, talk to Corythus and he will tell you to head down to the
town Helos. Walk south east down the road and talk to Timaeus to get your first
quest. Head towards the exclaimation mark and kill the satyrs that are
attacking the horse. After that go back and talk to Timaeus. Continue down the
road and go into the town of Helos.
Head northeast into the town until you see
a fat man with a red cloth coming down from his left shoulder. He is Diomedes.
Go talk to him to update the quest. Go head north and leave Helos.
===Helos Farmland===
Keep going north and kill the monsters on your way. Pick up any equipment on
the floor since they are better than nothing. Keep going north until you see
the grass turn green. There is a chest there. Quickly kill the monsters and
open it. It contains a couple health potions which you might need. Continue
north and into Helos Woods.
===Helos Woods===
Head north and follow the path. It will end when you get to between two rocks,
but keep going north and follow the exclaimation mark. The shaman boss has a
some satyrs around him. I suggest killing them first since they are easier,
then go after the shaman. Use the health potions if you health gets low. After
you kill the shaman, head back to Helos and talk to Diomedes to get your reward
and the next quest.
***II. Spartans at War***
From Helos take the south east exit to Laconia
There is a side quest you can get since it is along the way to the next area.
---Side Quest: Monstrous Brigands---
Reward: 300 EXP, Magical Jewelry
25000 EXP, Magical Jewelry
Talk to Nicostratus to get the quest. Then follow the road to the east. There
will be a POI icon and you will see a satyr run into the cave so follow it in.
Go northwest and go down the stairs to the next level. Follow the northeastern
wall and you will see Tellis. Talk to him and get the reward.
Now exit the cave and go to the Rebirth Fountain. Follow the road again and
go north into the forest.
===Laconia Woods===
This part is somewhat hard if you are at a low level. There are huge flocks of
crows so if you aggro too much you will die really fast. Follow the path north-
east. There will eventually a fork in the path. The east path leads into a
burned down town and a side quest.
---Side Quest: The Cornered Man---
Reward: 300 EXP, 1500 Gold
27500 EXP, 60000 Gold
As soon as you enter the town, there will be a man being attacked by satyrs.
Kill them all and then talk to the man, Lycus, and get your reward.
To continue, take to north path and follow it and there will be a Rebirth
Fountain. Activate it and go west a little into Laconia Hills.
===Laconia Hills===
You will see a man, Euphadimus, with his cargo standing there. Talk to him to
get a side quest.
---Side Quest: Medicine Waylaid---
Reward: 350 EXP, Lesser Health Potion x3
27500 EXP, Superior Health Potion x3
Go up the hill and kill every satyr you see. You will eventually come across
a huge fat satyr and a bunch of smaller ones with an aura around them. Kill
them all and return down to Euphadimus for your reward.
Go back up the hill and there will be a path. It is kind of broken up on the
map so it might be hard to see. It leads north east and along the path there
will be a man, Theages, there. Talk to him to get a side quest
---Side Quest: The Lost Dowry---
Reward: 400 EXP, Relic Shard
30000 EXP, Relic Shard
On the mini map you should be able to see a red dot with a picture of a cave in
it. Head towards there and enter the cave. In the cave, head north east and
down the stairs. Go east and there will be a red monster with an aura around
him. Kill it and the Dowry Necklace will drop. Pick it up and return it to
Theages for your reward.
Get back on the path and it should lead you north west. You will come across a
Rebirth Fountain and a man named Parmenides. He only tells you the Spartan army
is up ahead so talk to him if you want and then head across the bridge.
===Spartan Road===
This area has skeleton monsters. Some will pop out of the ground when you get
near them so becareful where you walk. Take the path north east and you will
come to a fork in the road. The east path takes you to some ruins, but you
don't need to go there so take the west path. Go north and you will see the war
camp. The camp will be attacked by satyrs. Assist the guards if you want, but
it is not necessary.
===Spartan War-Camp===
At the war camp, talk to Brasidas to update the quest. He is just north of the
first NPC you see after you enter the warcamp. Now go east/northeast and take
the exit to Pellana Valley.
---Side Quest: The Ancient of War---
Reward: 500 EXP, 2000 Gold
25000 EXP, 70000 Gold
Before leaving the war camp, talk to Euthycles to get the quest then exit the
camp into Pellana Valley.
===Pellana Valley===
Take the path east into a camp inhabited by satyrs. Go north a little and you
will see a yellow dot with an exclaimation mark in it. Keep going north and you
will do battle with the centaur. It will seem like it is alone, but once you
attack him, more centaurs will come to his aid so be careful about that.
---Side Quest: The Ancient of War---
Go halfway between the exclaimation mark icon and the camp go east and you will
find Hippias sitting on a rock so talk to him and return to to Euthycles for
your reward.
Now go tell Brasidas about the defeated centaur and then talk to Leonidas to
get another quest.
***III. The Words of the Oracle***
From the warcamp, take the east exit again and back to where you fought the
centaur. From there go north into to highlands.
===Spartan Highlands===
Follow the path north first, but it will eventually end. Go north a little more
and then go west as soon as you can and the north again. You know you will be
going the correct way when you encounter a Rebirth Fountain. From the fountain
go north and then northeast when you see some fence things and some really tall
torches. From there go east past the fences and then south. Now go east into
the Mycenean Ruins.
===Mycenean Ruins===
This place is fill with undeads. Again, some will only pop up from the ground
only if you get close enough to them. The best thing to do is to avoid the
ruins to the north east. Just head north, between two rocks, and there will be
a Rebirth Fountain. Go northwest a little and into the woods.
===Spartan Woods===
Head northwest along the walls. You will come across a camp full of satyrs.
Kill them or run away. A path can be seen from there so follow it north into
===Village of Tegea===
---Side Quest: The Poisoned Spring---
Reward: 1500 EXP, 75 Health Bonus
30000 EXP, 150 Health Bonus
Talk to Olorus by the Rebirth Fountain for the quest. Then take the northwest
exit into Tegea Forest. Go southwest until you see some water then go
northwest toward the POI icon. Talk to Pegaea to get an update on the quest
and enter the cave. Go northwest in the cave and you will pass by some water
and a wall that is L shaped. Keep going northwest and there will be a group
of spiders with auras around them. Kill them and two or three more groups
and return to Pegaea for your reward.
There isn't much in this village so take the north east exit to Arcadia.
Go northwest. Keep going that way until you come to an area where a path
starts. Go north through the trees and into Megara Bluffs.
===Megara Bluff===
Go northeast and you will be able to see a Rebirth Fountain icon on the
minimap. Keep going northeast and you will come to a camp with maenads. Get
pass them and go north into Megara Coast.
===Megara Coast===
Just head northwest along the coast and then southwest. Don't walk near the
water because if you get too close to a wrecked ship, wraiths will appear. You
will eventually get to Megara.
===City of Megara===
Head along the north walls and you will see an old man, Timon, so talk to him
to update the quest and get a side quest.
