The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Mages Guild Guide (walkthrough)

The Elder Scrolls IV:  Oblivion
Mage Guild Guide
Written by: Nick Bartosic
This file is Copyright (c)2006 Nick Bartosic. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. About Me
2. The Guide
3. The Game
4. Joining the Mages Guild
5. Teekeeus's Quest
6. Adrieene's Quest
7. Carahil's Quest
8. Dagail's Quest
9. Kud-ei's Quests
10. Falcar's Quest
11. Jeanne's Quest
12. The Arcane University
12. Miscellaneous
13. FAQ
14. Credits
15. Copyright Notice
16. Contact Information

About Me

This is my second FAQ I'm writing for GameFAQS, and also the second FAQ I've
written period. With that said, any help would be greatly appreciated
( constructive criticism that is ). I'm a recent Software Apps and Programming
graduate from ITT Tech, and it was actually my professor that first got me
interested in the Elder Scrolls games by introducing me to Morrowind. Since I
heard about Oblivion, I was very eager to get my hands on it.

This Guide

Version 1.0
March 28, 2006
Filled in introductory info
Added information for joining the Mages Guild
Added quest information for Teekeeus, Adrieene, Carahil, and Dagail

Version 1.1
March 30, 2006
Added quest information for Kud-ei, Falcar, and Jeanne

Version 1.2
March 30, 2006
Added the beginning quest for the Arcane University
Added a tip in the FAQs section about the Dragon Tongue and Redwort

Version 1.3
March 30, 2006
Added another quest to the Arcane University, small update =P

This Game

Version 1.0
March 21, 2006
Bethesda releases Oblivion for the PC

Joining the Mages Guild

*****Quest: Joining the Mages Guild*****

There isn't much you really have to do to become a part of the Mages GUild. If
you stop in any of the major towns on your map, if they have a Mage's Guild
there, you should be able to join. For purposes none other than my own, I'll
start with the Mages Guild leader Teekeeus in Chorrol. Find him inside the
Chorrol Guild Hall, and ask him about the Mages Guild. He'll ask if you're
interested in joining, in which case you should reply with a yes. Boom, you're
already a part of the Mages Guild, no contest you have to partake in like the
Thieves Guild, heh heh.

You become an Associate within the Mages Guild, and now can begin accepting
quests from the Guild leaders in the other towns. You cannot enter the Arcane
Library in the Imperial City though. You need to solicit the recommendation of
each Guild leader in the towns on your map, when that is done you'll gain
access. Teekeeus will give you a Mages Guild charter, read it if you wish.
Theres a lot of info in there, but nothing out of the ordinary. Basically if
you commit crimes against the guild, you'll be suspended and may only be
readmitted to the guild if the big-wigs allow it. It also has a list of which
Guild Halls have specializations in which branches of magic. They're listed
as follows:

Alteration - Cheydinhal
Conjuration - Chorrol
Destruction - SKingrad
Illusion - Bravil
Mysticism - Leyawiin
Restoration - Anvil
N/A - Bravil

If you wish, you can now ask Teekeeus about getting his recommendation for the
Arcane University. Obviously he won't give it to you without doing something
for him first, so he'll give you a quest (See the next section).

Teekeeus's Quest

*****Quest: Fingers of the Mountain*****

When you ask Teekeeus about getting a recommendation to the Arcane University,
he decides he wants you to run an errand for him first. It appears a former
member of the Mages Guild is wandering around town, and it worries him greatly.
Apparantly this Earana likes to spread lies about Teekeeus and the Mages
Guild, and it seems that Teekeeus and Earana have a bit of a history if you
ask the other Guild members. Anyway, Teekeeus wants you to find out what shes
doing snooping around town, and find a way to make her leave. Make sure this
is your active quest, then follow your quest marker to find Earana in town.

When you speak to her, ask her about the Mage's Guild and all that, and
eventually she'll spill the beans why shes there. Apparantly theres a book
with some very valuable information to her nearby, to the north of Chorrol.
The book is known as The Fings of the Mountain, and was spotted on top of
Cloud Top, which is up in the moutains/hills. If you retrieve the book for her
she'll be satisfied and reward you, so go ahead and accept. She mentions that
you shouldn't mention your encounter to any of the other Mages Guild members...
you don't have to though. If you tell Teekeeus right he'll tell you not to
return the book to her. He believes the book is too powerful, and is worth
more than the petty squabble he is having with Earana.

When you're ready, start heading north into the hills. You should have a
marker on your map now pointing out Cloud Top, but you won't be able to
instantly travel there yet. Its not too difficult to find, you'll be able to
follow pathways to get there easily. Just keep following your quest marker and
you'll come to Cloud Top. Near some pillars you should see a charred boy of a
man, on the body you'll find the Fingers of the Mountain you were looking for.
Take a look at the lovely scenery from on top of the mountain, then click on
Chorrol on your map and instantly head there.

