__________ __ __
______ _______ ____ |__| ____ _____/ |_
| ___/_ __ / _ | |/ __ _/ ___ __
| | | | ( <_> ) | ___/ ___| |
|____| |__| ____/__| |___ >___ >__|
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_________ ___. .__ .__ .___
/ _____/ ____ ______ _ __ |__ | | |__| ____ __| _/
_____ / / _ / / /| __ | | | |/ / __ |
/ | ( <_> ) / | _ |_| | | / /_/ |
/_______ /___| /____/ /_/ |___ /____/__|___| /____ |
/ / / / /
Game : Project: Snowblind
Console : Playstation 2
Author : a_heavenly_body
Version : Final
FAQ Type : FAQ/Walkthrough
E-Mail : a.heavenly.body@gmail.com
Copyright 2005 a_heavenly_body
2-Copyright Notice
3-Version History
9-Multiplayer Weapons
Hello and welcome to my FAQ/walkthrough for Project: Snowblind. This FAQ will
lead you all the way to the end giving you hints/tips along the way. Just in-
case you were wondering, Project Snowblind is a great FPS game and gives you
a varied FPS experience as compared to other FPS games available to you. I
hope you enjoy the game as well as the FAQ.
2-Copyright Notice
This document is copyright 2005 a_heavenly_body. It cant be altered reproduced
or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites
currently allowed to host it are
Thats it. If i find it on any other website without my permission then the
web master will be in one heck of a trouble as i will immediately take legal
action. If you spot it on an un-authorized website inform me via e-mail as
soon as you can(see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me
an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things(see contacts section)
3-Version History
15 September 2005...version 0.1...I made the basic outline of the FAQ today.
Completed all the basic sections as well. Only the walkthrough section remains
to be done.
17 September 2005...version 0.2...Wrote the first two missions. College is
really slowing down my progress with this FAQ. So bear with me.
18 September 2005...version 0.3...Wrote more missions. Complete till mission 9.
19 September 2005...version 0.4...I am working very slowly. Wrote mission 10.
20 September 2005...version 0.5...Wrote two more missions. Complete uptil level
21 September 2005...version 0.6...Wrote more missions. Corrected a silly
22 September 2005...version FINAL! I have completed everything. There will be
no more updates whatsoever.
The controls section is divided into two parts.
I.When On-Foot
Left Analog stick - Navigate.
Right Analog stick - Aim.
L3 Button - Melee attack.
R3 Button - Zoom.
D-pad up - Cycle Through Primary Weapons (UP).
D-pad down - Cycle Through Primary Weapons (DOWN).
D-pad left - Cycle Through Augmentations.
D-pad right - Cycle Through Secondary Weapons.
Square Button - Reload/pick up/use.
X Button - Jump.
O Button - Crouch.
Triangle Button - Use Augmentation.
R1 Button - Primary fire.
R2 Button - Alternate primary fire.
L1 Button - Secondary fire.
L2 Button - Inventory (HOLD)/Switch to last used weapon.
Select - View objective markers
Start - Pause Menu.
II.When On Vehicle/Emplacement/Bot
Left Analog Stick - Navigate.
Right Analog Stick - Pitch turret.
Square Button - Brake/Reverse.
X Button - Accelerate.
O Button - Center turret.
Triangle Button - Exit Vehicle.
R1 Button - Primary fire.
R2 Button - Secondary fire.
Select - View objective markers.
This sections gives you information about the various items you find in the
game and their use.
I.Health Pack
This item restores you health.
II.Health Upgrade
This item increases your maximum health.
III.Bio-Energy Cell
This item restores your bio-energy supply.
IV.Bio-Energy Upgrade
This item increases your maximum bi-energy level.
V.Nano Boost
This item will recover all your health and bio-energy.
VI.Riot Wall
It is a sort of a force field, giving you protection from enemy fire.
VII.Kinetic Kicker
This item pushes/pulls small-medium sized objects.
This section will give you details about the weapons available in the game.
You will use this to get control over electrical devices/bots.
II.Frag Grenade
You standard hand grenade. This weapon creates a pretty damaging blast where
ever it is dropped.
III.Flash Bang Grenade
This grenade is non-lethal and will temporarily stun your enemies.
IV.EMP Grenade
Like the name suggests, this grenade creates an electro magnetic pulse which
affects electronic devices and bots.
V.Spiderbot Grenades
In simple words "these bots seek and attack enemies".
VI.Gas Grenade
This grenade releases poisonous gas upon detonation which is particularly
effective against humanoid enemies.
