Titan Quest Mastery Skills FAQ (walkthrough)

Titan Quest
Mastery Skills FAQ
Version 0.40
Copyright 2006
Written by Albendiz

Version 0.40, 7/20/2006 - First version of this FAQ, contains complete 
information on Defense, Earth, and Hunting Masteries.  Other masteries coming 

Version 0.60, 8/01/2006 – Second version of this FAQ, adding complete skill 
information for Nature and Rogue Mastery.  Also added some additional Earth 
mastery info based on reader submissions (see section VIII)


Table of Contents

You can search for any given section by opening the “Find” feature of your 
browser and searching for the Roman numeral listed on this Table of Contents.  
So to jump directly to Rogue Mastery Skill Descriptions, do a search for the 
character string “Ve”.  I highly recommend using the “Match Case” or “Matching 
Caps” feature on your browser; otherwise it will not work as well.

II.........Legal Notice 
III........Mastery Skill Bonuses
   IIIa....Defense Mastery
   IIIb....Earth Mastery
   IIIc....Hunting Mastery  
   IIId....Nature Mastery   
   IIIe....Rogue Mastery    
   IIIf....Spirit Mastery   
   IIIg....Storm Mastery    
   IIIh....Warfare Mastery  
IV.........Skill Tree Info
V..........Skill Descriptions
   Va......Defense Mastery
   Vb......Earth Mastery
   Vc......Hunting Mastery
   Vd......Nature Mastery
   Ve......Rogue Mastery
   Vf......Spirit Mastery   (coming soon)
   Vg......Storm Mastery    (coming soon)
   Vh......Warfare Mastery  (coming soon)
VI.........Frequently Asked Questions
VII........Contact Information


I.  Introduction
I don't like trying to plan out my RPG characters without knowing the nuts and 
bolts of things, so I thought I'd begin compiling the various stats on the 
different Masteries in Titan Quest.  I hope you find it useful!  I also 
dislike wordy FAQs, so let me zip it and we shall move on.


II. Legal Mumbo Jumbo
The vast majority of the information on this FAQ has been taken directly off 
my PC monitor as I have played Titan Quest (although I did use a trainer to 
allow me slightly faster access to that information!).  Needless to say, the 
numbers and data I pulled off the screen are not really mine to copyright, 
feel free to use it however you wish.  However, I put some time and effort 
into formatting everything and collecting the data, so please don't be a tool 
and "copy/paste" things directly out of this FAQ into some document of your 
own (unless of course it is for personal use, or if you get my permission 
first).  I am only giving GameFAQs.com and IGN.com the permission to post 
this as of this time.  If you would like to post this on your site just send 
me an email at the address in section VII and we'll talk. As always, all 
trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.  'Nuff jibber-jabber, on with 
the FAQ!


III.  Mastery Skill Bonuses

Below is a list of the maximum attribute bonuses available by 
attribute/mastery, followed by a detailed breakdown of the attribute bonuses 
per mastery (separate sections for each mastery).  The lists below indicate 
the maximum gain for each attribute (i.e. mastery skill level maxed at 32).

Strength:	1.  Warfare (+64)
  		2.  Hunting (+56)
  		2.  Rogue   (+56)
		3.  Defense (+48)

Dexterity:	1.  Hunting (+80)
	  	2.  Rogue   (+75)
	  	3.  Defense (+64)
	  	3.  Warfare (+64)
	  	4.  Nature  (+48)
	  	4.  Spirit  (+48)
	  	5.  Storm   (+32)

Intelligence: 	1.  Spirit  (+96)
	  	1.  Storm   (+96)
	  	2.  Earth   (+90)
	  	3.  Nature  (+80)

Health:	  	1.  Defense (+1120)
	  	2.  Warfare (+896)
	  	3.  Hunting (+784)
	  	3.  Rogue   (+784)
	  	4.  Nature  (+672)
	  	4.  Storm   (+672)
	  	5.  Spirit  (+560)
	  	5.  Earth   (+560)

Energy:	  	1.  Nature  (+320)
	  	1.  Storm   (+320)
	  	2.  Spirit  (+160)
	  	2.  Earth   (+160)

Based on the amount of stat bonuses gained per skill point spent, I devised 
a quick and dirty algorithm to rank each mastery based on the overall amount 
of stat improvement per stat point.  For Strength, Dexterity, and 
Intelligence, I just used the straight per level gain to rank each mastery, 
and for Health and Energy, I used the per level gain divided by 10 to rank 
those attributes, i.e. Warfare mastery scores a 2 for Strength, a 2 for 
Dexterity, and a 2.8 for Health for a total score of 6.80.  For masteries 
that do not gain full benefit of their per level increase (Earth for 
Intelligence and Rogue for Dexterity) I deducted one tenth of a point to 
reflect that loss.

Overall Attribute Ranking:

1.  Storm   (7.10 attribute gain score)
1.  Nature  (7.10 attribute gain score)
2.  Defense (7.00 attribute gain score)
3.  Warfare (6.80 attribute gain score)
4.  Spirit  (6.75 attribute gain score)
5.  Hunting (6.65 attribute gain score)
6.  Rogue   (6.55 attribute gain score)
7.  Earth   (5.15 attribute gain score)

As you can see, most of the masteries are very closely matched in terms of 
attribute growth (the difference between Storm/Nature and Rogue is just over 
half a point) with the exception of Earth mastery, which really got the 
shaft (nearly two points below the Storm/Nature score).


IIIa. Defense Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+1 Strength
		+2 Dexterity
		+35 Health

Each additional point in Defense Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+1.5 Strength (Rounded Down)
		+2 Dexterity
		+35 Health

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+48 Strength
		+64 Dexterity
		+1120 Health

Defense Mastery confers by far the largest Health bonus of all the masteries, 
the third highest Dexterity bonus (behind Rogue and Hunting, and tied with 
Warfare), and the fourth highest Strength bonus (below Warfare, Rogue, and 


IIIb. Earth Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+3 Intelligence
		+18 Health
		+5 Energy

Each additional point in Defense Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+3 Intelligence
		+17.5 Health (Rounded Down)
		+5 Energy

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+90 Intelligence
		+560 Health
		+160 Energy

For some reason, no Intelligence bonus is granted at skill level 31 or 32, 
for those of you who have done the math and realize that it should be +96 
Intelligence at skill level 32.

Earth Mastery confers the second biggest boost to Intelligence of the 
various masteries (second after Storm and Spirit), and provides the lowest 
Health and Energy boosts of all the casting masteries (ties for lowest 
Health and Energy boost with Spirit Mastery).  For some reason, Earth is the 
only casting mastery that does not also get a bonus to Dexterity.  Not sure 
why Earth got the shaft in the stats department, but in relation to the other 
masteries, Earth is really quite stat-poor.


IIIc. Hunting Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+2 Strength
		+2 Dexterity
		+24 Health

Each additional point in Hunting Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+1.7 Strength (Rounded Down)
		+2.5 Dexterity  (Rounded Down)
		+24.5 Health  (Rounded Down)

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+56 Strength
		+80 Dexterity
		+784 Health

Hunting Mastery provides the second biggest Strength boost of all the 
masteries (tied for second with Rogue, just below Warfare, and just above 
Defense).  It also provides the biggest Dexterity boost of all the masteries 
and the third biggest Health boost of all the masteries (below Defense and 
Warfare, and tied for third with Rogue).


IIId. Nature Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+2 Intelligence
		+1 Dexterity
		+21 Health
		+10 Energy

Each additional point in Nature Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+2.5 Intelligence (Rounded Down)
		+1.5 Dexterity  (Rounded Down)
		+21 Health
		+10 Energy

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+80 Intelligence
		+48 Dexterity
		+672 Health
		+320 Energy

Nature Mastery provides the lowest intelligence bonus of all the casting 
Masteries, but compensates by having a slightly higher Dexterity bonus.  It 
also ties Storm Mastery for the highest Health and Energy Bonus of the 
various caster classes.


IIIe. Rogue Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+2 Strength
		+2 Dexterity
		+24 Health

Each additional point in Rogue Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+1.7 Strength (Rounded Down)
		+2.5 Dexterity  (Rounded Down)
		+24.5 Health  (Rounded Down)

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+56 Strength
		+75 Dexterity
		+784 Health

Rogue Mastery is nearly identical to Hunting Mastery, with the odd exception 
that at skill levels 31 and 32, no Dexterity bonus is awarded at all (thus 
the slightly lower Dexterity bonus).


IIIf. Spirit Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+3 Intelligence
		+1 Dexterity
		+18 Health
		+5 Energy

Each additional point in Spirit Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+3 Intelligence
		+1.5 Dexterity  (Rounded Down)
		+17.5 Health  (Rounded Down)
		+5 Energy

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+96 Intelligence
		+48 Dexterity
		+560 Health
		+160 Energy

Spirit Mastery boasts the highest Intelligence bonus possible of the 
masteries (tied for first with Storm Mastery), as well as a high Dexterity 
bonus (for a caster class).  It loses ground in the Health and Energy 
department, with the absolute lowest health gain of any Mastery (besides 
Earth, with which it is tied), and the lowest Energy Bonus of any casting 
Mastery (again, with the exception of Earth, with which it is tied).


IIIg. Storm Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+3 Intelligence
		+1 Dexterity
		+21 Health
		+10 Energy

Each additional point in Storm Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+3 Intelligence
		+1 Dexterity
		+21 Health
		+10 Energy

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+96 Intelligence
		+32 Dexterity
		+672 Health
		+320 Energy

Storm Mastery scores high in nearly every category, with the highest 
Intelligence (tied with Spirit and Earth) and Energy (tied with Nature) 
boosts, the highest Health boost (tied with Nature) of the casting 
masteries, and a minor Dexterity boost (the lowest of all the masteries 
that provide a bonus to that stat).


IIIh. Warfare Mastery Skill Bonuses

Skill level 1:	+2 Strength
		+2 Dexterity
		+28 Health

Each additional point in Warfare Mastery Skill will provide these bonuses:
		+2 Strength
		+2 Dexterity
		+28 Health

At skill level 32 (the maximum for any mastery), your total bonuses will be:
		+64 Strength
		+64 Dexterity
		+896 Health

Warfare Mastery grants the absolute highest bonus to Strength of any mastery, 
as well as the second highest Dexterity bonus of all the masteries (behind 
Hunting and Rogue, and tied with Defense).  It also provides the second 
highest Health bonus, behind Defense.


IV.  Skill Tree Info

Skills shown in your skill tree in a circle icon are generally passive skills 
(or enhancements to other skills).  Skills shown in a square icon are skills 
that must be activated (usually requiring Energy to activate).  When skills 
are linked together in the skill tree, the higher-tier skills will modify 
the base skill of that particular skill chain, increasing the potency and/or 
effectiveness of that base skill.  Note that these “modifying” skills will 
generally add their effects to the base skill’s effects, not supplant them.

Some skills will have various acronyms following the skill name, below is a 
key to those acronyms.

P – Passive skill, works automatically.
G – Group effect, extends to nearby allies.
WP – Weapon Pool, these special attacks have a chance to be used when 
attacking with a melee weapon.
PA – Primary Attack, use as your primary attack (can also be assigned to the 
right mouse button, or bound to the 0-9 keys).
ER – Energy Reserve, using this skill toggles the skill on or off.  When 
active, a portion of your maximum energy is “reserved”, essentially lowering 
your maximum energy by a certain amount so long as the skill is active.


Va.  Defense Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Defense Mastery Skill)

Concussive Blow (6 ranks) WP
Adds a chance for attacks to stun enemies and increases the duration of stun 
attacks when wielding a club type weapon.

Rank 1:		+15% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 1.0 Second Stun

Rank 2:		+20% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 1.5 Second Stun

Rank 3:		+25% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 2.0 Second Stun

Rank 4:		+30% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 2.5 Second Stun

Rank 5:		+35% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 3.0 Second Stun

Rank 6:		+40% Stun Damage
		5% Chance of 3.5 Second Stun

Skill Analysis:  Overall not that great, as it limits you to using blunt 
weapons, and the chance to proc is not very high at all.  (Note that blunt 
weapons tend to be rather slow, making the proc even less worthwhile).  That 
being said, the +x% to Stun Damage might very well have its uses when combined 
with other skills that add the stun effect to your weapons (although again, 
only blunt weapons!)

Battle Awareness (10 ranks) G, ER
Enter a state of heightened awareness that allows you and your nearby allies 
to perceive and respond to attacks more effectively.
Modified by Focus (T3) and Iron Will (T5) 

All Ranks:    	+75 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		5.0 Meter Radius
		+10 Defensive Ability
		3 Armor

Rank 2:		6.0 Meter Radius
		+16 Defensive Ability
		4 Armor

Rank 3:		7.0 Meter Radius
		+22 Defensive Ability
		5 Armor

Rank 4:		8.0 Meter Radius
		+28 Defensive Ability
		6 Armor

Rank 5:		9.0 Meter Radius
		+36 Defensive Ability
		7 Armor

Rank 6:		10.0 Meter Radius
		+42 Defensive Ability
		8 Armor

Rank 7:		11.0 Meter Radius
		+46 Defensive Ability
		9 Armor

Rank 8:		12.0 Meter Radius
		+52 Defensive Ability
		10 Armor

Rank 9:		13.0 Meter Radius
		+56 Defensive Ability
		11 Armor

Rank 10:	14.0 Meter Radius
		+64 Defensive Ability
		12 Armor

Skill Analysis:  If you find yourself not using energy a lot, you should 
probably consider having this skill activated all the time.  Defensive 
Ability basically reduces the number of critical hits against you, so it can 
be useful in certain situations.  The armor increase is negligible, but 
improvements from the Focus and Iron Will skills make this skill marginally 
more useful later on with bonuses to your shield blocking ability and to 
resistances against various status effects.

Batter (12 ranks) PA
A shield attack that hits for increased damage and slows enemy’s attacks for 
a duration.
Modified by Rend Armor (T4)

Rank 1:		12 Energy Cost
		3 Damage
		+5% Damage
		18% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 2:		13 Energy Cost
		5 Damage
		+6% Damage
		20% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 3:		15 Energy Cost
		7 Damage
		+7% Damage
		23% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 4:		16 Energy Cost
		9 Damage
		+8% Damage
		25% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 5:		16 Energy Cost
		12 Damage
		+8% Damage
		30% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 6:		17 Energy Cost
		14 Damage
		+9% Damage
		33% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 7:		18 Energy Cost
		16 Damage
		+9% Damage
		35% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 8:		20 Energy Cost
		18 Damage
		+10% Damage
		38% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 9:		21 Energy Cost
		20 Damage
		+10% Damage
		40% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 10:	21 Energy Cost
		23 Damage
		+11% Damage
		45% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 11:	22 Energy Cost
		26 Damage
		+11% Damage
		48% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Rank 12:	23 Energy Cost
		29 Damage
		+12% Damage
		50% Slower Attack for 8 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  Until you start finding some truly powerful shields, you’re 
not likely to do much damage with this skill, but the real beauty of this 
skill is reducing the enemy’s attack speed by up to 50%.  If you find 
something is hitting you hard and fast, pop him with a Batter and watch the 
number of hits against you go down by half!

Armor Handling (6 ranks) P
Understanding how to properly adjust and move in armor allows you to wear 
heavier armor and shields than an untrained warrior of equivalent strength 
could manage.

Rank 1:		-8% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-8% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+6% Armor Absorption

Rank 2:		-10% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-10% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+8% Armor Absorption

Rank 3:		-13% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-13% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+10% Armor Absorption

Rank 4:		-15% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-15% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+12% Armor Absorption

Rank 5:		-17% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-17% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+14% Armor Absorption

Rank 6:		-20% Strength Requirement for Armor
		-20% Strength Requirement for Shields
		+16% Armor Absorption

Skill Analysis:  The strength requirement on most armor and shields will 
probably not ever really be so high as to warrant skill point investment 
into this skill solely for that reason.  However, the accompanying Armor 
Absorption increase is very, very useful against melee or archer mobs.