You now have 3 options as to what you can do with the book. First, you can do
what Earana said and give her the book. She'll give you instructions on how to
use one power described in the book (After you wait 24 hours). If you told
Teekeeus about the book, you'll HAVE to give him the book...but there is a
third option. If you told Teekeeus about the book, you can give Earana the
book first, let her study it for a day, then when she gives you the reward
head back to the Gray Mare in town and you'll find the book locked in her room
at the inn. Take the book, give it to Teekeeus, and the quest is done.

Any way you decide to finish this quest, you should get Teekeeus's
recommendation for the Arcane University. You should be done with Chorrol now
when it comes to the Mage's Guild. You can skip to any of the Mages Guilds
in the other towns outside the Imperial City. If you want to continue
following this guide in order, lets check out Skingrad, home of Destruction
magic, hee hee.

Adrieene's Quest

*****Quest: Skingrad Recommendation*****

When you get to Skingrad, scope out your map to find the Mages Guild. If you
haven't already joined, talked to Adrieene Berene to join the guild, just look
at the information I posted in "Joining the Mages Guild" section to figure out
what you need to say. When you ask her about getting a recommendation for the
Arcane University, she wants you to take care of a little matter for her (Go
figure). As it seems, there was an incident...with a member of the Mages
Guild. Basically a Scamp summoning spell that went awry. As a result, this
Mage named Erthor was kicked out of the Guild Hall. He still comes back twice
a week to check in, but he hasn't been back in some time and Adrieene needs
some notes he has. She'll tell you to talk to Sulinus Vassinus to find out a
little more information.

Find Sulinus in the Mages Guild Hall, and he'll elaborate a little more about
this Erthor fellow. He'll also mention that he is currently living out of a
place known as Bleak Flats Cave. Sulinus won't know exactly where the
location is, but if you ask Druja the Argonian she'll give you an exact
location and pinpoint it on your map. She'll tell you to talk to Adrieene once
more to remind Adrieene that Erthor was banished to the Bleak Flats Caves. If
you mention this to her, she'll give you a Weak Fireball spell for free, and
send you on your way.

Bleak Flats Cave is north by north-west from Skingrad's Western Gate (Hows that
for directions?). If you talked to Druja, you should have a quest arrow you
can follow to find your way there. Prepare for a few battles inside, I ran
into 8 or 9 Deranged Corpses/Zombie things which packed a real punch. I was
even wearing Heavy Armor at the time. I used this cave as a way to begin
training up my Destruction and Conjuration abilities, as well as Restoration
when I needed to heal. I'm sure the monsters within the cave will be scaled to
your level, so you should be able to take them down one at a time if you're
smart. I picked out my targets, used my new Weak Fireball spell, then began
walking backwards while I casted some more. Eventually if I ran out of
Magicka, I moved my way back toward the entrance where I could either step out
to heal, or move in a circle while I waited for Magicka so I could blast a
zombie. The cave itself is very linear, you can't screw it up. There is only
only path to get to Erthor, the other way is currently blocked by a large
boulder. Make your way through the cave blasting zombies, eventually you'll
find the guy you're looking for. He'll thank you for coming to his rescue, and
he'll ask for an escort back to the Mage's Guild. Go ahead and accept, then
head out using the western most path (Toward the boulder blocking your path
from before). You'll notice a lever that raises the boulder, hit it and you
can take a semi-short cut. Make your way to the entrance, head back to town,
and take Erthor to see Adrieene. Once shes convinced hes unharmed, talk to her
and she'll thank you for a job well done. If you ask her about the
recommendation, she'll mentions that she'll send it to the Arcane University

Another recommendation in the bag, five more to go! You're done with Skingrad
now, I suggest picking up some of the Destruction spells here before you leave
though, I'm sure they'll come in handy later. If you don't have the cash, the
Thieves Guild is a good way to make a little extra coin (Check out my other
FAQ). You can also do some random dungeon crawls by wandering through the
wilderness. You also might want to train your skills up a bit so you're
prepared for the future quests. When you're ready to move on, lets make the
long trek to Anvil, home of the Restoration magic masters.

Carahil's Quest

*****Quest: Anvil Recommendation*****

When you get to the Guild Hall in Anvil, you'll meet with Carahil, the Guild
Leader in this town. She won't beat around the bush with you at all, she'll
probably already know you're looking for a recommendation and mention something
about it. Ask her what she wants you to do already, and she'll explain. The
Countil of Mages has entrusted her (Shes putting it off on you) to investigate
a string of murders along the Gold Coast. Appranantly a Rogue Mage has been
slaughtering merchants traveling up and down the road, the frost burns on the
victime give him away. The Council won't stand for this, so you must track
down the Rogue Mage and bring him to justice. You're first location to check
out is the Brina Cross Inn which is north of Anvil, and seek out Arielle Jurard
there. If you continue to pester Carahil some more, she'll probably give you
some frost resistance scrolls. Take them, I have a good feeling we're going to
need 'em. When you run out of topics to ask her about, make your way north to
the Inn. Be on your guard, however, Carahil mentioned the Brina Cross Inn was
the only link in all of the murders, so it could be a staff member there that
is involved with the homicides.

