NeverEnd (PC)
June 24, 2007
Version 1.0
Written by: Dheu
Use subject: NeverEndWalkthrough 1.0
Living Document: (read before emailing anyone)
This is a living document. If you see any mistakes, or have
anything that you want to add, simply visit: and fix/add it.
If you make additions/corrections, be certain to give yourself
credit in the Contributing Authors section at the end of the
This WalkthroughFAQ was also published at:
NeverEnd has KNOWN technical problems out of the box. You will have to install
the patch for the game in order to finish it. However, see "Bugs" below and
make sure you don't want to take advantage of any pre-patch bugs (infinite
money) before installing the patch.
Official 1.1 English Patch : 23.3 MB (24,524,723 bytes)
* Note that the English and European versions are different programs
and the patches are not compatible. The European version has a 1.2
patch, but it will break the game. So you will have to install 1.1 until
1.2 English comes out.
This FAQ looks best in a fixed-width font, such as Courier New.
NeverEnd is Copyright © 2006 by Mayhem Studios
I am not affiliated with Mayhem Studios or Dream Catcher Interactive Inc.
(North America Distributor) or anyone who had anything to do with the creation
of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site. You may not charge for, or
in any way profit from this FAQ.
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. General Game play
II.1 Display Modes
II.2 Combat
II.3 Money and Loot
II.4 Scrolls and Magic
II.5 Weapons
II.6 Attributes
III. Character Concept Strategies
IV. Leveling Guide
V. Fighting Strategies*
VI. Walkthrough Summaries
VI.1 Companions
VI.2 Merchants
VI.3 Trainers
1. Chapter 1: Betrayed
2. Chapter 2: Tracks Leading North
2.1 Mildrew
2.2 Grenegar
2.3 Agath
3. Chapter 3: The Swamp
4. Chapter 4: Uthragon
5. Chapter 5: Dungeon
6. Chapter 6: Fellowship of the Dawners
7. Chapter 7: Final Confrontation
Frequently Asked Questions
A. Weapon Attacks
B. Weapons
C. Armor
D. Spells and Runes : Quick Reference
E. Spells : Details
F. Bugs and Tricks
G. EditorsTrainers
Contributing Authors
Final Words....
I. > > > > Introduction
All your base are belong to us
NeverEnd was originally released in Europe in 2002. It was converted from
French to English for release in North America and hit store shelves in
roughly Dec of 2006.
A brief History of the Land
Several centuries ago, a evil dark mage named Enakhaan rose in power and
sought to conquer the lands of NeverEnd. The northern city of Uthragon
petitioned to the neighboring areas to join forces and fight back. Under the
leadership of a powerful wizard named Sarathaan, Enakhaan was defeated.
Following the war, Sarathaan left, leaving Uthragon under the leadership of
Hagar, a dwarf who commanded Uthragon's elite warriors during the war.
Eventually Hagar's lineage ended and Uthrgaon was left without a ruler.
During this time, the neighboring city of Mildrew and Grenegar seceded
from the northern union. Sarathaan recently returned to the throne to
help restore order to the kingdom.
During the war, not everyone helped Uthragon. Many creatures, including the
Faeries... decided they wanted nothing to do with the affairs of humans and
left the lands of NeverEnd through Magical Means.
As a result, the humans came to resent them. Today, Faeries and other human-
like creatures are tolerated, but are treated as second class citizens.
About Agavaen
In NeverEnd, you play the role of Agavaen, a winged faerie. Well former
winged faerie. Her past is left rather vague, but the game gives you enough
pieces to deduce that at some point in her past she hung out with the wrong
crowd. Agavaen's "crowd" was banished from Faerie society. It is possible
that the loss of Agavaen's wings were part of her specific sentence, but it
is never made clear.
It would also seem that banishing bad Faeries to the land of humans is a
common punishment in Faerie society. There are enough of them roaming the
land that humans have a special name for them: "Auren". NeverEnd has many,
not so nice Faeries running around... but most have wings which give away
their heritage.
Because Agavaen lacks wings, she looks a lot more human and is therefore
generally accepted. In fact many will fail to even notice that she is Auren.
(Occasionally the pointy ears give it away). Being a Faerie is akin to being
an Elf. Pointy ears, never age and a natural affinity with magic that most
humans do not possess.
It would appear that in her travels, Agavaen joined a group of thieves. And
that is where our game begins.
II. > > > > General Game play
The version I played (North American version) has horrible documentation. It
is one of the reasons I felt compelled to make this FAQ.
The only part of the game that had decent documentation was the in game user
screens (inventory, player stats). These are not covered here.
Starting the game
If you try to start the game without a refresh set, the computer will ding
and nothing will happen.
Fix the sound
The "default" Music Volume setting is so loud that at times you can't hear
the conversations. Go into the Sound options and decrease the Music volume to
just 1 above 0. I also recommend increasing the Sound and Speech volumes to
maximum and finally adjust your speakers. This makes the background a nice
quiet ambience that doesn't detract from the game.
Save a Lot:
The most important strategy in the game: Save often! Use F6. F6 quick saves
in a new slot so that you have a trail. The most important time to save is
anytime you enter Map Mode.
II.1 > > > > Display Modes
Like Many other games, NeverEnd has different Display Modes for different
aspects of the game: Combat, Area Exploration and World Exploration. *None of
the Display Modes allow you to control the camera angle.
