Resident Evil
Rocket launcher:
Finish the game in under three hours without rescuing anyone.
If done correctly, a rocket will appear after the credits.
Save the game. Then, start the game that was just saved and
the rocket launcher with infinite ammunition will be available.
Note: The rocket launcher does not shoot well upwards or downwards.
Alternate clothes:
Rescue the other two players and finish the game.
If done correctly, the phrase "You've got the special
key" will appear after the credits. Save the game.
Start the game that was just saved. Enter the room with
the large mirror on the second floor of the mansion.
Unlock the door in the back. Enter the closet and move
all the way to the end of the rack of clothes.
Then, a message asking "There is an outfit that fits you
perfectly, do you want to put it on?" will appear.
Now select "Yes" to change your character's clothes.
Special Jill Cheat:
Start the game as Jill save the game in the first slot and
edit it with your favorite hex editor. Move at offset 032C
in the file (the first slot free after you get the 3 ink
ribbons) and enter two bytes: 38 01. This gives you the
closet key. Exit and reload the saved game. Go straight
in the closet (from the main room of the mansion take the
narrow door on the right wing, enter the room with the
mirror, then proceed in the corridor, open the door and
enter the room with the large mirror: right to the mirrors
there's a door; now you can open it with this key).
Go to the right end of the room and search for the suits.
Jill will change her outfit!
These are the pure Hex Codes for Resident Evil.
To cheat Resident Evil you must open your savedat1.dat file
in your saves directory.
Find line 00000320 and search for all the 0000 and then add
these for your cheats:
HexCode - Item
00FF - Nothing
01FF - Combat Knife
02FF - Beretta w/127
03FF - Shotgun w/127
04FF - DumDum Colt
05FF - Colt Python
06FF - FlameThrower
07FF - Bazooka w/127 Acid
08FF - Bazooka w/127 Explosive
09FF - Bazooka w/127 Flame
0AFF - Rocket Launcher
0BFF - Clip w/255
0CFF - Shells w/255
0DFF - DumDum Rounds
0EFF - Magnum Rounds
0FFF - FlameThrower Fuel w/255
10FF - Explosive Rounds w/255
11FF - Acid Rounds w/255
12FF - Flame Rounds w/255
13FF - Empty Bottle
14FF - Water
15FF - Umb No. 2
16FF - Umb No. 4
17FF - Umb No. 7
18FF - Umb No. 13
19FF - Yellow 6
1AFF - NP-003
1BFF - V-Jolt
1CFF - Broken Shotgun
1DFF - Square Crank
1EFF - Hex Crank
1FFF - Wood Emblem
20FF - Gold Emblem
21FF - Blue Jewel
22FF - Red Jewel
23FF - Music Notes
24FF - Wolf Medal
25FF - Eagle Medal
26FF - Chemical
27FF - Battery
28FF - MO Disk
29FF - Wind Crest
2AFF - Flare
2BFF - Slides
2CFF - Moon Crest
2DFF - Star Crest
2EFF - Sun Crest
2FFF - Ink Ribbon w/255
30FF - Lighter
31FF - Lock Pick
32FF - Nameless (Can of Oil)
33FF - Sword Key
34FF - Armor Key
35FF - Sheild Key
36FF - Helmet Key
37FF - Lab Key (1)
38FF - Special Key
39FF - Dorm Key (002)
3AFF - Dorm Key (003)
3BFF - C. Room Key
3CFF - Lab Key (2)
3DFF - Small Key
3EFF - Red Book
3FFF - Doom Book (2)
40FF - Doom Book (1)
41FF - F-Aid Spray
42FF - Serum
43FF - Red Herb
44FF - Green Herb
45FF - Blue Herb
46FF - Mixed (Red+Green)
47FF - Mixed (2 Green)
38FF - Mixed (Blue + Green)
49FF - Mixed (All)
4AFF - Mixed (Silver Color)
4BFF - Mixed (Bright Blue-Green)
6FFF - Uzi w/ Infinity
70FF - Mini Mi w/ Infinity
Unlimited Ammo:
Submitted by: arun prakash
Press down down down, up down and right.