Make your way to the inn, when you get there look for Arielle. She'll whisper
that you should talk to the inn keeper and rest for a moment until she comes
for you to discuss the plan. Do as she says, speak to the inn keeper and hear
a little more about the recent deaths. Rent your room, go on up and rest for
a few hours. When you look up, Arielle will be there. Speak to her and she'll
unveil the plan. You are to rest up, then in the morning you'll make your way
east down the Gold Coast road. Everyone in the area seems to have heard you're
a merchant, so hopefully you'll be sufficient bait. Arielle and another Battle
Mage will be tailing you, remaining out of sight. If and when the murderer
presents himself, Arielle and her partner will come to your aid while you try
to seek justice. When you've gotten all the information, rest until 8 or 9AM
and head outside. Arielle will already be waiting for you, but don't try to
talk to her or the Battle Mage. Whenever you're ready, start heading up the
road. You won't have to go far before you see a familiar face...use the
scroll Carahil gave you in Anvil right away, and speak to the person in the
middle of the road. A battle will ensue, but since you have some backup it
shouldn't be too rough. When justice has been served loot the body, then make
your way back to Anvil. Speak to Carahil and she'll thank you for bringing
peace to the Gold Coast, if only for a short time. She'll also mention that
she'll sign off on your recommendation, so if you've been following my guide
you should be 3/7 done now. Moving on, lets hit Leyawiin to the east, and
we'll work our way north to the other two Guild Halls. Leyawiin is home to
lots of Mysticism magic, so whenever you're ready begin the long trek to

Dagail's Quest

*****Quest: Leyawiin Recommendation*****

When you get to Leyawiin, look for the Guild of Mages south of the Chapel.
This Guild Hall is a little...strange and disappointing to say the least.
It doesn't seem to be a powerful Guild Hall. Nevertheless, begin talking to
Guild members and get up to speed on the situation. It seems the current Guild
Leader, Dagail, is getting a little senile. She once was a great mage that saw
visions, but now shes fruit loops. If you speak to her (Well, I wouldn't call
it speaking, its more like crazy talk) she'll make mention of an amulet. Speak
to Agata to find out more about it. It seems Dagail has had these visions for
some time, and she always had an amulet she kept with her to keep herself in
control. She has lost the amulet though, so now shes a rambling fool. Agata
wants you to ask the other guild members if they've seen the amulet. Talk with
a few, be sure to ask Kalthar though. He'll make some mention of Dajail's
father, who was also able to see visions and went slightly insane. Kalthar
seemed to have a lot of info...better keep an eye on him.

Go talk to Agata again and she'll make sure to keep an eye on him. Agata wants
to know more about Dagail's father and if he might have had an amulet on him
that we could use to replace Dagail's old one. Speak to Dagail and you'll find
out that her father was once stationed in a fort nearby. Your map should now
update, prepare for the long trek, and bring your bashin' sticks and spells.
The fort has been overrun with bandits and marauders which are scaled to your
level. You could get some good loot from this quest, but you'll also be
fighting lots of enemies with armor and sharp pokey things. Take whatever
precautions are necessary, check out Rindel's Staves in the Imperial City, if
you don't have a nice Staff of Fire, or something equivalent, pick one up.

The fort is located south-east of Leyawiin, about the same distance from town
as your previous three quest stops. There will probably be a bandit outside,
he should be a good test to see if you'll be able to handle what lies below.
I pulled out my Weak Fireball spell again and blasted him, always moving
backwards while I cast, and if I ran out of magic occasionally I'd turn my
Staff of Fire on him to finish him off. Theres not much to this dungeon, you
just have to take your time and try to kill them one at a time. If you get
into a jam, pull out a Staff for some quick damage to save your skin. Try to
rely on your own spells though, you need to increase your skill levels so you
can get to better spells. When you enter the fort you'll notice a large metal
gate to your right. You can't open this yet, so don't worry about it. You can
use it to escape the dungeon once you're done. Work your way through the fort,
heading towards your quest arrow. The location of Dagails father's tomb is in
the Halls of the Fort. While you're in there you'll eventually come to a room
where there are several caskets and probably a nasty Minotaur and Will-o-wisp.
I treated both these fights just as the previous ones, blasting them while I
walked backwards. The Minotaur was tough, but no more so than a bandit for

When you've cleared the room, loot the caskets and you'll find the amulet
you've been searching for. Don't celebrate just yet though, make sure you
heal up and then have full Magicka. As you're leaving the tomb area you'll run
into none other than Kalthar. It seems he was the one that stole Dagail's
amulet, to work his way up in the guild. He gets rather angry that you foiled
his plans, and he decides to take him on. This fight may be a breeze for you,
it may not. I fought Kalthar at level 16, and I don't think he was scaled to
my level. I wasted him pretty quick and didn't even bother with the pet he
summoned. When you finish him off, loot his body for some items, then leave
the tomb area. Remember that gate near the beginning of the fort that was
locked? If you keep heading in a northern direction from the tomb you'll end
up there, another semi-short cut to get you out.

