SpellForce II – patch v1.02
Izašao je novi patch za JoWood-ov RPG SpellForce II, koja između ostalog donosi mogućnost pravljenja PvP i free-game mapa kao i replay u multiplayer okršajima. Da se podsetimo, igrač u igri ima dvostruku ulogu: i komandir i borac na frontu, drugim rečima igra je mešavina RPG-a i RTS-a. U najvećem delu scenarija igrač vodi jednu od tri mogućih frakcija dok gradi baze i skuplja resurse. Patch ćete naći ovde 166 MB, a detaljnu listu izmena možete naći u nastavku texta.New features provided by this patch:
1. Replay of Skirmish/PvP and Free Game Mode matches.
2. Map-Editor.
3. Portals now have a tooltip indicating where they are connected to.
4. In the free game mode the quest book now shows the amount of free traders saved by the player.
The following issues have been resolved by this patch:
1. Kor can no longer die in the wrong places.
2. Bug with one of the chests on the map “Crater” was fixed.
3. Matricus now leaves “The Needle” correctly.
4. When revisiting “Iron Fields”, General Einar could appear too early.
5. When you blew the horn on Norimar when blowing the horn just seconds before the timer ended, you would get a “Game over” anyway.
6. Bug fixed on “The Needle” where the portals do not open if you never talked to Einar or Karan.
7. Lemuel on “Sevenkeeps” now gives you a reward.
8. Some more Drakkar players added to “Sevenkeeps”.
9. Bug fixed in the Alyre dialogue.
10. Englisch Version: Fixed wrong take in Ylias Dialog in „Sevenkeeps“.
11. “Rushwater Downs”: Professor Twiddle will always help you to defeat Mauser now.
12. “Norimar”: The Castle can only be entered if all four towers are lit.
13. Fixed a bug in the dialogue with Redmund.
14. Minor rebalancing of all PvP-maps.
15. The hurricane spell could damage neutral npcs.