The Lord of the Rings the Battle for Middle-Earth II retail patches v1.04
Kompanija Electronic Arts izbacuje sledeću rundu patcheva za svoju poslednju strategiju u realnom vremenu pod nazivom The Lord of the Rings the Battle for Middle-Earth II. Ovaj patch podiže verziju igre na v1.04 i time popravlja dsync greske u multiplayeru i još par bugova (pogledati nastavak teksta).
LOTR: The Battle for Middle Earth II retail patch v1.04 (24Mb)
The Lord of the Rings: the Battle for Middle-Earth II retail patches v1.04
The Lord of the Rings(tm), The Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II
Readme File
Version 1.04 – May, 2006
Crashes and Desyncs
– Fixed Desync associated with CAH Oil Spill power
– Fixed Desync associated with CAH projectiles
– Fixed Desync / Crash associated with units garrisoned in tunnels inherited from teammates.
Palantir button order has been modified on the following units:
– MOTW Gondor Ranger
– Elven Rivendell Lancer
– Elven Lorien Archer
– Elven Mithlond Sentry