Head back to Leyawiin and check in with Dagail. As soon as you hand her the
ring she regains her sanity and begins making sense again. She'll leave you
with a few prophetic words of wisdom, then says she'll sign your recommendation
for the Arcane University. As you know, that means we're done with Leyawiin
now, on to the next wonderful side quest. We have three locations left
to check out, hit Bravil since its the closest.

Kud-ei's Quests

*****Quest: Through a Nightmare, Darkly*****

When you get to Bravil, the Mages Guild will be south of the Chapel. Not much
to do with the other guild members, so go straight to the head of the chapter,
Kud-ei. If you've spoken around town at all, you might have heard in rumors
that Kud-ei was in desperate need of some help. You can't ask her about a
recommendation yet, shes much to worried about her friend, Henantier. Agree to
help her out, because it seems no one else will and we need her recommendation.
Speak to her about Henantier, and eventually she'll come out and say that her
friend isn't missing, she knows exactly where he is. As it turns out, her
friend was a study mate with her in the Mages Guild, and he likes to perform
experiments in his own home, which is against the rules of the Mage Guild. He
has never been one to follow the rules, so even though hes on the brink of
being thrown out, hes gotten into a jam once again. Tell Kud-ei you'll help
her, then follow her to Henantier's house.

When you get inside, you'll find Henantier upstairs asleep...or so you think.
Henantier is actually trapped in a Dreamworld, he got there by creating a magic
amulet that would let you control your dreams, and take all the skills from the
real world with you. Basically he wanted to use this place as a training
ground to hone his skills. Your mission is to take the amulet, head into this
uncharted Dreamworld yourself and rescue Henantier. Kud-ei can't go because
only a stranger will be able to get through to him, otherwise he'll dismiss
anyone he knows as figments of his imagination. So, when you're ready, Kud-ei
will remove the amulet from Henantier and give it to you. Place the amulet on
yourself and go to sleep on the other bed in the room. Make sure you make a
fresh save before going in, and a few while inside.

When you come to, you'll be in Henantier's Dreamworld, or a nightmare to be
correct. It seems hes gone slightly made inside, and he has no idea why hes
there, how he got there, etc. If you notice, when you arrived in the
Dreamworld you came naked and can't cast any of your spells. Talk about
crippling a character! Henantier lost some items (Like his mind) and so we
need to go around his Dream house and go through a series of tests before
we can get out of there. Know that if Henantier dies while you're in the
Dreamworld, you will die too!

I began with the Test of Perception, located on the same floor you begin on.
Take a look at the window, and you'll notice the gate there which should be
this test. Go inside, and you'll be in a large cavern-like area with a
floating stone walkway. To your left you should see a container called
Perception with a torch inside, go ahead and grab it (You don't have anything
else anyway). You must follow the glowing red crystals to get to the purple
orb you see floating up to your left. There will be many traps and such as
you progress through this place, and you can get hurt so watch your footing.
The first thing you'll notice is swinging blades to your right. Time your
movements so you avoid getting hit, then slide ahead to the next task. There
will be two things on the floor ahead, one springs a trap of falling boulders
and one is a device that spews out harmful gas. Stay away from both of these
as best you can. The next section you'll have to be very careful, large
guilotines will drop down from the sky! Wait for them to drop, then as they
raise back up move on through. Be careful though, as you get to the last one
there will be another trap on the ground that drops boulders. The next section
will have several buttons that will trigger a crystal to fire on you when you
step on them. It should go without saying that you should avoid these too =)
Finally you'll get to the end where the orb is, grab the Perception and you'll
be taken out of this first test and back to Henantier. He doesn't seem too
perceptive yet, so we'll have to move on to the next test. If you got hurt at
all during this test, you can go downstairs in Henantier's house and grab some
healing potions from a cupboard that says "Heal Yourself."

Go ahead and do the Test of Courage next, this one is easier than you might
think. This test is downstairs on the first floor, through a wooden door to
your right once you get downstairs. This test involves a lot of swimming, and
you may get disoriented while you do it, so make sure you make a fresh save
before you go down just in case. When you first get inside you'll find a
box to your right, grab the Potion of the Sea inside. Head forward and you'll
find a waterway that eventually gets deeper and you'll have to dive below.
This waterway will travel straight ahead at first, and gradually will shift
direction so you're swimming straight downward. You can drink the Potion of
the Sea before you dive in, or you can wait for your air to expire a little
bit before you take a sip. About halfway down you'll find another container
with another Potion of Sea inside, grab that on your way down, you may or may
not need it. Keep diving down and eventually you'll find a door that leads to
the Grotto of Courage, with a red orb. Grab it, test is done.