Exactly what the name suggests. It is excellent at close ranges, not so good
at long ranges. The alternate fire releases bombs that stick to the surface
and then explode.
VIII.Rocket Launcher
This is a very effective weapon. It launches a single powerful rocket in
primary firing mode whereas it launches homing missiles in the alternate fire
IX.Sniper Rifle
It is an excellent weapon for sniping. It also has a zoom function. It sends
a neural virus through the target when used in alternate fire mode.
X.Mine Launcher
This weapon launches a mine which can be detonated according to your will.
Alternate fire launches a proxmity mine.
This weapon electrocutes targets as well as disrupting mechanical equipment.
The alternate fire gives off a sticky elctro-mine.
This weapon gives off energy rounds in normal mode and drones in alternate
fire mode.
XIII.Rail Laser
This weapon gives off a powerful beam that can penetrate solids as well. The
alternate fire gives off a plasma ball.
This section gives you information about the augmentations.
The mode allows you to see unfriendly targets. Plus you can also see through
II.Reflex Boost
This mode slows down time giving you more time to react.
III.Ballistic Shield
This protective shield protects you from external attacks.
You are temporarily invisible in this mode. DONT FIRE A WEAPON.
V.Electrical Storm
Lightning which seeks and attacks enemies.
Welcome to the meat of the FAQ. I hope you find the FAQ informative.
The red dots are your enemies, green dots are your friends and yellow dots are
waypoints. All of them are present on your radar. Be careful about the shots
coming from the top. Avoid them until a cut-scene starts. Take cover behind the
boxes (on your left) and pick the frag grenades. Use them to take out the
nearby enemies. Shoot out any survivor.
You should notice plenty of useful items around you. Take them and follow the
path to the next yellow dot on your radar. You should notice a crate on your
right. Break it down using your melee attacks. Noe go through the door nearby,
the one with the blue symbol on it. Rooms with these symbols on them are your
save points. Go down the nearby ramp and save your game by using the nearby
Exit this room. There should be an open area nearby, on your left side. There
should be enemies here, keep shooting them until you see a cut-scene. Keep
shooting until another cut-scene starts. Take out all the enemies. Use the
save point again, collect all items nearby and follow the path to the next
yellow dot on your radar.
Take out all the enemies here. Cut-scene. Use the nearby turret to take down
the helicopter. This level is complete.
Start by entering the next room. Keep following Gustlin until he stops, now you
have to enter the armory. Go near sarge and he will give you your equipment.
Exit this room and go left. Go near walker. Talk with him and then you have to
follow him.Go through the nearby room when he stops. You have to crouch in
order to got through the vents.
Check the surroundings and take any items/weapons you find. Go to the hall and
enter the required room (it will be on your left). You get your first
augmentation here. Go to the hall and follow the path. You will see two guards
and they will open a door. Enter and follow the path and go left around the
corner. You should notice the icepick. Take it. Fire it at the blue panel. Go
near the panel so that you hack into it. Use one of the turrets to take out the
Enter the next room and follow the path to your next yellow dot. Grab the
pistol and carbine nearby and exit the room. Follow the path on your left. You
will see multiple ways. Head right. Follow the path until you see a ramp. Go
up and enter the room here. Talk to the guard. He will give you a key. Check
the surroundings for any item/equipment and exit this room.
Backtrack all the way through the halls until you hear your name being called
by a guard. Follow the path behind him and you will meet Kanazawa. Cut-scene.
You get the reflex boost augmentation. Dont activate it yet. Just follow the
troops and you will reach a landing pad. You are breifed, go up the ramp.
Cut-scene and this level is complete.
You will encounter plenty of enemies. Use all the cover you can get and shoot
your way through the enemies. Take out as many as you can. COLLECT all the
weapons/ammo/items lying around. Be sure collect the rocket launcher and some
frag grenades. Just follow the path through the street taking out enemies and
collecting ammp/items on the way. Pretty soon a cut-scene will start. I hope
you collected a rocket launcher or some frag grenades. Use them to take out the
Make you way through the tunnel. You will encounter a couple of enemies. Take
them and continue to advance forward. Very soon you will see a dead end. On its
right must be a door. Enter it. Enter the room on your left and save the game.
Exit the room and you should see some stairs nearby. Head up them and make your
way to the next yellow dot on your radar.
Take out all the enemies you encounter. My advise would be to use the turret on
the second floor. After that, shoot the red mines on the ground to detonate
them. Grab all the items/ammo you can find and enter the door on your left
side. Take out the enemies and go up to encounter some more. Take them out as
well. Use the computer panel. This will open the door.
