Stronghold 2 Patch v1.4.1

Stronghold 2Zaista veoma dug period nije se čulo ništa o igri Stronghold 2, ali eto momci iz FireFly Studiosa rešili su da se probude iz dubokog sna i da nam plasraju novi patch istoimene igre. Ovim updateom osvežavamo igru na verziju v1.4.1 kojim se otklanjaju uočeni propusti, ali predhodno je potrebno imati patchovanu verziju ove strategije na v1.4.

Stronghold 2 v1.4.1 Patch (11Mb) 

The patch will work with all languages (EN-US, EN-UK, IT, ES, FR, DE). To install this patch you first need to install version 1.4.

– Blank games and duplicate games no longer appear in the multiplayer lobby.
– Disbanded troops now appear from the player’s hovels. If no hovels are placed peasants will appear outside the keep.
– Troops placed in stockpiles can now be targeted by enemy players.
– Stone quarries can now be placed on both Island Hopping and Rocky Island free build maps.
– A player can no longer open and close their gatehouse once it has been captured by the enemy.
– Sally ports now appear hidden to enemy players.

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