The next test I chose was the Test of Patience, or as I like to call it, the
Test of Following a Map. This test is back upstairs, its a small door near the
bed. When you get inside there will be another container for you, this one
will hold a Mysterious Scroll. This will be your map so to speak for the traps
that lie ahead. It does in order of the traps you find, so the first diagram
will be for the first trap, second diagram = second trap, etc. The key to
using the diagrams is to figure out which symbol is the "safe" symbol. Up
ahead you'll notice several pillars and tiles on the ground. If you look at
your diagram, you'll notice there are as many tiles as there are symbols on
your scroll. The key for the first trap is to look for the symbol on your
scroll that looks like a backwards comma ( , ). If you don't laugh at my ASCII
map here, I'll show the path you need to take along the tiles:

|*| | | |
|*| | | |
|*|*| | |
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The next set of tile traps is a little farther ahead, and this one is a little
more difficult. The symbol for this one looks like a "4." Heres another map:

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Alright, you should be able to see the orb in front of you now, only one more
obstacle to tackle! This set of tiles will have you going all over the place,
and theres a few pillars in the middle of this one. If you happened to run
your way through the last two traps, chances are you won't have the health to
make it through the 3rd, heck, you probably can't make it through anyway. The
safe symbol for this one is one that kinda looks like a + sign with a crown or
flower upon it. Heres the map for this one:

|*| | | | | | | |
|*| | | |*|*|*|*|
|*|*|*|*|*| | |*|
| | | | | |*|*|
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If you have some amazing jumping power, you probably could take some short-cuts
through a few of these, but I just thought I'd put up the easy safe routes for
you. Anyway, once you're through the final maze you'll be at the orb. Grab it
and the 3rd test is done. You'll be wisked back to the crazy Henantier, one
test left to go. Downstairs is the ominious Test of Resolve.

This test is rather simple, well, all of these tests aren't too bad compared
to the last one in the fort. When you get inside this test, look for your
friendly container. Inside you should find some very good armor, there will
be full sets of both Ebony and Elven mail for you, choose which ever you're
most skilled with ( Heavy or Light armor ). There will also be some weapons,
choose whichever you're most suited with. I picked up the Staff of Lightning
for some quick, powerful blasts from a distance. Don't worry if you can't
carry all of this, you'll lose it all when the Dreamworld is over. Be sure
to equip all your gear, then head through the gate into a Colliseum like
atmosphere. Inside you'll find two Dreamworld Minotaurs, shouldn't be too
tough. If you have a staff, move backwards and blast them into Oblivion. If
you don't use the staff you'll have to stand toe-to-toe with them, something
I decided against. When you're finished with them, a set of stairs will move
up, leading you to the Orb of Resolve. Rather easy, eh? If you've collected
all the orbs at this point, speak to Renantier and he'll regain full memory
of what has happened. You will both wake up then, the nightmare being over.
Henantier will thank you for everything you've done, and although he doesn't
have any coin he'll give you a few scrolls. If you speak to Kud-ei again, she
seems to have some more odd jobs for you before she'll prepare your
recommendation. Speak to her again, and she'll give you a quest.

*****Quest: Bravil Recommendation*****

So Kud-ei has some more problems. I'm not positive, but you may not even have
to help her with the Henantier quest. If you haven't heard around town that
Kud-ei has a problem ( Meaning you haven't asked people about any Rumors ),
you may be able to skip right to this quest. As it turns out, one of the Guild
girls, Ardaline, is getting pestered by a man named Varon Vamari. Hes gone so
far to steal her Mage's Staff. Shes a little shy and doesn't know how to talk
to people, so Kud-ei wants you to approach Varon and take the staff back for
her. Just keep asking Kud-ei about Varon, the Mage's Staff, and Aradaline and
she'll fill you in on all the information you need. She'll also give you a
Charm scroll to use on Varon, that way you can persuade him to give you the
staff back.

Once you have the quest and the scroll from Kud-ei, check the quest arrow on
your map or radar to find Varon. Hes probably in Silverhome on the Water, but
if not just follow the quest arrow. When you find Varon you can persuade him
to raise his disposition, you can use the charm scroll Kud-ei gave you, and/or
you can do a combination of both. Either way, talk to him about Ardaline and
her staff, and you'll find out what happened. Varon likes Aradaline very
much, but whenever he talks to her about it she won't say anything so it made
him angry and he stole her staff. To make matters worse, he didn't know how to
go to her and apologize and return it, so he sold it instead! What a great way
to show your affection. Anyway, he says he sold it to his friend Soris Arenim
in the Imperial City, in the Talos Plaza district. Go back and talk to Kud-ei
and she'll give you a few more charm scrolls before you leave. Head straight
to the Talos district or wherever your quest arrow points for Soris. I tried
to persuade and charm him, but it seems he paid good money for the staff and
he wasn't willing to part with it. Looks like we'll have to do this using my
preferred way, steal it. Find a way into Soris's basement, either by sneaking
or wait till hes not watching. You're going to have to pick a few locks, so
either have a spell or scroll handy to do so, or hopefully you're handy with a
pick. The staff will be in a dresser with a Hard lock, open it up and grab the
staff. When you're finished, head back to Bravil and present the staff to
Kud-ei. She'll make sure she passes the staff along to Ardaline, and she'll
thank you for all the work you've done. She'll also give you a low level
Charm spell you can use, not a bad way to boost a magic skill. She'll also
say you've earned your recommendation, yay! If you've been following along
with the guide, there should be only two more recommendations to seal before
we're through, so pack your bags and get ready to hit Cheydinhal.

