Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II-The Sith Lords Jedi Gunman Guide (walkthrough)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II-The Sith Lords (PC) Jedi Gunman Guide Version 3.5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Version/Update History: Tuesday, December 27, 2005: Finished Version 1.0, all Light side information added. Submitted to GameFAQs. Tuesday, January 10, 2006: Added Neoseeker to websites authorized to use my FAQs. Began work on Version 2.0 Saturday, February 11, 2006: Added a strategy for the Mira/Hanharr fight. Updated to 2.5 Tuesday, February 14, 2006: Just a minor update. I messed up my Obi-Wan quote! Eeep! I've only seen Episode III once, come on. I saw Darth Crispy get his legs lopped off, that was good enough for me. I must thank Adam Walker for the info, and the props. Thursday, February 16, 2006: Man, so many updates! This time to add to my list of allowed sites., welcome! Monday, March 20, 2006: Spelling and grammar fixes, mostly. Decided it was time for 3.0. Scored brownie points with my wife in the thanks section. Watch for a new TSL guide from me soon. I'm plotting! Thursday, March 23, 2006: Fixed the fact that I called the 20th Wednesday. What was I thinking? School is destroying my mind. A nice fella named Richard ( pointed out a mistake I'd made in the Force Powers listing for Light Side, so I fixed that, and tweaked the list a bit, again on a suggestion by him. Thanks! Sunday, April 23, 2006: Alan Ng, who's email has been omitted by request, told me how to get Force Sight, some Implant suggestions, and some equipment suggestions for HK-47, though you may have to cheat to get them. Decided to take this to 3.5, since I'm a version number whore. -------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR'S NOTE: Playthrough as a female, Dark side Jedi Gunman completed, so most of the information should be fairly complete and accurate. I may have messed up somewhere, of course, so if you see a mistake, feel free to tell me. -------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information Written by: Goatboy Damient (thecatillaccat) Email: NOTE: When e-mailing, make the subject "KOTOR II Gunman Guide", use decent grammar and spelling, be polite, and NO TYPING IN ALL CAPS. I will answer questions about the guide, corrections on mistakes I may have made, and any tips or character builds you have are welcome. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and endless praise, and comely damsels in nice dresses are also welcome. Flames and rude people will be fed to my pet Rancor, Mr. Food. The ONLY sites allowed to host this FAQ at this time are,, and, so make all our lives easier, and don't go swiping my guide! If you want it on your site, use the newest version, don't change anything, and email me for permission beforehand. Print it out and spread it among your friends and family if you'd like, but NO claiming it as your own. Okie? -------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction "So uncivilized!" -Obi-Wan Kenobi Maybe so, Obi-Wan. But terribly effective! In playing the original KOTOR, I developed several blaster pistol Jedi, with great success. But it shocked me to see that no one had yet put up a FAQ for the same thing for the delightfully-glitchy sequel. Who doesn't just love getting the frozen-screen of doom in the middle of a big fight, I ask you? This guide will help you too develop a dual blaster pistol using Jedi, wether Light or Dark side, who is fully able to gun down almost any enemy in the game in one or two rounds of attacking, with enough force ability that no one in the game can resist your attempts to stun them. Except the final bosses, perhaps, of course. Bloody cheaters. -------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents A0. Theory A1. Character Stats A1-1. Strength A1-2. Dexterity A1-3. Constitution A1-4. Intelligence A1-5. Wisdom A1-6. Charisma A1-7. Notes A2. Starting Class and Gender A3. Skills A3-1. Persuade A3-2. Repair A3-3. Computer Use A3-4. Awareness A3-5. Treat Injury A3-6. Others A3-7. Notes A4. Feats A4-1. Two Weapon Fighting A4-2. Class Skill: Computer Use A4.3. Close Combat A4-4. Precise Shot A4-5. Other A4-6. Notes A5. Force Powers A5-1. Force Speed A5-2. Force Stun A5-3. Affect Mind A5-4. Force Aura A5-5. Force Valor A5-6. Force Deflection A5-7. Force Heal A5-8. Force Push A5-9. Stun Droid A5-A. Force Resistance A5-B. Battle Meditation A5-C. Revitalize A5-D. Energy Resistance A5-E. Fear A5-F. Shock A5-G. Wound A5-H. Drain Life A5-I. Force Scream A5-J. Special Alignment Powers A5-K. Notes A6. Prestige Class A7. Sides of the Force A7-1. Light Side A7-2. Dark Side A7-3. Notes A8. Allies A8-1. Kreia A8-2. Atton A8-3. T3-M4 A8-4. Bao-Dur A8-5. Handmaiden A8-6. Visas-Marr A8-7. Disciple A8-8. Mira A8-9. Hanharr A8-A. GO-TO A8-B. HK-47 A8-C. Mandalore A8-D. Notes A9. Leveling Up Efficiently AA. Equipment AA-1. Implants AA-2. Headgear AA-3. Gloves AA-4. Right Arm AA-5. Left Arm AA-6. Body AA-7. Belt AA-8. Weapon Set 1 AA-9. Weapon Set 2 AA-A. Notes AB. Game Notes and Tips AC. Cheats and Exploits AD. Final Results/Notes AE. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------- A0. Theory The theory behind the Jedi Gunman is a simple one. Stun your enemies, then use rapid fire to carve them to bits. Rapid fire pistols can easily be as powerful as a high-end lightsaber with the right skills and abilities, and I'm out to prove it. To accomplish this,you need the Speed line of force powers, and a force power to stun/freeze your enemies. You also need the stats and feats to make those powers successful, and the feats and equipment to make your tiny pistols a killing machine that both Robocop and the Predator would be jealous of. For combat feats, it is recommended you stick with the basic Rapid Shot to provide you with that extra attack we love so very much. Come with me now on a wonderful journey to ultimate power! As always, this is just a FAQ, and you can try whatever you'd like. I'm just here to set you on your way. -------------------------------------------------------------- A1. Character Stats A1-1. Strength Raises to-hit and damage of melee weapons, your hands and fists, and lightsabers. Completely irrelevant to the build we're trying to create. At character creation, leave it at 8. A1-2. Dexterity Ahh, one of our money stats. Raises your defense, to-hit with our pistols, and bonus to Reflex Saves. It also adds a bonus to Stealth. You can raise it to 16 in the beginning, but you will likely find plenty of +Dex items in your travels, and it is better to evenly spread points at first. 