Stronghold – 2001 (šifre)

Stronghold - 2001

Free items:
Submitted by: Ace

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "game info" file in
the "stronghold" folder. Change all the values to
zero to make everything in the game free.

Submitted by:

Select the start menu, click search for files or folders,
search for Stronghold, it should find a FOLDER!
With Stronghold written on it, open it then select game
info, change every number to 0 and save it, then
everything should be free!!!

Keep bears away:
Submitted by: jens lohse

When bears kill civilians, your popularity decreases.
To avoid this, simply build a wood fence around a bear
when it appears.

Place 1-2 Woodcutter-huts near the trees you want to remove.
I.e.: If you need/want to build in areas with trees.

Baker / Brewery / Weapons&Armory :
Build a wall before you place the Huts. You will now be able
to build up against the wall. Now, remove the wall again and
you can see inside the Huts from 3 more angles.

Stockpile / Granary:
When nearly full, you will get the message ; "Stockpile /
Granary Full".
Build more Stockpile / Granary in connection with the existing.
If you want to "split/move" the Stockpile / Granary,all you
need is to build in that given direction and tear down the
Stockpile / Granary

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