---Side Quest: Skeleton Raiders---
Reward: 2500 EXP
35000 EXP
Talk to Nireus to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to Kerata
---Side Quest: News of a Shipwreck---
Reward: 1000 EXP
18000 EXP
Talk to Antor to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to Halcyon
---Side Quest: A Proper Offering---
Reward: 5% to a resistance
7% to a resistance
You'll get it when you talk to Timon. Don't worry about it until you get to
Helicos Pass.
Take the exit to the north.
===Megara Outskirts===
Nothing here. Just follow the road north into the forest.
===Kerata Forest===
Walk north pass the torches into the trees. Then go to the east toward an NPC.
Then follow the path to the north into Old Eleusis.
---Side Quest: Skeleton Raiders---
In Old Eleusis go northeast through the broken wall and toward the POI icon and
into the building and go northeast and down the stairs. Go northeast into the
hallway and go northwest. Go southwest into the first room you see and one of
the prince will be there. Kill him and go back into the hallway. Make your way
down the same direction and it will take you into another room. As soon as you
enter go northeast and another of the prince is there. From the entrance of
this room go southeast and go into the next room. Go southeast down the hallway
and turn into the first room to kill the last prince and you will get your
Go northwest a little more and follow the road
===Halcyon Coast===
As soon as you go northwest a group of guards will follow you. If you keep
going further, a cyclops will appear. It is very strong so you have to watch
your health. The guards that followed you will help, but they won't do much
since they will be the first to get killed. You don't have to fight it so you
can just run away. After defeating the cyclops of if you're running go west
and then north when you see the ground change. Go north pass the torches.
---Side Quest: News of a Shipwreck---
From the torches go north a little and then make a left U turn between two
rocks. Head south a bit and some wraiths will appear. Kill them all to complete
the quest and open the chests for some loot.
Go back to the area before you made that U turn. Go northwest and you will come
to a fork. You can take either way, but the north path is faster. The ground
will turn back to grass and a Rebirth Fountain will be nearby. Go northwest
pass the torches to the next area.
From the Rebirth Fountain go northwest a little and there will be a road.
Follow it until it ends, the go north until you get to a bridge and go across.
===Ambrossos Farmland===
Go northwest right after crossing the bridge and there will be a road so
follow it. When you see some houses, there will be a side quest you can get
which gives 2 attribute points as a reward so it is worth getting. From the
houses go northeast and you will see a centaur, Chiron who will give the quest.
---Side Quest:The Good Centaur
Reward: 3000 EXP, 2 Attribute Points
35000 EXP, 2 Attribute Points
You have to talk to him twice to find out what to do. After that go north
across the bridge to Chiron's Grove. You should be able to see a POI icon on
the minimap, but if you don't go north a little more and then head towards it
and go in. When you are inside, you will see a maenad with an aura. If you get
close enough it will run away. Fight your way through and follow that maenad.
It will hit a dead end and then you can kill that maenad which will drop
Chiron's Bow. Pick it up and return it to Chiron.
From Chiron, go west and you will see a bridge, go across into the village.
===Village of Ambrossos===
---Side Quest: A Master Blacksmith---
Reward: 1000 EXP
20000 EXP
Talk to Admetus to get the quest. You don't have to worry about it until you
get to Lower Delphi.
---Side Quest: Goods Abandoned---
Reward: 2500 EXP
18000 EXP
Talk to Asimides to get the quest. You don't have to worry about it until you
get to Helicos Pass.
Once you are ready head out the village at the northwest exit.
===Helicos Valley===
Head north/northwest and stay along the wall. You will have to go through an
area with satyrs and centaurs and then there will be a bridge to cross so go
===Helicos Pass===
Activate the Rebirth Fountain and then talk to Eurytimus to update a side
---Side Quest: A Proper Offering---
From the Rebirth Fountain head northeast. Ignore the first path going west and
keep going northeast. When you see the second path going west take that path.
Keep going west and you should see an quest icon on the map. Go toward the icon
and fight the boss. The boss is hard. She summons three spiders to help her
fight so that can be damaging. Ignore them, keep yourself healed, and attack
the boss until she dies. If you die, don't worry about it since the Rebirth
Fountain is close by. Just go back and fight again until you defeat it. AFter
that click on the Olive Branch to make it drop and pick it up. Keep it in your
inventory until you get to Delphi.
Head back to the Rebirth Fountain and take the southwest path. You will go
downward in a spiral.
---Side Quest: Goods Abandoned---
When you are going downward right before the road turns to the northeast, you
can go southwest between some trees. Follow the northwestern wall of trees and
you will come across the chests and get the reward.
Then go to the northeast and go under the bridge. Passed the bridge is a
Rebirth Fountain. Keep going northeast to the swamps.
===Phocian Swamp===
GO east all the way until you can't anymore. Then go south a bit and across the
little piece of land. Then go all the way east again and then north and then
east to the next area.
===Lower Delphi===
From here follow the path northeast, but when you see a bridge don't go across
---Side Quest: A Master Blacksmith---
Keep going northeast towards the green dot on the map. Talk to Termerus and get
the reward.
Now go backwards to the bridge and go across.
===Crisaeos Falls===
Go east and you will come across a Rebirth Fountain. Then go southeast through
a satyr encampment and go south to the next area.
===Delphi Highlands===
There will be two paths. One to the south and the other to the southeast. Take
the southeast path. Once you go southeast enough, the path will curve and turn
north. Just keep following it and you will reach Delphi.
===City of Delphi===
Follow the road up to the main part of the city. You will come across a Rebirth
---Side Quest: The Grieving Widow---
Reward: 3000 EXP
35000 EXP
From the Rebirth Fountain go south and talk to Iodame for the side quest. You
don't need to worry about this until you are in Parnassus Caves.
---Side Quest: A Proper Offering---
From the Rebirth Fountain go north towards the POI icon and talk to Astyoche
for your reward.
Now go inside the temple and talk to the oracle.
***IV. The Source of the Monsters***
Go to the blue icon on the map and then go southeast to exit Delphi.
===Parnassus Foothills===
From the exit go southeast until you go through some torches. After that go
north until you see a POI icon. Head towards it and enter the cave.
===Parnassus Caves===
From inside the cave, go northeast down the stairs. Just a little to the north
is a Rebirth Fountain. Activate it and go southeast. When you see two black
holes on the map, go northeast between the walls. If you go northeast a little
more and see three holes on the ground, you are going the correct way. From
there go north and there will be three holes with a similar formation as the
previous ones.
--Side Quest: The Grieving Widow---
From the holes go north and between the walls. The monster you are to kill is
alone so it shouldn't be too hard. After you kill the monster, go back and talk
to Iodame for the reward.
From the hole go directly east until you hit the wall. Then go southeast
following the north wall until you can go northeast. The exit should be in
sight so get there ane leave the cave.