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Defense Mastery Skill)

Adrenaline Rush (10 ranks) P
Each enemy hit has a chance of triggering an adrenaline rush that boosts 
life regeneration.
Modified by Resilience (T3) and Defensive Reaction (T5)

All Ranks:    	5% Chance of Activating
	  	12 Second Duration

Rank 1:		+6 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 2:		+8 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 3:		+10 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 4:		+12 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 5:		+15 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 6:		+17 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 7:		+19 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 8:		+21 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 9:		+22 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 10:	+25 Health Regeneration per Second

Skill Analysis:  At its highest level, this skill basically amounts to a 5% 
chance of receiving a free 300 hp heal every time you get hit.  This works 
wonders when faced with mobs of critters using fast, weak attacks.  Against 
strong, slow attackers, this skill is less effective.  With all this being 
said, however, the Defensive Reaction skill is pretty powerful, and you can 
only get it by first investing in this skill.  In fact, if you are short on 
skill points, you may find it more useful to invest 1 point in this skill 
and then max out Defensive Reaction when it becomes available.

Rally (12 ranks) G, PA
The resolute call of your horn can turn the tide of battle, inspiring all in 
its range to fight with renewed vitality.
Modified by Inspiration (T4) and Defiance (T6)

All Ranks:    	10 Second Duration
	  	10.0 Meter Radius
	  	+150% Health Regeneration

Rank 1:		51 Energy Cost
		+255 Health Restored
		5 Armor

Rank 2:		53 Energy Cost
		+300 Health Restored
		9 Armor

Rank 3:		56 Energy Cost
		+345 Health Restored
		10 Armor

Rank 4:		58 Energy Cost
		+390 Health Restored
		12 Armor

Rank 5:		59 Energy Cost
		+435 Health Restored
		15 Armor

Rank 6:		62 Energy Cost
		+480 Health Restored
		18 Armor

Rank 7:		64 Energy Cost
		+525 Health Restored
		20 Armor

Rank 8:		67 Energy Cost
		+570 Health Restored
		23 Armor

Rank 9:		69 Energy Cost
		+615 Health Restored
		26 Armor

Rank 10:	70 Energy Cost
		+660 Health Restored
		29 Armor

Rank 11:	73 Energy Cost
		+705 Health Restored
		34 Armor

Rank 12:	75 Energy Cost
		+750 Health Restored
		40 Armor

Skill Analysis:  An absolutely astounding skill (especially once it is 
enhanced with Inspiration and Defiance), this skill will quickly pull your 
fat out of the fire when you find yourself overwhelmed.  Boasting a very 
efficient heal, a decent armor bonus, and a hefty health regeneration bonus, 
this skill can very quickly turn the tide of battle.

Quick Recovery (8 ranks) PA
A strong shield arm allows you to block multiple attackers with amazing speed 
when necessary, but it can only be kept up for a short time.

All Ranks:    	50 Energy Cost
	  	+5% Armor Absorption

Rank 1:		18 Second Duration
		-32% Shield Recovery Time
		+10% Shield Block

Rank 2:		20 Second Duration
		-42% Shield Recovery Time
		+12% Shield Block

Rank 3:		22 Second Duration
		-50% Shield Recovery Time
		+14% Shield Block

Rank 4:		25 Second Duration
		-58% Shield Recovery Time
		+16% Shield Block

Rank 5:		27 Second Duration
		-64% Shield Recovery Time
		+18% Shield Block

Rank 6:		29 Second Duration
		-70% Shield Recovery Time
		+20% Shield Block

Rank 7:		31 Second Duration
		-75% Shield Recovery Time
		+22% Shield Block

Rank 8:		34 Second Duration
		-80% Shield Recovery Time
		+24% Shield Block

Skill Analysis:  Usually your shield becomes less effective when you are 
mobbed by multiple enemies, but this skill allows you to wade into large 
groups of enemies while still retaining nearly full use of your shield’s 
blocking capability.  The energy cost remains static, so there’s really no 
reason not to max out this skill.

Shield Smash (6 ranks) WP
A shield fighting technique that inflicts damage with both the weapon and 
the shield.

All Ranks:    	+30% Damage

Rank 1:		6% Chance to be Used

Rank 2:		8% Chance to be Used

Rank 3:		10% Chance to be Used

Rank 4:		12% Chance to be Used

Rank 5:		14% Chance to be Used

Rank 6:		16% Chance to be Used

Skill Analysis:  As with Batter, the amount of damage you generate with 
this skill is highly dependant on how strong your shield is, but it is 
essentially the Defense Mastery version of Dual Wield, enabling you to 
occasionally generate additional damage with your off hand.  If you’re 
going to be using a shield often, this skill is pretty useful.

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Defense Mastery Skill)

Resilience (6 ranks) P
Increases how often an Adrenaline Rush can be triggered.
Modifies Adrenaline Rush (T2)

Rank 1:		-30% Recharge

Rank 2:		-38% Recharge

Rank 3:		-46% Recharge

Rank 4:		-52% Recharge

Rank 5:		-58% Recharge

Rank 6:		-64% Recharge

Skill Analysis:  If you really like Adrenaline Rush, you should invest in 
this skill, as it makes it proc a little bit more often, but overall, you 
can probably do without it.  I would increase Defensive Reaction before 
investing points into this skill, and even then, I would probably just 
invest a single point, as it requires only 1 point to cut the skill timer 
by one third, yet it requires 5 additional points to reduce it by another 

Focus (6 ranks) G, ER
Focus allows you and your allies to react quickly to enemy attacks, 
increasing the chance of a successful shield block.
Modifies Battle Awareness (T1)

All Ranks:   	+15 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		+5% Shield Block

Rank 2:		+8% Shield Block

Rank 3:		+10% Shield Block

Rank 4:		+12% Shield Block

Rank 5:		+15% Shield Block

Rank 6:		+18% Shield Block

Skill Analysis:  This skill makes Battle Awareness infinitely better, as 
Shield Block will usually completely negate incoming damage, which is better 
than the miniscule armor bonus and defensive ability bonus you get with 
Battle Awareness.  If you’re using a shield all the time, you may want to 
invest 1 point into Battle Awareness and max out Focus to get the best 
results for the cheapest price.

Shield Charge (12 ranks) PA
A running attack that slams into the enemy with your shield causing bonus 
damage and stunning them.
Modified by Disruption (T5)

All Ranks:    	1 Second of Stun
	  	+300% Movement

Rank 1:		30 Energy Cost
		1-28 Damage

Rank 2:		33 Energy Cost
		3-34 Damage

Rank 3:		36 Energy Cost
		5-40 Damage

Rank 4:		39 Energy Cost
		8-47 Damage

Rank 5:		42 Energy Cost
		13-56 Damage

Rank 6:		45 Energy Cost
		15-62 Damage

Rank 7:		48 Energy Cost
		17-68 Damage

Rank 8:		51 Energy Cost
		19-74 Damage

Rank 9:		54 Energy Cost
		22-81 Damage

Rank 10:	57 Energy Cost
		27-90 Damage

Rank 11:	60 Energy Cost
		29-96 Damage

Rank 12:	63 Energy Cost
		31-102 Damage

Skill Analysis:  This skill causes damage that is independent of your 
shield’s base damage, so it’s just as good using a rinky-dink buckler as it 
is using the strongest shield in the game.  A great tactic to use when 
confronted by a line of warriors in front of you, with a healer behind them 
keeping them in the fight, is to charge the healer using this skill (doing 
decent damage and stunning them for a moment) and then finishing off the 
healer before the warriors have a chance to get back into melee range.  
Disruption makes this an even greater anti-caster attack.

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Defense Mastery Skill)

Inspiration (6 ranks) G, PA
Gradually restores lost energy to allies allowing them to continue the fight.
Modifies Rally (T2)

All Ranks:    	+10% Total Speed

Rank 1:		1 Second Duration
		+2.8 Energy Regeneration per Second

Rank 2:		3 Second Duration
		+3.6 Energy Regeneration per Second

Rank 3:		5 Second Duration
		+4.4 Energy Regeneration per Second

Rank 4:		6 Second Duration
		+5.2 Energy Regeneration per Second

Rank 5:		8 Second Duration
		+6.0 Energy Regeneration per Second

Rank 6:		10 Second Duration
		+6.8 Energy Regeneration per Second

Skill Analysis:  The energy regeneration is fairly negligible (6.8 
energy/second for 10 seconds = 68 energy.  Not horribly useful...) but the 
bonus to speed can be quite handy.

Rend Armor (8 ranks) PA
Increases the effectiveness of Batter causing it to hit three targets with 
enough force to dent their armor.
Modifies Batter (T1)

All Ranks:    	+15 Energy Cost
	  	3 Target Maximum

Rank 1:		90 Degree Arc of Attack
		5 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 2:		95 Degree Arc of Attack
		10 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 3:		100 Degree Arc of Attack
		16 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 4:		105 Degree Arc of Attack
		22 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 5:		110 Degree Arc of Attack
		28 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 6:		115 Degree Arc of Attack
		34 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 7:		120 Degree Arc of Attack
		40 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Rank 8:		125 Degree Arc of Attack
		46 Reduced Armor for 5 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  The armor reduction is not really all that great, but this 
skill does allow you to apply Batter’s attack speed reduction to as many as 
3 enemies with a single blow.  Notice that a single point in this skill gets 
you the “3 Target Maximum” effect...

Disable (6 ranks) P
A fighting technique that utilizes the shield to crush foes and throw them 

All Ranks:    	+15% Damage
	  	50% Slower Attack for 5 Seconds
Rank 1:		6% Chance to be Used

Rank 2:		8% Chance to be Used

Rank 3:		10% Chance to be Used

Rank 4:		12% Chance to be Used

Rank 5:		14% Chance to be Used

Rank 6:		16% Chance to be Used

Skill Analysis:  For all intents and purposes, this skill allows you to 
throw off the near equivalent of a full-rank Batter attack for no energy 
cost whatsoever.  If you use a shield a lot, you should definitely invest 
in this skill.

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Defense Mastery Skill)

Defensive Reaction (8 ranks) P
Increases damage and attack speed during an Adrenaline Rush.
Modifies Adrenaline Rush (T2)

Rank 1:		+15% Damage
		+4% Total Speed

Rank 2:		+19% Damage
		+6% Total Speed

Rank 3:		+23% Damage
		+8% Total Speed

Rank 4:		+29% Damage
		+10% Total Speed

Rank 5:		+33% Damage
		+14% Total Speed

Rank 6:		+37% Damage
		+16% Total Speed

Rank 7:		+43% Damage
		+18% Total Speed

Rank 8:		+50% Damage
		+20% Total Speed

Skill Analysis:  Finally, an aspect of the Adrenaline Rush tree that is 
actually worthwhile!  My suggestion would be to invest a single point in 
Adrenaline Rush, a single point in Resilience, and max out Defensive Reaction 
for a hefty passive skill that only takes 10 skill points to acquire.

Iron Will (6 ranks) G, ER
Grants allies the resolve to hold out against great adversity.
Modifies Battle Awareness (T1)

All Ranks:   	+10 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		30% Stun Resistance
		30% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		30% Reduced Freeze Duration
		30% Skill Disruption Protection

Rank 2:		40% Stun Resistance
		40% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		40% Reduced Freeze Duration
		40% Skill Disruption Protection

Rank 3:		50% Stun Resistance
		50% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		50% Reduced Freeze Duration
		50% Skill Disruption Protection

Rank 4:		60% Stun Resistance
		60% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		60% Reduced Freeze Duration
		60% Skill Disruption Protection

Rank 5:		70% Stun Resistance
		70% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		70% Reduced Freeze Duration
		70% Skill Disruption Protection

Rank 6:		80% Stun Resistance
		80% Reduced Entrapment Duration
		80% Reduced Freeze Duration
		80% Skill Disruption Protection

Skill Analysis:  This is one of the best skills for avoiding those annoying 
status conditions like stun and skill disruption.  A definite must if you find 
yourself getting frustrated by all those stun-happy mobs out there.

Disruption (6 ranks) PA
Increases the shock effect of Shield Charge, startling adjacent enemies and 
disrupting skill use for a time.
Modifies Shield Charge (T3)

All Ranks:    	360 Degree Arc of Attack

Rank 1:		+12 Energy Cost
		2 Target Maximum
		1.5 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 2:		+14 Energy Cost
		2 Target Maximum
		2.0 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 3:		+16 Energy Cost
		3 Target Maximum
		2.5 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 4:		+18 Energy Cost
		3 Target Maximum
		3.0 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 5:		+20 Energy Cost
		3 Target Maximum
		3.5 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 6:		+22 Energy Cost
		4 Target Maximum
		4.0 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Skill Analysis:  If you charge an enemy who is located in the center of a 
group of mobs, this skill really shines.  Especially helpful when you’ve got 
two casters or healers sitting right next to each other behind a line of 
melee types.  4 enemies stunned for 1 second followed by 4 seconds of no 
skill use makes for a very effective attack.

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Defense Mastery Skill)

Defiance (12 ranks) G, PA
A percentage of all damage inflicted by enemies will be revisited back upon 
them for a short duration after using Rally.
Modifies Rally (T2)

Rank 1:		+8 Energy Cost
		10% Elemental Resistance
		5% Damage Reflected

Rank 2:		+10 Energy Cost
		14% Elemental Resistance
		10% Damage Reflected

Rank 3:		+12 Energy Cost
		17% Elemental Resistance
		15% Damage Reflected

Rank 4:		+14 Energy Cost
		21% Elemental Resistance
		20% Damage Reflected

Rank 5:		+16 Energy Cost
		24% Elemental Resistance
		25% Damage Reflected

Rank 6:		+18 Energy Cost
		28% Elemental Resistance
		30% Damage Reflected

Rank 7:		+20 Energy Cost
		31% Elemental Resistance
		35% Damage Reflected

Rank 8:		+22 Energy Cost
		35% Elemental Resistance
		40% Damage Reflected

Rank 9:		+24 Energy Cost
		38% Elemental Resistance
		45% Damage Reflected

Rank 10:	+26 Energy Cost
		42% Elemental Resistance
		50% Damage Reflected

Rank 11:	+28 Energy Cost
		45% Elemental Resistance
		55% Damage Reflected

Rank 12:	+30 Energy Cost
		50% Elemental Resistance
		60% Damage Reflected

Skill Analysis:  This skill makes an already great skill excellent.  50% 
elemental resistance is pretty huge, and the fact that it affects your 
entire group, AND it reflects damage back to the enemy makes this skill 
very powerful indeed, especially in multiplayer.

Colossus Form (8 ranks) PA
Assume the form of a towering Colossus and lay waste to your enemies.

All Ranks:    10 Active Energy Cost per Second
	  	24 Second Duration
	  	+50% Damage
	  	-15% Total Speed

Rank 1:		30% Damage Absorption
		+30% Strength
		+30% Health

Rank 2:		32% Damage Absorption
		+32% Strength
		+32% Health

Rank 3:		35% Damage Absorption
		+35% Strength
		+35% Health

Rank 4:		37% Damage Absorption
		+37% Strength
		+37% Health

Rank 5:		40% Damage Absorption
		+40% Strength
		+40% Health

Rank 6:		43% Damage Absorption
		+43% Strength
		+43% Health

Rank 7:		46% Damage Absorption
		+46% Strength
		+46% Health

Rank 8:		50% Damage Absorption
		+50% Strength
		+50% Health

Skill Analysis:  Besides the fun factor of turning into a big honkin’ Greek 
warrior, this skill is tremendously powerful.  At the cost of 240 energy and 
some speed, you increase damage, damage absorption, strength, and health by 
as much as 50%.  If your passive skills manage to kick in while in Colossus 
form, you can really start to pour on the grief unto your enemies.  (For most 
Defensive builds, you are probably looking at a Strength boost of 100-200 
points, and a health boost of at least 800 (although likely a LOT more than 

Pulverize (6 ranks) WP
A fighting technique that utilizes the shield to slam into enemies, knocking 
them senseless.

