Tales Of Pirates FAQ
Version 1.0
by Sin
Forward: I plan on making this the "one and only" FAQ for this game,
so please feel free to email me for additions or corrections.
I kept this FAQ pretty plan and simple; to the point even.
As always, Control+F to find what youre looking for!
Thanx to all the people on the forum who helped me compile all this info!
1.) Life Quests
2.) Special Quests
3.) Mini-bosses
4.) Monsters
5.) Items
6.) Ring Merchants
7.) Necklace Merchants
8.) NPC Locations
9.) NPC Items For Sale
10.) Pets
11.) Hair
12.) Gems
13.) Classes/Spells
1.) Life Quests
Ascaron - Argent City
You can start it at level 10 by visiting Newbie Guide-Senna (2221, 2781)
*Secretary Message*
Visit Argent Secretary - Salvier ( 2219,2750)
Reward: 499G , 123 Experience , 875 life skill experience
*A Small Task*
Visit General - William (2277,2829)
Reward:115 Experience , 513 G , 875 life skill experience
*Food for the navy*
Obtain the following :
5 Bubble Clam Meat
10 Sea Snail Meat
10 Elven Fruit
Reward: 115 EXP, 531 G , 875 lifeskill EXP
*Missing Tommy*
Find Tommy (1963,2694)
Reward: 114 EXP, 566 G, 875 lifeskill EXP
*Report to General*
Give the letter to General - William (2277,2829)
Reward:114 EXP, 566 G, 875 lifeskill EXP
*Food Poisoning*
Give the lunch example to Physican - Ditto (2250,2773)
It'll activate another quest call Quest for Antidote
Obtain the following :
3 Cashmere
3 Piglet Tail
3 Hard Shell
Ditto will hand over Antidote Parcel.
Reward: 125 EXP , 875 lifeskill EXP, 620G
Now return to General - William (2277,2829)
Reward: 125 EXP , 602G, 875 lifeskill EXP
*Tommy's Request*
Find Physican - Ditto (2250,2773) for more information.
Reward: 139 EXP, 641G, 975 lifeskill EXP.
*A Crazy Reason*
Obtain the following for Physican - Ditto (2250,2773) :
5 Whacky Lamb Saliva
Reward: 139 EXP, 641G, 875 lifeskill EXP
*Through Investigation*
Obtain the following for Physican - Ditto (2250,2773):
1 Great King Pearl
(The boss will respawn every 5 minutes. My suggestion is to wait until
youre a much higher
level so you can take it out with 1 hit, due to all the people that
hunt it.)
Reward: 780 EXP, 3400G, 875 lifeskill EXP
*Ditto's Report*
Bring back the report to Argent Secretary - Salvier ( 2219,2750)
Reward: 176 EXP, 722G, 3400 lifeskill EXP
*A New Task*
Head to Abandoned Mine Haven and find Kal (1910,2820)
Reward: 200 EXP, 765G, 3401 lifeskill EXP
*Missing tool tox*
(See Special Quests Section)
Reward: 227EXP, 809G, 3402 lifeskill EXP
(I forgot the name...doh!)
Kill 10 Killer Shroom for Kal (1910,2820)
Reward: 257 EXP, 855G, 3403 lifeskill EXP
*Ditto's Request*
Obtain the following for Kal (1910,2820):
1 Crab King Stomach Stone (Beware! He is a "boss")
Reward: 1455EXP, 451G, 3404 lifeskill EXP
*Bandit Hideout Map*
Obtain the following for Kal (1910,2820) :
1 Bandit Hideout Map: Uknown Barrel (2215, 2550)
(The barrel is just near the tree)
Reward: 372EXP, 1020G, 11833 lifeskill EXP
*Ambush Bandit*
Obtain the following for Kal (1910,2820) :
1 Bandit Necklace
(Teleport from Abandoned Mine Haven to Rockery Haven then again to
Andes Forest Haven)
Reward: 473 EXP, 1107G, 11833 lifeskill EXP
Kill the following for Kal (1910,2820) :
Kill Bandit Leader Adder
(The boss respawns every 15 minutes, incase he isnt there)
Reward: 2660 EXP , 5810G, 11833 lifeskill EXP
***Magical Ocean - Shaitan City***
*Desert Visit*
Kal (1910,2820) will now ask you to visit Clan Chief - Albuda in
Shaitan (898.3641)
Reward: 1162G, 532EXP, 5000 lifeskill EXP
Talk to Lamb - Welly (898,3683).
Then head back to Clan Chief - Albuda (898.3641)
Reward: 597EXP, 1218G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*Roland's Notebook*
Talk to Guard Micheal (957,3550) for more information.
Reward: 597 EXP, 1218 G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
Find Supermun (1080, 3100) for clues.
Reward: 597 EXP, 1218G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*The traitor Within*
Kill the following for Supermun (1080, 3100) :
Kill 10 Sand Bandits
Kill 5 Sand Raiders
Reward: 669 XP, 1275 G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*Desert Battle*
Obtain the following for Sand Bandit - Supermun (1080, 3100) :
1 Mark of Desert Overlord
Reward: 669 EXP, 1275G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*The Truth*
Tell the truth to Guard Micheal (957,3550)
Reward: 749 EXP, 1333G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*Buccaneer's News*
Look for Coaster Guard - Franco (866,3660) inside Shaitan City
Reward: 749 EXP, 1333G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*Jack's Pirates*
Look for Merrix (1118, 3613)
Reward: 838 EXP, 1393G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*Captain Fickle*
Obtain Fickle Pouch
Bring back Fickle Pouch to Merrix (1118, 3613)
Reward: 4680 EXP, 7075G, 5000 lifeskill EXP
*To Whom It May Concern*
Look for the person codenamed J.
J is actually Sand Bandit - Supermun (1080, 3100)
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
Report this news back to Merrix (1118, 3613)
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
***Deep Blue - Lower Icicle Castle***
*Journey to the North*
Look for Icicle Swordsman - Ray (1364,571) in Lower Icicle Castle
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Danger in Icicle*
Find Icicle Roay - Mas (1346,451) and ask about the danger in Icicle
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
Find Patrol -Little Mo (1237,612) and ask about the Replenishment
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Search for Supplies*
Find Captain Gasardis (1028,650) at Atlantis Haven.
Reward: 936 EXP, 1415G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Recapture the Supplies*
Obtain the following for Captain Gasardis (1028,650):
15 Stolen Supplies from Yeti (850,900)
Reward: 1043 EXP, 1438G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
Bring the Recovered Supplies back to Icicle Swordsman - Ray (1365,570)
inside Lower Icicle Castle
Reward: 1162 EXP, 1462G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Further Investigation*
Find Eluna (1142,577) and ask her about the Snowfield Organism
Reward: 1293 EXP, 1487G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Snowfield Organism*
Obtain the following for Eluna (1142,577):
5 Snow Lady Memo Stone
5 Snow Doll Memo Stone
5 Yeti Memo Stone Yeti (850,900)
Reward: 1436 EXP, 1512G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
*Search for Yeti King*
Obtain the following for Eluna (1142,577) :
1 Yeti King Memo Stone
(Atrocious Yeti King spawns every 15 minutes, in case someone killed it)
Reward: 7975 EXP, 7690G, 7000 lifeskill EXP
***Ascaron - Argent City***
*Wisdom of Argent*
Find Old Man Blurry (2272,2700) at Argent City to find out more about
the legend.
Reward: 1595 EXP, 1538G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
Obtain Eight Treasures Wine for Old Man Blurry (2272,2700).
Find Barmaid Donna (2222,2887) at the Argent City bar.
*Eight Treasures Wine*
Obtain the following for Barmaid Donna (2222,2887) :
2 Fearsome Tortoise Egg
2 Boar Tendon
2 Stramonium Cirrus
2 Ore Crystal Powder
Reward: 1595 EXP, 1538G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
BUT WAIT, you're not done yet! You still need to obtain 4 more
2 Bamboo Dew
2 Nutritious Pearl Powder
2 Smuggled Spice
3 Kangaroo Brew
Head back to Barmaid Donna (2222,2887) to obtain Eight Treasures Wine
Now head back to Old Man Blurry (2272,2700).
Reward: 3536 EXP, 3130G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*A Long Long Time Ago*
Talk to Argent Chairman - Ronnie(2238,2749)
Reward: 1769 EXP, 1565G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Wrong Question*
Go back and talk to Old Man Blurry (2272,2700).
Reward: 1768 EXP, 1565G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Chairman's Dark Secret*
Talk to Visit General - William (2277,2829) to find a way to blackmail
the chairman.
Reward: 1768 EXP, 1565G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Mine Investigation*
Obtain Old Paper for General - William (2277,2829)
10 Old Papers
Reward: 1959 EXP, 1593G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Secret of the Slip*
Bring the Ancient Took to Argent Chairman - Ronnie(2238,2749)
Reward: 1959 EXP, 1593G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Ancient Bounty Token OR Behemoth's Escape*
Either quest will bring you to the next step
(Behemoth's escape will be a bit easier but also harder because the
quest limits you
to 1 hour. I suggest you get a big party and do Ancient Bounty Token.)
*Ancient Bounty Token*
Head down to Abandon Mine Lv 2
Behemoth : (52,107) or (125,138)
Reward: 13245 EXP, 34464G, 9035 lifeskill EXP
*Sea Haven*
Talk to Argent City Harbor Operator - Shirley (2240,2826) for directions.
Reward: 2649 EXP, 1680G, 26625 lifeskill EXP
*Navigation Map*
Teleport to Shaitan City and set sail out to the sea.
Find Woody Haven and talk Habour Operator - Baros ( 2030,2730) for more
Obtain 15 Tempest Sea Jelly Crystal
Head to Lower Icicle Castle and talk to Harbor Operator-Silion (1214, 681)
Find Luke (1321,583).
Obtain the following :
12 Skeleton Fish Scale
Bring 12 Skeleton Fish Scale to Master Kerra (2664, 654) at IceSpire Haven.
Obtain the following for Master Kerra (2664, 654) :
1 Radiant Soul
Go back and talk to Luke(1321,583)
Head to Magical Ocean and talk to Harbor Operator-Buni (2042,635) at
Aerase Island
Head to Isle of Chill-Magical Ocean (2375,755) and talk to
Pirate Jeremy (2362, 657)
Kill the following for Pirate Jeremy (2362, 657):
5 Navy Rifleman
(TIP: To do this the easy way, sail out your boat, and head to the tip of the
island (Top left), and shoot them from your ship if you don't have enough
firepower on land)
Find Captain Jack (1672,3777) at Canary Isle
Obtain the following for Captain Jack (1672,3777) :
Jack's Sailor Emblem
Jack's Fighter Emblem
Jack's Militia Emblem
Captain Jack will then ask you to retrieve the following :
Memento of Andrew (Just hit any monster around Canary Isle)
You'll now have obtained the following after the quest is done:
Memento of Andrew
Beautiful Chest
Double clicking on Memento of Andrew will activate next part of the quest.
Speak to Captain Jack again.
(IMPORTANT: IF you're inside navy guild, you'll have to prepare 2m gold.
But, youll get it back once youre done with the part that required the 2m.)
The suggestion is to quit your navy guild until you finish this part if possible
The quest also splits into 3 sides, depending whether you're
Navy guild, Pirate guild, or no guild. In the end of the quest, they'll
lead to the same route.
*Pirate Guild Side*
Head to Lower Icicle Castle and talk to Icicle Royal - Mas (1346, 451).
Icicle Royal - Mas (1346, 451) will ask you to kill the following :
30 Navy Rifleman
Icicle Royal - Mas (1346,451) will now give you the quest item : Ancient Key
Take Ancient key and head to Thundoria Castle
Talk to Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) and ask to have the 4 signatures :
I ) Icicle Royal - Mas (1346, 45)
Just talk to him to obtain signature
II) General - William (2277, 2831)
Kill the following to obtain the signature :
Canary Isle (Teleport from Argent Island Teleporter) :
10 Jack the Pirate's Sailor
10 Jack the Pirate's Fighter
10 Jack the Pirate's Militia
III) Argent Secretary - Salvier (2219, 2749)
Just talk to him to obtain signature
IV) Clan Chief - Albuda (898, 3640)
Kill the following to obtain the signature :
30 Shadow Mermaid
Return to Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) to obtain Will of Andrew together
with the Ancient Key as well!
*Navy Guild Side*
Talk to General - William (2277, 2831) and he'll demand 2m
Obtained Ancient key
Talk to Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) at Thundoria Castle
and obtain the 4 signatures:
I ) Icicle Royal - Mas (1346, 45)
Kill the following for signature :
5 Navy Rifleman
II) General - William (2277, 2831)
Just talk to him
III) Argent Secretary - Salvier (2219, 2749)
Just talk to him to obtain signature
IV) Clan Chief - Albuda (898, 3640)
Kill the following to obtain the signature :
30 Shadow Mermaid
Return to Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) to obtain Will of Andrew
*No guild people*
Talk to Argent Secretary - Salvier (2219, 2749) and he'll ask you to
head to :77,3971 in Ascaron sea and use Memento of Andrew
Head back and talk to Argent Secretary - Salvier (2219, 2749) and
he'll give you Ancient key
Visit Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) at Thundoria Castle.
Obtain the 4 signautres:
I ) Icicle Royal - Mas (1346, 451)
Just talk to him
II) General - William (2277, 2831)
Kill the following for signature :
Canary Island
5 Jack the Pirate's Sailor
5 Jack the Pirate's Fighter
5 Jack the Pirate's Militia
Isle of Chill
5 Navy Rifleman
III) Argent Secretary - Salvier (2219, 2749)
Just talk to him to obtain signature
IV) Clan Chief - Albuda (898, 3640)
Kill the following to obtain the signature :
30 Shadow Mermaid
Return to Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) to obtain Will of Andrew
Double click on Will of Andrew and talk to Captain Jack (1672,3777)
Then head to Argent city and talk to Little Daniel (2193, 2730)
The quest will split into two parts :
I) Jack's Introduction
Talk toCaptain Jack (1672,3777)
Head back to Argent bar and find Barmaid - Denna (2222,2887).
This will trigger a quest.
Obtain the following for Barmaid - Denna (2222,2887).
1 Frightful Pumpkin Head
Head back to Barmaid - Denna (2222,2887). and recieve :
Pumpkin with Craved Wording
Go back and find Little Daniel (2193, 2730) to obtain :
Invisible Ink Negator
II) Bar's Rumour (i think..)
Little Daniel (2193, 2730) need the following :
3 Polliwog Tail
5 Heart of Temptest Sea Jelly
7 Dangerous Shark Cartilage
9 Topaz Dolphin Dorsal Fin
You'll then receive Invisible Ink Negator
Double click on Invisible Ink Negator to trigger a quest.
Talk to Captain Jack (1672,3777)
Obtain the following :
Mermaid Carcass (Mermaid Queen - 3094,1780)
Talk to Captain Jack (1672,3777) again
Then head to :
Magical Ocean - (1843 ,1717) and double click on Mermaid Carcass
You'll then receive :
Journal of Andrew
Points after this quest : 300k Gold, 300k experience points, 30k
life skill experience points
Bring Journal of Andrew to Oldman - Blurry (2272, 2700)
Then go find Clan Chief - Albuda (900,3643) at Shaitan City (Magical Ocean)
Find Holy Priestess - Ada (862, 3303)
Head back to Shaitan city and find Guildmaster - Forlan (831, 3548)
(For herbalist class, you'll obtain Righteous Document)
-For all other classes except herbalist-
1 10 Steel Mummy (lv54 440 ,1440 - Ascaron)
2 10 Undead Warrior (lv52 511 ,1721 - Ascaron)
3 10 Deadly Skeletal Archer (lv58 919 ,1581 - Ascaron)
4 10 Skeletal Warrior Leader (lv59 360 ,1440 - Ascaron)
5 10 Cursed Corpse (lv59 360 ,1440 - Ascaron)
6 10 Bloodthirsty Hunter (lv60 445 ,1571 - Ascaron)
7 10 Horrific Cursed Corpse (lv61 360 ,1340 - Ascaron)
8 10 Vicious Pumpkin Knight (lv63 579,2962 - Ascaron)
9 10 Treant Terror (lv64 662,2460 - Ascaron)
10 1 Anubis (lv79 839,425 - Deep Blue: Black Dragon Lair)
inside Black Dragon Lair of the Land Deep Blue.
The black dragon lair coordinates is 3430,3301. It is at the
middle of SUMMER ISLAND.
Make sure you have a big big big BIG party to be helping you
in this part.
Firstly, Summer island is surrounded by Level 71 - 85 monsters.
Most of them have high HP. NO matter which port you land at in
summer island, it'll still be very hard to reach middle.
Now here comes another problem.
When you first head into the black dragon lair, it won't be
Anubis right away when you can go in and out of the lair to kill it.
You'll be greeted by an Area of Effect monsters and lv 85 cyborg.
Its hella strong to say the least!
Recommended is to bring a sealmaster and crusader to lock and stun
the cyborg and start RUNNING RIGHT AWAY!
Keep running until you see anubis.
Anubis islocated in the middle of the Black Dragon Lair 1 and
it also can AoE + Stun effect
Head back to Holy Priestess - Ada (862, 3303) to get your well
deserved Righteous Document.
Two new quests will appear.
Mysterious town (Double click on Righteous Document)
*Mysterious Town (or something like that)*
To find out the true location, find Drunkyard - Anthony (2222, 2889).
He'll then ask you to get Survival Compass for him from
Little Daniel (2193, 2730).
Voyager will not be asked to complete this part.
For every class EXCEPT VOYAGER, this will activate a new quest
to get Survival Compass
The quest consist of 10 rounds. You'll have to return to him
everytime you complete 1 round.
I won't even list out the coords becaues they're most likely wrong.
1- 10 Sakura 13 Warship
2- 10 Vampiric Polliwog
3- 1 Tempest Sea Jelly
4- 10 Silk Shark
5- 10 Topaz Dolphin
6- 10 Hurricane Sea Jelly
7- 10 Mature Ruby Dolphin
8- 10 Sakura 13 Pirate Command Ship
9- 10 Spiny Fish Bone
10- 10 Northern Pirate Support Ship
You'll get the Survival Compass after the 10th round from
Little Daniel (2193, 2730).
Head back to find Drunkyard - Anthony (2222, 2889).
You'll have now obtained :
Survival Compass
50k gold
Charmed Berry x6 (increase drop rate by 2 in 15 mins)
40k life experience
250k experience points
Use Underwater Detector at the coordinates indicated and you'll
receive a letter inside the bottle.
Now return to Holy Priestess - Ada (862, 3303)
Go find Oldman - Blurry (2272, 2700) and he'll ask you
to kill the following :
10 Jack the Pirate's Warship
5 Jack the Pirate's Support Ship
1 Jack the Pirate's Command Ship
Return to Oldman - Blurry (2272,2700)
You'll have now obtain the following :
Light of Terra
Lv 2 Refining Gem Voucher
100k gold
60k life experience points
Find Sand Bandit - Supermun (1080, 3086)
Hit Sand bandits (1339,3300) until they drop Ancient Note
Find Holy Priestess - Ada (862, 3303)
You'll have now obtain the following :
Lv 2 Refining Gem Voucher
60k life experience points
Find Granny - Beldi (2277, 2769) and she'll ask you to retrieve
her Ancient Earring
Head to Thundoria Bank Banker - Macurdo (743, 1534) to retrieve it.
Kill 100 Great Polar Bears
Go back to Granny - Beldi (2277, 2769) and she'll give you Water Wheel
Use the Water Wheel at sea to activate the next part of the quest.
Now sail to Albania Haven (Ascaron)
Talk to Harbor Operator - Daruka (1497, 1707)
Hit Sakura 13 Pirate Command Ship to obtain Supplies 1950, 1286
After that, he'll ask you to visit Hafta Haven (Ascaron)
Talk to Harbor Operator - Whitcombe (2041, 1355) and obtain 20 Sashimi
(You can obtain Sashimi from fishing.)
Then he'll ask you to head to Reagen Haven(Ascaron)
Talk to Harbor Operator - Fardell (3153, 674)
He'll need the following to make Panacea :
30 Fascia Fish Bone
30 Thick Fish Bone
30 Rotten Fish Bone
Then he'll ask you to go Aerase Island(Magical Ocean)
Obtain Omni-Antidote from Harbor Operator - Buni (2042, 635)
He'll ask you to go back to take the Omni-Antidote back
and get back 100k gold from Harbor Operator - Fardell (3153, 674)
He'll ask you to pretend to forget and go back to talk with
Harbor Operator - Buni (2042, 635)
He'll then tell you the formula has tear into pieces by a sheep.
Obtain 10 Prescription Fragment for him.
(Kill either Azure Siren or Crimson Siren to obtain them)
You'll obtain the following reward:
320k experience points
1 Voodoo Doll
50k life experience points
*Mysterious Town*
Dock at Spring island Habour (3404,2564 ) and head west to Spring town.
Talk to Hotel Owner - Sang Di (3287, 2501)to activate the next
part of the quest.
You'll have to go around and know the people at town and get their badges
The following 7 people are :
Teleporter, Blacksmith, Grocery, Tarven Keeper, Trader,
Banker, Habour operator.
The town isn't big, so it won't be hard to find.
Explore around a little, so no coordinates listed.
