Supreme Commander – Demo
Gas Powered Games je izbacio demo igre Supreme Commander koji možete pronaći na ovoj adresi. Poruka od strane Chris Taylor-a glavnog dizajnera GPG-a:
Supreme Commander was more than a labor of love; it was the completion of a journey we started a long time ago and was a game that we’ve wanted to make for a very long time. To see the game complete is an incredible reward for us, especially because it delivers many of the goals we set for ourselves back in 2003. And now the journey is complete, and we will soon embark on another. From all of us here at GPG and the SupCom team, to all of you, we hope Supreme Commander brings you many hours of entertainment and delivers a new and exciting experience. And most of all, we hope it’s everything you had hoped it would be…we worked very hard to make that happen. All the best!
Ovaj demo uključuje početne delove Cybran kampanje i jednu skirmish mapu.
update: Demo možete preuzeti i sa sledećih lokacija: , , 3D Downloads,, FileFront, FilePlanet , FileShack, Gameguru Mania, Internode Games Network, Strategy Informer.