Supreme Commander Patch 1.1.3254
Prvi patch koji nam je na raspolaganju za danas stiže is THQ-a, vezan je za njihov RTS Supreme Commander. Patch koji podiže igru na verziju 1.1.3254 možete preuzeti odavde(1.25 mb), a listu ispravki koje donosi možete pročitati u nastavku teksta. Takodje, ako niste update-ovali igru od verzije 1.0.3189 patch koji sadrži sve dosadašnje možete skinuti odavde (25 mb)
· Disconnection dialog now updates properly, and quiet times will not get stuck at five seconds.
· Aircraft carriers that are building aircraft can no longer be attacked by Interceptors or Air Superiority Fighters.
· Fixed issues relating to how T3 artillery fires.
· Children of children will now die correctly when Czar/Atlantis dies.
· Cybran T2 Sonar hit points increased.
· Engineers will no longer assist a shield generator if the shield has been destroyed. They will now wait until the shield comes back up before assisting
· Strategic Missile Launchers will no longer play the 'Strategic Launch Detected' voice if you simply select a spot to nuke.
· UEF T3 Sonar Platform's rate of fire decreased and damage increased.
· Corona damage radius changed from 0 to 1. This effectively reduces the DPS of the unit.
· New Ferry Beacon Icon.
· Fixed issue that prevented players from moving the cursor to lower third of screen.
· Fixed exploit that let players permanently move the CDR off map.
· dbg_ballistics is no longer usable with cheats off.
· Fixed crash that occurred when players pressed and held middle mouse wheel down and then pressed the End or Home key in game.
· Transport-related tweaks.
· Introduced 500 structure build queue limit.
· Sacrifice retuned
EDIT: Originally incorrectly stated that could not sacrifice on ACU/SCU upgrades; this is still viable but has been retuned..
· Replays downloaded from the GPGnet Replay Vault will no longer cause the replay dialog to fail.
– Sacrifice Exploit on paused SCU/SCU corrected.