You'll obtain :
100k experience points
30k gold
50k life skill experience points
Then Hotel Owner - Sang Di(287, 2501) will ask you to help her
find her son down at UnderWater Tunnel
Head out of spring town, and head NW to this coordinates to
find the underwater tunnel : 3224,2444
Go find her son Zombie - Hami(50,243) at UnderWater Tunnel
Head back to Hotel Owner - Sang Di(3287, 2501)
Then find Grocery - Luna (3279, 2501) just next to Sang Di.
Kill Zombies down at the Underwater Tunnel for 20 Talisman of Ghost
=(NOTE: TO make things easier later, pick up the following
while youre in there :)=
(They'll drop from the zombie.. One type of zombie one kind)
3 Torn Corpse Wrap
3 Damaged Corpse Wrap
3 Intact Corpse Wrap
Exchange 20 Talisman of Ghost at Grocery - Luna (3279, 2501)
for Talisman
Give Talisman to Zombie - Hami(50,243)
Go back and talk to Hotel Owner - Sang Di(3287, 2501)
You'll obtain :
1m experience points
20k gold
5 Blue Forging Fruit (Increase forging success for 1 min)
5 Red Forging Fruit (Increase composition of gems for 1 min)
Find Commerce - Yuri (3195, 2506)
Then find Guard - Zhou (3298, 2534)
Head down to Seabed Tunnel and kill Cursed Water Fairy for
1 Fruit Residue
Go back and talk to Guard - Zhou (3298, 2534)
Then you'll receive a quest to get rid of the Fruit Residue
Trash the Fruit Residue to complete the quest.
Help Guard - Zhou (3298, 2534) to deliever a letter to
Banker - Wang Mo ( 3290, 2512)
(NOTE: If you double click on the letter, it'll
activate another quest. You only get one chance to do so,
do it now or regret not doing it!!)
Talk to Banker - Wang Mo ( 3290, 2512) and he'll ask you to
help him get Trendy Clothes from Commerce - Yuri (3195, 2506)
Commerce - Yuri (3195, 2506) will then request you to head
to sea at around the coordinates (Deep Blue -2500,2260) and
use Binoculars
Go back and find Commerce - Yuri (3195, 2506)
You'll now have obtained :
Trendy Clothes
2m experience points
60k life skill experience points
Give Trendy Clothes to Banker - Wang Mo (3290, 2512)
This will end the sub-quest.
Now give the letter to Banker - Wang Mo (3290, 2512)
Head back to Guard - Zhou (3298, 2534) to activate another quest.
Find Hotel Owner - Sang Di(287, 2501)
Now, equip the Ancient earring we got long time ago
Talk to Hotel Owner - Sang Di(287, 2501) again.
You'll recieve the following when you're done:
50k money
60k life skill experience points
15 Royal Salute A,B,C
Now, we have to get back the money from the following people :
Tavern Keeper - Long Er (3302, 2501)
Find Banker - Wang Mo ( 3290, 2512) and pay 200 bucks fee
Blacksmith - Wu Xin (3316, 2516)
Grocery - Luna (3279, 2501)
-She'll request:
3 Torn Corpse Wrap
3 Damaged Corpse Wrap
3 Intact Corpse Wrap
20k gold as reward
Commerce - Yuri (3195, 2506)
-Kill Fox spirit for 5 Crystal Balls
20k gold as reward
Bill (3235, 2550)
-Just get from him
Youth - Cloud (3275, 2467)
-Just get from him
Harbor Operator - Shuang (3409, 2560)
- Deliever the package to Navy Commander-Dessaro in Thundoria Castle.
You'll get 20k gold when you're done.
Return to Hotel Owner - Sang Di(287, 2501) to hand her the
2million gold you gathered for her
You'll receive : Fairy of Hope
Wait for her to finish inputting the 2 million gold into the bank.
2.) Special Quests
Missing Tool Box (Lost Tool Box)
*Note! The Shovels, Safety Cap and Safety Lamp all respawn after 5min,
so you can just chill at any one of these spots!*
1633, 2650
1612, 2717
1593, 2753
Safety Cap
1532, 2740
1544, 2708
Safety Lamp
1636, 2774
1546, 2647
1570, 2680
Lucky Magical Stone (Lucky Magical Stone)
1072, 2602
1098, 2572
1127, 2569
1188, 2570
Owlie Lair (Lost Pages)
1244, 2939
1262, 3060
1269, 2960
1260, 2970
1268, 3060
Precious Herb (Expensive Herbs)
1203, 2620
1265, 2662
1323, 2642
Forsaken Fearsome Tortoise Lair (Trading Fake Gems)
883, 2572
Fearsome Tortoise Lair
913, 2637
971, 2665
Money Chest of the Bandits (Missing Gold Coin Pouch)
1024, 3060
Barbaric Beehive (Barbaric Beehives)
*Note! The beehives respawn after 5min*
1543, 3135
1568, 3183
1615, 3158
1543, 3134
Grassland Tortoise Lair (Stealing Tortoise Eggs)
*Note! The Tortoise Eggs respawn after 5min*
1145, 3142
1154, 3087
1172, 3153
1208, 3050
1214, 3151
1228, 3107
Lizard Lair (Green Moss)
732, 2680
683, 2706
[Magical Ocean]
Fungus Spore (Desert Spore)
*Note! The Fungus Spores respawn after 5min*
1238, 3428
1277, 3467
1299, 3419
Gold Pouch (Golden Spider)
1066, 2955
Jade Bangle (Unparallel Evil)
650, 3322
[Deep Blue]
Snow Crystal (Snow Crystal)
*Note! The Snow Crystals respawn after 5min*
902, 609
990, 585
865, 595
Sword in the Stone (Phantom Sword)
2165, 602
3.) Mini-bosses
*Respawn rate is 30 mins.*
[Magical Ocean]
Aberrance Hopping Lizard (Lv 10)
Coords : 866.3275
Drops :
- Tough Gloves
- Sheepy Shoes
- Axe
- Pickaxe
- Brass Ring
- Moonlight Necklace
- Explosive Gem
- Mooncake
Ancient Sandy Tortoise(Lv 21)
Coords : 1228,3217
Drops :
- Meowy Cap
- Playful Racoon Cap
- Meowy Muffs
- Necklace of the Roaring Wind
- Necklace of Dusk
- Reinforced Ring
- Shadow Gem
- Mooncake
Man-Eating Spider Queen (Lv 27)
Coords : 1112,2955
Drops :
- Crabby Cap
- Crabby Shoes
- Nurse Gloves
- Exquisite Boots
- Huge Bear Footprint
- Soul Necklace
- Gem of the Wind
- Mooncake
Elite Tempest Sea Jelly (Lv 36)
Coords : 1942,3094
Drops :
- Whammy Chest
- Glory Coat
- Battle Armor of the Tempest
- Coat of Frozen Crescent
- Mark of the Dragon
- Counterattack Ring
- Gem of Colossus
- Mooncake
[Deep Blue]
Strong Little Deer (Lv 7)
Coords : 1126,315
Drops :
- Safari Boots
- Soft Leather Boots
- Axe, Pickaxe
- Gold Ring
- Necklace of Vitality
- Furious Gem
- Mooncake
Vampiric Elk (Lv 14)
Coords : 907,397
Drops :
- Canvas Glove
- Adventure Boots
- Kitty Shoes
- Battle Staff
- Animal Tusk Ring
- Vaudeville Necklace
- Lustrious Gem
- Mooncake
Snowy Snail Monarch (Lv 19)
Coords : 663,359
Drops :
- Safari Gloves
- Explorer Boots
- Heavy Leather Boots
- Scholar Gloves
- Assault Ring
- Necklace of the Roaring Wind
- Glowing Gem
- Mooncake
Fearsome Skeletal Archer (Lv 36)
Coords : 2216,437
Drops :
- Sword of the Tempest
- Sword of Glowing Flame
- Flaming Pistol
- Seal of Frozen Crescent
- Glory Sigil
- Blade of the Tempest
- Gem of Rage
- Mooncake
Aberrance Blood Polliwog (Lv 55)
Coords : 370,2317
Drops :
- Coat of the Tempest
- Whammy Chest
- Battle Armor of Nature
- Flaming Coat
- Crusader Ring
- Ashen Gem
- Spirit Gem
- Mooncake
Little Squidy Captain (Lv 5)
Coords : 2285,2515
Drops :
- Sheepy Cap
- Attendant Gloves
- Piercing Dagger
- Sharp Blade
- Gold Ring
- Brass Ring
- Fiery Gem
- Mooncake
Smuggler Leader (Lv 20)
Coords : 1611,2967
Drops :
- Heavy Leather Gloves
- Scholar Boots
- Hunter Boots
- Explorer Gloves
- Guerrilla Dagger
- Light Dagger
- Shining Gem
- Mooncake
Violent Air Porky (Lv 23)
Coords : 1379,2887
Drops :
- Tower Shield
- Night Owl Cap
- Exquisite Gloves
- Night Owl Muffs
- Oarsman Boots
- Light of the Holy Priest
- Spirit Gem
- Mooncake
Berserk Mad Boar (Lv 30)
Coords : 862,2946
Drops :
- Big Crab Cap
- Slick Gloves
- Big Crab Muffs
- Big Crab Shoes
- Barbaric Ring
- Wood Necklace
- Gem of Striking
- Mooncake
Grassland Wolf Champion (Lv 33)
Coords : 1180,2747
Drops :
- Owl Cap
- Helmsman Gloves
- Owl Muffs
- Slick Boots
- Cavalier Ring
- Elegant Necklace
- Gem of Colossus
- Mooncake
Malicious Azure Siren (Lv 40)
Coords : 3023,373
Drops :
- Dazzling Sword
- Paladin Sword
- Exquisite Rifle
- Hyena Dagger
- Thundorian Staff
- Staff of Life
- Gem of Rage
- Mooncake
4.) Monsters
*How to read*
It follows like this:
(monster name)
(what level it is)
(where it can be found)
(what region it is in)
(What they have a chance to drop)
Also, i listed them in order of location instead of level.
Snowy Mystic Shrub
Level 1
1155, 578
Deep Blue
- Frozen Grass
- Frozen Root
- Elven Fruit
- Seed
- Grass Juice
Mystic Shrub
Level 1
2118, 2638
- Green Grass
- Root
- Shriveled Leaf
- Elven Fruit
- Medicated Grass
Dry Mystic Shrub
Level 1
884, 3156
Magical Ocean
- Sparkling Grass
- Ancient Roo
- Sparkling Leaf
- Elven Fruit
- Seed
- Newbie Knife
Level 1
1031, 3556
Magical Ocean
- Thorny Thick Skin
- Melon Tuber
- Cactus Hairball
- Red Date
- Red Stone
- Newbie Vest
Snow Squirt
Level 2
1465, 402
Deep Blue
- Frozen Squid Ink
- White Squirt Bandana
- Octopus Tentacle
- Medicine Bottle
- Ice Fruit
- Newbie Gloves
Sleepy Snail
Level 2
2220, 2564
- Flowery Snail Shell
- Snail Feeler
- Smelly Gas
- Red Date
- Fancy Petal
- Newbie Shoes
Baby Scorpion
Level 3
1184, 3557
Magical Ocean
- Scorpion Tail
- Scorpion Carapace
- Insect Hind Leg
- Murky Water
- Glass
- Newbie Knife
Forest Spirit
Level 3
2220, 2638
- Wing
- Green Scale
- Three Leaf Clover
- Elven Fruit
- Glass
- Newbie Vest
Little Squirt
Level 3
2296, 2585
- Octopus Ink
- Squirt Handkerchief
- Animal Sweat
- Red Date
- Red Stone
- Newbie Gloves
Mystic Flower
Level 4
2118, 2638
- Sweet Smelling Flower
- Fresh Flower Petal
- Flower Bud
- Green Leaf
- Fancy Petal
- Newbie Shoes
Level 4
1031, 3556
Magical Ocean
- Cactus Thorn
- Cacus Tuber
- Corm
- Red Date
- Cactus Blossom
- Newbie Sword
Snow Squidy
Level 4
1179, 475
Deep Blue
- Fat Squid Tentacle
- White Squidy Cap
- Glass
- Withered Branch
- Ice Fruit
- Novice Shirt
Mini Bee
Level 5
2059, 2753
- Bee Wing
- Bee Antenna
- Honey
- Medicine Bottle
- Royal Jelly
- Novice Shoes
Little Squidy
Level 5
2287, 2555
- Octopus Tentacle
- Squidy Cap
- Animal Sweat
- Medicine Bottle
- Octopus Ink
- Newbie Sword
- Coarse Boots
Humpy Camel
Level 6
892, 3373
Magical Ocean
- Camel Mane
- Camel Eyelash
- Broken Horn
- Bone Fragment
- Tooth
- Novice Shirt
- Medic Gloves
Snowy Piglet
Level 6
1179, 371
Deep Blue
- Octopus Tentacle
- Squidy Cap
- Snowy Pig Tail
- Furry Pig Mane
- Animal Sweat
- Medicine Bottle
- Red Stone
- Novice Gloves
- Husk Boots
Greedy Shroom
Level 6
2220, 2564
- Poison Mushroom
- Fungus Spore
- Mushroom
- Kara Pil
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Novice Shoes
- Husk Gloves
Little Deer
Level 7
1164, 305
Deep Blue
- Broken Antler
- Soft Deer Skin
- Animal Horn
- Tear
- Animal Skin
- Coarse Boots
- Coarse Gloves
Grass Tortoise
Level 7
2057, 2564
- Grass Tortoise Shell
- Dark Tortoise Bones
- Coagulated Liquid
- Tortoise Blood
- Husk Shield
- Cloth Boots
- Cloth Gloves
Big Scorpion
Level 8
1184, 3557
Magical Ocean
- Scorpion Stinger
- Rigid Scorpion Carapace
- Pungent Gas
- Medicine Bottle
- Poisoned Thorn
- Medic Boots
- Medic Gloves
Cuddly Lamb
Level 8
2057, 2638
- Pure Wool
- Short Goat Horn
- Cashmere
- Medicine Bottle
- Broken Horn
- Goaty Cap
- Goaty Costume
Sea Snail
Level 8
1989, 2838
- Trumpet Shell
- Fresh Whelk Meat
- Incitant
- Hard Shell
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Husk Boots
- Husk Gloves
Bubble Clam
Level 9
2258, 2510
- Blue Conch
- Small Conch Fragment
- Murky Water
- Pure Water
- Red Stone
- Dagger
- Cloth Shirt
Little White Deer
Level 9
1325, 305
Deep Blue
- Well-Formed Antler
- Thick Deer Skin
- Broken Horn
- Tear
- Life Stone Fragment
- Short Bow
- Coarse Vest
Marsh Spirit
Level 9
1973, 2697
- Black Wings
- Black Scale
- Poisoned Fruit
- Medicine Bottle
- Flaw Sapphire
- Short Sword
- Husk Armor
Hopping Lizard
Level 10
912, 3280
Magical Ocean
- Flowery Lizard Skin
- Long Lizard Tongue
- Tooth
- Red Date
- Medicated Grass
- Mystic Branch
- Medic Robe
Sailor Penguin
Level 10
994, 365
Deep Blue
- Pengiun Pelt
- Webbed Penguin Feet
- Bone Fragment
- Little Snow Ball
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Sheepy Muffs
- Sheepy Shoes
Level 10
1950, 2563
- Pig Tail
- Soft Pig Mane
- Glass
- Medicine Bottle
- Sharp Tooth
- Soft Leather Boots
- Soft Leather Gloves
Level 11
1079, 520
Deep Blue
- Contaminated Water
- Heart of Naiad
- Wing
- Healing Water
- Naiad Stone
- Hunter Gloves
- Safari Boots
Wolf Cub
Level 11
687, 3093
Magical Ocean
- Wolf Fang
- Wolf Claw
- Animal Skin
- Hair
- Flaw Sapphire
- Attendant Gloves
- Attendant Boots
Bear Cub
Level 12
1905, 2853
- Bear Paw
- Fermented Honey
- Mane
- Medicine Bottle
- Red Stone
- Tough Boots
- Racoon Cap
Level 12
1817, 2472
- Flowery Conch
- Great Conch Fragment
- Pure Water
- Glass
- Pink Pearl
- Short Metal Sword
- Soft Leather Armor
Sharp Beak
Level 13
848, 518
Deep Blue
- Razor Sharp Beak
- Kingfisher Feather
- Wing
- Elven Fruit
- Red Stone
- Hunter Bow
- Safari Vest
Killer Cactus
Level 14
884, 3156
Magical Ocean
- Sharp Cactus Thorn
- Large Cactus Tuber
- Cactus Blossom
- Strange Fruit
- Strange Mask
- Wooden Stave
- Attendant Robe
Level 14
885, 333
Deep Blue
- Gigantic Antler
- Tough Deer Skin
- Yellow Dye
- Incitant
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Sharp Dagger
- Rooroo Costume
Whacky Lamb
Level 15
1968, 2697
- Silky Soft Wool
- Pointed Goat Horn
- Tail Hair
- Medicine Bottle
- Flaw Sapphire
- Sheepy Costume
- Sheepy Cap
Iron Crab
Level 15
1773, 2517
- Crab Carapace
- Crab Pincer
- Hypnotic Gas
- Iron
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Sharp Dagger
- Soft Leather Armor
Sailor Squirt
Level 15
738, 426
Deep Blue
- Concentrated Squid Ink
- Squirt Handkerchief
- Pet Food
- Red Dye
- Glass
- Tough Boots
- Hunter Bow
Horned Penguin
Level 15
885, 333
Deep Blue
- Tough Pengiun Pelt
- Strong Penguin Feet
- Antler
- Wakening Salt
- Ancient Scroll Fragment
- Rooroo Muffs
- Rooroo Shoes
Gigantic Melon
Level 15
687, 3093
Magical Ocean
- Slightly Poisonous Thorn
- Bitter Fruit
- Cactus Hairball
- Red Date
- Red Stone
- Wooden Stave
- Kris
Great King Clam
Level 15
2048, 2514
- Golden Conch Shell
- Crown
- Murky Water
- Pure Water
- Red Stone
- Long Sword
- Adventure Vest
Sentry Crab
Level 16
1783, 2507
- Rigid Crab Carapace
- Razer Sharp Pincers
- Clarion Sand
- Medicine Bottle
- Pink Pearl
- Two Handed Sword
- Crabby Cap
Snowy Bat
Level 16
743, 358
Deep Blue
- Bat Wing
- Bat Fangs
- Sharp Tooth
- Animal Saliva
- Ice Fruit
- Tough Gloves
- Canvas Gloves
Sailor Squidy
Level 16
657, 411
Deep Blue
- Strong Squid Tentacle
- Squidy Cap
- Murky Water
- Blue Dye
- Ice Fruit
- Hunter Bow
- Safari Vest
Angelic Panda
Level 17
1655, 2563
- Bamboo Shoot
- Bamboo Leaf
- Wing
- Strange Fruit
- Coconut
- Adventure Gloves
- Adventure Boots.