===Parnassus Hinterlands===
Right outside the exit is a Rebirth Fountain. From the fountain just follow the
southern wall through Cephesus Woods and back into the Hinterlands. The wall
should go southeast first then curve and go north/northeast. Go across the
bridge and there should be a portal, merchant, and Rebirth Fountain. Go east
from the fountain until you cross a stone bridge into the lower warcamps.
===Lower War-Camp===
There is a Rebirth Fountain right next to the bridge. This area is huge and has
a lot of mountain satyrs. You have to go east to the next area, but there are
a lot of satyrs here. If you can make it through, you will be at the upper war
===Upper War-Camp===
Once you enter you should see a man, Hylas, there. To the northeast of him is a
Rebirth Fountain. This area has a lot of monsters, mostly undeads. There are
some that will come out from the ground when you get close enough to watch
where you walk. From the fountain go northeast. When you see stairs on the
northeast corner of you screen, go northwest. Keep going until you see some
stairs. Go up the stairs and head northeast all the way until you can't
anymore. Go down those stairs and a POI icon will appear on your map. Head
towards that into the caves.
===Pythian Caves===
Go northeast and there will be a heavy wooden door. Get yourself healed because
on the other side are three gorgons. They are really tough if you are playing
single player since all three will attack you at the same time and one of the
gorgons is a healer so don't think about fighting all three at the same time.
Try to aggro one and run back so that one follows you and it will be a one on
one. Do that to all three and it should be an easy battle.
Once the gorgons are defeated, the door to the northwest will be opened. Go
through there and talk to the woman. After talking to her head northwest until
you reach a Rebirth Fountain. Go east and then south when you can and the POI
icon should show up pointing out the location of the exit.
===Athenian Passage=
There will be a merchant and Rebirth Fountain right outside of the cave. When
you are ready, go east of the Rebirth Fountain a bit and then go southeast
until you hit a wall. Follow the wall northeast and there will be a Rebirth
Fountain and go across the bridge.
===Kephisos Valley===
When you get across the bridge, there should be a path to follow. Follow it
north and then the path will end. From there go north until you see some
Spartan soldiers. Talk to Pausanias and Isarchus to get a side quest.
---Side Quest: Trapped in the Ruins---
Reward: 3000 EXP, Rare Weapon
35000 EXP, Rare Weapon
This monster is really difficult if you are on single player. He does a lot of
damage and your potions won't be able to heal fast enough. If you are playing
single player I suggest coming back at lvl 18 or higher. When you do kill the
monster, go back and talk to Pausanias for your reward.
---Side Quest: Spartans Lost---
Reward: 4000 EXP
37500 EXP
You don't need to worry about it until you get to the Monster Encampment.
From the ruins go east/northeast and there will be a bridge so go across that.
===Monster Encampment===
Follow the path northwest and it will lead to a fork and a Rebirth Fountain.
---Side Quest: Spartans Lost---
At the fork, take the north path which leads in to the Athens Marsh. Stay near
the north walls and run northeast and you will eventually see a NPC, Eryx. Talk
to him and then go back and tell Isarchus to get your reward.
As the name of the area implies, there are a lot of monsters here so becareful
not to aggro too many of them at one time. From the fountain take the northwest
path. The path will then turn and goes northeast for a bit. Then it splits into
three ways. One through the camp, and two around the camp. Take the north path
around the camp and go northeast toward a Rebirth Fountain.
===Athenian Battleground===
From the fountain, go north through the trees into the wheat field and go
northeast through it. Then go up the the area with the houses and go northeast
further and then east into another wheat field. From there go northeast until
you hit a wall then go south and through the barricades to talk to Leonidas and
head into Athens.
***VI. The Order of Prometheus***
===City of Athens===
After you are set, go northeast near the stairs and talk to a man named Kyros.
Then talk to the guy next to him. Then head up the stairs to the next area.
Go up to the fountain and then head northeast to the corner of this area and go
up the stairs. Go northeast a bit futher and the POI icon will appear on the
map and that is the entrance to the Parthenon.
===The Parthenon===
Go northeast and down the stairs into the catacombs.
===Athens Catacombs===
Go northeast all the way to the most eastern room. Then from there go northwest
to the northern most room. Go southwest one room and the stairs leading to the
next floor.
Head into the room to the northeast and then go northwest to the northern most
room. From there, ther is only one way you can go and that leads to the next
At the bottom of the stairs in a Rebirth Fountain. In that room go two rooms
to the northwest and then one room to the north east and the stairs will be
there taking you to the next floor.
Go one room southwest and then two rooms northwest. Then go one room southwest
and the stairs should be there.
Go toward the southwest and then there is one way you can go and that leads to
a boss. The boss is quite difficult since he summons skeleton spirits to help
him fight. Kill the skeletons first since you can kill them the fastest and
with them out of the way, you take less damage. Keep yourself healed and go for
the boss until he is dead.
Once the boss is dead, go northeast and talk to Phaedrus. After talking to him
go northeast some more and go outside.
===Athens Docks===
A Rebirth Fountain will be outside. Go southwest toward the docks and talk to
Isarchidas when you are ready to go to the next area.
From the beach go northwest and up the path into the village.
===Village of Herakleion===
---Side Quest: Xanthippus the Healer---
Reward: 5000 EXP, Greater Health and Energy Potion x5
40000 EXP, Superior Health and Energy Potion x5
Don't worry about it until you get to Tritons Ridge.
---Side Quest: The Undead Tyrant---
Reward: 6000 EXP
40000 EXP
Don't worry about it until you get to Tritons Ridge.
Once you are ready head out toward the northeast exit.
==Herakleion Highlands===
The next couple of areas will have a lot of maenads and some minotuars so
becareful not to aggro too many of them at one time. Now go northwest and then
a path will appear. Follow that northwest some more and then go across a stone
bridge toward the southwest.
Activate the Rebirth Fountain and then follow the path southwest a little until
you can't then follow it north and then northwest to another stone bridge.
===Tritons Ridge===
After crossing the bridge, go southeast and follow the road.
---Side Quest: Xanthippus the Healer---
Before the road turns go south and go toward the POI icon. Talk to Xanthippus
who is right outside the cave and then go inside. Go east and you should come
across a spider boss. It doesn't have an aura so you have to check to see if
the name is an orangeish color. Kill everything there and open the chest. Pick
up the staff and return it to Xanthippus for your reward.
Follow the road around the wall and to the northwest. You will see a small tent
and then a big one. From the big tent go north pass a torch and there will be
another small tent. Then go directly west and to the bridge.
---Side Quest: The Undead Tyrant---
From the bridge go north and there will be some stairs you can go down. From
the entrance go southwest two rooms, northwest one room, northeast one room,
and northwest one room. The boss will be there, but once you get close enough
more skeletons will pop out from the floor so kill those first. Then get the
boss. It will be easy since all it does it hit you with his sword.
Go across the bridge.
==Kairatos Bluff===
On the other side of the bridge is a Rebirth Fountain. Follow the northern wall
for a while and you should see a bridge. Go across to another Rebirth Fountain
and a merchant. From the merchant go northwest and follow the road up to the
===Knossos Palace===
Go northwest pass the first stairs you see and keep going until you hit a wall.