14 to start. A1-3. Constitution Gives a bonus to your Vitality gained each level, a bonus to Fortitude Saves, and determines which Implants you can use. Some of the high end implants are REALLY good and require 18 Constitution to use, but raise it to 14 to start out. A1-4. Intelligence Gives a bonus to Computer Use, Demolitions, Repair, and Security, as well as determining how many skill points you get each level and at the start of the game. Also, some dialogue options will only appear with a high enough Intelligence score. Skills in this game are very, VERY important, but still, 14 points here will be enough. A1-5. Wisdom Gives a bonus to your Will Saves, Awareness, Treat Injury, and makes your Force powers more difficult to resist. Also gives a bonus to defense, if you have Handmaiden train you (Male only), and certain dialogue options only appear with a high enough Wisdom score. This is the most important stat for our build, but I still suggest 14 points here to start. There are many, many ways to raise Wisdom, especially for the light side. A1-6. Charisma Gives a bonus to your Force powers (the same bonus as Wisdom, and these stack), reduces the cost of using opposite aligned Force powers, and gives a bonus to Persuasion, and I'm fairly certain it helps in Persuade dialogues. Also adds a bonus to your allies to-hit rating, about twice that of your Charisma modifier. Another very important stat, but 14 to start, once again. We can raise Charisma later. A1-7. Notes Many people like to raise their stats to 16, or even 18, at the beginning of the game, but I think this is foolhardy. It costs 2 or more stat points to get one point of increase the higher you go up, when you could get much better overall stats by spending evenly in the beginning. As you go through the game, there will be several opportunities for free permanent stat gains. I will list them here, for convenience. +1 WIS - T3's final upgrade +1 CON, +1 WIS - Breaking Hanharr (Dark Side only) +2 STR, +1 CON - Kreia, after you get Hanharr (Dark Side Only) Also, you can get Light/Dark side mastery bonuses. To get these, you must be as far as you can go on either the Light or Dark side. Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Watchman > +3 CON Jedi Guardian/Jedi Weapon Master > +3 STR Jedi Consular/Jedi Master > +3 WIS Sith Marauder > +1 to 8 extra damage Sith Assassin > +3 DEX Sith Lord > +50 Force Points Knowing this, we can plan what stat points to add as we level up accordingly. So, to start off, our stats are: Strength: 8 Dexterity: 14 Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 14 The class we will be choosing is Consular, followed by Watchman/Assassin. Taking into consideration possible "free" upgrades and masteries, I would suggest this point spread for a Light sided and Dark sided character, respectively. For simplicity's sake, I will assume you get to level 28 by the end of the game. Your mileage may vary, of course. Light Side: Level 4: Wisdom Level 8: Wisdom Level 12: Constitution Level 16: Charisma Level 20: Charisma Level 24: Dexterity Level 28: Dexterity Not counting bonuses from equipment, this will leave your Wisdom at 20 endgame, from the T3 point and the Consular mastery. With the +3 Constitution from Watchman mastery, you will have 18, enough for the stoutest of implants. 16 Charisma and Dexterity will make you into a very dangerous person. Mickey would be proud of you. Rocky would fall to you quicker than he fell to Mr.T. Dark Side: Level 4: Wisdom Level 8: Wisdom Level 12: Con Level 16: Con Level 20: Dexterity Level 24: Charisma Level 28: Charisma Not counting bonuses from equipment, this will leave your Wisdom at 21 endgame, from the Hanharr point, the T3 point, and Consular mastery. With the Hanharr point and the Kreia point, this will leave your Constitution at 18, enough for the stoutest of implants. The +3 Dexterity from Assassin mastery will leave you with a dexterity of 18 endgame. And with 16 Charisma, your Force Powers will be very, very hard to resist. Your Exile would make Palpatine cry for mommy. -------------------------------------------------------------- A2. Starting Class and Gender Differences between male and female Exiles: Males get Handmaiden, whereas females get Disciple. Males can also get a bonus feat from Handmaiden to add their Wisdom modifier to their defense, whereas females cannot. Certain dialogues, character responses, and events will also change depending on your gender. Also, I find a female to be simply funner to play as for some reason, all in all. Males get better bonuses, of course. As I stated before, we will be choosing Consular for our starting class. Consulars get 6 Vitality per level, 2 skill points per level, and 8 Force points per level. Class Skills: Awareness Persuade Repair Treat Injury You will start with basic combat feats, which will be all you need, and Force Focus, with Force Focus being the entire reason we are choosing Consular. Stunning your enemies is absolutely vital to this build. -------------------------------------------------------------- A3. Skills (Stat that effects it is placed in brackets) A3-1. Persuade (Charisma) The single most important skill in this game, and also the only skill that only the Exile can use. So of course you'd want to raise it, right? Of all the skills, gives you the most gameplay, dialogue, quest, and reward options, improves relations with allies, and all around, is the one skill to keep up, no matter what. A3-2. Repair (Intelligence) Used to repair droids, computers, and other machines, and comes up in dialogues now and then. Affects how much a droid heals with a Repair Kit, and effects how many components you get from breaking down items. When breaking down items, only the Exile's Repair skill is used to determine how many components you get, and at 20 repair (skill plus modifiers), you break down at 100% efficiency. Also important for getting the Wisdom bonus from upgrading T3-M4. A3-3. Computer Use (Intelligence) The ability to slice into computers, and the ability to diagnose problems with droids and computers. We mainly use it to upgrade T3, which is very important! I just wish I had this skill in real life. Then I'd make a computer strong enough to beat the shinola out of both Deep Blue AND Stephen Hawking's wheelchair. A3-4. Awareness (Wisdom) Ability to spot hidden mines, and comes up often in dialogues when you notice something out of the ordinary. Not as high priority as the above three skills, but put some here anyhow. A3-5. Treat Injury (Wisdom) Increases the amount healed by medpacs, and adds some dialogue options now and then, and is useful in a few quests. When breaking down items at a Lab Station, the Exile's Treat Injury skill is used to determine how many chemicals you receive. This skill would be more useful for a Dark side player, as they cannot heal as efficiently. A3-6. Others Demolition ( Intelligence): Place 1 point here at character creation, then leave it alone. It is useful to have in Peragus, and