Star Wars: Battlefront II (walkthrough)
\\\\\Star Wars: Battlefront II for PC, Xbox, PS2, and PSP\\\\\\\
\\\\\Version 0.88\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Version 0.69: The preliminary versions sections 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 are done; 8
is started.
Version 0.88: Everything except Campaign Walkthrough finished.
\\\\\1. Table of Contents\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-Note-Press Ctrl+F and type in the code next to the section to jump to it. On
Mac browsers, use Command+F.)
1. Table of Contents (you’re reading it)
2. Introduction -Intrd-
3. FAQ -Frakq-
4. Campaign Walkthrough -Cpnwl-
5. Galactic Conquest Mode -Glccm-
6. Unit Classes -Uncla-
7. Heroes -Heros-
8. Weapons/Tools/Abilities -Wpnta-
9. Vehicles -Vhcls-
10. Maps -Ma#ps-
11. Awards -Awrds-
\\\\\2. Introduction (Intrd)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Welcome to my fourth FAQ/Walkthrough for GameFAQs on the sequel to the best-
selling Star Wars game of all time, Star Wars: Battlefront II. With this guide,
I hope to help new players (which, at the moment, includes everyone) to get
acquainted with the game and learn about its weapons, classes, levels, and
eventually, the campaign. For the first time, I’m also including screenshots to
support my text. I want this guide to eventually be as complete as possible, so
any contributions are welcome!
\\\\\3. FAQ (Frakq)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Q: What’s the easiest way to get awards/get them to legendary?
A: For weapon awards like Gunslinger or Regulator, I’ve found that relatively
closed maps like Polis Massa or Tantive IV work well for getting kills with
these weapons. Mustafar is about the right size for Frenzy. For Demolition, go
to Hoth with the number of bots set to 0 as a Rebel Vanguard, take a
Snowspeeder out to the AT-ATs, and blast their necks 4 times. Either respawn or
win after that. Kamino is probably the best sniper level for Marksman; enemies
are sitting ducks in the turrets. For Technician, I play on Endor and slice
into Speeder Bikes if I can catch them or chicken walkers. Space Battles are
best for the point-based awards; blowing up 2 vital systems/frigates earns you
War Hero. You could also get them while getting another award for a weapon you
excel with. For all awards, if you try to get them multiple times, remember to
wait at least 30 seconds after respawning so you don’t keep it in your next
Q: What do the various other awards (Camper, Dead Eye, Bait, etc…) shown
after a battle mean?
A: They all keep track of who did the most of something in the battle. Tank
Buster is vehicle kills, Killing Spree is the most number of kills in one
sitting (not exactly sure how it measures this one), Camper is the most time
spent without moving, Survivalist is the most kills made without dying, Traitor
is number of team kills, Public Enemy is…well, I don’t exactly know that one
(does anyone?), Bantha Fodder is number of deaths, and Dead Eye is number of
headshots/critical hits. Nemesis and Bait show who you killed and were killed
by the most.
Q: I heard about a level with all the Heroes and all the Villains!
A: Yes, play Assault on Mos Eisley. All Heroes vs. all Villains, and you get to
listen to cantina music. =)
Q: WTF!? Space Coruscant isn’t in Instant Action!?
A: You can always replay it in the campaign. For multiplayer, you’ll have to
play another space level and pretend the planet sprite is Coruscant.
Q: Insert any technical question here!
A: I’m probably not the one to go to on this. All I can say is to make sure
your system meets all the requirements.
Q: My question isn’t answered in here!
A: E-mail me at or post your question on the GameFAQs
message boards. If you e-mail me, please put "Star Wars" or "Battlefront II"
somewhere in the e-mail title or it will likely be deleted.
\\\\\4. Campaign Walkthrough (Cpnwl)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Coming soon!
\\\\\5. Galactic Conquest Mode (Glccm)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Galactic Conquest is BF2’s second mode of play. Your objective here is to
conquer every planet in the galaxy. (Every planet playable in the game, at
least) The mode is based around a simplified map of the galaxy. Your fleets can
move from one space to the next per turn on it; you first select the fleet by
clicking on it, then click on the destination planet and the Move button. If a
fleet is moved onto a hostile planet space, a ground battle of conquest takes
place on that planet. If the attackers win, the planet is converted to their
side. If they lose, their fleet is destroyed and the planet remains allied to
the defenders. If two fleers meet, they battle in space with the loser
destroyed. In either case, the moving fleet will select a bonus to be used
before the battle, then the defenders. (More on that below) After each turn,
factions gain Credits for winning and losing battles and every planet they
hold. The amounts gained by winning ground battles and holding planets vary by
planet and era. (I believe losers always get 200 and space battles are worth
300 or 100 credits for winners and losers)
Victory/Hold Credits
| Era | CW | GCW |
|Coruscant | 600/30 | 600/30 |
|Dagobah | 500/30 | 600/30 |
|Endor (Empire Base Planet) | |1000/100 |
|Felucia | 500/30 | 500/30 |
|Geonosis (CIS Base Planet) |1000/100| |
|Hoth (Alliance Base Planet) | |1000/100 |
|Kamino (Republic Base Planet)|1000/100| |
|Kashyyyk | 500/30 | 500/30 |
|Mustafar | 600/30 | 600/30 |
|Mygeeto | 500/30 | 500/30 |
|Naboo | 600/30 | 500/30 |
|Polis Massa | 500/30 | 500/30 |
|Tatooine (Mos Eisley) | 500/30 | 500/30 |
|Utapau | 600/30 | 500/30 |
|Yavin 4 | 500/30 | 600/30 |
Credits are used to purchase new fleets, buy bonuses to be used in battles, or
recruit new soldier classes. Bonuses can be purchased during your turn, and up
to 3 can be stored at a time. They’re activated before battles to give your
team an advantage. Use them often, because your enemy will!
-Energy Boost
Cost: 200 Credits
This bonus causes your energy gauge to deplete more slowly and recharge much
more quickly. It lets you get around faster by sprinting, but there are much
better bonuses to use.
Cost: 200 Credits
This bonus is quite useful for its cost; it more than doubles the ammunition
for all your weapons! If you aren’t a good ammo manager, this bonus is for you.
(Don’t worry about running out when you star with over 600 Blaster Rifle shots)
Cost: 200 Credits
The Garrison bonus is extremely powerful for 200 Credits. When your
reinforcements reserve reaches 30, it’s augmented by 30 more troops! This
amount can turn the tide of a battle, making it the most cost-effective bonus
in the game.
-Auto Turrets
Cost: 400 Credits
This bonus reinforces all of your command posts with auto turrets like the ones
deployed by snipers. It isn’t too powerful, and one of the worse bonuses you
can buy.
-Bacta Tanks
Cost: 400 Credits
This bonuses causes all of your troops’ health meters to regenerate
slowly…VERY slowly. In any level with intense fighting, you won’t even notice
this bonus’ effect.
-Combat Shielding
Cost: 400 Credits
This bonus causes all of your troops to start with an extra 1/4th or their
health bar full. It’s great for making your troops last longer, and can be
fairly effective, especially in more open levels.
Cost: 600 Credits
This is the ultimate anti-vehicle bonus, causing all enemy vehicles to start
with less than a third of their normal health! It’s highly recommended for
vehicle-heavy levels like Kashyyyk or Geonosis, and is especially fun in space
-Enhanced Blasters
Cost: 600 Credits
This bonus increases the damage of all blaster-type weapons for your troops. (I
don’t think this includes things like rockets, sonic blasts, bowcaster shots,
or maybe even shotgun blasts) Still, it greatly enhances your regular soldiers’
effectiveness and can be very effective in battle.
Cost: 800 Credits
This bonus enables you to use a map’s hero in battle, and even start with
him/her. This can be the best bonus there is if you’re skilled with using
Heroes, especially if you’re playing as a faction with lots of Jedi like the
You can also recruit troops to make them available in battle. You start with
the basic soldier class and pilot; rocket soldiers, snipers, and engineers cost
1000, unlockable classes cost 1800, and marines cost 800.
\\\\\6. Unit Classes (Uncla)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-Clone Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
The mainstay of the Republic ground forces, the basic Clone Trooper carries a
powerful automatic blaster rifle that makes for an excellent close-range
weapon, as well as a decent sniping tool. They also have the ubiquitous blaster
pistol, which is useful for saving ammo in small engagements. With a payload of
four thermal detonators, they’re well-equipped for intense combat situations.
-Heavy Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Proximity Mines (3)
The Heavy Trooper, or ARC Trooper, is the Republic’s anti-vehicle unit. His
rockets can inflict tremendous damage on enemy armor, especially if you can
find weak spots. He also carries special proximity mines, which make for
unpleasant surprises in tight spaces. He’s not the best choice on levels
without vehicles, although his rocket launcher can wipe out densely clustered
-Clone Sharpshooter
Primary Weapons Carried: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Auto Turret (1)
My personal favorite class, the Clone Sharpshooter is the republic’s sniper. As
expected, his sniper rifle has a much more powerful scope than other weapons
and is extremely accurate and powerful, with a low clip size and fire rate. The
Sharpshooter is in his element far removed from combat, punishing any enemy
unit that pauses with a deadly headshot. He also carries a special auto turret,
which, when deployed, will fire on nearby enemies.
-Clone Engineer
Primary Weapons Carried: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Detpack (3), Health and Ammo Dispenser (5)
The Clone Engineer isn’t a powerful fighter, but he has a variety of other
skills that can make him invaluable. His Fusion Cutter can repair destroyed
health and ammo droids, as well as turrets, or slice into enemy vehicles. His
Detpacks are powerful remote mines that can be used to surprise enemies much
like proximity mines, or demolish destroyable objects. The Health and Ammo
Dispenser allows him to carry 5 extra health and ammo containers and drop them
where needed, letting him heal allied troops in a fierce battle without droids.
When he’s needed in actual battle, the Engineer’s Shotgun is incredibly
powerful as close range, but ineffective at a distance.
-Clone Commander
Primary Weapons Carried: Chaingun, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Rally (1), Recon Droid (1)
One of the Republic’s two unique units, the Clone Commander requires 8 points
to play as. He’s a force to be reckoned with in close combat; his chaingun can
fire continuously for a while without overheating and shred through enemy
troops at close range with ease. He also has the rally ability, which
temporarily boosts the defense of all allies around him and can be used once.
Finally, the Commander can also deploy a recon droid, which can fly around to
scout and fire a blaster cannon at enemies. It also has a self-destruct system
if it gets close enough.
-Jet Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: EMP Launcher, Commando Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2)
The Jet Trooper is the second unlockable Republic unit, and a very fun one to
play with. His Commando Pistol overheats more slowly and does more damage than
a normal pistol, making it a suitable weapon for combat. He also carries an EMP
Launcher, which fires explosive blasts similar to the rocket launcher’s and is
extremely deadly against CIS droids. The Jet trooper’s signature ability,
however, is his ability to fly! Press the jump button twice to activate his
jetpack, which allows him to travel through the air for several seconds to get
past obstacles and get an excellent vantage point for his EMP Launcher and
-Clone Pilot
Primary Weapons Carried: Commando Pistol, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Time Bomb (3)
The Clone Pilot is only available for space missions, and for good reason; he’s
made to fly starfighters. He has the ability to slowly repair any fighter he is
flying, making him perfect for combat in them. Out of his ships, he can fight
reasonably well with a Commando Pistol and repair things; he also has Time
Bombs if he happens to be assaulting an enemy ship.
-Clone Marine
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
The Clone Marine, on the other hand, is made for assaulting enemy capital
ships, with some of the deadliest armaments of any unit. His Blaster Rifle can
make short work of any resistance, and his Rocket Launcher and Thermal
Detonators are great for destroying ships’ vital systems.
-Super Battle Droid
Primary Weapons Carried: Wrist Laser, Tri-Shot
Secondary Weapons Carried: Wrist Rocket (3)
The Super Battle Droid is somewhat different than the other soldier classes.
Rather than an actual rifle, it carries a slightly slower laser in its wrist
that is still an excellent close-range weapon. Instead of a blaster pistol, the
Super carries the Tri-Shot, which overheats extremely quickly but fires three
shots at once for added power. Its special wrist rockets can make a deadly
surprise for an unsuspecting clone, with enough power to kill with a direct
-Assault Droid
Primary Weapons Carried: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Proximity Mines (3)
Recognizable by its red paint job, the Assault Droid is virtually identical to
the Republic’s Heavy Trooper. Use it in the same way to blast vehicles.