Then turn southwest and go up the first stairs you see toward the northwest. Go
north down another flight of stairs and keep going and go up some more stairs.
Go northeast until you hit a wall and then go southeast down some stairs and go
up the stairs you see toward the north. Go northwest into the palace, through
the court, and down into the labyrinth.
===Minaon Labyrinth===
Go northwest and when you see two pillars go northeast all the way and down the
This area is a maze so I won't explain how to get through this area, but I will
get a picture of the map and the way through it so until then, you have to
explore and navigate through the labyrinth on your own.
When you get to the ornate door go through it. You will have to fight a
minotuar boss. There are some traps in the room too so aggro the minotaur back
toward the door so you won't get hit by them. The minotuar has either a lot of
health of a lot of defense. So if you are on single player it will take a
while. The only thing I've seen him do is just whack you with his weapon. He is
strong too so keep the heals going. When you defeat the boss, destroy the
traps, and loot the treasures. Go northwest into the next room to the Telkine.
===Room of the Conduit===
Go northwest toward the Telkine and then a firewall will pop up making it so
you can't attack him. He will send some blue orbs toward the statues on the
sides of the room which will make them come to life and attack you. You have to
destory them all first before the firewall will disappear. When it does go for
the Telkine. He attacks you by shooting a purple orb at you. He also has an
enchantment on him so when you attack him lightning surges out and hurts you.
He also summons some limos. They aren't too hard so kill them first to get them
out of you way. Keep yourself healed and beat him down until he is dead. Take
your loot and then talk to Kyros who comes out from behind a wall.
***VIII. The Blindness of the Gods***
Take the path behind Kyros and talk to Apollodorus to get to Egypt.
===City of Rhakotis===
Go northwest a little and Imhotep will be there so talk to him.
---Side Quest: The Family Heirloom---
Reward: 6000 EXP, Relic Shard
40000 EXP, Relic Shard
Talk to Anherru who is right next to the Rebirth Fountain. To get the sword
back, you have to the jackalman boss. He spawns in a random location in the
city. Once you kill it, take the sword and bring it back to Anherru.
GO northwest pass the gates next to the Rebirth Fountain. Once you get to an
obelisk, go northeast. Then take the left or right path around the buildings
and go northeast some more toward a Rebirth Fountain. Head northwest until you
get to an open space. Go west from there and keep going west/southwest until
you see a giant statue of some guy sitting down. Go northwest and into the
===Rhakotis Library===
Go northwest and then you should see an NPC, Neb-ka-n-ra. Talk to him and go
through the doors to the archives.
===Library Archives===
Go to the Rebirth Fountain. From there go three rooms northwest, two rooms
northeast, one room northwest, one room northeast, three rooms southeast, one
room northeast, two rooms southeast, and two rooms southwest. The stairs
leading to the next floor will be there.
===Library Vault===
Go one room northwest and toward the northeast is a door. Open that and there
will be a scarab boss. He can attack you, shoot bug liquid at you, and shoots
eggs at you. The eggs will hatch into mini scarabs. If they do hatch run away
from the boss scarab and kill those first. Then get back to the boss scarab and
beat him down. Keep yourself healed, but this battle shouldn't be too hard.
Once he is defeated, go northeast and grab the scroll and take the stairs up
to above ground.
===Hathor Basin===
Get to the Rebirth Fountain and just go northwest until you get to the next
===Wadjet Canyon===
The side quest that you get will give two skill points so it will be worth
---Side Quest: The Beast of Legend---
Reward: 7500 EXP, 2 Skill Points
40000 EXP, 2 Skill Points
When you enter the canyon, go northwest and you will see three NPCs. Talk to
Seba to get the quest. Go northwest all the way. You might have to go around
some rocks and walls, but you will end up near a bridge. From the bridge go
northeast and you should see a POI icon. Go towards it and enter the cave. In
the cave go northeast and the scorpion will be there. If there are any enemies
around him kill them first then get the scorpion. It isn't a hard battle so
after you defeat him you will get the reward.
Now go back and go across the bridge.
===Nile Floodplain===
Nothing here too. From the Rebirth Fountain go north a bit and then go
northwest.You should come across some broken wagons and pass through two
torches. When you see a merchant icon on the map just head towards that to the
===Village of Sais===
---Side Quest: Plight of the Nile Farmers---
Reward: 8000 EXP, Relic Shard
40000 EXP, Relic Shard
Talk to Makara who is right next to the Rebirth Fountain to get the quest. From
the fountain go east until you get to the shore. Kill all the reptilians north
and south of the shore and return to Makara to get your reward.
From the merchant, go northwest to the temple and talk to Thuti. When you are
done talking go northwest.
===The Lower Nile===
Go northwest for a long distance staying near the waters.
---Side Quest: A Promethean Surrounded---
Reward: 7500 EXP, Magical Jewelry
38000 EXP, Magical Jewelry
While you are going northwest, you will come across some ruins. To the west of
that is a group of rocks. If you go further northwest there will be another
group of rocks. From the rocks go northeast until you hit the wall and then go
northwest. There will some monsters. Kill them all and talk to Inen to get your
Just continue going northwest while staying near the waters and you will be in
the next area.
===Memphis Outskirts===
Go north a bit and take the road to the northwest that is in between the grain
fields. Once you get pass the grain fields go north and you will be at the
entrance to Memphis.
---Side Quest: Lowest of the Low---
Reward: 8500 EXP, Powerful Ring
40000 EXP, Powerful Ring
From the entrance go northeast and you will see an NPC, Merab, so talk to him.
Go around the Beggars Quarter and get rid of all the shadowstalkers and return
to Merab for your reward.
Now go into Memphis
===Memphis Plaza===
Go northwest pass and area that has water in it and Imhotep will be right next
to a camel. Give him the scroll and find out what to do next.
***IX. The Invocation***
---Side Quest: The Missing Brother---
Reward: 10000 EXP, Powerful Ring
42000 EXP, Powerful Ring
Talk to Tathari to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to Giza
---Side Quest: The High Priest's Request---
Reward: 9000 EXP, Relic Shard
42000 EXP, Relic Shard
Talk to Zazamankh to get the quest and don't worry about it until you get to
Giza Plateau.
From Imhotep, go northeast and go to the gate of the sphinx. Open it and head
===Outer Giza===
Just go east. You should see a Rebirth Fountain soon and then go to the next
===Gize Plateau===
There is a portal here. GO north/northeast and you should see it. Get to it and
activate it.
---Side Quest: The Missing Brother---
From the portal go east and then go down into the tombs. From the entrance go
one room northeast, one room southeast, one room northeast, one room northwest,
and two rooms northeast. Talk to Unas who is right next to the door. Then open
the door and go through. There will only be the boss in there and he isn't too
hard. After you defeat it go talk to Unas and then return to Tathari to get
your reward.