Phantom Tree
Level 17
884, 3028
Magical Ocean
- Strange Branch
- Phantom Tree Branch
- Poisoned Fruit
- Red Date
- Green Corm
- Two Handed Sword
- Rooroo Cap
Snowy Shroom
Level 17
952, 550
Deep Blue
- Hypnotic Spore
- Edible Mushroom
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Medicine Bottle
- Small Crystal
- Kitty Costume
Snowy Snail
Level 19
657, 332
Deep Blue
- Chilling Snail Shell
- Frozen Snail Feeler
- Snowy Grass Bud
- Glass
- Medicine Bottle
- Canvas Gloves
- Canvas Boots
Killer Shroom
Level 19
1594, 2689
- Poisonous Mushroom
- Poisonous Fungus Spore
- Hypnotic Gas
- Kara Pill
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Thick Gloves
- Thick Boots
Sand Brigand
Level 20
718, 3288
Magical Ocean
- Lock Pick
- Master Key
- Scrap Iron
- Medicine Bottle
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Long Bow
Starving Wolf
Level 20
718, 2938
Magical Ocean
- Razor Wolf Fang
- Razor Wolf Claw
- Wolf Skin
- Beast Leather
- Red Stone
- Foster Gloves
- Foster Boots
Level 20
1624, 3017
- Fake Documentation
- Mystic Pen Head
- Medicine Bottle
- Old Air Ticket
- Rainbow Glass
- Kris
- Adventure Vest
Barbaric Bee
Level 20
1626, 3139
- Soldier Bee Wing
- Bee Ration
- Wing
- Medicine Bottle
- Honey
- Adventure Gloves
- Wooden Stick
Armored King Crab
Level 20
1783, 2507
- Huge Crab Pincers
- Blood Red Crab Carapace
- Rainbow Glass
- Counteragent
- Earthen Element Fragment
- Big Crab Cap
- Breast Plate
- Crab King Stomach Stone (quest item)
Naive Snow Doll
Level 21
1055, 738
Deep Blue
- Snowball
- Glacier Heart
- Medicine Bottle
- Counteragent
- Ice Cream
- Long Bow
- Canvas Vest
Level 21
1384, 3065
- Black Feather
- Owl Talon
- Strange Fruit
- Wing
- Torn Explorer Skill Book
- Meowy Cap
- Racoon Shoes
Sandy Tortoise
Level 21
1197, 3270
Magical Ocean
- Coarse Tortoise Shell
- Desert Seed
- Pure Water
- Medicine Bottle
- Small Crystal
- Heavy Leather Armor
Sand Bandit
Level 22
1339, 3300
Magical Ocean
- Wind Mirror
- Torn Pouch
- Scrap Iron
- Medicine Bottle
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Wooden Stick
- Foster Robe
Hard Crust Snail
Level 22
1495, 3232
- Hard Trumpet Shell
- Inedible Conch Meat
- Incitant
- Pure Water
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Long Sword
Snowy Bear Cub
Level 22
958, 661
Deep Blue
- Damaged Puck
- Snowy Fluff
- Animal Blood
- Animal Skin
- Small Crystal
- Playful Racoon Cap
- Racoon Cap
Tusk Battle Boar
Level 23
1384, 3065
- Boar Spine
- Short Boar Tail
- Animal Sweat
- Tusk
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Long Sword
- Thick Armor
Air Porky
Level 23
1414, 2896
- Small Tooth
- Unusual Satchet
- Animal Sweat
- Medicine Bottle
- Red Stone
- Hunter Vest
- Hunter Boots
Sandy Shroom
Level 23
1334, 3438
Magical Ocean
- Poisonous Spore
- Umbrella Mushroom
- Hypnotic Gas
- Kara Pill
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Firegun
Snow Lady
Level 23
873, 646
Deep Blue
- Ice Crystal
- Perfect Snowflake
- Magical Staff
- Ruby Fragment
- Teary Ice Stone
- Safari Gloves
- Hunter Boots
Level 24
1438, 3413
Magical Ocean
- Mud Cake
- Polluted Mud
- Murky Water
- Scrap Iron
- Mud Doll
- Heavy Leather Gloves
- Heavy Leather Boots
Snowy Wolf
Level 24
965, 775
Deep Blue
- Mighty Wolf Claw
- High Quality Wolf Pelt
- Small Crystal
- Beautiful Skin
- Animal Blood
- Canvas Vest
- Exquisite Gloves
Level 25
1043, 3066
- Bandit Bandana
- Bandit Pass
- Bandit Necklace
- Robot Core
- Healing Water
- Steel Sword
- Heavy Leather Armor
Meadow Deer
Level 25
1503, 2698
- Low Grade Antler
- Thin Deer Skin
- Incitant
- Tear
- Animal Skin
- Explorer Gloves
- Firegun
Sand Raider
Level 25
1027, 3011
Magical Ocean
- Knight Attest
- Horse Whip
- Golden Camel Bell
- Medicine Bottle
- Red Date
- Scholar Gloves
- Hand Stave
War Tortoise
Level 25
891, 750
Deep Blue
- Gigantic Tortoise Shell
- Herbal Jelly
- Animal Blood
- Murky Water
- Strange Metal Fragment
- Swift Kris
- Explorer Vest
Level 26
1414, 2896
- Stramonium Flower
- Stramonium Sharp Spike
- Medicated Grass
- Stramonium Juice
- Stramonium Fruit
- Explorer Gloves
- Explorer Boots
Feral Wolf
Level 26
1473, 3295
Magical Ocean
- Giant Wolf Fang
- Huge Wolf Claw
- Animal Skin
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Hair
- Hand Stave
- Scholar Boots
Fallen Naiad
Level 26
891, 750
Deep Blue
- Smelly Water
- Broken Heart of Naiad
- Rainbow Fruit
- Sharp Claw
- Perfect Sapphire
- Battle Bow
- Hunter Vest
Man Eating Spider
Level 26
1093, 2948
Magical Ocean
- Sticky Spider Legs
- Spider Venom
- Wakening Salt
- Spider Web
- Sapphire Fragment
- Hand Stave
- Scholar Robe
Armored Crab
Level 26
994, 857
Deep Blue
- Unusable Crab Feet
- Edgy Carapace
- Hypnotic Gas
- Iron
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Crabby Cap
- Crabby Shoes
Northern Snail
Level 27
802, 750
Deep Blue
- Snowy Trumpet Shell
- Frozen Conch Meat
- Snowy Grass Bud
- Glass
- Medicine Bottle
- Exquisite Gloves
- Happy Bunny Costume
Rookie Boxeroo
Level 27
1117, 2923
- Kangaroo Pouch
- Boxing Gloves
- Hair Gel
- Animal Sweat
- Medicine Bottle
- Rooroo Cap
- Racoon Costume
Bandit Leader-Adder
Level 28
1052, 3037
- Bandit Sash
- Spikey Cuffs
- Berserk Mark
- Meteorite
- Ancient Scroll
- Magical Staff
- Fencing Sword
Mature Grass Tortoise
Level 28
1198, 3116
- Half Eaten Foilage
- Well-Formed Tortoise Shell
- Coagulated Liquid
- Tortoise Blood
- Tower Shield
- Swift Kris
Snow Spirit
Level 28
1060, 805
Deep Blue
- Snow Spirit Wings
- Heart of Purity
- Magical Branch
-Life Stone
- Ice Cream
- Helmsman Vest
- Blessing Stave
Sand Bandit Leader-Garet
Level 28
1171, 3026
Magical Ocean
- Cracked Iron Sword
- Skeletal Bandana
- Agate Crystal
- Clarion Crystal
- Tempest Mark
- Moon Kris
- Beastly Wand
- Mark of Desert Overlord (Quest Item)
Fragile Snow Doll
Level 29
907, 842
Deep Blue
- Blue Snowball
- Frosty Heart
- Magical Branch
- Life Stone
- Ice Cream
- Exquisite Gloves
- Exquisite Boots
Level 29
1255, 2973
Magical Ocean
- Cavalier Insignia
- Master Key
- Magical Branch
- Ice Cream
- Life Stone
- Exquisite Gloves
- Exquisite Boots
Combat Piglet
Level 30
1455, 560
Deep Blue
- Steel Pig Tooth
- Chameleon Pig Trotter
- Animal Sweat
- Tusk
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Nurse Boots
- Emergency Robe
Captain Fickle
Level 30
1506, 3436
Magical Ocean
- Iron Hook
- Pirate Hat
- Incitant
- Soul Stone
- Ancient Scroll
- Moon Kris
- Deckman Vest
- Fickle Pouch (Quest Item)
Mad Boar
Level 30
910, 2971
- Rugged Pig Tail
- Razor Sharp Tusk
- Animal Sweat
- Bone Fragment
- Mane
- Explorer Vest
- Warrior Sword
Vampire Bat
Level 31
Abandon Mine 2
Abandon Mine
- Demon Wings
- Vampiric Fangs
- Pet Food
- Bone Fragment
- Iron Ore Fragment
- Hunter Vest
- Owl Cap
Level 31
1495, 667
Deep Blue
- Yeti Chest Hair
- Yeti Nail
- Rainbow Glass
- Ruby Fragment
- Pill Fragment
- Tribal Bow
- Exquisite Vest
Grassland Elk
Level 31
1360, 2683
- Rigid Deer Hoof
- Top Grade Deer Skin
- Yellow Dye
- Incitant
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Rhino Hide Armor
- Fencing Sword
Lizard King
Level 32
1507, 2970
Magical Ocean
- Burly Lizard Skin
- Lizard Crown
- Lizardman Belt
- Old Air Ticket
- Lizardman Bangle
- Hand Stave
- Scholar Robe
White Owlie
Level 32
1360, 2683
- Snowy White Plume
- Sharp Beak
- Magical Potion
- Special Gas
- Life Stone
- Night Owl Costume
- Night Owl Cap
Atrocious Yeti King
Level 32
875, 924
Deep Blue
- Metal Earring
- Misshapen Demonic Blade
- Magical Potion
- Life Stone
- Amber Crystal
- Fire-Rifle
- Serpentine Sword
- Yeti King Memo Stone (Quest Item)
Grassland Wolf
Level 33
1143, 2705
- Ruffled Wolf Tail
- Swift Wolf Claw
- Beautiful Skin
- Elven Fruit
- Tusk
- Tribal Bow
Playful Snow Doll
Level 34
1746, 530
Deep Blue
- Red Snowball
- Chilled Heart
- Pure Water
- Glass
- Ice Cream
- Nurse Robe
- Tribal Bow
- Red Snowball
- Chilled Heart
- Pure Water
- Glass
- Ice Cream
- Nurse Robe
- Tribal Bow
Berserk Boxeroo
Level 34
1161, 2639
- Demon Wings
- Vampiric Fangs
- Pet Food
- Bone Fragment
- Iron Ore Fragment
- Hunter Vest
- Owl Cap
Battle Tortoise
Level 35
2165, 462
Deep Blue
- Cracked Tortoise Shell
- Earthen Stone
- Incitant
- Terra Gold Fragment
- Medicine Bottle
- Nurse Robe
- Breast Plate
Miner Mole
Level 35
Abandon Mine
Abandon Mine 2
- Mole Claw
- Miner Mole Safety Helmet
- Medicine Bottle
- Beard
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Rhino Hide Armor
- Pointed Kris
Slowpoke Snail
Level 35
1226, 2742
- Cumbersome Carapace
- Short Snail Feeler
- Smelly Gas
- Red Date
- Fancy Petal
- Strong Leather Gloves
- Exquisite Gloves
Skeletal Archer
Level 36
2266, 470
Deep Blue
- Old Quiver
- Skeletal Ribs
- Hypnotic Gas
- Scrap Iron
- Clarity Crystal
- Marksman Bow
- Slick Gloves
Mud Monster
Level 37
934, 2747
- Sticky Mud Cake
- Strange Candle
- Ruby Fragment
- Panacea
- Mud Crystal
- Warrior Sword
- Strong Leather Armor
Snowy Tortoise
Level 37
2165, 462
Deep Blue
- Blunt Nail
- Heated Tortoise Shell
- Ice Fruit Medicine Bottle
- Iron Ore Fragment
- Travel Gloves
- Exquisite Pistol
Crazy Sheep
Level 37
2266, 590
Deep Blue
- Mangled Sheep Horn
- Dingle Bell
- Beast Leather
- Medicine Bottle
- Clarity Crystal
- Sheepy Costume
- Feather Gloves
Stinging Beak
Level 37
934, 2687
- Dangerous Sharp Claw
- Glossy Feather
- Wing
- Ruby Fragment
- Medicine Bottle
- Pointed Kris
- Duckling Cap
Fearsome Tortoise
Level 38
969, 2587
- Solid Tortoise Shell
- Cracked Tortoise Egg
- Animal Blood
- Murky Water
- Multi Edge Tortoise Shell
- Helmsman Gloves
- Helmsman Vest
Polar Bear
Level 38
1982, 530
Deep Blue
- Solid Bear Paw
- Great Bear Tooth
- Beautiful Skin
- Extender
- Small Crystal
- Playful Racoon Costume
- Racoon Cap
Ninja Mole
Level 38
Abandon Mine 2
Abandon Mine
- Broken Ninja Sword
- Ninja Sword
- Cinder
- Strange Metal
- Ninja Mask
- Moon Kris
- Criss Sword
Ferocious Scorpion
Level 38
2373, 551
Deep Blue
- Deadly Poisonous Stinger
- Scorpion Blood
- Pungent Gas
- Murky Water
- Poisoned Thorn
- Holy Gloves
- Holy Boots
Snowy Tusk Boar
Level 39
2266, 590
Deep Blue
- Spikey Spike
- Rugged Pig Trotter
- Glass
- Medicine Bottle
- Sharp Tooth
- Grace Wand
Thickskin Lizard
Level 39
732, 2697
- Lizard Tail
- Greasy Lizard Skin
- Tooth
- Red Date
- Beast Leather
- Moon Kris
- Exquisite Pistol
Rock Golem
Level 40
682, 2592
- Solid Rock
- Slippery Rock
- Iron Ore Fragment
- Yellow Dye
- Quartz Crystal
- Strong Leather Gloves
- Strong Leather Boots
Skeletal Warrior
Level 40
2266, 470
Deep Blue
- Rusty Katana
- Warrior Certificate
- Scrap Iron
- Hypnotic Gas
- Clarity Crystal
- Chain Gauntlets
- Chain Greaves
Snow Yeti
Level 40
2855, 450
Deep Blue
- Giant Necklace
- Giant Wooden Stick
- Extender
- Aluminum
- Mushroom Soup
- Peacock Gloves
- Passage Robe
Jack-Black Sail
Level 40
1765, 3777
Canary Isle
- Stone of Oath
- Dazzling Sword
- Paladin Sword
- Exquisite Rifle
- Hyena Dagger
- Battle Stave
- Beastly Wand
Level 41
755, 2941
- Giant Wolf Fang
- Thick Wolf Hide
- Sharp Claw
- Flaw Sapphire
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Rebel Sword
- Happy Bunny Costume
Cumbersome Snowman
Level 41
2471, 502
Deep Blue
- Snowmans Earring
- Rusty Broadsword
- Life Crystal
- Perfect Crystal
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Strong Platemail
- Piety Gloves.
Werewolf Warrior
Level 42
755, 2941
- Broken Werewolf Warrior Emblem
- Broken Hammer
- Sharp Tooth
- Special Gas
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Strong Gauntlets
- Happy Bunny Muffs
Spiky Stramonium
Level 42
819, 2439
- Thorny Stramonium Flower
- Long Stramonium Spike
- Poisoned Thorn
- Perfect Sapphire
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Strong Greaves
- Piety Boots
Tribal Villager
Level 43
819, 2316
- Tribal Feather
- Broken Strange Bone
- Pill Fragment
- Special Gas
- Red Date Tea
- Light Platemail
- Happy Bunny Shoes
Level 43
2594, 455
Deep Blue
- Giant Earring
- Giant Broadsword
- Perfect Ruby
- Poisoned Thorn
- Red Date Tea
- Light Gauntlets
- Token Pistol
Steel-Shell Snail
Level 44
2736, 650
Deep Blue
- Steel Snail Shell
- Steel Feeler
- Carapace Fragment
- Flaw Emerald
- Red Date Tea
- Light Greaves
- Staff of Sagacious
Cumbersome Yeti
Level 44
2811, 565
Deep Blue
- Cracked Snowman Necklace
- Slipshod Wooden Stick
- Flaw Ruby
- Life Crystal
- Red Date Tea
- Happy Bunny Cap
- Battle Stave
Undead Archer
Level 45
2746, 450
Deep Blue
- Unyielding Bow
- Death Arrow
- Life Crystal
- Clarity Crystal
- Mushroom Soup
- Peacock Vest
- Hopperoo Costume
- Radiant Soul (Quest Item)
Pumpkin Knight
Level 46
622, 3364
- Pumpkin Head
- Lantern
- Life Stone
- Stainless Steel
- Mushroom Soup
- Peacock Boots
- Hopperoo Muffs
Tribal Warrior
Level 46
826, 2165
- Tribal Knife
- Tribal Shield
- Perfect Crystal
- Pearl, Mushroom Soup
- Piety Robe
- Passage Gloves
Elite Skeletal Archer
Level 47
2713, 372
Deep Blue
- Refined Arrow Quiver
- Ruptured Rib
- Flaw Ruby
- Aluminum
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Hopperoo Shoes
- Paladin Sword
Infant Icy Dragon
Level 47
2852, 650
Deep Blue
- Frozen Bone Fragment
- Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
- Extender
- Clarity Crystal
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Passage Boots
- Savage Bull Tattoo
Sand Crab
Level 47
1381, 3134
Magical Ocean
- Gravel Crab Pincer
- Sandy Crab Meat
- Hard Shell
- Pink Crystal
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Hopperoo Cap
- Mithril Platemail
Level 48
828, 1923
- Dried Wood
- Withered Root
- Perfect Ruby
- Stainless Steel
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Crystalline Kris
- Mithril Gauntlets
Dark Mud Monster
Level 49
631, 2000
- Dark Mud Cake
- Used Candle
- Earthen Element Fragment
- Clarity Crystal
- Ice Cream
- Mastman Vest
- Mithril Greaves
Great Polar Bear
Level 49
3101, 666
Deep Blue
- Huge Bear Paw
- Razor Bear Tooth
- Animal Skin
- Silicon Sand
- Ice Cream
- Ducky Costume
- Exquisite Rifle
Water Fairy
Level 49
2997, 560
Deep Blue
- Water Crystal
- Pure Crystal
- Perfect Crystal
- Pink Crystal
- Ice Cream
- Mastman Gloves
- Emerald Vest
Horrific Snowman
Level 50
3126, 588
Deep Blue
- Sparkling Snowman Earring
- Fearsome Sword of Giant
- Flaw Ruby
- Clarity Crystal
- Ice Cream
- Ducky Muffs
- Emerald Gloves
Werewolf Archer
Level 50
2680, 795
Deep Blue
- Chipped Werewolf Iron Claw
- Broken Werewolf Bow
- Life Stone
- Silicon Sand
- Liquorice Potion
- Mastman Boots
- Emerald Boots
Sturdy Rock Golem
Level 51
712, 1715
- Indestructible Rock
- Shimmering Rock Fragment
- Earthen Element Fragment
- Azure Crystal
- Liquorice Potion
- Ducky Shoes
- Staff of Life
Frenzied Wolf
Level 51
2425, 3054
Deep Blue
- Bloodied Wolf Fang
- Wolf Hide Masterpiece
- Flaw Sapphire
- Meteorite Fragment
- Liquorice Potion
- Ducky Cap
- Follower Robe
Horrific Yeti
Level 52
2590, 795
Deep Blue ?
