OddWorld - Abe's Oddysee
Rupture Farms
1) Secret room 1 push down at barrel on rhs
Hoist down stand on left hand edge of platform
Leap left then go left under crusher
Pull lever when crusher is on way up then go right under crucsher
Hoist down and leap right
Hoist up onto plaform where slig was standing and pull
lever when slig is over trap door. Leap across and hoist up then
down again chant to save Mudokan. Hoist up and go right
ask Mudokan to follow you stand on other side and drop down
Pull lever and go up to and ask Mudokan to follow you,
drop down and chant then hoist up .
Go right
2) Message 'To hoist up, stand under the ledge and press up'
Push up at directory Stand and hoist, go right
3) Enter door
Go right
4) Enter door go right
5) Message 'To jump press triangle to run and jump press triangle
while you run'
Leap first chasm
Jump second go right
6) Chant to take over slig
Get slig to pull lever (press square) and go right
Go right x 3 past rope
Shoot Slig (press circle)
Chant to explode
7) Go right
8) Drop down
Go left
Secret room 3 push down at barrel
Leap to LHS and get bomb
throw bomb up and chant to take over slig the slig gets shot so repeat
chant to take over other slig. Go right and shoot slig, explode slig
Take bomb go right and drop down through, through bomb left.
Then chant to save two Mudokans
get another bomb then hoist up go right then left x 2
back to screen with two lots of bombs
Secret room 2
Throw bomb down to explode all three mines, drop down then
hoist down. Get bomb throw down at slig then get another bomb.
Hoist down x 2 throw bomb at bomb
Say Hello
Say Follow Me
Go right
9) Past rope go right
Pull rope and run down hatch to enter Secret room 4
Get bomb and throw at slig
Get another bomb
Hoist down x 2
Throw bomb at bomb
Hoist up x 2 then hoist down
Chant to save Modokans and hoist up, chant and leap through porto
10) Stand on lift press down
11) Chant up, left, left
12) Say follow me
Right x 3, go down lift and chant
13) Go through door
S14) Say Hello, Follow me right x2 and Chant
15) Left, say hello and follow me go right and chant
Hoist and right
16) Pull lever when slig over door go right
Pull lever and run down hatch to enter secret room 5
Get bomb, leap to lhs and throw bomb at Guardian
Sneak left then right & drop down
Chant to take over slig. Pull lever and walk over bomb
Hoist up and down then chant to save Modokans
Get bomb, hoist up stand in shadow and throw bomb at slig
Chant and leap into porto
S17) Grinding area leap first chasm then run and jump second
18) Crouch next to bomb
Press Square when bomb is green (or do 19) , hoist and right
19) Pull lever when slig over door. Chant to take over slig and run
left to detonate bomb
Hoist and pull lever drop down
Say hello and follow me left and chant
Right, Hoist and right
S20) Chant and kill slig
Crouch and go right
21) Hoist and pull lever, go right then chant to takeover slig
Right, right and shoot slig (press circle) right and right again
22) Run under both crushers, right, right and shoot slig
Go back under first crusher pull lever too slow and explode slig
23) Go left Say hello and follow me, go right
Go under crusher pull lever. Go under second crusher then right x2 and
chant to save 2
Collect other 3 Mudokons
In the room on the right of crusher is another Modokan in shadow
Go back to crusher and exit left
24) Go through door
S25) Left, Left to bomb machine and press up and crouch on bomb
stand get on lift, press up
26) Crouch press circle and left, go left and down, right and down
27) Crouch and run left.
1) Leap and go left
2) Go left and watch beams
3) Hoist down
Enter door on right go left x 2
S) Chant and jump into porto (Secret room 1)
Chant to make exit porto
A1) Ask Modokan to follow you go right then back left and leap onto
platform. When Scrab is beneath you run right
A2) Run right
A3) Leap once
A4) Leap twice
A5) Hoist up and chant
A6) Go back and repeat for other Modokan
A7) Leap through porto and hoist up
Run and jump over Scrab
4) Leap and hoist past scrap go left
5) Hoist down and up watch, scanner leap second gap and go left
6) Chant for clue 'these lights will guide you' and leap go left
S7) Chant for clue 'Sneak in and out of shadows' go left
8) Leap bomb leap sneak to boulder and go left
Sneak to boulder, wait for sligs to leave
Sneak to low boulder & crouch as slig passes go left
9) Jump over bomb and hoist down
10) Hoist down, set bomb go left
Chant and leap through beam for secret room 2
B1) Leap then hoist run right when slig on lower level exits screen
B2) Run & leap right
B3) Move both Modokans to LHS of screen on top level set bomb
B4) Ask each Modokan to follow you and chant
11) Poke head past boulder gain swigs attention run right and quickly left again.
Wait for bomb to kill slig. Creep behind slig hoist to ledge and go left
12) Chant for clue 'Rescue lost souls' go left
S13) Leap. Hoist down x 2, turn round and leap and follow slig
right and leap onto platform chant and leap through porto (secret room 3)
Chant to take over slig, go right then left and kill two sligs
Explode slig, Say Hello and Follow me go left stand on edge say
say follow me until Modokan leaps off. Hoist down say wait and hoist up
Say Hello and follow me then hoist down go right leap and ask to follow me
go left say hello and follow me go right then chant. Go left chant and
Leap through porto
Go left and left again.
14) Set bomb on ledge wait to kill slig. Go right hit stone bag to collect stones.