From the portal follow the path southeast. You will have to make a turn and
keep going southwest. Then go toward the sphinx and enter it.
---Side Quest: Khufu's Curse---
Reward: 12500 EXP
50000 EXP
After you make the turn instead of going southwest, go to the southeast path.
Talk to the NPC outside and go into the tomb and go northeast. The path should
split into three. Go to the middle and click on the wall to open a path. Just
go up the path and kill the jackalman boss at the end to complete the quest.
---Side Quest: The High Priest's Request---
On the path that splits into three. Take the path to the southeast. Open the
wall and keep going. You have to fight your way through, but it shouldn't be
too hard. When you get to the last room, open the coffin and pick up the staff
and return it to the high priest.
===The Great Sphinx===
To get directly to the boss go one room northeast, one room northwest, one
room, southwest, one room northwest, four rooms northeast, four rooms
southeast, and then northeast all the way to a door. Open it when you are ready
and go on through. Go run around killing all the undeads first then the
devices. One by one the stone guardians will stand up and go attacking you.
Once all the undeads and devices are destroyed you should have four of the
guardians on you. Don't just stand there and attack. You will get killed really
fast. I suggest a hit and run. Focus on one of the guardians and hit him once
and then run away. Hit him again and run away and so on until they are all
dead. Once they area dead, go to the room behind them and get the Hand of
Balance, loot the area, and go back to Memphis.
This time go north of Imhotep and open the Gate of the Palm and leave the town.
===Artisan's Quarter===
Get to the Rebirth Fountain and take the northeastern road out.
===Desert Waste===
Go northeast and you will see a dead tree and a little further down are two
dead trees next to each other. Go north pass some tents and continue going
northeast toward a Rebirth Fountain.
===Sobek Plateau===
Go northeast pass a giant rock with dead trees sticking out from it. Keep going
northeast and there should be some fences. Go either north or south around it
and keep going northeast. When you see some torches, it means you are going the
correct way.
===Canyon of Isis===
Go north and follow the northern wall until you get to the next area.
===Fayum Desert===
Go northeast a bit and there should a trail so follow it. You will come to a
fork. One trail is more heavily marked than the other so take that one toward
the east. The trail will take you south and there will be another fork. Take
trail to the east again to get into the oasis.
===Fayum Oasis===
---Side Quest: A Hidden Treasure
Reward: 9000 EXP
30000 EXP
Talk to Asri, who is right next to the merchant, for the quest. Go northeast
until you hit a wall then follow that wall up north. Take the northeast exit
out to the desert and follow the walls until you are just north of Pa-neb. Go
north and a POI icon will appear. Go towards that and enter the tomb. From the
entrance go northwest. Open the door and go northwest all the way and you
should get your reward. Kill everything and loot the items in the chest if you
want to.
---Side Quest: Caravan Woes---
Reward: 12000 EXP
45000 EXP
Talk to Pa-neb who is right next to the portal to get the quest. Then take the
northeast exit out to the desert. When you are outside go north of Pa-neb and
there will be some broken walls and other stuff. The boss is somewhere around
that area so kill everything first and then go for the boss. After you it you
will get your reward.
Once you are set go take the northeast exit.
===Temple of Atum===
Go northeast and go up the ramp. Open up the gate and get ready for a fight.
The scorpion boss isn't hard. If he summons his mini scorpions go kill them
first. After you get them go for the boss. He doesn't do much, just hits you.
Keep yourself healed and it should be an easy battle. Go northeast and get your
loot and thel Eye of Chaos. Now go back Imhotep in Memphis.
Imhotep isn't near the camel anymore, but he is near the Gate to Thebes. Talk
to him to give him the Hand and Eye. Talk to him again once an exclaimation
mark appears above his head.
***X. A Telkein in Egypt***
Open the Gate to Thebes behind Imhotep and go northwest across a bridge and to
the Rebirth Fountain. Go northwest from there and you should be in the next
===The Upper Nile===
Follow the path northwest and then the path will split into two. One to the
east and one to the west. Take the west path and you should go pass some
torches. Head to the Rebirth Fountain.
===Thebes Outskirts===
Go northwest from the fountain. Take the north path around the fences and go
north then follow the path to the northwest. You'll go pass some torches and
trees. From there keep following the trail west and then north through some
ruins. Keep following the path and it will take you west and then north. You
know you'll be going the correct way when you go pass between two huge statues.
Follow the road northwest, open the door and go in.
===Temple of Seti===
After you are set, go northeast pass the mystic and toward the Rebirth Fountain
---Side Quest: The corrupted Priest---
Reward: 15000 EXP, Magical Weapon
50000 EXP, Magical Weapon
Talk to Amen-nahte to get the quest. When you are next to the Rebirth Fountain,
follow the southern wall to Meretseger Ridge. Keep following the wall and you
will se an POI icon. Go in the tomb and head straight notheast to the last
room. Kill the statue guardians first then the boss. It shouldn't be too hard.
Once you kill them return to Amen-nahte to get your reward.
===Highland Pass===
Head straight northeast. Once you get to the pillars head north and you should
go pass some torches. Keep going north and follow the path from there. There
will be a Rebirth Fountain. From the fountain go east and you will go down a
===Place of Truth===
After you get to the bottom, go directly east until you get to the wall. Follow
it all the way north and when you get pass the torches, you will be in the
Valley of Kings.
===Valley of Kings===
Go north a bit and then northwest toward the merchant and portal. Activate the
Rebirth Fountain. This place has the tombs of a couple pharoahs. The correct
one you need to get to is Ramses. From the Fountain go northwest until you hit
a wall. Follow the wall north and keep following it until it turns. Follow the
wall just to the north of it and follow that southwest and you should be
outside of Ramses' tomb so go in.
===Tomb of Ramses===
From the entrance head northwest down the hallway to the next room. This room
is filled with monsters. It isn't too hard, but if you decide to run, run
towards the northwest. You'll go down a ramp and then be in another room. In
this room go northwest to the next room. Then go northeast until you get to a
door. Behind it is the Telkine. Get yourself healed and go in. He can shoot
fireballs at you, summon some tomb guardians, and clones himself. When he
summons the tomb guardians, kill them first. They will get in your way and will
hurt overtime if you just leave them. When he clones himself, two more of him
will appear. They are weaker versions of him so take them out first. This fight
shouldn't be much of a problem since he doesn't do much damage. Keep yourself
healed and beat him down. Once he is killed, pick up the Cuneiform Tablet and
go back to the Temple of Seti.
When you teleport back, go northwest and Imhotep will be right in front of the
gate so go talk to him. After that go northwest outside of the gates.
***XI. The Sickle of Kronos***
===Hatshepsut Path===
Follow the road northwest. There will be a Rebirth Fountain just outside the
gates. Keep following the road and it will turn toward the northeast. You will
get to the temple soon and when you get there follow the road up two ramps and
go into the temple.
