Submitted by: james hiscott
and the sheep will follow any player!!#
Submitted by: rickHH
When playing any level with Motley if you press q,w,e
in quick succession he will bite the sheep nearest to
him causing it to jump over any obstacle.
Adam Half Pint can drop pints to get the sheep to follow
him. Apparently you have to type pint really quickly while
holding down Alt + Shift.
The Modern Pastoral sheep can be made to follow any
character by chasing them around the same object five
times! Try this one at your own risk. If doing this one
with Shep you run the risk making him puke.
Sometimes it's easier to just grab the sheep individually
and carry them to the end of the map.
Make sure you explore the map as much as you can before
setting out. It's often possible to find quicker paths to
the end and you won't risk losing that many sheep.
Always be on the lookout for hint signs and for other sheep
that will assist you in your efforts.
Simply hit ESC to bring up the Main Menu and type one
of the words below to enable the cheat. If successful,
the menu will disappear (non-US versions only) and the
cheat will be activated. Type slowly and carefully to
ensure correctness.
Code Result
FatSheep - Sheep Grow to 150% Their Normal Size
MiniSheep - Sheep Shrink to 1/2 Their Normal Size
PooSheep - Pastroal Sheep Poo Instead of Graze
CancelCheats - Deactivate Cheats
Note: Only the "PooSheep" cheat will work in the US
version of Sheep. The other cheats were added into the
game AFTER the US version was complete.