Now would be a fine time to activate your reflex boost augmentation. Activate
it, take out your rocket launcher, exit room and take out the tank. There
must be door near the white coloured "Loading Only" sign. Go through it and
follow the path until the level ends.
Just follow the path taking out a couple of enemies on the way and very soon
you will reach a turn. There is a door nearby but i suggest that you go through
the building on your left first. It has plenty of items to take. Go through
the door after you have taken everything.
Follow the path down the hall and ascend the stairs. You have to find a window
and shoot enemies until you get your next objective. There is a save point
near the elevators. Use it. You willcome to this point very often throughout
the level. Go see Chung on the second floor for a cut-scene. You get the
ballistic shield augmentation.
Go through the door and shoot out the enemies. Go down the stairs to start a
cut-scene. Go through the door. Collect all the items/ammo and use the yellow
panel. Cut-scene. Exit the room. Shoot the enemies via the windows and head for
the streets taking out any enemy you encounter. Enter the next building and
take out the enemy above you. Ascend the stairs taking out more enemies through
the windows.
Collect all the items/ammo and head back down the stairs. Mop up any survivors.
Use the yellow computer panel to disable the jam. Go up the stairs again. Take
out the enemies on the walkway and others nearby. Go to the top of the nearby
stairs and you should see a sniper rifle. Take it and go to the ground. Enter
the building nearby.
Very soon enemies will come through the hole in the wall. Take them all out.
Go to the streets taking out any enemy yo encounter and collect all the items
you find. Enter the next building, take out any enemy you encounter and use
the computer terminal to disable the second jam.
There should be a turret nearby, quickly get to it and use it to take out ALL
the enemies you encounter, including the BOTS. Very soon you will get a message
telling you to get to the hatch. Run towards the hatch and drop down it. Follow
Chung. This level is complete.
Exit this room. You will encounter some enemies on your right side. Take them
out. There should be a red room at the end of this hall. Inside it is some
ammo/items. Take it and enter the door before the red room. Stay near the right
wall and enter the car (square button). Just keep moving while running over the
enemies you encounter. Keep an eye on the health of your car. At the end of
this long room should be another car. Ditch this one and take that one instead.
Navigate around the corner running over any enemy you encounter and you should
see a security panel. Exit the car and use the security panel. The turret
stops shooting. There should be a blue panel nearby. Use your ice-pick to hack
into it and use the turret. Take out the enemies and enter the car. Continue
ahead running over any enemy you encounter.
Shut off the alarm. This will allow you to go through the gate. Take out any
enemy you encounter. Follow the path around the corner. You will encounter a
couple of enemies alongside some bots. Take out the enemies and use your
high calibre weaponry on the bots. Turn off the alarm. Collect all items/ammo
you can find. Enter the hydra nearby.
Practice driving and controlling the turret at the same time. Proceed forward
taking out the bot and follow the path around the corner. Take out all the
enemies you encounter and exit the hydra. There should be a hole in the middle
of the room. Avoid it and enter the phoenix. Use the anti-tank gun to take out
the enemy. Follow the path around the corner.
There should be a save point on your left. Dont forget to detonate the mines.
Save the game. Pick the mine launcher and enter the car. Take out more enemies
that you encounter, shoot the mines and follow the path around the next corner.
Take out the enemies. There should be a switch on your left. Use it to turn off
the alarm. Open the big door which lead you into the fenced area. Use the ice-
pick on the panel here to get control of the turret.
Take out the enemies. Use your high class weaponry on the bot. There should be
some vents on your left. Go through them. Snipe the first enemy and shoot the
others. Go through the door and take out more enemies. There should be an
elevator in the back right corner. Enter it to end this level.
Kill the enemies you encounter and turn off the alarm. There should be a locker
at the other end of the room. Open it and go through the door here. Take out
the enemies you encounter. Shooting explosive barrels will help. Enter the
first open door. Ascend the ladder here. You have to crouch to enter the vents.
Take any path you want. Take out the enemies on the other side. There should be
a blue panel nearby. Use the ice-pick on it. You have to overload the camera
and then set the turret to attack the enemies. There should be a yellow panel
on your right side. Use it. This will expose the vents on the rail cannon.
Attack the vents near the bottom of the rail cannon.
Descend the nearby stairs. You can shoot some enemies through the fence. Keep
to the left wall to get to the other side. Follow the path through the hallway
until you reach a fork. Head left here and take out the enemies you encounter.
