Resident Evil 4
Submitted by: conner54
Completion bonuses:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Separate Ways and
Mercenaries-mini-games; the Professional difficulty setting;
the Leon's Raccoon City Police Department costume, Ashley's
pop star costume, and Ada's black costume; the Mathilda handgun
and Infinite Rocket Launcher for purchase (for 1 million Pesetas),
and the Tactical Vest (for 60,000 Pesetas); and an alternate title
Successfully complete the Separate Ways mini-game to unlock Ashley's
knight costume and Leon's gangster costume. Ashley's suit of armor
is bullet and damage proof. She cannot get hurt by anything and it
is so heavy she cannot be carried away. You do not have to worry
about giving her First Aid Sprays, Herbs, or shooting Ganados trying
to pick her up.
Alternate ending sequence:
Successfully complete Assignment Ada and watch the credits.
They will be in gray scale. However, if you select "Yes" when asked
"Watch the ending movie again?", it will be replayed in color in a
smaller frame. If you watch it once more when prompted, it will play
is full wide screen color. They will alternate each time you choose
to replay the credits.
Game trailers:
Remain idle at the title screen. Eventually two trailers will begin playing
and begin to cycle.
If you destroy all blue targets in the beginning you can get a free Punisher from
the Merchant 2 guns before you can buy it. This pistol hits two targets when you
get it, and five when you get exclusive. This makes it work well for crowd control.
Riot Gun one shot kills:
To do this, you must fill the entire Firepower, Firing Speed, Reload Speed and Capacity
of the weapon. When you shoot a Ganado or a Los Luminados, one shot will kill them.
Note: The same happens with the Chicago Typewriter.
Killing birds:
Toss a flash grenade in the center of a group of birds. All of them will die instantly,
leaving lots of Pesetas. This also works with the Granadas when their heads are transformed.
Defeating Gothic Illuminados:
When you are in the castle and you fire at the Gothic Illuminados, it is best to fire at
their knees. They will fall on them and allow you to use a suplex move instead of a kick. You
will then throw them over your head and smash their head in the ground. Note: In mercenary
mode, the same goes for the rest of the mercenaries.
Defeating J.J. (mini gun man):
An easier way to kill J.J is to first hit him in the head with a weaker gun.
When he is holding his head, attack him with a more powerful weapon. If he recovers quickly,
just use the same strategy. This also works on the military base during the Mercenaries
Look out for crows. They sometimes drop valuable items and are usually found in groups. To
kill crows, shoot them from a distance. If you are close and there are other crows nearby they
will fly away. An easier way to kill a group of them is to toss a flash grenade into their
midst and watch the items drop.
Lava room:
In the area where the room is filled with lava, enemies will appear on pillars with horses that
shoot fire at you. Instead of waiting for a clear shot to shoot the man on the pillar, simply
shoot at the chain that is holding the pillar. If one of the chains breaks, the entire pillar
will fall. This makes it easier to get through the room. If you queue all of the pillars to
appear and shoot them all down, once you shoot the last one down no more enemies will appear
in the room, even the ones that fall from the ceiling.
Sewer: Black Bass recovery:
You can kill the fish and use them as recovery items in the sewer area shortly after the
beginning of Chapter 1-2. It is a little after the place where you face the two enemies who
throw dynamite at you.
Eggs for Ashley:
There are three types of eggs, white, brown, and golden. Collect these, equip them, and fire
on Ashley. They will not harm her and it is funny. Aim from a distance to get used to them.
They are lighter than a grenade and fly far when thrown. Note: She will duck when in close
Use egg to kick people:
Toss an egg at a Ganado's face. They will hold their face, letting you get in a kick.
Note: Do not do this in a crowd or you will get hit.
Mine Thrower ammunition:
It is possible to find ammunition for the Mine Thrower. Kill any normal enemy with the Mine
Thrower to yield one dart for ammunition.
Extra scene:
When Leon is being choked, he will be told that he has the same blood. Leave the room, then
return. You will be choked again by same person, only this time Ada comes to the rescue.
At the end of the game, as Leon and Ashley fall into the water on the speedboat, you can see
a rainbow for a few seconds.
Castle: Easy money:
Look behind every painting of Saddler to find 5,000 Pesetas.
Church: Unlimited villagers:
When you first get to the church, defeat everyone in the area. Then, return to the church and
shoot the bell above. Villagers will arrive in a groups of three to six Gonados. You can continue
this process as you see fit.
Church: Getting items:
After you get the key after being choked by Chief Mendez, gi to the church and kill everyone.
You can then shoot the bell above the church. You should hear "There! He is there!" and a group
of Gonados should be in the graveyard. This process can be repeated five times or less, but they
drop items for your inventory.