===Temple of Hatshepsut===
When you enter there will be nothing here, but a Rebirth Fountain. Go northeast
and open the door to continue. There will be another door so open that and go
through. This room has a lot of monsters. I suggest destroying the two dark
obelisk first since that will make the phasma disappear. Then you can kill
everything else. At the other end of the room is a hole in the wall so go into
===Hall of Prometheus===
This room also has a lot of monsters. It shouldn't be as hard as the previous
one so you should be okay. Once they are dealt will go northeast and down the
hallway. The path will split into three, but the correct way is the northeast
path. The road will split into three again, and the correct way is northeast.
You'll go through two more rooms and then there will be a door and through that
door is another door. On the other side of the second door is the boss. He an
easy one. He can summon some wraiths which you should kill first. He can also
do a sand attack. He shouldn't damage you too much, but if he does use the hit
and run strategy. After killing him, loot the place and go to the opposite end
of the entrance and click on the Eternity Altar and go through the portal.
===Gardens of Babylon===
Once you are at Babylon talk to Zakir. When you are ready, head out at the
southeast exit and keep going southeast down the long path. Then you will have
to turn northeast. When you see some stairs go up it and then go southwest all
the way and turn toward the northwest. There will be a Rebirth Fountain and
keep going northwest until you see the stairs. Go up it and there will be
another Rebirth Fountain. From there go southeast and go up the stairs when you
see it and then go north and go up those stairs.
===Temple of Marduk===
From the stairs go north and enter the temple. Inside the temple go down the
One the first level there will be a Rebirth Fountain. From this room go two
rooms northeast, one room northwest, and one room southwest to the next floor.
Go one room southwest, one room southeast, one room southwest, three rooms
southeast and one room northeast to the next floor.
From the stairs go one room northeast and then one room northwest. This room
has three southwest exits into three different rooms. One at the top, bottom,
and middle. Go to the middle of the room and take the middle exit to the
southwest room and go southwest two more rooms. Go northwest one room and this
one has two exits to the northwest. Take the northern most exit to the next
room and go northeast two rooms. Then go northwest one room and northeast to
the stairs.
Once you go down the stair, there will be a gate. Behind it is the chimera
boss. In the room there are also four frost traps. Destroy those first so they
don't interfere.The chimera can bite you, the middle head can shoot a fire
breath, and one of the other two heads and use a lightning attack that damages
you if you are close enough. If you have enough defense, you can just stand
still and attack him. If you don't, just run in circles and when you does its
fire breath it stands still so attack it from behind or the sides. It also
stands still when doing it lightning attack, but that attacks anything from all
sides so you can still attack if you have a ranged weapon. Once it is defeated,
loot the place and go one room northeast. Step on the symbol in the middle of
the room to open the door and continue going through to the next two rooms and
talk to Feiyan.
***XII. Hunt for the Sickle***
Go through the hole in the wall and get outside.
===Babylon Outskirts===
Head towards the Rebirth Fountain. Just southwest of it is a farmer named Appa,
so talk to him. Now head toward the bridge and a man should be chased in by
some monsters.
---Side Quest: The Seeds of Destruction---
Reward: 18000 EXP
Talk to the guy that just ran in, Immeru. Just go outside and kill all the
monsters that are inside the grain fields. The grain fields are divided into
four parts so just kill those monsters. Once you kill them all go back and talk
to Immeru to get your reward.
Go across the bridge, and take the south or east path around the fields. After
you get pass the fields, follow the path southeast and pass the torches.
===Parthian Highlands===
Just follow the trial northeast and there will be a Rebirth Fountain. Go across
the bridge and follow another trial to the north and go across the bridge.
===The Silk Road===
There are two NPCs right across the bridge. Talk to them if you want. They just
tell you to follow the Silk Road to follow the Telkine. So just follow the road
toward the northeast.
===Bactrian woods===
Just keep following the path and go across the bridge. After going across the
bridge, the path will end. Go north and follow the northern wall. The will will
turn and go east and it will lead to the torches which you go through.
===Amdo Region===
Go north and follow the northern wall. It will lead to a village.
===Shangshung Village===
---Side Quest: A Gargantuan Yeti---
Reward: 20000 EXP
Talk to Pasang Do-ma to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to
Tsongmo Ice Cavern.
---Side Quest: Mystery in the Mountains---
Reward: 22000
Talk to Kilu Tem-ba to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to
Chumbi Valley.
Once you are ready head out the village by using the exit near the mystic and
go across the bridge.
===Natu La Pass===
After crossing the bridge, go east and follow the eastern wall to the north and
west and then across a bridge. Go north and then northeast whenever you can and
across a bridge to the next area.
===Natu La Ridge===
Just in front of the bridge is a Rebirth Fountain. There will be a trail, but
it is not very visible so look closely until you see it. It will eventually
break off into two directions. Take the one to the east.
---Side Quest: Caravan in Trouble---
Reward: 18000 EXP, Magical Item
You should see a man being chased by some ice sprites so go follow him until he
stops running. You have to kill all the ice sprites first before you can talk
to him. If you still can't talk to him after killing all the ice sprites, go
inside the cave and find some in there that has an aura and kill those. You
should be able to talk to him now and get your reward.
Take the trail and go north through the torches.
===Amdo Region===
Keep following the trail and there will be a Rebirth Fountain. Follow it some
more and then the trail will end. Just keep heading east and go pass the
===Chumbi Valley===
Just keep moving foward through the mountain since there is only one way to go.
You will get off the snowy mountains and back to normal land. Follow the trail
that appears after the mountains. It will lead to a bridge.
---Side Quest: Mystery in the Mountain---
To do this instead of going across the bridge, head north through the trees and
to a temple. Talk to Ang Tshe-ring to get an update on the quest. Go northeast
from him and go across a bridge. A POI icon should appear so go towards that
and into the cave. There are about four or five monsters in the cave and the
are quite a high level so the fight could be difficult. If you have a strong
attack to fight them all at once, use it. If you don't a good strategy is to
pull one at a time to fight them. Once you kill all of them go back and talk to
Ang Tshe-ring to update the quest. The next part of the quest takes place at
Tsongmo Peak.
Go across the bridge and follow the trail there. It will bring you back up to a
snowy mountain.
===Tsongmo Peak===
Go north after you get pass the torches.
---Side Quest: Mystery in the Mountain---
Talk to Da-wa Phu-ti to get an update on the quest. You should be able to see a
POI icon so go towards that and go into the cave. In the cave keep going
northwest and down to the next floors until you get to the exit. OUtside of the
cave is the boss. There will be other neantherdals close to him. Pull them away
from the boss and kill them first. The boss is very strong so if you aren't a
warrior class, then don't just stand there and beat him down, but if you are
then it will be an easy battle if you have high enough armor. He can summon a
blizzard attack and has a shout attack. For other classes hit an runs are the
best way to beat him. It might take a while, but you should be able to. Once
you kill it go back to Kilu Tem-ba to get your reward.
From Da-wa Phu-ti go east and toward the POI icon and into the cave.