Enter the next couple of rooms until you reach a hallway. Kill any enemy you
encounter and a hall, the one with the turret. Keep to the wall on your right.
Take out your sniper rifle and use it to destroy the camera ahead of you. Take
all the items/ammo you find and enter the door nearby. Take out all enemies
you encounter.
Ascend the stairs. You will see a bot, use your high calibre weaponry to take
it out. There is another bot on yor right. Take it out as well. There should be
a security panel nearby (next to where the first bot was), use the ice-pick on
it. You have overload both the cameras as well as the AI on the turret. Head
back down the stairs. You have to enter the area witht the rail rocket. Watch
out for the steam coming out of the vents. Keep shooting the grey coloured
vent until it opens up. Quickly shoot the vents before they close.
There should be a fence in the back right corner of the room. Climb it and
enter the hall. Follow the path to the end of the hall. There should be a save
point here. Save your game. Go back to the hall and enter the vents here. Just
ignore everything you see (including the panel) while going through the vents.
Very soon you reach the next room. Destroy the camera on your right and turn
off the alarm if necessary. Enter the next room.
Take out any enemy you encounter and enter the area with the rail cannon. Be
vary of the steam. Take out the camera in the corner and ascend the ladder.
There should be a yellow panel nearby. Use it. This will open the vents to
the rail cannon. There should be a blue panel nearby. Hack into it to disable
some trip-wires. Shoot the vents on the rail cannon.
Head back to the second floor and ascend the stairs here. Go through the door
nearby and take out the guards on your right. There should be a save point
nearby. Save your game. Go back to the hall. There should be a door at the end
of the hall. Go through it. Jump on the boxes here. You have to jump over the
first set of lasers you encounter and crouch under the second set of lasers.
Enter the next room and ascend the stairs. Take out the enemies and head left.
Use the yellow panel nearby to open the vents of the rail cannon. Take out any
enemies you encounter and shoot the vents of the rail cannon. There should be
an elevator near the supply crates, in the back right corner of the room.
Cut-scene. Shoot the enemies. There should be a bright alcove near the turn.
Enter it. You should notice the blue panel nearby. Use your ice-pick on it to
disable the trip-wires. Run towards the giant screen to avoid the helicopter.
Follow the path to the next corner and ascend the stairs. Enter the room and
use the computer to end this level.
You should enter the nearby supply area and go under the stairs to get items/
ammo. There should be debris in the corner. Jump up it and enter the vents.
Get to the other end and take out the enemies you encounter. Use the blue
panel nearby. This will disable the cameras and provide you with a helper bot.
Enter the door on your right. You have to find the room with the projector.
Take out any enemy you encounter and enter the vents in the bathroom.
Go through it and descend the stairs. Take out the enemies you encounter in
the next room. Take out the camera in the upper right corner and continue in
the next room. Take out the camera (high above) here. Go under the stairs and
enter the vents. Follow it to the right and then left. Ascend the ladder and
take out the enemies you encounter. Use the high calibre weaponry for the bot.
There should be a blue panel nearby. Use it to reprogram the turret. Go through
the metal gates on your right and save your game via the nearby save point.
Go back to the room where you left the vents. There should be a green door
here, enter it. You have to use the EMP grenade on the guard to take down his
shield before taking him out. There is a camera by the turrets. Use your
sniper rifle to take it out. Use the blue panel nearby. There should be windows
on your right. Shoot some enemies via the windows. Use the nearby yellow panel
and descend the nearby stairs. Take out the enemies and enter the next room.
You have to use your cloak augmentation to get near the turret. After that you
have to use an EMP grenade on it. Follow your friends who will lead you into
the next room. Take out the enemies you encounter and enter the elevator to
end this level.
Just keep following your friends. Go up the ramp. Take out the enemies you
encounter and follow the path to the next yellow dot on your radar. Ascend the
ladder and go throught the door. Take out all enemies you encounter. Drop down
and head right. Use your sniper rifle to snipe as many enemies as you can.
Avoid oncoming fire and stay to the left wall. Follow it to a save point. Save
your game.
Exit room and ascend the nearby ladder. Go through the hole and follow the
path until you reach a door. Enter it and take out the guard. There should be
a blue panel nearby. Hack it using the ice-pick. After that use the yellow
panel and go through the door. Follow the path until you see Dr.Liaw. Take out
all enemies you encounter and follow the path for a cut-scene. This level is
Grab the H.E.R.F and jump on the boxes. Snipe the enemy in the window. Drop
down and go throught the nearby door. Take out the enemies you encounter and
go through the door on your left. Take out as many enemies as you can. Enter
the square and take out more enemies. Use your sniper rifle to kill enemies
beyond your reach. Go through the gate taking out any enemy you encounter.
