Scarface : The World is Yours (šifre)

Enter these codes into the CHEATS screen, which can be found in the pause menu at any time during gameplay.

Mission cheats are unlocked after playing a mission. (Note: Cannot save the game after activating)

Fill Health:	    	MEDIK
1,000 Balls: 	    	FPATCH
Fill Ammo: 	    	AMMO
Increase Gang Heat: 	GOBALLS
Decrease Gang Heat: 	NOBALLS
Increase Cop Heat:  	DONUT
Decrease Cop Heat:  	FLYSTRT
Change Time of Day: 	MARTHA
Rain:		    	RAINY
Lightning: 	    	SHAZAAM
Vehicle Repair:     	TBURGLR
Black Suit: 	    	BLACK
Blue Suit: 	    	BLUE
White Suit:         	WHITE
Grey Suit:          	GREY
Sandy Shirt:	    	TANSHRT
Tiger Shirt: 	    	TIGSHRT
Blue Suit w/shades: 	BLUESH
White Suit w/shades:	WHITESH
Grey Suit w/shades: 	GREYSH
Sandy Shirt w/shades:   TANSH
Tiger Shirt w/shades:   TIGERSH
BReal "The World is Yours" music track enter: TUNEME 
Bulldozer enter: 
Antique Racer enter:    OLDFAST 
Dump Truck enter:       DUMPER 
Stampede enter:         BUMMER 
Bacinari enter:         666999

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