Specnaz: Project Wolf pozlacen
GMX Media sa zadovoljstvom saopštava vest da se njihov dvogodišnji projekat Specnaz: Project Wolf nalazi u Gold fazi i da je sve spremno za umnožavanje. Radi se o taktičkom FPS-u koji treba da pruži igračima jednu nelinearnu sredinu na koju do sada nismo navikli, što znači da u ovom naslovu nećemo biti ograničeni raznim faktorima koji će nam naređivati kako i na koji način treba igrati, već naprotiv mi smo ti koji ćemo donositi odluke kako rešiti novonastali problem. Izlazak igre se očekuje uskoro, a do tada možete pogledati postojeće screenove na ovoj adresi, i pročitati press release u nastavku teksta. Specnaz: Project Wolf Goes Gold
LONDON, UK (August 9th 2006) – GMX Media are today announcing that the strategic FPS game Specnaz: Project Wolf has gone GOLD and will be released across Europe shortly.
"After years of development and months of testing, SPECNAZ: Project Wolf is finished and we are extremely happy that the game is going to be released” quotes Ron Kubik, CEO of BYTE Software .“We hope players will appreciate the effort and investments given to this project and that they will enjoy playing the game.”
“We have had an unprecedented amount of interest in Specnaz during the term of its development.” quotes Eugene Perry, COO for GMX Media “We have worked closely with a number of FPS testers who have provided a wealth of information to improve the game during this time. We have just recorded more than 800,000 downloads of the Specnaz movies from the GMX site proving that anticipation for this title is exceptionally high. After two years in development the game is finally ready and we are looking forward to introducing Specnaz: Project Wolf to the world.”
Game Description
SPECNAZ is an abbreviation for the Russian special forces, also known as "SPECialnogo NAZnacenie", meaning "special assignment". The same name equivalent is also used for the English SAS or the US Delta Force.
SPECNAZ is a First Person Tactical Shooter. At the games core is the tactical-action model, giving the player a number of opportunities for the successful completion of each mission without any linear limitations.
Find out more at : http://www.specnaz-game.com
Find out more at : http://www.gmxmedia.net/specnaz/
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