One Must Fall - 2097
Submitted by: Dj Simo
More money & best robot:
Edit ?.CHR
Go to sector 0
Offset 28-34
Change to C1 EC E3 EA D5 C1 D6
Offset 40-43
Change to 05 27 2A A8
Submitted by: Enigma Question
In the menu screen type 2,0,9,7 or 2,0,9,5 and a new
menu will appear
To swap robots:
Edit the file(s) and change the first byte to the desired
robot (ex: jaguar=0, nova=10), change the first 00 of the jag file to
0A and the nova to 00 (0A goes in the selected file, understand?) then
rename the files.
Sound Effects Test:
Press/hold ALT-S-F on title screen to activate a new menu item in
the configuration menu (Sound Effects Test). Hehehehe.
Choosing Hidden Difficulty levels
To choose Deadly Level (for ONE PLAYER only), keep pressing the right
arrow key even though it is on Champion Level already. Deadly will show
up after about 5-8 kep presses.
To choose Ultimate level (for ONE PLAYER only), press and hold down these
keys: O+M+F. Press them together at once will let you choose Ultimate
If you are in Deadly Level and (may not be needed) in Hyper Mode,
doing a Destruction on certain boards will result in slightly modified
forms of the Destruction being done. To try this out, choose Jaguar
and fight in ONE PLAYER mode with Deadly Hyper on, and do a destruction
to opponent on the FIRE stage (the one with the 'grill'