Area Mode:
You start the game off in Area Mode.
Area Mode places a 3D model of Agavaen on a large 2D image. It is used for
the majority of the game: exploring cities, camps, and major locations. The
pre-rendered scenes are very hi detail. This approach allows the game to
"feel" like a modern title, while still running on older machines. the
downside is that even when Agavaen is in a big city, she is often the only
person walking around or doing anything.
Area Mode does not support a mouse. The player must move Agavaen around the
screen using direction keys, however the game does allow you to customize
the direction keys when it starts.
When Agavaen approaches something of interest, an icon will appear above
her head indicating that you can hit the Action button to do something. The
icon may be one of several icons, but you can not change the icon. The icon
simply acts as feedback.
As Agavaen walks around, sometimes the background image will shift, but
normally it remains in place and waits for Agavaen to approach one of its
edges. There are some dead-end Areas where approaching the edge does
nothing, but MOST edges will teleport you to another image or area.
Time spent in Area mode reflects real time. As such, very rarely will you
be attacked by surprise. The authors did not want to discourage players
from walking around and exploring Areas.
Last but not least, in Area Mode you must find an inn to rest. *At
the beginning of the game there is an image of a tent in the camp which
will allow you to rest an infinite number of times. Think of it like a FREE
Map Mode:
Map Mode is 100% 3D and is used to explore the world (area between cities).
In this mode, you view Agavaen from a top down perspective. Unlike Area
Mode, Map Mode is only about 1/5 to scale. As a result, the model of
Agavaen, the Trees and any creatures that you see standing around in Map
Mode are about 5 times larger than their counterparts on the ground (Just
think of Agavaen as Godzilla walking around on a miniature set).
Time in map mode is also not to scale. A minute moving around the map is
about 6 hours of game time. Like Area Mode, when Agavaen approaches
something of interest, an icon will appear above her head indicating that
you can hit the Action button to do something.
The most important aspect of Map mode is the fact that you can be attacked
at random. See the Combat section below for more details. On average, you
will get attacked once about every 30 seconds while MOVING in Map Mode. The
exact amount of time between attacks varies randomly, but I don't believe I
ever sustained movement for more than 60 seconds without getting attacked.
(BTW, running in place is not movement. So when you get stuck on a rock or
bush, it doesn't count against you).
There are also non-random (or fixed) encounters in Map mode. These are
marked by the model of a creature standing on the Map. You can chose when
and if you want to engage in these. Again, the model is just a symbol, but
at least you know what creature you will be doing battle with if you
approach. Again, see the Combat section below for more information about
You can not switch to Map Mode at will. If you are in a city, you must find
the city Exit. If you are in Map Mode and approach a miniature city, the
game will switch you over to Area Mode for detailed exploration.
Combat Mode
Combat Mode is 3D, and views the action from a 45 degree angle. You cant
control the camera, but it does a good job of changing on its own from time
to time. The angle exposes a horizon, which is a pre-rendered image.
Unlike the other Modes, Combat is the only Display Mode that supports
mouse. That said; see the Combat section below for what the mouse is used
II.2 > > > > Combat
There are two types of encounters in NeverEnd:
- Random Encounters:
Random encounters happen exclusively in Map Mode when traveling
between cities or searching for artifacts. These Generate 1 to 4
enemies that are leveled to your character. I highly recommend
reading the Leveling Guide for a more detailed discussion and a few
- Fixed Encounters:
Fixed encounters include any fights generated by the storyline, quests
or marked in Map Mode by the presence of a creature symbol. Unlike
Random Encounters, Fixed encounters are NOT leveled to your character.
They include a fixed number of creatures with a fixed level. These
encounters may pit you against an enemy that is more powerful than
you... or an easy kill.
When moving around in Map Mode, you will see Fixed Encounters marked by the
presence of a Creature Model. Most of these Fixed encounters are optional.
Some are markers for quests.
Issuing commands:
Combat in NeverEnd is turn based. A bright blue circle will appear under
your character or your companion when it is their turn. There is a group of
icons in the bottom left corner which you can use if you wish, however I
don't recommend it.
A much easier strategy is to simply use the mouse. Click on the Enemy you
want your character to target. Left click will provide a list of physical
attack options (for fighters), right click will provide a list of available
spells (for magic users).
- Physical Attack Menu
Within the menu itself, there are 2 numbers under each Item. The first
number is the damage rating. This tells you the maximum damage that the
attack can produce on the target. The second number is the preparation
rating. This tells you how many "steps" it takes to prepare and execute
the attack. You will find that large weapons have higher preparation
ratings than small weapons.
The preparation rating never changes for a given physical attack,
However weapon skill and agility affect how quickly Agavaen can perform
physical "steps" with the chosen weapon.
- Magic Attack Menu:
Like the physical attack menu, you will see a list of items. Spells
List preparation rating. Hover over a spell and look at its description
to see how much damage it can do. Unlike physical attacks, spell
preparation ratings will decrease as your intelligence increases.
At the bottom of the Magic Menu are 3 small squares. When you hover the
mouse over these squares, the menu will change between offensive,
defensive and support spells. There are separate skill ratings for
each Spell Type.
Skill with a specific Spell type + intelligence affect how quickly
Agavaen can perform "steps" with the chosen spell type. Intelligence
and spell-type skill also govern how much damage the spells do. (See
"Attributes" below.
