Pokemon Crater
Legendary Pokemon:
Defeat all 32 Gym Leaders and the 16 Elite Leaders to
catch Legendary Pokemon.
Note: Train almost all your Pokemon to level 100.
Submitted by: harley rich cox
if you want to train up pokemon go to battle any member computer
controled and type in Zedja(what type of pokemon you want to train up)
then clik batle member. there simple as that.
Submitted by: Jitarth
Capture a mewto first.
then go to any tournamen and win the challenge.you will be awarded with
a prize. Now go to capture a wild pokemon. as you have caught a mewto you
have the choise to select any pokemon at any level. take level 2 and
leave the select pokemon blank. the pokemon you had battled in the
tournament will show up again. defeat hi in one blow and you will again
be awarded with the same prize of the tournament yo had previously won.
Recommended moves:
Note: Attacks that share a type with your Pokemon will do more damage
than those of other types even with the same power level. Also, these
moves are not effective against Bug, Fighting and Water types.
Aura Sphere (Fighting-type attacks) are very effective against Dark, Ice,
Normal, Rock, and Steel.
Aurora Beam (Ice-type attacks) are very effective against Dragon, Flying,
Grass, and Ground. Fissure (Ground-type attacks) are very effective against
Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Steel.
Dark Pulse (Dark-type attacks) are very effective against Psychic,
Ghost/Move that are related to your Pokemon types.
Recommended Pokemon:
It is best is to have one Sableye/Spiritomb on your team. They have no
weakness. It is unfair for people to fight a team of more than one Sableye.
Choose a Pokemon that have less weaknesses. By doing this you will have
more resistance against your opponent.
Submitted by: santosh mr_hobo
1. Open 5 Tabs of Pokemon Crater Login
2. Login In all Tabs with Same Account
3. Make Sure That All Tabs have Different Servers Like Delta Gamma Alpha Beta Epsilon
4. Open Battle Computer Controlled in all Tabs
5. Type The Account you want to Battle like you want to train taillow lv.8 then Type
ZedjaFlying In All Tabs
6. in First Tab Dont Start Battle Leave it ! And in Other 4 Tabs Start Battle
7. Attack Once In 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th Tabs
8. Go to First Tab
9. Right Click Then go to Reload Every > Custom
10. Set it to 0 Minutes 1 Second Then Right Click > Reload Every > Enable All Tabs
11. Then Some Menu Will Appear Click yes
12. Then go to Every Tab and do this Right Click > Reload Every > 10Mins
13. Then it will Automatically Battling
14. When 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th Tab Says Error Team is not set or you already won the battle
that means the battle has finished and You Won!
15. Then do this in any tab Right Click> Reload Every > Disable All Tabs then Open
Your Team And that Pokemon has 120,000+ EXP
If you train a lv.8 pokemon then you will get 195,000 EXP