Falcar's Quest

*****Quest: Cheydinhal Recommendation******

This quest is pretty easy and won't take too much explanation, so I'll make it
quick. Find the Mages Guild south-east of Cheydinhal's Western Gate. You're
looking for Falcar, the head of this particular chapter. He may not always be
accessible, sometimes hes down in his room in the basement, behind a door that
is locked by a key. Wait around till morning or midday and you'll find him.
He doesn't seem to keen on signing a recommendation, but tell him you're ready
and he'll give you a task anyway. Falcar wants you to return a ring to him
that another Associate happened to lose, but this isn't just your ordinary
ring, this is a Ring of Burden Falcar was experimenting with. He thinks the
Associate that lost the ring did it on purpose and threw the ring in the well
behind the Mages Guild. He wants you to return the ring, and tells you to
talk to Deetsan if you want a key to the well.

Go find the Argonian, Deetsan, wandering around the Guild Hall. If Falcar is
still in the immediate area she won't give you the key, so just wait around
till he goes back downstairs, or Deetsan moves somewhere else. Shes rather
surprised Falcar gave you this task, as the last Associate to attempt this
never returned. Deetsan warns you to be careful, and try to find out what
happened to the other Associate, Vidkun. She'll give you a scroll or spell
that helps you to water breath, as well as an added bonus of a Feather spell
so the ring doesn't have as much of an affect. I should warn you that if you
don't have at least 150 lbs. free in your inventory, you should make room
anyway. If you can't cast the spell yet, you'll need the room to carry the
ring because its heavy! After Deetsan gives you the key, head around back to
the well and jump in. Use the spell she gave you if you can, then begin
looking for a floating body. Looks like we found our Vidkun, he must have
gotten encumbered and couldn't swim anymore and drown! Nab the ring off him,
grab the alchemy room in the other corner of the well if you're collecting it,
then return to the stairs you came from to exit the well.

When you return to Deetsan (Falcar isn't around) she'll let you know something
bad has happened. It looks like Deetsan approached Falcar about the task he
gave you, because she felt it was too dangerous and Falcar has been a real
jerk lately anyway. He started spouting some gibberish and told her that the
Guild was all going to pay, then he stormed off. She wants you to check out
his room and look to see if he wrote your recommendation and look for
anything unusual that migth be down there. Head downstairs, Falcar's room
will be the door on the left among the two. Inside you won't find a
recommendation, but you will find a locked dresser. Open it up and you'll
find two Black Soul Gems...hmmm. Take them to Deetsun, she'll be very
worried about this. She says in lieu of what has happened, she will write
your recommendation, it should be enough to convince the Council. She'll
also include the mysterious Black Soul Gems. One more recommendation to go,
now we just need to head to Bruma.

Jeanne's Quest

*****Quest: Bruma Recommendation*****

OK, there was one recommendation I was going to overlook, the one in Bruma. I
figured you only needed the six from the towns that specialized in the six
forms of magic. Anyway, go head out to Bruma and find the Mage's Guild in the
northern part of town. Talk to Jeanne Frasoric here, the current Guild Head
for this chapter. She'll seem a little different than previous Guild members,
she doesn't seem like the bookworm type. Anyway, she'll be happy to help you
with a recommendation, but first she wants a small task from you. This quest
doesn't take long either, believe me. She wants you to find a Guild member
named J'skar. It seems he disappeared a few days ago, and if she doesn't find
him soon and a Guild representative shows up, it won't look good on her. She
suggests asking around the Guild Hall to find out what you can.

You can speak to the alchemist, Selena Orania. She'll know about a trick
J'ksar is playing on Jeanna it seems, and she also knows that Volanaro is
involved somehow. Go seek out Volanaro, and if you look beside him you'll
probably see an invisible J'ksar standing there. You're going to have to boost
your disposition with Volanaro if hes going to fess up anything, so do some
persuasion and/or use a Charm spell or scroll on him. Eventually he'll admit
that he'll help you find J'ksar, but first he wants you to help him play a
prank. He wants you to go upstairs to Jeanne's room and look a Spellcraft
book from her desk. Agree that you'll help, and head off to Jeanne's bedroom.
The book is in her desk, protected by an easy lock. Pick the lock or cast a
spell on it and grab the book. If you check it out, it seems to read like
"The Idiot's Guide to Spellcrafting." Head back to Volcar and give him the
book in the Living Quarters after 10PM. He'll thank you, then J'ksar will
remove the spell of invisibility he had on. It seems the two Guild members
hate the way Jeanne lords over them when her knowledge of spellcraft is rather
limited, so they like to play pranks on her to make up for it. Since they
had to end their current prank, they decided stealing her Spell book would
be a great way to start a new one. In any event, you're done now, go talk
to Jeanne again and let her know J'ksar is visible again. She'll thank you
and provide you with your recommendation.

