The Settlers II the Next Generation retail patch v9801
Drugi patch koji je spremljen za danas je osveženje igre The Settlers II the Next Generation koja je skoro ugledala svetlo dana. Radi se remakeu igre Settlers 2 za čije ostvarenje su zadužene kompanije Blue Byte Software i Funatics Development. Sa novim patchom poravljaju se greške koje su kvarile užitak u kampanjama, save game bugovi i par stvari oko same stabilnosti igre.
The Settlers II the Next Generation retail patch v9801 (18Mb) The Settlers II: the Next Generation retail patch v9801
The Settlers(r) II – 10th Anniversary
Update to version 9800/9801
This file contains information about new features and changes to the game included in this update.
Patch 9801
Patch update: Version 9801
1. Patch from Release version #9212 to Patch 1 #9800: Campaign progress
Patching the game to 9800 caused campaign progress to be lost.
If you need to restore the Single Player campaign progress from the earlier version, follow these steps:
a. start Microsoft (R) Windows ™ Explorer
b. go the Settlers folder. The default is
"C:Program FilesUbisoftFunaticsThe Settlers II – 10th Anniversary"
c. Double-click on "settlers_2_10th_anniversary_9800_hotfix.exe"
"settlers_2_10th_anniversary_9800_hotfix.exe" restores the config file to the settings and campaign progress you had before installing patch 9800.
2. Additional Fixes
a) The MP lobby password is no longer visible.
NOTE: Forgot your password? Just open "My DocumentsS2usersdefault00.cfg"
b) Crash with saved user maps containing more than six player positions: Fixed.
c) Additional stability and usability improvements.