- Sparkling Snowman Necklace
- Fearsome Staff of Giant
- Perfect Ruby
- Pink Crystal
- Liquorice Potion
- Crevice Shield
- Loopy Bunny Costume
Sakura Pirate Sailor
Level 52
2177, 1105
- Sakura Sailor’s Emblem
- Sakura Bandana
- Flaw Emerald
- Sparkling Stone
- Liquorice Potion
- Crescent Sword
- Follower Gloves
Elite Skeletal Warrior
Level 52
2597, 831
Deep Blue
- Broken Katana
- Mark of Warrior Honor
- Magical Bone
- Splendor Cloth
- Energetic Tea
- Loopy Bunny Muffs
- Charging Sword
Sakura Pirate Fighter
Level 52
2197, 1125
- Sakura Fighter’s Emblem
- Sakura Dirk
- Flaw Sapphire
- Pink Crystal
- Energetic Tea
- Follower Boots
- Raging Bull Tattoo
Undead Warrior
Level 52
511, 1721
- Unyielding Greatsword
- Unyielding Helmet
- Special Gas
- Sparkling Stone
- Energetic Tea
- Loopy Bunny Cap
- Silver Gauntlets
Elite Werewolf Warrior
Level 53
556, 1439
- Werewolf Warrior Emblem
- Bloodied Hammer
- Perfect Sapphire
- Azure Crystal
- Special Ointment
- Thundorian Staff
- Silver Greaves
Iron Mummy
Level 53
556, 1557
- Iron Shroud
- Mummy Nail
- Special Gas
- Meteorite
- Special Ointment
- Garcon Robe
- Gattling Firegun
Huge Spiky Stramonium
Level 54
440, 1320
- Gigantic Stramonium Flower
- Huge Stramonium Thorn
- Poisoned Thorn
- Meteorite Fragment
- Special Ointment
- Otter Costume
- Ringdove Vest
Steel Mummy
Level 54
440, 1440
- Steel Shroud
- Mummy Hair
- Flaw Emerald
- Sparkling Stone
- Special Ointment
- Garcon Gloves
- Ringdove Gloves
Tribal Shaman
Level 54
625, 1289
Deep Blue
- Tribal Long Spear
- Tribal Mask
- Special Gas
- Pearl
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Otter Muffs
- Ringdove Boots
Level 55
2587, 900
Deep Blue
- Lizardman Belt
- Lizard Man Axe
- Perfect Crystal
- Splendor Cloth
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Garcon Boots
- Blessed Robe
Navy Rifleman
Level 55
2389, 575
Magical Ocean
- Fake Navy Documentation
- Broken Navy Emblem
- Flaw Emerald
- Sparkling Stone
- Special Ointment
- Clever Otter Muffs
- Laser Gun
Guardian Angel
Level 55
886, 1283
- Angel Halo
- Broken Angel Wand
- Chaos Pill
- Meteorite
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Otter Cap
- Blessed Gloves
Agile Tribal Villager
Level 56
735, 1289
- Beautiful Tribal Feathers
- Mysterious Bone
- Perfect Emerald
- Pearl
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Otter Shoes
- Joyful Bunny Costume
Northern Pirate Sailor
Level 57
2481, 582
- Northern Sailors Emblem
- Northern Bandana
- Perfect Sapphire
- Azure Crystal
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lobster Costume
- Joyful Bunny Shoes
Vicious Undead Warrior
Level 57
831, 1125
- Fallen Greatsword
- Fallen Helmet
- Magical Bone
- Azure Crystal
- Tiamari Fruit
- Hyena Dagger
- Joyful Bunny Muffs
Northern Pirate Fighter
Level 57
2352, 572
Magical Ocean
- Northern Fighters Emblem
- Northern Dirk
- Perfect Crystal
- Meteorite
- Tiamari Fruit
- Wind Gloves
- Joyful Bunny Cap
Deadly Skeletal Archer
Level 58
919, 1581
- Special Quiver
- Complete Rib
- Magical Bone
- Splendor Cloth
- Mystery Fruit
- Lobster Muffs
- Guardian of Nature
Forest Hunter
Level 58
945, 1125
- Heart of Nature
- Dented Sacred Bow
- Perfect Sapphire
- Agate
- Mystery Fruit
- Lobster Shoes
- Bone Sword
Northern Pirate Militia
Level 58
2358, 575
Deep Blue
- Northern Militia's Emblem
- Nothern Sabre
- Chaos Pill
- Azure Crystal
- Mystery Fruit
- Wind Boots
- Lotus Staff
Skeletal Warrior Leader
Level 59
360, 1440
- Wornout Katana
- Warrior Leader Token
- Perfect Emerald
- Meteorite
- Mystery Fruit
- Lobster Cap
- Primal Tattoo
Cursed Corpse
Level 59
360, 1440
- Shroud
- Skeleton Bone Fragment
- Special Gas
- Azure Crystal
- Revival Clover
- Dazzling Sword
- Ceremonial Platemail
Bloodthirsty Hunter
Level 60
445, 1571
- Dark Skeleton
- Dark Bow
- Chaos Pill
- Agate
- Revival Clover
- Clever Otter Costume
- Ceremonial Gauntlets
Terra Soldier Leader
Level 60
546, 2726
- Broken Terra Pickaxe
- Terra Backpack
- Perfect Emerald
- Agate Crystal
- Revival Clover
- Healer Robe
- Ceremonial Greaves
Stone Golem
Level 60
546, 2590
- Hugh Rock Fragment
- Heart of Giant
- Stone Egg
- Clarion Sand
- Healer Gloves
- Raptor Vest
- Ice Cream
Iron Golem
Level 60
546, 2590
- Arcane Metal
- Small Magnet
- Pumping Metal Heart
- Clarion Fragment
- Clever Otter Shoes
- Raptor Gloves
- Ice Cream
Lizard Warrior
Level 60
382, 2726
- Damaged Lizardman Belt
- Damaged Lizardman Blade
- Red Dye
- Clarity Crystal
- Healer Boots
- Raptor Boots
- Ice Cream
Small Treant
Level 62
705, 2121
- Small Mysterious Branch
- Strange Leaves
- Perfect Crystal
- Clarion Sand
- Clever Otter Cap
- Lucky Bunny Costume
- Revival Clover
Long Hair Crab
Level 62
2811, 565
Deep Blue
- Long Hair Crab Pincer
- Long Crab Shell
- Blue Dye
- Pink Crystal
- Hurricane Vest
- Lucky Bunny Muffs
- Revival Clover
Giant Lizard
Level 62
705, 2121
- Giant Lizard Tongue
- Giant Skin
- Perfect Ruby
- Clarion Fragment
- Vampiric Kris
- Heavenly Vest
- Ice Cream
Horrific Cursed Corpse
Level 63
360, 1340
- Cursed Shroud
- Cursed Carcass
- Perfect Crystal
- Clarity Crystal
- Prawn Costume
- Heavenly Gloves
- Ice Cream
Vicious Pumpkin Knight
Level 63
622, 3518
- Frightful Pumpkin Head
- Rusty Lantern
- Perfect Ruby
- Clarion Sand
- Hurricane Gloves
- Lucky Bunny Shoes
- Mystery Fruit
Level 64
662, 2460
- Chimera Horn
- Scorpion Claw
- Red Dye
- Pink Crystal
- Prawn Muffs
- Heavenly Shoes
- Mystery Fruit
Elite Tribal Warrior
Level 64
645, 2310
- Razor Tribal Knife
- Solid Tribal Shield
- Life Crystal
- Clarity Crystal
- Hurricane Boots
- Lucky Bunny Cap
- Mystery Fruit
Treant Terror
Level 64
662, 2460
- Dried Splintered Wood
- Treant Root
- Perfect Ruby
- Clarion Fragment
- Prawn Shoes
- Holy Guidance
- Revival Clover
Terra Warrior
Level 65
373, 2590
Deep Blue
- Rusty Terra Battleaxe
- Rusty Terra Battle Armor
- Blue Dye
- Pink Crystal
- Prawn Cap
- Lucky Otter Costume
- Mystery Fruit
Baby Icy Dragon
Level 65
3584, 2997
Deep Blue
- Piece of Icy Dragon Bone
- Piece of Crystalline Heart
- Dragon Scale
- Clarion Fragment
- Blessed Shield
- Protector Robe
- Mystery Fruit
Elite Werewolf Archer
Level 65
472, 2484
Deep Blue
- Werewolf Iron Claw
- Broken Werewolf Long Bow
- Red Dye
- Azure Crystal
- Delusion Sword
- Lucky Otter Muffs
- Revival Clover
Fox Spirit
Level 65
3306, 2444
Spring Island
- Exquisite Fox Skin
- Rotten Meat
- Fox Tail
- Beautiful Chest
- Black Pearl
- Dragon Lord Muffs
Mad Tribal Villager
Level 66
561, 2334
- Fine Exquisite Feather
- Mysterious Bone
- Perfect Ruby
- Clarity Crystal
- Protector Gloves
- Spirit Beast Tattoo
- Agrypnotic
Evil Undead Warrior
Level 66
580, 2121
- Evil Greatsword
- Evil Helmet
- Magical Bone
- Clarion Sand
- Lucky Otter Shoes
- Roar of Turbulence
- Agrypnotic
Evil Pumpkin Knight
Level 67
340, 1581
- Ghastly Pumpkin Head
- Extinguished Lantern
- Magical Bone
- Azure Crystal
- Protector Boots
- Soul Beast
- Agrypnotic
Beardy Pirate Sailor
Level 67
1563, 1804
Deep Blue
- Beardy Sailor's Emblem
- Red Beardy Bandana
- Yellow Dye
- Clarion Sand
- Staff of Amercement
- Capricious Battle Armor
- Agrypnotic
Werewolf Warrior Leader
Level 67
472, 2484
- Werewolf Warrior Leaders Insignia
- Blood Drenched Hammer
- Yellow Dye
- Pink Crystal
- Lucky Otter Cap
- Comet Magenta
- Agrypnotic
Beardy Pirate Fighter
Level 68
1588, 1708
Deep Blue
- Beardy Fighter's Emblem
- Red Beardy Dirk
- Perfect Sapphire
- Amber Crystal
- Dagger of Hydra
- Capricious Battle Gauntlets
- Agrypnotic
Beardy Pirate Militia
Level 68
1597, 1707
Deep Blue
- Beardy Militia's Emblem
- Red Beardy Sabre
- Earthen Element Array
- Azure Crystal
- Whirlpool Vest
- Capricious Battle Greaves
- Agrypnotic
Palace Guard
Level 68
435, 1690
Deep Blue
- Royal Bodyguard Emblem
- Royal Sword
- Blue Dye
- Azure Crystal
- Whirlpool Gloves
- Gloves of Perception
- Revival Clover
Shadow Hunter
Level 68
450, 2121
- Broken Shadow Hunter Short Bow
- Tattered Shadow Shell
- Life Crystal
- Clarion Fragment
- Pincer Costume
- Robe of Perception
- Agrypnotic
Cursed Water Fairy
Level 68
2257, 3076
Deep Blue
- Cursed Water Crystal
- Black Crystal
- Life Crystal
- Clarion Sand
- Whirlpool Boots
- Rattlesnake
- Revival Clover
Lumbering Treant
Level 68
450, 2121
- Mysterious Branch
- Mysterious Leaf
- Chaos Pill
- Pink Crystal
- Pincer Muffs
- Boots of Perception
- Agrypnotic
Corrupted Guardian Angel
Level 69
335, 2121
- Broken Angel Halo
- Cracked Angel Wand
- Strange Metal Ore
- Amber Crystal
- Pincer Shoes
- Serpentine Gun of Resonance
- Revival Clover
Frenzied Lizardman
Level 69
Lone Tower
- Iron Casted Lizardman Belt
- Heavy Lizardman Battleaxe
- Chaos Pill
- Clarion Fragment
- Wyrm Sword
- Arcane Bunny Costume
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Mad Tribal Witchdoctor
Level 69
Lone Tower
- Pointed Tribal Long Spear
- Large Tribal Mask
- Red Dye
- Azure Crystal
- Pincer Cap
- Robe of Melody
- Revival Clover
Nimble Forest Hunter
Level 69
Lone Tower
- Nimble Heart of Nature
- Broken Bow of the Forest
- Blue Dye
- Pink Crystal
- Gloves of Melody
- Sagacious Battle Armor
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
White Bobcat
Level 70
Lone Tower
- Broken Shadow Hunter Short Bow
- Tattered Shadow Shell
- Life Crystal
- Clarion Fragment
- Pincer Costume
- Robe of Perception
- Agrypnotic
Terra Artificer
Level 70
1381, 3134
Magical Ocean
- Terra Spanner
- Terra Glasses
- Yellow Dye
- Terra Gold
- Arcane Bunny Shoes
- Venom Gun
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Terra Elde
Level 70
1381, 3134
Magical Ocean
- Rusty Terra Earrings
- Broken Terra Smoking Pipe
- Blue Dye
- Terra Gold
- Boots of Melody
- Sagacious Battle Greaves
- Revival Clover
Terra Captain
Level 70
1381, 3134
Magical Ocean
- Damaged Terra Battleaxe
- Damaged Terra Battle Armor
- Strange Metal Ore
- Terra Gold
- Flame of the Arctic
- Robe of Gallant
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Nimble Shadow Hunter
Level 71
Lone Tower
- Dark Bloody Carcass
- Dark Bow of Blood
- Red Dye
- Amber Crystal
- Searing Frost
- Gloves of Gallant
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Terra Soldier Leader
Level 71
Lone Tower
- Terra Pickaxe
- Refined Terra Backpack
- Perfect Sapphire
- Terra Gold
- Claw of Demonic Dragon
- Boots of Gallant
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Elite Lizardman Warrior
Level 71
3717, 3355
Deep Blue
- Tough Lizardman Necklace
- Heavy Lizardman Broadsword
- Chaos Pill
- Amber Crystal
- Robe of Vengence
- Robe of Spirit
- Magical Potion
Lizard Warrior Leader
Level 71
412, 2334
- Lizardman Leader Belt
- Lizardman Leader Battleaxe
- Perfect Ruby
- Clarion Crystal
- Arcane Otter Costume
- Pique Bunny Costume
- Revival Clover
Elite Terra Warrior
Level 72
Lone Tower
- Heavy Terra Battleaxe
- Refined Terra Battle Armor
- Red Dye
- Agate
- Gloves of Vengence
- Gloves of Spirit
- Magical Potion
Terra Warrior Leader
Level 72
412, 2334
- Terra Captain Battleaxe
- Terra Captain Battle Armor
- Perfect Emerald
- Terra Gold
- Arcane Otter Muffs
- Pique Bunny Muffs
- Magical Potion
Black Bobcat
Level 72
Lone Tower
- Torn Black Bobcat Wing
- Broken Black Bobcat Bell
- Kitty Bell
- Amber Crystal
- Boots of Vengence
- Boots of Spirit
- Magical Potion
Vicious Grassland Elder
Level 72
2736, 650
Lone Tower
- Cracked Terra Earring
- Old Tobacco Pipe
- Perfect Sapphire
- Terra Gold
- Arcane Otter Shoes
- Pique Bunny Shoes
- Revival Clover
Terra Artificer Leader
Level 73
Lone Tower
- King-Size Spanner
- High Grade Terra Glasses
- Red Dye
- Terra Gold
- God of Flame
- Soul Spring
- Magical Potion
Elite Shadow Hunter
Level 73
Lone Tower
- Broken Hunter Bow
- Shadowy Coat
- Perfect Ruby
- Agate
- God of Fire
- Consonance of Souls
- Magical Potio
Feral White Bobcat
Level 74
Lone Tower
- White Bobcat Wing
- Golden Cat Bell
- Kitty Bell
- Clarion Crystal
- God of Sight
- Eye of Sacred Dragon
- Magical Potion
Deadly Werewolf Archer
Level 74
3410, 3359
Deep Blue
- Gigantic Werewolf Iron Claw
- Excellent Werewolf Long Bow
- Blue Dye
- Agate Crystal
- Nautical Coat
- Robe of Amercement
- Revival Clover
Feral Black Bobcat
Level 73
Lone Tower
- Black Bobcat Wing
- Black Cat Bell
- Kitty Bell
- Agate
- Arcane Lobster Costume
- Pique Otter Costume
- Magical Potion
Evil Guardian Angel
Level 75
Lone Tower
- Corrupted Angel Halo
- Corrupted Angel Wand
- Perfect Emerald
- Agate
- Arcane Lobster Muffs
- Pique Otter Muffs
- Revival Clover
Frost Chimera
Level 75
- Lion Wing
- Chimera Claw
- Yellow Dye
- Clarion Crystal
- Nautical Gloves
- Gloves of Amercement
- Fruity Mix
Cursed White Bobcat
Level 76
Lone Tower
- Cursed White Bobcat Wing
- Cursed Golden Bell
- Kitty Bell
- Clarion Crystal
- Nautical Boots
- Boots of Amercement
- Fruity Mix
Evil Tribal Shaman
Level 76
3480, 3145
Deep Blue
- Evil Tribal Long Spear
- Evil Tribal Mask
- Earthen Element Array
- Agate Crystal
- Arcane Lobster Shoes
- Pique Otter Shoes
- Fruity Mix
Frantic Lizardman
Level 77
2779, 3223
Deep Blue
- Sparkling Lizardman Belt
- Large Lizardman Battleaxe
- Yellow Dye
- Agate Crystal
- Tooth of Eclipse
- Gold of Tears
- Revival Clover
Cursed Black Bobcat
Level 77
Lone Tower
- Cursed Black Bobcat Wing
- Cursed Black Bell
- Kitty Bell
- Ancient Scroll
- Essence Dagger
- God of Wrath
- Fruity Mix
Ruthless Forest Hunter
Level 77
Lone Tower
- Broken Hunter Bow
- Shadowy Coat
- Perfect Ruby
- Agate
- God of Fire
- Consonance of Souls
- Magical Potion
Ruthless Shadow Hunter
Level 78
2736, 650
Lone Tower
- Bloodied Carcass
- Bloodied Bow
- Chaos Pill
- Ancient Scroll
- Ember Scar
- Robe of Stride
- Revival Clover
Relic Guard
Level 78
- Robot Clamp
- Piece of Armor Plate
- Strange Metal Ore
- Clarion Crystal
- Wyrm Shield
- Trident of Poseidon
- Fruity Mix
Level 79
Lone Tower
- Scythe of Anubis
- Anubis Teeth
- Devotees Heart
- Agate Crystal
- Swift Lightning
- Pique Lobster Costume
- Revival Clover
Dharma Pharaoh
Level 80
Lone Tower
- Ancient Incantation
- Staff of Kings
- Charmed Cloth
- Meteorite
- Arcane Beast Tattoo
- Pique Lobster Muffs
- Fruity Mix
Relic Protector
Level 80
- Robot Wheel
- Metal Funnel
- Earthen Element Array
- Ancient Scroll
- Thunder Blade
- Gloves of Stride
- Fruity Mix
Level 25
279, 3364
Magical Ocean
- Transparent Sea Jelly Skin
- Long Tentacle
- Life Stone Fragment
- Meteorite
- Ancient Scroll
Wild Seaweed
Level 25
1447, 1602
Deep Blue
- Wild Shrub
- Thorny Wild Water Shrub
- Wild Grass
- Clarion Sand
- Elven Fruit
- Lv 1 Wind Coral
Sea Jelly
Level 26
323, 3399
Magical Ocean
- Transparent Sea Jelly Skin
- Long Tentacle
- Life Stone Fragment
- Meteorite
- Ancient Scroll
Floating Seaweed
Level 26
1572, 1200
- Floating Shrub
- Thorny Floating Water Shrub
- Floating Root
- Clarion Sand
- Elven Fruit
- Lv 1 Thunder Coral
Skeleton Fish
Level 27
104, 631
Deep Blue
- Speckled Fish Scale
- Fresh Fish Meat
- Medicated Grass
- Stramonium Juice
- Stramonium Fruit
- skeleton fish scale (Quest Item)
Icky Seaweed
Level 27
3930, 3150
- Mouldy Grass
- Thorny Rotten Water Shrub
- Rotten Grass
- Clarion Sand
- Elven Fruit
- Lv 1 Fog Coral
Baby Squid
Level 28
3239, 3400
- Squid Ink
- Tasty Squid Meat
- Animal Skin
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Hair
Cursed Seaweed
Level 28
1658, 3341
Magical Ocean
- Cursed Shrub
- Cursed Thorny Water Shrub
- Cursed Root
- Clarion Sand
- Ice Fruit
- Lv 1 Wind Coral
White Cap Sea Jelly
Level 29
580, 685
Deep Blue
- White Sea Jelly Skin
- White Sea Jelly Tentacle
- White Heart of Squid
- Glowing Mystic Stone
- Ice Fruit
- Lv 1 Thunder Coral
Blackarrow Squid
Level 30
2680, 3126
Magical Ocean
- Black Ink
- Fishy Smelling Squid Meat
- Black Squid Tentacle
- Hypnotic Gas
- Ice Fruit
Water Dancer
Level 30
2680, 3126
Magical Ocean
- Arabic Bandana
- Cracked Arabic Pearl
- Rainbow Fruit
- Sharp Claw
- Perfect Sapphire
Swift Skeleton Fish
Level 31
2681, 3684
Magical Ocean
- Slippery Scale
- Stretchy Fish Meat
- Caviar
- Torn Life Skill Book
- Elven Fruit Juice
Tanned Skeleton Fish
Level 31
1544, 2760
Magical Ocean
- Black Scale
- Black Fish Meat
- Black Caviar
- Hypnotic Gas
- Elven Fruit Juice
Electric Sea Jelly
Level 32
4016, 982
Magical Ocean
- Glittery Sea Jelly Skin
- Shocking Tentacle
- Agate Crystal
- Clarion Crystal
- Tempest Mark
Sluggish Squid
Level 32
1608, 2607
Magical Ocean
- Dense Squid Ink
- Fatty Squid Meat
- Fatty Squid Tentacle
- Clarion Crystal
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Lv 2 Wind Coral
Ocean Water Dancer
Level 33
1657, 1145
Deep Blue
- Refined Arabian Bandana
- Arabic Pearl Fragment
- Arabic Silk
- Life Stone
- Elven Fruit Juice
- Lv 2 Thunder Coral
Vicious Baby Squid
Level 33
1478, 550
- Dark Ink
- Shadow Squid Meat
- Shadowy Squid Tentacle
- Counteragent
- Red Date Tea
- Lv 2 Fog Coral
Blood Polliwog
Level 34
1355, 2055
Deep Blue
- Blood Red Polliwog skin
- Polliwog Tail
- Magical Branch
- Life Stone
- Ice Cream
Evil Water Dancer
Level 34
2005, 2110
- Evil Arabic Bandana
- Devilish Arabic Pearl Fragment
- Evil Arabic Silk Cloth
- Ruby Fragment
- Red Date Tea
- Lv 2 Wind Coral
Level 35
1350, 2200
- Heart of Merman
- Twinkling Merman Scale
- Rainbow Glass
- Counteragent
- Earthen Element Fragment
Poisonous Sea Jelly
Level 35
1350, 1980
- Poisonous Sea Jelly Skin
- Virulent Sea Jelly Tentacle
- Posioned Sea Jelly Heart
- Incitant
- Red Date Tea
- Lv 2 Thunder Coral
Berserk Sea Jelly
Level 36
1310, 3604
