Sim Theme Park World (šifre)

Sim Theme Park World

Submitted by: tim bellion

On any park build the giant puzzle sideshow then hold the 
game up to its highest which is 10,000.Then click on the 3 
ticks before they finish the game and then there will be 10k 
in your bank everytime this cheat is done.

Note: You have to put the price back after the person have 
done so other people will go on it then just do the process 

Power money tip
Start a small park with 4 puzzle games close together, 
2 rides, 1 food, 1 bathroom and a gate price of $0. 
If you set it up so all 4 puzzle are within view of 
each other, you can do the global price raise/lower 
for all puzzles when all 4 are active (making 40k a pop) 
The $0 gate price gets them in fast. Set the prizes value 
to $10 and a maximum win possibility. That makes them happy, 
stay longer and play more.

Easy Money: Bug Exploitation
These best way to use this bug is to go to a puzzle sideshow 
that has a low play cost. WHILE somebody is playing up the 
play cost to $10,000 (make sure you hit the confirm check to 
get that price activated!). When they finish the puzzle you 
will get the 10k instead of the lower play cost they started 
playing at. Nobody will play it at 10k, so lower the price 
back down to a fair price. You can do this as often as you want. 
Puzzle sideshow works best because it gives you time to raise 
the price while the customer is playing. 

Free Money: 
When you start the game type in 'CASH' and in the game 
press- Shift-o and you will get more cash. 

Raise prices for easy money: 
While patrons are entertaining themselves with affordable amusements 
(like the puzzle sideshow), raise its admission fee. 
When their games have concluded, players will pay the higher rate. 
Lower prices to attract consumers and repeat. 

Cheat mode:
Pause game play and type "demo" to enable cheat mode. 
Then, enter one of the following codes during game 
play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                   Code 
$50,000                                - [Shift] + C  
All rides                              - [Ctrl] + Z  
All shops                              - [Alt] + Z  
Trees, bathrooms, and other facilities - [Shift] + Z 

On any park build the giant puzzle sideshow then when some 
one goes on the sideshow hold put the price of the game up 
to its highest which is 10,000.
Then click on the 3 ticks before they finish the game and 
then there will be 10k everytime this this cheat is done!
NOTE: you have to put the price back after the person have 
done so other people will go on it then just do the process 

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