Star Wars Empire at War – retail patch v1.04
Kompanija LucasArts je izbacila novi retail patch za igru Star Wars Empire at War, i time podiže ovu sci-fi 3d strategiju u realnom vremenu na v1.04. Ovaj patch dodaje podršku za mape koje su napravili korisnici i podršku za automatsko preuzimanje custom mapa, ispravlja par propusta oko balansiranja, dodaje par osveženja mapama (što u vazduhu što na zemlji) i ispravlja još nekolicinu uočenih bugova. Sa ovim patch-om preuzimate i map editor sa kojim možete praviti mape po svojoj želji, i naravno zaigrati na njima. Patch (23Mb) možete preuzeti sa ovog linka, a kompletnu listu ispravki možete pogledati na kraju teksta.
Star Wars Empire at War retail patch v1.04 & map editor
The Map Editor enables players to create both ground- and space-based skirmish maps from scratch, and also allows them to modify any of the existing game maps. All of the terrain, space features, buildings, vehicles and characters from Star Wars: Empire at War are available in the Map Editor for players to develop custom maps. In addition, the download includes a bonus plug-in for 3D Studio Max that allows players to design their own unit models and import them for use on the maps.
Please note that this is an unsupported tool and players will need to first download and install Update 1.04 before using custom maps created with the Map Editor.
For PC: 1.03 update
Posted: 05/15/06
This update addresses the following:
New Content
– Players can now play on maps made with the STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR editor. NOTE: The Editor is available through a separate download.
– Support added for auto-downloading of custom maps. Players who need to download a custom map in order to play in a particular game will automatically download that map when joining the game.
General Bug Fixes
– Corrected several issues related to spaces being used in player names
– Corrected issue for player’s getting kicked from a game due to the game host clicking on their name
– Corrected an issue for missing Japanese characters in the disconnect screen
General Balancing Changes
– Reduced the accuracy of corvettes (both Empire and Rebel) vs. fighters/bombers by 15%
– Reduced Corellian Corvette shield health by 10%
– Increased shield strength of Corellian Gunship by 15%
– Reduced Corellian Gunship hit points by 15%
– Corvette class ships (both Empire and Rebel) now do slightly less damage to mining facilities
– Accuser tractor beam now holds Corvettes and Frigates in place
– Imperial Star Destroyer tractor beam now reduces frigate and corvette speed by 85%
– Adjusted Empire space station shield generator hit points to be balanced properly with the Rebel space station shield generator hit points at all tech levels.
– Increased shield generator hit points on Rebel and Empire level 4-5 stations by 100 points
– AT-AT’s now do 15% damage to T4B’s
– SPMA-T’s now do 15% more damage to T2-B tanks, T4-B Tanks, turrets and structures
– Reduced T4-B rocket damage by 25%
Space Tactical Changes
– Rebellion now starts with 2 X-wing squads instead of 3
– Imperial Star Destroyer’s price has been reduced to 5000 credits, down from 5200 credits
– Accuser’s price has been reduced to 5800 credits, down from 6200 credits
– Nebulon B Frigates now do 20% less damage to mining asteroids and space defense satellites
– Redesigned mining asteroid layout on Bothan Frenzy map
– Resized Battle over Geonosis map
– Acclamator’s price has been increased to 2350 credits, up from 2200 credits
– Acclamator build speed increased from 15 to 18 seconds
– Corellian Corvette and Tartan Cruiser damage reduced vs. mining facilities by 15%
– Fixed Rebel starting unit spawn issue on map "Alderaan Defense"
– Corrected an issue where capital ships would be invisible during space combat
Land Tactical Changes
– Corrected an issue with Turrets shooting at the ground on the Corellian Countdown map
– Heavy Reflective armor (level 1) upgrade is now available at Tech level 2
– Level 1 Rebel Combat Armor price has been increased to 700 credits, up from 450 credits
– Level 2 Rebel Combat Armor price has been increased to 875 credits, up from 675 credits
– Level 1 Rebel T4B Firepower upgrade price has been increased to 1000 credits, up from 700 credits
– Level 1 Rebel T4-B Firepower upgrade build speed increased from 20 to 25 seconds
– Level 2 Rebel T4-B Firepower upgrade build speed increased from 25 to 35 seconds
– Level 2 Rebel T4-B Firepower upgrade price increased from 1100 to 1450 credits