Left, Hoist up and go left
S15) Down and down and leap
Chant for clue 'You can hoist where you see falling debris'
Go left then right leap and go right
Explode bombs then chant and leap through porto (secret room 5)
Crouch and roll right then stand and throw stone right
Chant to take over slig go left shoot slig go down shoot other two
Go left and chant. Hoist up and go right then hoist down chant and
Leap through porto and go left
16) Say hello when slig heads towards you and go left
17) Sneak left, wait for slig to pass run left and hoist
18) Chant for clue 'almost home'
19) Chant and hoist on to platform by bomb. Leap bomb and go left
See Slog go right, leap over bomb and drop down
20) Hoist then left, left and left
21) Explode bomb by slog one step Press circle and up
Right x 2 hoist down and chant leap into porto (Secret room 6)
Run right x 2 and leap onto platform and enter door
Chant to save one modokan and go left and chant
Go right and enter door. Run left x 2 and leap into porto
22) Left, down and chant for porto back
23) Chant to get rid of slog, leap and explode bombs go left
24) Chant 'watch your step' down and hoist down
Monsaic Lines
1) Left, leap and leap again
2) Mimic (1) (1) (F) Hoist down
(1) = Whistle 1, (2) = Whistle 2, (F)= Fart, (H)= Hello
3) Chant to control swig go left and shoot
Explode swig and enter door (push up)
4) Crouch and roll right
5) Enter door
6) Drop down and go left
7) Hoist up and then left
8) Read message, get on lift and go up
9) Go left
10) Mimic (1)(1)(2)(2)(F)
Read message, run and jump, hoist up and go left
11) Pull switch, jump in well
12) Mimic (1)(1)(2)(2)(1)(2)(F) go left.
13) Enter door
14) Go right, read message and go into well.
15) Read message and go left
16) Read message chant, leap through portal and go down on lift
17) Crouch and go left
18) Go left past chanter
19) Leap and run past bees nest and go left
20) Stand over chanter to kill bees. Then run and jump, touch stone
to get bell song and go right
21) Run right past bees
22) Chanter kills bees, leap up, crouch and go right
23) Go up on lift
24) Go up on lift past portal
25) Go left and chant. Then hoist up and go through door
26) Go right
27) Read message and mimic (1)(1)(2)(2)(1)(2)(1)(2)(F). Pull switch and go right
28) Chant for clue 'Leap of faith' leap off edge
29) Go right
30) Go through door
31) Chant for clue 'You will return' and go through door
32) Go left
33) Run and jump, go through door
34) Go right
35) Drop down and read message 'Born to these
Then go right
36) Go right
37) Read message, 'With power acquired
then pull lever and go left
38) Leap into Scrabania Well
1) Go left
2) Leap over bomb and stand beneath swig. Say hello when he walks
right. Read message 'To mount elum stand in front of him
and press up.' Then go left
3) Hoist onto platform and pull lever to kill swig. Then go left
4) Stand on left hand side of lever and pull lever and go right
5) Go right x 2 and enter well. Pull lever and enter well
6) Go left and enter well
7) Chant and kill swig
8) Jump in well, leap up and hoist down
9) Hoist down
10) Get on elum and go left
11) Go left
12) Run and jump go left.
13) Go left and enter door
14) Run and jump go right.
15) Get on lift and go down
16) Mimic (H) (2) (1) (2) (F) Say hello to elum and tell to wait and go right
17) Chant and go left then hoist up and go right
18) Pull lever and go left then drop down to elum
Do Mime again
19) Go down on lift
20) Chant and touch stone then get on lift and go up
21) Go left
22) Do mime again and go right
23) Get on lift and go down
24) Down again
25) Say (H) (1) (1) (2) (F), wait for bomb to drift to right hand side and chant.
Get on lift and go up
26) Up again
27) Go left, then get on elum and go right
28) Get on lift and go down
29) Go down and get on elum. Then run and jump go and go right
30) Run right past three bombs
31) Run and jump then go right past three bombs
32) Run and jump, run and jump avoiding three bomvs then go right
33) Leap go right into door
34) Go right
35) Go right
36) Get on lift
37) Go up and elum starts to eat honey, get on lift and go down
38) Go right
39) Go right
40) Leap go right
41) Go right
42) Pull lever and go left
43) Jump in well
44) Collect stone and go up on lift
45) Go up
46) Hoist up, throw stone at bomb. Crouch and go left
47) Mimic (H) (1) (2) (2) (1) (F) then go right. Go down on lift
48) Then go right
49) Chant, crouch then go right. Hoist up and hoist up again
50) Pull lever and hoist down. Left and down. Crouch and run left
51) Run to elum and bees disappear. Get on elum and go down
52) Get on elum and go right
53) Go right
54) Leap and go right
55) Run and jump then go right
S56) Dismount and enter well. Disarm bomb and go right
57) Follow bomb jump in well (make sure you explode the bomb as you jump)
58) Mount elum then leap and go right
59) Run right and enter well
60) Leap left and right get on right lift and go down
61) Collect stone throw at bomb and go up on lift
62) Leap left and go down on left lift
63) Push stone 'gives password' and go up on lift
64) Leap right and go down x 2 on right lift ask elum to follow you
65) Go up x 2 on lift then go right
66) Say (H)(2)(1)(2)(2)(F) then get on elum and leap then go right
S67) Leap and go through door
68) Go right
69) Get off elum and chant, mount elum and go left and then through door
70) Leap and go left, run and jump then go left
Do chant go right and right again
71) Leap and right. Dismount elum chant remount elum and leap then go right
72) Kill slig go back to Mudokon for another chant and return here
73) Leap and leap go right
S74) Run & jump then go right. Get off elum then hoist up and hoist up again
75) Chant to take over scrab, go right down lift and shoot
Go down and leftt off rock then shoot scrab and pull lever
Go down and down again get on elum, and jump and go right
76) Go right
77) Run and jump and go right
S78) Leap and go right. Get off elum
79) Sneak past scrab and go right
80) Leap over bombs and watch moving bomb
81) Mimic (H) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (f)
82) Go left and chant
83) Enter well and chant to take over swig. Go right x 3 and shoot swig. Kill swig
84) Jump in well and then go left and leap. Get on elum and leap right then go right
85) Right, right, right
86) Leap and right, get off elum hoist up and then go right
S87) Leap in well say (H) mimic (2)(1)(1)(F) jump in well and go right
88) Mimic (H) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (F) chant and leap x 3
Go right jump in well then press stone
89) Chant run left leap into well then run right and leap through portal
Scrabania Temple
I1) Go left for secret room
Chant to take over slig and explode slig on bomb
Go left then back right
Chant to make exit porto
Go left then run back right and leap onto platform as slog follows
Run left chant and explode slig
Sneak right and then back left
Chant to save two Mudokans
Run right and leap through porto 2) Go right
3) Leap over bomb and go right
4) Disarm bomb
Leap over bombs and go right
5) Leap over bomb and go through door
6) Touch stone
(A) LHS middle row, left door
1) Collect stone
Hoist down
2) Go right
3) Drop down hole light flint lock and go right
4) Hoist down
5) Throw stone at mine
Go right and touch stone
Hoist up
6) Chant to chime bells hoist go down then left, left and left.