The game does little filtering within your menus. Be careful not to heal
an enemy or attack an ally (or beheaddeadlock yourself).
Choosing your attack:
You know upfront how many hit points your enemies have. When possible, you
generally want to pick an attack that may kill your target enemy within the
next round. In other words, when your target is down on HP (say 5 HPs
left), you don't want to waste time executing high preparation attack to
finish them off. And don't forget about small weapons. I would often swap
to a small weapon to execute a quick finishing move.
Some creatures have hides or hi agility that provide a degree of defense.
Other creatures (like humans) wear armor that provide defense.
In general, overcoming a creature's defense is a matter of subtraction.
If the enemy has a defense bonus of 100, then you need to use an attack
That can produce over 100 HPs of damage to hit the enemy. Otherwise, you
will "miss". Even if you use an attack that produces 120 HPs of damage,
you will only do 20 HPs of damage.
There are several ways to overcome Defense Bonuses. Magic attacks ignore
defense bonus all together. Some weapons attacks (all attacks with axes)
have "disruption", which means a percentage of damage done by the weapon
ignores the targets defense bonus. Finally, there is the "weaken" spell,
which lowers the creatures agility, thereby lowering their defense bonus.
However the catch with the weaken spell is that their agility is
transferred to endurance, so they actually gain HPs. (Now you can hit
them, but you have to do more damage).
Using Potions
Using a potion is as simple as accessing your inventory on your turn and
clicking a potion. Agavaen will have a red and a blue circle under her
indicating that she is the target of her own action. You must hit the
"Action" key to continue the round.
Companions are the same, however the red "target" circle will appear under
Agavaen by default, so you must be sure to use the mouse and hover over the
companion before hitting the Action key, else Agavaen will drink the
* Note: it is a good idea to keep a staff handy. While casting a spell or
using a potion, equip the staff to increase your defense. Staffs that
provide additional magic resistance or agility bonuses are the best.
The "Arise" spell can resurrect a companion during combat. However, if
combat ends and the companion is still dead, then death becomes permanent.
You wont gain access to "Arise" or the required runes to learn the spell
until you are well into the game. So save often, especially when wondering
around in Map Mode.
Agavaen can cast arise on companions but not vice versa.
II.3 > > > > Money and Loot
Loot in NeverEnd is almost entirely Random. Even Merchant inventories are
(mostly) randomized. There is only 1 LOOT type that is special and that is
the Spell Recipe. Spell Recipes are not part of the Random Loot
Generation system. I'm not certain if this was intentional or if it is a
Point is, spell recipes can only be gained by purchasing them in stores,
finding them in fixed locations (Map and Area Mode Containers) or by
completing quests that award a specific recipe as part of the loot.
The upside of this is that I can tell you in this walkthrough were every
single spell recipe can be found or purchased. Just search this
walkthrough for the name of the spell (see Appendix for a list of spells).
There are "optional" money makers in each city. Typically gambling based
number games which can yield small amounts of profit. They are basically
the only way to earn money without fighting or cheating. (See leveling
guide for why that is important).
When a game is as buggy as this one, it is really hard not to cheat.
Conveniently, most cities have at least 1 place where you can get all the
infinite money you want. *Infinite money bug was fixed with the 1.1 patch.
You may want to "delay" installing the patch if you are Interested in free
II.4 > > > > Scrolls and Magic
Unlike other Games, the world of NeverEnd imposes no limits on how many
spells you can cast or memorize. You are limited only by your access to runes
(which replenish in merchant inventories throughout the game).
Scroll Types
There are 2 types of Scrolls. "Spell Scrolls" are 1 shot spells. You read
them off and then they are added to your spell menu as a temporary spell
(you have 1/0 spells remaining). When you rest, you lose all temporary
The other type of Scroll is "Spell Recipe". When you activate a spell
recipe, you scribe the spell recipe into your spell book.
Q: Great... now I have a spell. So how do I increase the number of times I
can cast it.
A: The spell recipe lists a sequence of runes. Collect the runes and then
activate them in the order specified and you will gain the ability to
cast the spell one more time per day. There is no per-day limit on
how many spells you can learn. You are limited only by the supply of
runes and how many times you can re-add the spell to your spell book.
At the beginning of the game, you start off with the Recipe and runes
necessary to learn Fire Shot and Healing.
Go to the inventory screen, hover over the "potion" icon and click the
Spell Recipe "healing". You will be taken to your spell listing and you
will see "healing" appear under your defensive spells. Note that it has
0/0 next to the spell and 2 blue square runes under the spell name.
Now go back to your inventory (hit the cancel button) and hover over the
"Scroll" icon. Notice you have 2 blue square runes. Click the blue runes
in your inventory twice (you should see them appear at the bottom of the
inventory screen). When both appear at the bottom of the screen, click
the "end rune"
Agavaen's model will do a little motion and you should see: "New Spell
Available: Healing" in the top left of the screen. You can now cast
"heal" once per day. Repeat these steps for the other Spell Recipe, "Fire
Shot". Be sure you click on the 2 red runes. If you mess up, restart the
Favorite Spells
Ice Shot – Almost more important that doing damage is the fact that
it slows the enemy.
Moreno's Revenge – Lots of damage, single target
Inferno - Lots of damage, all targets.
