Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow (šifre)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
Defeat Pintel
Rather than throwing objects at him, cut the ropes that hold the chandelier above Pentel's head.
Easy Way to Beat Jacobey
When you are fighting Jacobey, instead of throwing things, make him throw his bombs at the chains by standing next to them. If you do, the bell above him will fall on him.
Defeat the Fat Boss in Tortuga
Entry Location:
Distract the fat boss and when he attacks, go behind him and hit him continuously. Also, when he jumps onto the buildings, he always throws bombs.
How to Beat Blacksmoke James
To beat Blacksmoke James, keep using your heavy attack until he goes into the smoke. Then throw the powerdregs at where the bullets are coming from. Repeat until you beat him.