7) Hoist up after scrab has gone far right leap and go right
8) Leap and go right
9) Go through door
(B) lhs middle row, right door
1) Go left, pull lever, leap onto platform
Leap into well
Leap into well
2) Go right and leap in well and touch stone
Run left and leap onto platform
Jump into well
Hoist up
3) Pull lever
4) Pull lever when slig is far left and then run right
5) Jump in left well
6) Pull lever and hoist down and then go left
7) Leap into well and hoist up
8) Chant and enter door
(C) lhs bottom row
1) Hoist down and hoist down
2) Leap and hoist down
3) Pull lever and run left
4) Chant to take over slig go left and shoot other slig, kill slig
Jump in well and go right
5) Touch stone and go left
6) Hoist up and pull lever then run right
7) Jump in well
8) Chant and go through door
(D) rhs top row
1) Go left and touch stone then go right
2) Run and leap onto platform go right
3) Leap and go right
4) Go up a little on lift and wait for slig to leap over and go left
Go down run right and leap onto platform. Jump in well
5) Go right, and right
6) Pull lever and run left
7) Crouch and leap
8) Walk off edge
9) Go up on lift x 2
10) Chant and walk through door
(E) rhs middle row left door
1) Leap and hoist down and hoist down
2) Hoist down and pull lever
run right
3) Run left
4) Leap and run left
5) Touch stone and go left
6) Hoist up and chant
and enter door
(F) rhs middle row right door
1) go right
2) leap and go right
3) Get scrabs attention by going right and back left, leap left and hang onto
ledge as scrab goes far left stand up, leap right and run right onto lift
Go down
4) Hoist onto platform and pull lever down. Leap over well go tight and gain
attention of slig and go back left over well and go right
5) Pull lever go left and jump in top well
6) Jump in well
7) Touch stone and go left
8) Pull lever and go right
9) Jump in well
10) Get on lift and go down
11) Go right
12) Chant and enter door
(G) rhs bottom row right door
1) Go up on lift
2) Roll right get scrabs attention and go back right stand up and pull lever
Pull lever again go left
3) Touch stone do down lift and chant for secret room, go right
4) Go down
5) Run right
6) Pull lever and go right
7) Chant and enter door
(F) rhs bottom row left door
1) Hoist down
2) Run right and pull lever
Jump in well
3) Pull lever and go right
4) Touch stone and go right
5) Jump in well
Go left, left and left again
6) Chant and enter door
(J) Top door of temple (waiy out)
1) Chant 'Scout from afar'
2) Go right (sometimes if you wait beneath slig he commits suicide)
Else run and leap right
3) Keep running leap and go right
4) While still running leap onto platform and hoist up then hoist up again
5) Hoist up and go up on lift
6) Run right and jump on lift
Go up on lift
7) Run right
8) Leap right and leap right
Crouch while running right
9) Leap onto right hand platform above lever
Leap over slig onto left hand platform and pull lever
Wait until slig is killed then hoist down
Leap over both holes and pull lever
Leap left and go through door
Chant and leap through porto
1) Go right
2) Touch stone and go right
3) Sneak up and crouch next to bomb, detonate and hoist up
Wait for bomb to explode and go right
4) Pull lever and through stones at bomb to explode it then go back left
5) Jump in well
6) Hoist up and pull lever then drop down
7) Get on elum and go right
8) Leap and go right
9) Leap
10) Say (H) hello, (2) Whistle 2, (1) Whistle 1, (1)(2) then (F) Fart
Go up on lift, tell elum to wait and go right
11) Sneak up to tree thrown stone down to explode bomb
Go back left and get on elum
12) Go right and up on lift throw stone at bees nest and get on elum
13) Go right and right again
14) Disarm bomb then leap and go right
15) Leap and go right
16) Enter door
1) Leap across to lhs and dismount elum. Hoist up and again
2) Hoist up and leap in well
3) Chant to take over slig then go left then right. Shoot slig
Detonate bomb by switch
Go left then right pull lever
Leap left and hoist down
4) Go right and hoist down
5) Hoist down and pull lever
Leap over bomb and get on lift and go down to get elum
Go all way back up
1) Run left past bees
2) Leap and go left
3) Leap and run left
4) Leap and run left
5) leap, leap and run left
6) Leap and run left
7) Leap, leap and run left
1) Go left
2) Go left and pull ring
3) Hoist down
4) Hoist down x 2
5) Pull switch and touch stone
Leap in well
6) Leap across to rhs where ring pull is, pull ring
7) Leap in well
8) Ask elum to follow you and go left. Go down on lift
9) Say (H) (1) (2) (2) (1) (F) then get on lift and go up then go left
10) Ask elum to follow and then go left
1) Get on lift and go down then chant to take over slig
Go left and shoot swig, go left and drop down then go right
Shoot slig and explode slig
2) Go left
3) Go left
4) Tell elum to wait then hoist up and go right
5) Go right
6) Hoist up
7) Hoist up x 2
8) Touch stone and hoist down x 3 then go left
9) Go left
10) Get on elum leap left and go through door
Paramonia Temple
1) Get off elum chant to take over slig
Go right and shoot slig then explode slig and leap in well
2) Chant and leap into porto
3) Go right then run left and leap in porto chant to take over slig.