Iron Skin - DEF + Magic Resistance
Adamantite Skin - DEF + Magic Resistance Cast all 4 for big compound
Stone Skin - DEFENSE / bonuses
Spell Blockade - MAGIC RESISTANCE /
Weakness - "Cheap" spell for evening the odds
Cancellation - "Cheap" spell for getting out of deadlock
War Cry - Boost attack
Haste - cast faster (good first spell)
Deadlock - hold enemy
Calling of Death – most powerful "learnable" spell.
Healing - Necessary and "cheap"
II.5 > > > > Weapons
The game does NOT allow Agavaen to use a shield or fight with 2 weapons.
Also, higher strength is require to hold some larger 2 handed weapons, but
you can normally get the required strength through strength enhancing items
if you haven't invested in strength.
Weapon damage is increased by 2 factors:
1) Experience with the weapon:
On you character stats screen, in the bottom left corner is a list of
weapon types and your skill with each. *See "Weapon Skill" below for
more details.
2) Attributes:
When you hover over a weapon in your inventory screen, you will see a
Lot of numbers associated with it. Att = attack, Def = defense and then
There is S/A. This is the strength/agility ratio. These ratios are
applied to your stats to see how more damage you do with that specific
Lets take an example:
A staff has an S/A of 50/50. This means that 50% of your additional
damage draws from your strength and 50% draws from your agility.
So the following stats would result in the same damage (with the
STR: 50 or STR: 10
AGI: 10 AGI: 50
With LIGHT weapons and some MEDIUM weapons, it doesn't matter where you
put your attributes: strength or agility, they do about the same amount
of additional damage. However, heavy weapons and most medium weapons
will take a penalty if your strength is substantially lower than your
The game tracks your skill with each weapon type: Hammer, Axe, Short Sword,
Long Word, Axe and Dagger.
The game appears to increase your skill based on "Leveled Hit Points" of
damage with the specific weapon type. When you damage a creature, Leveled
Hit Points = amount of damage done multiplied by the level of the creature.
So doing 20 points of damage against a level 5 creature = 100 Leveled HPs
of Damage. On the other hand, doing 20 points of damage to a level
20 creature = 400 Leveled HPs of damage.
Each weapon type varies in the number of leveled HPs required to
gain skill. Light Weapons require the least leveled HPs and
Heavy Weapons require the most. (Actually, Attack Spells appear to
require the most, but that is not a physical skill).
*As your experience with a weapon grows, your character will also gain
additional attacks.
Weapon Defense
The previous section emphasized damage, however what wasn't addressed was
agilities other benefits: natural defense bonus and attack speed.
Short Swords and staffs provide additional defense akin to holding a
shield. If your character relies on spells and intelligence to do the
damage, then why not hold a weapon that adds a defense bonuses that isn't
negatively affected by an emphasis to agility. The result is a very hi
defense rating, which means you aren't hit as often and take less damage
when you are (physical attacks anyway).
The Agile Warrior concept relies on defense and long battles which tire his
larger opponents. That said, the agile warrior generally takes longer to
get through the game because of the long battle sequences.
II.6 > > > > Attributes
Strength primarily influences your damage. The game has no inventory limit,
so it has little other impact to the game. While I would love to tell you
that X attribute points = Y additional damage, the actual impact on damage
depends on a combination of the weapon you are holding and your experience
with the weapon.
* A higher strength is require to hold some larger 2 handed weapons, but
you can normally get the required strength through strength enhancing
Agility affects 3 things. It affects damage with light weapons, it impacts
your natural defense rating and it affects how quickly you can execute
physical "steps" (and how quickly you can run from battles).
It is important to realize that "steps" do not equal seconds. If both
Agavaen and her companion begin executing a 30 step physical attack and
Agavaen has a higher agility, her 30 "steps" will complete faster than her
If your enemy is casting a spell, it will pit your agility against their
intelligence to determine which timer decreases faster.
Like strength, the amount of additional damage due to agility is determined
by the specific weapon and your proficiency with the weapon.
Endurance affects hit points.
Each point of BASE Endurance that Agavaen has, she gains 6 HPs (on avg) to
her overall HPs. At the beginning of the game, you have a BASE endurance of
10, so you have 60 HPs.
Additionally, you gain 5 hit points for every level above 1. So at level 2
even if you commit nothing to endurance, you will still gain 5 hps.
Finally, there are endurance boosts by items. These do not follow the same
formula as BASE endurance. ITEM endurance adds 3 HPs for each point of
endurance. So boosting endurance by 30 points adds 90 HPs.
* NOTE: When you have to decide between 2 items, one with a HP boost and
another with an endurance boost, you can divide the HP boost by 3 to
see what it's equivalent endurance value would be.
Intelligence governs all things magical: How powerful your spells are and
how quickly you cast them. Additionally, Intelligence makes no
differentiation between those points you assign during level up and those
added by the gear you wear. Because of this difference, it is actually
slightly more economical to invest a majority of leveling attributes into
other areas and rely on items for your Intelligence boost.
The most basic spell is fire shot (akin to magic missile in D&D). You will
have the spell recipe and runes for the spell when the game begins. The
damage done by fire shot is exactly your magic BASE damage.