with stat bonuses and some equipment, you can handle many of the mines in the game. Recovering or disabling mines is good for precious experience, chemicals, and you can use them to open doors or containers your Security skill can't handle. Of course, an ally can do demolitions far better than you. Security (Intelligence): Place 1 point here at character creation, then leave it alone. It's useful to have basic Security skills in Peragus, and with stat bonuses and some equipment, I found that, except for a few containers, you can handle most of the locks in the game. Use tunnelers or an ally for particularly stout locks. Stealth (Dexterity): Simple. Nothing here at all, until you do the Kreia quest where she asks what your weakest skill is. Then put just one in upon your next level up. A3-7. Notes All the skills except Persuade are used in item creation, but throughout the game, your allies will be able to handle these tasks admirably, probably far better than the Exile. With my recommended stat spread at character creation, you will start with 16 Skill Points. Place them like so: 4 in Persuade 4 in Repair 2 in Awareness 2 in Treat Injury 1 in Demolitions 1 in Security This will get you off to a good start. As a Consular with 14 Intelligence, you will get 4 skill points per level. Until you get Class Skill: Computer Use, max out Repair and Persuade, then save the leftover points. Once Computer Use is a class skill, max it, put your points into Repair and Persuade, and whatever is left over into Awareness and Treat Injury. After that, 1 point each in Repair, Persuade, and Computer Use, and alternate 1 point in Treat Injury and Awareness. As a Watchman/Assassin, you will get 5 skill points per level. Max out Repair, Persuade, and Computer Use, and alternate 2 in Treat Injury and 2 in Awareness. At this point, your options change, though. A Watchman will have every skill be a Class Skill except Demolitions. An Assassin, on the other hand, has ALL skills as Class Skills. You could put some points into Security and Demolitons now, if you'd like. I don't recommend Demolitions for Watchmen, though. I didn't do this at first, but now I realize that I should have. -------------------------------------------------------------- A4. Feats A4-1. Two Weapon Fighting We will be using two blaster pistols, so this feat is absolutely vital, because without it, we're not going to be hitting anything. Two Weapon fighting reduces the massive to-hit penalties incurred when fighting with two weapons. Level 1 of this skill tree is worthless, so just use one pistol or, even better, a blaster rifle until you get Level 2, and upgrade to Level 3 at your first opportunity. A4-2. Class Skill: Computer Use We need Computer Use, so this feat is very, very important, and in our build, will be the second one we get. Used for many things, but mostly the T3-M4 upgrading. A4.3. Close Combat This pair of feats is also very important. Let's face it, you're not always going to be able to keep a big distance between you and your enemies. These feats reduce the bonus to-hit your enemies get from engaging you with melee weapons while you use a ranged weapon, and add to your to-hit when fighting melee enemies. A4-4. Precise Shot This chain of feats is also vital, and will be responsible for much of the success of your Gunman. They add to your ranged weapon damage, while making it more difficult for lightsaber users to deflect your shots. A4-5. Other Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol simply adds a +1 to attack rating. Not important, and should only be taken by Watchmen who have feats left over. Rapid Shot: You will start the game with the basic Rapid Shot ability, and it will serve you well enough throughout the game. You may wish to use one of your final two Watchman points to upgrade it to the next level, though. A4-6. Notes For our class choices, you will earn a feat on the following levels. Consular: 1,3,6,9,12,15 Watchman: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 Assassin: 1,4,7,10,13 Taking this into consideration, spread your feat choices out like so: As a Consular: Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting Level 3: Class Skill: Computers Level 6: Improved Two Weapon Fighting Level 9: Master Two Weapon Fighting Level 12: Close Combat Level 15: Improved Close Combat At this point, you should switch to your prestige class, either Watchman for Light side, or Assassin for Dark side. As a Watchman: Level 1: Precise Shot I Level 3: Precise Shot II Level 6: Precise Shot III Level 7: Precise Shot IV Level 9: Precise Shot V Level 12: Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol Level 13: Improved Rapid Shot As an Assassin: Level 1: Precise Shot I Level 4: Precise Shot II Level 7: Precise Shot III Level 10: Precise Shot IV Level 13: Precise Shot V -------------------------------------------------------------- A5. Force Powers A5-1. Force Speed (Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed) These powers will be used the most throughout your game, and are by far the most useful. The first level only increases your movement speed, but the second level also gives you an extra attack each round. Level 3 gives you two extra attacks per round. Very, very important for carving your enemies to bits. These powers are supposed to increase your defense as well, but currently, that is broken and doesn't work. Cannot be used in armor. Universal Power. A5-2. Force Stun (Stun, Stasis, Stasis Field) After the Speed powers, this will be your most important ability. Crowd control is of utmost important, and frozen enemies are enemies who cannot dodge your attacks. And stunned enemies make your Sneak Attack feat gained from Watchman or Assassin kick in for extra damage. Light Side Power. Stasis Field cannot be used in armor. A5-3. Affect Mind and Dominate Mind Force persuasion. Opens up many new dialogue options, and can get you more quest rewards. I honestly always get it because I feel no Jedi is complete without it, aside from the other reasons. I would suggest Dominate Mind only for those who go Dark side. A5-4. Force Aura (Force Aura, Force Shield, Force Armor) I didn't use these feats except for difficult battles towards the end of the game, and fighting in the Mandalorian Battle Circle, or fighting the Handmaiden Sisters. Raises your defense and saving throws, though the defense boost may be broken and not work. I'm not sure of that. If anyone could tell me, I would appreciate it. Light side, and cannot be used in armor. A5-5. Force Valor (Force Valor, Knight Valor, Master Valor) A skill I found very useful for battles with many enemies, the Battle Circle or Handmaiden Sisters, or difficult bosses. Raises your physical stats, and the final two levels provide resistance to poison. with your already high stats, having