All Ranks:   	120 Degree Arc of Attack
	  	3 Target Maximum
	  	50 Reduced Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
	  	3 Seconds of Skill Disruption

Rank 1:		6% Chance to be Used
		+10% Damage

Rank 2:		8% Chance to be Used
		+12% Damage

Rank 3:		10% Chance to be Used
		+15% Damage

Rank 4:		12% Chance to be Used
		+18% Damage

Rank 5:		14% Chance to be Used
		+21% Damage

Rank 6:		16% Chance to be Used
		+25% Damage

Skill Analysis:  While this skill is dependent on the strength of your 
shield to produce damage, its other non-damage benefits are quite useful 
regardless of how good (or bad) your shield is.  A free 16% chance to 
disrupt skills and reduce Offensive Ability on up to 3 targets is quite 


Vb.  Earth Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Earth Mastery Skill)

Earth Enchantment (12 ranks) ER, G
Imbues your weapon and the weapons of nearby allies with the power of rock 
and flame.
Modified by Brimstone (T2) and Stone Skin (T4)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second
	  	6.0 Meter Radius
	  	+75 Energy Reserved
	  	5-8 Burn Damage Over 1-3 Seconds

Rank 1:		+12% Fire Damage

Rank 2:		+20% Fire Damage

Rank 3:		+28% Fire Damage

Rank 4:		+36% Fire Damage

Rank 5:		+44% Fire Damage

Rank 6:		+52% Fire Damage

Rank 7:		+60% Fire Damage

Rank 8:		+68% Fire Damage

Rank 9:		+76% Fire Damage

Rank 10:	+84% Fire Damage

Rank 11:	+92% Fire Damage

Rank 12:	+100% Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  Earth Enchantment is one of the stronger Energy Reserve 
enhancement skills in the game.  While it does affect other group members, 
you must stay within 6 meters in order for them to gain the benefits of 
the effect.  I believe the bonus to fire damage only applies to fire damage 
modifiers that affect your weapon (not fire spells that are cast directly 
by the player).  The active energy cost is not very high, especially for 
casters or caster hybrids who will usually have a high level of energy 
regeneration to counteract that cost.  If you invest in this skill, make 
sure to enhance it further with Brimstone at least (Stone Skin is not as 
important, in my opinion).  This skill provides the highest benefits to 
fire-damage based staves, especially those socketed with the Ra relic. 
(Thanks to Lord Foul for the tip!)  I’m not positive that this skill 
affects the Summoned Core Dweller that Earth masters get later, but I 
can’t imagine that it does, as I don’t believe they use weapons.

Reader input:  Lord Foul writes:  “I haven't really watched how much it 
improves my Dweller's damage but so long as I remain in range, it does 
indeed provide its bonus to him.  I've actually developed a trick of 
recalling him so that I can keep both him and my Lich within range, since 
it affects both their basic attacks (but not the field of fire nor the 
death wave or elemental bolt, that I know of).  It does, however, affect 
ranged staff (and presumably bow) and pets' basic attack damage though.  
Could be huge coupled with a large crew of pets; it's big enough just 
with the 3 (CD, Lich and 30-second Spirit summon)”

Flame Surge (12 ranks) PA
Three jets of flame erupt from the caster’s hands incinerating anything in 
close range.
Modified by Barrage (T3) and Flame Arch (T5)

All Ranks:	3 Projectiles

Rank 1:		37 Energy Cost
		8-15 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		40 Energy Cost
		11-18 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		43 Energy Cost
		13-22 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		47 Energy Cost
		17-27 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		51 Energy Cost
		20-31 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		54 Energy Cost
		23-34 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		57 Energy Cost
		25-38 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		61 Energy Cost
		29-43 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		65 Energy Cost
		32-47 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	68 Energy Cost
		35-50 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	71 Energy Cost
		38-54 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	75 Energy Cost
		43-59 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  Flame Surge is fairly limited on its own, especially for 
characters who are more melee or hybrid classes.  For a caster or caster 
hybrid, along with investment in both Barrage and Flame Arch, this skill 
can be pretty devastating.  Note that with all three skills maxed, casting 
this skill once will cost just over 100 energy, but can be spammed for 
massive amounts of damage in a short period of time.

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Earth Mastery Skill)

Brimstone (8 ranks) ER, G
Boosts the physical damage of attacks and provides a chance of causing 
critical fire damage while under the effects of Earth Enchantment.
Modifies Earth Enchantment (T1)

Rank 1:		1-3 Damage
		15% Chance of 25 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		2-4 Damage
		15% Chance of 29 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		3-5 Damage
		15% Chance of 34 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		5-7 Damage
		15% Chance of 39 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		6-8 Damage
		15% Chance of 43 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		7-9 Damage
		15% Chance of 48 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		8-11 Damage
		15% Chance of 52 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		10-12 Damage
		15% Chance of 58 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  Brimstone is highly recommended if you are going for a 
melee/earth mastery build.  Note that the physical damage increase is 
per attack, so it definitely benefits faster weapons much more than slower 
weapons.  A Warfare/Earth combo dual-wielding two fast swords while under 
the effects of this enhancement would see a rather large increase in DPS.

Heat Shield (12 ranks) PA
Casts a protective heat shield on the target that absorbs damage caused by 

All Ranks:	Protects Against:  Fire
	  	15% Damage Resistance

Rank 1:		112 Damage Absorption
		45 Energy Cost

Rank 2:		124 Damage Absorption
		47 Energy Cost

Rank 3:		136 Damage Absorption
		49 Energy Cost

Rank 4:		148 Damage Absorption
		52 Energy Cost

Rank 5:		160 Damage Absorption
		54 Energy Cost

Rank 6:		172 Damage Absorption
		56 Energy Cost

Rank 7:		184 Damage Absorption
		59 Energy Cost

Rank 8:		196 Damage Absorption
		61 Energy Cost

Rank 9:		208 Damage Absorption
		63 Energy Cost

Rank 10:	220 Damage Absorption
		66 Energy Cost

Rank 11:	232 Damage Absorption
		68 Energy Cost

Rank 12:	245 Damage Absorption
		70 Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  This skill is incredibly situational, as it only works 
against fire damage, and by the time you get to areas where this skill 
would see more use, 245 damage absorption isn’t going to help very much.  
I would much rather take fire resistance over flat damage absorption.

Ring of Flame (8 ranks) PA
Temporarily encircles you in a searing ring of flames that will burn nearby 
Modified by Soften Metal (T4)

Rank 1:		1 Active Energy Cost per Second
		1.5 Meter Radius
		3-5 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		1 Active Energy Cost per Second
		1.8 Meter Radius
		6-8 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		1 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.0 Meter Radius
		8-11 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		2 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.2 Meter Radius
		10-13 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		2 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.4 Meter Radius
		13-16 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		2 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.6 Meter Radius
		16-20 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		2 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.7 Meter Radius
		19-23 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		2 Active Energy Cost per Second
		2.8 Meter Radius
		23-27 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  Even at the highest rank, you still have to be quite close 
to your enemies for this to work.  If you’re a melee hybrid, this is pretty 
much free damage (even more effective if you’re getting mobbed), but if 
you’re a caster, make sure you have some kind of summoned pet or melee 
buddy who can keep them off you long enough for this skill to do some damage.

Volcanic Orb (12 ranks) PA
Lobs a burning orb of fiery brimstone that explodes when it hits the ground 
inflicting fire and physical damage to enemies in a small radius.
Modified by Conflagration (T4) and Fragmentation (T5)

All Ranks:	2.5 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		64 Energy Cost
		18 Damage
		25-54 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		68 Energy Cost
		21 Damage
		31-60 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		72 Energy Cost
		25 Damage
		37-68 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		76 Energy Cost
		28 Damage
		43-74 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		80 Energy Cost
		31 Damage
		49-80 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		84 Energy Cost
		35 Damage
		55-88 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		88 Energy Cost
		38 Damage
		61-94 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		92 Energy Cost
		41 Damage
		67-100 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		96 Energy Cost
		45 Damage
		73-108 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	100 Energy Cost
		48 Damage
		79-114 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	104 Energy Cost
		51 Damage
		85-120 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	108 Energy Cost
		55 Damage
		91-128 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  In many ways, this skill is superior to Flame Surge.  
Despite the high energy cost, it is much more efficient (higher damage to 
energy ratio), affects a much larger area, and a good chunk of the damage 
is physical, so it has its uses even against fire-resistant mobs.  The main 
drawback is that really only full casters (and some caster hybrids) will 
have the energy reserves to make use of this spell more than a handful of 
times in a row.  The only thing it lacks is Flame Surge’s ability to be 
spammed, but you should never really need to rely on spell-spamming in order 
to survive.  If you invest in this skill, investing in Fragmentation is a 
must, as it adds stun, physical and fire damage, and additional area of 
effect.  Conflagration is decent, but not as essential to the enhancement 
of this skill.

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Earth Mastery Skill)

Stone Form (12 ranks) PA
An impervious layer of rock envelops you for a short duration boosting 
regeneration but prohibiting movement.
Modified by Molten Rock (T5)

All Ranks:	100% Damage Absorption
	  	6 Second Duration

Rank 1:		64 Energy Cost
		+24 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 2:		68 Energy Cost
		+28 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 3:		72 Energy Cost
		+32 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 4:		76 Energy Cost
		+36 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 5:		80 Energy Cost
		+40 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 6:		84 Energy Cost
		+44 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 7:		88 Energy Cost
		+47 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 8:		92 Energy Cost
		+52 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 9:		96 Energy Cost
		+55 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 10:	100 Energy Cost
		+58 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 11:	104 Energy Cost
		+61 Health Regeneration per Second

Rank 12:	108 Energy Cost
		+66 Health Regeneration per Second

Skill Analysis:  An excellent “panic button” skill, you essentially get 6 
seconds of complete invulnerability, at the end of which you have also been 
healed a decent amount (nearly 400 hp at max rank).  In dire situations, it 
can give you some breathing room and time to plan out your escape or attack 
strategy, depending on your condition (although, really, the pause button 
can do pretty much the same thing!).  It can also be used if you accidentally 
draw a mob’s attention away from your pet/melee companion, in some cases 
letting them beat on the mob while the mob is trying in vain to beat you to 
a pulp.

Reader input:  Lord Fang writes:  “This is useful as a "savemyass" button, 
but more so if used tactically.  Here's how I use it:  No pets?  Impatient 
for recharge?  Low on power and want to take out a large group economically?  
Do it the Fangthane way.  Aggro as many little melee opponents as you can - 
if you get some archers/casters, lob an Orb or two at them while circling.  
When they're toast or almost done, target yourself with an Eruption and hit 
the stone form button.  Your melee opponents will stand at ground zero, 
taking massive punishment from the Eruption while you remain invulnerable.”

Summon Core Dweller (15 ranks) PA
Draws forth a powerful elemental guardian from the Earth’s fiery depths.
Modified by Inner Fire (T4), Wildfire (T5) and Metamorphosis (T6)

Rank 1:		651 Core Dweller Health
		131 Core Dweller Energy
		12-21 Damage
		250 Energy Cost

Rank 2:		714 Core Dweller Health
		143 Core Dweller Energy
		14-25 Damage
		258 Energy Cost

Rank 3:		781 Core Dweller Health
		154 Core Dweller Energy
		17-29 Damage
		266 Energy Cost

Rank 4:		843 Core Dweller Health
		166 Core Dweller Energy
		20-34 Damage
		274 Energy Cost

Rank 5:		910 Core Dweller Health
		177 Core Dweller Energy
		22-38 Damage
		282 Energy Cost

Rank 6:		972 Core Dweller Health
		189 Core Dweller Energy
		25-42 Damage
		290 Energy Cost

Rank 7:		1039 Core Dweller Health
		200 Core Dweller Energy
		27-47 Damage
		298 Energy Cost

Rank 8:		1101 Core Dweller Health
		212 Core Dweller Energy
		30-51 Damage
		306 Energy Cost

Rank 9:		1168 Core Dweller Health
		223 Core Dweller Energy
		33-56 Damage
		314 Energy Cost

Rank 10:	1230 Core Dweller Health
		235 Core Dweller Energy
		35-59 Damage
		322 Energy Cost

Rank 11:	1297 Core Dweller Health
		246 Core Dweller Energy
		38-64 Damage
		330 Energy Cost

Rank 12:	1359 Core Dweller Health
		258 Core Dweller Energy
		40-69 Damage
		338 Energy Cost

Rank 13:	1426 Core Dweller Health
		269 Core Dweller Energy
		43-74 Damage
		346 Energy Cost

Rank 14:	1488 Core Dweller Health
		281 Core Dweller Energy
		46-79 Damage
		354 Energy Cost

Rank 15:	1555 Core Dweller Health
		292 Core Dweller Energy
		48-84 Damage
		362 Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  The biggest potential skill point investment in this 
mastery, the Core Dweller is a pretty effective bodyguard for the pure 
caster types, although for a flat 250 energy cost, a perpetual damage 
machine can be well-used by any class.  (Oops, the energy cost increases 
per rank, wrote my notes down wrong!  Thanks for catching my mistake, 
Lord Fang!)  Investment in the three subskills of the Core Dweller tree 
will make the Core Dweller incredibly strong.  I would highly recommend 
Inner Fire and Metamorphosis, with Wildfire being just a tad less useful.

Barrage (8 ranks) PA
Reduces the recharge time and energy cost of Flame Surge allowing it to 
be cast more frequently and efficiently.
Modifies Flame Surge (T1)

Rank 1:		45% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		14 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-30% Recharge

Rank 2:		50% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		20 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-40% Recharge

Rank 3:		55% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		27 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-50% Recharge

Rank 4:		60% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		34 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-60% Recharge

Rank 5:		65% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		41 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-70% Recharge

Rank 6:		70% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		49 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-80% Recharge

Rank 7:		75% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		57 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-90% Recharge

Rank 8:		80% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		66 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds
		-100% Recharge

Skill Analysis:  This skill is really a must-have if you are going to 
invest in Flame Surge at all.  In fact, you could make yourself a very 
cheap and efficient spammable fire attack for clearing out weaker mobs by 
investing 1 point into Flame Surge, and then maxing out Barrage, as Barrage 
does not add to the energy cost of the base skill.  Really though, the 
Flame Surge line is just not as impressive or useful as the Volcanic Orb 
line (especially on fire-resistant mobs).

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Earth Mastery Skill)

Stone Skin (6 ranks) ER, G
Tempers armor, increasing protection and fire resistance while under the 
effects of Earth Enchantment.
Modifies Earth Enchantment (T1)

Rank 1:		2 Armor
		3% Fire Resistance

Rank 2:		4 Armor
		6% Fire Resistance

Rank 3:		6 Armor
		8% Fire Resistance

Rank 4:		8 Armor
		10% Fire Resistance

Rank 5:		10 Armor
		13% Fire Resistance

Rank 6:		12 Armor
		15% Fire Resistance

Skill Analysis:  Not that great of an enhancement to the Earth Enchantment 
skill, but if you’ve got spare skill points, the Fire resistance can be 
useful against various fire-breathing mobs.  All told though, 6 skill points 
for 12 armor and 15% fire resistance is nothing to get excited about, as 
you can easily make that up with equipment, relics, etc.

Inner Fire (8 ranks) P
Increases the Core Dweller’s speed and gives it retaliation damage.
Modifies Summon Core Dweller (T3)

Rank 1:		3 Fire Damage
		+15% Dexterity
		+24% Health Regeneration
		+5% Total Speed

Rank 2:		5 Fire Damage
		+20% Dexterity
		+32% Health Regeneration
		+6% Total Speed

Rank 3:		7 Fire Damage
		+25% Dexterity
		+40% Health Regeneration
		+8% Total Speed

Rank 4:		9 Fire Damage
		+30% Dexterity
		+48% Health Regeneration
		+9% Total Speed

Rank 5:		11 Fire Damage
		+35% Dexterity
		+56% Health Regeneration
		+12% Total Speed

Rank 6:		13 Fire Damage
		+40% Dexterity
		+64% Health Regeneration
		+14% Total Speed

Rank 7:		15 Fire Damage
		+45% Dexterity
		+72% Health Regeneration
		+15% Total Speed

Rank 8:		18 Fire Damage
		+50% Dexterity
		+80% Health Regeneration
		+17% Total Speed

Skill Analysis:  An excellent all-around enhancement skill, this increases 
the power and durability of the Core Dweller.  If you’re investing in the 
Summon Core Dweller line, you should definitely max this skill out as well.