Go left and shoot slog and explode slig
Leap in well and go right
4) Go down on lift
5) Go right
6) Chant 'Watch out for that bat'
7) Drop down and hoist down
8) Pull lever to drop boulder on slig and drop down and go right
9) Enter door Touch stone
(A) LHS Middle Row Left Door
1) Get meat from sack in room on lhs bottom row left door and hoist up x 2
Throw meat at paramite and go left
2) Pull lever and go right
3) Hoist up and go left and get on lift
Go up x 2 and get meat
4) Chant and blow bombs go up
5) Say Hello
2) Leap right throw meat at paramite and touch stone
3) Hoist down and chant to explode bombs, pull lever and go up
4) Chant 'Do not forget the flintlock'
5) Hoist up and go down and repeat pass word (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (F)
Go up and hoist up then chant
6) Pull lever and hoist down x 2
7) Go down on lift
8) Jump in well
9) Run and leap onto platform and enter door
(B)LHS Middle row right hand door
1) Go left get attention of slig run right and leap back onto platform
Chant to take over slig and then go left and shoot slig, explode slig
2) Go left
3) Leap and go left
4) Leap when stone swings forward then step forward
5) Sneak up and detonate bomb then run right
Pull switch, touch stone and go right
6) Leap x 3 and go right
7) Get stone and go right
8) Crouch and go right
9) Detonate bomb, chant and enter door
(C) RHS Bottom Row left door
1) Hoist up x 2
2) Get meat and hoist up x 2
3) Go right then left andthrow meat throw hole
4) Go right
5) Touch stone and run left and leap onto platform. Get meat and go left
6) Drop all way down and go left
7) Hoist up and touch stone
8) Go left and get attention of paramite go back right
9) Drop meat and go left then drop down x 3
10) Get meat, leap then go left
11) Throw meat at bees nest go left pull switch touch stone then go right
Leap left and hoist up x 2 go right x 2
12) Leap and get meat hoist up x 4 and go right
13) Drop meat and go right
14) Hoist up x2 get meat and hoist up x 3 go left and right over platform drop meat
in hole and go right and get meat
15) Go right x 3 and drop meat then chant and enter door
(G) RHS Bottom Row Right Door
1) Go left
2) Go left and hoist up. Hit sack to get meat and hoist up x 2
3) Hoist up x 2
4) Roll left and touch stone get meat then go right
5) Hoist up and go left
6) Go 9 steps left then leap and go left pull lever step right then leap and run right
7) Leap in well go left and leap in well
8) Pull lever and leap in well
9) Leap in well, leap and hoist down
10) Hoist down then right and hoist down
11) Leap off platform go right to hit meat sack. Go left then back right
Get on platform leap right to hit sack then run left
12) Chant and enter door
(E) RHS Middle Row Right Door
1) Go right
2) Leap x 3 and go right
3) Detonate bomb, leap and hoist up
4) Leap left and detonate bomb
Pull switch, leap and go left
5) Pull lever and run right
6) Leap, drop down x 2
Go left
7) Jump x 3 and go left enter door
(D) RHS Middle Row left door
1) Go left, slog will follow go right
2) Run right
3) As you walk over switch boulder drops on slog, go right
4) Crouch and go right
5) Go left crouch and roll to switch, boulder drops on slog
6) Go left
7) Go left
8) Touch stone and go right x 4 go gar right
9) Hoist up and pull switch hoist down
10) Left x 2
11) Leap up chant and enter door
Paramonia Nests
1) Go up on lift
2) Leap left and then right, hang onto ledge then run right
3) Leap as youn enter screen and run right
4) Leap over paramites and hoist up
5) Leap onto platform on lhs leap onto platform on rhs then hoist up
6) Hoist up, rouch and roll left and then go left
7) Leap and hang on ledge then hoist up and go left
8) Crouch and run left
9) Go left onto platform on lhs
10) Leap in well
11) Get meat and leap in well
12) Throw meat and enter door
13) Chant and enter porto
Monsaic Awakened
1) Enter door and go left
2) Leap and enter door
3) Go right
4) Go right
5) Go right
6) Chant
7) Hoist up and go right
8) Chant and enter porto
Stockyward Return
1) Leap up
2) Hoist up and go right
3) Run right and leap
4) Go right
5) Leap over bomb, pull lever and go left
Leap over slog and run left x 3 (ignore beams) wait for
bomb to kill slog before hoisting up. Go right
Go right, hit sack and get stones. Chant for clue
'Do not forget your rock'. Hoist up and go left
Hoist up and go right
6) Detonate bombs by throwing stones up and go right
7) Hoist up crouch stand and leap off platform
8) Roll right x 3 hoist up and run right
9) Go left x 3 and collect stone use square button
Repeat above until all bombs are cleared
Chant and leap through porto
1) Leap and disarm bomb leap back onto lhs
2) Hang over ledge waiting for slig to appear and jump off ledge
to detonate bomb beneath you. Jump off ledge then hoist up and leap
3) Pull lever go right and get attention of slog go left and leap onto
4) Hoist down and go right
5) Hoist down and chant then leap into porto
Rupture Farms 2
1) Touch stone, say hello and follow me then go left and chant
2) Go left
3) Enter door
4) Run left x3 and leap onto platform
Chant to take over slig shoot slig
Go right and shoot slig
Go right and shoot slig
Go right x 4 shot loads of slogs!!