-Assassin Droid
Primary Weapons Carried: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Auto Turret (1)
Like the Assault Droid, the Assassin Droid has the same abilities as its
Republic counterpart as a sniper. It’s recognizable by its bad camouflage paint
-Engineer Droid
Primary Weapons Carried: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Detpack (3), Health and Ammo Dispenser (5)
Once again, the yellow Engineer Droid is the same as the Republic’s Clone
Primary Weapons Carried: Bulldog RLR, Radiation Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Recon Droid (1), Neuro-Poison (1)
Similar to the Clone Commander (at least in its secondary weapons), the
MagnaGuard is a highly advanced and unlockable droid. Its Bulldog RLR is much
like a Rocket Launcher, but fires much more rapidly and has several shots to a
clip, making it a fearsome weapon. The Radiation Launcher is also explosive,
and functions much like a grenade launcher. Like the Commander, the MagnaGuard
can deploy a Recon Droid to scout. Its Neuro-Poison is a reversed Rally,
crippling all enemies around the MagnaGuard to reduce the damage they do.
Primary Weapons Carried: Repeating Blasters
Secondary Weapons Carried: Shield Emitter
The Droideka, or Destroyer Droid, is the most powerful unit in the CIS, feared
even by Jedi. Anyone who has seen Episode I should be familiar with how they
work, but here’s a crash course for the unenlightened. The Droideka has two
modes, deployed and undeployed. (Switch between the two modes when undeployed,
the Droideka is in the shape of a ball, and can roll around extremely quickly.
However, it is vulnerable in this state; it should only be used to traverse
great distances quickly. When undeployed, the Droideka is extremely slow-
moving, but can fire its powerful repeating blasters. These blasters overheat
slowly even when firing rapidly, and are capable of mowing through Republic
troopers with ease. Also, in this form, the Droideka can activate its infamous
shield. This shield can take incredible amounts of punishment, even from a
Jedi, and makes the Droideka invulnerable until the shield is depleted by time
or enemy attacks. Even heavy weapons have trouble breaking this shield, so the
best time to attack a Droideka is when it’s moving or deploying.
-Droid Pilot
Primary Weapons Carried: Commando Pistol, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Time Bomb (3)
The blue Droid Pilot has the same abilities as the Clone Pilot, and performs
the same task.
-Droid Marine
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
The green Droid Marine is also functionally identical to the Republic’s marine.
-Rebel Soldier
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
The Rebellion’s basic units work in the same way as the Republic’s. I’ll save
time by not commenting on the others.
-Rebel Vanguard
Primary Weapons Carried: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Proximity Mines (3)
-Rebel Marksman
Primary Weapons Carried: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Auto Turret (1)
-Rebel Smuggler
Primary Weapons Carried: Shotgun, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Detpack (3), Health and Ammo Dispenser (5)
-Bothan Spy
Primary Weapons Carried: Incinerator, Stealth
Secondary Weapons Carried: Regeneration (1), Time Bomb (3)
The Bothan Spy is an interesting and stealthy Alliance class. He has the
ability to cloak himself and become invisible at the cost of fatigue (it isn’t
regenerated while moving). His Incinerator fires deadly waves of energy that
can literally wipe enemies in front of him out of existence in an area of
effect, making the perfect surprise for enemies after he’s snuck up on them. He
also has the ability to fully regenerate his and allies’ health once and lay
time bombs to destroy things while behind enemy lines.
-Wookiee Warrior
Primary Weapons Carried: Bowcaster, Grenade Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Recon Droid (1)
The Wookiee Warrior is remotely similar to the MagnaGuard in its weapons, and
is the shock trooper of the Alliance, moving slowly but taking tremendous
damage. Its Bowcaster fires 7 projectiles at once in a horizontal line,
allowing the Wookiee to mow through enemy troops rapidly. It can also be
charged for greater damage. Its grenade launcher acts like the MagnaGuard’s
Radiation Launcher and deals powerful splash damage. The WW also carries a
recon droid and two Thermal Detonators.
-Rebel Pilot
Primary Weapons Carried: Commando Pistol, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Time Bomb (3)
-Rebel Marine
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
Once again, the Empire’s basic units are identical to the Republic’s, except in
-Shock Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Proximity Mines (3)
-Scout Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (2), Auto Turret (1)
-Imperial Engineer
Primary Weapons Carried: Blast Cannon, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Detpack (3), Health and Ammo Dispenser (5)
-Imperial Officer
Primary Weapons Carried: Sonic Blaster, Mortar Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Recon Droid (1), Rage (1)
The Imperial Officer carries a unique Sonic Blaster, which doesn’t do much
damage but can go through several enemies in one shot. His Mortar Launcher is
like a Grenade Launcher, but has more ammo. Like other officers, he can deploy
a Recon Droid; his Rage ability increases the damage done by nearby allies.
-Dark Trooper
Primary Weapons Carried: Arc Caster, Commando Pistol
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
The Dark Trooper is a powerful Imperial droid carrying the Arc Caster, a gun
that fires blasts of electricity at short range. If charged and fired into a
crowd of enemies, it can jump between them and hit up to four. Like the Jet
Trooper, it has a Commando Pistol and jetpack. The jetpack works a little
differently; instead of continuously propelling the Dark trooper, it catapults
it into the air, letting it cross massive distances but not giving as much
-Imperial Pilot
Primary Weapons Carried: Commando Pistol, Fusion Cutter
Secondary Weapons Carried: Time Bomb (3)
-Imperial Marine
Primary Weapons Carried: Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher
Secondary Weapons Carried: Thermal Detonator (4)
\\\\\7. Heroes (Heros)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
Weapons: Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber, Force Push, Saber Throw
Planets Found: Death Star, Kamino, Mos Eisley, Mustafar, Naboo, Utapau
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a level-headed and well-known Jedi of the Republic, and one
of the more visible ones in the movies. He has a classic set of Force Powers;
Saber Throw to wipe out enemies from a distance and Force Push to disrupt them.
He’s a powerful, all-around balanced Jedi to play as.
Weapons: Yoda’s Lightsaber, Force Push, Force Pull
Planets Found: Dagobah, Kashyyyk, Polis Massa, Tantive IV
That’s right, in BF2, you get to kick butt as everyone’s favorite 2-foot Jedi
Master! Despite his size, Yoda is extremely fast when dashing and performs
fearsome acrobatics to wipe out larger enemies quickly. He has both Force Push
and Force Pull, which is great for getting enemies within range of your
Lightsaber. He’s hard to hit because of his size, but his short Lightsaber has
a short reach.
-Mace Windu
Weapons: Lightsaber, Saber Throw, Force Push
Planets Found: Coruscant, Geonosis, Yavin 4
Mace is a master Lightsaber duelist of the old Republic, but it doesn’t really
show in the game. His dash attack is rather slow and requires timing to hit
with, and his normal combo is only decent. His Force powers are identical to
Weapons: Ki-Adi-Mundi’s Lightsaber, Saber Throw, Force Pull
Planets Found: Mygeeto
Ki-Adi-Mundi is one of the more obscure Jedi Masters. Found on Mygeeto, he is
much like Obi-Wan, except he has the useful Force Pull instead of Force Push.
Because of the ridiculous amount of front flips his dash attack incorporates,
it has a rather narrow range.
-Aayla Secura
Weapons: Aayla’s Lightsabers, Saber Throw, Force Pull
Planets Found: Felucia, Jabba’s Palace
The only useable female Jedi, Aayla is a powerful Twi’lek wielding two
Lightsabers. Her combo is fast and covers a wide area, and she has Force pull,
making her one of the Republic’s best Jedi.
-Count Dooku
Weapons: Lightsaber, Force Lightning, Force Choke
Planets Found: Geonosis
Dooku is another seldom-found Sith of the CIS. He has both Dark Side Force
Powers-Lightning for killing soldiers, and Choke for incapacitating Jedi and
setting them up for one of his slow but sweeping Lightsaber combos. His running
speed is slightly on the slow side.
-General Grievous
Weapons: Grievous Sabers, Rage
Planets Found: Dagobah, Mygeeto, Tantive IV, Utapau
The Lightsaber-wielding General Grievous is one of the cooler Heroes to play
as. Despite his lack of the force, he’s fast and lethal with his four sabers.
His Rage ability can be used infinite times, a helpful force in battle, but
several depletes his stamina. It isn’t recommended to use it in battle.
-Darth Maul
Weapons: Doublesaber, Saber Throw, Force Push
Planets Found: Coruscant, Jabba’s Palace, Mos Eisley, Mustafar, Naboo, Polis
Massa, Yavin 4
Darth Maul, despite being dead before the start of the Clone Wars, has managed
to usurp the places of other more deserving Sith for the CIS. That’s not such a
bad thing, however, because he ROCKS! His Doublesaber is deadly, with an
enormous attack range that makes him extremely efficient against infantry and
Jedi alike. He also has the standard and effective combo of Saber Throw and
Force Push.
-Jango Fett
Weapons: Westar-33 Blaster, Flamethrower, Wrist Rocket (6), Time Bomb (3)
Planets Found: Felucia, Kamino, Kashyyyk
The original Mandalorian armor-wearing bounty hunter carries a fearsome array
of weaponry that makes him a match for any Jedi. His Westar-33 Blaster is just
like the Precision Pistol, with higher ammo and a huge firing speed and damage.
His Flamethrower can quickly torch large clusters of enemies and deals damage
over time with fire. His Wrist Rockets work like the Super Battle Droid’s (and
he carries twice as many) and his Time Bombs are suited for taking out large
structures and vehicles. Just like in the movies, he has a powerful jet pack
that lasts longer than the Jet Trooper’s and can fly him across great
-Luke Skywalker
Weapons: Lightsaber, Force Push, Saber Throw
Planets Found: Coruscant, Death Star, Hoth, Jabba’s Palace, Mygeeto
Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebel Alliance, is one of the best Light-Side Jedi.
His Lightsaber combo ends with a sweep that wipes out enemies all around him.
-Han Solo
Weapons: DL44 Blaster, Fusion Cutter, Detpack (3), Rally (1)
Planets Found: Endor, Kamino, Mos Eisley, Utapau
Han’s trademark DL44 Blaster acts much like the Elite Rifle, with similar power
and accuracy, but overheats instead of having ammo. He can make quick repairs
with his Fusion Cutters, blow things up with his Detpacks, and boost nearby
allies’ defense with Rally.
-Princess Leia
Weapons: Sporting Blaster, Thermal Detonators (2), Invulnerability (1)
Planets Found: Naboo, Polis Massa, Tantive IV
The pastry-haired Princess Leia carries her trademark Sporting Blaster, as well
as theme music. This blaster is much like the Sniper Rifle; it has two scope
levels and can fire through multiple enemies if you line them up. Headshots are
lethal, as usual, but it overheats extremely quickly. Her Invulnerability
power, unfortunately, doesn’t live up to its name and simply increases nearby
units’ defense.
Weapons: Bowcaster, Guided Rocket, Time Bomb, Rage (1)
Planets Found: Felucia, Kashyyyk, Yavin 4
Despite his large array of weaponry, Chewie is one of the weakest Heroes. His
Bowcaster works just like the Wookiee Warrior’s, with a slow firing rate and
spreading shots. His Guided Rocket is fun to fly around and into things, but it
has ammo unlike with vehicles and probably won’t do much damage, especially
since he can’t move while guiding it. Time Bombs are only really good for
attacking fixed turrets, and rage is also marginally useful. Though like all
Wookiees he can take huge amounts of damage, he’s nowhere near the level of a
-Anakin Skywalker
Weapons: Anakin’s Lightsaber, Saber Throw, Force Push
Planets Found: Mustafar
Anakin is basically Obi-Wan for the Empire (despite the fact that he should be
Darth Vader at this point). Being the General’s padawan, his Lightsaber
abilities are identical. The only differences are his switching of Push for
Choke (making him a faster version of Darth Vader) less cool, more self-
centered quotes and his difficulty in being found. (He’s the only CIS Hero who
can’t be played as the CIS)
-The Emperor
Weapons: Darth Sidious’ Lightsaber, Force Lightning, Force Choke
Planets Found: Coruscant, Death Star, Naboo, Polis Massa
The evil Emperor is one of the most fun Heroes to play as, wielding both Sith
powers to make short work of Jedi and soldiers alike. He’s quite slow, but can
attack at a distance and float for his Force Jump. His Lightsaber combo isn’t
too good, though, so he’s one of the worse Heroes. Still, floating around
zapping stuff to death is serious fun. =)
-Darth Vader
Weapons: Lightsaber, Saber Throw, Force Choke
Planets Found: Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Tantive IV
The fearsome Jedi-turned-Sith is one of the stronger Heroes. (And the
contributor to the first half of my username) He walks slowly because of his
bulky suit, but his Force Dash is blindingly fast. Like The Emperor, his Force
Jump makes him float into the air continuously. He has Saber Throw and Force
Choke, two powers that make him excellent for fighting other Jedi.