Soften Metal (8 ranks) PA
Intense heat from the Ring of Flame softens the metal of enemy armor and 
weapons decreasing their effectiveness.
Modifies Ring of Flame (T2)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second

Rank 1:		3 Damage
		3 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		18 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		6 Damage
		5 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		24 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		8 Damage
		6 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		30 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		10 Damage
		8 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		38 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		13 Damage
		9 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		44 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		16 Damage
		11 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		50 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		19 Damage
		12 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		58 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		23 Damage
		15 Reduced Physical Damage for 3 Seconds
		65 Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  Again, much like Ring of Flame, this skill seems to be 
more useful to a melee class who would spend the majority of their time 
within the range required to have this skill be effective.  The fact that 
Soften Metal reduces Physical Damage and reduces enemy armor (both of 
which would benefit melee fighters more than a caster) seems to suggest 
that this skill be left off the list of “must haves” for casters, but I’m 
sure it would be a viable skill for a front-line fighter.

Conflagration (8 ranks) PA
Increases the explosion radius of Volcanic Orb and causes enemies hit by it 
to catch fire and suffer burn damage.
Modifies Volcanic Orb (T2)

All Ranks:	+3.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		+6 Energy Cost
		11 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		+8 Energy Cost
		16 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		+10 Energy Cost
		21 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		+12 Energy Cost
		27 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		+14 Energy Cost
		32 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		+16 Energy Cost
		37 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		+18 Energy Cost
		42 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		+20 Energy Cost
		48 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  The increase in area of effect is very nice, but the 
additional Damage over Time Burn effect is practically negligible.  I 
would recommend adding a single point to this skill to get the additional 
area of effect.

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Earth Mastery Skill)

Molten Rock (8 ranks) PA
Adds retaliation fire damage to Stone Form.
Modifies Stone Form (T3)

All Ranks:	2 Second Duration

Rank 1:		16 Energy Cost
		6 Fire Retaliation

Rank 2:		18 Energy Cost
		7 Fire Retaliation

Rank 3:		20 Energy Cost
		9 Fire Retaliation

Rank 4:		22 Energy Cost
		10 Fire Retaliation

Rank 5:		24 Energy Cost
		11 Fire Retaliation

Rank 6:		26 Energy Cost
		13 Fire Retaliation

Rank 7:		28 Energy Cost
		14 Fire Retaliation

Rank 8:		30 Energy Cost
		15 Fire Retaliation

Wildfire (12 ranks) PA
Allows the Core Dweller to ignite an area of ground causing severe burn 
damage to enemies within.
Modifies Summon Core Dweller (T3)

All Ranks:	5 Second Duration
	  	4.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		49 Energy Cost
		16-25 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		50 Energy Cost
		20-30 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		50 Energy Cost
		24-35 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		51 Energy Cost
		29-41 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		52 Energy Cost
		33-46 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		53 Energy Cost
		37-51 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		54 Energy Cost
		41-56 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		54 Energy Cost
		46-62 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		55 Energy Cost
		50-67 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	56 Energy Cost
		55-73 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	57 Energy Cost
		59-78 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	58 Energy Cost
		65-85 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  The Core Dweller does have an energy pool, and this 
skill is really the only thing it might ever use it for, so to really 
unlock the Core Dweller’s full potential, you may want to invest points 
into this.  That being said, you may just want to skip this altogether and 
bump up the Volcanic Orb tree so you can have a bit more control over the 
area of effect damage!

Flame Arch (12 ranks) PA
Increases the damage and number of flame jets created by Flame Surge.
Modifies Flame Surge (T1)

Rank 1:		+10 Energy Cost
		+1 Projectile
		+4% Fire Damage

Rank 2:		+11 Energy Cost
		+1 Projectile
		+8% Fire Damage

Rank 3:		+12 Energy Cost
		+1 Projectile
		+12% Fire Damage

Rank 4:		+14 Energy Cost
		+1 Projectile
		+16% Fire Damage

Rank 5:		+20 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+20% Fire Damage

Rank 6:		+21 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+24% Fire Damage

Rank 7:		+23 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+29% Fire Damage

Rank 8:		+24 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+33% Fire Damage

Rank 9:		+30 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+38% Fire Damage

Rank 10:	+32 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+42% Fire Damage

Rank 11:	+33 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+48% Fire Damage

Rank 12:	+34 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+55% Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  If you are going to be investing in Flame Surge as a 
primary attack skill, you should definitely invest in this skill to enhance 
it to its full effect.  Note that while the +55% Fire Damage increase is 
fairly significant, the +3 projectile is basically doubling your firepower 
on top of the damage bonus.  This will truly make your DPS soar, but 
remember that Fire damage tends to become less and less effective on higher 
difficulty levels, thus making Volcanic Orb with its dual-element 
(physical/fire) damage a bit more desirable.

Fragmentation (12 ranks) PA
Causes the Volcanic Orb to violently explode on impact sending out fragments 
of rock that inflict physical damage to enemies in their path.
Modifies Volcanic Orb (T2)

All Ranks:	+3.0 Meter Radius
	  	1.5 Seconds of Stun

Rank 1:		+10 Energy Cost
		3-5 Fragments
		35 Physical Damage
		12 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		+11 Energy Cost
		4-6 Fragments
		43 Physical Damage
		16 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		+13 Energy Cost
		4-7 Fragments
		51 Physical Damage
		20 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		+15 Energy Cost
		4-7 Fragments
		60 Physical Damage
		25 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		+16 Energy Cost
		5-8 Fragments
		68 Physical Damage
		29 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		+17 Energy Cost
		5-9 Fragments
		76 Physical Damage
		33 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		+19 Energy Cost
		5-9 Fragments
		84 Physical Damage
		37 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		+20 Energy Cost
		6-10 Fragments
		95 Physical Damage
		42 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		+22 Energy Cost
		6-11 Fragments
		101 Physical Damage
		46 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	+23 Energy Cost
		6-11 Fragments
		109 Physical Damage
		50 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	+25 Energy Cost
		7-12 Fragments
		117 Physical Damage
		54 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	+26 Energy Cost
		7-13 Fragments
		126 Physical Damage
		59 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  This skill is absolutely sick.  A fully maxed out Volcanic 
Orb tree will cause colossal amounts of damage over a huge area with 2 
different types of damage (physical and fire).  Anything that survives the 
initial hit will more than likely be hit by one or more fragments, causing 
even more damage, plus stunning them and setting them on fire (assuming 
they’re still alive!).  If you’re looking to skimp on skill points for this 
skill line, take points out of Conflagration before taking anything out of 

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Earth Mastery Skill)

Volatility (12 ranks) P
Enhanced by the volatile energy of the Earth, your fire attacks have a 
chance of inflicting greatly increased damage.

Rank 1:		33% Chance of +75% Fire Damage

Rank 2:		33% Chance of +83% Fire Damage

Rank 3:		33% Chance of +92% Fire Damage

Rank 4:		33% Chance of +104% Fire Damage

Rank 5:		33% Chance of +112% Fire Damage

Rank 6:		33% Chance of +120% Fire Damage

Rank 7:		33% Chance of +129% Fire Damage

Rank 8:		33% Chance of +141% Fire Damage

Rank 9:		33% Chance of +149% Fire Damage

Rank 10:	33% Chance of +157% Fire Damage

Rank 11:	33% Chance of +166% Fire Damage

Rank 12:	33% Chance of +178% Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  Anyone who gets this far into the Earth Mastery skill 
tree should invest at least one point into this skill.  A one-third chance 
to increase your fire damage by nearly double at max rank is pretty sick.  
I’m not sure if this skill affects the fire damage imparted by the Earth 
Enchantment skill tree, but I suspect that it does.

Metamorphosis (8 ranks) P
Under tremendous heat and pressure, the composition of the Core Dweller 
hardens making it more resistant to damage.
Modifies Summon Core Dweller (T3)

All Ranks:	+33% Armor Absorption

Rank 1:		+10% Health
		+10% Armor Protection
		+4% Elemental Resistance

Rank 2:		+15% Health
		+15% Armor Protection
		+6% Elemental Resistance

Rank 3:		+20% Health
		+20% Armor Protection
		+8% Elemental Resistance

Rank 4:		+25% Health
		+25% Armor Protection
		+10% Elemental Resistance

Rank 5:		+30% Health
		+30% Armor Protection
		+12% Elemental Resistance

Rank 6:		+35% Health
		+35% Armor Protection
		+14% Elemental Resistance

Rank 7:		+40% Health
		+40% Armor Protection
		+16% Elemental Resistance

Rank 8:		+45% Health
		+40% Armor Protection
		+18% Elemental Resistance

Skill Analysis:  The main benefit of this skill is that it makes your Core 
Dweller much more durable, which obviously increases the Energy efficiency 
of the base Summon skill, leaving you with more Energy in the long run to 
casting direct damage spells.  This won’t make your Core Dweller do more 
damage, but it will allow him to function much better in a tank capacity, 
leaving you free to deal damage from the rear.

Eruption (12 ranks) PA
Volcanic fissures form in the ground, emitting deadly geysers of molten 
flame and fiery chunks of brimstone.

All Ranks:	6 Second Duration
	  	3.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		95 Energy Cost
		2-3 Fragments
		31 Physical Damage
		28-33 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		98 Energy Cost
		3-4 Fragments
		38 Physical Damage
		35-41 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		100 Energy Cost
		3-4 Fragments
		44 Physical Damage
		41-48 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		103 Energy Cost
		3-4 Fragments
		49 Physical Damage
		46-54 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		105 Energy Cost
		3-4 Fragments
		56 Physical Damage
		53-62 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		108 Energy Cost
		4-5 Fragments
		62 Physical Damage
		59-69 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		110 Energy Cost
		4-5 Fragments
		67 Physical Damage
		64-75 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		113 Energy Cost
		4-5 Fragments
		74 Physical Damage
		71-83 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		115 Energy Cost
		4-5 Fragments
		80 Physical Damage
		77-90 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	118 Energy Cost
		5-6 Fragments
		85 Physical Damage
		82-96 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	120 Energy Cost
		5-6 Fragments
		92 Physical Damage
		89-104 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	123 Energy Cost
		5-6 Fragments
		98 Physical Damage
		95-112 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  I find this skill to be a bit underwhelming.  At best it is 
an underpowered version of Volcanic Orb, albeit one that takes quite a bit 
less skill point investment to max out.  I’d say this would be most useful 
to Earth masters who have concentrated more on Flame Surge/Summon Core 
Dweller, but would still like an area of effect spell that causes physical 
as well as fire damage without having to invest too many skill points.  
Otherwise, I’d probably skip this skill in favor of maxing out Volcanic Orb.

Reader input:  Lord Fang writes:  “This is what I think you missed about 
Eruption, since it fires off as many as 30-36 fragments in its 6-second 
lifetime.  [Max rank] Volcanic Orb - 156 energy, 55 + 91-128 (109.5)damage 
+48 burn +7-13 (10) fragments dealing 126/59 each.  Averaging the damage, we 
get 55+1260=1315 physical damage and 109.5+590=700 fire damage (heck with 
half a point) for a total of 2015 points of damage, 1/3 of it fire (though I 
don't know whether this fire damage is affected by +% items and skills) - 
unweighted energy efficiency is therefore 2015/156= 12.92 points of damage 
per point of energy spent.  [Max rank] Eruption - 123 energy, 30-36(33) 
fragments dealing 98 + 95-112(103.5) each 33*(98+103.5)=6650 damage, just 
over half of it fire-based.  For this spell though, the unweighted damage 
efficiency - which due to its higher fire content can only improve or remain 
the same - is 6650/123=54.1 points damage per point of energy.”


Vc.  Hunting Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Ensnare (6 ranks) PA
Casts a weighted net around the feet of an enemy holding them in place but 
not preventing them from attacking if you are within their range.
Modified by Barbed Netting (T3)

All Ranks:	-33% Defensive Ability

Rank 1:		15 Energy Cost
		3 Second Duration
		15 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		17 Energy Cost
		4 Second Duration
		19 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		19 Energy Cost
		5 Second Duration
		23 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		20 Energy Cost
		6 Second Duration
		27 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		22 Energy Cost
		7 Second Duration
		31 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		24 Energy Cost
		8 Second Duration
		35 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  Hunting tends to be a much more tactical mastery than others; 
this skill set is not necessarily designed to generate huge amounts of damage, 
but follows a more “divide and conquer” line of reasoning.  Ensnare is a 
perfect example of this:  the damage from this skill is laughable, but the 
less immediately obvious element of “-33% Defensive Ability” really shines.  
Defensive Ability reduces the chances of getting hit critically with melee 
or ranged weapons, and cutting an enemy’s “critical resist” rate by a third 
is very useful even to classes who would have to go in hand to hand with an 
enemy to kill it anyway.  Ensnare can be used to separate melee mobs from 
their caster support long enough to take the more dangerous casters out, but 
it can also be used as a quick debuff for more melee-centric characters 
before engaging an enemy.

Take Down (12 ranks) PA
A brutal thrust from your spear delivers devastating piercing damage to 
nemies and diminishes a portion of your enemy’s total life.
Modified by Eviscerate (T3)

All Ranks:	+300% Movement

Rank 1:		30 Energy Cost
		25 Piercing Damage
		8% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 2:		32 Energy Cost
		31 Piercing Damage
		12% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 3:		34 Energy Cost
		38 Piercing Damage
		15% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 4:		36 Energy Cost
		47 Piercing Damage
		18% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 5:		38 Energy Cost
		52 Piercing Damage
		21% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 6:		40 Energy Cost
		57 Piercing Damage
		24% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 7:		42 Energy Cost
		61 Piercing Damage
		26% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 8:		44 Energy Cost
		68 Piercing Damage
		28% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 9:		46 Energy Cost
		72 Piercing Damage
		30% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 10:	48 Energy Cost
		77 Piercing Damage
		32% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 11:	50 Energy Cost
		81 Piercing Damage
		34% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 12:	52 Energy Cost
		88 Piercing Damage
		36% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Skill Analysis:  A very powerful spear attack (since it works on a 
percentage, rather than a flat damage, basis), this one is very worth 
investing in if you are going for a more melee-oriented Hunter.  The 
piercing damage is not too shabby, but the main benefit is the extra large 
chunk that gets taken out of an enemy’s health when this connects.

Wood Lore (6 ranks) P
Central to survival in the wilderness is the ability to hunt with bow 
and spear.  Great familiarity with these weapons allows you to wield them 
with exceptional speed and precision.

Rank 1:		+10% Defensive Ability
		+5% Attack Speed

Rank 2:		+14% Defensive Ability
		+8% Attack Speed

Rank 3:		+18% Defensive Ability
		+12% Attack Speed

Rank 4:		+24% Defensive Ability
		+15% Attack Speed

Rank 5:		+28% Defensive Ability
		+18% Attack Speed

Rank 6:		+32% Defensive Ability
		+21% Attack Speed

Skill Analysis:  Unless you are not going to be using spears or bows at 
all (are you sure you want to be learning Hunting Mastery?) you should 
absolutely plan on picking this one up ASAP.

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Marksmanship (12 ranks) PA
Marksmanship skill allows you to create and fire arrows that fly faster 
and increase pierce damage.
Modified by Puncture Shot Arrows (T4) and Scatter Shot Arrows (T6)

All Ranks:	3 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		5 Piercing Damage
		+30% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 2:		7 Piercing Damage
		+40% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 3:		9 Piercing Damage
		+50% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 4:		12 Piercing Damage
		+60% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 5:		14 Piercing Damage
		+70% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 6:		16 Piercing Damage
		+80% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 7:		18 Piercing Damage
		+90% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 8:		21 Piercing Damage
		+100% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 9:		23 Piercing Damage
		+110% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 10:	25 Piercing Damage
		+120% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 11:	27 Piercing Damage
		+130% Increase in Projectile Speed

Rank 12:	31 Piercing Damage
		+140% Increase in Projectile Speed

Skill Analysis:  While a decent skill in and of itself, this base skill is 
much more useful when its enhancement skills have been unlocked and leveled 
up.  Still, the extra damage and arrow speed make this a mainstay in the 
archer’s arsenal.