them raised by +2, +3, and +5, respectively, is very powerful. And it also effects everyone in the party. Spiffy! Light side power, and cannot be used in armor. And if chosen as your first power, it will allow you to RECOVER the mines in Peragus when used. Spiffy! A5-6. Force Deflection and Force Redirection Also very, very important. The majority of enemies in the game use blasters, and since you don't use lightsabers, these powers are necessary to provide defense. Level one stops blaster bolts, level two bounces them back. Without these, you won't last very long in a heated firefight. A5-7. Force Heal (Heal, Improved Heal, Master Heal) Oh, these are wonderful. Throughout this game, you WILL take damage, and this will take care of it quite readily. The later levels of this power also neutralize poison, and poison and stun, respectively. And with Light side mastery, it's so cheap, you can cast it all day, and all night. I have found, also, that even for a Dark-aligned Gunman, you'll have than enough Force Points and Force regeneration to make use of this. So why not go for it? Light side power. Get it! A5-8. Force Push (Force Push, Force Whirlwind, Force Wave) Pushes back your enemies, damages, and stuns them. With your strong force abilities, you could keep hitting your enemies with this over and over until they died, but there are better and faster ways to get the job done. Universal power. A5-9. Stun Droid (Stun Droid, Disable Droid, Destroy Droid) Immobilizes and damages droids. Can be useful for shutting down turrets for a round or two, as those can do lots of damage in large numbers, but all in all, not the most useful set of powers. Light side power. A5-A. Force Resistance and Force Immunity Raises your resistance to enemy force powers. Can be useful against certain tough bosses at the end of the game, but not the most useful powers, overall. Universal powers, cannot be used in armor. A5-B. Battle Meditation (Battle Meditation, Improved B.M., Master B.M.) I've grown to like Battle Meditation, especially for this build. Adds to attack rating, damage, Will saves, and VP regeneration of your entire party for 20 seconds. Rarely, it pops up as a dialogue option, to influence the course of storyline battles. Worth considering! A5-C. Revitalize ( Revitalize, Improved Revitalize, Master Revitalize) Raises dead allies in battle. I think I've used this once in the entire time I've had this game. Get it if you have nothing better to put your points into near the end of the game. A5-D. Energy Resistance (Energy Resistance, Improved E.R., Master E.R.) I only recently discovered the use of energy resistance, since I started using Consular as my beginning class. Stops a set number of points of energy damage from getting through, and the later powers in this tree affect the entire party. This can really help, negating much of the damage blasters would have done throughout the game, and in tough lightsaber fights. And, it lasts a long time with each cast. Get while still in Peragaus, and keep it turned on as often as possible. A5-E. Fear (Fear, Horror, Insanity) The Dark side version of Stun, basically. But the Fear line trounces the Stun line, because Horror has an area of effect, whereas Stasis does not. Dark side power. A5-F. Shock (Shock, Force Lightning, Force Storm) Absolutely overpowered. Force Storm can clear entire rooms, whole mobs in two shots or less. And it only gets more powerful as you level up. For our Dark side Gunman, this will be an important weapon. A clever use of stunning, pistols, and Force Storm will destroy any group you come into contact with. Dark side power. Cannot be used in armor. A5-G. Wound (Wound, Choke, Kill) I'm angry. So angry I'm going to become a Sith. This power stuns one enemy, and deals them damage. If you hit an enemy who's life bar is half or less with Kill, it's a guaranteed win. In the first KotOR, this also came up in a dialogue or two, and let you put fools in thier place. But in this one? Nowhere. Nothing. Way to drop the ball, Obsidian. This is the best part about being a Sith! Dark side power. A5-H. Drain Life (Drain Life, Death Field) Damages an enemy, and heals your Jedi. Death Field also has a huge area of effect. This can be useful in a pinch, but our build is strong enough that those pinches rarely come. And Heal will take care of it, Dark side or no. But, still. Somewhat useful. Dark side power. Cannot be used in armor. A5-I. Force Scream (Force Scream, Improved Force Scream, Master Force Scream) This one is interesting. It does decent damage, and lowers your enemies base stats, which can be useful. But your guns and Force Storm are more useful still. But if you wanted to make an armored Vader-ish Jedi, it can be used in armor and so it would be useful, I suppose. Dark side power. A5-J. Special Alignment Powers Force Enlightenment Instantly uses the best of your Force Speed, Force Aura, and Force Valor powers all at once, for a reduced cost. Pity you don't get it until you've almost finished the game. But, highly, highly useful, nonetheless. Force Crush Power. Pure, unrestrained power. Deals 1-10 damage per each of your Jedi's levels, and knocks the enemy down. Even if the enemy makes asaving throw against it, it knocks them down and does a good amount of damage. Use this on single enemies and bosses towards the end of the game. Over and over and over. Haha! I like it better than Enlightenment. It's just cruel. A5-K. Notes This list is now complete, so let's get to it. Now, we are starting as a Consular, and Prestige-classing into a Watchman/Assassin. We get no Force powers for our first Consular level, so our force power progression will be like so: Consular: 1 on level 2, 2 on level 3, 1, 1, 2, thereafter, for a total of 20 Force Powers by the time you change your class. Watchman: 2 on your first level, 1 per level thereafter, for a total of 14 at Character Level 28. Assassin: 1 per level, for a total of 13 by Character Level 28. Consular/Watchman: 24 total powers. Consular/Assassin: 23 total powers. My suggested level up pattern for our build, both Light and Dark, would be like so: Light side Consular: Level 2: Force Valor Level 3: Energy Resistance, Burst of Speed Level 4: Affect Mind Level 5: Stun Level 6: Heal, Force Deflection Level 7: Force Aura Level 8: Force Shield Level 9: Stasis, Knight Speed Level 10: Improved Energy Resistance Level 11: Knight Valor Level 12: Improved Heal, Force Redirection Level 13: Force Armor Level 14: Battle Meditation Level 15: Master Speed, Stasis Field Watchman: Level 1: Master Valor, Improved Battle Meditation Level 2: Master Energy Resistance Level 3: Master Heal Level 4: Master Battle Meditation Level 5: Force Resistance Level 6: Force Immunity Level 7: Stun Droid Level 8: Disable Droid Level 9: Destroy Droid Level 10: Force Push