- Lacerated Sea Jelly Skin
- Heavily Scarred Tentacle
- Shattered Sea Jelly Heart
- Life Stone
- Red Date Tea
- Lv 2 Fog Coral
Tempest Sea Jelly
Level 36
2255, 3206
Magical Ocean
- Slimy Sea Jelly Skin
- Large Tentacle
- Rainbow Glass
- Ruby Fragment
- Pill Fragment
- Tempest Sea Jelly Crystal (Quest Item)
Ruby Dolphin
Level 37
1650, 1112
Deep Blue
- Glittery Dolphin Skin
- Magical Stone Fragment
- Yellow Dye
- Incitant
- Glowing Mystic Stone
Blackarrow Squid
Level 37
1350, 1980
- Belched Ink
- Dark Black Squid Meat
- Tough Squid Tentacle
- Glass
- Mushroom Soup
Level 38
570, 390
- Salty Octopus Ink
- Salted Octopus Meat
- Soggy Octopus Tentacle
- Hypnotic Gas
- Mushroom Soup
Fish Bone
Level 38
240, 1326
Magical Ocean
- Fish Bone
- Fish Spike
- Magical Potion
- Life Stone
- Amber Crystal
Chameleon Squid
Level 39
1657, 1145
Deep Blue
- Stale Octopus Ink
- Smelly Octopus Meat
- Smelly Octopus Tentacle
- Tiamari Fruit
- Mushroom Soup
Great Polliwog
Level 39
916, 1871
Deep Blue
- Black Polliwog Skin
- Gigantic Polliwog Tail
- Pure Water
- Glass
- Ice Cream
Azure Siren
Level 40
1565, 2185
Magical Ocean
- Broken Long Spear
- Big Tail Scale
- Medicine Bottle
- Beard
- Glowing Mystic Stone
Evil Skeleton Fish
Level 41
3050, 400
- Evil Scale
- Evil Fish Meat
- Evil Fish Sauce
- Hypnotic Gas
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
Sawtooth Shark
Level 42
3132, 1292
Deep Blue
- Shark Tooth
- Shark Fin
- Life Stone Fragment
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lottery Ticket
Swift Baby Squid
Level 42
3814, 469
Deep Blue
- Diluted Squid Ink
- Stretchy Squid Meat
- Elastic Octopus Tentacle
- Medicine Bottle
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Lv 3 Wind Coral
Rapid Squid
Level 43
3132, 998
Deep Blue
- Nasal Squid Ink
- Flavoured Squid Meat
- Flavored Octopus Tentacle
- Ruby Fragment
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Lv 3 Thunder Coral
Crystal Dolphin
Level 43
3814, 469
Deep Blue
- Slimy Dolphin Skin
- Mystic Crystal Fragment
- Iron Ore Fragment
- Yellow Dye
- Quartz Crystal
Midnight Water Dancer
Level 44
3211, 1731
Deep Blue
- Dark Arabic Bandana
- Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
- Dark Arabic Silk
- Clarity Crystal
- Stramonium Fruit Juice
- Lv 3 Fog Coral
Swift Water Dancer
Level 44
3211, 1731
Deep Blue
- High Quality Arabic Bandana
- Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
- Quality Arabic Silk
- Pearl
- Ice Cream
- Lv 3 Wind Coral
Crimson Siren
Level 45
2050, 400
- Rusty Long Spear
- Sparkling Fin
- Scrap Iron
- Hypnotic Gas
- Clarity Crystal
- Happy Bunny Cap
Feral Skeleton Fish
Level 45
3132, 1292
Deep Blue
- Massive Speckled Fish Scale
- High Quality Tasty Fishmeat
- Quality Caviar
- Agate Fragment
- Ice Cream
- Lv 3 Thunder Coral
Siren Queen
Level 45
2002, 1298
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Scroll
- Panacea
- Agate Crystal
- Ruby Fragment
- Ancient Scroll
Thunder Sea Jelly
Level 46
3746, 1292
Deep Blue
- Charged Sea Jelly Skin
- Electrifying Sea Jelly Tentacle
- Lightning Crystal
- Sparkling Stone
- Ice Cream
- Lv 3 Fog Coral
Shocking Sea Jelly
Level 46
2550, 400
- Electrical Jelly Skin
- High Voltage Tentacle
- High Voltage Lightning Crystal
- Pearl
- Ice Cream
Evil Blood Polliwog
Level 47
2050, 400
- Evil Polliwog Skin
- Devilish Polliwog Tail
- Evil Polliwog Blood
- Meteorite Fragment
- Liquorice Potion
Swift Electric Sea Jelly
Level 47
3746, 998
Deep Blue
- Shining Dolphin Tail
- Electric Tentacle
- Strong Eletrical Crystal
- Agate Fragment
- Liquorice Potion
Feral Blood Polliwog
Level 48
2550, 400
- Massive Polliwog Skin
- Gigantic Polliwog Tail
- Thick Polliwog Blood
- Azure Crystal
- Liquorice Potion
Stealth Blood Polliwog
Level 48
2550, 400
- Translucent Polliwog Fish Tail
- Transparent Polliwog Tail
- Transparent Polliwog Blood
- Colorant
- Liquorice Potion
- Lv 4 Wind Coral
Vicious Mermaid
Level 49
3746, 998
Deep Blue
- Depraved Merman Heart
- Defiled Merman Scale
- Defiled Merman Hair
- Ancient Scroll Fragment
- Liquorice Potion
- Lv 4 Thunder Coral
Jack the Pirate’s Support Ship
Level 49
2210, 3769
Magical Ocean
- Broken Jack’s Chest
- Old Jack the Pirate Sail
- Jack the Pirate’s Badge
- Pearl
- Energetic Tea
- Lv 4 Fog Coral
Jack the Pirate’s Warship
Level 50
1950, 3515
Magical Ocean
- Broken Jack’s Ship Bow
- Rusty Jack the Pirate Cannon
- Jack’s Militia Badge
- Clarity Crystal
- Energetic Tea
- Lv 4 Wind Coral
Wandering Mermaid
Level 50
3692, 322
- Perfect Mermaid Heart
- Intact Merman Scale
- Intact Mermaid Hair
- Black Pearl
- Energetic Tea
- Lv 4 Thunder Cora
Shadow Mermaid
Level 51
3211, 2314
Deep Blue
- Shadow Fish Heart
- Shadow Merman Scale
- Shadow Merman Hair
- Agate
- Energetic Tea
- Lv 4 Fog Coral
Old Sawtooth Shark
Level 51
2738, 3508
Deep Blue
- Huge Shark Sawtooth
- Big Shark Dorsal Fin
- Shark Cartilage
- Sparkling Stone
- Special Ointment
White Finned Shark
Level 52
3538, 3508
- White Shark Tooth
- White Shark Dorsal Fin
- White Shark Cartilage
- Agate
- Special Ointment
Jack the Pirate’s Command Ship
Level 52
1966, 3769
Magical Ocean
- Jack the Pirate’s Direction Chart
- Jack the Pirate’s Banner
- Jack’s Ringleader Emblem
- Ancient Scroll
- Special Ointment
Spearhead Shark
Level 53
3538, 3508
- Great Shark Tooth
- Gigantic Shark Dorsal Fin
- Large Fish Cartilage
- Azure Crystal
- Special Ointment
Black Finned Shark
Level 53
2738, 3508
- Razor Sharp Shark Tooth
- Black Shark Dorsal Fin
- Black Shark Cartilage
- Agate
- Snowy Soft Bud
Sakura 13 Support Ship
Level 54
1950, 1286
- Broken Sakura Chest
- Old Sakura Pirate Sail
- Sakura Pirate Badge
- Black Pearl
- Snowy Soft Bud
Old Sawtooth Shark
Level 54
370, 1762
Deep Blue
- Huge Shark Sawtooth
- Big Shark Dorsal Fin
- Shark Cartilage
- Black Dye
- Special Ointment
- Fiery Gem
Sakura 13 Warship
Level 55
1950, 1286
- Broken Sakura Ship Bow
- Rusty Sakura Pirate Cannon
- Sakura Militia Badge
- Colorant
- Snowy Soft Bud
- Lv 5 Wind Coral
Vampiric Polliwog
Level 55
370, 2317
Deep Blue
- Bloody Polliwog Skin
- Bloody Polliwog Tail
- Raw Polliwog Blood
- Ancient Scroll Fragment
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lv 5 Thunder Coral
Tempest Sea Jelly
Level 56
441, 2957
Deep Blue
- Dried Sea Jelly Skin
- Tempest Sea Jelly Tentacle
- Heart of Temptest Sea Jelly
- Colorant
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lv 5 Fog Coral
Silk Shark
Level 56
3149, 3836
- Keen Shark Tooth
- Razor Sharp Dorsal Fin
- Dangerous Shark Cartilage
- Sparkling Stone
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lv 5 Wind Coral
Topaz Dolphin
Level 57
2631, 2048
Deep Blue
- Glimmering Dolphin Tail
- Mysterious Topaz Fragment
- Topaz Dolphin Dorsal Fin
- Colorant
- Tiamari Fruit
- Lv 5 Thunder Coral
Tornado Sea Jelly
Level 57
1275, 3634
Deep Blue
- Dry Dolphin Skin
- Hurricane Tentacle
- Hurricane Sea Jelly Heart
- Pearl
- Mystery Fruit
- Lv 5 Fog Coral
Mature Ruby Dolphin
Level 58
3785, 1975
Deep Blue
- Mature Dolphin Tail
- Large Ruby Fragment
- Large Dolphin Dorsal Fin
- Meteorite
- Mystery Fruit
Sakura 13 Pirate Command Ship
Level 58
2790, 1286
- Sakira Pirate Direction Chart
- Sakura Pirate Banner
- Sakura Ringleader Emblem
- Ancient Scroll
- Mystery Fruit
Spiny Fish Bone
Level 59
370, 2317
Deep Blue
- Fascia Fish Bone
- Long Fish Bone
- Spikey Fish Bone Rack
- Agate Crystal
- Mystery Fruit
Northern Pirate Support Ship
Level 59
2891, 260
Magical Ocean
- Broken Northen Chest
- Old Northern Pirate Sail
- Nothern Pirate Badge
- Agate Crystal
- Revival Clover
Hungry Fish Bone
Level 60
428, 2957
Deep Blue
- Thick Fish Bone
- Thick Fish Bone
- Strong Fish Rack
- Meteorite
- Revival Clover
Northern Pirate Warship
Level 60
2710, 116
Magical Ocean
- Broken Northen Ship Bow
- Rusty Northern Pirate Cannon
- Northen Militia Badge
- Agate Crystal
- Revival Clover
Decaying Fish Bone
Level 61
3828, 3114
Magical Ocean
- Rotten Fish Bone
- Rotten Small Fish Bone
- Rotten Bone Rack
- Perfect Crystal
- Ice Cream
Big Eyed Polliwog
Level 61
3828, 3114
Magical Ocean
- Rigid Polliwog Skin
- Rigid Polliwog Tail
- Fresh Polliwog Blood
- Perfect Ruby
- Ice Cream
Evil Great Polliwog
Level 62
3828, 3714
Magical Ocean
- Possessed Polliwog Skin
- Evilish Polliwog Tail
- Wicked Polliwog Blood
- Life Crystal
- Revival Clover
Great Feral Polliwog
Level 62
3828, 3714
Magical Ocean
- Beefy Polliwog Tail
- Sturdy Polliwog Tail
- Slimy Polliwog Blood
- Perfect Ruby
- Mystery Fruit
Northern Pirate Command Ship
Level 63
2360, 414
Magical Ocean
- Northern Pirate Direction Chart
- Northern Pirate Banner
- Northern Ringleader Emblem
- Perfect Crystal
- Mystery Fruit
Swift Cyclonic Sea Jelly
Level 63
3750, 1275
Magical Ocean
- Shining Sea Jelly Skin
- Strong Sea Jelly Tentacle
- Shining Cyclonic Sea Jelly Heart
- Life Crystal
- Mystery Fruit
Cursed Mermaid
Level 64
3750, 1275
Magical Ocean
- Cursed Merman Heart
- Cursed Merman Tail
- Cursed Mermaid Hair
- Perfect Ruby
- Mystery Fruit
Berserk Tempest Sea Jelly
Level 64
3750, 2475
Magical Ocean
- Large Slimy Sea Jelly Skin
- Powerful Sea Jelly Tentacle
- Large Cyclonic Sea Jelly Heart
- Life Crystal
- Revival Clover
Old Ruby Dolphin
Level 65
3750, 2475
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Dolphin Tail
- Flawed Mysterious Ruby
- Huge Dolphin Dorsal Fin
- Perfect Sapphire
- Agrypnotic
Feral Fish Bone
Level 65
900, 1308
Magical Ocean
- Huge Fish Bone
- Razor Sharp Fish Bone
- Shining Fish Bone Rack
- Perfect Emerald
- Agrypnotic
Stealth Great Polliwog
Level 66
900, 1308
Magical Ocean
- Large Polliwog Skin
- Thick Transparent Polliwog Tail
- Murky Polliwog Blood
- Life Crystal
- Agrypnotic
Feral Ruby Dolphin
Level 66
900, 2000
Magical Ocean
- Strong Dolphin Tail
- Small Mysterious Ruby
- Glimmering Dorsal Fin
- Perfect Crystal
- Agrypnotic
Bewitching Siren
Level 67
1014, 2550
Magical Ocean
- Rusty Siren Lance
- Glimmering Scale
- Bewitching Siren Crystal
- Clarion Crystal
- Agrypnotic
Amethyst Dolphin
Level 67
900, 2000
Magical Ocean
- Purple Dolphin Tale
- Mysterious Amethyst Fragment
- Amethyst Dolphin Dorsal Fin
- Perfect Emerald
- Revival Clover
Old Ruby Dolphin
Level 68
3750, 2075
Magical Ocean
- Enlightened Dolphin Tail
- Flawed Mysterious Crystal
- Shining Dolphin Dorsal Fin
- Perfect Sapphire
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Dark Blue Siren
Level 68
1038, 2317
Deep Blue
- Rusty Dark Lance
- Blue Ray Scale
- Azure Bewitching Crystal
- Clarion Crystal
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Siren Archer
Level 69
3634, 3808
Deep Blue
- Rusty Siren Bow
- Siren Arrow Pouch
- Bewitching Crystal
- Perfect Crystal
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Beardy Pirate Support Ship
Level 69
2081, 1767
Deep Blue
- Red Beardy’s Chest
- Old Beardy Pirate Sail
- Red Beardy Pirate Badge
- Pink Crystal
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Beardy Pirate Warship
Level 70
1038, 1762
Deep Blue
- Red Beard
- Rusty Beardy Pirate Cannon
- Red Beardy Militia Badge
- Clarion Crystal
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Feral Diamond Dolphin
Level 70
2140, 3787
Deep Blue
- Glaring Dolphin Tail
- Small Mysterious Crystal
- Strong Dorsal Fin
- Perfect Emerald
- Rainbow Fruit Juice
Frenzied Siren
Level 71
2915, 3723
Deep Blue
- Rusty Sharp Lance
- Strong Ray Scale
- Sparkling Bewitching Crystal
- Perfect Sapphire
- Revival Clover
Berserk Mermaid Protector
Level 71
1114, 1308
Magical Ocean
- Broken Mermaid Necklace
- Cracked Merman Card
- Mermaid Protector Emblem
- Pink Crystal
- Revival Clover
Berserk Siren Guard
Level 72
1114, 1308
Magical Ocean
- Broken Siren Ornament
- Cracked Siren Card
- Siren Guard Emblem
- Perfect Emerald
- Revival Clover
Ancient Siren
Level 72
3750, 1675
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Lance
- Ancient Scale
- Ancient Ghana Siren Crystal
- Azure Crystal
- Magical Potion
Beardy Pirate Command Ship
Level 73
1038, 1762
Deep Blue
- Beardy Pirate Direction Chart
- Beardy Pirate Banner
- Red Beardy Ringleader Emblem
- Perfect Sapphire
- Magical Potion
Ancient Siren Archer
Level 73
1502, 1970
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Bow
- Ancient Arrow Quiver
- Ancient Siren Crystal
- Azure Crystal
- Magical Potion
Tanned Mermaid Protector
Level 74
2822, 1970
Deep Blue
- Dyed Mermaid Necklance
- Corrupted Merman Card
- Tanned Mermaid Protector Badge
- Pink Crystal
- Magical Potion
Tanned Siren Guard
Level 74
2002, 1298
Magical Ocean
- Dyed Siren Ornament
- Corrupted Siren Card
- Tanned Siren Protector Badge
- Amber Crystal
- Magical Potion
Horrific Mermaid Protector
Level 75
2822, 1970
Magical Ocean
- Broken Mermaid Jeweled Necklace
- Chipped Merman Card
- Tattered Merman Emblem
- Azure Crystal
- Revival Clover
Horrific Siren Guard
Level 75
2002, 1298
Magical Ocean
- Broken Siren Jeweled Ornament
- Chipped Siren Card
- Tattered Siren Emblem
- Black Pearl
- Revival Clover
Feral Siren
Level 76
1502, 1970
Magical Ocean
- Evil Spear
- Wicked Scale
- Evil Siren Crystal
- Amber Crystal
- Revival Clover
Shadow Siren
Level 76
3122, 1298
Magical Ocean
- Shadow Spear
- Shadowy Scale
- Dark Shadow Crystal
- Agate Crystal
- Fruity Mix
Ancient Bewitching Siren
Level 77
1014, 2182
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Hag Spear
- Ancient Glimmering Scale
- Antique Siren Crystal
- Black Pearl
- Fruity Mix
Ancient Dark Blue Siren
Level 78
2081, 2348
Deep Blue
- Ancient Dark Blue Long Spear
- Ancient Blue Scale
- Ancient Spirit Crystal
- Amber Crystal
- Fruity Mix
Ancient Mermaid Protector
Level 79
1014, 2182
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Merman Necklace
- Ancient Merman Card
- Ancient Merman Symbol
- Black Pearl
- Fruity Mix
Ancient Siren Guard
Level 79
1014, 2182
Magical Ocean
- Ancient Siren Ornaments
- Ancient Siren Card
- Ancient Siren Symbol
- Amber Crystal
- Fruity Mix
5.) Items
Cost: 10
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Cost: 55
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Cost: 180
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Elven Fruit
Cost: 3
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Dropped By:
- Snowy Mystic Shrub
- Mystic Shrub
- Dry Mystic Shrub
- Forest Spirit
- Sharp Beak
- Grassland Wolf
- Wild Seaweed
- Floating Seaweed
- Icky Seaweed
Red Date
Cost: 15
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Dropped By:
- Melon
- Sleepy Snail
- Little Squirt
- Cactus
- Hopping Lizard
- Gigantic Melon
- Phantom Tree
- Sand Raider
- Slowpoke Snail
- Thickskin Lizard
Cost: 50
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Dropped By:
- Greedy Shroom
Stramonium Fruit
Cost: 180
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Dropped By:
- Stramonium
- Skeleton Fish
Ice Fruit
Cost: 275
Effect: Recovers a little HP.
Dropped By:
- Snow Squirt
- Snowy Squidy
- Sailor Squidy
- Cursed Seaweed
- White Cap Sea Jelly
- Blackarrow Squid
Rainbow Fruit
Cost: 390
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Fallen Naiad
- Water Dancer
Elven Fruit Juice
Cost: 680
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Wolf
- Cumbersome Snowman
- Werewolf Warrior
- Spiky Stramonium
- Swift Skeleton Fish
- Tanned Skeleton Fish
- Sluggish Squid
- Ocean Water Dancer
Red Date Tea
Cost: 855
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Tribal Villager
- Snowman
- Steel Shell Snail
- Cumbersome Yeti
- Vicious Baby Squid
- Evil Water Dancer
- Poisonous Sea Jelly
- Berserk Sea Jelly
Mushroom Soup
Cost: 1050
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Snow Yeti
- Undead Archer
- Pumpkin Knight
- Tribal Warrior
- Blackarrow Squid
- Octopus
- Chameleon Squid
Stramonium Fruit Juice
Cost: 1265
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Stramonium
- Elite Skeletal Archer
- Infant Icy Dragon
- Sand Crab
- Treant
- Skeleton Fish
- Evil Skeleton Fish
- Swift Baby Squid
- Rapid Squid
- Midnight Water Dancer
Ice Cream
Cost: 1500
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Naive Snow Doll
- Snow Spirit
- Fragile Snow Doll
- Cavalier
- Playful Snow Doll
- Dark Mud Monster
- Great Polar Bear
- Water Fairy
- Horrific Snowman
- Stone Golem
- Iron Golem
- Lizard Warrior
- Giant Lizard
- Horrific Cursed Corpse
- Swift Water Dancer
- Feral Skeleton Fish
- Thunder Sea Jelly
- Shocking Sea Jelly
Rainbow Fruit Juice
Cost: 2030
Effect: Recovers a large amount of HP
Dropped By:
- Frenzied Lizardman
- Nimble Forest Hunter
- Terra Artificer
- Terra Captain
- Nimble Shadow Hunter
- Terra Soldier Leader
- Old Ruby Dolphin
- Dark Blue Siren
- Siren Archer
- Beardy Pirate Support Ship
- Beardy Pirate Warship
- Feral Diamond Dolphin
Fruity Mix
Cost: 3185
Effect: Recovers a large amount of HP.
Dropped By:
- Frost Chimera
- Cursed White Bobcat
- Evil Tribal Shaman
- Cursed Black Bobcat
- Relic Guard
- Dharma Pharaoh
- Relic Protecto
- Shadow Siren
- Ancient Bewitching Siren
- Ancient Dark Blue Siren
- Ancient Mermaid Protector
- Ancient Siren Guard
Medicated Grass
Cost: 18
Effect: Recovers a little SP
Dropped By:
- Mystic Shrub
- Hopping Lizard
- Stramonium
- Skeleton Fish
Fancy Petal
Cost: 82
Effect: Recovers a little SP
Dropped By:
- Sleepy Snail
- Mystic Flower
- Slowpoke Snail
Strange Fruit
Cost: 182
Effect: Recovers a little SP.
Dropped By:
- Killer Cactus
- Angelic Panda
- Owlie
Snowy Grass Bud
Cost: 100
Effect: Recovers a little SP.
