The Sims 2: Pets
Console Cheats
Entry Location:
Use ctrl-shift-c to open the console, and enter any of the following cheats.
Cheat - Efect
boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] - Turn off pet free will
boolprop ControlPets [on/off] - Make pets fully controllable, but actions in the queue can't be cancelled.
boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] - Turn off aging for kittens and puppies
boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] - Activate labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects - shows which product they came from (EP or SP)
DeleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] - Deletes all Doors, Windows or Stairs on lot
DeleteAllFences - Removes all fences on lot
DeleteAllHalfWalls - Removes all half walls on lot
DeleteAllWalls - Removes all walls on lot