Follow the path right to the alcove. There is a save point here, so save your
game. Take out as many enemies as you can and ascend the stairs on your right.
Ascend the ladder on your left. Hug the wall and follow the path along the
rooftop. Crouch and enter the small passage nearby to end this level.
Go through the door and enter the hall. There will be two cameras here. One
on your right and another one a little further. Take them both out. Continue
and head right. Take out the camera nearby. Follow the path down the hall.
There should be a save point here. Use it to save your game. Backtrack to the
hall and go for the operating room. Go through the nearby vents and reach the
other side. There should be a yellow panel here. Use it and the courtyard door
will open. Take out as many enemies you can. Use your augmentations and high
class weaponry if needed.
There should be a blue panel in the far right corner. Use your ice-pick to
hack into it. Enter the next hallway. There should be a blue panel here as
well. Use your ice-pick on it as well. Take out any enemy you encounter and
use the yellow panel nearby. This opens the inner temple door.Backtrack to the
hall. Go left at the fork nearby. There should be a door beyond the blue
barriers. Open it and take out the enemy. Use the yellow panel, take all
supplies you can find and return to the hall.
Follow the path to the next yellow dot on your radar. You will encounter three
sets of lasers. Crouch under the first set, jump over the second one and
crouch under the third one.
Follow the path taking out the camera on the way. There should be a pile of
lasers near you. Jump on them and jump over the lasers. There should be a blue
panel nearby. Use your ice-pick to hack into it. Enter the room nearby, take
out all enemies you encounter and use the yellow panel to end this level.
Take out all the enemies that enter the room. Continue and take out all the
enemies in the open area. Locate the yellow dot on your radar and make a run
for it. Go down the ramp and ignore all enemies as you try to reach it. Use
your augmentations if you find it easier with them. Take out the enemies near
you. There will be another group of enemies on your left. Take it out as well.
You will be given a message stating that you can go east for more equipment.
DONT do it. Instead head south. You will face a lot of HARD enemies if you head
east. Just ignore it and head for the exit south of you. I would suggest you
to avoid combat as you can ignore pretty much most enemies if you use your
cloak augmentation. Pretty soon you will reach the helipad. Go through the
passage between them and head for the hatch to complete this level.
Follow the path up the ramp and take out the enemies. There should be a gate
on your right. Open it and take out all enemies. There should be a save point
on your left, in an alcove. Save your game. Backtrack outside and follow the
path around the next corner. There should be a vent on your left. Enter it.
If the enemies were able to get to the GIANT bot before you, you have to use
your H.E.R.F to take it out. Otherwise press SQUARE button near it to gain
control of it.
Take out the enemies here and go through the next gate. Use the save point and
return outside. Follow the path around the next corner taking out any enemy you
encounter. There should be a door here, go through it and take out any enemy
you encounter. You will get a message pretty soon.
After getting the message follow pitney. She will lead you to the next yellow
dot on your radar i-e a waypoint. Enter the store room and take everything.
Save via the nearby save point and exit room. Backtrack your way outside. You
will encounter plenty of enemies so be prepared. Take them all out. Use your
augmentations where necessary. Pretty soon enemies will start coming from the
roof. Mop them up as well as the ground enemies to complete this level.
Enter pipe. Follow it left. There should be a ramp on your left. Go up it and
enter the room. Continue and you will fall to the ground very soon. You are in
the sewer and you will have to navigate a watery path. DONOT shoot the chemical
crates along the way as they are bad for your health. Continue along the
watery path, if you get attacked and have no idea where the attacker is, then
use your vision augmentation to help you locate him. Take him out and go right
when you reach the end. Take out the enemies you encounter while climbing up
the stairs.
Go through the door and follow the path and head right. Take out the camera
here. Follow the path and you will see some lasers blocking your way. There
should be a blue panel beyond them. Shoot an ice-pick at it and hack into it
to disable the lasers and program a bot. Continue and go through the door.
There should be a ramp on your right. Head up and follow the path through the
doorways. Take out the enemies you encounter and follow the path down the
stairs. Continue into the next room to see your path blocked by lasers again.
Use your kinetic kicker to bring the metal crate near the lasers. Jump on the
crate and then jump over this set of lasers. Now crouch under the second set
of lasers. Follow the path through the door taking out any enemy you encounter
and ascend the stairs. Enter the room and head right. Duck under the lasers
and take out the enemy. There should be a save point here. Use it to save your
game. Exit the room and continue taking out the enemies you encounter. Just
follow the path through the rooms taking out enemies on the way and very
soon you will get your next objective.
