Serious Sam II – patch v2.068

Serious Sam 2Ozbiljni Sem se opet našao u cetru zbivanja. Posle izlaska drugog dela popularne hrvatske igre useledila je mala tišina, ali momci iz 2k Games-a su rešili da tu tišinu privedu kraju. Naime radi se o novom patchu za igru Serious Sam 2, koji postojeću verziju istoimene igre podiže na v2.068 i time ispravlja nekolicinu bugov-a. Ovaj patch dodaje novi Deathmatch mode, novi in-game voting system, damage modifications, multiplayer and console enhancements, ispravlja bugove i jos mnogo toga. Njega (47Mb) možete preuzeti sa ove adrese, a kompletnu listu ispravki možete pogledati u nastavku teksta.

Serious Sam 2 v2.068 Patch – Implemented Deathmatch game mode
– It is now possible to execute a script file from the console (exec script.cfg)
– Added samListPlayers() console command – displays the list of all players in the ‘playerindex playername’ format.
– Implemented banning of players by IP address (permanent or temporary).
– Implemented map list and map rotation – map list can be specified either in a cvar or through a file.
– Added falling damage.
– Added damage impact – knockback from explosions.
– Increased player speed for deathmatch games (12.5 m/s).
– In DM, player runs faster when using the chainsaw.
– Players dop the current weapon when killed (DM only).
– It is now posible to disable items, weapons and powerups.
– Player can be gibbed (DM only).
– Implemented the in-game voting system (votes for next map, map restart, kicking players, temporary player ban).
– Added the ‘only if stronger’ option to auto weapon change setting.
– Chat message sound is much louder now.
– Added support for multi-core in physics solver (disabled by default).

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