===Tsongmo Ice Cavern===
Go to the Rebirth Fountain. Follow the wall to the north and you have to go in
betwen two holes in the floor. Go northwest after that and go down the stairs.
Go northeast first and turn northwest when you can and go down the stairs.
Just go northwest. Fight the yeti if you want to do the side quest or run down
to the next floor if you don't
---Side Quest: A Gargantuan Yeti---
This yeti is by itself. This guy is tough. It has great physical strength so it
will hurt when you get him. His other attack is an ice breath. If you get hit
by it, you will be frozen for a couple seconds and won't be able to move or do
anything except using potions. If you are a warrior class, standing still and
beating him down is possible. If you aren't then go with the hit and run
When you get to the bottom of the stairs go north a bit and go northeast while
following the eastern wall and get out the cave.
===Khantai Mountains===
From the exit go east and to the portal and merchant. From the Rebirth Fountain
go east and follow the eastern wall. You'll pass through some torches, but keep
following the eastern wall. Then you'll pass through another set of torches.
===Orkhan Valley===
Go all the way east and then all the way north. Then go east.
===Outer Mongolia===
Get to the Rebirth Fountain and follow a trail to the northeast and go pass the
===Mongolian Plateau===
Go north to the Rebirth Fountain. Then go east and follow the road into an area
with some houses. Take the northern road out of that area. The road will split
into two. Take the northeastern road. It will take around the trees and keep
following the road northeast. Keep following it until after you go downhill.
Then you follow it southeast.
===Village of Guanzhong===
When you see some houses, go slowly and try to pull some of the yerren a little
at a time because there is a monster in there that is incredibly strong so
killing all the weaker monsters will be better. When you get to the monster
with the aura, a hit and run strategy is good, but he has some skill that will
prevent you from moving so don't get too close. You might get killed a couple
times, but he doesn't heal so you can go back and fight again.
---Side Quest: The Child and the Raptor---
Reward: 23000 EXP, Magical Jewelry
In the village go east a bit and talk to Chang Er to get the quest. Just go
east of her and kill the raptor. Return to her and get your reward.
Go to the southeast and take the road to exit the town and keep following the
===The Great Wall===
Get up onto the Great Wall and go northeast.
---Side Quest: Peng Problems---
Reward: 23000 EXP, Magical Weapon
Talk to Zi Chan to get the quest. Walk further down the Great Wall and you will
come across the giant peng. When you get to it there will be other pengs with
it and you can't really pull them all away. You will just have to kill all the
weaker pengs first and then kill the giant one. Get to the end of the Great
Wall and talk to Bai Li Xi for your reward.
Just keep going down the Great Wall since that is the only place to go.
===Shaanxi Province===
Get down from the Great Wall and follow the road southeast. The road will split
into different directions, but keep going northeast and you will see a bridge
so go across.
===Village of Zhidan===
In the village talk to Fan Ye to get an update on your main quest.
---Side Quest: The Wealthy Collector---
Reward: 25000 EXP, Powerful Ring
Talk to Lu Buwei for the quest then talk to him again to learn more. Don't
worry about it until you get to Jingyang Woods.
---Side Quest: Stalker in the Woods---
Reward: 27000 EXP
Talk to Bao Er for the quest. Don't worry about ituntil you get to Jingyang
Once you are ready, take the exit just north of the Rebirth Fountain.
===Jingyang Woods===
All you have to do is follow the road. You will get into some trees and their
shadows might make it hard to see the road, but just look at it closely and you
should see it. The road will end and you should be able to see some torches.
---Side Quest: A Lesson in Despair---
Reward: 25000 EXP
From the torches go north and you should see an NPC and some monsters around
him. Kill all the monsters and talk to Yao Li to get the quest. Then talk to
him a few more times to get your reward.
---Side Quest: Stalker in the Woods---
From Yao Li go southeast to the opposite side of him. The boss should be there.
The battle isn't too hard so just charge it and kill it and you will get the
From Yao Li, go east and there will be a bridge. Go across it and get to the
Rebirth Fountain.
---Side Quest: The Wealthy Collector---
From the fountain, go north and then follow the wall to the east and enter the
cave. Kill all the spiders in the cave and go into the back and open the chest.
Pick up the Jade Figurine and bring it back to Lu Buwei for your reward.
From the fountain follow the river east and go across the bridge. Continue
following the river northeast and go across another bridge.
===Shaanxi Fields===
A road will be visible so follow it north. Soon it will split into two
directions. Take the one to the east and then it will turn and go north. Keep
following it to the next area.
===Chang'an Outskirts===
Talk to Haun Yue to get an update on the main quest. After talking to her go
east a little and then northeast. Cross the bridge, open the gates, and go into
===City of Chang'an===
Go northeast after you enter the city and talk to Feiyan.
***XIII. Journey to the Jade Palace***
---Side Quest: The Emperor's Clay Soldiers---
Reward: 30000 EXP, 2 Attribute Points, Powerful Amulet
Talk to Ma Feibai to get the quest. Go to the Rebirth Fountain and go northwest
all the way across a couple bridges and up a couple stairs. You'll end up at
the palace so enter it. Inside are a bunch of Terra Cottas and one Terra Cotta
Sorceror. When you get up to the sorceror it will teleport away. Destroy the
Terra Cotta soldiers and then go northwest. You will have to do this a couple
times until you get to the throne. After that the sorceror won't be able to
teleport anymore so you have to fight it. It is an easy battle, but it has a
lot of health. Just stand there and beat it down. Then return to Ma Feibai to
get your reward.
---Side Quest: Terra Cottas At Large---
Reward: 26000 EXP, Magical Weapon
Talk to Wai Zhen to get the quest. Open the door just to the north of him and
destroy the Terra Cottas in there. Then go southeast and open that door and
destroy those Terra Cottas. Go to the Rebirth Fountain and go northwest of it
toward a bridge and destroy all those Terra Cottas. For the last two groups go
northeast to the blacksmith. Open the doors to the southeast of him and destroy
the Terra Cottas and fire sprites in there. Go southeast a little more and
through a door to get the last group of the Terra Cottas. Return to Wai Zhen to
get your reward.
Once you are ready go southeast from the Rebirth Fountain and go through a
broken wall to exit the city.
===Chang'an Farmland===
From the fountain, go southeast up into the fields. Then go southeast and go
pass the stone wall to another field. Go west to exit the fields and there will
be some huts. Follow the road southeast and there will be three huts in a
triangle formation.
===Quinba Bamboo Forest===
From the huts go southeast and go south when you can. You'll go pass two
torches. Get the side quest since it is on the way to the next area.
---Side Quest: A General in Repose---
Reward: 26000 EXP
Next to the torches is Rang Ju. Talk to him to get the quest. Go south of him
and then go southeast. You will go between two rocks and then go east into the
cave. When you are in the cave, go to the opposite corner of the entrance. You
will have to go northwest first then northeast. Go down the stairs and go
northeast a bit, then southeast, and northeast up the stairs. Go keep going
northeast and when you get to the chests, you will get your reward.