Use your augmentations where necessary. Keep your aim up and ready for an enemy
you will encounter. Stay to the right wall and ascend the ladder. Carefully
enter the passage on your right. Go up the stairs and ascend the nearby ladder.
Run across the bridge ignoring everything (turn off the security if its own).
There should be a door on your left. Go through it taking out any enemy you
encounter. Enter the next room and take out all enemies you encounter. Use
the nearby yellow panel to open the exit door. Kill all upcoming enemies and
cross the bridge. Head through the door, take out all enemies and ascend the
stairs. Follow the path taking out the enemy on the way (Allies will help you)
and open the door at the end to complete this level.
Notice the explosive barrels near the gaurds, shoot at them to take as many
out. Mop up any survivor. Ascend the nearby ladder and go through the pipe.
Use your kinetic kicker to knowck a metal crate through the lasers and continue
ahead. Notice the guards by the turret, equip your sniper rifle and take them
out. Use your kinetic kicker to to knock another metal crate through the laser.
Take out enemies, grab all items/supplies and enter the room on your left.
Take out more enemies and follow the path into the next room. Take out more
enemies and grab the rail laser. Grab all ammo/items. Incase you forgot, let
me remind you that vision augmentation + rail laser = enemy taken down through
the wall. Remember it.
Get to the tunnels and ascend the ladder here.Take out the enemy you encounter.
Notice the small door on your left. Crawl through it. The switch on the left
wall lowers the barrier so use it. Grab all ammo and go through the door.
Notice the blue panel on your left. Fire your ice-pick at it. Hack into it and
disable the camera. Use the turret to take out as many enemies as possible.
Go left and go through the door.
There should be a save point nearby. Use it to save your game and enter the
next room. Take out the enemies here and turn off the alarm. Enter the next
room and take out all enemies. Take out more enemies and go through the next
couple of doors. Grab all items/ammo (use kinetic kicker to get some). There
should be a blue panel near the first set of lasers. Use your ice-pick to hack
into it. Stop the lasers. There should be another blue panel in a room on your
right. Hack into it using the ice-pick and reprogram the bot. Enter the next
room and use the nearby save point to save your game. There should be a hole
in the floor, drop through it. Now crouch and drop through another hole.
You have to use your H.E.R.F on the enemy so that it drops it shield, then
take it out. Take out all enemies and enter next room. Use your H.E.R.F again
and repeat until a cut-scene starts. Take out all enemies and use your H.E.R.F
again keep firing until this level ends.
You get a new augmentation...whoopie doo! Follow your allies and take out the
enemies you encounter on the way. Enter the door. My suggestion would be to
use the sniper rifle to take out the enemies. Collect all items/ammo. Advance
with your allies taking out any enemy you encounter on the way. Follow the path
through the doorways and ramps taking out any enemy you encounter. You should
snipe the enemies that are in the windows. Drop down to the ground and ascend
the nearby ladder. Follow the path down the staircase nearby. There should be a
save point here, use it and head back up. Enter the next room and take out the
Collect all items/ammo. Get back to the ground and take out all the enemies
you encounter. Use your augmentations where necessary. Take out more enemies on
your right and follow the path left. Take out the enemies and head right jump-
ing over the debris blockade. Take out all enemies and enter the building
nearby. There should be a yellow panel here. Use it. Backtrack to the debris
blockade and this time head right. Take out all enemies until you get your next
Jump over the debris infront of you. DAMN! so many enemies. Take them out. Use
your augmentations where necessary. Follow the path until a cut-scene starts.
Take out the enemy and enter the building. There should be a yellow panel
here. Use it to end this level.
Stay to the right wall and snipe as many enemies as possible before taking them
on. Enter the building. Allies need your help. Before you get too innvolved,
head left and use the save point to save your game. Now make your way right
and go through the hole. Drop down and head right. Free your squad mates. Exit
the cell and head right. There should be a yellow panel here. Use it. Ascend
the ladder and follow the path east taking out all enemies you encounter. You
should see a large ramp pretty soon. The best advice here is to equip your
cloak augmentation and jump onto the bridge. Follow the path right and ascend
the stairs. There should be a save point here, use it to save your game.
Exit this room and head right. Notice the small orange targets on the shield
generator. Shoot them until both explode. Save the game, backtrack down the
stairs and go to the other side of the bridge. Here again you will two orange
targets. Shoot them until they explode. Save again and follow the path west.