Explode slig
Go left and move modokan to lhs go left and then back right and chant
5) Go right x 2 say hello and follow me
Go back to porto on left and say wait
6) Go right x 4 say hello and follow me
Go back to porto on left and say wait
7) Go right x 6 say hello and follow me
Go back to porto on left and say wait
8) Go right x 8 say hello and follow me
Go back to porto on left and chant to save four modokans
9) Go right x 8 and pull switch then enter door
Chant and leap through porto
1) Leap and disarm bomb leap back onto lhs
2) Hang over ledge waiting for slig to appear and jump off ledge
to detonate bomb beneath you. Jump off ledge then hoist up and leap
3) Pull lever go right and get attention of slog go left and leap onto
4) Hoist down and go right
5) Hoist down and chant then leap into porto
Zulag 2
1) Hoist onto platform and chant to take over slig
Go left and press 1+triangle 2+cross 2+triangle 2+triangle 1+cross
Shoot slig
2) Go left then hoist up and go up on lift
3) Enter LH door
Left hand door
1) Touch stone
2) Go right x 2 then pull switch and hoist up, wait for slig to jump
off platform then hoist up and chant to take over slig
Go left and press 1+triangle 2+triangle 2+cross 2+triangle
Shoot slig and explode slig then go left x 2
3) Say hello and follow me to right x 2 say wait then go left
4) Say hello and follow me then chant hoist up and pull switch then
Go right and chant
5) Chant to take over slig, go right
Shoot slig and explode slig
Go right and chant then go left
Hoist up and go left
6) Go down on lift then go left x 3 enter door
Middle Door
1) Run right and leap on platform, chant to take over slig
Press 1+square go right by tunnel press 1+crosds shoot slog on its return and
then explode slig
2) Go right crouch and go right
3) Go right
4) Run and hoist onto platform run back left roll and hoist up
Go right and chant to take over slig shoot all slogs then pull switch
Explode slig
5) Go left and drop down then roll right x 2
Say hello and follow me (x2) go left and say wait go back right
Say hello and follow me and go left and chant
Go left and roll left
6) Go left and enter door
Right hand Door
1) Go right x 2 sneak past slig and go right
2) Hoist up and go left then get a bomb. Throw bomb then pull lever
Chant to take over slig explode slig
3) Go right and up on lift
4) Sneak and hoist up throw bomb down at slig (circle+right) pull switch
5) Get some more bombs go left and throw bomb at mine then go right
6) Say Hello and follow me go left and say wait
7) Go right x 2 say hello and follow me x 2 go left x 2 then chant
8) Go left x 3 and enter door
Enter door to Zulag 3
Zulag 3
1) Go left get attention of slig and go right and leap on platform
Chant to take over slig say 'here boy' (1+square) go right at tunnel
say 'get em' (1+cross). Shoot slog on return and explode slig
2) Go right, crouch and roll to switch then pull switch
Crouch and roll left then go left
Hoist up and get on lift and go up
Bottom door
1) Go right x 2 and hoist onto platform. Chant to take over slig
Go left and stop at switch. As each slig walks over hatch pull switch
Then shoot slig. Repeat for other two and explode slig
2) Go left x 2 ask Modokan to follow you and go right
tell him to wait when over hatch
Pull switch. Say hello and follow me then go right and chant - enter door
3) Hoist up and get bomb if you have none.
Hoist down and go right and hoist down
4) Chant and one of the sligs is killed then chant to overtake other. Go right and
shoot slig. Chant to overtake as necessary until one remains
Go right x 2 then say 'here boy' (1+square)
Chant 1+triangle 2+triangle 2+cross 2+triangle
Go right press 2+circle shoot slig and explode slig
Go left pull switch then go right x 2 and chant
Go left x 3 enter door and go left x 3
Top floor right Door
1) Face left and throw bomb left. Drop down and pull lever
Hoist up again. Throw bomb up and leap and go right
2) Say hello and follow me go left and drop down say follow me
Chant to save Modokan.