-Boba Fett
Weapons: EE-3 Blaster, Flamethrower, Wrist Rocket (5), Detpack (4)
Planets Found: Felucia, Jabba’s Palace, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Mos Eisley, Mygeeto,
Utapau, Yavin 4
Jango’s clone son is much like his father; they both carry a wide variety of
armaments to make them ready for anything. Boba replaces Jango’s Westar-33 with
the EE-3, which is like the Elite Rifle and just as powerful. He also carries
one less Wrist Rocket and some Detpacks that are more precise explosives than
Time Bombs. Like Jango, he has a powerful jet pack to get around easily.
\\\\\8. Weapons/Tools/Abilities (Wpnta)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-Blaster Pistol
Power: 2/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Far
Overheat Speed: Medium
The Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm in BF2. It is weak, but has infinite
ammo and can overheat instead. Usually your class-specific weapon is better,
but the Pistol is also quite accurate and good for long-range shooting if
nothing else is available.
-Commando Pistol
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Far
Overheat Speed: Slow
The Commando Pistol is carried by the Jet and Dark Troopers, as well as Pilots.
It is stronger than the Blaster Pistol and overheats more slowly, making it a
worthy weapon.
-Precision Pistol
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Far
Ammo: 64 (Pilots), 96 (others)
Shots per Clip: 16
If you’re skilled enough to score 6 kills with a Pistol, you’ll win the
Precision Pistol, one of the most fearsome weapons in the game. Unlike other
Pistols, it uses ammo instead of overheating. Like other Pistols, it has
pinpoint accuracy. It is also incredibly powerful; a quick two-shot burst is
enough to kill virtually anything; only one is sufficient if you aim for the
head. Just watch out for the low clip size.
-Blaster Rifle
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 200 (Republic), 250 (Empire), 300 (Alliance)
Shots per Clip: 50
The Blaster Rifle is the standard automatic weapon for the regular soldier
class. With a high rate of fire and excellent power, the blaster rifle is
perfect for close to mid-range skirmishes. It can be used as a potent sniping
weapon, but it loses accuracy considerably at too far a distance.
-Wrist Blaster
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 250
Shots per Clip: 50
The Wrist Blaster is the CIS’ version of the Blaster Rifle. To compensate for
the Super’s powerful Wrist Rockets, its rate of fire is slower than that of the
Blaster Rifle.
-Rocket Launcher
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Mid to Long
Ammo: 4 (Pilots), 7 (others)
Shots per Clip: 1
The Rocket Launcher is the classic anti-vehicle weapon. It fires slow-moving
rockets that deal enormous damage in an area. They’re impractical against
infantry, but powerful against vehicles, especially if you hit critical spots.
Remember, its shots do more damage if you fire them from afar to give them time
to accelerate.
-Guided Rocket
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Long
Ammo: 5
Shots per Clip: 1
The Guided Rocket is carried by Chewbacca, a few various vehicles, and a rocket
soldier who has earned the Demolition bonus. One of the most fun weapons in the
game, it fires a remote-controlled rocket that is flown just like a
starfighter. Its stamina meter represents how much fuel is left; it explodes if
it runs out. Things like boosting or U-turns use up some fuel, just like on
starfighters. Like a normal rocket, it explodes on impact for heavy damage.
Also like a normal rocket, it does more damage the faster it’s going, so boost
before impact for the biggest bang.
-Elite Rifle
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Far
Ammo: 144 (others), 180 (Empire), 216 (Alliance)
Shots per Clip: 12
The Elite Rifle is earned by getting 12 kills with the Blaster Rifle or Wrist
Blaster. It fires in deadly 3-shot bursts that can wipe out virtually anything
instantly. If you’re a good shot with it, you can be incredibly deadly. Its
shots spread out less, which makes it more viable for sniping.
-Sniper Rifle
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Mid to Far
Ammo: 56
Shots per Clip: 8
The Sniper Rifle is the classic long-range weapon. It packs incredible power,
killing instantly with a precise headshot. It is also perfectly accurate and
has a more powerful scope than any other gun, allowing you to pick off targets
across the map. However, it has a low fire rate and is inefficient at close
range. Only the skilled can be truly deadly with the Sniper Rifle.
-Beam Rifle
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Mid to Far
Ammo: 24
Shots per Clip: 4
The Beam Rifle is one of the less useful Award weapons. It has less ammo and
shots per clip, and strangely seems to be harder to hit with. Usually only
shots at the middle of the body work. However, it is even stronger than the
Sniper Rifle, and one hit anywhere is an instant kill.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 240 (Alliance), 320 (Empire, Republic, and CIS)
Shots per Clip: 5 (Republic and CIS), 6 (Alliance and Empire)
The Shotgun (or Blast Cannon for Imperials), in contrast to the Sniper Rifle,
is a completely close-range weapon. It fires many shots simultaneously that
spread out rapidly. If you can hit an enemy squarely at close range, it’ll
usually die instantly. At longer ranges, don’t even bother.
-Flechette Shotgun
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 168 (Alliance), 252 (Empire and CIS), 336 (Republic)
Shots per Clip: 6
The Flechette Shotgun is awarded to someone who can get 8 kills with the
Shotgun. Its shots are stronger and spread out less, making it adequate for
medium-range shots.
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 5/5
Range: Shot to Mid
Overheat Speed: Slow
The Chaingun is a powerful weapon carried by the Clone Commander. It takes a
moment to start firing, but when it does, it shoots a continuous spray of
projectile bolts that mows down anything in its path. It can be fired
continuously for quite a while before overheating.
-EMP Launcher
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Long
Ammo: 8
Shots per Clip: 2
The EMP Launcher is a powerful anti-droid gun carried by the Jet Trooper. It
fires a huge blast of energy that acts much like a rocket. Unlike the Rocket
Launcher, it can fire twice before reloading.
-Bulldog RLR
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 30
Shots per Clip: 6
Carried by the MagnaGuard, the Bulldog RLR can fire slow-moving explosive
rapidly, quickly clearing an area or heavily damaging armor.
-Radiation Launcher
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 15
Shots per Clip: 5
Continuing the MagnaGuard’s theme of fast-firing explosives is the Radiation
Launcher, a powerful and cool-looking grenade launcher that can shoot 5 times
before reloading. When charged, the grenade bounced for a moment on the ground
before exploding, letting it travel farther.
-Repeating Blasters
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 5/5
Range: Close to Mid
Overheat Speed: Slow
The Droideka’s arm-mounted repeating blasters are incredibly powerful. They can
fire at full automatic speed continuously for a long time, and they mow through
Clone Troopers with ease.
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 5/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 150
Shots per Clip: 1
The Incinerator, carried by the Bothan Spy, is a deadly and unusual weapon. It
fires waves that make the air shimmer and enemies fall out of existence while
looking awesome. Each press of the trigger uses about 10 shots for one large
burst that will annihilate any troops in a cone in front of the Spy. It’s the
perfect surprise after sneaking around.
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Self
Ammo: Infinite
Stealth is the least deadly nonprimary weapon, obviously. When used, it makes
the Bothan Spy virtually invisible, allowing him to sneak around undetected. It
has a fatigue cost; stamina won’t regenerate when moving stealthily, and only
slowly when standing still. As long as you don’t sprint or switch from Stealth,
it can be used indefinitely.
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 175 (Wookiee with Fusion Cutter), 210 (others)
Shots per Clip: 5
The Bowcaster is a versatile, shotgun-like weapon carried by Wookiees. It
normally fires powerful, horizontally spreading bursts of 7 shots and can be
charged for greater damage. If charged fully, it shoots one instant kill shot,
one of its most useful features. It also has a second zoom level, so its fully
charged shot allows it to be used almost like a sniper rifle. However, it has
only a medium fire rate and 5 burst shots per clip; its hard to hit with more
than one spreading shot at once except at close range, as well.
-Grenade Launcher
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 15
Shots per Clip: 5
The Wookiee Warrior’s Grenade Launcher works like the Radiation Launcher. It
can be charged, as usual.
-Sonic Blaster
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 35
Shots per Clip: 7
The Imperial Officer’s Sonic Blaster is a fairly poor weapon. It fires slowly
for medium damage with low ammo; its main virtue is being able to pass through
multiple enemies, but unfortunately its large shot only does damage in the same
area as a blaster bolt.
-Mortar Launcher
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 25
Shots per Clip: 5
The Imp Officer’s Mortar Launcher, however, is fairly good. It’s like a Grenade
Launcher, but with 10 extra shots, making it the Officer’s mainstay weapon.
-Arc Caster
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 25
Shots per Clip: 5
The Arc Caster is a fearsome gun carried by the Dark Trooper. It fires powerful
bursts of lightning that can kill infantry units instantly. If charged, it can
kill multiple troops at once if fired into a group.
-Thermal Detonator
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close
Ammo: Varies from 2 to 4
The Thermal Detonator is the quintessential grenade of BF2. It bounces if
thrown on the ground and sticks if thrown at vehicles or other destroyable
objects. It explodes after several seconds, dealing heavy splash damage
sufficient to wipe out groups of infantry. Though it isn’t quite as powerful as
in the movies, it’s still extremely powerful in close battles and should be
used effectively against clustered enemies or vehicle critical spots. With
practice, it can be as accurate as any weapon.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Very close
Ammo: 3
Carried by rocket soldiers, Mines are extremely powerful explosives that
explode if an enemy steps on them. They’re well-used in narrow spaces or
against vehicles. Note that Engineers can (I believe) walk past Mines unharmed
and disarm them with Fusion Cutters.
-Auto Turret
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Mid
Ammo: 1
The Auto Turret is an unusual secondary weapon, carried by the sniper. When
used, it deploys a small, floating auto turret in front of the user that
automatically fires at enemy troops until it runs out of ammo or is destroyed.
It’s good for intense fights or to cover a retreat if the sniper gets too close
to combat.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 3
Carried by Engineers, the Detpack is a remote bomb that explodes after being
placed by pressing the secondary fire button again. It’s good against vehicles,
for blowing up stationary structures, or as a nasty surprise for unsuspecting
-Health and Ammo Dispenser
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 5
The Health and Ammo Dispenser is another useful tool also carried by Engineers.
It creates Health and Ammo powerups directly in front of the user to supply
allied troops, making it a valuable tool even if it doesn’t do damage. Note
that you can’t replenish it by picking up health and ammo, only at an
Ammunition Droid.
-Time Bomb
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 3
Carried most notably by the Pilot, the Time Bomb is an especially powerful
planted explosive. As a trade off, you have little control over when it
explodes. After placing it, it will count down a 5-second timer; get out of the
way! Because of this timing restriction, it’s mainly good against stationary
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 1
Rally is an ability used by the Clone Commander and Han Solo. It has one use
and temporarily boost the defense of nearby friendly troops. It’s great for
extending the life of troops in firefights.
-Recon Droid
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Far
Ammo: 1
The Recon Droid is another interesting secondary weapon. When used, it deploys
a remote-controlled droid that the player assumes control of. The droid can
float around and use a blaster and self-destruct to fight, as well as scout
things out. Because of its small size, it’s hard to see and hit, but dies
almost instantly to damage. Strafe around enemies while firing to hit them
without getting hit.
-Neuro Poison
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 1
Neuro Poison is the MagnaGuard’s area-of-effect buff. I believe it lowers the
attack of nearby enemy units, which makes it hard to use effectively unless
you’re getting killed.