Dropped By:
- Snowy Snail
- Northern Snail
Liquorice Potion
Cost: 440
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Werewolf Archer
- Sturdy Rock Golem
- Frenzied Wolf
- Horrific Yeti
- Sakura Pirate Sailor
- Evil Blood Polliwog
- Swift Electric Sea Jelly
- Feral Blood Polliwog
- Stealth Blood Polliwog
- Vicious Mermaid
Energetic Tea
Cost: 640
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Elite Skeletal Warrior
- Sakura Pirate Fighter
- Undead Warrior
- Jack the Pirate’s Support Ship
- Jack the Pirate’s Warship
- Wandering Mermaid
- Shadow Mermaid
Special Ointment
Cost: 778
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Elite Werewolf Warrior
- Iron Mummy
- Huge Spiky Stramonium
- Steel Mummy
- Navy Rifleman
- Old Sawtooth Shark
- White Finned Shark
- Jack the Pirate’s Command Ship
- Spearhead Shark
- Old Sawtooth Shark
Snowy Soft Bud
Cost: 1180
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Tribal Shaman
- Lizardman
- Guardian Angel
- Agile Tribal Villager
- Black Finned Shark
- Sakura 13 Support Ship
- Sakura 13 Warship
Tiamari Fruit
Cost: 1956
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Northern Pirate Sailor
- Vicious Undead Warrior
- Northern Pirate Fighter
- Chameleon Squid
- Sawtooth Shark
- Vampiric Polliwog
- Tempest Sea Jelly
- Silk Shark
- Topaz Dolphin
Mystery Fruit
Cost: 2926
Effect: Recovers a considerable amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Deadly Skeletal Archer
- Forest Hunter
- Northern Pirate Militia
- Skeletal Warrior Leader
- Vicious Pumpkin Knight
- Chimera
- Elite Tribal Warrior
- Treant Terror
- Terra Warrior
- Baby Icy Dragon
- Great Feral Polliwog
- Northern Pirate Command Ship
- Swift Cyclonic Sea Jelly
- Cursed Mermaid
Cost: 4090
Effect: Recovers a large amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Mad Tribal Villager
- Evil Undead Warrior
- Evil Pumpkin Knight
- Beardy Pirate Sailor
- Werewolf Warrior Leader
- Beardy Pirate Fighter
- Beardy Pirate Militia
- Shadow Hunter
- Lumbering Treant
- White Bobcat
- Old Ruby Dolphin
- Feral Fish Bone
- Stealth Great Polliwog
- Feral Ruby Dolphin
- Bewitching Siren
Magical Potion
Cost: 5600
Effect: Recovers a large amount of SP.
Dropped By:
- Elite Lizardman Warrior
- Elite Terra Warrior
- Terra Warrior Leader
- Black Bobcat
- Terra Artificer Leader
- Feral White Bobcat
- Ruthless Forest Hunter
- Ancient Siren
- Beardy Pirate Command Ship
- Ancient Siren Archer
- Tanned Mermaid Protector
- Tanned Siren Guard
Return Ticket
Cost: 1500
Effect: Returns you safely to town area.
Dropped By: (?)
Revival Clover
Cost: 3000
Effect: Item resurrects user.
Dropped By:
- Cursed Corpse
- Bloodthirsty Hunter
- Terra Soldier Leader
- Small Treant
- Long Hair Crab
- Treant Terror
- Elite Werewolf Archer
- Palace Guard
- Cursed Water Fairy
- Corrupted Guardian Angel
- Mad Tribal Witchdoctor
- Terra Elde
- Lizard Warrior Leader
- Vicious Grassland Elder
- Deadly Werewolf Archer
- Evil Guardian Angel
- Frantic Lizardman
- Ruthless Shadow Hunter
- Anubis
- Northern Pirate Support Ship
- Hungry Fish Bone
- Northern Pirate Warship
- Evil Great Polliwog
- Berserk Tempest Sea Jelly
- Amethyst Dolphin
- Frenzied Siren
- Berserk Mermaid Protector
- Berserk Siren Guard
- Horrific Mermaid Protector
- Horrific Siren Guard
- Feral Siren
Old Air Ticket
Cost: 500
Effect: Returns you to spawn point.
Dropped By:
- Smuggler
- Lizard King
Ticket to Argent
Cost: 500
Effect: Teleport ticket to Argent City.
Ticket to Shaitan
Cost: 500
Effect: Teleport ticket to Shaitan City.
Ticket to Icicle
Cost: 500
Effect: Teleport ticket to Icicle City.
Vessel Deed
Cost-Buy from 'Builder' on most ports.
Effect: Right click to view attributes of the ship
Commerce Permit
Cost: Can be obtained from a quest.
To start the quest, go to Shaitan Trader - Sidorf (799, 3659).
Effect: A document to permit player to engage in sea commerce.
Cost: Chopping down trees.
Effect: A piece of wood.
Cost: Mining.
Effect: A piece of rock.
Iron Ore
Cost: Mining.
Effect: Unrefined ore
Crystal Ore
Cost: Mining.
Effect: Unrefined crystal ore
Wood Bundle
Cost: n/a
Effect: Used to repair damage of a ship and recover some durability.
Cost: n/a
Effect: A processed piece of rock.
Pig Iron
Cost: n/a
Effect: Processed iron bar.
Cost: n/a
Effect: Crafted crystal.
Fish Meat
Cost: Fishing.
Effect: Recover the stamina of the crewman and increases little fuel
6.) Ring Merchants
[Abandon Mine Haven (1890.2804)]
Level 15 $7735
Gold Ring Min/Max Attack Bonus + 7
Brass Ring Defence Bonus + 3
Bright Silver Ring Dodge Bonus + 1
Fine Steel Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 1
Ruby Encrusted Ring Berserk Rate Bonus + 2
Level 20 $15216
Animal Tusk Ring Min/Max Attack Bonus + 9
Antler Ring Defence Bonus + 4
Squid Ring Dodge Bonus + 2
Hunter Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 2
Mystic Flower Ring Berserk Rate Bonus + 3
[Andes Forest Haven(998.2969)]
Level 30 $52494
Tooth of Ferocity Min/Max Attack Bonus + 13
Huge Bear Footprint Defence Bonus + 6
Feathers of Paradise Bird Dodge Bonus + 4
Hoof of Nimble Deer Hit Rate Bonus + 4
Mystic Stone Berserk Rate Bonus + 5
Level 35 $75670
Barbaric Ring Ring Min/Max Attack Bonus + 14
Cavalier Ring Defence Bonus + 7
Calvary Ring Dodge Bonus + 5
Shooter's Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 5
Sacrificial Ring Berserk Rate Bonus + 6
[Valhalla Haven(1112.2764)]
Level 35 $75670
Barbaric Ring Min/Max Attack Bonus + 14
Cavalier Ring Defence Bonus + 7
Calvary Ring Dodge Bonus + 5
Shooter's Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 5
Sacrificial Ring Berserk Rate Bonus + 6
Level 40 $105192
Crusader Ring Min/Max Attack Bonus + 15
CounterAttack Ring Defence Bonus + 8
Guerilla Warfare Ring Dodge Bonus + 6
Sniper Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 6
Ring of Advancement Berserk Rate Bonus + 7
[Thundoria Castle (750.1643)]
Level 45 $174800
Eye of the Tiger Min/Max Attack Bonus + 16
Ring of the Yeti Defence Bonus + 9
Ring of the Hawk Dodge Bonus + 7
Paw of Cheetah Hit Rate Bonus + 7
Wild Breeze Berserk Rate Bonus + 8
Level 50 $226970
Ring of Pharoah Min/Max Attack Bonus + 17
Ring of Resistance Defence Bonus + 10
Bandit Ring Dodge Bonus + 8
Bewitching Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 8
Believer's Ring Berserk Rate Bonus + 9
[Chaldea Haven (633.2094)]
Level 55 $286425
Ring of Suppression Min/Max Attack Bonus + 18
Ring of Trust Defence Bonus + 11
Vanishing Ring Dodge Bonus + 9
Binding Ring Hit Rate Bonus + 9
Mermaid Tears Berserk Rate Bonus + 10
Level 60 $355567
Flame of Fury Min/Max Attack Bonus + 19
Stable Cliff Defence Bonus + 12
Wind of Gentle Soul Dodge Bonus + 10
Entwined Rattan Hit Rate Bonus + 10
Water of Miracle Berserk Rate Bonus + 11
7.) Necklace Merchants
[Babul Haven (1227.3184)]
Level 15 $15471
Necklace of Vitality Max HP Bonus + 24
Moonlight Necklace Max SP Bonus + 24
Emerald Amulet HP Recovery +4
Ebony Wreath SP Recovery +1
Level 20 $30432
Vaudeville Necklace Max HP Bonus + 30
Baptismal Necklace Max SP Bonus + 32
Officer Necklace HP Recovery +5
Hunter Charm SP Recovery +2
Mercenary Necklace Physical Resist Bonus + 1
Level 25 $67300
Necklace of the Roaring Wind Max HP Bonus + 37
Necklace of Dusk Max SP Bonus + 39
Jade Ring HP Recovery +6
Necklace of Exorcism SP Recovery +3
Level 30 $104988
Soul Necklace Max HP Bonus + 43
Light of the Holy Priest Max SP Bonus + 47
Emperor Necklace HP Recovery +7
Heavenly Ring SP Recovery +4
Hero Necklace Physical Resist Bonus + 2
[IceSpire Haven (2672.657)]
Level 35 $151340
Elegant Necklace Max HP Bonus +49
Wood Necklace Max SP Bonus +54
Outlander Necklace HP Recovery +8
Academic Charm SP Recovery +5
Level 40 $210384
Ashen Gem Max HP Bonus +75
Mark of the Dragon Max SP Bonus +62
Hope Of Life HP Recovery +9
Symbolic Necklace SP Recovery +6
Red Nit Gem Physical Resist Bonus + 3
Level 45 $349600
Necklace of Shooting Star Max HP Bonus +84
Necklace of Speed Max SP Bonus +69
Storm Necklace HP Recovery +10
Charm of Encounter SP Recovery +7
Level 50 $453940
Burning Vitality Max HP Bonus: +93
Warm Wind of Spring Max SP Bonus +77
Autumn Night Glimmer HPRecovery +11
Wintery Blizzard SP Recovery +8
Force of Four Seasons Physical Resist Bonus +4
[Thundoria Castle (750.1643)]
Level 55 $572850
Spirit Spark Max HP Bonus +102
Milky Way Max SP Bonus + 84
Shooting Star HP Recovery +12
Blessed Rainbow SP Recovery +9
Level 60 $711135
Grace of Heaven Max HP Bonus +110
Dragon's Breath Max SP Bonus +92
Heaven's Seal HP Recovery +13
Angelic Protection SP Recovery +10
Light of Terra Physical Resist Bonus +5
8.) NPC Locations
[Argent City]
Argent Teleporter - Jovial 2187, 2776
Argent Secretary - Salvier 2219, 2749
Blacksmith - Goldie 2193, 2706
Castle Guard - Peter 2192, 2767
Citizen - Margaret 2279, 2746
Granny - Beldi 2277, 2769
Little Daniel 2193, 2730
Trader - Chiroro 2331, 2821
Physican - Ditto 2250, 2770
Banker - Monica 2220, 2704
Innkeeper - Marriam 2211, 2781
Forbei 2226, 2726
Sailer - Coddy 2219, 2911
General - William 2277, 2831
Nurse - Gina 2244, 2770
Shaitan Ambassador - Xiba 2256, 2706
Argent Chairman - Ronnie 2241, 2748
Oldman - Blurry 2272, 2700
Grocery - Jimberry 2232, 2729
Tailor - Granny Nila 2267, 2704
Assistant - Rouri 2240, 2752
Newbie Guide - Senna 2223, 2785
Barmaid - Denna 2224, 2887
Passerby - Ja 2215, 2828
Drunkyard - Anthony 2222, 2889
Maritime Assistant - Alena 2247, 2858
Builder - Sinbad 2255, 2801
Harbor Operator - Shirley 2243, 2826
Pirate Informer - Gewas 2224, 2883
Navy Informer - Dalongdan 2201, 2818
Navy Recruitment - Rachel 2194, 2774
Island Teleporter - Silvius 2248, 2853
Tailor - Bebe 2265, 2704
Hairstylist - Cartel 2215, 2813
Event Redemption - Bingo 2231, 2715
Cleaner 2252, 2779
Event Introduction - Pappa 2222, 2768
[Belmont Plains]
Youth - Tommy 1962, 2694
Manufacturer - Desmond 1732, 2782
D Edition - Smuggling Bunny 2298, 2520
Patrol - Marcusa 2065, 2732
***ei 2290, 2495
Xitron 1858, 2585
Bubu 1973, 2457
Melissa 1963, 2492
Little Cuwen 1635, 2607
Aunt Mary 2144, 2552
Coral Vendor - Lamon 2061, 2543
Freight - Soraris 1879, 2965
[Solace Haven]
Old Cuwen 529, 2458
Teleporter - Meila 543, 2437
Linda 515, 2437
Dada 588, 2388
Gregg 526, 2432
[Thundoria Castle]
Doctor - Masa 773, 1549
Banker - Macurdo 743, 1534
Blacksmith - Furlington 766, 1447
Girl - Cindy 740, 1451
Shaitan Ambassador - Alix 712, 1508
Tools - Wesley 741, 1563
Innkeeper - Granny Maya 697, 1542
Tailor - Ditter 754, 1512
Argent Ambassador - Yata 741, 1553
Guard Captain - Mallack 706, 1465
Grocery - Kudu 725, 1551
Thundoria Teleporter - Sarah 743, 1586
Navy HQ - General Ken 808, 1521
Navy HQ - Colonel Maxi 653, 1505
Morpheus - Freya 651, 1585
Guard - Nisson 711, 1414
Guard - Sonny 715, 1414
Passerby - Bey 669, 1554
Accessory - Wetigo 731, 1567
[Thundoria Navy Harbor]
Bar Waitress - Mona 990, 1263
Sailor - Dio 1083, 1285
Trader - Sanjay 1003, 1306
Girl - Rioli 1020, 1278
Harbor Operator - Lt. Wayne 1056, 1324
Builder - Attan 1062, 1291
Freight - Fernando 1038, 1288
[Abandon Mine Haven]
Security - Kal 1909, 2820
Berry 1893, 2812
Geliya 1914, 2806
Greg 1883, 2805
Freight - Huradar 1907, 2798
Kentaro 1894, 2798
Teleporter - Meiya 1912, 2802
Accessory - Pucan 1889, 2804
[Valhalla Haven]
Waala 1136, 2778
Don Pitt 1113, 2779
Professor Fenny 1131, 2777
Guiderius 1123, 2766
Teleport Envoy - Elizabeth 1121, 2781
[Chaldea Haven]
Chaldea Teleporter - Mabel 625, 2104
Doctor - Chivo 630, 2091
Simon Gilter 646, 2088
Azur Breeze 622, 2106
Sa Mori 628, 2095
Carin Livingstone 626, 2100
[Chaldea Tundra]
Freight - Canari 912, 2000
[Sacred Snow Mountain]
Passerby - Barbi 994, 1234
[Rockery Haven]
Alexandis 1526, 3089
Teleporter - Felicia 1519, 3076
Freight - Moken 1522, 3095
[Sara Haven]
Harbor Operator - Whitney 3097, 3530
[Zephyr Isle]
Harbor Operator - Lufan 3253, 3301
Trader - Burgess 3254, 3278
Island Teleporter - Andrea 3266, 3266
[Outlaw Isle]
Trader - Dilady 3595, 739
[Reagen Haven]
Harbor Operator - Fardell 3153, 674
[Andes Forest Haven]
Accessory - Rikka 996, 2969
[Hafta Haven]
Harbor Operator - Whitcombe 2041, 1355
[Albania Haven]
Harbor Operator - Daruka 1497, 1707
*Deep Blue*
[Lower Icicle Castle]
Blacksmith - Bash 1344, 529
Grocery - Palpin 1356, 483
Physican - Daisha 1352, 499
Nurse - Anne 1318, 500
Newbie Guide - Angela 1315, 507
Icicle Swordsman - Ray 1365, 570
Icicle Chairman - Reyno 1294, 498
Icicle Royal - Mas 1346, 451
Banker - Belinda 1360, 519
Bar Waitress - Babara 1310, 530
Tailor - Hannah 1349, 539
Innkeeper - Yaskey 1290, 540
Icicle Teleporter - Helen 1323, 544
Passerby - Tink 1335, 469
Missy Elene 1280, 478
Trader - Pahniro 1260, 573
Luke 1320, 585
Merchant 1326, 531
Little Mo 1237, 611
[Upper Icicle Castle]
Wynne 1380, 523
Lessie 1379, 612
[Atlantis Snow Field]
Harbor Operator - Silion 1214, 681
Builder - George 1221, 628
Sailor - Ajax 1221, 617
Dodo 1590, 531
Lamut 1536, 704
Irisis 1275, 672
Eluna 1141, 575
Shereda 1067, 452
Ciao 964, 422
Strawberry 1010, 350
Eve 1426, 285
Susana 1163, 435
Caroline 1160, 692
Jameson 1043, 780
Lucy 936, 818
Yulandor 789, 795
[Atlantis Haven]
Willi 1028, 668
Zurbi 1037, 671
Gasardis 1028, 649
Julie Burn 1049, 673
Ulkar 1059, 661
Teleporter - Sofia 1046, 639
Freight - Alkins 1059, 670
[Icicle Haven]
Jernis 803, 352
Granny Dong 795, 363
Nana 798, 369
Weird Grampa 808, 373
Teleporter -Lily 818, 354
[Icespire Haven]
Neila 2675, 631
Lulu 2668, 634
Mekkilon 2662, 648
Fardey 2680, 657
Teleporter - Artemis 2696, 638
Master Kerra 2664, 654
Sasha 2678, 631
Kevin Wolf 2688, 628
Accessory - Dunman 2673, 657
[Skeleton Haven]
Oracle - Moonlight 2134, 555
Xeus 2138, 545
Hoho 2142, 556
Teleporter - Mina 2116, 551
Tae 2128, 540
[Muse Haven]
Harbor Operator - Ramus 2297, 3723
[Salva Haven]
Harbor Operator - Gregory 194, 1715
[Karmas Haven]
Harbor Operator - Odie 738, 3803
[Isle of Fortune]
Harbor Operator - Hux 1642, 1986
Trader - Bowey 1619, 1976
Island Teleporter - Juliet 1634, 1968
[Spring Island]
Blacksmith - Wu Xin 3316, 2516
Tavern Keeper - Long Er 3302, 2501
Grocery - Luna 3279, 2501
Commerce - Yuri 3195, 2506
Teleporter - Chun Li 3326, 2511
Diviner - Hocus Pocus 3257, 2502
Hotel Owner- Sang Di 3287, 2501
Harbor Operator - Shuang 3409, 2560
Banker - Wang Mo 3290, 2512
Guard - Zhao 3303, 2533
Guard - Zhou 3298, 2534
Youth - Cloud 3275, 2467
Youth - Misty 3241, 2533
Bill 3235, 2550
Wang Rong 3265, 2547
Hairstylist 3300, 2513
[Summer Island]
Harbor Operator - Qing 3685, 2652
Harbor Operator - Yun 3337, 3523
[Autumn Island]
Northern Pirate - Yakamoto 3685, 2652
[Underwater Tunnel]
Zombie - Hami 50,243
*Magical Ocean*
Shaitan Teleporter - May 918, 3562
High Priest - Gannon 862, 3500
Clan Chief - Albuda 898, 3640
Tools - Ouya 862, 3591
Tailor - Moya 894, 3602
Banker - Judis 906, 3539
Coaster Guard - Franco 867, 3660
Blacksmith - Smithy 902, 3495
Girl - Lena 883, 3520
Grocery - Amos 840, 3585
Innkeeper - Harken 810, 3498
Nurse - Landy 890, 3569
Pirate Decky 792, 3670
Newbie Guide - Resline 876, 3572
Builder - Franklin 901, 3668
Navy HQ - Admiral Nic 865, 3648
Shaitan Chairman - Guile 873, 3545
Passerby - Wowo 846, 3499
Lamb - Welly 898, 3683
Assistant - Tintin 871, 3547
Passerby - Yay 797, 3554
Passerby - Fairu 931, 3529
Guildmaster - Forlan 831, 3548
Harbor Operator - Mark 823, 3698
Trader - Sidorf 799, 3659
Freight - Amber 1369, 3033
Merchant 847, 3606
Head Researcher 808, 3613
Forsaken City Researcher 809, 3615
Demonic World Researcher 811, 3613
Dark Swamp Researcher 811, 3616
Obscure Harbor Operator 828, 3705
Freight - Ali Q 832, 3707
Arms Dealer 872, 3646
Rare Material Supplier 895, 3657
Rare Metal Supplier 848, 3641
[Southern Desert]
Sand Bandit - Supermun 1080, 3086
Ruben Actus 1131, 3153
Merrix 1118, 3611
Gudas 921, 2991
Minelli 1244, 3186
Solaru 1202, 3179
Odessis 1201, 3201
Momo 1209, 3196
Teleporter - Berlin 1222, 3196
Accessory - Allan 1226, 3183
[Prairie Haven]
Merman Prince - Hassan 1254, 3491
Musician - Shamel 664, 3093
Guard - Michael 958, 3549
Augustan 1196, 3570
Jeynaa 1177, 3456
Beck 556, 2934
Love Yuri 1127, 3417
Robin 1131, 3305
Freight - Ansto 1535, 3449
[Canary Isle]
Harbor Operator - Tomas 1744, 3774
Trader - Mickey 1739, 3748
Freight - Yevgeni 1726, 3787
Island Teleporter - Winnie 1722, 3755
Captain Jack 1672, 3777
[Oasis Haven]
Wenona 781, 3127
Fey Fey 797, 3129
Marcus 789, 3112
Ditaro 804, 3098
Teleporter - Aina 803, 3114
[Isle of Chill]
Harbor Operator - Paul 2372, 737
Trader - Sibun 2386, 734
Freight - Alexis 2356, 726
Island Teleporter - Julie 2366, 726
Pirate Jeremy 2362, 657
[Woody Haven]
Harbor Operator - Baros 2024, 2752
