Return To Blockland (šifre)

Return To Blockland

Submitted by: RM

Super Man Deathmatch:
While hosting a server press ~ to display the console window. 
Then, type CommandToServer('startSuperManMode',%breakBricks, 
%friendlyFire, %brickrespawn, %brickHits, 
%jetPack, %clearInv); and press [Enter]. 
The message "You are superman" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Name a bot:
Press ~ to display the console window, then type CommandToServer

To make a bot and name it, press ~ to display the console window, then type 

Press ~ to display the console window, then type CommandToServer('CatMe');

Press ~ to display the console window, then type CommandToServer('MonkeyMe');

Press ~ to display the console window, then type CommandToServer ('SkeleMe');

Enable the "Cat", "Monkey", or "Skeleton" code, then press [Ctrl] + O and 
select "Ok".

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