BASE DAMAGE = Total Intelligence + 1/2 Spell Type Skill
So, if you have 100 Intelligence and 50 Attack Spell Skill, BASE = 125
Different spells will do different percentage multiplies of the BASE value.
(See appendix for full listing)
Remember this when you have to choose between an item that boosts
intelligence versus attackdefense spell skill.
Perception indirectly affects damage by allowing physical attacks to avoid
the defense and protection provided by armor. It also Affects the ability
to land critical hits. Finally, some mini-games use perception to determine
how hard it is to control the target hair. Perception is most important for
dexterous/agile warrior concepts as frequent critical hits affectively
double the amount of damage done by the lighter weapons (allowing them to
compete with their heavier counterparts).
III > > > > Character Concept Strategies
Some personal thoughts and advice from someone who has played through the
game several times.
Strength based Fighter:
- Strength, Endurance, Agility
Agility based Fighter:
- Agility, Endurance, Perception
Magic user :
- Intelligence, Endurance
Agility versus Endurance :
Adding points to Agility increases your defense. Adding points to
Endurance increases your HPs. Which is better? Defense rating doesn't
protect you from magic... So, between the two, Endurance is more valuable
as it provides a buffer against both magic and physical attacks.
Agility Versus Strength:
If you look, most weapons draw their damage from your strength. So as a
general rule, you should maintain more strength than agility, however you
don't want to neglect agility as it also determines how fast you can
execute your physical attacks. (and how fast you can run from and avoid
unwanted battles).
Strength, Endurance, Agility:
From the two arguments above, you would deduce that Str is most
important, Endurance is 2nd most important and agility falls somewhere
behind endurance.
Therefore, the ideal pure fighter concept:
Each 2 Level Ups :
Str +6
End +5
Agl +3
The idea of an "Agile Warrior" is a fighter than invests more into
Agility than Strength. I hate to say it, but NeverEnd really gives the
Agile warriors the shaft because it doesn't provide any good weapons for
If you take a look at the weapon list, the best "agile" weapon is 25/75.
However, looking over the list, you will quickly notice that daggers are
the only weapon that gain more damage from Agility than Strength. Notice
how there aren't any Dagger Trainers in the game? That because daggers are
only good as finishing weapons... They really aren't meant to be a primary
weapon. They just don't do enough damage.
The next "light" weapon is the staff, which has 50/50. Meaning you
should keep your str and agility mostly balanced. By the time you move
on the short swords and long swords, you already are hard pressed to
find a weapon that utilizes a strong agility. Should you try to play
using dagger or short sword, you will need to invest in perception to
increase the number of critical hits.
Why are critical hits important. Why not simply rely on attack frequency?
- Because Enemies have a defense bonus that must be overcome. Large heavy
weapons may be slow, but they do enough damage to overcome the def bonus.
In the same period of time, an agile warrior may strike 4 times, but they
all "miss" because they aren't powerful enough to overcome the enemy
defense bonus.
What about the extra defense provided by the high agility?
- By the time you reach level 15, everyone will be casting spells that
ignore defense rating. Mid to late game, defense rating becomes a moot
point and killing your enemies quickly becomes the priority.
Ideal Agile fighter concept:
Each 2 Level Ups :
Str +3
Agl +3
End +5
Per +3
Pure Agile Fighters are fine. The problem arises when you try to make an
agility based FighterMage. This is especially confusing because in other
games, (those based on AD&D rules), dexterous fighter mages are ideal.
Remember: This isn't AD&D. There is no penalty for heavily armored magic
They simply don't have the attributes to spare. Trying to add Intelligence
to the necessary mix spreads the attributes too thin to maintain an
effective character.
As the game progresses, the more powerful monsters will be near impossible
to defeat without some use of both magic and steel. For example, Ghosts can
ONLY be hurt with Magic, no amount of defense can protect you from incoming
spells. And for at least 50% of the game, you wont be able to do enough
damage with magic alone to kill your enemies.
This is why I generally recommend a Fighter/Mage concept of some sort.
Fighter/Mages come in 3 flavors, none of which are agility based fighters:
Fighter/Mage : Fighter Centric *Favorite
Every 2 level ups Level 13 Level 21
Str +4 34 50
End +5 40 60
Agl +2 22 30
Int +3 28 40
Fighter Centric does most of their damage with a weapon. Spells are
mostly limited to healing, protection and support spells like holding
and weakening the enemy (and haste since the agility is low).
Fighter/Mage : Balanced
Every level up Level 13 Level 21
Str +2 34 50
End +2 34 50
Agl +1 22 30
Int +2 34 50
Balanced fightersMages are a good starting point. Most people will
eventually develop a "style" which leans towards mage or fighter. Once
you figure out what your style is, then you can allocate the points
accordingly to re-adjust. Often times style is dictated by what spells
you come across. IE: Fire Shot(s) alone wont win battles beyond level
Fighter/Mage : Mage Centric
Every 4 level ups Level 13 Level 21
Str +5 25 35
End +9 37 55
Agl +3 19 25
Int +10 40 60
Mage Centric casts spells until the spells run out and only
then does she attack with a weapon.
Since 2/3 of these concepts involve more than 1 level up, you may
wonder where to put attributes first. Generally, get the endurance up
first and then worry about the rest.
These suggestions make no assumptions. If you planned on picking up the
THREE STATUES world quest for example (which provides +10 endurance, +5
agility and +5 Strength), you might shift and adjust points to account for
items you plan on getting.
