Titan Quest 1.08 Patch

Sample ImageIzašao je prvi patch za novu igru THQ-a, Titan Quest. Patch podiže verziju igre na 1.08 i velik je oko 5mb.

Patch ispravlja:
– Fixed crash caused by teleporting in multiplayer after players used Rally skill
– Fixed NPC dialogue windows closing when NPC moves to avoid other characters
– Fixed bug with different relic bonuses for different players in multiplayer
– Fixed relic completion sounds propagating to all clients in multiplayer
– Fixed multiplayer lobby UI error with sort arrow
– Fixed a multiplayer lobby crash
– Fixed internet connection problem with custom maps
– Fixed a memory leak
– Improves multiplayer connection reliability
– Improves multiplayer performance
– Improves item auto-placement in inventory
– Added character back-up functionality
– Added option to disable compatibility check

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