3) Go right and sneak upto slig. As you drop down run and leap right
4) Sneak right and hoist onto platform then wait for slig to go left
Hoist down pull switch then hoist up wait for slig to
go left. Leap on lift then go up
5) Pull switch get bomb go down on lift and back up again until slig goes left
6) Go down on lift and hoist onto platform throw bomb at slig go left and throw
bomb at slig. Then leap and hoist up then go left
7) Hoist up and enter door
Top floor left hand Door
1) Go right and run and leap onto ledge. As slig leaves press bomb machine and
hoist up. Wait for slig to go left and get bomb and hoist up
2) Throw bomb at the guardian. Stand onto the far lhs throw bomb on count of five
Chant to take over slig, pull switch and explode slig then go left
3) Go right and hoist down
4) Leap right and left then hoist down
5) Go left then chant x 2 explode slig and go left
6) Leap and pull switch then pull lever and run right
7) Leap onto platform chant to take over slig and explode slig
8) Say Hello and follow me x 2 and go left and say wait. Go right x 2
9) Say Hello and follow me x 2 and go left x 2 say wait
Go right hoisy up and right say hello and follow me then go left
Say follow me go left all three should be on lift. Go up and up again
10) Go right x2 say hello and follow me go left x2
11) Hoist down and chant. Go down then right x 2
12) Leap and chant. Go right and chant left x 2
13) Leap and go left x 2 hoist up and enter door
enter door
enter door
Zulag 4
1) Go right and get attention of slig then run left and leap onto platform
Chant to take over slig and then pull lever. Chant to take over slig
Go right and shoot slig
Go down on lift and shoot two sligs
Go right shoot two more and explode slig
2) Go right and drop down, chant to take over slig go right and shoot 3 sligs
Explode slig
3) Go right and throw bomb at slig and guardian and go right
4) Throw bomb at swlig then roll right through tunnel hoist up and pull lever
Go right and throw bomb at slig and go left say hello and folloe me
Go left and say hello and follow me and go left
Chant and go right x 2
5) Enter door
6) Run right x 4 and leap
7) Leap left and throw bomb at slogs and go left
8) Chant to take over slig, shoot slogs any remaining blow up with bombs
Go left and pull switch
9) Go right x 2 and say hello and follow me x 2 go left x 4 and say wait
10) Go right and pull switch say hello and follow me x 2 go left and say wait
Go right x 4 say hello and follow me x 2 go left x 4 and chant
Enter door
11) Go left then leap and hoist up, pull switch go right x 2 and enter door
12) Go left chant to overtake slig. Pull switch and shoot all those slogs
Then go left pull switch and shoot slog turn and shoot other slog.
Go right and enter door
1) Go right and enter door
2) Hoist down x 3 then turn left and leap twice and go left
3) Leap x 3 and hoist up then roll right and pull switch
Roll left then go right. Pull switch and go left
4) Get on lift and go down
5) Go right and roll then stand and leap bombs
6) Pull lever
Related Stories:-The Best Color Correctors for Every Skin Issue and Skin Tone-This $7 Foundation Sponge Has Taken Over My Makeup Routine-6 Reasons You’re Always Returning Your Foundation It’s easy to keep track of the things you love.Click the ‘heart’ icon from anywhere. You can even create lists for a special event. Formulated to improve your skin and enhance your makeup. If you are not familiar with the awesome Maybelline Fit Me line of foundation, then here’s what you need to know about this bestselling foundation: To protect your privacy, we need information from one of your Rite Aid prescriptions. This data is required to make sure your customer profile is assigned correctly. Please enter your date of birth, followed by the information as it appears on your Rite Aid prescription label. https://tatoeba.org/en/user/profile/wilcamarma1989
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The top seed in the AFC cruised in the second half of their divisional round game against the Houston Texans. Quarterback Lamar Jackson became the first quarterback in at least the last 75 years to have two touchdown passes, two touchdown runs, 100 yards rushing, and a 100 passer rating in the same game. He showed why he’s the favorite for his second NFL MVP award. Here are the full odds to win the NFC, according to PointsBet: • Why tilt to the run? Detroit has attacked the middle of the field at the highest rate in the NFL and has found great success doing so. However, no defense in the league takes away the heart of the field better than San Francisco’s. The way to attack the 49ers is by targeting the outside areas of the field, which is something that Goff has done at the lowest rate in the NFL. With their biggest area of strength essentially neutralized, the Lions likely won’t be able to find much success through the air in this game. https://phase2directory.com/listings12826644/scores-and-odds-nba-today
Thompson has had a nice summer hard-court swing, going 6-3 with three top-50 wins. The 32nd-ranked Aussie will try to add another notable win to his ledger against the 17th-ranked Humbert, who is just 8-12 in his last 20 matches. Humbert’s just 1-3 in his career at the Cincinnati Open, while Thompson played well here last year, getting through qualifying and pushing Carlos Alcaraz to 6-3 in the second round. Both players are have been at their best on hard courts in 2024, as Humbert’s 16-6 on the surface while Thompson’s 19-11. Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503) JustBet is known for offering early lines, giving bettors the chance to lock in bets before the odds shift. They are also quick to payout, ensuring you get your winnings without delay. This sportsbook is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to place bets on their favorite sports. Whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just starting, JustBet offers a straightforward and reliable betting experience.