IV. > > > > Leveling Guide
When I started playing NeverEnd, I quickly realized I could fight for hours
around the Camp and level my character up. The natural assumption was that
if I leveled up quickly and started off at a high level, that the rest of the
game would be easier. I was wrong.
Since the game's random encounters are leveled, Agavaen is normally fighting
creatures the same level as herself. When same-level encounters occur, it is
the person with the best gearspells and skills that wins...
While the random encounters provided a source for infinite experience, only
progressing the game itself provides access to better merchants (gear) and
So if you play with a "level up as quickly as possible" mentality, it is easy
to corner yourself in situation where you are high level, stuck in the early
part of the game with crappy gear, crappy spells and poor skills. Meanwhile,
those leveled random encounters will be sending End Of Game Boss level
creatures at you. Makes playing the game very frustrating.
So how do you keep Agavaen Powerful?
1) Get your hands on the best GearSpellsRunes you can. This walkthrough
will help with that part. This of course means as you level up that your
gear becomes less and less "special". So...
2) Try to gain as little experience as possible while moving the game
forward. At least until Chapter 4. How do you do this? Simple: RUN. Run
from every single random encounter the game throws at you. Believe me, if
you do all the quests and fixed encounters in the game, there is more than
enough experience to
reach level 23 and beyond.
3) There is no carry limit and unlike other RPGs, you can re-equip during
battle without penalty. Therefore, I suggest keeping 3 outfits. One that
focuses on Strength, One that focuses on Agility and One that focuses on
Intelligence. Wear the agility outfit 90% of the time so that you can run
from random encounters. The OTHER set(s) should maximize your current
action during a fight: Getting ready to cast a spell? Put on all your
intelligence enhancing items. Getting ready to attack with a Hammer? Put
on all your strength enhancing items. Getting ready to attack with a Short
SwordStaff? Put on stragi enhancing items.
4) Pick a weapon and stick to it
Look at the appendix below. Decide up front what weapon you want to
specialize in and then ALWAYS fight with that weapon. Trying to maximize
ALL skills is very time consuming and unnecessary (unless you are writing
a walk-through).
5) Finally, take a moment every once in a while to improve your skills.
How do you do this? There are several Fixed encounters in the game where
the boss will "heal" if you run away without killing him. Since you don't
get experience (or level up) unless you actually kill him, you can take
advantage of these places to boost your skills up above what they should
be for your level. Get in 10 to 20 fights with the boss without killing
him. While your level will be the same, your skills will look like someone
3 or 4 levels higher. Highly skilled low level players kick ass.
The first place with one of these repeatable fixed encounters is Grenegar.
See the side quest "Cleansing the Temple Ruins"
V. > > > > Fighting Strategies
Basic monster fighting strategies (ones that tend to work well against all
monsters) are in this section.
Basic strategies
- Choose the right Spell:
Attack : Most creatures have weaknesses or resistances to certain types
of offensive spells. Learn what works for each monster. Don't
waste time casting a spell that wont do much damage. For
example, "Mind Attack" works best on SMART creatures. Dumb
creatures tend to have a resistance because there isn't much
there to damage. ICE shot not only damages but slows a creature,
making it ideal for fast, agile enemies who attack often.
Defense: One on One versus Defense against a group:
1 on 1 Defense:
When playing 1 on 1, you can use spells like Soul Voyage and
Weaken as they target a specific creature. This is a common
practice in the earlier game as the protection spells are
harder to get a hold of.
1 versus Many:
When you strengthen Agavaen, it doesn't matter how many enemies
she is up against.
I found a good combo is Stone Skin followed by Iron Skin. The
defense bonuses compound on each other, making Agavaen very
hard to hit while also providing résistance to Fire and Ice
In general, weakening enemies isn't as effective as
Strengthening Agavaen. You must "practice" however or your
Spell skill wont be high enough to get the spells off before
your enemies close in.
Tough Battle Tips:
Basically, you start the fight, do some damage and then run away and
Most "dumb" enemies will still be damaged when you return. I attribute
this phenomenon to the lack of their ability to cast healing spells. On
the other hand, I find that most "smart" creatures are healed when you
Even if the enemy heals, if there are multiple enemies and you can kill
one of them before running, they will be gone when you return.
You can apply hit and run to about 50% of the fixed encounters in the
Stone skin increases your defense by a percentage... Iron Skin and
Adamantite skin do the same. But they don't apply to your BASE, they
Apply to your CURRENT. So if you cast multiple spells (either the same or
mixed together) you get BIG bonuses.
VI > > > > Walkthrough Summaries
Each Chapter or sub section will contain the following:
- Exposition
- Companions
- Merchants
- Trainers
- Walk Through
- Side Quests
- Local Fixed Map Encounters
Some sections will also contain a Reference Map.
The Walkthrough generally focuses on what is necessary to finish the game and
nothing more. Most of the time you can hold off and do side quests after
finishing the Walk through for each chapter. Exceptions are noted in the
VI.1 > > > > Companions
This is a comprehensive list of all companions available in the game.
Unfortunately companions do not level up. Their fighting skill will improve,
and therefore the damage of their attacks will increase, however they will
never gain additional HPs.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Georgie Human M 1 40 Staff/Spear Free
Georgie is the thief that Agavaen was dancing with in the introduction.