Take out all enemies and head left. There should be a Hydra here. Get in it
and take out as many enemies as possible. Save and enter the hydra again. Use
your Hydra to head north west. Take out all enemies you encounter. Head right
and go up the ramp. Notice the four familiar orange targets. Take them out to
end this level.
Follow the path and go through the door. Take out all the enemies, they come
from all directions so stay alert. Follow the path after dealing with them and
head through the door. Take out all enemies. Notice the save point...save your
game. Take out all enemies and follow the path until you reach the vents. Crawl
through the left vent. Take out the enemies and go through the open doorway on
your left. Collect all items/ammo. Open the door and follow the path taking out
all enemies until you reach a ladder. Ascend the ladder, take out any enemy you
encounter and jump on the pipe. Follow the path along the pipe. Take out the
enemies below you.
When you reach the next room, drop down and take out all enemies. Enter the
hallway follow the path taking out all enemies. Use the yellow panel. Now
bactrack to the place from where you dropped off the pipe. Go through the door
and cross the bridge. Take out ALL enemies and enter the hallway. Follow the
path and enter the next room. Take out the enemies. There should be a door
opposite you. Go through it, take out all enemies, enter next room, take out
more enemies. Head through the next door and take out more enemies on the
bridge. There should be a save point nearby. Save your game.
Head through the next two doors until you reach the red room. Use the yellow
panel nearby and take out all the enemies you encounter. Use your augmentations
where necessary. You should notice the orange spikes on the ceiling. You have
to take them out to end this level. Try to ignore the enemies while you try to
hit the spikes.
Finally...the last level of the game. And a short and easy one if ya ask me.
Just keep an eye on the next yellow dot (waypoint) on your radar and make it to
the entrance of the base. You DONT need to worry about any enemies or other
stuff as they arent any in this level. Try not to fall off and dont get lost.
You should end this level pretty soon.
Congratulations on ending the game. I hope you enjoyed the game as well as my
9-Multiplayer Weapons
(This is for the Xbox Version)
E-MAIL: yacadoo@cox.net
I. Multiplayer Classes
A. Grunt
1st Primary : Carbine Assault Rifle
2nd Primary : Mine Launcher
1st Secondary : Gas Grenade
2nd Secondary : Flash Bang
Bio-augmentation: Ballistic Shield
B. Heavy Soldier
1st Primary : Rocket Launcher
2nd Primary : Pistol
1st Secondary : Riot Wall
2nd Secondary : Gas Grenade
Bio-augmentation: Ballistic Shield
C. Scout
1st Primary : Shotgun
2nd Primary : Mine Launcher
1st Secondary : Frag Grenade
2nd Secondary : Riot Wall
Bio-augmentation: Reflex Boost
D. Sniper
1st Primary : Sniper Rifle
2nd Primary : H.E.R.F.
1st Secondary : Frag Grenade
2nd Secondary : Flash Bang
Bio-augmentation: Cloak
E. Agent
1st Primary : Rail Laser
2nd Primary : Pistol
1st Secondary : Frag Grenade
2nd Secondary : EMP Grenade
Bio-augmentation: Infrared Vision
F. Berserker
1st Primary : Flechette
2nd Primary : H.E.R.F.
1st Secondary : EMP Grenade
2nd Secondary : Riot Wall
Bio-augmentation: Electric Storm
II. Primary Weapons
A. Carbine Assault Rifle
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 7
Close range accuracy: 7 (8 full auto)
Mid range accuracy : 8 (12 full auto)
Long range accuracy : 15-24 (?? full auto, very unreliable at long range)
Secondary Fire (grenade)
Shots to kill : 2
Direct hits : 2
Splash hits : 3 or 4
The carbine's recoil when on full auto will only shift the aiming reticule up
only so much and then it won't recoil any higher. It is probably best to
begin aiming low on full auto so that the reticule ends up in the chest area.
B. Rocket Launcher
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 2
Secondary Fire (target lock-on)
Shots to kill : 1
C. Shotgun
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 1
Close range accuracy: 1
Mid range accuracy : 3
Long range accuracy : 5
Secondary Fire (sticky bombs)
Shots to kill : 1
Close range accuracy: 1
Since the secondary fire sticky bombs accuracy is too poor to use other than
extreme close range it is probably best to use the secondary fire on opponents
in enclosed places. That way the bombs that don't stick to the other player
will stick to the surfaces close to them and inflict splash damage when they
D. Sniper Rifle
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 2
Close range accuracy : 2
Mid range accuracy : 2
Long range accuracy : 2
Extra long range accuracy: 4 (2 when scoped)
Secondary Fire (5 consecutive shots)
Short/Mid range use : Aim around belt level unscoped
Long range use : Aim around belt level scoped
Recoil is minimized when the rifle is scoped in. When using the secondary fire
at long range it is better to scope in to improve your chances of hitting your
target more than once to get a kill.