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The safety and wellbeing of our young people and adults at risk is central to the Leeds United values. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.Update your settings here to see it.Leeds United vs Leicester City21:30 Download the VAVEL App and Create your Global Custom Newspaper! ohamed Salah and Diogo Jota both struck twice as Liverpool snapped their five-game winless run with a resounding 6-1 victory at relegation-haunted Leeds. Download the VAVEL App and Create your Global Custom Newspaper! After retiring, he has been active in the media, usually in football-related TV and radio shows. Two of his sons, Bradley and Shaun, are retired professional footballers. Great chance for Barnes after Leeds give the ball away. Think it was Roca who made the mistake and Leicester play two quick balls into the box for Barnes whose shot is well blocked by Cooper. Leeds could do without gifting the ball and chances to their relegation rivals. https://finntxxl537531.yomoblog.com/35133542/yesterday-football-match-champions-league
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— Football Transfers (@Transfersdotcom) June 1, 2024 It is only natural that Maddison took some time to rediscover his best form at Spurs with the injury clearly taking a lot out of him having missed months of football. DISCLAIMER: This site and the products offered are for entertainment purposes only, and there is no gambling offered on this site. This service is intended for adult audiences. No guarantees are made for any specific outcome. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, please call 1-800-GAMBLER. PointsBet is our Official Sports Betting Partner and we may receive compensation if you place a bet on PointsBet for the first time after clicking our links. And now I shall hand the baton over to David Tindall. Van de Ven had been tracked by the club all summer and, after weighing up a move for him or Bayer Leverkusen’s Edmond Tapsoba, Tottenham pressed ahead with their pursuit of the left-sided centre-back. https://juliustvfl219631.win-blog.com/7453646/switzerland-euro-cup
Browse our complete list of NHL matchups to find NHL predictions, detailed insights, and NHL expert picks for all major bet types. Each NHL game undergoes a thorough analysis, providing diverse perspectives for your betting strategies. Fans in the United States looking to stream the NHL playoffs have options. Games on ESPN’s platforms can be streamed through ESPN+ or through Fubo, while those on TNT can be streamed through the TNT app and Sling. nhl hits leaders 2024 MORE: Watch the 2023 NHL playoffs on TNT with Sling TV Wetsch is another player who fits the Islanders’ DNA. He’s a worker who really gets after it and while he doesn’t have high-end skill, he might have just enough to project into a useful role player in the NHL. NHL NEWS:Winnipeg Jets’ Brenden Dillon gets good news after being gashed in NHL playoffs scrum
Bien que le jeu ne soit pas exigent en terme de ressources, il nécessite toutefois 35 Go de stockage. Vous pouvez consulter les détails de la configuration pour jouer à Valorant. Mais aussi un PC, un clavier, une souris et un casque (avec micro de préférence). Si vous avez déjà le lanceur de jeux Epic Game, vous pouvez directement lancer le jeu, sinon, vous pouvez le faire depuis le site de Valorant. Refaçonnez le terrain grâce à un arsenal d’outils entravants comme des fumigènes aveuglants, des murs éphémères ou des pièges invisibles, afin de toujours faire pencher la balance en faveur de votre équipe. Alors que le jeu commencera à s’installer afin d’être prêt dès que possible, vous ne pourrez accéder aux serveurs de Valorant que lorsque Riot décidera de lancer officiellement le jeu. Il vous faudra également redémarrer votre ordinateur afin de vérifier que Vanguard (le système anti-tricheurs de Riot) soit bien installé sur votre machine. https://data.gov.ro/user/globasthresel1971
Gametion Technologies Pvt Ltd VPN gratuit et Adblocker pour une sécurité renforcée La boxeuse algérienne Imane Khelif a remporté le titre olympique chez les moins de 66 kg, vendredi 9 août, après sa victoire contre la Chinoise Liu Yang sur le ring de Roland-Garros. Uptodown est une boutique d’applications multiplateforme spécialisée dans Android. Notre objectif est de fournir un accès libre et gratuit à un large catalogue d’applications sans restrictions, tout en offrant une plateforme de distribution légale accessible depuis n’importe quel navigateur, ainsi que via son application native officielle. – Mini-jeux et puzzles : mets tes compétences à l’épreuve avec des mini-jeux et des puzzles amusants axés sur les réflexes et la réflexion stratégique.
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Related Stories:-The Best Color Correctors for Every Skin Issue and Skin Tone-This $7 Foundation Sponge Has Taken Over My Makeup Routine-6 Reasons You’re Always Returning Your Foundation It’s easy to keep track of the things you love.Click the ‘heart’ icon from anywhere. You can even create lists for a special event. Formulated to improve your skin and enhance your makeup. If you are not familiar with the awesome Maybelline Fit Me line of foundation, then here’s what you need to know about this bestselling foundation: To protect your privacy, we need information from one of your Rite Aid prescriptions. This data is required to make sure your customer profile is assigned correctly. Please enter your date of birth, followed by the information as it appears on your Rite Aid prescription label.
Water (Aqua, Eau), Paraffin, Glyceryl Stearate, Synthetic Beeswax, Stearic Acid, Acacia Senegal Gum, Butylene Glycol, Palmitic Acid, Polybutene, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Wax, VP Eicosene Copolymer, Ozokerite, Aminomethyl Propanol, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Huile Végétale Hydrogénée, Phenoxyethanol, Stearyl Stearate, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Nylon-6, Papaver Somniferum Seed Oil, Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil, Glycerin, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Dipteryx Odorata Seed Extract, Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax Cire de Carnauba, Silica, Tropolone, Aframomum Melegueta Seed Extract, Helichrysum Italicum Extract, Iron Oxide (CI 77499) The Cult Beauty Holiday Shop Peep the new product offerings below, and celebrate 4 20 by expanding your makeup stash this weekend. And if you haven’t already, peep all the latest Kush drops which include masks and more.
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The top seed in the AFC cruised in the second half of their divisional round game against the Houston Texans. Quarterback Lamar Jackson became the first quarterback in at least the last 75 years to have two touchdown passes, two touchdown runs, 100 yards rushing, and a 100 passer rating in the same game. He showed why he’s the favorite for his second NFL MVP award. Here are the full odds to win the NFC, according to PointsBet: • Why tilt to the run? Detroit has attacked the middle of the field at the highest rate in the NFL and has found great success doing so. However, no defense in the league takes away the heart of the field better than San Francisco’s. The way to attack the 49ers is by targeting the outside areas of the field, which is something that Goff has done at the lowest rate in the NFL. With their biggest area of strength essentially neutralized, the Lions likely won’t be able to find much success through the air in this game.
Thompson has had a nice summer hard-court swing, going 6-3 with three top-50 wins. The 32nd-ranked Aussie will try to add another notable win to his ledger against the 17th-ranked Humbert, who is just 8-12 in his last 20 matches. Humbert’s just 1-3 in his career at the Cincinnati Open, while Thompson played well here last year, getting through qualifying and pushing Carlos Alcaraz to 6-3 in the second round. Both players are have been at their best on hard courts in 2024, as Humbert’s 16-6 on the surface while Thompson’s 19-11. Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503) JustBet is known for offering early lines, giving bettors the chance to lock in bets before the odds shift. They are also quick to payout, ensuring you get your winnings without delay. This sportsbook is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to place bets on their favorite sports. Whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just starting, JustBet offers a straightforward and reliable betting experience.
