Steven Spielberg neće režirati WoW Film
Sajt objavio je članak u kome se demantuju sve glasine da će poznati filmski režiser Steven Spielberg režirati film World of Warcraft. Kako je navedeno u članku izvor ove informacije je kancelarija Steven Spielberg-a ili sam Spielberg. No ovakvih glasina će biti još uzimajući u obzir da je World of Warcraft svetski fenomen a film baziran na radnji ovog MMO-a, ništa manje. Ko će režirati ovaj film ostaje tajna ili se još ne zna, jedino se nadamo da neće biti dotični Uwe Boll, čije se ime omraženo izgovara među ljubiteljima igara čije su filmske adaptacije bile, blago rečeno, katastrofa. Članak u kome se demantuje učestvovanje Spilberga u WoW filmu možete pročitati u nastavku teksta. 'Warcraft' rumors are just that…rumors
If there was any doubt in your mind to the credibility SpielbergFilms had in debunking these "World of Warcraft" rumors, here's a final nail in the "Warcraft" coffin.
Steven Spielberg's offices have told us in no uncertain terms that Mr. Spielberg will not be directing "World of Warcraft." The project is in development, but not with Mr. Spielberg attached.
ORIGINAL STORY: To get right to the point, the stories about Steven Spielberg's involvement with the forthcoming film adaptation of the videogame "World of Warcraft" are completely false.
The news began from what is supposedly a Yahoo! Movies mailing list and spread from there. Yahoo!'s story said that, no less than Variety was reporting that "Steven Spielberg sign[ed] to direct World of Warcraft," and that the project would be out around 2009.
The only problem with this bit of intel is that Variety has published no such reports.
This isn't the first time that Yahoo! Movies has had a hand in starting baseless rumors. Look back just a few months, and word would have it that Steven Spielberg was set to direct the "Da Vinci Code" prequel "Angels and Demons." That idiotic rumor became so pervasive, that it actually made its way back to the industry trades (where the online rumors were mentioned in passing).
Sadly, here's how the stupid talk on both "Warcraft" and "Angels" seems to have come to pass. One supposedly reputable source makes a story up from thin air. From there, one or two readers pass the information on to other film websites, where the information gets regurgitated without any or little question. And then it spreads.
The rumor about "Warcraft" has spread to various film fansites, and of course, throughout videogaming websites within a single day. I don't know that there's any downside to all this beyond fans having false expectations for Spielberg's future work. If there's any negative, I've seen at least a handful of nasty messages on various film websites knocking Spielberg for grabbing up too many projects and not focusing on films that he has already "promised" (particularly, "Indiana Jones 4," a project that many fans are understandably emotionally connected with).
Regardless, here's a recap of solid fact of what Steven Spielberg has in active development as a filmmaker.
When it comes to projects Spielberg plans on directing, the only projects out there at this time include "Indiana Jones 4," the Lincoln biopic (based on the book "Team of Rivals") and the recently announced and untitled "wormhole" project. If you look at our "Future Projects" section, Spielberg also has a number of ideas and concepts in various stages of development that were mentioned in the past, but don't have the fire of any of the projects cited above.
As producer, Steven Spielberg has a number of projects coming, in production, or in development.
The animated film "Monster House" is coming to theaters next month on July 21. Later this year, the Spielberg-produced, Clint Eastwood-directed films "Flags of our Fathers" and "Red Sun, Black Sand" will see release.
Further out into 2007, Spielberg and DreamWorks have Michael Bay's "Transformers" set for a July release and the thriller "Disturbia" for a late summer release.
Besides that, a fourth "Jurassic Park" film and a remake of "When Worlds Collide" are both in development.
On the television front, 2007 and beyond will feature the debuts of the filmmaking reality show "On the Lot," the Sci Fi Channel omni-series "Nine Lives," and the anticipated companion piece to "Band of Brothers," "The Pacific War" (also known simply as "The Pacific").
And finally, Steven Spielberg is overseeing a few documentaries produced by the Survivors of the Shoah Foundation.
At this writing, these projects are all actual, honest-to-goodness reality. There's no indication that Spielberg is developing "War of Worldcraft," "Angels and Demons" "Goonies II," "Jaws 5" or any other dream project that some fans spend days and nights talking about on film forums or chat rooms. Wishing upon stars and sending web editors false information about such projects won't bring them any closer to reality, and if these fans are truly respectful of Steven Spielberg's work, then they might consider not helping to shepherd rumors about his career along.
Until that day, I'm going to polish our brass here in public and say this: if you don't read about the project at, consider it rumor. It never has been and never will be our aim to steer fans of Steven Spielberg wrong with information that we publish.