Art of the Hunt (10 ranks) ER, G
Hunting experience gives you the edge when facing familiar quarry such as 
Animals and Beastmen.
Modified by Find Cover (T4) and Trail Blazing (T5)

All Ranks:	15.0 Meter Radius
	  	+75 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		+12% Piercing Damage
		+3 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 2:		+18% Piercing Damage
		+5 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 3:		+23% Piercing Damage
		+8 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 4:		+30% Piercing Damage
		+10 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 5:		+34% Piercing Damage
		+12 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 6:		+40% Piercing Damage
		+15 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 7:		+45% Piercing Damage
		+17 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 8:		+52% Piercing Damage
		+19 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 9:		+56% Piercing Damage
		+22 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 10:	+62% Piercing Damage
		+25 Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Skill Analysis:  The Hunting mastery’s “aura” skill, this increases your 
base pierce damage (as well as pierce damage from other skills) and provides 
a minor bonus to both Animals and Beastmen (both very common enemies in 
Titan Quest).  When combined with Find Cover and Trail Blazing, this becomes 
a very effective skill for nearly any Hunter or Hunter hybrid out there.

Herbal Remedy (6 ranks) PA
Living off the land, you learn to identify and utilize medicinal plants to 
create healing salves.  When applied it will fortify against poison and 
healing is accelerated for a duration.

Rank 1:		35 Energy Cost
		180 Second Duration
		+3.0 Health Regeneration per Second
		30% Poison Resistance

Rank 2:		40 Energy Cost
		240 Second Duration
		+3.6 Health Regeneration per Second
		38% Poison Resistance

Rank 3:		45 Energy Cost
		300 Second Duration
		+4.2 Health Regeneration per Second
		46% Poison Resistance

Rank 4:		50 Energy Cost
		360 Second Duration
		+4.8 Health Regeneration per Second
		54% Poison Resistance

Rank 5:		55 Energy Cost
		420 Second Duration
		+5.4 Health Regeneration per Second
		66% Poison Resistance

Rank 6:		60 Energy Cost
		480 Second Duration
		+6.0 Health Regeneration per Second
		72% Poison Resistance

Skill Analysis:  This is a very powerful health over time skill, especially 
considering that at maximum rank, this skill will stay in effect for 8 
minutes!  By the time those 8 minutes are up, you will have been healed for 
just shy of 3000 health.  This skill obviously works better when recovering 
from big battles or when fighting groups of smaller enemies that don’t do 
lots of damage per hit.  Against bigger mobs, the health regeneration is not 
likely to keep you up and running for too long.  If you don’t have access 
to another form of healing skill from another mastery, you should definitely 
pick this one up.

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Barbed Netting (8 ranks) PA
Barbed hooks on the hunter’s Ensnare net tear into enemies as they struggle 
causing them to bleed.
Modifies Ensnare (T1)

Rank 1:		45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		57 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		72 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		84 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		96 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		111 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		123 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		135 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  If you are already using Ensnare as a root-type skill (i.e. 
keeping enemies away from you while you attack from a distance) then this 
skill is just gravy damage on top of the snare effect.  If you are more 
melee-centric and using ensnare more for its debuff properties, then you 
should probably just skip this skill.  If you’re not using Ensnare at all, 
then you will obviously not use this skill either.

Call of the Hunt (8 ranks) PA, G
Those who answer the call of the hunt will fight with increase speed and 
Modified by Exploit Weakness (T5)

All Ranks:	15.0 Meter Radius
	  	+33% Damage to Animals/Beastmen

Rank 1:		45 Energy Cost
		28 Second Duration
		18 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+15% Attack Speed

Rank 2:		47 Energy Cost
		31 Second Duration
		22 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+17% Attack Speed

Rank 3:		49 Energy Cost
		33 Second Duration
		26 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+19% Attack Speed

Rank 4:		51 Energy Cost
		36 Second Duration
		30 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+22% Attack Speed

Rank 5:		53 Energy Cost
		42 Second Duration
		34 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+24% Attack Speed

Rank 6:		55 Energy Cost
		44 Second Duration
		38 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+26% Attack Speed

Rank 7:		57 Energy Cost
		47 Second Duration
		41 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+28% Attack Speed

Rank 8:		59 Energy Cost
		50 Second Duration
		46 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		+31% Attack Speed

Skill Analysis:  Call of the Hunt is an excellent buff for most Hunting 
mastery builds, mainly for the attack speed bonus, although the bonus damage 
to Beastmen and Animals is very nice as well.  I believe this bonus stacks 
with the Art of the Hunt bonus damage as well.  The bleeding damage is 
nothing to get excited about.

Eviscerate (10 ranks) PA
Targeting vital weak points on your enemy causes sustained damage from 
Modifies Take Down (T1)

All Ranks:	+5 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		33 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		60 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		72 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		84 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		99 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		111 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		123 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 9:		138 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 10:	150 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  A good addition to the already excellent Take Down skill, 
you should either invest in this skill all the way (as the energy cost 
remains the same regardless of rank) or you should skip it altogether.  If 
you’re going for a spear fighter, you should take all the goodies you can 
get, of course!

Monster Lure (6 ranks) PA
Drops down a decoy to attract the attention of nearby monsters
Modified by Detonate

All Ranks:	3 Summon Limit
	  	30 Second Duration (if not destroyed sooner)
	  	15 Decoy Energy
	  	Provoke Ability – 15 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		34 Energy Cost
		120 Decoy Health
		5.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Rank 2:		38 Energy Cost
		150 Decoy Health
		6.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Rank 3:		42 Energy Cost
		180 Decoy Health
		7.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Rank 4:		46 Energy Cost
		210 Decoy Health
		8.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Rank 5:		50 Energy Cost
		240 Decoy Health
		9.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Rank 6:		54 Energy Cost
		270 Decoy Health
		10.0 Meter Provoke Radius

Skill Analysis:  Falling into the same category as Ensnare, Decoy is used 
primarily to distract monsters from beating you into a bloody pulp.  They 
are very tactical in nature, and dropping them behind you as you run can 
create a fairly powerful kiting set up that can help kill even the toughest 
mobs.  Make sure to invest in Detonate to obtain the full effect of this 

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Study Prey (8 ranks) PA, G
By observing your prey from a distance you may discover its weakness, 
resulting in greater pierce damage.
Modified by Flush Out (T6)

All Ranks:	35 Energy Cost
	  	8 Second Duration
	  	6.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		-30% Damage Resistance
		-25% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-35% Damage Resistance
		-30% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-40% Damage Resistance
		-35% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-45% Damage Resistance
		-40% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-50% Damage Resistance
		-45% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-55% Damage Resistance
		-50% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-60% Damage Resistance
		-55% Pierce Resistance

Rank 1:		-65% Damage Resistance
		-60% Pierce Resistance

Skill Analysis:  Activating this skill just before a Take Down or 
Marksmanship attack will produce the best results, although any melee 
character can make excellent use of this skill to help bypass foes with 
heavier than usual armor.  Even caster classes can make use of this skill 
when enhanced with the Flush Out skill, which also reduces Elemental 

Puncture Shot Arrows (12 ranks) PA
Incorporating a more streamlined shaft into your arrows allows them to 
pass through targets and hit additional enemies in their path.
Modifies Marksmanship (T2)

All Ranks:	+1 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		8% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+5% Pierce Damage
		+9% Bleeding Damage

Rank 2:		12% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+8% Pierce Damage
		+12% Bleeding Damage

Rank 3:		16% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+10% Pierce Damage
		+15% Bleeding Damage

Rank 4:		21% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+12% Pierce Damage
		+20% Bleeding Damage

Rank 5:		25% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+15% Pierce Damage
		+23% Bleeding Damage

Rank 6:		29% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+18% Pierce Damage
		+27% Bleeding Damage

Rank 7:		33% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+20% Pierce Damage
		+30% Bleeding Damage

Rank 8:		38% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+22% Pierce Damage
		+35% Bleeding Damage

Rank 9:		42% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+25% Pierce Damage
		+38% Bleeding Damage

Rank 10:	46% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+28% Pierce Damage
		+42% Bleeding Damage

Rank 11:	50% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+30% Pierce Damage
		+45% Bleeding Damage

Rank 12:	55% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+33% Pierce Damage
		+50% Bleeding Damage

Skill Analysis:  Very powerful upgrade to Marksmanship.  It is an 
indispensable skill for any character that makes use of bows.  If you 
don’t use bows, then obviously you will want to avoid this skill.

Gouge (6 ranks) WP
A combat technique that uses the spear or bow to inflict deep wounds that 
will result in prolonged bleeding.

Rank 1:		6% Chance to be Used
		45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		8% Chance to be Used
		60 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		10% Chance to be Used
		72 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		12% Chance to be Used
		81 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		14% Chance to be Used
		96 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		16% Chance to be Used
		108 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  A decent addition to any bow or spear user, and I believe 
that the bleed damage bonus from Puncture Shot Arrows does affect this 
skill if it activates when that skill is used.  It’s a free, occasional 
damage over time, you may as well take it, no?

Find Cover (8 ranks) ER, G
Making use of available cover as you press your attack allows you to avoid 
unnecessary damage.
Modifies Art of the Hunt (T2)

All Ranks:	+10 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		+8% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 2:		+10% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 3:		+12% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 4:		+15% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 5:		+17% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 6:		+19% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 7:		+23% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Rank 8:		+25% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Skill Analysis:  If you find yourself taking way too much damage from 
ranged monsters, then I suppose you could invest in this skill.  As it is 
perfectly possible (easy, IMHO) to dodge arrow attacks manually, I’m not 
sure how useful this skill actually is.

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Exploit Weakness (10 ranks) PA, G
Take full advantage of your enemy’s mistakes and vulnerable moments to 
inflict savage wounds.
Modifies Call of the Hunt (T3)

All Ranks:	+10 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		+58% Pierce Damage
		+58% Bleeding Damage

Rank 2:		+66% Pierce Damage
		+66% Bleeding Damage

Rank 3:		+77% Pierce Damage
		+77% Bleeding Damage

Rank 4:		+85% Pierce Damage
		+85% Bleeding Damage

Rank 5:		+93% Pierce Damage
		+93% Bleeding Damage

Rank 6:		+104% Pierce Damage
		+104% Bleeding Damage

Rank 7:		+112% Pierce Damage
		+112% Bleeding Damage

Rank 8:		+120% Pierce Damage
		+120% Bleeding Damage

Rank 9:		+131% Pierce Damage
		+131% Bleeding Damage

Rank 10:	+139% Pierce Damage
		+139% Bleeding Damage

Skill Analysis:  An excellent addition to an already great skill, this 
skill will greatly increase both Pierce and Bleeding damage, which are 
Hunting mastery’s main sources of damage.  Excellent for either bow or spear 
builds, or for hybrid melee warriors.

Trail Blazing (6 ranks) ER, G
Grants those who follow the hunt endurance to relentlessly track their 
quarry, preventing even the most tangled thicket from slowing pursuit.
Modifies Art of the Hunt (T2)

All Ranks:	+1 Active Energy Cost per Second
	  	100% Reduced Entrapment Duration

Rank 1:		+5% Movement

Rank 2:		+8% Movement

Rank 3:		+10% Movement

Rank 4:		+12% Movement

Rank 5:		+16% Movement

Rank 6:		+18% Movement

Skill Analysis:  A decent addition to Art of the Hunt, especially for 
archers who like to kite, this skill will quickly put some distance between 
you and your opponents.

Detonate (12 ranks) PA
Adds a hidden explosive charge to the monster lure causing it to detonate 
when destroyed.  In order to detonate the lure must be at full energy.
Modifies Monster Lure (T3)

All Ranks:	15 Energy Cost
	  	6 Projectiles
	  	3.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		36-58 Fire Damage

Rank 2:		42-66 Fire Damage

Rank 3:		49-75 Fire Damage

Rank 4:		58-86 Fire Damage

Rank 5:		64-94 Fire Damage

Rank 6:		70-112 Fire Damage

Rank 7:		77-111 Fire Damage

Rank 8:		86-122 Fire Damage

Rank 9:		92-130 Fire Damage

Rank 10:	98-138 Fire Damage

Rank 11:	105-147 Fire Damage

Rank 12:	114-158 Fire Damage

Skill Analysis:  A great damage addition to a previously utility-only skill, 
this skill is pretty fun to play around with.  As you can set 3 monster lures 
at a time, you can cluster multiple lures together to create explosive traps 
that provoke the enemy into attack them!  The damage is fairly high, 
especially when they go off in the middle of a pack of enemies.

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Hunting Mastery Skill)

Flush Out (6 ranks) PA, G
Draw your enemies into the open, making them more vulnerable to attack.
Modifies Study Prey (T4)

All Ranks:	+10 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		-14% Defensive Ability
		-14% Elemental Resistance

Rank 2:		-18% Defensive Ability
		-18% Elemental Resistance

Rank 3:		-22% Defensive Ability
		-22% Elemental Resistance

Rank 4:		-26% Defensive Ability
		-26% Elemental Resistance

Rank 5:		-30% Defensive Ability
		-30% Elemental Resistance

Rank 6:		-36% Defensive Ability
		-36% Elemental Resistance

Skill Analysis:  An excellent skill, as it is useful regardless of class.  
Melee attackers can make good use of the Defensive Ability reduction, and 
Casters will find their elemental spells hitting harder after using this 

Scatter Shot Arrows (12 ranks) PA
A secret of master fletchers is the ability to craft special arrow heads 
that burst on impact sending out razor-sharp fragments in all directions.
Modifies Marksmanship (T2)

All Ranks:	+1 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		3-4 Fragments
		9 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		3-5 Fragments
		12 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		4-5 Fragments
		15 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		4-5 Fragments
		19 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		4-6 Fragments
		22 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		5-6 Fragments
		25 Piercing Damage

Rank 7:		5-7 Fragments
		28 Piercing Damage

Rank 8:		5-7 Fragments
		32 Piercing Damage

Rank 9:		6-7 Fragments
		35 Piercing Damage

Rank 10:	6-8 Fragments
		38 Piercing Damage

Rank 11:	6-8 Fragments
		41 Piercing Damage

Rank 12:	7-9 Fragments
		45 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  The culmination of the Marksmanship line, this skill 
allows the “one target at a time” mentality of an archer to quickly shift 
into the “destroy large groups of mobs very quickly” mentality usually 
reserved for casters.  Combined with the various piercing damage increases 
found in other Hunting mastery skills, this skill can be quite devastating 
when used against groups of mobs.

Volley (6 ranks) WP
A combat technique that uses the spear or bow to rapidly strike three times 
in succession.

All Ranks:	  Launches 3 Projectiles

Rank 1:		6% Chance to be Used

Rank 2:		8% Chance to be Used

Rank 3:		10% Chance to be Used

Rank 4:		12% Chance to be Used

Rank 5:		14% Chance to be Used

Rank 6:		16% Chance to be Used

Skill Analysis:  Although the skill description says this works for both 
spear or bow, the information shows the “Launches 3 Projectiles” line.  I 
haven’t had much chance to test this out, so I’m not positive whether or not 
this skill actually works with spear weapons.  I suspect that Iron Lore had 
spears set up at some point to be ranged weapons, and that this skill’s 
information was not corrected after making them melee only weapons, but 
that’s just a guess.  Regardless, a 16% chance to triple your damage is an 
absolutely awesome skill!  (Update:  Archangel (a.k.a. Xaanor) wrote to let 
me know that he does indeed get the triple attack effect on spears as well 
as bows.  With that being confirmed, this skill should most definitely be 
picked up by spear wielders as well as bow wielders!)