Level 12: Force Whirlwind Level 13: Force Wave Dark side Consular: Level 2: Burst of Speed Level 3: Energy Resistance, Affect Mind Level 4: Fear Level 5: Shock Level 6: Horror, Wound Level 7: Dominate Mind Level 8: Force Deflection Level 9: Force Lightning, Knight Speed Level 10: Force Choke Level 11: Drain Life Level 12: Force Redirection, Insanity Level 13: Improved Energy Resistance Level 14: Battle Meditation Level 15: Master Speed, Improved BM Assassin: Level 1: Force Resistance Level 2: Master Energy Resistance Level 3: Force Storm Level 4: Death Field Level 5: Master Battle Meditation Level 6: Force Immunity Level 7: Kill Level 8: Force Scream Level 9: Improved Force Scream Level 10: Master Force Scream Level 12: Cure Level 13: Heal This may not be the best power-up progression, but it worked well for me. You might want to get the Cure line sooner for Dark side, or get others before Wound and Choke. I also messed up on writing my notes, so the above Dark side list may be incorrect. But, it still works. Right? Feel free to send me suggestions, or modify as you see fit. -------------------------------------------------------------- A6. Prestige Class For our Prestige class, we will be choosing to become a Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin. To change class, you must be either very Light or very Dark side, which will cause Visas to attack and join you. When you reach Level 15, immediately talk to Kreia to change your class. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple, really. SNEAK ATTACK. The theory of the build is to stun, then carve to bits. Sneak Attack is a feat that Watchman and Assassins gain that does extra damage when attacking from being Stealthed, and against stunned or otherwise immobilized opponents. We won't be using any stealth, so the final part is what we are interested in. Stun the enemy, and let your superior and highly specialized pistol skills and your basic Rapid Shot ability work in tandem with the bonus damage provided by Sneak Attack to decimate just about any enemy you will encounter. Jedi Watchmen get 2 more Feats, and one more Force power than Sith Assassins, and have much higher saving throws. Sith Assassins on the other hand, get much, much more Sneak Attack damage, and another Class skill. Our build in Feats, stats, and skills works equally as well among Light and Dark side, so don't stress too much about this. -------------------------------------------------------------- A7. Sides of the Force A7-1. Light Side The Light side of the Force is the power of good, and opposes the Dark side and the Sith at every turn. Generally, Light side powers are used to buff (boost stats), to heal party members, and have almost no direct attack skills. For our build, the most useful power we will use will be the Stun tree (Stun, Stasis, Stasis Field). Many of the powers you will not wind up using, but Force Enlightenment, is highly, highly useful when you finally get it. In general, you will have less money and items as following the light generally forces you to give people your money, give up quest rewards, not manipulate your way into larger quest rewards, and basically be a goody little two-shoes. Also, many of the dialogues and actions to gain influence with your allies are inherently Light sided in nature. Save before talking to them, and if you find it hard to control your alignment, hold off on talking to them until you've taken your Prestige class. A7-2. Dark Side The Dark side are the forces of evil, chaos, destruction, lawyers, politicians, and Wilford Brimley, and seeks the destruction of the Jedi. Dark side powers are mostly for direct attack, and crushing your opponents. Therefore, to get them to work, you pretty much need to become a Consular. While you wont get as many buffs, and will have a harder time healing, you'll kill people so quickly that it won't matter much. Force Crush, the special alignment power, is also more useful than Force Enlightenment, by far. Being Dark side will also allow you to get better items and more money, through taking advantage of people, stealing, and using the Force to make people do as you want. You will lose Dark side points in influencing a lot of characters, but I've noticed that you can always, always get them back, oftentimes through gaining influence with other characters. It balances out, a little. A7-3. Notes Nuetral alignment MIGHT come in the future. But that ought to be enough for anyone! -------------------------------------------------------------- A8. Allies A8-1. Kreia -Joins at Peragus -Mentor ability grants an Experience bonus while she is in the party. -Force Chain ability makes any buffing type powers used on you or her affect both of you. Kreia, as a character, I found very useful. First of all, her stats are higher than is normally possible for a character, which kind of miffs me off...but anyhow. She is a Neutrally-aligned Jedi Consular, and thus can use any Force powers very well. As a Light side player, I gave her the main Dark side powers, such as the Shock tree, the Terror tree, and Drain Life, and gave her the basic powers such as Battle Meditation and Force Speed. Being that she is Neutral, I also gave her the Cure tree. For her stats, raise her Wisdom as you level her up. For feats, give her the Dueling tree, Finesse: Melee Weapons, Finesse: Lightsaber, and whatever else you feel is appropriate. Keep up her Awareness and Treat Injury skills, both for Medpac use, and to take advantage of those high skills at the Workbench and Lab Station. Give her some good robes, and a good upgraded melee weapon. Switch to a lightsaber once you finally find one. I recommend making the Exile's lightsaber single bladed and giving it to Kreia. Later in the game, as always happens, her Force Storm cleared rooms in seconds. Place her on Jedi Support, and turn her loose. She is immune to your influence, and likes when you are cold and calculating, thus her influence options are mainly Dark sided in nature. But do NOT go killing innocents for no good reason. A8-2. Atton -Joins at Peragus -Atton comes with his own special armor, that gives a bonus to saving throws, decent defense, and does not restrict the use of Force powers. Keep him in this until you turn him to a Jedi and get him some good robes. If you find no good robes, keep him in his Ribbed Jacket. -Scoundrel's Luck is a feat that grants Defense bonuses as Atton levels up. -Survival is a special feat that increases Atton's saving throws as his Vitality goes down. -When knocked down, there is a chance Atton will get back up if another member of your party is still standing. Normally, I do not level Atton up until he becomes a Jedi. By saving your levels, you get more Jedi levels later, and thus more Force abilities. But Atton is a Scoundrel. And do you know