Go back one room and take the southeast stairs. Just south of those stairs
is another stairs taking you back up a floor and just go southwest to the exit
of the cave. After exiting the cave, go southeast. You might have to go around
rocks and trees, but just go in that general direction.
===Village of Binxan===
---Side Quest: The Hermit Mage---
Reward: 28000 EXP
Talk to Xiao Yishan to get the quest. Don't worry about it until you get to
Jinghe River Valley.
Once you are ready head out across the bridge that is right next to the Rebirth
===Jinghe River Valley===
---Side Quest: Behind the Waterfall---
Reward: 28000 EXP, Powerful Amulet
Go directly southeast after crossing the bridge and there will be a house. Talk
to Liu Xu to get the quest. From the house go west all the way. You might have
to go southwest a little, but there will be a cave so enter it. Go northwest
and then go to the next room. Go northwest a little more and there will be some
shades that have an aura around them. Kill those and return to Liu Xu to get
your reward.
Go straight southwest from the bridge to the other end of the area. There will
be a bridge. Go across and to the Rebirth Fountain. There will be a trail that
you can follow south to a village. Take the southwest exit there and follow
alongside the river to the southwest and then east until you see a waterfall.
---Side Quest: The Hermit Mage---
Go south from the waterfall and there will be some tigermen. Kill them all and
you will get your reward.
From the waterfall go south a little and then west. You'll go pass two torches
and be in the next area.
===Qiyun Ascent===
Follow the road across a bridge and to a Rebirth Fountain.
---Side Quest: Three Sisters---
Reward: 30000 EXP, Magical Jewelry
Talk to Yi Shan who is just next to the fountain to get the quest. Don't worry
about it until you get to the Jinghe Wetlands.
Keep following the path and you will go across another bridge. Go west all the
way until you hit a wall and then go up the hill. A path should appear so
follow it across a bridge.
===Mount Qiyun===
Follow the trail and cross another bridge. Follow the trail and go across the
second to last bridge and there will be a boss on the other side. The boss is a
fire bull. He can summon some shadow monsters and when he does kill those
first. He also has a couple fire spells. It hurts, but he doesn't constantly
cast it so it won't be a problem. Then he has a regular attack. If your armor
is high enough you can just stand there and beat him down. If not hit and run
is always a good strategy. This boss shouldn't be any problem. After you beat
it, go northwest and across the last bridge into the Jade Palace.
===The Jade Palace===
Go in and talk to the emperor.
***XIV. Under Wusao Mountain***
The easy way is to open up a portal and teleport back to Chang'an. If you do
use the portal to get back, you won't be able to do the Three Sisters side
---Side Quest: Three Sisters---
Go northeast of the emperor and go down through all the floors and you will
enter a cave. In the first floor the stairs is just north of the entrance. Then
go north again to go down to another floor. Go northeast to get down to the
last floor and go northeast to get to the exit which leads to the Jinghe
Wetlands. Go northeast toward the Rebirth Fountain. Then keep going northeast
until you see a pond. If you're not at the southeast end of it, then go there
and go northeast some more from there and there will be two torches. Go east
from the torches into some water and then go north back onto land. Next to the
house is Li Hua, one of the missing sisters so talk to her. Go directly east of
Li Hua and you will see some huts. Kill all the tigermen first. Then talk to Ru
Zhao two or three times and return to Li Hua to get your reward.
Back in Chang'an, go to the blacksmith and go southeast until you see some pink
trees. Go northeast and talk to Jing Ke to unlock the door and open it to go
through. Go northeast and toward the POI icon and go through the wall.
===Forest of the Ancients===
There will be Rebirth Fountain right next to the wall. Go east through the
trees and some of the ground will be white. Keep going east on the white ground
and there will be a cave. You don't need to go in so go northeast and there
will be a stream. If you don't see a broken tree that acts as a bridge, go east
or west a little and it will be there. Go across the bridge and head north for
a while and you should go pass two torches.
===WUsao Barrens===
Go up the hill and then go east toward the portal. From the portal go north and
enter the cave.
===Wusao Caverns===
When you enter the cave, follow the northwestern wall and it will take you to
the stairs that lead to the next floor. Go northwest until you see the
northwestern wall then turn northeast and go between two holes in the floor.
Then turn and go southeast when you can and head towards the POI icon to the
next floor. Just go northeast to the next floor in this room and in the next
room. GO across the bridge and take the north or east path since it leads to
the same place and keep going downwards.
===The Obsidian Halls===
GO northeast and you will see rock with lava spewing out. From the rock go east
and then northeast along the ledges of the floor until you get to a wall. Then
just follow the wall southeast toward the POI icon and go down to the Rebirth
Fountain. Then go southeast until you see a hole in the floor and go southwest.
Turn and go southeast when you see another hole in the floor and go northeast
the first chance you get. Soon a POI icon will appear on the map so head toward
it. Go down to the Telkine and you will have to fight it.
The Telkine can summon magma sprites so when he does kill those first. He can
make stones from the ceiling fall on you and then use those pieces and throw it
at you. He can also shoot fireballs at you. If you're high enough defense you
can stand and fight him while healing yourself since he doesn't do a lot of
damage at once. If you don't have enough defense just run around and dodge his
attacks while attacking when you can. It shouldn't be too hard a battle.
***XV. Olympus***
Go through the portal at the northeast.
===Lower Olympus===
There is only one path to go so you have to fight your way through. It is easy
until you get to the minotaurs. They are strong and they can stun you so you
can't do anything. Then there will be the cyclops. When you get close enough
you will be able to hear Typhon laugh at you.
===Olympus Summit===
Typhon is extremely hard. He has a fire attack that does major damage if you
stand in it, but you shouldn't be standing around in the first place. You have
to keep moving. He can summon frost liches which you should kill first when
they are summoned. He can throw balls of stones that are on fire at you. He
also has an attack that leeches your health and heals his all the way. He can
shoot lightning at you too.There are shrines all around the area so take
advantage of those. Starting from the south and going counter clockwise is
masteries, energizing, regeneration, frostbite, battle marker, and thorn. For
melee combat you run circles around him and hit him once after he tries to hit
you. If he uses his fire breath you can hit him a couple times depending on
how long he uses it. Having burning, bleeding, or poison damage will help too.
For ranged or spellcasters you just run as far away from him as you can and
keep attacking until he gets close enough then you run away again. It is hard,
but as long as you keep moving and not get hit you could kill it. After you
kill him loot the items and after the talking, go into the portal to exit the
game, watch the credits (or not), and unlock the next difficulty.
In harder difficulties, your resistance will go down. You get better relic
shards, experience, and better weapons and armor.
IV. Contact Info.
If you have any questions or anything e-mail me at TGMasaki@gmail.com and I'll
try to respond as fast as possible.
This walkthrough is copyright 2006 by me, Ben Lam. Don't copy it, put it on
your site, and all that other stuff without my permission.