E. Rail Laser
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 2 (1 charged)
Close range accuracy: 2
Mid range accuracy : 2
Long range accuracy : 2
Secondary Fire (plasma ball)
Shots to kill : 3 (2 shots leaves about 1% health left)
Direct hits : 3
Splash hits : 4 or 5
The Rail Laser is probably the most accurate gun next to the sniper.
F. Flechette
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 5
Close range accuracy: 5
Mid range accuracy : 6
Long range accuracy : 6-12
Secondary Fire (attack drones)
Shots to kill : 2
This gun will overheat when using its primary fire on full auto nearly half-
way through the clip. The secondary fire attack drones will chase opponents
from close to long range. The attack drones deplete bio-energy and disrupt the
opponent's HUD.
G. Mine Launcher
Primary Fire
Mines to kill : 2 (1 mine stuck to an opponent removes 3/4 health)
Secondary Fire (detonate)
This shoots remote mines that can be triggered with the secondary fire. Up to
4 unused mines can be planted at a time then all can be detonated at the same
time with the use of the secondary fire. You can recollect your unused mines by
walking up to them and pressing your reload button. You can plant mines
basically anywhere, even on other players, heh!
H. Pistol
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 4
Close range accuracy: 4
Mid range accuracy : 4
Long range accuracy : 5
Secondary Fire (charged/cluster shot)
Shots to kill : 3 (2 body shots leave 1% health); 2 head shots
Splash hits : 4
The pistol is very accurate over medium and long range. It is semi-automatic
and can be fired rapidly with little to no recoil. It may be good to fire a
cluster shot for splash damage and follow it up with primary fire.
I. H.E.R.F.
Primary Fire
Shots to kill : 20 (about 3 seconds of constant fire)
Close range accuracy: 20
Mid range accuracy : 30
Secondary Fire (EMP Ball)
Shots to kill : 2
Direct hits : 2
Vicinity dmg : 2 (depends how long your opponent stands in range)
The primary fire does not work beyond medium range. You can tell when you are
in range when your reticule turns red. This weapon also depletes bio-energy
and disrupts the opponent's HUD.
III. Secondary Weapons
A. Frag Grenade
Grenades to kill: 2
B. Gas Grenade
Releases a lethal cloud of poisonous gas.
Grenades to kill: 1
Try to get these to explode in front of your opponent because it seems that the
gas cloud is less effective when they are not facing into the gas cloud.
C. EMP Grenade
Disrupts opponent's HUD and bio-augmentations. Also disables riot walls.
D. Flash Bang
Just your basic flash bang. Blinds people, don't look at it explode unless you
want to go blind for a few seconds.
E. Riot Wall
An electronic barrier used to deflect enemy fire or block doorways, halls, etc.
IV. Bio-augmentations
A. Ballistic Shield
Protective force field that surrounds you and absorbs attack damage.
Notes: When activated you do not receive any damage but when you get shot the
shield will deactivate quicker.
B. Cloak
Just invisibility, you become visible when you fire your weapon.
C. Infrared Vision
Causes enemies and mines to glow red and dark areas appear brighter.
D. Electric Storm
Discharges a high-voltage lightning bolt in front of you to any nearby enemies.
Removes nearly half the life of your opponent. Also shoots through riot walls
but doesn't destroy them.
Thanks oltranzista1.
1) I noticed this mistake/error....
Ans) I am human being and i can make as many mistakes as you can. Inform me as
soon as you can.
2) Great/Stupid FAQ.....
Ans) Thanks/F*** off.
3) When do you update the FAQ?
Ans) I am updating the FAQ on daily basis and it should be complete within a
couple of days. **Update: Its complete**
Contact me if you
want to ask a question that has not been answered in the FAQ
noticed an error etc i made
Want to make a contribution
Want to appreciate my walkthrough
Want permission to host it on your web site
DONOT contact me If you
want to ask me a question about a section already covered in the FAQ
want to send Hate Mails and viruses
want to just spam my inbox
E-mail Address: a.heavenly.body@gmail.com
Me..For making a great faq.
You..For Reading it.
Oltranzista1...For letting me use his FAQ in mine.
[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.
yada yada yada yada......................
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