If you've been following the guide, Booya! We should have all of our
recommendations now. Time to check out what goodies the Arcane University
has in store for us. Make a trip to the Imperial City, you'll find the Arcane
University in the south-eastern part.

The Arcane University

When you get to the Arcane University, you should have recommendations from all
7 Guild Halls throughout Cyrodiil. Head into the Arch Master's Lobby and look
for Raminus Polus. He should acknowledge right away that you've received all
your recommendations. Speak to him about the Recommendations and he'll give
his congraduations and welcome you to the Arcane University. You are now able
to make your way around the place, but you have something to do first. Raminus
gives you the Robe of the Apprentice and promotes you to Apprentice for getting
this far (About time we got a promotion, heh heh). He also tells you that
every good Mage carries a staff, so its now time for you to get yours. He
points out a place called the Wellspring Cave, which is due north-east. He
says you should seek out Eletta and Zahrasha there, they tend to the place and
will have an unfinished staff for you to collect. Once you have one, you'll
be able to enchant it with whatever you wish.

*****Quest: A Mage's Staff*****

Head to the Wellspring Cave, and be prepared for a fight. If you haven't
picked up an attack staff of any sort, like the Staff of Fire at Rindar's
in the Market district of the Imperial City, you should probably get one.
Inside the cave you'll find Zahrasha's dead body, and a Necromancer next to it!
The Necro will waste no time attacking, so pull out whatever attack magic or
weapon you have and lay into him/her. You're going to have to contend with
lots of Necroes here, so that means lots of fights where its you against 2 or
more attackers, so be prepared for dodging and try to focus on bringing the
Necroes down quickly, don't worry about the pet. If you get low on Magicka
and can't melee attack, run around the room a bit to avoid the Necro and his
pet while your Magicka builds back up. Once you finish off the first Necro,
be sure to loot Zahrasha's body once to get a quest update, then again to
receive a key off her. There will be 5 or so other Necroes in this cave, kill
them all and then heal up.

At the end of the cave you'll find a locked door that requires the key you got.
Make sure you're prepared for another fight, this time you'll probably have to
fight two Necroes at once, as well as any pets they summon. If you have spells
that target a radius area, you may be better off using those, or a staff with
a strong attack. By the way, try to avoid falling off the side of the island,
as there seems to be no way you can get back up if you do wander off it. If
you do happen to fall, you'll have to run all the way back to the Wellspring
Cave again. There will be one other Necro outside when you finish off the
first two, kill it and you should receive a quest update. Make sure you check
out Eletta's body, then look at the stone chest in the middle of the island.
You should find the unfinished staff you were looking for. You should be done
here, return to Raminus in the Arcane University and give him the bad news.

Raminus is rather shocked the Necromancers have made such a bold move lately,
and hes sorry to hear of the murders of Eletta and Zahrasha. He'll tell you
that you should go ahead and get your staff enchanted, so he tells you to see
Delmar in the Chironasium. If you enter the door to the Arcane University area
(Previously inaccessable to you), the Chironasium will be the second door from
the right. Go there and talk to Delmar. This is where you get to do some
enchanting, sweet. Talk to Delmar and he'll be ready to enchant your staff for
you. He'll ask what kind of staff you want, the choice is up to you. I went
ahead and compiled a list of what staves he can make you, you can thank me
later, heh heh:

School of Destruction Staves
Staff of Fire - 80 Fire Damage to Target - 40 Charges
Staff of Frost - 80 Frost Damage to Target - 40 Charges
Staff of Lightning - 80 Lightning Damage to Target - 40 Charges
School of Illusion
Staff of Paralysis - Paralyze Target for 8 seconds - 40 Charges
Staff of Charm - Charm 25 pts for 25 seconds - 40 Charges
Staff of Silence - Silence a Target for 15 seconds - 40 Charges
School of Mysticism
Staff of Soul Trap - Soul Trap a Target for 40 seconds - 40 Charges
Staff of Telekenisis - Use Telekenisis 40 feet 40 seconds - 40 Charges
Staff of Dispel - Dispel Target 40 pts - 40 Charges

Choose whichever staff you which, I went with a Staff of Lightning, mainly
because I already had a weaken Staff of Fire. Call me childish, but that 80
damage and 40 charges was just too much to pass up. Granted, when your staff
runs out of charges, its going to be very costly to repair (Or require some
serious Soul Gems), but I thought it would come in handy for some fights. Wait
24 hours and Delmar will have your staff done, he'll put it in the cupboard
behind him. Take it, and the quest will be done. Go talk to Raiminus to
continue on.

