Postal 3 ipak se nastavlja
Da li se sećate, u početku ne tako popularne igre, pod nazivom Postal. Meni je ostala u sećanju jer je imala par "nenormalnih" scena i zanimljiv način igranja. Posle neočekivanog uspeha usledio je nastavak igre, Postal 2, na kome se i završio ovaj serijal. Upravo je procurila zanimljiva informacija da se nastavak planira, tj. da je već u početnoj fazi. Igra, koja će najverovatnije nositi naziv Postal 3, pokretaće novi Valvelov Source engine, i za sada su u planu samo PC i Xbox360 platforme. Za sve ovo zaslužni smo kompaniji Running With Scissors koja se udružila sa Russia based Akellom koji će im inače pomoći oko izdavanja igre. Izlazak možemo očekivati početkom 2008 godine, a do tada možete proćitati i par reči PR menadžera u nastavku teksta.POSTAL III will include motion-captured performances by a wide array of celebrities – from film stars to Playboy Playmates – as well as a storyline that offers gamers vast latitude in terms of their behavior. "We've always maintained since publishing the original POSTAL that the game is only as violent as the player wants it to be and we're committed to expanding this unique form of gameplay in this next addition to the ongoing storyline," Desi vowed.
Andrew Belkin, Producer for Akella stated "We here at Akella are big fans of the POSTAL series and so being involved in production of POSTAL III is both great fun and an honor for us. In cooperation with RWS talent I believe POSTAL III will be the sickest and craziest game ever! Definitely, this is the first project of such scale and a major step forward for our company"
The player will once again be cast as the nameless "Postal Dude," the star of all previous versions of the game, including POSTAL 2: Share The Pain and POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend. POSTAL III is scheduled for release some time in 2008.