-Shield Emitter
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Self
Ammo: Infinite
The Shield Emitter is the trademark and unique ability of the Droideka. It
shrouds the droid in a near-impenetrable energy shield that can absorb enormous
amounts of damage while allowing the user to mow down infantry unharmed. It
slowly depletes over time when used and quickly from damage, and can’t be used
when rolling. When used wisely, the Droideka can become nearly invincible.
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 1
Regeneration is the Bothan Spy’s area-of-effect buff, and probably the most
useful. It allows all nearby units to rapidly regenerate health for about 30
seconds, making them much, much better at surviving. Unlike other abilities,
it’s best used when the fighting isn’t too intense.
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 1 (Infinite for Grievous)
Rage is the Imperial Officer’s buff. It increases the damage done by all nearby
allies temporarily, making them much deadlier and better in combat. As usual,
use it when there are a great deal of targets around.
-Laser/Blaster Cannons
Power: 2-4/5
Rate of Fire: 3-5/5
Range: Mid to Far
Overheat Speed: Medium
Laser or Blaster Cannons are the standard vehicle-based weapon and are found on
nearly every one. They widely vary in their rate of fire and power, but all are
heat-based. Except for the heavy ones on command vehicles, they’re mainly
antipersonnel weapons, good at mowing through infantry but doing minimal damage
to vehicles.
-Particle Cannons
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2-4/5
Range: Mid to Far
Particle Cannons are other common weapons. They have a varying recharge time
instead of overheating and fire much more slowly than Laser Cannons, but do
much higher damage in an area. They’re good against vehicles and groups of
infantry alike, and are some of the best vehicle-based weapons there are.
-Concussion Missiles
Power: 4-5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Mid
Concussion Missiles replace or supplement Particle Cannons on some vehicles.
They fire as slowly and travel even more so, but speed up quickly. If fired
from a far enough distance, they can do heavy damage. Various other missiles
exist for scout fighters that can home in.
-Beam Cannon
Power: 3-5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Mid to Far
The Beam Cannon shoots a continuous laser beam for about a second. The beam
deals damage rapidly, especially if it is kept on a target for its duration.
Beam Cannons range from tiny ones on IFT tanks to the huge, incredibly deadly
Beam Cannon on the Spider Droid.
-Repeating Blasters
Power: 2/5
Rate of Fire: 5/5
Range: Mid
Overheat Speed: Slow
Repeating Blasters are much like the chain gun, shooting weak shots extremely
rapidly. They’re best against infantry.
-Mortar Cannons
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Mid
Mortar Cannons shoot projectiles that slowly curve downward. They’re as
powerful as missiles, but slightly harder to hit with.
-Shock Cannons
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Far
Shock Cannons are a rare but cool vehicle-based weapon. They fire many small
shots that travel instantly and do excellent damage. They’re also easy to aim
with. The V-Wing’s Shock Cannons do heavy damage to starfighters and stay in a
beam, but the Armored Tank Droid’s spread out and are good against infantry.
-Remote Rocket
Power: 3-5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Far
What Remote Rockets lack in speed, they make up for in precision. They fire
rockets that can be controlled like starfighters and can move at great speeds.
Their energy gauge shows their remaining fuel; boosting and other maneuvers use
it up faster, and once it’s depleted the rocket self-destructs. Until then,
they can be guided into a specific target, flying past obstructions to take out
turrets, infantry, or vehicles with perfect aim, provided you’re adept at
controlling the rocket. Like regular missiles, they do more damage when
traveling faster. (When boosting)
-Proton Torpedoes
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Mid to Far
One of two starfighter-only warheads, Proton Torpedoes travel more slowly than
Concussion Missiles but are much stronger, enough so to do respectable damage
to vital systems and turrets, which they’re perfect for taking out. They also
work well against slow-moving starfighters.
-Proton Bombs
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Mid
Proton Bombs are carried by all bomber starfighters. They’re stronger than
Proton Torpedoes, but don’t home in and are affected by gravity, so they’ll
"fall" towards the top of a capitol ship. (Or away from it if you’re under it)
if you are good enough at aiming them, they’re ideal for taking out capitol
ships’ vital systems.
-Tribal Spear
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 30
Shots per Clip: 1
The Tribal Spear is an Ewok throwing weapon. It’s relatively easy to aim with
and actually does good damage; one headshot is fatal.
-Sharp Rocks
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 50
Shots per Clip: 1
Sharp Rocks are also carried by Ewoks. They’re slightly weaker than the spears
and harder to hit with, but you can carry more of them.
-Sonic Blaster
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Mid
Shots per Clip: 7
Carried by Geonosians, the Sonic Blaster shoots deceptively big waves of sound.
In reality, it must be aimed like any other gun directly at the target. Though
it travels slowly, a hit does excellent damage.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close
The Wampa’s claws are extremely deadly natural weapons. They obviously have no
range, but are instantly lethal for any Rebel they can get close enough to.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close
The Vibro-Axe is carried by Jabba’s Gamorrean guards is much like the Wampa’s
claws, or a Lightsaber; even when unpowered it’s an instant kill at close
range. Stay away from the guards and blast them before they can mow you down.
-Bolt Action Rifle
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Far
Shots per Clip: 8
The Bolt Action Rifle is the Tusken sniper rifle. It has only one level of zoom
(far) and fires slowly, but is comparable to other sniper rifles in power and
shots per clip. It also has infinite ammo.
-Tusken Cycler
Power: 3/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Mid
Shots per Clip: 30
The Cycler is the Tusken automatic rifle. It works like a Blaster Rifle, but
with less ammo.
-Ionization Blaster
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close
Shots per Clip: 5
The Jawa Ionization Blaster is much like the Dark Trooper’s Arc Caster. It
shoots a close-ranged burst of lightning that does excellent damage, especially
when charged up. On the minus side, it shoots slowly and has to reload every
five shots.
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: Varies
Range: Very close
The Lightsaber is the classic Jedi weapon. Though it can only hit enemies up
close, getting next to them is never a problem for a Jedi, and its damage is
deadly. Most troops die after one or two good hits, and its sweeping attacks
can hit several at once. Other varieties like character-specific Lightsabers
and Darth Maul’s Doublesaber exist, but they all do much the same thing.
-Force Push
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Mid
Force Push is one of the best-known Jedi abilities. When used, it sends all
units, friend and foe, flying out from in front of the user in a cone, but
doesn’t damage them. It’s great for stunning enemies in preparation for using
your Lightsaber on them, or pushing them into lava/bottomless pits.
-Force Pull
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: 2/5
Range: Close to Mid
Force Pull is similar to Force Push, but only affects one unit in front of the
user. However, it yanks him towards the Jedi, allowing for an extremely easy
Lightsaber kill.
-Saber Throw
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close to Mid
The Saber Throw is another common Force Power, and one of the best. It allows
the Jedi to throw his/her Lightsaber like a boomerang, slicing through any
troops it passes through. The distance of the throw can be adjusted by holding
the secondary fire button, and the saber can hit enemies going towards and away
from you. It’s the Jedi’s main distance attack, useful against enemies you
don’t want to Force Dash to.
-Force Choke
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close to Mid
One of the two Sith powers in the game, Force Choke immobilizes an enemy and
depletes his/her health at the cost of the user’s stamina. It can usually be
used for long enough to kill troops. It’s impractical against regular infantry,
but great for fighting other Jedi.
-Force Lightning
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 5/5
Range: Close
The infamous Force Lightning power allows the user to shoot lighting out in a
cone ahead of him, rapidly damaging all units in the way. It doesn’t kill as
quickly as a Lightsaber and leaves the user open to attack, but can hit many
enemies at once, making it best for clustered enemies.
-Westar-33 Blaster
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 4/5
Range: Close to Far
Ammo: 128
Shots per Clip: 16
The Westar-33 is Jango Fett’s primary weapon. It works just like the Precision
Pistol, with powerful, accurate shots and a rapid firing rate sufficient to
empty a clip in a few seconds. It has more ammo, though.
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 1/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 60
Shots per Clip: 1
The Flamethrower is the other primary weapon for both of the Fetts. It fires in
20-shot bursts and works much like the Bothan Spy’s Incinerator. It sets
enemies on fire, causing them to slowly take damage even after the attack
-DL44 Blaster
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Far
Overheat Speed: Medium
The DL44 is Han Solo’s trusty weapon. It is a heat-based version of the Elite
Rifle, firing in the same deadly bursts. It overheats fairly quickly because of
how it fires.
-Sporting Blaster
Power: 4/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Far
Overheat Speed: Fast
Leia’s weapon is much like the Sniper Rifle, with two zoom levels and a
beamlike shot. It’s powerful enough to kill with one shot and extremely
accurate, but overheats very quickly.
-EE-3 Blaster
Power: 5/5
Rate of Fire: 3/5
Range: Close to Far
Ammo: 144
Shots per Clip: 12
The EE-3 Blaster is Boba Fett’s weapon. It is exactly like the Elite Rifle,
except with red shots.
Power: -/5
Rate of Fire: -/5
Range: Close
Ammo: 1
Used by Leia, Invulnerability doesn’t quite live up to its name, but is quite
nice, giving both a defense and regeneration bonus.
\\\\\9. Vehicles (Vhcls)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Heavy Laser Cannons and Particle Cannons), Main Gunner
(Particle Cannon), Co-Pilot (Repeating Blasters)
Planets Found: Geonosis
Critical Spot: the front cylinder on the underside.
The AT-TE is one of the biggest and most powerful units in the game. Found only
in Geonosis, it excels at wading into intense combat and leaving a swath of
destruction behind. To allow this, it’s incredibly heavily armored and armed.
The Pilot controls two massive, incredibly powerful Laser Cannons that can mow
through infantry and light armor with ease. There are also two Particle Cannons
that do heavy splash damage and are suited for blasting clustered infantry or
wiping out other vehicles. The main gunner controls the huge cannon on top.
This cannon is extremely powerful, with multiple shots in each reload and a
scope that allows it to fire shots with perfect accuracy. The co-pilot controls
two Repeating Blasters on the vehicle’s flank that can hit targets that try to
come up behind it. Perhaps the AT-TE’s biggest advantage, though is its
function as a mobile command post. As long as it remains in battle, friendly
troops can respawn near it. As a command vehicle, it can’t be sliced into.
-All-Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)
Power: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Armor: 2/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannon, Mortar Cannon)
Planets Found: Naboo, Felucia, Utapau
Critical Spot: The small cylinder under the seat.
The AT-RT is clearly the predecessor or the AT-ST. It is smaller, with a
single-man, open cockpit and one Laser Cannon. Its Mortar Cannon can lob four
explosive projectiles in a row for heavy splash damage. Be careful not to get
shot off of it when driving.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannons and Concussion Missiles), Gunner (Beam
Planets Found: Kashyyyk, Mygeeto
Critical Spot: The circle on the back.
The IFT-X is the Republic’s medium tank, a balanced vehicle suited for
attacking armor and infantry alike. It’s fairly fast and agile because of its
repulsor system. It carried Blaster Cannons for mowing through infantry, and
Concussion Missiles for attacking other vehicles. Like all missiles, they
increase in speed and damage as they travel, so fire them from long range for
maximum effect. The Beam Cannon turret on the top is an excellent antipersonnel
weapon best at taking large groups of enemies or out would-be slicers.
-BARC Speeder
Power: 1/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannons)
Planets Found: Kashyyyk
Critical Spot: None
The BARC Speeder is the Republic’s version of the Speeder Bike. Like its
better-known companion, its Blaster Cannon is mostly useless even against
infantry, so its main purpose is to transport the rider.
-Republic Starfighter
Power: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Pulse Lasers, Homing Rockets)
The Republic Starfighter is made for speed. It is lightly armed and gets
destroyed easily, and relies on its agility to avoid damage. Its
maneuverability and Homing Rockets can make it deadly in dogfights, if you can
survive. As long as you avoid auto turrets (such as by staying close to your
own ships, or under the enemy capitol ship), the scout-type fighter is a force
to be reckoned with against enemy starfighters.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Proton Torpedoes)
The six-winged ARC-170 is the Republic’s most balanced and multifunctional
starfighter. Its Laser Cannons are strong enough to take out enemy
starfighters, and its Proton Torpedoes can home in on them or do modest damage
to enemy vital systems and take out turrets. It’s slower than the Republic
Starfighter, but can withstand much more of a beating.