[Lahu Haven]
Harbor Operator - Domoru 3498, 923
[Pyrex Haven]
Harbor Operator - Teba 3081, 2135
[Cupid Isle]
Harbor Operator - Xad 2528, 2393
Trader - Yuka 2519, 2397
Island Teleporter - Wanda 2520, 2402
[Aerase Island]
Harbor Operator - Buni 2042, 635
[Norite Harbor Island]
Harbor Operator - Luigi 464, 468
[Ethio Haven]
Harbor Operator - Soc 3194, 3507
[Hubble Haven]
Harbor Operator - Dannis 136, 3432
[Old Shaitan City]
Holy Priestess - Ada 862, 3303
Ham 826, 3347
9.) NPC Items For Sale
*Swordman/Crusaider/Champion & Explorer/Voyager equipments*
Newbie Knife 27
Axe 1,000
Pickaxe 1,000
Repair Hammer 1,000
Short Sword 1,015
Short Metal Sword 2,403
Long Sword 4,897
Steel Sword 8,237
Fencing Sword 12,948
Striking Sword 18,742
Two Handed Sword 7,691
Warrior Sword 26,360
Crescent Sword 34,785
Dazzling Sword 45,219
Delusion Sword 57,110
Short Blade 1,015
Light Sword 2,403
Fine Blade 12,948
Emerald Blade 26,123
Steel Saber 45,219
Small Steel Sword 2,403
Common Steel Sword 8,237
Assassin Sword 18,742
Tribal Sword 34,785
Amber Sword 57,110
Husk Shield 1,400
Steel Shield 4,600
Tower Shield 9,800
Feather Shield 13,050
Crevice Shield 21,250
Blessed Shield 31,450
Criss Sword 83,593
Rebel Sword 111,312
Paladin Sword 144,700
Charging Sword 182,752
Serpentine Sword 26,123
Two-Edged Sword 7,691
Fearsome Sword 26,360
Righteous Sword 83,593
Cavalier Saber 144,700
Common Rebel Sword 11,312
Fiery Sword of Darkan 182,752
Heavy Sword 7,691
Vehemence Sword 26,360
Protector Sword 83,593
Ivader Sword 144,700
Enhanced Rebel Sword 111,312
Rustle Sword 182,752
Dagger 1,218
Sharp Dagger 2,884
Kris 5,876
Swift Kris 9,885
Trident 15,538
Pointed Kris 22,491
Moon Kriss 31,347
Crystaline Kris 41,742
Hyena Dagger 54,262
Vampiric Kris 68,532
Small Dagger 1,218
Impact Spike 5,876
Dagger of Ripple 9,885
Comet Spike 31,347
Blade of Torment 54,262
Piercing Dagger 2,884
Guerilla Dagger 9,885
Sword of Ripple 22,491
Quartz Dagger 41,742
Nightmare Dagger 68,532
Thesis Dagger 1,218
Bandit Spike 5,876
Dagger of Haste 15,538
Spike of Feint 31,347
Pirate Dagger 54,262
Sharp Blade 2,885
Light Dagger 9,885
Refined Dagger 22,491
Gemmer Dagger 41,742
Cursed Dagger 68,532
Cloth Shirt 2,050
Cloth Gloves 1,250
Cloth Boots 1,250
Tough Vest 3,925
Tough Gloves 2,500
Tough Boots 2,500
Adventure Vest 7,050
Adventure Gloves 4,450
Adventure Boots 4,450
Explorer Vest 10,425
Explorer Gloves 6,700
Explorer Boots 6,700
Oarsman Vest 15,050
Oarsman Gloves 9,650
Oarsman Boots 9,650
Helmsman Vest 19,925
Helmsman Gloves 12,900
Helmsman Boots 12,900
Deckman Vest 26,050
Deckman Gloves 16,850
Deckman Boots 16,850
Mastman Vest 32,425
Mastman Gloves 21,100
Mastman Boots 21,100
Wind Vest 40,050
Wind Gloves 26,050
Wind Boots 26,050
Hurricane Vest 47,925
Hurricane Gloves 31,300
Hurricane Boots 31,300
Mousey Costume 2,050
Mousey Muffs 1,250
Mousey Shoes 1,250
Rooroo Costume 3,925
Rooroo Muffs 2,500
Rooroo Shoes 2,500
Racoon Costume 7,050
Racoon Muffs 4,450
Racoon Shoes 4,450
Playful Racoon Cos 10,425
Playful Racoon Muffs 6,700
Playful Racoon Shoes 6,700
Crabby Costume 15,050
Crabby Muffs 9,650
Crabby Shoes 9,650
Big Crab Costume 19,925
Big Crab Muffs 12,900
Big Crab Shoes 12,900
Duckling Costume 26,050
Duckling Muffs 16,850
Duckling Shoes 16,850
Ducky Costume 32,425
Ducky Muffs 21,100
Ducky Shoes 21,100
Lobster Costume 40,050
Lobster Muffs 26,050
Lobster Shoes 26,050
Prawn Costume 47,925
Prawn Muffs 31,300
Prawn Shoes 31,300
Tailor-Granny Nila
Husk Armor 2,050
Husk Gloves 1,250
Husk Boots 1,250
Soft Leather Armor 3,925
Soft Leather Gloves 2,500
Soft Leather Boots 2,500
Thick Armor 7,050
Thick Gloves 4,450
Thick Boots 4,450
Heavy Leather Armor 10,425
Heavy Leather Gloves 6,700
Heavy Leather Boots 6,700
Rhino Hide Armor 15,050
Rhino Hide Gloves 9,650
Rhino Hide Boots 9,650
Strong Leather Armor 19,925
Strong Leather Gloves 12,900
Strong Leather Boots 12,900
Chain Mail 26,050
Chain Gauntles 16,850
Chain Greaves 16,850
Strong Platemail 32,425
Strong Gauntles 21,100
Strong Greaves 21,100
Raging Bull Tattoo 31,450
Savage Bull Tattoo 26,200
Primal Tattoo 37,400
Breast Plate 26,050
Gauntles 16,850
Greaves 16,850
Light Platemail 32,425
Light Gauntles 21,100
Light Greaves 21,100
Mithril Platemail 40,050
Mithril Gauntles 26,050
Mithril Greaves 26,050
Silver Platemail 47,925
Silver Gauntles 31,300
Silver Greaves 31,300
*Hunter/Sharpshooter equipments*
Newbie Knife 27
Axe 1,000
Pickaxe 1,000
Repair Hammer 1,000
Short Bow 2,031
Hunter Bow 4,807
Long Bow 9,794
Battle Bow 16,475
Tribal Bow 25,897
Marksman Bow 37,485
Mini Bow 2,031
Common Bow 9,794
Tribal Short Bow 25,897
Shikar Bow 4,807
Soldier Bow 16,475
Marksman Bow 37,485
Firegun 32,950
Fire-Rifle 74,970
Exquisite Pistol 104,492
Token Pistol 139,140
Exquisite Rifle 180,876
Gattling Firegun 228,440
Old Firegun 32,950
Enhanced Firegun 74,970
Pocket Pistol 104,492
Battle Rifle 180,876
Steel Pistol 139,140
Spectar Firegun 228,440
Coarse Vest 2,050
Coarse Gloves 1,250
Coarse Boots 1,250
Safari Vest 3,925
Safari Gloves 2,500
SafariBoots 2,500
Hunter Vest 7,050
Hunter Gloves 4,450
Hunter Boots 4,450
Canvas Vest 10,425
Canvas Gloves 6,700
Canvas Boots 6,700
Exquisite Vest 15,050
Exquisite Gloves 9,650
Exquisite Boots 9,650
Slick Vest 19,925
Slick Gloves 12,900
Slick Boots 12,900
Feather Vest 26,050
Feather Gloves 16,850
Feather Boots 16,850
Peacock Vest 32,425
Peacock Gloves 21,100
Peacock Boots 21,100
Emerald Vest 40,050
Emerald Gloves 26,050
Emerald Boots 26,050
Ringdove Vest 47,925
Ringdove Gloves 31,300
Ringdove Boots 31,300
*Herbalist/Sealmaster/Cleric equipments*
Newbie Knife 27
Axe 1,000
Pickaxe 1,000
Repair Hammer 1,000
Mystic Branch 1,218
Wooden Stave 2,884
Wooden Stick 5,876
Hand Stave 9,885
Magical Staff 15,538
Blessing Stave 22,491
Beastly Wand 31,347
Battle Stave 41,742
Thundorian Staff 54,262
Lotus Staff 68,532
Grace Wand 31,347
Staff of Sagacious 41,742
Staff of Life 54,262
Guardian of Nature 68,532
Blessed Staff 1,218
Battle Stave 5,876
Arcane Staff 15,538
Wand of Holiness 31,347
Feral Wand 31,347
Staff of Thunderbolt 54,262
Hearten Wand 54,262
Fine Stave 2,884
Scholar Stave 9,885
Vehemence Stave 22,491
Restraining Staff 41,742
Fury Staff 68,532
Elegant Staff 41,742
Staff of Gaia 68,532
Arcane Branch 1,218
Thick Stave 5,876
Ceremonial Staff 15,538
Brilliance Wand 31,347
Wand of Vigor 31,347
Protector Staff 54,262
Staff of High Priest 54,262
Grained Stave 2,884
Enhanced Stave 9,885
Beautiful Stave 22,491
Staff of Endeavor 41,742
Staff of Flame 68,532
Spiritual Staff 41,742
Staff of Binding 68,532
Medic Robe 2,050
Medic Gloves 1,250
Medic Boots 1,250
Attendant Robe 3,925
Attendant Gloves 2,500
Attendant Boots 2,500
Foster Robe 7,050
Foster Gloves 4,450
Foster Boots 4,450
Scholar Robe 10,425
Scholar Gloves 6,700
Scholar Boots 6,700
Nurse Robe 15,050
Nurse Gloves 9,650
Nurse Boots 9,650
Emergency Robe 19,925
Emergency Gloves 12,900
Emergency Boots 12,900
Travel Robe 26,050
Travel Gloves 16,850
Travel Boots 16,850
Passage Robe 32,425
Passage Gloves 21,100
Passage Boots 21,100
Garcon Robe 40,050
Garcon Gloves 26,050
Garcon Boots 26,050
Healer Robe 47,925
Healer Gloves 31,300
Healer Boots 31,300
Holy Robe 26,050
Holy Gloves 16,850
Holy Boots 16,850
Piety Robe 32,425
Piety Gloves 21,100
Piety Boots 21,100
Follower Robe 40,050
Follower Gloves 26,050
Follower Boots 26,050
Blessed Robe 47,925
Blessed Gloves 31,300
Blessed Boots 31,300
Goaty Costume 2,050
Goaty Muffs 1,250
Goaty Shoes 1,250
Sheepy Costume 3,925
Sheepy Muffs 2,500
Sheepy Shoes 2,500
Kitty Costume 7,050
Kitty Muffs 4,450
Kitty Shoes 4,450
Meowy Costume 10,425
Meowy Muffs 6,700
Meowy Shoes 6,700
Night Owl Costume 15,050
Night Owl Muffs 9,650
Night Owl Shoes 9,650
Owl Costume 19,925
Owl Muffs 12,900
Owl Shoes 12,900
Kangaroo Costume 26,050
Kangaroo Muffs 16,850
Kangaroo Shoes 16,850
Hopperoo Costume 32,425
Hopperoo Muffs 21,100
Hopperoo Shoes 21,100
Otter Costume 40,050
Otter Muffs 26,050
Otter Shoes 26,050
Cleaver Otter Costume 47,925
Cleaver Otter Muffs 31,300
Cleaver Otter Shoes 31,300
Bunny Baby Costume 26,050
Bunny Baby Muffs 16,850
Bunny Baby Shoes 16,850
Happy Bunny Costume 32,425
Happy Bunny Muffs 21,100
Happy Bunny Shoes 21,100
Loopy Bunny Costume 40,050
Loopy Bunny Muffs 26,050
Loopy Bunny Shoes 26,050
Joyful Bunny Costume 47,925
Joyful Bunny Muffs 31,300
Joyful Bunny Shoes 31,300
10.) Pets
So where do we get Pets? Currently, there are several possible
ways to acquire them:
1. Purchasing them in the Item Mall. Pets can easily be bought
from the Item Mall
for 119 Rum, but please note that this price may change. All pets
have the same price.
2. Through Game Events. There are some in-game events that will
allow you to acquire pets.
You can get one by doing the story quest
3. Monster Drops. Some Bosses in the game drop Fairy Boxes which
allows a player to acquire
a random Pet Fairy. Some of these monsters include: Lv55 Wandering
Soul, Lv65 Snowman Warlord,
Lv75 Icy Dragon, and of course, the crowd favorite, Lv90 Black Dragon.
Note that acquiring a pet from these methods will give you a
Level 0 Pet with full stamina
and growth rate. You may also acquire pets from other players,
where they can be sold as freshly
acquired Level 0 Pets, or ones that have been raised by other players.
All pets are basically the same, except in appearance of course.
It's the owner who decides what
stat to increase for the pet and which skill books to give it.
*Equipping Pet*
In order for you to 'see' your pet in the game, you need to place
them on the inventory slot where there is an image of a fairy.
Only through this you will be able to make use of your pet's bonuses.
An equipped pet will also consume stamina and increase xp points.
*Stamina n Growth Rate*
What is Pet Stamina? Stamina is sort of, a pet's 'HP'. But it doesn't
mean that when the stamina gets depleted, the pet will 'die' or anything
like that. When the pet's stamina reaches 0, it will simply be deactivated,
meaning the pet's owner will not be able to benefit from the pet's bonuses.
Also, you will not be able to see your pet floating around you when
stamina goes dry. To replenish stamina, we need to use pet stamina
recovering items, currently there are two items in the game for restoring
lost stamina:
1. Pet Ration-Restores 50 stamina points;can be bought from Item mall only.
2. Pet Food-Restores 5 stamina points, dropped by Lv31 Vampire Bats from
Silver Mine 1, and Lv15 Sailor Squirt at deep blue.
A pet consumes stamina in order to raise its growth rate, or
experience points. Each point of stamina is used every 60 seconds if
you have taught a pet ONE skill. This number will drop to 30 seconds
if you have taught your pet 3 skills. Note that everytime a pet
increases level,its max Stamina points will also go up.
What is Pet Growth Rate? Growth Rate is the pet's experience point.
It is raised through consuming stamina points, so if you do not have
any stamina points, your pet wont gain any exp.
Once a pet maxes its growth rate, you will see the yellow bar under
the pet's stamina bar blink green, this indicates that you may then
use stat fruits to grant bonus stat increase. Once you use a fruit
on a pet, its exp bar will be brought back to 0 and its level increased
by 1. You will then need to keep feeding it stamina items to use stat
fruits on it again. Note that everytime a pet increases level, its Exp
requirement will also go up.
The list below shows the Pet's Level and its corresponding
Stamina/Growth points up to Level 5. (Although I am not absolutely
sure, Stamina is raised by increments of 20 points per level, and
growth points by 120*x where x is [Pet Levelx2]. This formula excludes
Level 1 where the pet has 100/240 pts by default.)
Lv0 100/240
Lv1 120/240
Lv2 140/480
Lv3 160/720
Lv4 180/960
Lv5 200/1200
Stats Fruit n Skill Book
Stat Fruits. There are 5 different kinds of stat fruits that can be
fed to a pet:
1. Zephyr Fish Floss - increases ACC by 1.
2. Shaitan Biscuit - increases SPR by 1.
3. Argent Mango - increases CON by 1.
4. Snow Dragon Fruit - increases STR by 1.
5. Icespire Plum - increases AGI by 1.
These can only be fed to pets with Maxed growth rate. Note that the
higher a pet's level is, the lesser the chance for successfully gaining
a level for the pet. If you fed your pet a fruit and your attempt in
leveling it up failed, your growth rate will be cut in half.
Skill Books. There are 3 different skill levels that a pet can learn,
which are Novice, Standard, and Expert. Of course, the better the skill
book level, the better the effects of the skill.
1. Novice Books - Can be acquired from treasure maps.
2. Standard Books - Purchased from Item Mall for 19 rum.
3. Expert Books - Not available yet in the game.
Learning skills also have chances of failure:
1. First skill book, success rate to learn = 100%
2. Second skill book, success rate to learn = 60%
3. Third skill book, success rate to learn = 30%
This means that the more skills you have taught your pet, the higher
the chances of failing when trying to teach it a new skill. PLUS,
when you try teaching the second skill, you have a 60% chance of success,
and 40% chance of OVERWRITING AN EXISTING SKILL. Same goes for the third
skill, you have a 70% chance of overwriting an existing skill.
Skill effect is upgraded with higher level books. The following is a
list of the skill books that can be used to teach pets:
1. Book of Protection - sort of like a Cleric's Energy Shield. When
the player's HP goes down to 20% and below, the fairy takes the damage.
Stamina damage is a percentage of the actual damage, the remaining
percentage not blocked by skill will be received by player.
Skill damage is not reduced by this skill
2. Book of Berserk - player deals critical damage. This does
NOT mean that a player's berserk rate is increased. Skill is
activated by chance, the system chat box also displays if the
crit/berserk was activated by the pet. (In my personal experience
of using this skill on my pet, the chances of activating berserk
hits by pet is around 10%(or probably lower) at standard level.)
3. Book of Magic-increases magic damage for Herbalist and Explorer class.
4. Book of Recover-increases HP recovery rate.
5. Book of Meditation - increase SP recovery rate. (This adds
about +8 or +10 sp recovery rate @ standard level, pretty sure
about this estimate coz it works better than my sp recov neck w/c
adds +6 sp recov. wud be a good replacement for sp necks, so we can
use Resist+ rings instead)
A pet can only learn up to 3 skills. If the 3 skill slots have
already been taken, you cannot teach a fourth unique skill to the
pet. This means you CANNOT delete skills once you have taught your
pet these skill/s. Teaching a pet skills do not require/deplete
maxed growth rate, this means you can immediately teach all 3
skills to a Lv0 pet.
11.) Hair
To change your hairstyle you'll need to have 100k, a hairstyle
voucher, a hairstyle book for your character, the colorants for
your desired color and the hairstyle items required for the style
you want. Styles are not always guarenteed, if your style fails
you will have rainbow hair. - special thanks go out to Accy!
Acquiring Hair Items
Hair items can be obtained from: Beautiful Chest, Item Chest
Hairstyling Voucher can be obtained from: Item Chest/Beautiful Chest
Hairstyle Books
Lance Hairstyle Book
Lvl 25 Sea Weed..........(279, 3364- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 38 Octopus...........(570, 390- Ascaron)
Lvl 54 Sakura 13 Support Ship(1950, 1286- Ascaron)
Lvl 61 Decaying Fish Bone(3828, 3114- Magical Ocean)
Carsise Hairstyle Book
Lvl 39 Chameleon Squid...(1657,1145- Deep Blue)
Lvl 69 Beardy Pirate Warship....(2081, 1767- Deep Blue)
Phyllis Hairstyle book
Lvl 27 Skeleton Fish (104, 631 - Deep Blue)
Lvl 54 Sakura 13 Support Ship(1950, 1286- Ascaron)
Lvl 62 Evil Great Polliwog(3828, 3714- Magical Ocean)
Ami Hairstyle book
Lvl 48 Feral Blood Polliwog..(2550, 400- Ascaron)
Hairstyle Items:
Lvl 25 Wild Seaweed............(1447, 1602-Ascaron)
Lvl 27 Icky Seaweed............(3930, 3150- Ascaron)
Lvl 30 Blackarrow Squid........(2680,3126- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 52 White Finned Shark........(3538, 3508- Ascaron)
Lvl 26 Floating Seaweed..........(1572, 1200- Ascaron)
Lvl 31 Swift Skeleton Fish.......(2681, 3684- Magical Ocean)
Hair Gel
Lvl 27 Rookie Boxeroo............(1117, 2923- Ascaron)
To get colorant you will need to collect the amount of dyes and
required items then bring it to the person that, will make the certain
colorant for you.