*****Quest: Ulterior Motives*****

When you check back in with Raiminus, he'll have another task prepared for
you. If he hasn't already, he should make you a Journeyman, congrats.
He wants you to head to lovely Skingrad and speak with Count Janus
Hassildor. If you are unfamiliar with Hassildor's nature, hes a well known
vampire (A true to life Count Dracula, eh?) Anyway, Raiminus wants you to
collect a book from him that the Arcane University gave him awhile ago and he
hasn't returned. Raiminus will probably also mention that Mercator Hosidus is
the Count's steward at the castle, so you should look for him first when you
arrive in Skingrad.

Head off to Skingrad, which you'll find west of the Imperial City. Head up the
trail to the castle, and look for Mercator in the Skingrad Castle County Hall.
My, this guy is a bit arrogant and rude, isn't he? He'll see that you're from
the Mage's Guild, and will be less than thrilled about it. He'll mention that
the Count doesn't want any visitors, but he'll try and convince him otherwise.
He'll then ask you to return in one days time. If you want, plop a squat right
there in the County Hall and wait for 24 hours. When a day has passed,
Mercator should still be in the room. He'll approach you and say the Count has
agreed to visit with you, but he'll only see you after 2AM, and he wants you to
meet him outside the West Gate of town, north of the Cursed a
vampire outside at 2AM away from the guards...sounds like fun. Just make sure
you're not late.

I showed up at 1:30AM, just wait by the quest marker if you feel like it.
Shortly after 1:30 I noticed Mercator approaching me, with two black robed
figures coming behind him. This doesn't look good. Mercator will tell you he
never intended to contact the Count about your meeting, and that Mercator was
in league with Necromancers, which obviously don't care for the Mage's Guild
too much. He then lets you know that he'll dispose of you now, but he'll make
sure to use your corpse as a pet later. How wonderful! Well, its going to be
3 on 1, not counting any pets the Necroes summon, be prepared. Mercator will
start swinging at you first, I suggest summoning a Scamp or something to keep
a few of your enemies preoccupied. Sometime during the battle a man will come
to your aid, and by some surprise its the vampire Count himself. I suggest
watching where you swing/cast your spells in this battle, I've been able to hit
the Count a few times and get away with it, but I'm sure he won't be so happy
if you stab him a few hundred times. This can be a tough battle, I mostly ran
around the general area, trying to break up the necroes and Mercator so I
could finish them off one at a time without hitting the Count (who doesn't
seem to help you much). I summonded Scamps and Zombies to help do some
damage and tank for me, and when I had any spare Magicka I healed. Use your
new Mage's staff if you have to, one with damage will help greatly in this
battle, one with Paralyze or Silence can also be useful.

When you finish off all three enemies, the Count will speak with you. As it
turns out, thie was never about some "book" to begin with, if you didn't
already figure that out. The Mages Guild wanted you to check in on the
Count because there were rumors of Necroes in Skingrad. The Count will
explain a little more, convinced that you had no idea why you were really
there to begin with, and you should be convinced he wasn't working with
Necroes. You will then part ways, and head back to the Arcane University.

Speak to Raiminus again and let him know what happened with the Count. He'll
apologize that he didn't let you know exactly why you were going, but it seems
the Mages Guild has an alliance of sorts with the Count. The Count may be able
to hide the fact from most people that hes a vampire, but the Mages Guild can
see through him. To protect himself, the Count struck up an accord with the
Guild so both parties could mutually work together. Its a shacky alliance, so
when word of Necromancy in Skingrad was heard, the Council of Mages wantede to
make sure the Count was still on the up and up. Anyway, Raiminus will give you
a nice new necklace you can wear, a Spelldrinker Amulet which will provide you
with a constant 18 pts. of Spell Absorption as you wear it, sweetness. On top
of that, he'll promote you to Evoker if you ask him, we're movin' on up in the
world! He'll have another task for you, so speak to him whenever you're ready.


Coming Soon!


Q1) Help! I've been suspended from the Mage's Guild and I need to collect 20
Dragon's Tongues and 20 Redwort Flowers! Where can I find these?

A1) Wow, I'm getting A LOT of questions about this, and I haven't even
finished the guide yet! What are you people doing to get kicked out of
the guild like this? I strongly suggest to use your Save/Load features
=) Anyway, I haven't been able to dig up much, but hopefully this will
be helpful.

I've looked through the Oblivion boards, and it seems you
can find Dragon's Tongue around Fort Redwater near the Black Marsh
border. They can also be found north-east of Leyawiin. Supposidly theres
some in the West Weald area, between Skingrad and Bravil as well.

Redwort Flowers are found south-east of the Fieldhouse Cave by Leyawiin,
near the Black Marsh border again. Some more is found near the Ayleid Ruins
of Wendelbek and Morahame, along the eastern coast of Niben Bay, along the
Panther River. Some may be scattered about the West Weald.

I've also seen that you can by a few of these in Skingrad in the shop called
All Things Alchemical. For those of you that don't care about cheating, the
console commands for PC are below, but I encourage doing the quest yourself
since you got yourself into this mess, heh heh:

player.additem 0002503A 20
player.additem 00025039 20

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