Whatever their previous relationship, he doesn't appear all that
interested in Agavaen since the alcohol wore off. However, he is
pretty down to earth and if you treat him nicely, he will travel with
you for a while.
Grade: F He is the weakest traveling companion the game has to
offer. However, his aid is greatly appreciated in the first
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Gawar Human M 5 120 Long Sword Free
Gawar is a hunter. He is in the area tracking a "beast" when Agavaen
arrives at Mildrew. He requests her aid in hunting down the animal.
Grade: C+ At level 5, Gawar is a superior fighter at the time you
Meet him, more than capable of fighting creatures his own
level. His grade is low mostly because of his unwillingness
to fight by your side outside his own quest.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Frij Human M 6 150 Short Sword 50gp
Frij is the son of the Inn Keeper in Grenegar. In order to gain him as
a companion, you must complete the LOVE TRIANGLE side quest as well as
Reworn Settlement Part 2.
Grade: B+ Frij is superior for his level. He has fast attacks and can
take on enemies twice his level when hasted. His hi agility
comes in handy for running away from battles. While he is a
great fighter, just having him in the party allows you to
avoid most confrontations all together.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Ciang Human M 6 120 Short Sword 300gp (Free)
Ciang is only available to evil players who break him and his fiance
up by lying to them about each other. Even though he asks for 300
gps, when I played the game never took the money from me.
Grade: B+ Ciang is very similar to Frij as a companion. Good agility
fight with 2 weapons. Slightly fewer HPs but makes up for
it with some spells (deadlock).
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Ravik Human M 10 250 Short Sword Free
Ravik is only ranger in the area of Mildrew capable of navigating the
Grade: C After all the effort you go through to get Ravik, he turns
out to be a wuss in combat. He has plenty of HPs, but cant
do very much damage.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Alzor Alsatian ? 5 100 ClawsTeeth Free
Alzor is Reworn's pet dog. You can pick him up near the Reworn
settlement and either use him as a traveling companion, return him or a
little of both.
Grade: D Because of the pre-requisites, by the time you get Alzor,
most monsters in the game can kill the dog with a single
blow. (it has no defense). Alzor is only useful if you have
focused on the Reworn Settle Side quests 100% since the
beginning of the game.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Fort Commander Human M 18 474 Two Handed Sword Free
Fort Commander is... well... the Fort Commander.
Grade: B- Good HPs and Good Armor, but his attacks are actually
Pretty weak for his Level. I'm sure they would improve, but
he only sticks around for 1 battle, so I guess we will
never know.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Faerie Amalia Faerie F 15 225 Magic Attacks 1250gps
You meet Amalia between the swamp and Uthragon. Unlike most Faeries who
attack you, Amalia seems lonely and seeks companionship. Preferably
with a fellow Auren. Amalia has no physical attacks.
Grade: C Her Lighting Discharge attack is just too weak. She only
has 3 and then she has to rest. And Im sorry, but 1250 is
just too much to pay for target fodder.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Lisa Human F 10 150 Staff Free
You save Lisa from the Faerie Tree. She remains in your party until
you return to Uthragon.
Grade: F She is a quest companion with low HPs and crappy attacks.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Scoundrel Scoundrel M 5 250 Staff/Spear Free
You run across the scoundrel while looking for an Uthragon
shopkeeper's lost shipment.
Grade: C- More usefull than the Faerie, but there are better
companion options when you meet him in the game.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Gareck Dwarf M 18 550 Axe Free
Gareck is a well connected Dwarf whom you meet in Uthragon. He agrees
to help Agavaen meet Sarathaan if she does a favor for him.
Grade: A Gareck has lots of Hit Points and Does lots of Damage. If
his Agility was a little better, he would be the best
companion in the game. (Not so good from running from
fights... but great at actually fighting).
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Marcus Human M 20 500 Hammer Free
Marcus is possibly the last of the Mountain Folk. He joins with you
to take you to the Mountain Town. However, if you skip the Mountain
town you can land yourself a permanent travel companion.
Grade: A+ Best Fighting Companion in the Game. He is more agile than
Gareck and you can keep him around till the very end if you
don't care for the long sword. Ideal companion for magic
user concepts who need a fighter to draw attention.
VI.2 > > > > Merchants
Throughout the game you will meet merchants. As mentioned above, merchant
inventories are randomized and occasionally update. So when do they update?
The updates occur during level ups... however, Agavaen must gain a MINIMUM
amount of experience for an inventory update to happen. This means that early
on, you will generally have to level up 2, sometimes 3 times before
inventories update. However, in later levels (say beyond 14), every level up
will cause all inventories to update.
Most Merchants have "Specialties" (some have no specialty). If a Merchant has
a specialty, you will tend to find better quality items of that type at that
merchant. Specialties include Runes, Spells, Potions, Armor types, Weapon
Types, etc.
Quality of goods is determined by 2 things: Agavaen's level and the merchants
price cap. Each Merchant has a per-item price cap. No matter what level
Agavaen is, he wont sell gear over a certain price.
South of the swamp, you wont find a merchant with more than a 1500gp per item
price cap. North of the swamp, nearly all merchants have 4500+ gp price cap.
This causes a significant improvement in the quality of goods as you head
north. With the exception of Runes, there really is no point in buying south
of the swamp once you gain access to the northern areas. (Though there is
still a good reason to sell. See Arena Fights : Part 7).