Power: 5/5
Speed: 2/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Shock Cannon, Proton Bomb)
The streamlined V-Wing is the Republic’s bomber craft. It’s fairly slow, but
heavily armored. Its shock cannons fire slowly but deal excellent damage to
enemy starfighters and travel instantly, making them easy to aim with. Its main
purpose, however, is to take out enemy vital systems with its Proton Bombs.
They are guided by gravity and "fall" toward the upper half of ships, which
usually means right toward whatever you’re trying to blow up. They can inflict
serious damage by unloading 6 Bombs at once, and are fast enough to escape
destruction when necessary.
-LA-AT Gunship
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Missile Launcher), Co-Pilot (Remote Rocket),
Left and Right Turret (Beam Cannon)
The LA-AT is the space version of the AT-TE. It handles like a rock, but can
withstand enormous amounts of damage and dish out plenty with a full contingent
of clones operating its weapons systems. The pilot controls the decently
powerful Laser Cannons and missiles (which, unlike all other weapons, have a
limited supply of 36) while the co-pilot controls the Remote Rocket, which can
obliterate turrets or slow-moving spacecraft with ease. Two more gunners can
operate the left and right Beam Cannon turrets for even more damage. The LA-
AT’s main purpose is to land troops in an enemy ship, though. It’s armored
enough to take a beating on the way to the enemy hangar and, like the AT-TE,
can serve as a respawn point when it’s on the ground, clearing the way for
attacks inside enemy capital ships.
-Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
Power: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Blaster, Missile Launcher), Main Gunner (Particle
Planets Found: Mygeeto, Naboo, Polis Massa, Utapau
Critical Spot: The rectangular panel on the back.
The AAT is the CIS’ repulsor tank. Like the IFT tanks, it carries Blaster
Cannons and Missiles for the pilot to fire. Unlike them, its turret isn’t an
antipersonnel laser but a powerful particle cannon suited to clusters of troops
and other vehicles.
-Hailfire Tank
Power: 3/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Repeating Blasters, Hailfire Missiles)
Planets Found: Geonosis
Critical Spot: The small Repeating Blaster turret under the main body.
The wheeled Hailfire Tank is one of the vehicles deployed by the Seperatists at
the Battle of Geonosis. It has chain gun-like Repeating Blasters that can mow
down troops and Hailfire Missiles for vehicles. It can shoot many of the
missiles rapid-fire, but they curve out wildly, so they’re best used to sow
chaos at close range.
-Armored Tank Droid
Power: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Shock Rifles, Mortar Cannon)
Planets Found: Kashyyyk, Felucia
Critical Spot: The back wheel.
The Armored Tank Droid is another of the CIS’ powerful vehicles. Its Shock
Rifles fire a spread of bolts that work much like a shotgun blast; they’re best
at close range and against groups of enemies. The Mortar Cannon’s shots are
powerful, but affected by gravity and need to be aimed carefully.
-Spider Walker
Power: 4/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannon, Beam Cannon)
Planets Found: Geonosis
Critical Spot: The 4 small cylinders connecting the legs to the body.
The towering Spider Droid is the CIS’ most powerful vehicle. Its Blaster Cannon
is decent against infantry, but its powerful Beam Cannon is its best weapon.
The Cannon fires continuously for about a second, and all you need to do to
kill infantry with it is pass the beam over one. It also travels any distance
instantly, making it an excellent long-range weapon. It can also heavily damage
vehicles, making it a great all-purpose weapon. The Spider Walker’s only real
weakness is its inability to hit targets directly under or close to it.
Power: 1/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannon)
The STAP is the CIS’ version of the Speeder Bike. It’s used by droid troops to
cover large distances in the same way.
-Droid Tri-Fighter
Power: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Repeating Blasters, Homing Rockets)
The Tri-Fighter is the CIS’ scout fighter. Its Repeating Blasters can do heavy
damage if you keep them trained on enemy ships, and Homing Rockets give it even
more firepower to take out enemy fighters. Like other scouts, it dies very
-Droid Starfighter
Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannon, Proton Torpedo)
The Vulture Droid is the CIS’ version of the ARC-170 its capabilities are
virtually the same.
-CIS Strike Bomber
Power: 5/5
Speed: 2/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Particle Cannons, Proton Bombs)
The Strike Bomber is like the V-Wing, except for its Particle Cannon.
-Droid Gunship
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Beam Cannon, Homing Rockets), Co-Pilot (Remote Rocket), Left
and Right Turret (Particle Cannons), Passenger x 2
The Droid Gunship is much like the Republic’s LA-AT, but its Beam Cannon
turrets have been replaced by Particle Cannons. It can also carry 2 extra droid
troops as passengers.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 2/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Particle Cannon), Co-pilot (Harpoon Gun)
Planets Found: Hoth
The Snowspeeder is the only flying craft pilotable on the ground, and one of
the most fun vehicles to use. Its Laser Cannons are deadly to infantry, and its
Particle Cannons can wipe out large groups at once in bombing runs. It isn’t
powerful enough to easily take out the walkers the Empire deploys at Hoth,
however. Its speed makes it hard to hit with anything but locked-on missiles,
though these are enough; its light armor means one missile hit will destroy it.
Do some evasive maneuvers like U-turns to dodge incoming missiles. The tow
cable launcher is apparently able to disable AT-ATs just like in the movies,
but this is virtually impossible to do without two human players working
-Alliance AAC-1
Power: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannon, Particle Cannon), Main Gunner (Missiles)
Planets Found: Felucia, Kashyyyk, Mygeeto, Polis Massa, Yavin 4
Critical Spot: None
The AAC-1 is the Alliance’s repulsor tank, but like the AAT it’s slightly
different. It carries Particle Cannons instead of missiles for the pilot, and
the lucky gunner gets a closed cockpit and two missile turrets that can fire a
devastating barrage before reloading. They’re excellent for quickly destroying
vehicles, but a little imprecise to use on units.
Power: -/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Rider
Planets Found: Hoth
Critical Spot: None
The Tauntauns of Hoth are obviously unarmed (their freezing spit doesn’t work
well against Snowtroopers) and are used solely to get around. They’re slower
than Speeder Bikes and die very easily, but are faster than going on foot.
Their energy meter goes down very slowly, so they can sprint almost all the
time and make almost as good time as a Speeder Bike.
Power: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Homing Rockets)
The nimble A-Wing is the Alliance’s scout fighter. As usual, it’s fast, light,
and deadly against starfighters, but easily destroyed.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Proton Torpedoes)
The classic X-Wing, one of the most famous and advanced fighters in Star Wars,
is the Alliance’s well-balanced and versatile fighter. Its Laser Cannons and
Proton Torpedoes make it good for destroying fighters and ship components
Power: 5/5
Speed: 2/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannon, Proton Bomb), Main Gunner (Cannon)
The slower Y-Wing serves as the Alliance’s bomber. It’s like the V-Wing, except
that it seats an additional person to operate the cannon on top. It’s hard to
hit with, but gives the Y-Wing a bit of extra defense.
-Alliance Assault Craft
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Particle Cannons, Proton Torpedoes), Co-pilot (Remote
Rocket), Left and Right Turrets (Beam Cannon)
The Alliance uses salvaged LA-ATs as its lander…either that, or the
programmers just got lazy and reused the model. Either way, it is very similar
to the Republic craft, except for the armaments the pilot has. Like the LA-AT,
its Proton Torpedoes have a stock of 36.
-All-Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT)
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Heavy Laser Cannons and Particle Cannon)
Planets Found: Hoth
Critical Spot: The neck.
The infamous AT-AT is the Empire’s version of the AT-TE. Like its predecessor,
the AT-AT serves as a mobile command post for Imperial troops. It also has the
same armaments for the Pilot as the AT-TE. It has no other positions to fill,
but the front weapons alone seem stronger than everything the AT-TE has. With
the AT-AT’s scope, you can bombard and lay waste to Rebel installations from a
distance in safety as friendly soldiers respawn under you.
-All-Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)
Power: 4/5
Speed: 2/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannon and Particle Cannon), Co-pilot (Guided Rocket)
Planets Found: Endor, Hoth, Felucia
Critical Spot: The flat back of the main body.
Despite being dwarfed by the massive AT-AT, the AT-ST (or "chicken walker" to
Rebel troops) is still one of the Empire’s strongest vehicles. Like the AT-AT,
it’s slow, but heavily armed. Its Pilot can fire a powerful anti-personnel
Blaster Cannon and a Particle Cannon that heavily damages other vehicles and
can wipe out large groups of Rebels. The main gunner gets an even more fun job-
firing remote controlled rockets that are great for surgical strikes on
vehicles, structures, or groups of infantry.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 4/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannons and Concussion Missiles), Gunner (Beam
Planets Found: Kashyyyk, Mygeeto, Naboo, Yavin 4
Critical Spot: The circle on the back.
Even though the Empire evolved from the Republic, the IFT-T follows its like-
named counterpart even more closely than usual, varying only in color scheme.
Use the grey repulsor tank in the same way as the IFT-X.
-Speeder Bike
Power: 1/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Blaster Cannon)
Planets Found: Endor, Kashyyyk, Yavin 4
Critical Spot: None
As its name suggests, the Speeder Bike is meant to be fast. It’s ill-suited for
attacking even infantry with its one Blaster Cannon, and is mainly useful for
getting around quickly.
-TIE Interceptor
Power: 2/5
Speed: 5/5
Armor: 1/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Homing Rockets)
The TIE Interceptor is the Empire’s scout craft. It’s just like the A-Wing in
-TIE Fighter
Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Armor: 3/5
Positions: Pilot (Laser Cannons, Proton Torpedoes)
The TIE Fighter is the Empire’s multi-purpose starfighter. Despite its lack of
shields, it is just as tough as the X-Wing to preserve game balance.
-TIE Bomber
Power: 5/5
Speed: 2/5
Armor: 4/5
Positions: Pilot (Particle Cannon, Proton Bomb), Co-pilot (Remote Rocket)
Like the Y-Wing, the TIE Bomber seats an extra person. This person has a much
better job, though-firing and guiding remote-control missiles to take out
turrets and fighters.
-Landing Craft
Power: 5/5
Speed: 1/5
Armor: 5/5
Positions: Pilot (Particle Cannon, Proton Torpedoes), Co-Pilot (Remote Rocket),
Main Gunner (Repeating Blasters), Passenger x 3
Strangely, the Lambda-class shuttle is replaced by the lander used by the
Emperor at the end of Episode III for the Imperials. It has one less turret and
the one is has fires a chain gun-like Repeating Blaster behind. It can carry 3
extra passengers for landing parties.
-Laser Turret
Weapons: Laser Cannon
Planets Found: Coruscant, Kamino, Naboo
The standard Laser Turret is found all over the place. Its Laser Cannon is
unsuited for attacking vehicles, but fares pretty well against infantry. It
overheats fairly quickly, however, so don’t shoot continuously. Unfortunately,
the slit right in the middle makes you sniper bait while using it.
-Hoth DF.9 Defense Turret
Weapon: Laser Cannon
Planets Found: Hoth
The Hoth Defense turret fires a deadly antipersonnel Laser Cannon. It is
enclosed, so the user is safe unless the turret is destroyed.
-Hoth 1.4 FD P-Tower Dish Turret
Weapon: Particle Cannon
Planets Found: Hoth
Luckily, unlike in most of the Star Wars universe, the dish turret isn’t
completely useless. Its Particle Cannon is good against infantry and vehicles
-LR1K Cannon
Weapon: Sonic Disruptor Cannon
Planets Found: Geonosis
The LR1K Cannon fires a large sonic blast, like all Geonosian weapons. It isn’t
very powerful, and the lack of an enclosed space makes it not worth your time.
-Concussion Cannon Turret
Weapon: Concussion Cannon
Planets Found: Kashyyyk
The Concussion Cannon is an antivehicle turret found on Kashyyyk. It fires
double shots every 2 seconds or so. The shots are damaging to vehicles, but are
affected by gravity and are tough to aim. When in the turret, the user can only
be attacked from behind.