Vd.  Nature Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Nature Mastery Skill)

Regrowth (16 ranks) PA
A wave of healing energy rapidly restores lost life to the target ally.
Modified by Accelerated Growth (T2) and Dissemination (T4)

Rank 1:		+300 Health Restored
		44 Energy Cost

Rank 2:		+380 Health Restored
		48 Energy Cost

Rank 3:		+460 Health Restored
		52 Energy Cost

Rank 4:		+540 Health Restored
		56 Energy Cost

Rank 5:		+620 Health Restored
		60 Energy Cost

Rank 6:		+700 Health Restored
		64 Energy Cost

Rank 7:		+780 Health Restored
		68 Energy Cost

Rank 8:		+860 Health Restored
		72 Energy Cost

Rank 9:		+940 Health Restored
		76 Energy Cost

Rank 10:	+1020 Health Restored
		80 Energy Cost

Rank 11:	+1100 Health Restored
		84 Energy Cost

Rank 12:	+1180 Health Restored
		88 Energy Cost

Rank 13:	+1260 Health Restored
		92 Energy Cost

Rank 14:	+1340 Health Restored
		96 Energy Cost

Rank 15:	+1420 Health Restored
		100 Energy Cost

Rank 16:	+1500 Health Restored
		104 Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  Hey, it’s a healing spell!  Better than a potion in 
emergencies, plus you can cast it on your allies to pull their fat out of 
the fire as well.  As with several other skill trees, you can invest only a 
couple of points in the base skill (Regrowth) and max the modifying skills 
(Accelerated Growth and Dissemination in this case) to make a more 
mana-efficient spell, as neither of the modifying skills in this case add 
energy cost.

Call of the Wild  (15 ranks) PA
Summons a wolf companion to fight with you in battle.  At higher levels 
more wolves can be controlled at once.
Modified by Maul (T2), Survival Instinct (T3) and Strength of the Pack (T5)

Rank 1:		120 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		155 Feral Wolf Health
		45 Feral Wolf Energy
		15% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 2:		124 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		180 Feral Wolf Health
		48 Feral Wolf Energy
		16% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 3:		128 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		205 Feral Wolf Health
		51 Feral Wolf Energy
		17% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 4:		132 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		232 Feral Wolf Health
		54 Feral Wolf Energy
		18% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 5:		136 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		257 Feral Wolf Health
		57 Feral Wolf Energy
		19% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 6:		140 Energy Cost
		1 Summon Limit
		283 Feral Wolf Health
		60 Feral Wolf Energy
		20% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 7:		144 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		308 Feral Wolf Health
		63 Feral Wolf Energy
		21% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 8:		148 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		335 Feral Wolf Health
		66 Feral Wolf Energy
		22% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 9:		152 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		360 Feral Wolf Health
		69 Feral Wolf Energy
		23% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 10:	156 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		387 Feral Wolf Health
		72 Feral Wolf Energy
		24% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 11:	160 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		413 Feral Wolf Health
		75 Feral Wolf Energy
		25% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 12:	164 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		441 Feral Wolf Health
		78 Feral Wolf Energy
		26% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 13:	168 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		467 Feral Wolf Health
		81 Feral Wolf Energy
		27% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 14:	172 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		494 Feral Wolf Health
		84 Feral Wolf Energy
		28% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 15:	176 Energy Cost
		2 Summon Limit
		523 Feral Wolf Health
		87 Feral Wolf Energy
		29% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Skill Analysis:  A very fun and useful skill (although it does take a 
crazy amount of skill points to max out!).  Combining 2 wolf pets with the 
Nymph archer pet makes for a very effective mini-armada that is quite capable 
of destroying most critters in it’s path.  The wolves in general are fairly 
decent fighters, but at the higher difficulty levels they will likely not 
last too long versus bosses or spell casting mobs (523 health is not a whole 
heck of a lot, even when boosted by other skills such as Heart of Oak)

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Nature Mastery Skill)

Heart of Oak  (12 ranks) ER, G
Bolsters the life-force of yourself and nearby allies.
Modified by Tranquility of Water (T4) and Permanence of Stone (T5)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second
	  	18.0 Meter Radius
	  	+10% Total Speed
	  	100 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		+8% Health

Rank 2:		+16% Health

Rank 3:		+24% Health

Rank 4:		+32% Health

Rank 5:		+40% Health

Rank 6:		+48% Health

Rank 7:		+56% Health

Rank 8:		+64% Health

Rank 9:		+72 Health

Rank 10:	+80% Health

Rank 11:	+88% Health

Rank 12:	+96% Health

Skill Analysis:  An excellent skill for any build, this skill not only 
enhances your own survivability, it also increases the survivability of any 
allies (friends, summoned creatures, etc.)  The life boost (and potential 
energy-saving qualities of Tranquility of Water) makes this very useful even 
for casting classes.  Try pairing this with Defense mastery for some 
ridiculously high health levels!

Accelerated Growth (8 ranks) PA
Allows Regrowth to be cast more frequently.
Modifies Regrowth (T1)

Rank 1:		-18% Recharge

Rank 2:		-26% Recharge

Rank 3:		-34% Recharge

Rank 4:		-42% Recharge

Rank 5:		-50% Recharge

Rank 6:		-58% Recharge

Rank 7:		-66% Recharge

Rank 8:		-75% Recharge

Skill Analysis:  Allows you to heal more quickly.  Note that there is no 
additional energy cost associated with this skill.  A good tactic to use if 
you only need “emergency healing” and your energy reserves are limited is to 
invest only a few points in regrowth (keeping the energy costs low) and 
invest more points in Accelerated Growth, allowing you to cast lower-level 
heals several times in rapid succession (assuming you need more than one heal).

Maul (10 ranks) PA
A gnawing attack that rends enemy flesh causing bleeding damage for a short 
Modifies Call of the Wild (T1)

All Ranks:	24 Energy Cost

Rank 1:		9 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		3 Piercing Damage
		6% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 2:		13 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		5 Piercing Damage
		6% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 3:		17 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		7 Piercing Damage
		8% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 4:		22 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		9 Piercing Damage
		8% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 5:		25 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		10 Piercing Damage
		8% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 6:		29 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		12 Piercing Damage
		10% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 7:		33 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		14 Piercing Damage
		10% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 8:		38 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		16 Piercing Damage
		10% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 9:		41 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		17 Piercing Damage
		12% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 10:	45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		19 Piercing Damage
		12% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Skill Analysis:  Most useful if you are using your wolf companions for 
offensive purposes.  They’ll only be able to use this attack sporadically 
due to their low energy reserves, but the reduction to enemy health can be a 
very welcome effect, especially against enemies with large health pools.  
If you are using your wolf pets in a more defensive capability, you may as 
well skip this skill altogether and save their energy for Strength of the 
Pack (a more effective use of your wolves’ energy points).

Plague (8 ranks) PA
Afflicts target with debilitating ailment that reduces their health and 
quickly spreads to nearby enemies.
Modified by Fatigue (T3) and Susceptibility (T5)

Rank 1:		64 Energy Cost
		3.0 Second Duration
		3-8% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 2:		66 Energy Cost
		3.4 Second Duration
		4-9% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 3:		67 Energy Cost
		4.0 Second Duration
		5-10% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 4:		69 Energy Cost
		4.3 Second Duration
		6-11% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 5:		70 Energy Cost
		4.7 Second Duration
		7-12% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 6:		72 Energy Cost
		5.3 Second Duration
		8-13% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 7:		73 Energy Cost
		5.6 Second Duration
		9-14% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Rank 8:		75 Energy Cost
		6.0 Second Duration
		10-15% Reduction to Enemy’s Health

Skill Analysis:  A very effective debuff spell (especially when enhanced 
with Fatigue and Susceptibility), this is a must-have spell for any build 
that focuses on summons to deal damage.  Note that the plague effect can 
spread from one foe to another, so if you use it correctly, it can be an 
incredibly mana-efficient spell.

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Nature Mastery Skill)

Briar Ward (15 ranks) PA
A protective grove of briars grows around you that enemies cannot pass 
Modified by Stinging Nettle (T4) and Sanctuary (T6)

All Ranks:	30 Second Duration

Rank 1:		112 Energy Cost
		64 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  1-3 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 2:		116 Energy Cost
		88 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  1-3 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 3:		120 Energy Cost
		112 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  1-3 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 4:		124 Energy Cost
		136 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  2-5Piercing Retaliation

Rank 5:		128 Energy Cost
		160 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  2-5 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 6:		132 Energy Cost
		184 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  2-5 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 7:		136 Energy Cost
		208 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  2-5 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 8:		140 Energy Cost
		232 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  3-7 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 9:		144 Energy Cost
		256 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  3-7 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 10:	148 Energy Cost
		280 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  3-7 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 11:	152 Energy Cost
		304 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  3-7 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 12:	156 Energy Cost
		328 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  4-9 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 13:	160 Energy Cost
		352 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  4-9 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 14:	164 Energy Cost
		376 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  4-9 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 15:	168 Energy Cost
		400 Briar Ward Health
		Thorns:  4-9 Piercing Retaliation

Skill Analysis:  Definitely more of a utility spell than a source of any 
real defense or damage.  This pretty much just keeps those pesky melee mobs 
from closing in on you for a few seconds while they beat on your plant wall 
to get through to you.  It’s not horribly durable, although I think perhaps 
the health bonus from Heart of Oak does affect it (but I’m not 100% sure).  
Frankly, I can think of better uses for 15 skill points!  I would, however, 
invest a point or two to get access to Sanctuary.

Survival Instinct (15 ranks) P
An instinctual will to live is triggered whenever health is low.
Modifies Call of the Wild (T1)

All Ranks:	Activates When Health Drops Below 33%
	  	6 Second Duration

Rank 1:		15% Damage Absorption
		+15% Damage

Rank 2:		20% Damage Absorption
		+20% Damage

Rank 3:		24% Damage Absorption
		+25% Damage

Rank 4:		30% Damage Absorption
		+30% Damage

Rank 5:		38% Damage Absorption
		+35% Damage

Rank 6:		42% Damage Absorption
		+40% Damage

Rank 7:		47% Damage Absorption
		+45% Damage

Rank 8:		51% Damage Absorption
		+50% Damage

Rank 9:		54% Damage Absorption
		+55% Damage

Rank 10:	60% Damage Absorption
		+60% Damage

Rank 11:	63% Damage Absorption
		+65% Damage

Rank 12:	67% Damage Absorption
		+70% Damage

Rank 13:	70% Damage Absorption
		+75% Damage

Rank 14:	74% Damage Absorption
		+80% Damage

Rank 15:	80% Damage Absorption
		+85% Damage

Skill Analysis:  A fair upgrade to your wolf companions, this basically gives 
them a crazy strong buff when they fall below 1/3 of their health.  At the 
highest rank, it reduces incoming damage by 4/5 and nearly doubles their 
damage output as well for six seconds.  If you’re going heavy into the 
summoning arts, this is a decent skill to take, but be aware that you never 
really have any control over when this skill activates, and as such, it’s 
effectiveness is spotty at best.

Fatigue (8 ranks) PA
Saps the strength from diseased enemies causing them to move more slowly and 
fight less effectively.
Modifies Plague (T2)

Rank 1:		3 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 50% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		15% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-15% Total Speed

Rank 2:		3-5 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 52% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		18% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-18% Total Speed

Rank 3:		3-6 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 55% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		20% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-20% Total Speed

Rank 4:		3-8 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 57% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		23% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-23% Total Speed

Rank 5:		3-9 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 61% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		28% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-25% Total Speed

Rank 6:		3-11 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 64% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		31% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-28% Total Speed

Rank 7:		3-12 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 66% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		34% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-30% Total Speed

Rank 8:		3-15 Damage Reduction
		5% Chance of 69% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
		36% Reduced Damage for 3 Seconds
		-33% Total Speed

Skill Analysis:  Plague is already a decent debuff in and of itself, but 
this modifying skill makes it just about godly.  This will make most enemies 
turn into complete wimps, and the best part is, it’s contagious!  Since the 
majority of the debuffs from this skill are percentage based, this skill 
makes the transition to Legendary difficulty very well.

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Nature Mastery Skill)

Tranquility of Water (6 ranks) ER, G
Provides a chance to use skills at 50% reduced energy cost while under the 
effect of Heart of Oak.
Modifies Heart of Oak (T2)

Rank 1:		8% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Rank 2:		12% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Rank 3:		16% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Rank 4:		19% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Rank 5:		24% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Rank 6:		28% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  This skill will make other casters positively love you!  
It’s very useful for any class, really, as it will statistically reduce your 
overall energy consumption to 86% of normal.  If you’re investing in Heart 
of Oak at all, you should definitely throw a point or two into this skill at 
the very least.

Dissemination (10 ranks) PA, G
Causes Regrowth energy to disseminate from the initial target and leap to 
additional nearby allies.
Modifies Regrowth (T1)

Rank 1:		+180 Health Restored

Rank 2:		+260 Health Restored

Rank 3:		+340 Health Restored

Rank 4:		+420 Health Restored

Rank 5:		+500 Health Restored

Rank 6:		+580 Health Restored

Rank 7:		+660 Health Restored

Rank 8:		+740 Health Restored

Rank 9:		+820 Health Restored

Rank 10:	+900 Health Restored

Skill Analysis:  This converts your heal spell into a kind of “chain heal” 
that allows you to heal multiple allies at once.  Only recommended for 
summoning/pet builds, or if you will be playing with a friend or two.  If 
you’re mostly playing solo without any summons, you shouldn’t bother with 
this skill at all.

Stinging Nettle (8 ranks) PA
Causes enemies who hit the Briar Ward to suffer poisoning.
Modifies Briar Ward (T3)

Rank 1:		15 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 2:		24 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 3:		33 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 4:		42 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 5:		51 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 6:		60 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 7:		69 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Rank 8:		78 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  Blah.  An awful upgrade to a mediocre skill.  Skip it and 
save your points for Sanctuary instead.

Sylvan Nymph (15 ranks) PA
Summons a powerful forest nymph who can bring down enemies with her magical 
bow and cast enchantments to strengthen allies in battle
Modified by Overgrowth (T5) and Nature’s Wrath (T6)

Rank 1:		200 Energy Cost
		198 Nymph Health
		130 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  9-21 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+18% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 2:		204 Energy Cost
		226 Nymph Health
		138 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  12-25 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+20% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 3:		209 Energy Cost
		255 Nymph Health
		146 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  15-28 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+22% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 4:		213 Energy Cost
		283 Nymph Health
		154 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  18-31 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+24% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 5:		217 Energy Cost
		311 Nymph Health
		162 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  21-36 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+26% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 6:		222 Energy Cost
		340 Nymph Health
		170 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  24-39 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+28% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 7:		226 Energy Cost
		368 Nymph Health
		178 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  27-43 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+30% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 8:		230 Energy Cost
		396 Nymph Health
		186 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  30-46 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+32% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 9:		235 Energy Cost
		425 Nymph Health
		194 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  33-49 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+34% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 10:	239 Energy Cost
		453 Nymph Health
		202 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  36-54 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+36% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 11:	243 Energy Cost
		481 Nymph Health
		210 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  39-57 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+38% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 12:	248 Energy Cost
		510 Nymph Health
		218 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  42-61 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+40% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 13:	252 Energy Cost
		538 Nymph Health
		226 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  45-64 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+42% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 14:	256 Energy Cost
		566 Nymph Health
		234 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  48-67 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+44% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Rank 15:	261 Energy Cost
		595 Nymph Health
		242 Nymph Energy
		Bow Attack:  51-72 Piercing Damage
		Bow Attack:  3% Reduction to Enemy Health
		+46% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Projectiles

Skill Analysis:  The nymph is much more of a damage dealer put than the 
wolves are, and is actually a bit more durable than the wolves.  With 
additional modifications from Nature’s Wrath, the nymph will be dealing some 
fairly impressive damage for a support pet.  A definite must for any 
summoning/pet classes out there, and a helpful extra for anyone else.