what that means? SNEAK ATTACK! Bring Atton to a Level 11 Scoundrel, and he will gain very good Sneak Attack bonuses, as well as some good Scoundrel's Luck bonuses. Train his feats for Two Weapon Fighting, Close Combat, Rapid Shot, and Precise Shot, and keep him using pistols, even after he's a Jedi. Give him some basic Force Powers depending on what alignment you have him under, as he won't be using them that much, his purpose is to use pistols very, very well. For his stats raise his Dexterity as you level him up. Turn Atton to a Jedi by talking to a man in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shadda who knows about his past, and asking him about it. With high enough influence, you can follow the chain of conversation to turn him into a Jedi Sentinel. He generally likes you trusting him, and complimenting him on his skills. And not invading his mind using the Force. He also seems to enjoy when you murder innocents. For skills, level up his Demolitions and Stealth, mainly. He will be our main guy for making items that require those skills. A8-3. T3-M4 -Prologue, Peragus, Joins when leaving Peragus -You can upgrade items anytime by talking to T3 while he is in your party, but he cannot create or break down items. -If you have less than 11 Computer spikes, he will make some for you. -If Revan was set to Light side in the beginning and you have enough influence with T3, he will have a message from Carth and Bastila. -Repair him three times (Requires 24 Computer Use and Repair, which is why we focused on those skills) to gain a +1 Bonus to your Wisdom. Very important! What can I say? I like T3. And not only for the yummy Wisdom bonus, he's just groovy. He has very high skills, and you should have him focus on the Class skills he comes with. Can be useful for making items, but generally Bao-Dur is better. It all depends on what equipment you find for them, really. Use whoever you can get highest. For Feats, get the Feats that raise his abilities with his skills, and then work on Two Weapon Fighting, and getting him to do good with blasters. Raise his Dexterity and Intelligence as you level him up. He works very well in a triple-blaster pistol onslaught with the Exile and Atton! You should have seen those Serocco thugs was pathetic, in a way. As has been said, repairing him enough times will get you a bonus. This requires good influence with him. Influence with T3 can be gained mainly by being nice to him, and complimenting him. His influence gains are Light sided in nature. Equip him with the best Droid armor you can find, some good upgraded pistols, and either +to skills or combat equipment, depending on what you want to use him for. His Shock Arm is usually a good optional weapon, as is something that will stun. Set him to Droid Support. A8-4. Bao-Dur -Joins at Telos, Surface. -Can instantly destroy any shield or force field. (Using hand to hand combat) -Talk to him on the Ebon Hawk, and he can make energy shields, if you don't have too many Energy and Mandalorian Melee Shields.(Stops doing this after you build your lightsaber) -Can become a Jedi -Cannot wear ANY Jedi Robes Oh, I like Bao-Dur. I like his character, I like the fact that he is a skill point machine. He begins in a special class all his own, Tech Specialist. While getting many, many skill points in this class, it is offset by the HUGE handicap of gaining absolutely no defense bonus as he levels up. Bao-Dur can be turned into a Jedi. All this requires is influence, and to talk to him once your influence is high enough. You cannot get influence through dialogues with him, only by taking him with you while you do things on other planets. All of his influence gaining actions are inherently Light-sided in nature. He becomes a Jedi Guardian, if you want to make him one. I always keep him as a Tech Specialist. Pump up his Intelligence score, give him items to raise skills, and keep him unarmed, as he does the most damage that way. But try to keep him out of combat, and give him the heaviest armor you can find. With all those intelligence points, Bao-Dur will be your main man when it comes to making upgrades, unless you found few good +skill items, and many +skill Droid parts. Just keep his Class skills high and give him Cross-Class Skill feats, because that is his purpose. A8-5. Handmaiden -Joins at Telos, Hidden Academy -Male characters only -Special ability is Echani Strike, which increases unarmed damage and adds a chance to knock enemies down. -Can learn a special Feat from her, Battle Precognition, which adds your Wisdom modifier to your defense. -Can become a Jedi -Through her, you can exploit a glitch in the game. (See Cheats and Exploits) Handmaiden is a melee beast. She-Hulk, if you will, only much more articulate. Only male characters will get her in their party. There are many things you can do with the Handmaiden. You can earn a Special Feat by asking her about the Echani style of fighting. You can turn her into a Jedi Guardian, which is much better than her Soldier class. To do this, spar with her at your Character Level 10, 14, and 18, defeating her each time. Get her influence up, the influence options are mostly Light sided of course, by making her put some clothes on after you are done sparring to learn of her mother. (I preferred her without the clothes...^_~) Learn more about her mother from Kreia, then follow it up with Handmaiden, and she will accept your training. Do not level her up as a Soldier. At all. Not only will this make her easy to defeat in your unarmed duels, this will save her levels for the superior Jedi Guardian class. Give her Two Weapon Fighting feats, and equip her with two lightsabers or a double-blade lightsaber later in the game. Until you have these, use the staff she comes with. For her stats, mainly raise Strength and Dexterity. Leave her in her mother's robes, they will suit her well. A8-6. Visas-Marr -Get far along in Light or Dark alignment, and watch the cutscene. Prepare for a lightsaber using enemy, and enter the Ebon Hawk. Defeat her in battle and spare her to have her join you. -Can gain a special Feat from her called Force Sight -Stats are COMPLETELY unsuited for a Sentinel. How annoying! Visas...I find confusing. While I like her character's personality, her statistics annoy me. Greatly. Give her one Charisma point, then raise either Wisdom or Dexterity, depending on if you choose to give her Light or Dark side powers. Keep her on the Two Weapon Fighting path, and also give her the Toughness feats, as she has pathetic Vitality. You can gain influence with her just by talking to her and being nice to her. And really, get all the influence you could ever need with her in one good conversation. Use her if you want, but I didn't find much use for her in this build. Alan Ng tells us how to get Force Sight: "To get Visas to teach you Force Sight, you need to have lots of influence with her (not a hard task for a light Jedi) and then ask her how the Miralukas are able to see through the Force. After that, the "How do you see through the Force?" line opens up. Follow it and with the right influence, you can see! Be mindful though that you only get one shot at this line and failing the influence check will force you to quickload again (if you want the Sight)." A8-7. Disciple -Found in the Enclave's Sublevel on Dantooine -Female Characters ONLY -Acts as a portable Lab Station -Can become a Jedi Disciple is the female-only character who doesn't compare to the Handmaiden at ALL. He's decent as a Soldier, and even has good stats. But his personality, frankly, gets on my nerves. All you need to do to get influence with him is talk to him, and say the right things. He likes you to be as goody goody as him, and to love the Republic to death. But as a Dark female, I couldn't seem to get influence regardless. And he becomes a CONSULAR. He is NOT made for a Consular, he has no Wisdom and Charisma. Forget this goober. What a bloody dissapointment... A8-8. Mira -Light side or Neutral ONLY -Comes with her own special armor, that gives +5 to defense, cuts damage from melee attacks, and doesn't restrict use of Force powers. Keep her in this until you find her some good robes, and if you don't, do not remove her Ballistic Mesh Jacket. -When she is leading the party, the party cannot set off mines. Spiffy! -Has a Wrist Rocket Launcher. You can make Rockets for it at the Workbench. -Can become a Jedi Mira has her uses. In several areas, Goto's Yacht being one of them, her ability to keep the party from setting off mine's is a godsend, and to me, is her main purpose. She can also be turned to a Jedi Sentinel. The best way to gain influence with her is through her "Why don't you kill?" dialogue string, if you have a decently high awareness. Otherwise, most of her plus-influence events are on Onderon. I used to level her up at first to fight Hanharr, which is a tough and annoying fight. But Carl Russ ( told me a better way. Throw on a stealth belt, set up a minefield, jack her up with an Alacricity Implant, and let the big jerk follow you and blow himself to bits. This can be done at any level, even her starting level, which lets you save levels for her to use as a Jedi. Take her along the Dueling tree, and keep her with a single blaster pistol, and get the required feats for it. Demolitions is the only skill that's of real import. Oh, and her Wrist Launcher is practically worthless. Boba Fett must be rolling in his grave...>_< A8-9. Hanharr -Automatically joins on Nar Shaddaa -Has Armor Proficiency, but can't wear armor. The hell? -Has a special feat called Wookie Rage, that adds to his damage, but lowers defense. -By "breaking" him in conversation, you can gain bonuses to your stats. Hanharr is basically a Sith Marauder without the Force Powers. Give him equipment to raise his Strength, Two Weapon Fighting, and some good upgraded blades, and watch him rend the fleshies. A8-A. GO-TO -Joins after Goto's Yacht. -Can go into stealth mode without any items. Think T3-M4, with less skills, and a lousy personality. Getting inlfuence with him IS kinda neat for story purposes, though. A8-B. HK-47 -Found in a cargo hold on the Ebon Hawk. You must find the parts to rebuild him. I'll admit to being a bit biased. I love HK-47. He's funny! But, sadly, you will have more effective party members. He just doesn't get feats fast enough, and he's a bit brittle, as are all the droids. But give him a good upgraded blaster and bring him along for the meatbag quotes anyhow.^___^ Get influence with him for some Revan backstory, too. Alan NG suggests the Droid Capacitor Armor, Droid Assassination Module, and the Droid Anatomy Library, all of which are excellt pieces of equipment, but says you may have to use the giveitem code to get the Armor and Assassination Module. I'll leave it to you to figure that out. A8-C. Mandalore -Joins at Dxun/Onderon -Mandalore's Dex Bonus is useless because of his armor. -Is immune to Fear and Horror -Has switchable implants that give +4 Str, Dex, or Con, or that will let him regenerate faster. Hmmm...well, I like Mandalore. I liked Canderous, too, so there's reasons for that. He starts out with ranged feats and a ranged weapon, but just like in KotOR, he's meant for melee! Give him some Two Weapon Fighting and some good blades, and +Strength equipment. His armor can't come off, but put a +Defense Overlay and a Strengthening Underlay Mark V in there. His implant switching is found under the same menu you use to view Force Powers. I recommend sticking with the +Strength one. The +Dex one is worthless, and Constitution and Regeneration are hardly an issue for a Soldier. A8-D. Notes What I recommend doing is giving your allies Force Powers to compliment theirs and your alignments. If they are Dark side through your influence, Dark side powers. If you are Light, Light side powers. Give Kreia powers opposite your alignment, to cover all your bases. A9. Leveling Up Efficiently Do everything you can to gain experience. EVERYTHING. Be sure to leave no quest unfinished, repair every droid you can, recover every mine and unlock every door and container with Security. Don't use computer consoles to shut down Droids or kill enemies, kill them yourself! More experience! Take Kreia, for the experience bonus, while you're at it. It DOES add up, after a while. -------------------------------------------------------------- AA. Equipment AA-1. Implants Your Constitution rating determines which implants you can wear. 12 , 14, 16, and 18 all carry with them their own sort of Implants you can equip. Our main stats are Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma. Thus, Implants that raise these would be optimal, but use the best you can find or make at the Lab Station with Kreia. I found little better than a Pheromone Package for the longest time>_<. Near the end of the game, I found a Mental Boost Implant, and that more than made up for the lack of a good implant throughout the rest of the game. Alan Ng suggests the Advanced Combat Implant (Con16), because it gives you Weapon Focus and Specialization for Pistols and Rifles. AA-2. Headgear Again, any headgear that gives a good bonus to your main stats would be ideal. There are several that give bonuses to Dexterity, and some ranged weapon Feats, and I used these until I was lucky enough to find a Circlet of Saresh (Light side only, Wisdom +5). The Multi-Spectral Target Assessor is good, if you equip the Advanced Combat Implant in order to use it. AA-3. Gloves As always, look for gloves that raise your basic stats. There are a couple sets of gloves that will raise Dexterity or give ranged weapon