-Particle Cannon Turret
Weapon: Particle Cannon
Planets Found: Mygeeto
The Particle Cannon Turret looks like the Concussion Cannon, but is a good deal
better. Its cannon does more damage and isn’t affected by gravity, making it
much easier to hit and kill vehicles with.
-Mos Eisley Railing Gun
Weapon: Blaster Cannon
Planets Found: Mos Eisley
The Railing Gun is a small turret found only in Mos Eisley. It works much like
the Laser Turret, but offers even less protection.
-Yavin Tower Turret
Weapon: Blaster Cannon
This turret is also like the Laser Turret, but puts the gunner on top of a high
pole for increased visibility. (That goes both ways)
\\\\\10. Maps (Ma#ps)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Size: 3/5
Openness: 3/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker, The Emperor
Vehicles: Laser Turret
The Coruscant map takes place in the ruined Jedi Temple after Order 66. It’s a
fairly balanced level, tight enough for some close-ranged combat but also with
wide-open spaces for sniping. The main part of the level is an enormous ruined
hall with some down pillars for cover, and stairs around the sides for a better
view. On each of the longer sides are a few turrets that can be fixed by an
Engineer and used. Stairways from there lead to the Jedi library, which has two
levels with a hole in the middle, and a longer, narrower hall at the southern
end of the level. The eastern end of this hall and a passage from the top floor
of the library lead to the main computer room, one of the more cramped spaces
in the level. On the western side are two circular rooms containing two Command
Posts linked to the main hall and to the north and south.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
Command Post 1 is on an outdoor balcony with a great view of the planetwide
city. It’s next to the entrance to the main hall and is one of the places to
start if you want to fight in it. An exterior walkway around the side leads to
Command Post 6, and some stairs on the other side lead to 2. An Engineer can
fix up two Laser Turrets on either side of the CP for use. It’s an easy capture
for the CIS or Alliance early on. It’s a flag point in CtF.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
Command Post 2 is in the Jedi Library, on the far side from the main hall
entrance. The tables and shelves restrict movement space and provide cover for
fighting in here. It’s in the same place in both modes.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire)
Command Post 3 is one of the starting points. It leads to the longer, narrower
hallway as well as to the computer room. There are also health and ammo droids
next to it.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
This Command Post overlooks the main hall from the top of some stairs. It’s the
perfect place for snipers to spawn. The Republic/Empire can take this CP right
off the bat. In CtF, the command post starts off owned by the Republic/Empire,
in the long hallway, and is a flag point.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
This CP is one of two right off of the main hall. It can also be accessed from
the longer hallway and Command Post 6. Like with most of the CPs, there are
restoring droids right next to it. The CIS/Alliance can take this CP easily.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
This is the other starting point. Like 5, it connects directly with the main
hall, and is also close to CP 1. The relatively small entrances make it harder
to take. In CtF, it’s outside the circular room on the outdoor walkway.
Size: 3/5
Openness: 4/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Yoda, General Grievous, Darth Vader
Vehicles: None
Map: Dagobah is a fairly open level, with trees being the main obstructions.
However, the undergrowth and mist make visibility low, so close combat is still
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance)
This Command Post is right next to Yoda’s hut. It’s the main one for the
Republic and Alliance, and their base in CtF. However, it’s fairly removed from
the battle, so try not to spawn there unless you have no choice.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
Command Post 2 is in the dark side cave Luke explored in Episode 5. The main
reason you’ll go into the cave is to take the command post; otherwise, stay
out. In CtF, CP 2 isn’t really anywhere near its Conquest counterpart (it was
only paired because it’s the closest). It’s farther west, at the left side of
the area.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
This CP is right next to Luke’s downed X-Wing. It’s fairly close to CPs 1 and
2, and a good one for the Republic/Alliance to take. It’s slightly northeast in
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
CP 4 is close to the CIS/Empire’s starting one, situated under a tree. They
should take it early on.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire)
Surrounded by supply crates, CP 5 is the starting point for the CIS and Empire
and its base in CtF. Once again, they should try to take CPs farther forward to
spawn from.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
6 is another fairly unremarkable CP close to the middle. The two sides will
likely fight over it often. It’s farther southeast in CtF mode.
-Death Star
Size: 3/5
Openness: 2/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Obi-Wan, The Emperor, Luke Skywalker
Vehicles: None
The interior of the Death Star is mainly a close-quarters map, with a few more
open areas. There still isn’t anything too long-ranged, though. There are two
large hangar bays on the bottom, the biggest spaces in the level. These lead to
a curving room and a round one, both consisting of walkways above the battle
station’s ubiquitous bottomless pits. The curved room connects to a long,
arcing walkway leading around one of the superlaser firing wells. The round
room leads to two narrow hallways with small indentations in the sides for
cover, some of which connect the halls and make for very close fighting. Both
ways lead to a large room with many walkways leading above bottomless pits,
where most of the fighting will likely take place.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Empire/Republic), Capture the Flag (Empire/Republic)
CP 1 is one of two Command Posts in a hangar bay. It has several passages that
connect with the other hangar bay and the circular room. There’s a lot of room
to maneuver in it. In CtF, it’s one of the bases.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Empire/Republic), Capture the Flag (Empire/Republic)
This CP is in a room akin to the one near where our heroes escaped into the
garbage chute in Episode 4. It’s fairly small, and attackers can only come from
a few directions. In CtF, it’s off to the side, in the other square room.
Command Posts 3 & 4:
Modes: Conquest (Empire/Republic for 3, CIS/Alliance for 4)
3 and 4 are both on large, circular platforms like the one Obi-Wan disabled the
Death Star’s tractor beam on. Many walkways lead around them for excellent
close and long-range fighting. The flag starts near 4 in CtF. Note that the
bridges between Command Posts 4 and 5 can be removed by destroying the two
green control boxes; they stay gone and make the gap virtually impassable until
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
CP 5 is in the superlaser firing well. The main way around it is a long walkway
along the circular edge; smaller catwalks lead down, but you’ll likely never
use them. Be sure not to fall into the firing well itself, or you’ll die. In
CtF, the CP is on one of the lower side platforms.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
This CP is in a slightly smaller hangar. It has only two entrances and is a
base in CtF.
-Endor (GCW only)
Size: 5/5
Openness: 3/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
-Hunt (
Heroes: Han Solo, Darth Vader
Vehicles: AT-ST, Speeder Bike, Laser Turret
Endor is a huge level, but the great amount of undergrowth and huge trees makes
it seem enclosed. It’s mainly just a huge forest on mostly flat terrain. Plants
everywhere obstruct vision but can be fired and moved through. There are
several series of platforms running between the huge trees that make great
vantage points for long-range attacks. Several downed tree trunks are also
hollowed out and can be moved through.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Empire)
This Command Post is in the shield generator bunker. There’s only one way in
and there are turrets outside, so it’s very easy to defend.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Empire), Hunt (Empire)
This spawn point is in a relatively open clearing. It’s the main spawn point
for vehicles for the Empire. If CP 3 is taken (which it often is), Imperial
forces should fall back to here.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Empire), Capture the Flag (Empire)
This CP is the Empire’s forward Command Post. They must fight hard to defend it
from the Rebels, and it provides an advantage to whoever controls it. In CtF,
it splits into two nearby Command Posts controlled by the Empire.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), Hunt (Ewoks)
This CP is the foremost one belonging to the Rebels. It’s near some tree trunk
walkways and is the best early spawn point for them. The Ewok Command Post in
Hunt is nearby at the flag spawn point in CtF.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), Capture the Flag (Alliance)
This Command Post is farther back and not a good one for Rebels to spawn it. It
has some more walkways near it, though. In CtF, it moves to the right.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), Capture the Flag (Alliance)
Command Post 6 is way, way far back in Rebel territory. They shouldn’t spawn
there unless they’re defending it, in which case they’ve probably lost already.
Size: 4/5
Openness: 3/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Aayla Secura, Jango Fett, Chewbacca, Boba Fett
Vehicles: AT-RT, Armored Tank Droid, AAC-1, AT-ST
Felucia is a fairly large level, but like Endor it’s filled with undergrowth
and bizarre, impassable plants that keep things confined. They provide plenty
of cover and lots of ways to sneak into enemy territory, as well as just plain
making things hard to see.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
CP 1 is far to the left, but not completely removed from the action. It moves
east to the river in CtF.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
Command Post 2 is a decent choice for spawning, especially for attacking CP 3.
It barely moves at all in CtF.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance)
Command Post 3 is situated in the central river and is probably the best place
for CIS/Alliance troops to spawn most of the time. In CtF, it becomes the
flag’s starting point.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
Command Post 4 is fairly far back, but well-situated for attacking 6. Not much
else to say, really.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance)
Command Post 5 is unusual in that it’s perched on top of a massive rocky spire
with only a few ways up. It’s probably the CIS/Alliance’s easiest CP to defend.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
CP 6 is the Empire/Republic’s foremost Command Post and well-situated for
attacking 4 and 5. It moves closer to the mountain in CtF.
-Geonosis (CW only)
Size: 5/5
Openness: 5/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
-Hunt (
-XL (
Heroes: Mace Windu, Count Dooku
Vehicles: AT-TE, Spider Droid, Hailfire Tank, LR1K Cannon
Rocky Geonosis is one of the most versatile maps in the game, with 4 different
play modes. It’s also one of the most open, with only a few rocky crags
obstructing the battlefield. Its massive size makes it perfectly suited for the
Republic and CIS’ biggest vehicles. Players should be aware of some of its main
geographical features, like two caves around the midpoint of the map that make
for great sneaking up on enemies and a huge cliff to the side with a neutral
command post for the taking.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS), Capture the Flag (CIS), XL (CIS)
CP 1 is situated in a rocky crag of a command center. It’s far removed from the
action and its main virtue is that it’s near one of the CIS’ vehicle spawn
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (CIS), XL (CIS)
This CP is in a huge hangar. Once again, it’s far from the action, but well-
situated for taking CP 5 and near a turret and vehicles.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (CIS), Capture the Flag (CIS), Hunt (Geonosians), XL (CIS)
This CP is the farthest forward for the CIS and the best one to start at. It’s
in a bunker with two small alcoves made for safe sniping. There are only two
ways in, which can make it difficult to take. It moves northeast and belongs to
the Geonosians in Hunt mode.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Republic), Capture the Flag (Republic), Hunt (Republic), XL
CP 4 is the Republic’s foremost Command Post, positioned in the wreckage of a
crashed Techno Union starliner. For regular infantry, it’s the best one to
start at. It’s also one of the best for taking CP 5. In Hunt, it moves
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
Found only in Conquest mode, CP 5 starts out neutral and is ripe for the taking
by either side. Whichever one holds it gets an advantage in tactics and
reinforcements. It’s also at the top of a cliff that’s perfect for snipers to
shoot from and other infantry to surprise the enemy from.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Republic), XL (Republic)
CP 6 is located extremely far back, like 1. There’s usually no reason for
Republic troops to spawn there.
Command Post 7:
Modes: Conquest (Republic), Capture the Flag (Republic), XL (Republic)
CP is positioned on a rocky crag that units spawn around. Except for taking CP
5, there’s little point in starting there.
Modes: Conquest (Republic), XL (Republic)
The Republic gains a big advantage in the form of its hulking AT-TE, which
spawns far, far back but can serve as a mobile command post as it trudges
forward into battle. It should be used to the Republic’s advantage by advancing
as far as possible and causing massive casualties on its way.