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Nature Mastery Skill)

Permanence of Stone (6 ranks) ER, G
Protects allies from the elements, reducing the damage caused by elemental 
based attacks.
Modifies Heart of Oak (T2)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second

Rank 1:		5% Elemental Resistance

Rank 2:		8% Elemental Resistance

Rank 3:		10% Elemental Resistance

Rank 4:		12% Elemental Resistance

Rank 5:		15% Elemental Resistance

Rank 6:		18% Elemental Resistance

Skill Analysis:  Meh.  18% elemental resistance (even when spread amongst 
your allies) is not so great considering the energy cost and the skill point 
expenditure.  Every little bit helps I suppose (especially for summoned 
pets, who can’t equip items to boost their elemental resistance).

Strength of the Pack: (12 ranks) PA, G
The howl of your wolves emboldens the hearts of those who hear it causing 
them to fight more fiercely.
Modifies Call of the Wild (T1)

All Ranks:	25 Wolf Energy Cost
	  	15 Second Duration
	  	10.0 Meter Radius
	  	+1 Energy Regeneration per Second
	  	+15% Total Speed

Rank 1:		+15% Damage
		4 Armor

Rank 2:		+20% Damage
		6 Armor

Rank 3:		+24% Damage
		8 Armor

Rank 4:		+30% Damage
		10 Armor

Rank 5:		+34% Damage
		12 Armor

Rank 6:		+39% Damage
		14 Armor

Rank 7:		+43% Damage
		16 Armor

Rank 8:		+49% Damage
		18 Armor

Rank 9:		+53% Damage
		20 Armor

Rank 10:	+58% Damage
		22 Armor

Rank 11:	+62% Damage
		24 Armor

Rank 12:	+68% Damage
		26 Armor

Skill Analysis:  A much better use for your wolves’ energy reserves than 
maul, this skill allows your wolves to cast a powerful buff on themselves 
and any allies within 10 meters.  The bonuses are fairly small when looked 
at individually, but all together comprise one of the most comprehensive and 
mana-efficient buffs in the game.

Overgrowth (12 ranks) PA
Allows the nymph to create a living shield around allies that absorbs damage 
and harms enemies that strike it.
Modifies Sylvan Nymph (T4)

Rank 1:		78 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 1-5 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 2:		86 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 3-7 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 3:		95 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 4-9 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 4:		103 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 6-12 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 5:		111 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 7-14 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 6:		120 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 9-16 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 7:		128 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 10-19 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 8:		136 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 12-21 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 9:		145 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 13-25 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 10:	153 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 15-30 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 11:	161 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 16-31 Piercing Retaliation

Rank 12:	170 Damage Absorption
		33% Chance of 18-33 Piercing Retaliation

Skill Analysis:  Not that great of a skill, especially once you get into 
Epic or Legendary territory.  The damage absorption will get chewed up pretty 
quickly even in normal mode, and the retaliation damage is negligible even 
when it does activate (even at 100% chance to activate it would be fairly 
inconsequential).  I would recommend skipping this one and investing points 
into Nature’s Wrath instead.

Susceptibility (8 ranks) PA
Weakens the constitution of adjacent enemies making them more susceptible to 
poison and damage from the elements.
Modifies Plague (T2)

Rank 1:		-12% Damage Resistance
		-12% Elemental Resistance

Rank 2:		-15% Damage Resistance
		-15% Elemental Resistance

Rank 3:		-19% Damage Resistance
		-19% Elemental Resistance

Rank 4:		-24% Damage Resistance
		-24% Elemental Resistance

Rank 5:		-27% Damage Resistance
		-27% Elemental Resistance

Rank 6:		-30% Damage Resistance
		-30% Elemental Resistance

Rank 7:		-34% Damage Resistance
		-34% Elemental Resistance

Rank 8:		-39% Damage Resistance
		-39% Elemental Resistance

Skill Analysis:  The skill description says it makes enemies “more 
susceptible to poison and damage from the elements”, but it seems like the 
skill breakdown is saying that enemies’ resistance to *physical damage* and 
elemental damage is being lowered.  I haven’t had enough time to play around 
with this skill too much, so I haven’t been able to verify whether straight 
physical damage is affected, or poison damage, or perhaps both.  Regardless, 
the reduction in elemental resistance alone makes this a marvelous addition 
to the Plague line.  This might also be an excellent debuff for melee classes 
(or maybe poison-based classes, whichever it is!)

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Nature Mastery Skill)

Refresh (6 ranks) PA
Instantly refreshes any skills that were recharging

Rank 1:		200 Energy Cost

Rank 2:		170 Energy Cost

Rank 3:		150 Energy Cost

Rank 4:		135 Energy Cost

Rank 5:		125 Energy Cost

Rank 6:		115 Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  Good utility skill that can be useful in various situations, 
depending on your build and how may “recharging” skills you actually have and 
use.  I would not recommend putting more 1 point at most into this skill, as 
higher ranks only serve to make the skill more energy efficient, and if 
you’re in that much of a hurry to cast 2 of the same spell back to back, 
you’re probably not all that concerned about efficiency!

Sanctuary (8 ranks) PA, G
The power of the grove revitalizes those within and reduces the energy 
consumed by skill use.
Modifies Briar Ward (T3)

All Ranks:	18 Second Duration
	  	3.0 Meter Radius

Rank 1:		12% Damage Absorption
		+148% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-15% Energy Cost

Rank 2:		14% Damage Absorption
		+160% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-20% Energy Cost

Rank 3:		16% Damage Absorption
		+172% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-25% Energy Cost

Rank 4:		18% Damage Absorption
		+184% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-30% Energy Cost

Rank 5:		20% Damage Absorption
		+196% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-35% Energy Cost

Rank 6:		22% Damage Absorption
		+208% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-40% Energy Cost

Rank 7:		24% Damage Absorption
		+220% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-45% Energy Cost

Rank 8:		26% Damage Absorption
		+232% Health/Energy Regeneration
		-50% Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  This skill is really the only reason to invest in Briar 
Ward at all.  It really shines in reducing any kind of downtime at all (after 
a difficult battle, with your health and energy depleted, and all of your 
pets dead, you can cast this spell, and while you’re regenerating, you can 
resummon your pets for half the energy cost!) and makes a good Health/Energy 
over Time type spell when cast in the middle of combat.  I would recommend 
putting a single point into the prerequisites and maxing this skill out 
ASAP.  Not only is this skill more energy efficient than Regrowth, it even 
makes your Regrowth more efficient while the effect lasts!

Nature’s Wrath (12 ranks) PA
Imbues the nymph’s attacks with the power of the elements.
Modifies Sylvan Nymph (T4)

All Ranks:	33% Chance to Pass Through Enemies

Rank 1:		8 Energy Cost
		33-58 Elemental Damage

Rank 2:		8 Energy Cost
		38-66 Elemental Damage

Rank 3:		9 Energy Cost
		42-74 Elemental Damage

Rank 4:		9 Energy Cost
		48-82 Elemental Damage

Rank 5:		10 Energy Cost
		52-91 Elemental Damage

Rank 6:		10 Energy Cost
		57-100 Elemental Damage

Rank 7:		11 Energy Cost
		61-109 Elemental Damage

Rank 8:		11 Energy Cost
		67-118 Elemental Damage

Rank 9:		12 Energy Cost
		71-127 Elemental Damage

Rank 10:	12 Energy Cost
		76-137 Elemental Damage

Rank 11:	13 Energy Cost
		80-148 Elemental Damage

Rank 12:	13 Energy Cost
		88-160 Elemental Damage

Skill Analysis:  An excellent upgrade to the nymph’s bow attack damage, this 
gives her a huge boost to her damage and allows some of her shots to go 
through enemies and strike enemies behind the first one.  Highly recommended 
if you’re investing in the nymph line at all.


Ve.  Rogue Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Calculated Strike (8 ranks) PA
Used in place of your normal attack, every fourth hit with calculated strike 
will deliver increased damage.
Modified by Lucky Hit (T3)

All Ranks:	3 Charge Levels

Rank 1:		+45% Damage
		35 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		+60% Damage
		45 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		+75% Damage
		53 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		+93% Damage
		64 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		+108% Damage
		72 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		+123% Damage
		83 Piercing Damage

Rank 7:		+138% Damage
		91 Piercing Damage

Rank 8:		+156% Damage
		103 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  An excellent skill for any Rogue build, this basically 
should be used in place of a standard attack at all times.  Every fourth 
attack will be a devastating blow that will cause large amounts of damage 
(especially nifty with a spear!).  All four attacks do not have to be on the 
same enemy, but if you wait more than a few second between attacks, the 
charges will reset back to zero.

Blade Honing (6 ranks) ER, G
While active, this skill ensures that the blades on the swords or spears of 
yourself and allies will remain razor sharp and inflict increased piercing 

All Ranks:	16.0 Meter Radius
	  	+50 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		+16% Piercing
		3 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		+24% Piercing
		5 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		+32% Piercing
		7 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		+40% Piercing
		9 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		+48% Piercing
		12 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		+56% Piercing
		15 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  A great buff for sword and spear users, doesn’t do diddly 
squat for anyone using any other kind of weapon.  A definite must-have for 
sword and spear users (of if you are going to be partying with one), and a 
definite avoid for anyone else.

Envenom Weapon (12 ranks) ER
Coats your weapon with deadly poison while activated.
Modified by Nightshade (T2), Toxin Distillation (T4), and Mandrake (T5)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second
	  	+50 Energy Reserved

Rank 1:		18 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 2:		25 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 3:		33 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 4:		40 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 5:		48 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 6:		55 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 7:		63 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 8:		70 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 9:		78 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 10:	85 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 11:	93 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Rank 12:	100 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  A decent skill, but bear in mind that many types of enemies 
are completely immune to poison.  Still, you will definitely want to invest 
at least a point in this skill to get your hands on the Nightshade poison!

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Throwing Knife (10 ranks) PA
Throw a piercing blade at your opponent capable of causing prolonged bleeding.
Modified by Flurry of Knives (T6)

All Ranks:	1 Projectile
	  	100% Chance to Pass Through Enemies

Rank 1:		18 Energy Cost
		48 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		11 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		19 Energy Cost
		63 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		15 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		20 Energy Cost
		78 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		19 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		21 Energy Cost
		90 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		23 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		22 Energy Cost
		105 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		27 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		23 Energy Cost
		120 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		31 Piercing Damage

Rank 7:		24 Energy Cost
		132 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		35 Piercing Damage

Rank 8:		25 Energy Cost
		147 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		39 Piercing Damage

Rank 9:		26 Energy Cost
		162 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		43 Piercing Damage

Rank 10:	27 Energy Cost
		174 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		47 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  A nice ranged attack that you can use without having to 
switch weapon sets, it’s still a bit limited because many types of enemies 
are resistant to bleeding damage.  Still, when combined with Flurry of Knives, 
this can make a nice area of effect damage over time attack.

Disarm Traps (6 ranks) P
Expertise with traps and magical devices allows the Rogue to easily disable 
them and avoid their damage.

Rank 1:		+25% Damage to Devices
		+10% Less Damage from Devices

Rank 2:		+50% Damage to Devices
		+20% Less Damage from Devices

Rank 3:		+75% Damage to Devices
		+30% Less Damage from Devices

Rank 4:		+100% Damage to Devices
		+40% Less Damage from Devices

Rank 5:		+125% Damage to Devices
		+50% Less Damage from Devices

Rank 6:		+150% Damage to Devices
		+60% Less Damage from Devices

Skill Analysis:  There aren’t really enough traps in the game to justify 
spending skill points just to kill them a bit quicker or to take less damage 
from them.  Although I do like that the developers translated “disarm” to 
mean “break to pieces with sword/axe/mace/spear/bow/magic”!  I’d skip this 
skill, personally.

Nightshade (8 ranks) ER
Oils harvested from deadly Nightshade plants give your Envenomed Weapons the 
ability to slow enemies.
Modifies Envenom Weapon (T1)

Rank 1:		+15% Poison Damage
		10% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 2:		+20% Poison Damage
		14% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 3:		+25% Poison Damage
		18% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 4:		+30% Poison Damage
		22% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 5:		+35% Poison Damage
		26% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 6:		+40% Poison Damage
		30% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 7:		+45% Poison Damage
		34% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Rank 8:		+50% Poison Damage
		39% Slowed for 5 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  A great skill for practically any build, this allows you to 
substantially slow down your opponents speed for a short amount of time.  
This is obviously great for a variety of situations, such as running away, 
keeping the baddies from getting to you (perfect for low-health ranged 
characters) and from reducing over incoming damage by a rather large amount.  
A definite must for just about every Rogue build out there.

Flash Powder (8 ranks) PA
A magician’s trick turned to more nefarious purposes, flash powder blinds 
adjacent enemies impairing their ability to hit with weapons and potentially 
disorienting them.

Rank 1:		53 Energy Cost
		3.8 Meter Radius
		30% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		30% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 2:		56 Energy Cost
		4.4 Meter Radius
		35% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		35% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 3:		59 Energy Cost
		5.0 Meter Radius
		40% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		40% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 4:		62 Energy Cost
		5.6 Meter Radius
		45% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		45% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 5:		65 Energy Cost
		6.2 Meter Radius
		50% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		50% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 6:		68 Energy Cost
		6.8 Meter Radius
		55% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		55% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 7:		71 Energy Cost
		7.4 Meter Radius
		60% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		60% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 8:		74 Energy Cost
		8.0 Meter Radius
		65% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 8 Seconds
		65% Chance of 3-8 Seconds of Confusion

Skill Analysis:  A decent defensive Rogue skill, Flash Powder has the 
potential to effectively shut down large groups of enemies at once.  For my 
money, however, I think the energy cost is way too high for a skill that at 
best only has a 65% chance to affect any given enemy.  This relegates it to 
use only when being mobbed (which shouldn’t happen if you’re paying any 
attention at all to the game) as it is a bit too uncertain of a spell to be 
throwing at individual bosses to really be effective.

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Lucky Hit (6 ranks) WP
Uncommonly good fortune provides a chance that calculated strikes will slip 
past enemy armor causing tremendous damage.
Modifies Calculated Strike (T1)

All Ranks:	33% Chance to produce one of three effects

Rank 1:		+39 Damage
		+50% Pierce Damage
		45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		+48 Damage
		+59% Pierce Damage
		69 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		+57 Damage
		+68% Pierce Damage
		96 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		+66 Damage
		+77% Pierce Damage
		120 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		+75 Damage
		+86% Pierce Damage
		144 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		+84 Damage
		+95% Pierce Damage
		171 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  This skill is kind of “meh” for me, since I hate relying on 
luck more than I have to.  However, your mileage may very well vary.  
Basically, it seems to break down that for every Calculated Strike attack 
(at best, an attack that only triggers 25% of the time) you have a 33% chance 
to activate 1 of 3 different effects.  So at best, you will be seeing the 
effects of this skill a maximum of 6% of the time, under the best of 
circumstances.  If you’re really unlucky, you’ll probably activate the 
Bleeding Damage effect against enemies that are immune to the damage...  
Anyway, it can’t hurt, but I can think of several other skills I’d rather 
invest my points in.

Open Wound (12 ranks) WP
Adds a chance that weapon attacks will inflict bleeding damage when using a 
sword, spear, bow, or axe.

Rank 1:		33% Chance of 27 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 2:		33% Chance of 36 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 3:		33% Chance of 45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 4:		33% Chance of 57 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 5:		33% Chance of 66 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 6:		33% Chance of 75 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 7:		33% Chance of 84 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 8:		33% Chance of 96 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 9:		33% Chance of 105 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 10:	33% Chance of 117 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 11:	33% Chance of 126 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Rank 12:	33% Chance of 141 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  I’m not terribly fond of bleeding damage, as it’s completely 
useless against undead (and some other types of mobs), and the fact that 
this skill only triggers one-third of the time is not that great either.  
That being said, there are several Rogue skills that will greatly enhance 
this skill and make it very, very deadly when it does trigger on a non-immune 
enemy.  If you’re going to invest points here, make sure you max out all 
skills that enhance bleeding damage.