feats. Throughout much of the game, I used a pair of Jal Shey Perception Gloves, and switched to a +Security/Demolitions/+Repair/+Computer Use pair as needed. Endgame, I wanted energy resistance, so I used a pair of Nagai Combat Gloves. AA-4. Right Arm This one is easy. On the Harbinger, you will find an armband that belongs to your Exile. Put it on here, and never take it off. AA-5. Left Arm This one is a little tougher. Here, you will want a shield. Throughout most of the game, I had the strongest shield I could find or make that would stop Energy damage, for the times I ran into lightsabers. Sometimes, I'd put on a melee shield, if the situation warranted it. Later in the game, I recommend placing a Verpine Prototype Shield here. It will serve you well. AA-6. Body Early in the game, you're not going to have much choice when it comes to armor, and may wind up sticking with the Miner's Uniform for a bit. Even Light armor is out, as this will restrict your use of the Force. No good. Find the best robes you can. Many give some small bonus to Wisdom or Charisma, and a rare few give better ones. Some can be upgraded with Underlays. Throughout much of the game I used a Jal Shey Neophyte Armor, upgraded with Energy Resistance upgrades. I didn't find anything better until I ran into the Ossus Keeper Robe in Onderon Palace. And THIS is the perfect Jedi robe. I upgraded it with a Biorestorative Underlay Mark V for the healthy Constitution boost. GET IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. AA-7. Belt There are a few choices when it comes to belts. Never use a stealth field generator. Try to find a belt that will give either good saves, or protect you from Mind Affecting, Horror, Fear, and Stun. I was lucky enough to find a Nerve Amplifier Belt early on. If you get one, stick with it, unless you need a +skills belt for a difficult task. AA-8. Weapon Set 1 This is quite a bit harder. Early on, it's tough to find good pistols. I used upgraded Field Survival Pistols and Scout Survival Pistols (made at a Workbench) early on, until I could find better ones in the shops. I don't reccomend this now, however. Use a good upgraded Blaster Rifle until you find a couple decent pistols. Later, you can also make Watchman Blasters at the workbench, which is a good, solid weapon. And NEVER use Sonic Blasters of any kind. I swear, they never hit anything. I was lucky enough to find 2 Sith Disrupters at a store. I like Disrupters, as the damage they do cannot be stopped by shields. The Onasi Blaster, Zabrak Heavy Pistol, and Mandalorian Ripper/Disintegrator are also good. Just use the best you can find. NOTHING is as important as your guns. Upgrade them with the biggest energy damage upgrades you can find, and use nothing that will lower your to-hit ratings. You use two weapons, they'll already be low. I used various Beam Splitters, Rylith Power Cells, and Accuracy Scopes throughout much of the game. The Energy Amplifier upgrades are also a possibility. Endgame I had two Mandalorian Rippers, upgraded with a Crippling Scope MKIII, a Pure Rylith Power Cell, and a Beam Splitter Mark III. Too bad I couldn't find any Mandalorian Disintegrators... AA-9. Weapon Set 2 could make a set of weapons designed for droids, but I recommend placing the Plasma Torch here. Or a lightsaber. Never know when you might need to bash something open, right? AA-A. Notes Components: Save as many items as you can until the Exile has a total repair skill of 20. At this point, you can break items down, and lose no components in doing so. Use your allies with the highest skills to make upgrades, equipping them with items that will raise their skills when you do so. Bao-Dur can handle Security, Computer Use, and Repair. T3 can handle some of this as well, depending on what parts you've found. Atton can handle Demolitions and Stealth Kreia can handle Awareness and Treat Injury IMPORTANT: DON'T WASTE COMPONENTS! Don't concentrate too much on allies you don't plan to use often. You need all the components you can get to make a powerful set of weapons and armor for your main squad. And before you return to the Jedi Academy once you've found all the Masters, take Kreia's stuff off. You've been warned... -------------------------------------------------------------- AB. Game Notes and Tips The beginning of the game is going to be annoying in parts. You won't be able to defeat the Handmaiden Sisters in any duels, you won't be able to kill as quickly as you would like, and there are times you'll need to be patient. After Telos is when you'll begin becoming a wrecking machine, as this is when the good Feats, Force Powers, and equipment start popping up. Patience, Patience, Patience. I made the mistake of not upgrading my blasters or having decent ones before going to the lower levels of the Enclave, and the Deadly Laigreks were surprisingly tough. I was also dumb enough to bring Bao-Dur. ALWAYS keep your guns upgraded. Take it from me. Later on, you'll be able to cast Force Powers all day long and not run out at all. Not even scratch the surface. You'll have so much FP it's crazy, so go ahead and abuse! Guh, the cave on Korriban is annoying for us Light siders. You can't regenerate Force points in there! Eeeee! Be careful how much FP you use in this longish area. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Glitches are fond of popping up...speaking of which, it's time for... -------------------------------------------------------------- AC. Cheats and Exploits So you wanna cheat? Okay! I don't do it, but hey, if you want to, go for it. Let's start with the Handmaiden Robe Trick! After sparring with Handmaiden, have her put some clothes on. She will put on a unique robe that only she can use. Take it off of her. Ogle for a moment. Ask her to put her clothes on again. You will get another one. Take it off. Ask her to put it back on...over, and over, and over. These break down for a large amount of components, and sell for a very good price. You can get as many as you want this way. Go crazy! And, save before talking to a shopkeeper. When you look at his items, see what he has. Don't like it? Reload and try again, until you get what you want. It's randomized each time! Would make getting good robes and pistols MUCH easier. On Korriban, there will be a room where Kreia is confronted by your allies. You can choose to side with Kreia for Light side points, or help them kill her for Dark side points. The battles are easy. After this is done though, Kreia won't disappear. You can do this over and over again, getting as many points as you want. To get past this glitch, simply do nothing. Don't take a side. Apathy is death! I won't go into the infinite experience glitches, you cheaters. That would unbalance my guide! --------------------------------------------------------------