-Hoth (GCW only)
Size: 5/5
Openness: 5/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
-Hunt (
-XL (
Heroes: Pilot Luke, Darth Vader, Hoth Defense Turret, Hoth Dish Turret
Vehicles: AT-AT, AT-ST, Snowspeeder, Tauntaun
Hoth is the ultimate map for people who like wide open spaces. Except for its
Rebel bunker, it’s one massive plain of snow with only a few trenches to get in
the way. Infantry have trouble crossing the massive level, so it’s often the
vehicles and turrets that turn the tide.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Empire), XL (Empire)
Command Post one is one of the Empire’s two de facto Command Posts. It’s far
from the action and separated from Command Post 3 by a hill, but it is close to
a few trenches and turrets, as well as the AT-ST spawn point. The kill also
makes it fairly easy to sneak up on CP 3.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Empire), XL (Empire)
CP 2 also belongs to the Empire, and is in another bunker with turrets that
make it easy to defend. It’s the closest one for attacking Command Posts 3 and
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), XL (Alliance)
CP 3 is also in a bunker, and belongs to the Alliance. Like 2, it is well-
defended by turrets and difficult to take. Watch for people from CP one coming
over the hill. It’s connected to the Rebel bunker by a tunnel and lets you
sneak up on Command Post 4.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), Capture the Flag (Empire), Hunt (Wampas), XL
CP 4 is located in the Rebels’ hangar with the Snowspeeders. Several turrets
defend the hangar door, but you must also watch for attacks from within if CP 3
is taken.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Alliance), XL (Alliance)
Command Post 5 is located next to the shield generator and several turrets as
usual. I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t affect reinforcement depletion, since it
starts out giving the Rebels an advantage.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Capture the Flag (Alliance), Hunt (Alliance)
Command Post 6 is only used in Capture the Flag and Hunt modes. It’s located in
a large clearing with two massive transports and the usual trenches and turrets
that is blocked off in Conquest and XL. In Hunt mode, it splits into two nearby
Command Posts and the turrets make mowing down Wampas fairly easy. A cave near
it leads to a dead end.
Modes: Conquest (Empire), XL (Empire)
In Conquest and Xl, the Imperials deploy their massive AT-AT walkers. (That’s
right, they actually get two) Though they each only have one position, they can
inflict massive damage to Rebel troops and installations, even blowing speeders
out of the air. Like the AT-TE, they also serve as mobile Command Posts for the
-Jabba’s Palace
Size: 2/5
Openness: 2/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Aayla Secura, Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett
Vehicles: None
Jabba’s Palace is easily one of the more confined levels; it’s dark and
convoluted dungeons make for some of the best and intense close-range fighting
there is. Mastering its twists and turns will give you a significant advantage
in a battle. Also, beware of the hostile Gamorrean guards in this level; one
hit from their vibro-axes is an instant kill. The game keeps things cutthroat
by having 5 Command Posts, ensuring that one team or the other will always be
losing reinforcements.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
This Command Post is in a rectangular room near the CIS/Alliance’s starting
point and will most likely be taken by them. Note the droid being tortured
right next to it. =)
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
This Command Post is the starting point of the CIS/Alliance. It is located to
the side of the level, but its branching paths let troops reach many places
quickly. Note the broken window in one of the sides that serves as a shortcut
to the stair room. In CtF, it moves down to the southern exit of the room.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
Command Post 3 is located in a large, round room in the corner of the level.
Fighting is rare there and it isn’t too difficult to take and hold. In CtF< it
moves north to a hallway.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
CP 4 is located in Jabba’s throne room. (The villainous slug can’t be killed,
unfortunately) With its many branching paths and centralized location, most of
the level’s fighting will likely be done over this Command Post, though the
Republic/Empire can take it early on.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire)
Located in one of the larger rooms in the level, CP 5 is the other starting
point. It won’t see much fighting unless CP 4 is taken.
Size: 4/5
Openness: 4/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Han Solo, Boba Fett
Vehicles: Laser Turret
Kamino is one of the larger and more open levels, consisting of 11 connected
platforms and two spotlessly clean bases. Though the layout of platforms allows
one to see a lot, the ramps connecting them restrict movement (except for Jet
and Dark Troopers, and Jedi, who get a big movement advantage) and create
firefights, making the level one of the best in the game for snipers. Each
platform contains some crate and pillars for cover, and most also have
restoring droids and Laser Turrets.
Command Post 0:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
Strangely, the Command Posts of Kamino start at 0 instead of 1. This one is in
one of the two large bases, in the central room. No large-scale fighting will
usually occur here, but watch out for sneaky soldiers who try to enter unseen
and take it.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
Most of the CIS/Alliance troops will probably start at this command point. It’s
next to the central area where most of the fighting will likely occur, and has
access to many turrets for use. It moves right to the adjacent platform in CtF.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
CP 2 is far removed from the action. It’s a decent place for snipers to start,
or for troops attempting to take Command Post 0. It moves up by 1 for CtF mode.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
CP 3 is also in a big base, this time in a side room. Once again, you only need
to watch for troops sneaking into it attempting to steal it.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire)
This Command Post is the most desirable spawn point for most Republic/Empire
soldiers. It starts out next to the central area, but is lower down.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance)
This CP is also far from the action. It’s a good choice for snipers, but not
for anything else.
Size: 4/5
Openness: 5/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
-Hunt (CW only) (
-XL (
Heroes: Yoda, Jango Fett, Chewbacca, Boba Fett
Vehicles: IFT-X, BARC Speeder, Armored Tank Droid, STAP, AAC-1, Speeder Bike,
IFT-T, Concussion Cannon Turret, Laser Turret
The Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk is somewhat smaller than the other XL maps and
has only 4 Command Posts, but is extremely open and vehicle-friendly, with huge
amounts of vehicles and turrets in nearly every mode. It has little cover with
only a few short barriers and rocks on the ground, so expect to be shot at
often. There are a few sets of interconnected platforms that lead to turrets
and provide a bit more protection than being on the ground. The CIS or Empire
probably gets an advantage in this level by starting with 5 tanks to its
opponent’s 2, while the Republic or Alliance only gets a Command Post behind a
fortified wall to defend.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire), Hunt (CIS), XL
This CP is on the far side of the lake in the map. It’s surrounded by a few
rocks for cover, and three tank-type vehicles and two speedy vehicles will
spawn near it. Near those is a ramp leading up to one of the platform series.
The platform in the middle of these is a great sniper spot.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire), Hunt (CIS), XL
This Command Post is also surrounded by rocks and is midway around the
shoreline. 2 more tanks will spawn here.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance), Hunt
(Wookiees), XL (Republic/Alliance)
This CP starts units off on some platforms next to a cliff face, and has many
stone barriers in front of it that do little to impede vehicles. The
Republic/Alliance’s only two tanks spawn near it.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance), Hunt
(Wookiees), XL (Republic/Alliance)
This CP is far removed from the action. It’s behind a destroyable wooden
barrier and a permanent stone one with two Concussion Cannons on top. Don’t
respawn here unless Command Post 3 is taken. (Which it often is due to the
CIS/Empire’s huge vehicle advantage)
-Mos Eisley
Size: 4/5
Openness: 2/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
-Assault (GCW only)
-Hunt (GCW only) (
Heroes: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Han Solo, Boba Fett
Vehicles: Mos Eisley Railing Turret, Laser Turret
Mos Eisley is the other Tatooine map, and like with Jabba’s Palace it pays to
know it well. It’s a series of interconnected buildings that form alleyways,
rooftops, and dead ends. It’s fairly big but hard to get around through all the
buildings, and several separate battles will often go on at once.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance), Assault
(Heroes), Hunt (Jawas)
Command Post 1 is up in the top right corner, though it moves west for CtF and
southwest to an adjacent alley for Hunt. It’s a decent place for the
Republic/Empire to spawn if they want to go around and try to secretly capture
5 or 6. In Assault, it’s one of the better places for Heroes to spawn.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Assault (Villains)
This CP is situated in a dead end, and isn’t a good choice to respawn in in
either mode.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire), Assault
This CP is well-located for attacking 4 from, but little else. It moves
northwest in CtF mode. In Assault, it’s the least desirable place for Heroes to
spawn at.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire), Assault
Command Post 4 is in a cantina, which makes it slightly easier to defend. Once
of its two exits lead near the side wall, the other to the main clearing where
much of the fighting will likely occur. It’s THE place for Villains to spawn in
Assault, and CIS/Alliance troops in Conquest. It moves outside its northwestern
entrance in CtF.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Assault (Villains)
5 is pretty far from the action. Its main use is for taking CP 1.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance), Assault
(Heroes), Hunt (Tusken Raiders)
CP 6 is in a large shipyard, one of the biggest spaces in the level. It’s
probably the best place for Heroes to spawn in Assault. In CtF, it moves north
to outside the shipyard.
Size: 3/5
Openness: 3/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Republic and Alliance), Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker
Vehicles: None
The lava world of Mustafar is another of my favorite levels. It has a perfect
combination of large and small spaces and different levels that allow for all
kinds of fighting.
Command Post 0:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
Like Kamino, Mustafar starts with Command Post 0. This one is located across
two bridges from CP 5 on a narrow platform. Another door leads to the more open
part of the level, and replenishing droids are opposite that. The
Republic/Alliance will likely work hard to take this Command Post early on, so
the CIS/Empire should either defend it or take another one.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance)
CP 1 is at the far southern end of the level, on a large, flat platform.
Fighting rarely happens down there, so the Command Post rarely changes hands.
In CTF, it moves up to a 4-wall intersection of hallways.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
CP 2 is in a long control room of sorts with a lowered section and stairs in
the middle. It’s in the middle of the level, so lots of fighting will likely
happen here as well. One of the doors leads to a balcony overlooking the lava
bridges and CP 0.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire)
CP 3 is to the northeast in another large, open area. This and the two gantries
leading from it give lots of running room to defend this Command Post.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
Cp 4 is right above 3, on a ramp on the higher level of the open area. Stairs
to either side of the ramp connect them, and the other side of the ramp leads
to the room with CP 2. This Command Post is less roomy, so expect tight
fighting when defending it.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
CP 5 starts in another control room of sorts across two bridges from CP 0. Its’
next to the large central control room and can also lead down to CP 1. Note the
control panels next to the two bridge doors; if destroyed, the bridges sink
into the lava and make it impossible to reach CP 0 until they’re repaired. In
CtF, it moves down closer to CP 1.
Size: 5/5
Openness: 3/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Ki-Adi-Mundi, General Grievous, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett
Vehicles: IFT-X, AAT, AAC-1, IFT-T, Particle Cannon Turret
The warn-torn city planet of Mygeeto is another more open level with many
vehicles and turrets. There are many open roads for vehicles to travel on, but
also lots of cover in the ruins. Like in Jabba’s Palace, there are 5 Command
Posts, so one team or the other will almost always be losing reinforcements.
The huge circular structure is the center of the level and most of the fighting
will be done on the roads around it. Be sure to take advantage of the Particle
Cannon Turrets to blast vehicles while they last.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
This Command Post is far in Republic/Alliance territory, across a long bridge.
Don’t start here unless you want to drive a vehicle.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
This CP is the Republic/Alliance’s foremost one. Most of its troops should
start there and defend it vigorously. If it falls, they’ll be at a serious
disadvantage. In CtF, it moves to the left and changes sides.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
CP 3 starts out neutral in Conquest and is the top priority for each side.
Whichever one controls it gains a reinforcement advantage. In CtF, it moves
down to the right of 2.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
CP 4 is in a small niche and makes someone taking it an easy target. It’s the
foremost one for the CIS/Empire and the best one for troops to spawn at early
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire)
Like with 1, CIS/Empire troops should only spawn inside the giant tower if they
want vehicles.
Size: 4/5
Openness: 2/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
-Hunt (CW only) (
Heroes: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Princess Leia, The Emperor
Vehicles: AT-RT, AAT, AAC-1, TFT-T, Laser Turret
Scenic Naboo is situated in Theed, providing plenty of open spaces for vehicles
and combat but also cover and some balconies for snipers. The street layout is
simple, but offers many ways to get nearly everywhere. Most of the battles will
likely start in the central square and expand from there.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire), Hunt (CIS)
This CP is in a huge covered fountain area with three bridges leading from it
to the outer curving street. It’s fairly easy to reach and take, and will
likely change hands several times in a battle.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
CP 2 is the main one for the Republic/Alliance, and the spawn point for
vehicles. It’s fairly far back, so don’t spawn there unless you have no choice
or want to drive. It moves farther up in CtF.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance)
CP 3 is in a small cul-de-sac between two ramps. It’s between the
Republic/Alliance’s other two Command Posts, so unless 4 falls it isn’t taken
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Hunt (Gungans)
4 is located in the central square and provides an advantageous position, as
well as some of the most intense fighting. The Republic/Empire should fight
hard to defend it, and the CIS/Empire harder to take it. Bringing a vehicle in
can help to turn the tide. It moves up to the closed northern gate for the
Gungans in Hunt mode.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
CP 5 is one of the CIS/Empire’s, and one of the easiest to take early on if
their enemies defend 4. It’s located on a balcony that’s excellent for snipers.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
6 is near the CIS/Empire’s vehicles, but far removed from the action. Just like
with 1, don’t start there unless you wanna drive.