Innkeeper Marriam (2211, 2781- Ascaron)
Red Colorant-
5 Red Dye+ 1 Special gas+ 1 Rainbow glass+200g= 1 Red Colorant
Brown Colorant-
5 Brown Dye+1 Special gas+1 Rainbow glass+200g= 1 Brown Colorant
Orange Colorant-
5 Orange Dye+1 Special gas+1 Rainbow glass+200g= 1 Orange Colorant
Black Colorant-
5 Black Dye+1 Special gas+1 Rainbow glass+200g= 1 Black Colorant
Girl - Lena (883, 3520-Shaitan)
Cyan Colorant-
5 Cyan Dye + 1 Special gas + 1 Rainbow glass+ 200g= 1 Cyan Colorant
Bar Waitress- Babara (1310, 530- Icicle)
Blue Colorant-
5 Blue Dye + 1 Special gas + 1 Rainbow glass+ 200g= 1 Blue Colorant
Purple Colorant-
5 Purple Dye + 1 Special gas + 1 Rainbow glass+ 200g= 1 Purple Colorant
Girl - Cindy (740, 1451- Thundoria)
Yellow Colorant -
5 Yellow Dye + 1 Special gas + 1 Rainbow glass+ 200g= 1 Yellow Colorant
Green Colorant -
5 Green Dye + 1 Special gas + 1 Rainbow glass+ 200g= 1 Green Colorant
Items to make colourants:
Rainbow Glass
Lvl 20 Smuggler.................(1624, 3017- Ascaron)
Lvl 20 Armored King Crab(Boss)..(1783, 2507- Ascaron)
Lvl 31 Yeti.....................(1495, 667- Deep Blue)
Special Gas
Lvl 32 White Owlie..............(1360, 2683- Ascaron)
Lvl 42 Werewolf Warrior.........(755, 2941- Ascaron)
Color Dyes:
*These Mobs FOR a FACT Drop dye BUT Scarcely*
Red Dye
Lvl 15 Sailor Squirt........... (738, 426- DeepBlue)
Lvl 60 Lizard Warrior...........(382, 2726- Ascaron)
Lvl 64 Chimera..................(662, 2460- Ascaron)
Lvl 65 Elite Werewolf Archer....(472, 2484- Deep Blue)
Lvl 69 Mad Tribal Witch Doctor..(None- Lone Tower)
Lvl 71 Nimble Shadow Hunter.....(None- Lone Tower)
Lvl 72 Elite Terra Warrior......(None- Lone Tower)
Lvl 73 Terra Artificial Leader..(None- Lone Tower)
Yellow Dye
Lvl 14 Elk......................(885, 333- Deep Blue)
Lvl 31 Grass Land Elk...........(1360, 2683- Ascaron)
Lvl 40 Rock Golem...............(682, 2592- Ascaron)
Lvl 67 Beardy Pirate Sailor.....(1563, 1804- Deep Blue)
Lvl 67 Werewolf Warrior Leader..(472, 2484- Ascaron)
Lvl 70 Terra Artificer..........(1381,3134- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 75 Frost Chimera............(None- None)
Lvl 77 Frantic Lizardman........(2779, 3223- Deep Blue)
Lvl 37 Ruby Dolphin.............(1650, 1112- Deep Blue)
Lvl 43 Crystal Dolphin..........(3814, 469- Deep Blue)
Orange Dye
Lvl 28 Baby Squid...............(3239, 3400- Ascaron)
Lvl 32 Electric Sea Jelly.......(4016, 982- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 33 Ocean Water Dancer.......(1657, 1145- Deep Blue)
Lvl 63 Swift Cyclonic Sea Jelly.(3750, 1275- Magical Ocean)
Blue Dye
Lvl 16 Sailor Squidy............(657, 411- Deep Blue)
Lvl 62 Long Hair Crab...........(2811, 565- Deep Blue)
Lvl 65 Terra Warrior............(373, 2590- Deep Blue)
Lvl 68 Palace Guard.............(435, 1690- Deep Blue)
Lvl 69 Nimble Forest Hunter.....(None- Lone Tower)
Lvl 70 Terra Elder..............(1381,3134- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 74 Deadly Werewolf Archer...(3410, 3359- Deep blue)
Green Dye
Lvl 34 Evil Water Dancer........(2005, 2110- Ascaron)
Lvl 63 Swift Cyclonic Sea Jelly.(3750, 1275- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 80 Ancient Siren Guard......(1014, 2182- Magical Ocean)
Purple Dye
Lvl 30 Blackarrow Squid..............(2680, 3126-Magical Ocean)
Lvl 38 Fish Bone ..................(240, 1326- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 38 Octopus.....................(570, 390- Ascaron)
Brown Dye
Lvl 42 Sawtooth Shark...........(3132, 1292- Deep Blue)
Lvl 50 Jack the Pirate?s Warship(1950, 3515- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 52 Jack the Pirate?s Command Ship(1966, 3769- Magical Ocean)
Black Dye
Lvl 39 Great Polliwog...........(916, 1871- Deep Blue)
Lvl 40 Azure Siren..............(1565, 2185- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 49 Jack the Pirate?s Support Ship(2210, 3769- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 67 Bewitching Siren.........(1014, 2550- Magical Ocean)
Cyan Dye
Lvl 36 Tempest Sea Jelly.........(2255, 3206- Magical Ocean)
Lvl 45 Crimson Siren............(2050, 400- Ascaron)
Lvl 68 Dark Blue Siren..........(1038, 2317- Deep Blue)
Note: Decolorant is like white, so far at this time, Useless
12.) Gems
Inorder to upgrade your weapon / armor, you need the following:
Gem and Refining Gem
Gems are divided into the following :
Attack effect Gems
Fiery Gem : Adds 4 attack on single handed swords
Furious Gem : Adds 6 attack onto Great sword, staffs, daggers , bows
Explosive Gem : Adds 10 attack onto Guns
Gem of the Wind : Adds 5 AGI onto shoes
Gem of Striking : Adds 5 ACC onto gloves
Gem of Rage : Adds 5 STR onto all types of weapons
Lustrious Gem : Adds 5 hit rate onto weapon / gloves
Eye of Black Dragon : Adds 50 attack onto all types of weapons
Defense effect Gems
Gem of Colossus : Adds 5 CON onto body armor / shields
Glowing Gem : Adds 5 defense to body armor / shields
Shining Gem : Adds 100 HP to body armor / shields
Shadow Gem : Adds evade 2 onto weapon / shoes
Heart of Black Dragon : Adds 500 HP onto shoes / gloves
Soul of Black Dragon: Adds 3 physical resistance onto body armor/ shields
Magic effect Gems - Yellow
Spirit Gem : Adds 1 SPR to weapon / shoes
And lastly..of course Refining Gem!
At some point in the game, you may encounter something call Gem Voucher.
You can exchange the scroll at argent city for a gem !
Lv 1 Voucher = Lv 1 gem type
Lv 2 Voucher = Lv 2 gem type
SIDE NOTE: You need to combine gems to make them into level 2
if you got your gems dropped from a monster
Gaining Gems - Mazes
Forsaken City (Lv 30 - 45 : Magical Ocean -1509, 3666)
Elite Wailing Warrior - Fiery Gem, Furious Gem, Refining Gem
Wailing Archer : Shining Gem, Glowing Gem, Refining Gem
Sorrow Warrior : Fiery Gem, Furious Gem, Refining Gem
Sorrow Archer: Shining Gem, Gem of Colossus, Refining Gem
Dark Swamp( Lv 40 - 55 : Magical Ocean - 2037,2779)
Swamp Watcher : Shining Gem,Glowing Gem, Refining Gem
Swamp Man - Spirit Gem, Refining Gem
Swamp Warden - Explosive Gem, Lustrious Gem, Refining Gem
Swamp Bog : Spirit Gem, Shadow Gem, Refining Gem
Cursed Mummy - Spirit Gem , Refining Gem
Crazy Mummy - Explosion Gem , Lustrious Gem, Refining Gem
Elite Wailing Warrior : Fiery Gem, Furious Gem, Refining Gem
Wailing Marksman : Shining Gem, Glowing Gem, Refining Gem
Demonic World (Level 50+ : Ascaron - 910,1069)
Imaginary Snow Doll : Fiery Gem, Furious Gem, Refining Gem
Snow Doll Spirit -Shining Gem,Glowing Gem,Refining Gem
Evil Snow Doll Spirit - Spirit Gem , Refining Gem,
Confused Snow Doll - Explosive Gem,Lustrious Gem,Refining Gem
Demonic Snowman - Fiery Gem, Furious Gem,Spirit Gem , Refining Gem
Demonic Yeti -Shining Gem,Glowing Gem,Explosive Gem,
Lustrious Gem,Refining Gem
Snowman Warlord - Fiery Gem, Furious Gem,Explosive Gem,Refining Gem
Wandering Soul - Glowing Gem,Spirit Gem , Shining Gem,Refining Gem
Black Dragon Cave
Black Dragon - Heart of Black Dragon,
Soul of Black Dragon, Eye of Black Dragon
Sea Type Monsters
Shocking Sea Jelly---Refining Gem
Evil Blood Polliwog---Gem Composition Scroll
Swift Electric Sea Jelly---Spirit Gem
Old Sawtooth Shark---Fiery Gem
White Finned Shark---Furious Gem
Jack the Pirate's Command Ship---Explosive Gem
Spearhead Shark---Lustrious Gem
Black Finned Shark---Glowing Gem
Sakura 13 Support Ship---Shining Gem
Raging Electric Sea Jelly---Shadow Gem
Mature Ruby Dolphin---Spirit Gem
Sakura 13 Pirate Command Ship---Refining Gem
Spiny Fish Bone---Fiery Gem
Northern Pirate Support Ship---Furious Gem
Decaying Fish Bone---Lustrious Gem
Big Eyed Polliwog---Glowing Gem
Evil Great Polliwog---Shining Gem
Great Feral Polliwog---Shadow Gem
Northern Pirate Command Ship---Fiery Gem
Swift Cyclonic Sea Jelly---Furious Gem
Cursed Mermaid---Explosive Gem
Raging Cyclonic Sea Jelly---Lustrious Gem
Old Ruby Dolphin---Glowing Gem
Feral Fish Bone---Shining Gem
Great Prowling Polliwog---Shadow Gem
Feral Ruby Dolphin---Spirit Gem
Bewitching Siren---Refining Gem
Amethyst Dolphin---Lustrious Gem
Old Diamond Dolphin---Glowing Gem
Dark Blue Siren---Shining Gem
Siren Archer---Shadow Gem
Beardy Pirate Support Ship---Fiery Gem
Beardy Pirate Warship---Furious Gem
Feral Diamond Dolphin---Explosive Gem
Frenzied Siren---Lustrious Gem
Berserk Mermaid Protector---Glowing Gem
Berserk Siren Guard---Shining Gem
Ancient Siren---Shadow Gem
Beardy Pirate Command Ship---Spirit Gem
Ancient Siren Archer---Refining Gem
13.) Classes/Spells
The following are the classes you will get to choose from,
depending on who you started with:
- Swordsman
- Champion
- Crusader
- Herbalist
- Cleric
- Seal Master
- Hunter
- Sharpshooter
- Explorer
- Voyager
You start with the top, then as you do quests you can then 2nd
profession. Choose wisely though.
=*How To Read*=
It follows like this:
(Spell Name)
(Weapon Required)
(Skill Type)
(Skill Incriment)
Sword Mastery
- n/a
- Passive
- Concentration Level 2
- Increase attack when using sword
- Each level increases 4 points
Will Of Steel
- n/a
- Initiate
- Concentration Level 2
- Increase defense of character
- Each level increases 3 points. Time durations 15 seconds
- n/a
- Passive
- n/a
- Increase hit rate of character
- Each level increases 1 point
Illusion Slash
- Sword
- Initiate
- Sword Mastery Level 3
- Use energy of sword to damage enemy at a distance
- Increase attack according to skill level and attack speed of character
- Sword
- Initiate
- Illusion Slash Level 4
- Increase hit rate and attack speed for a short duration
- Each additional level increases effect
Tiger Roar
- n/a
- Initiate
- Break Armor Level 4
- Decrease attack and movement speed of enemy in an area
- Each level decreases attack by 3/movement speed 1. Time duration 15 secs
Break Armor
- n/a
- Initiate
- Sword Mastery Level 3
- Decrease defense of enemy
- Each level decreases defense by 4. Time duration 15 seconds
Mighty Strike
- Great Sword
- Initiate
- Strengthen Level 3
- Ferocious melee attack on a single target
- Level 1 increase attack by 1.25 times. Each addional level increase by 5
Primal Rage
- Great Sword
- Initiate
- Blood Bull Level 5
- Equip totem to use skill. Close attack on target
- Level 1 increase attack by 3.5 times. Each additional level increase 50
Great Sword Mastery
- n/a
- Passive
- Tiger Roar Level 5
- Increase attack when using a great sword
- Each level increases 7 points
Blood Bull
- n/a
- Passive
- Great Sword Mastery Level 5
- Equip totem to increase max HP and defense of character
- Level 1 increases defense and max HP by 10. Each additional level increase 2
- n/a
- Passive
- Great Sword Mastery LEvel 2
- Increast max HP of character
- Each level increases 20 points
- Great Sword
- Initiate
- Mighty Strike Level 2
- Damage enemies in an area
- Level 1 increases attack by 1.05 times. Each additinal level increases 5
- n/a
- Passive
- Dual Sword Mastery Level 2
- Increase dodge rate of character
- Each level increases 3 points
Shadow Slash
- Dual Sword
- Initiate
- Blood Frenzy Level 5
- Continuous melee attack and knock out a single target
- Level 1 increase 110 attack, knock out target for 3.5s.
Each additional level increase 10 and extend 0.5s.
Poison Dart
- Dual Sword
- Initiate
- Blood Frenzy Level 2
- Shoot a dart and put enemy in poison status
- Level 1 deal 12 damage per sec, last for 17s.
Each additional level increase 2 damage and extend 2s.
Blood Frenzy
- n/a
- Passive
- Dual Sword Mastery Level 2
- Reduce attack time cooldown using dual weapon
- Level 1 decrease cooldown time by 10.
Each additional level decrease 2
Dual Sword Mastery
- n/a
- Passive
- Berserk Level 5
- Increase attack when using two weapons
- Level 1 increase 8 attack of left hand weapon.
Each additional level increase 8
- Dual Sword
- Inititate
- Deftness Level 3
- Make character invisible to other unit
- Level 1 conceal for 30s. Every 5s consume 5.5SP.
Each additional level extend time
by 5s, reduce consumption by 0.5SP
Range Mastery
- n/a
- Passive
- n/a
- Increase attack when using long-range weapon
- Each level increase 2 points
- n/a
- Passive
- Range Mastery Lv 2
- Increase movement speed of character
- Each level increase 2
- n/a
- Initiate
- Windwalk Lv 4
- Increase attack speed of character (Fix consumption of 35 SP)
- Level 1 increase 11 points. Each additional level increase 1 point.
Time duration 15s
Venom Arrow
- n/a
- Initiate
- Dual Shot Lv 4
- Put enemy into poison status (Fix consumption of 15 SP)
- Level 1 deal 12 damage per sec. Each additional level increase 2 damage.
Time duration 20s.
Dual Shot
- Bow
- Initiate
- Range Mastery Lv 3
- Two continuous attack on a single target (Fix consumption of 20 SP)
- Level 1 increase attack by 1.7 times. Each additional level increase 15.
Frozen Arrow
- Bow
- Initiate
- Dual Shot Lv 2
- Damage and slow down target (Fix consumption of 15 SP)
- Level 1 increase attack by 1.2 times and slow down enemy.
Each additional level increase effect.
Meteor Shower
- Bow
- Initiate
- Frozen Arrow Lv 5
- Shoot down a rain of arrows damaging enemies in an area
- Level 1 deal 60 damage. Each additional level increase 10
Firegun Mastery
- Gun
- Passive
- Range Mastery Lv 10
- Increase attack when using firegun
- Each level increase 10 maximum attack, 6 minimum attack.
- Gun
- Initiate
- Frozen Arrow Lv 5
- Decrease movement speed and dodge rate of enemy
- Level 1 decrease 20 dodge rate, 50 movement speed.
Time duration 5s. Each additional
level decrease 2.5 and extend 1s.
- Gun
- Initiate
- Cripple Lv 5
- Decrease attack and prevent enemy from using skill
- Level 1 decrease 20 attack, prevent skill usage for 5s.
Each additional level extend 0.5s.
- Gun
- Initiate
- Enfeeble Lv 5
- Ignore targets defense and deal maximum damage
- Level 1 deal 350 direct damage plus 5-10 of targets HP.
Each additional level increase 30 damage.
Magma Bullet
- Gun
- Initiate
- Firegun Mastery Lv 5
- Burn the ground damaging enemies in an area continuously
- Burn ground for 10s. Level 1 deal 33 damage per sec.
Each additional level increase 3 damage. Burn targets
10 damage per sec for 10s.
- n/a
- Passive
- n/a
- Increase max SP of character
- Each level increase 40 points.
- n/a
- Initiate
- n/a
- Restore targets HP and earn some EXP
- Restore HP of target.
Amount determined by skill level and stamina.
- n/a
- Initiate
- Harden Lv 3
- Bring a target out of abnormal status
- n/a
Spiritual Bolt
- n/a
- Initiate
- n/a
- Attack enemy with magical damage
- Deal magical damage. Damage determined by
skill level and stamina.
Spiritual Fire
- n/a
- Initiate
- Spiritual Bolt Lv 2
- Increase attack of character
- Level 1 increase 11 attack. Time duration 180s.
Each additional level increase 1 and extend 18s.
Tempest Boost
- n/a
- Initiate
- Spiritual Fire Lv 4
- Increase attack speed of character
- Level 1 increase 6 attack speed. Time duration 138s.
Each additional level increase 1 and extend 18s.
- n/a
- Initiate
- Recover Lv 4
- Revive dead character
- Bring target back to life. Requires Revival Clover.
Each level restore 5 HP.
- n/a
- Initiate
- Heal Lv 3
- Increase defense of character
- Level 1 increase 14 points. Each additional level increase 4 points.
Time duratio 180s.
True Sight
- n/a
- Initiate
- Divine Grace Lv 2
- Create an overseeing eye in an area that reveal all invisible units
- Level 1 time duration 35s. Each additional level increase 15s.
Divine Grace
- n/a
- Passive
- Vigor Lv 8
- Increase SP recovery rate of character
- Level 1 increase 2 points. Each additional level increase 1 point.
Tornado Swirl
- n/a
- Initiate
- True Sight Lv 2
- Increase berserk rate of character
- Level 1 increase 6 berserk rate. Time duration 33s.
Each additional level increase 1 and extend 3s.
Angelic Shield
- n/a
- Initiate
- Tornado Swirl Lv 2
- Increase defense of character
- Level 1 increase 3 defense. Time duration 33s.
Each additional level increase 3 and extend 3s.
Energy Shield
- n/a
- Initiate
- Tornado Swirl Lv 3
- Activate to replace HP loss with SP
- Level 1 each SP can withstand 0.75 damage.
Each additional level increase 0.25.
Healing Spring
- n/a
- Initiate
- Angelic Shield Lv 2
- Create an area that heals friendly unit continuously
- Level 1 increase HP recovery rate by 2.2 times.
Time duration 17s. Each additional level increase 20 and extend 2s.
Divine Grace
- n/a
- Passive
- Vigor Lv 8
- Increase SP recovery rate of character
- Level 1 increase 2 points. Each additional level increase 1 point.
Seal of Elder
- n/a
- Initiate
- Shadow Insignia Lv 3
- Prevent enemy from using skill
- Level 1 time duration 10.5s. Each additional level increase 0.5s.
Shadow Insignia
- n/a
- Initiate
- Cursed Fire Lv 4
- Prevent enemy from using normal attack
- Level 1 time duration 6s. Each additional level increase 1s.
Cursed Fire
- n/a
- Initiate
- True Sight Lv 3
- Decrease defense of enemy in an area
- Level 1 decrease 12 defense. Each additional level decrease 2.
Time duration 15s.
Abyss Mire
- Staff
- Initiate
- Cursed Fire Lv 4
- Decrease speed of enemy in an area
- Level 1 decrease 30 speed. Time duration 20s.
Each additional level decrease 3 and extend 2s.
- n/a
- Passive
- n/a
- Increase SP recovery rate of character.
- Level 1 increase 2 points. Each additional level increase 1 point.
- n/a
- Passive
- Diligence Lv 2
- Increase movement speed of ship.
- Level 1 increase 6. Each additional level increase 1.
Conch Armor
- n/a
- Passive
- Current Lv 1
- Increase defense of ship.
- Level 1 increase 8 points. Each additional level increase 3 point.
- Wind Coral
- Initiate
- Current Lv 2
- Equip Wind Coral to twirl enemy up in the air
- Level 1 time duration 3.5s. Each additional level
increase 0.5s. Requires to equip Wind Coral.
Lightning Bolt
- Thunder Coral
- Initiate
- Diligence Lv 1
- Equip Thunder Coral to strike enemy with lightning
- Damage determined by skill level and stamina.
Requires to equip Thunder Coral.
Alga Entanglement
- n/a
- Initiate
- Tornado Lv 5
- Use seaweed to bind and damage enemy
- Level 1 damage target 5 points per sec for 6s.
Each additional level increase 1 point
and extend 2s. Also determine by stamina.
Conch Ray
- n/a
- Initiate
- Conch Armor Lv 5
- Use Strike Coral to damage enemies in a straight line
- Damage determined by skill level and stamina.
Requires to equip Strike Coral.
Tail Wind
- n/a
- Initiate
- Tornado Lv 4
- Use Wind Coral to summon wind and boost movement
of ships in an area
- Requires to equip Wind Coral.
- n/a
- Initiate
- Tail Wind Lv 4
- Create a whirlpool to decrease movement speed of enemy
ships in an area
- Each level increase effect.
- Wind Coral
- Initiate
- Tail Wind Lv 2
- Use Fog Coral to decrease attack of enemies in an area
- Requires to equip Fog Coral.
Lightning Curtain
- Thunder Coral
- Initiate
- Lightning Bolt Lv 8
- Use Thunder Coral to create a thunderstorm that damage enemies in an area
- Each level increase effect. Requires to equip Thunder Coral.
*All Classes*
- Fishnet
- Initiate
- n/a
- Job that will be available if ship has fishing component.
- Obtain fish related resources in the sea.
- n/a
- Initiate
- n/a
- Job that will be available if ship has salvage component.
- Obtain resources from sunken ships.
- n/a
- Initiate
- n/a
- Equip Axe to collect wood.
- Level 1 can only chop level 1 tree. Each additional level
increase level of tree that can be chopped.
- Wind Coral
- Initiate
- n/a
- Equip Pickaxe to collect ore.
- Level 1 can only collect level 1 ore. Each additional level
increase level of ore that can be collected.
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