Lay Trap (15 ranks) PA
Drops a mechanical bolt trap that will trip when enemies draw near and 
rapidly fire out deadly bolts.
Modified by Rapid Construction (T4) and Improved Firing Mechanism (T6)

All Ranks:	3 Summon Limit
	  	30 Second Duration

Rank 1:		29 Energy Cost
		74 Trap Health
		14-21 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 2:		31 Energy Cost
		86 Trap Health
		18-24 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 3:		33 Energy Cost
		98 Trap Health
		21-29 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 4:		35 Energy Cost
		110 Trap Health
		24-32 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 5:		37 Energy Cost
		122 Trap Health
		28-35 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 6:		39 Energy Cost
		134 Trap Health
		31-38 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 7:		41 Energy Cost
		146 Trap Health
		34-41 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 8:		43 Energy Cost
		158 Trap Health
		38-46 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 9:		45 Energy Cost
		170 Trap Health
		41-49 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 10:	47 Energy Cost
		182 Trap Health
		44-52 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 11:	49 Energy Cost
		194 Trap Health
		48-55 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 12:	51 Energy Cost
		206 Trap Health
		51-58 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 13:	53 Energy Cost
		218 Trap Health
		56-63 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 14:	55 Energy Cost
		230 Trap Health
		59-66 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Rank 15:	57 Energy Cost
		242 Trap Health
		62-69 Piercing Damage per Bolt

Skill Analysis:  The Rogue version of a “summon” skill, Lay Trap is an 
excellent addition to the Rogue arsenal.  When enhanced by Rapid Construction 
and Improved Firing Mechanism, these traps will deal out a great deal of 
damage to a large number of enemies in a short period of time.  The tactical 
uses of Lay Trap are numerous, especially in areas with many natural 
chokepoints.  They actually work better when fighting enemies one on one, 
as the combined fire of 3 maxed out traps all attacking one enemy is quite 
devastating.  This skill is still highly effective against groups, however!

Poison Gas Bomb (12 ranks) PA
Lobs a bomb that will burst on impact releasing a cloud of toxic gas that 
damages enemies who breathe it.  Side effects may include confusion, panic, 
and impaired aim with ranged weapons.
Modified by Shrapnel (T5)

All Ranks:	66% Chance of Impaired Aim for 9 Seconds

Rank 1:		33 Energy Cost
		3.2 Meter Radius
		32 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 2:		35 Energy Cost
		3.4 Meter Radius
		41 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 3:		37 Energy Cost
		3.6 Meter Radius
		50 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 4:		40 Energy Cost
		3.8 Meter Radius
		61 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 5:		42 Energy Cost
		4.0 Meter Radius
		70 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 6:		44 Energy Cost
		4.2 Meter Radius
		78 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 7:		47 Energy Cost
		4.4 Meter Radius
		87 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 8:		49 Energy Cost
		4.6 Meter Radius
		98 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 9:		51 Energy Cost
		4.8 Meter Radius
		107 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 10:	54 Energy Cost
		5.0 Meter Radius
		115 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 11:	56 Energy Cost
		5.2 Meter Radius
		124 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Rank 12:	58 Energy Cost
		5.4 Meter Radius
		136 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds

Skill Analysis:  Again, I’m not one for maxing out poison damage, as many 
enemy types are immune or resistant to it, but the Impaired Aim effect is the 
same regardless of rank, and affects even those enemies who are immune to 
poison, I believe.  Lobbing a rank 1 Poison Gas Bomb into a crowd of archers 
before the melee fighters close in can save you a bit of damage in the long 

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Lethal Strike (12 ranks) PA
A single deadly hit that multiplies the damage of a normal weapon attack.
Modified by Mortal Wound (T6)

Rank 1:		52 Energy Cost
		+225% Damage
		+225% Pierce Damage

Rank 2:		53 Energy Cost
		+250% Damage
		+240% Pierce Damage

Rank 3:		55 Energy Cost
		+275% Damage
		+255% Pierce Damage

Rank 4:		56 Energy Cost
		+300% Damage
		+270% Pierce Damage

Rank 5:		58 Energy Cost
		+325% Damage
		+285% Pierce Damage

Rank 6:		59 Energy Cost
		+350% Damage
		+300% Pierce Damage

Rank 7:		61 Energy Cost
		+375% Damage
		+315% Pierce Damage

Rank 8:		62 Energy Cost
		+400% Damage
		+330% Pierce Damage

Rank 9:		64 Energy Cost
		+425% Damage
		+345% Pierce Damage

Rank 10:	65 Energy Cost
		+450% Damage
		+360% Pierce Damage

Rank 11:	67 Energy Cost
		+475% Damage
		+375% Pierce Damage

Rank 12:	68 Energy Cost
		+500% Damage
		+390% Pierce Damage

Skill Analysis:  Well, let’s see... An attack that causes quintuple normal 
damage and nearly quadruple pierce damage.  An excellent attack to use 
against bosses or heavily armored mobs, to say the least!  Any melee Rogue 
build should max this out as their main right-button attack, for sure.  
Also an important skill to get for poison or bleed builds, as it is a 
prerequisite for Mortal Wound, which is indispensable for those builds.

Rapid Construction (8 ranks) PA
Expertise in assembling traps reduces the amount of time it takes to create 
a new trap after one has been set.
Modifies Lay Trap (T3)

Rank 1:		-18% Recharge
		-5% Energy Cost

Rank 2:		-27% Recharge
		-10% Energy Cost

Rank 3:		-36% Recharge
		-15% Energy Cost

Rank 4:		-44% Recharge
		-20% Energy Cost

Rank 5:		-52% Recharge
		-25% Energy Cost

Rank 6:		-60% Recharge
		-30% Energy Cost

Rank 7:		-66% Recharge
		-35% Energy Cost

Rank 8:		-72% Recharge
		-40% Energy Cost

Skill Analysis:  An excellent addition to the Lay Traps skill, this one 
lowers the energy cost of each trap and greatly reduces the amount of 
cooldown time on the Lay Traps skill.  A good investment if you’re including 
traps in your skillset.

Toxin Distillation (12 ranks) ER
Learn alchemical processes to distill natural toxins, increasing the potency 
and duration of all poison attacks.
Modifies Envenom Weapon (T1)

Rank 1:		+12% Poison Damage
		+10% Improved Duration

Rank 2:		+24% Poison Damage
		+16% Improved Duration

Rank 3:		+36% Poison Damage
		+22% Improved Duration

Rank 4:		+48% Poison Damage
		+28% Improved Duration

Rank 5:		+60% Poison Damage
		+34% Improved Duration

Rank 6:		+72% Poison Damage
		+40% Improved Duration

Rank 7:		+84% Poison Damage
		+46% Improved Duration

Rank 8:		+96% Poison Damage
		+52% Improved Duration

Rank 9:		+108% Poison Damage
		+58% Improved Duration

Rank 10:	+120% Poison Damage
		+64% Improved Duration

Rank 11:	+132% Poison Damage
		+70% Improved Duration

Rank 12:	+144% Poison Damage
		+76% Improved Duration

Skill Analysis:  Pretty much only useful for builds that are focusing on 
poison attacks.  Unless you’re going that route, this skill is best avoided.  
(Not sure if this is the case or not, but the skill description says it 
affects “all poison attacks”, so this may affect other skills such as Poison 
Gas Bomb.)

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Anatomy (8 ranks) WP
With a deep knowledge of anatomy, attacks can be directed at vital points in 
the body increasing the chance and effectiveness of bleed damage.

Rank 1:		+36% Bleeding Damage

Rank 2:		+48% Bleeding Damage

Rank 3:		+60% Bleeding Damage

Rank 4:		+72% Bleeding Damage

Rank 5:		+84% Bleeding Damage

Rank 6:		+96% Bleeding Damage

Rank 7:		+108% Bleeding Damage

Rank 8:		+120% Bleeding Damage

Skill Analysis:  A very specialized skill for very specialized builds, anyone 
who is not concentrating on increasing their bleeding damage would be better 
off avoiding this one.  Not sure what the description means when it says that 
it “increase[es} the chance” of bleed damage, as it only seems to affect the 
amount of bleed damage.

Mandrake (8 ranks) ER
Adds a chance for poison to cloud an enemy’s mind, sending them into a state 
of confusion.
Modifies Envenom Weapon (T1)

All Ranks:	1 Active Energy Cost per Second

Rank 1:		15% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		12% Chance of 1.8-2.4 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 2:		20% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		16% Chance of 1.8-2.8 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 3:		25% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		20% Chance of 1.8-3.2 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 4:		30% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		24% Chance of 1.8-3.5 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 5:		35% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		28% Chance of 1.8-3.9 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 6:		40% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		32% Chance of 1.8-4.3 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 7:		45% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		36% Chance of 1.8-4.6 Seconds of Confusion

Rank 8:		50% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 3 Seconds
		40% Chance of 1.8-5.0 Seconds of Confusion

Skill Analysis:  If you have sufficient energy regeneration, this can be a 
nice bonus for both melee and ranged builds.  Any status attack that keeps 
an enemy from pounding the snot out of you is good!  That being said, make 
sure this skill will not be a drain on your energy points before employing 

Shrapnel (10 ranks) PA
Packed with volatile liquid and metal scraps, the Poison Gas Bomb will 
explode violently on impact showering the area with deadly shrapnel.
Modifies Poison Gas Bomb (T3)

All Ranks:	1.5 Meter Radius
	  	9-11 Fragments

Rank 1:		+5 Energy Cost
		33 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		9 Piercing Damage

Rank 2:		+6 Energy Cost
		39 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		11 Piercing Damage

Rank 3:		+7 Energy Cost
		45 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		13 Piercing Damage

Rank 4:		+8 Energy Cost
		51 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		16 Piercing Damage

Rank 5:		+9 Energy Cost
		57 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		18 Piercing Damage

Rank 6:		+10 Energy Cost
		63 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		20 Piercing Damage

Rank 7:		+11 Energy Cost
		69 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		23 Piercing Damage

Rank 8:		+12 Energy Cost
		75 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		25 Piercing Damage

Rank 9:		+13 Energy Cost
		81 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		27 Piercing Damage

Rank 10:	+14 Energy Cost
		87 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
		30 Piercing Damage

Skill Analysis:  Makes the Poison Gas Bomb a bit more useful in general 
purpose situations (even a bit against undead).  One of the few Rogue area 
of effect attacks, this can definitely be of help in builds with little 
access to area damage spells.  Most builds will do fine without this skill, 

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Rogue Mastery Skill)

Mortal Wound (8 ranks) WP
Stuns victims of Lethal Strike and greatly magnifies the impact of poison 
and bleeding damage caused by the attack.
Modifies Lethal Strike (T4)

All Ranks:	+15 Energy Cost
	  	3 Seconds of Stun

Rank 1:		+60% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 2:		+95% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 3:		+130% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 4:		+165% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 5:		+200% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 6:		+235% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 7:		+270% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Rank 8:		+305% Bleeding/Poison Damage

Skill Analysis:  This skill turns Lethal Strike from a great attack into a 
godly attack, most especially for builds involving bleeding or poison 
damage.  For non-poison/bleed builds, consider putting a single point in 
this skill to add a 3 second stun to your Lethal Strike attacks.

Flurry of Knives (6 ranks) PA
Learn to throw additional knives at once and cut down enemies with a lethal 
flurry of razor-sharp metal.
Modifies Throwing Knife (T2)

Rank 1:		+5 Energy Cost
		+1 Projectile
		+51% Pierce Damage

Rank 2:		+6 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+60% Pierce Damage

Rank 3:		+6 Energy Cost
		+2 Projectile
		+69% Pierce Damage

Rank 4:		+7 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+78% Pierce Damage

Rank 5:		+7 Energy Cost
		+3 Projectile
		+87% Pierce Damage

Rank 6:		+8 Energy Cost
		+4 Projectile
		+96% Pierce Damage

Skill Analysis:  The more useful of the two Rogue ranged attacks (the other 
being Poison Gas Bomb, and no, I don’t count Lay Traps!), Flurry of Knives 
finally upgrades the Throwing Knife by adding more knives to the attack and 
greatly increasing the damage each knife generates.  This of this as the 
(much) less-powerful, non-magical, piercing Rogue version of Spirit Mastery’s 
Ternion Attack.  Ultimately a good skill to pick for any build that really 
has need of a decent range attack.

Improved Firing Mechanism (8 ranks) PA
Modifications to the Bolt Trap increase the number of bolts fired per round.
Modifies Lay Trap (T3)

Rank 1:		3 Projectiles
		10% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+15% Pierce Damage
		+30 Trap Health

Rank 2:		4 Projectiles
		15% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+20% Pierce Damage
		+35 Trap Health

Rank 3:		4 Projectiles
		20% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+25% Pierce Damage
		+40 Trap Health

Rank 4:		5 Projectiles
		25% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+30% Pierce Damage
		+45 Trap Health

Rank 5:		5 Projectiles
		30% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+35% Pierce Damage
		+50 Trap Health

Rank 6:		6 Projectiles
		35% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+40% Pierce Damage
		+55 Trap Health

Rank 7:		6 Projectiles
		40% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+45% Pierce Damage
		+60 Trap Health

Rank 8:		6 Projectiles
		45% Chance to Pass Through Enemies
		+50% Pierce Damage
		+65 Trap Health

Skill Analysis:  An excellent upgrade to Lay Traps, this increases the 
firing rate of the trap, increases damage to each bolt, and gives the bolts 
a chance to pierce through the first enemy they hit and pass through ones 
behind them.  It also makes the traps slightly more durable (but not much!).  
Highly recommended for any build that uses traps extensively.


Vf.  Spirit Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Spirit Mastery Skill)

Deathchill Aura

Life Drain

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Spirit Mastery Skill)

Ternion Attack

Ravages of Time

Vision of Death

Spirit Ward

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Spirit Mastery Skill)


Dark Covenant

Summon Liche King

Spirit Bane

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Spirit Mastery Skill)

Arcane Lore


Enslave Spirit

Death Nova

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Spirit Mastery Skill)

Unearthly Power

Wraith Shell

Circle of Power

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Spirit Mastery Skill)

Death Ward

Summon Outsider

Arcane Blast


Vg.  Storm Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Storm Mastery Skill)

Ice Shard

Storm Nimbus

Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Storm Mastery Skill)

Spell Breaker


Heart of Frost

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Storm Mastery Skill)

Spell Shock



Freezing Blast

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Storm Mastery Skill)

Lighting Bolt

Concussive Blast

Obscured Visibility

Static Charge

Energy Shield

Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Storm Mastery Skill)


Summon Wisp

Storm Surge

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Storm Mastery Skill)

Chain Lightning

Eye of the Storm



Vh.  Warfare Mastery Skill Descriptions

Tier 1 Skills (Requires 1 point in Warfare Mastery Skill)

Weapon Training

Battle Rage


Tier 2 Skills (Requires 4 points in Warfare Mastery Skill)

Dual Wield

Dodge Attack

Ignore Pain

War Horn

Tier 3 Skills (Requires 10 points in Warfare Mastery Skill)


Crushing Blow

Battle Standard

War Wind

Tier 4 Skills (Requires 16 points in Warfare Mastery Skill)

Cross Cut


Tier 5 Skills (Requires 24 points in Warfare Mastery Skill)

Counter Attack



Doom Horn

Tier 6 Skills (Requires 32 points in Warfare Mastery Skill)



Ancestral Horn


VI.  Frequently Asked Questions

If anyone asks me any questions, I’ll post them here, along with (hopefully) 
some kind of answer.


VII.  Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me at the address below with any questions, 
complaints, suggestions, comments, criticisms, kudos, disagreements, or 
errors that you may have found and I will do my best to respond to everyone.  
Anything I include in the FAQ itself will of course be duly credited.

Email Albendiz at: Albendiz77(insert"at"here)gmail(insert"dot"here)com


VIII.  Thanks

I'd like to thank the following people/entities:

My wife
Just because.

For creating and maintaining GameFAQs.com, best game-related website on the 

Of course, for hosting this FAQ.

Iron Lore and THQ
For making this game.

Lord Fang
For some great insights into various Earth Mastery skills and also for 
catching a rather glaring mistake on my part on the energy cost of Summon 
Core Dweller!

Archangel (a.k.a. Xaanor)
Verified that Volley does, in fact, affect both spears and bows.


The End!

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