-Polis Massa
Size: 3/5
Openness: 1/5
Modes: Conquest (
-2-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Yoda, Darth Maul, Princess Leia, The Emperor
Vehicles: AAT, AAC-1
One of the most confined levels, the asteroid of Polis Massa makes for some of
the tightest and most intense fighting in the game; be sure to watch out for
and wisely use grenades to gain an advantage. It is also one of the most
heavily skewed; the taking of Command Post 3 is virtually inevitable and puts
the Republic/Empire at a disadvantage it’s nearly impossible to recover from.
One way to mix things up is to take a vehicle from one of the three hangars and
drive it to another to get behind enemy lines. Be careful to stay in vehicles
when outside in the vacuum; only CIS droids don’t get damaged in the cold. (The
game seems to think Dark Troopers are human)
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
This Command Post is far, far back in the caves. Only spawn there when
defending 2 or using the hangar.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
CP 2 is right next to the cave entrance. Two stairways lead to the main halls
of the level. After CP 3 is taken, this is where most troops will spawn. In
CtF, it moves farther down past the stairways.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
Command Post 3 is pivotal. It starts with the Republic/Empire, but because of
how the enemy gets two hallways to pour through, it will nearly always be taken
by the CIS/Alliance early on and virtually never reclaimed. This begins a trend
that pushes the Republic/Empire farther and farther back, eventually claiming
CP 2 and sealing victory for the CIS/Alliance. This imbalance is made even
worse by the fact that troops that spawn there actually appear back in the
middle hangar, limiting their ability to defend the Command Post while allowing
CIS/Alliance troops to spawn even farther forward and continue their
unstoppable advance after it’s taken. I can only hope that a patch will be CP 3
and the entire level balanced for both sides.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
CP 4 is the optimal place for CIS/Alliance troops to take CP 3 from. They get a
choice of two hallways to flood down, preventing the enemy from easily blocking
them. In CtF, it moves to the middle of the ring room it’s in.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance)
Like 4, CP 5 is located in a large ringlike room. You’ll only spawn here if 4
is taken, which due to the imbalance of the map never happens.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance)
CP 6 is in a large warehouse-like room, one of the biggest spaces in the level.
It’s adjacent to the third hangar, and since it will NEVER be taken from the
front, your main purpose in spawning here will be to defend it from vehicle
attacks or to use the hangar yourself.
-Space Felucia (CW only)
Size: 5/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Felucia is the largest Clone Wars-era space map. The main capitol ships start
flanked by frigates facing each other head-on, from a good distance apart. It’s
easily one of the most straightforward levels to play in and allows for lots of
starfighter combat.
-Space Hoth (GCW only)
Size: 3/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Hoth is one of the closer Galactic Civil War maps. The capitol ships start off
in an impending head-on collision with frigates off to either side. It makes
landing a boarding party and staying away from enemy turrets fairly easy;
starfighters have no trouble reaching either capitol ship.
-Space Kashyyyk (CW only)
Size: 2/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Kashyyyk is a fairly small map. The capitol ships are side by side, fairly
close to each other, with one frigate each in between. Landing parties have a
relatively easy time, but starfighter combat can be vicious.
-Space Mygeeto (CW only)
Size: 1/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Space Mygeeto is absolutely crazy. The capitol ships start out extremely close
to each other, and each side get 3 (3) frigates. Don’t expect to last long
unless you can take out some turrets.
-Space Tatooine (CGW only)
Size: 4/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Tatooine is somewhat like Kashyyyk, but the ships are at a much more relaxed
distance, and each side gets two frigates. There is plenty of space for
dogfights in between ships.
-Space Yavin (GCW only)
Size: 5/5
Modes: Assault (
-1-Flag CtF (
Yavin is a large and open level. The frigates start out virtually over the
capitol ships, leaving nothing but space in between. Remember to fly underneath
the enemy capitol ship when approaching.
-Tantive IV
Size: 1/5
Openness: 1/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Yoda, General Grievous, Princess Leia, Darth Vader
Vehicles: None
The Tantive IV is probably the smallest and least open level in the game. Its
hallways give little breathing room and make Thermal Detonators deadly. Most of
the fighting will be done over the two neutral Command Posts in the middle for
a reinforcement advantage. Most fighting happens in the two long hallways above
and below the neutral Posts; try to get past it to the CPs and capture them,
possibly using the bigger room in the middle.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Alliance)
CP 1 is the Republic/Alliance’s starting one, and is in the bridge of the ship.
Passages from it lead to conference and command rooms, then to the main hallway
where most of the fighting occurs.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
2 is in one of the escape pod bays. It starts out neutral, and either side will
likely rush for it early on, though the Republic/Alliance may be able to reach
it first. Try to be the one that gets it, and if not, capture it later on.
Control of the center Command Posts is control of a game here.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
3 is in a more spacious escape pod bay with three exits to various parts if the
ship. The CIS/Empire is probably in the best position to take this one early
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (CIS/Empire)
CP 4 is the CIS/Empire’s starting point. It’s in a large reactor room on a
balcony, with stairs leading down to either side of the level. Troops should
only spawn here until they take a new Command Post. The reactor energy is
deadly to anyone who enters it, but can be shut off by destroying the control
console next to it. (A small red dot)
Size: 4/5
Openness: 4/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, Han Solo, Boba Fett
Vehicles: AT-RT, AAT, AAC-1, IFT-T
The sinkhole world of Utapau has 4 neutral Command Posts for the taking, making
the early game here very important. There are two main paths on which fighting
will occur, a wider one and a narrower, vehicle-friendly one. Cover is sparse
on this map, so expect to die often.
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Alliance), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
This CP is in a covered pit on the higher end of the level and where
CIS/Alliance troops start. It’s well-situated to take 2 and 3.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
CP 2 is in a corner in the wider path; taking it can be dangerous. The ledge
above it makes for an excellent sniper spot.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
3 is on the narrow path where much of the vehicle fighting will likely occur.
The CIS/Alliance should capture it early on to give themselves an advantage in
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
4 is in one of the small structures to the side of the main path. It gives
Republic/Empire troops seeking combat here a place to spawn.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
5 is also on the narrower path, near the eastern entrance. It is easily taken
by the Republic/Empire early on, but will be contested later.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
Located in a huge hangar bay, 6 is the Republic/Empire’s starting point. It has
a series of catwalks above it, but they likely won’t be used. Vehicles will
spawn towards the southeast end of the hangar.
-Yavin 4
Size: 5/5
Openness: 4/5
Modes: Conquest (
-1-Flag CtF (
Heroes: Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Chewbacca, Boba Fett
Vehicles: IFT-X, BARC Speeder, AAT, STAP, AAC-1, TFT-T, Speeder Bike, Yavin
Tower Turret
The dense jungle world of Yavin 4 is a very large map, with decent visibility
and lots of space for vehicles to drive in. The trees don’t provide cover so
much as they inhibit movement, especially for tanks. The presence of a seventh
neutral Command Post makes for an elaborately big game and means that one side
will be losing reinforcements. (Although the CIS/Empire gets an advantage in
reaching it first)
Command Post 1:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire)
1 is on a ledge at the far southern end of the map. The CIS and Empire’s
vehicles spawn there, so unless you want one, start farther forward. A tank can
give your team excellent firepower, while a Speeder Bike or STAP will get you
to the battle quickly.
Command Post 2:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
This CP is in a large fountain with lots of cover, one of the easiest CPs to
defend. It’s one of the best for quickly taking 4. In CtF, it moves left to
outside the fountain.
Command Post 3:
Modes: Conquest (CIS/Empire), Capture the Flag (Republic/Empire)
3 is under a long walkway in the trees. It’s fairly open and near a prime trail
for vehicles, so it should change hands several times. It’s also close to 4. It
moves south to the end of the walkway in CtF.
Command Post 4:
Modes: Conquest (Neutral)
The earliest part of the game will be spent taking Command Post 4. The
CIS/Empire starts closer, so they’ll usually get it first. The stairs around it
prevent vehicles from taking or defending it well.
Command Post 5:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
This CP is at the beginning of the aforementioned walkway. It cuts straight
through much of the level and can be traveled on to surprise the enemy. One of
the most fun exploits is to drive a Speeder Bike (or something similar) down it
full speed and off the end to the ledge Command Post 1 sits on, providing both
an exciting ride and a way to sneak all the way back to the enemy’s first
Command Post. Just be sure to get off the bike before it crashes and explodes.
5 is also the best CP to try for 4 from.
Command Post 6:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance), Capture the Flag (CIS/Alliance)
6 is on a large tower with steep steps leading up to it. This feature can make
it rather difficult to take, since vehicles are little help.
Command Post 7:
Modes: Conquest (Republic/Alliance)
7 is way up in the Rebel’s command base. Their vehicles start right outside, so
unless you want to take one, start farther forward. You likely won’t see
fighting here in a typical game.
\\\\\11. Awards (Awrds)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
By performing extraordinary feats in battle without dying, you can win various
awards that grant you useful bonuses. Many are quite powerful, and all are
worth trying to get.
-Gunslinger (get 6 kills with a Pistol)
Award: Precision Pistol
For the brave ones who forgo stronger weapons and like to blast things with a
pistol, the Gunslinger award is a huge prize. The Precision Pistol is ammo-
based unlike other Pistols and is incredibly powerful; 2 hits from it are
enough to kill nearly anything. It’s also accurate enough for sniping.
-Frenzy (get 12 kills with a Blaster Rifle)
Award: Elite Rifle
Frenzy is hard to get because of the large number of kills required, but it can
make the Blaster Rifle even stronger. The Elite Rifle fires bursts of 3 shots
that are instant death to anything they hit. A good shot can easily now enemies
down with it. Like the Precision Pistol, it’s also quite accurate.
-Demolition (get 4 critical hits with the Rocket Launcher)
Award: Guided Rocket Launcher
Demolition is arguably the hardest award to get (I haven’t been able to win it
once) because of how hard it is to hit weak spots with the slow-firing Rocket
Launcher. If you manage to do it, you get a Remote Control Rocket launcher like
that of the AT-ST.
-Marksman (get 6 Sniper Rifle headshots)
Award: Beam Rifle
Skilled Sniper get the Beam Rifle for 6 headshots. Though extremely powerful,
the weapon is a mixed bag-it has less ammo, a clip half as big, and has some
strange hit detection glitches. If you aim for people’s bodies with it, you’ll
get instant kills every time.
-Regulator (get 8 Shotgun kills)
Award: Flechette Shotgun
Skilled Engineers who take out 8 enemies get the powerful Flechette Shotgun,
which fires stronger shots that spread out less, increasing its range.
-Technician (slice into an enemy vehicle)
Award: Vehicle Regen
A daring Engineer that manages to slice an enemy vehicle gets a powerful
vehicle regeneration bonus, like the one Pilots get in space. It makes them
even deadlier with their stolen rides.
-Endurance (get 12 points)
Award: Energy Regen
Endurance is the easiest award in the game to attain; it’s almost easier not to
get it. Fittingly, the bonus is fairly small; an Energy Regen bonus that
refills your stamina meter faster.
-Guardian (get 24 points)
Award: Damage Reduction
A unit that survives to get 24 points gets will take reduced damage from
attacks, a powerful bonus indeed.
-War Hero (get 36 points)
Award: Damage Increase
A player who manages to get 36 points in one life gains increased damage for
all his/her weapons.
Note that you have a 30-second "grace period" after getting an award. If you
die within it, you’ll keep the award upon respawning.
Each award also has different levels that affect how you get it in battle.
-Green (0-3 times)
When you’ve barely gotten an award at all, attaining it in battle does nothing
except notify you of your success. You have to start somewhere.
-Veteran (4-31 times)
Veterans of an award can get it in battle by meeting the prerequisite. Nothing
special about Veteran status.
-Elite (32-63)
Once you’re ranked Elite with an award, the requirements for it go down by
about a fourth. (You only need 4 Pistol kills for Gunslinger, or 18 points for
-Legendary (64+)
A player skilled and patient enough to get an award 64 times is in luck-the
effect of that award becomes permanent in all single player modes, providing a
huge advantage.