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In the Casino category We use dedicated people and clever technology to safeguard our platform. Find out how we combat fake reviews. If you’re searching for a high-quality free online casino experience, High 5 Casino is definitely worth checking out. With its great selection of games, stunning graphics, and exciting bonuses, it’s easy to see why this platform has become a popular choice for players looking for that real casino experience without risking their own funds! You can only win cash prizes at High 5 Casino by playing with sweeps coins, which you can acquire for free through various High 5 Casino promotions. At High 5 Casino, players can choose from a vast selection of online casino games, including popular titles like Da Vinci Diamonds, Secrets of the Forest, and Golden Knight. Whether you’re a fan of classic slot games or you prefer a more modern, immersive experience, High 5 Casino has something to offer you.
In today’s fast-paced iGaming industry, having robust and comprehensive software is critical for businesses to maintain their competitive edge. If you are thinking about how to create a betting website and want to know about the benefits you can expect when cooperating with a reliable software provider, here’s the answer: Collaborate with Andersen’s IT experts to build outstanding custom software via an extensive selection of frameworks Have a Project Idea? Discuss With Us In the fast-paced world of sports betting app development services, where innovation and technology propel the business forward, selecting the correct partner to create your sports betting application development services is critical. We bring to you the top 9 sports betting software development companies and beyond that, we are changing the way we communicate with sports betting app development industry.
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The safety and wellbeing of our young people and adults at risk is central to the Leeds United values. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.Update your settings here to see it.Leeds United vs Leicester City21:30 Download the VAVEL App and Create your Global Custom Newspaper! ohamed Salah and Diogo Jota both struck twice as Liverpool snapped their five-game winless run with a resounding 6-1 victory at relegation-haunted Leeds. Download the VAVEL App and Create your Global Custom Newspaper! After retiring, he has been active in the media, usually in football-related TV and radio shows. Two of his sons, Bradley and Shaun, are retired professional footballers. Great chance for Barnes after Leeds give the ball away. Think it was Roca who made the mistake and Leicester play two quick balls into the box for Barnes whose shot is well blocked by Cooper. Leeds could do without gifting the ball and chances to their relegation rivals.
KNOCKOUT TOURNAMENTS You will receive an authorization that your credit card request has been successfully granted. You are now ready for real money play and will see a balance of real money in your account. See the Lobby screen for all the games you will be able to join. Поповніть свій рахунок на 888poker всього на 10 $ чи більше, скористайтеся при цьому промо-кодом WELCOME100, і ви отримаєте від нас WELCOME100, and you’ll get a вступний бонус в еквіваленті 100% розміром до 400 $ для гри на реальні гроші. Внесіть депозит на суму 20 $ та грайте із сумою 40 $. Внесіть депозит на суму 100 $ та грайте із сумою 200 $.
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— Football Transfers (@Transfersdotcom) June 1, 2024 It is only natural that Maddison took some time to rediscover his best form at Spurs with the injury clearly taking a lot out of him having missed months of football. DISCLAIMER: This site and the products offered are for entertainment purposes only, and there is no gambling offered on this site. This service is intended for adult audiences. No guarantees are made for any specific outcome. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, please call 1-800-GAMBLER. PointsBet is our Official Sports Betting Partner and we may receive compensation if you place a bet on PointsBet for the first time after clicking our links. And now I shall hand the baton over to David Tindall. Van de Ven had been tracked by the club all summer and, after weighing up a move for him or Bayer Leverkusen’s Edmond Tapsoba, Tottenham pressed ahead with their pursuit of the left-sided centre-back.
Browse our complete list of NHL matchups to find NHL predictions, detailed insights, and NHL expert picks for all major bet types. Each NHL game undergoes a thorough analysis, providing diverse perspectives for your betting strategies. Fans in the United States looking to stream the NHL playoffs have options. Games on ESPN’s platforms can be streamed through ESPN+ or through Fubo, while those on TNT can be streamed through the TNT app and Sling. nhl hits leaders 2024 MORE: Watch the 2023 NHL playoffs on TNT with Sling TV Wetsch is another player who fits the Islanders’ DNA. He’s a worker who really gets after it and while he doesn’t have high-end skill, he might have just enough to project into a useful role player in the NHL. NHL NEWS:Winnipeg Jets’ Brenden Dillon gets good news after being gashed in NHL playoffs scrum
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Bien que le jeu ne soit pas exigent en terme de ressources, il nécessite toutefois 35 Go de stockage. Vous pouvez consulter les détails de la configuration pour jouer à Valorant. Mais aussi un PC, un clavier, une souris et un casque (avec micro de préférence). Si vous avez déjà le lanceur de jeux Epic Game, vous pouvez directement lancer le jeu, sinon, vous pouvez le faire depuis le site de Valorant. Refaçonnez le terrain grâce à un arsenal d’outils entravants comme des fumigènes aveuglants, des murs éphémères ou des pièges invisibles, afin de toujours faire pencher la balance en faveur de votre équipe. Alors que le jeu commencera à s’installer afin d’être prêt dès que possible, vous ne pourrez accéder aux serveurs de Valorant que lorsque Riot décidera de lancer officiellement le jeu. Il vous faudra également redémarrer votre ordinateur afin de vérifier que Vanguard (le système anti-tricheurs de Riot) soit bien installé sur votre machine.
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