At the beginning of each chapter, I will list all the Merchants for that
chapter along with their specialty type. Below is a summery of all Merchants:
Barkeep (Mildrew)
Type : General Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 1500
Shopkeeper (Mildrew)
Type : General Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
Blacksmith (Mildrew)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
Arena Owner (Mildrew)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : Weapons (But inventory doesn't update).
Price Cap : 1000
Principal (Circus)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
Spell Recipes
- Fire Shot
- Weakness
- Healing
- Iron Skin
- Lightning Discharge
- Deadlock
Anxien (Grenegar)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Potions (Healing)
Price Cap : 500
Spell Recipes : - Crooked Mirror
- Soul Voyage
Donxian (Grenegar)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Runes
Price Cap : 1000
Spell Recipes : - Crooked Mirror
- Lightning Shot
Shopkeeper (Grenegar)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : Medium Armor, Light Weapons
Price Cap : 1000
Reworn (Reworn Settlement)
Type : General Store
Specialty : None (Inventory doesn't update).
Price Cap : 800
Rhiannon (Uthragon)
Type : General Store
Specialty : All
Price Cap : 4500+
General Merchant (Uthragon)
Type : General Store
Specialty : WeaponsArmor
Price Cap : 4500+
Xavier (Uthragon)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : RunesSpells
Price Cap : 4500+
Spell Recipes
- Meteor
- Ice Shot
- Dispel Spells
- Morena's Revenge
Inn Keeper (Uthragon)
Type : General Store
Specialty : None
Price Cap : 1000
Gareck (Uthragon)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : axes?
Price Cap : 3500
Healer (Uthragon)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : RunesPotionsJewelry
Price Cap : 4500+
Spell Recipes
- Adamantite skin
- Advanced Healing
- Regeneration
Shop Keeper (Uthragon)
Type : General Store
Specialty : none
Price Cap : 500
Merchant (World Map, left of Cartographer)
Type : General Store
Specialty : RunesPotionsJewelry
Price Cap : 4500+
Spell Recipes
- Cancellation
- Iron Skin
- Mind Attack
VI.3 > > > > Trainers
Most Major Locations offer weapon Trainers which will add new attacks to your
arsenal of attack options. You will find a listing of these trainers at the
beginning of each chapter. Below is a summery of all Trainers:
Gawar: (Mildrew)
- Stitch : Long Sword : Min Skill : 24
- Meat Chopper : Long Sword : Min Skill : 30
- Double-Sided attack : Long Sword : Min Skill : 30
- Combo : Short Sword : Min Skill : 26
- Backstab : Short Sword : Min Skill : 30
Principal: (Circus)
- Crusher : Staff : Min Skill : 24
- Breath Taker : Staff : Min Skill : 29
Shopkeeper (Grenegar)
- Moonshine : Hammer : Min Skill : 20
- Gravediggers Right Hand : Hammer : Min Skill : 20
Reworn: (Reworn Settlement)
- CounterStrike : Staff : Min Skill : 50
- Meat-grinder : Axe : Min Skill : 30
- Tornado : Axe : Min Skill : 50
Rohel: (Uthragon)
- Offense : Long Sword : Min Skill : 42
- Legionary Attack : Short Sword : Min Skill : 35
- RoundAbout : Short Sword : Min Skill : 52
Marcus: (Uthragon)
- Deathbearer : Hammer : Min Skill : 40
- Massacre : Axe : Min Skill : 50
< < < < < WALKTHROUGH > > > > >
This walkthrough was written on my third time through the game. The first
time I played as a Fighter/Mage (Fighter Centric), the second time as an
Agile Warrior (Just to make sure the concept wasn't completely impossible)
and the last time as an evil pure Mage.
1. > > > > Chapter 1: Betrayed
The game starts off with a late night celebration. Agavaen's group
apparently had a very successful robbery: They intercepted a chest full
of treasure on its way from the city of Grenegar to the city of Mildrew.
That night, while everyone is asleep, 2 thieves grab the chest and make off
with it heading North. They also steal Agavaen's pendant necklace.
In the morning, Agavaen awakens, unaware of any problems other than the
fact that her necklace is missing.
Race Sex Level HP Fast-Attack Power-Attack Cost
Georgie Human M 1 40 Stomach 10/30 Combo 15/45 0/Day
Georgie is the thief that Agavaen was dancing with in the introduction.
Whatever their previous relationship, he doesn't appear all that
interested in Agavaen since the alcohol wore off. However, he is pretty
down to earth and if you treat him nicely, he will travel with you for a
Special Abilities: Georgie can heal himself by targeting himself with
"Eat the Chicken".
Grade: F He is the weakest traveling companion the game has to offer.
However, his aid is greatly appreciated in the first battle.
Notes: Georgie will leave the party when you get near Mildrew.
Go east to the camp fire. As Agavaen approaches Georgie, a conversation
will automatically start. She will ask Georgie how he slept and he will
respond saying not so good.
Note: With version 1.0, I found that if you don't ask Georgie where the
captain is, he may not join you in the fight against the captain.
This may make the fight harder, but will not prevent you from
picking Georgie up as a companion after the fight.
After talking to Georgie, you must now decide if you want to add spells to
your spell book. If you haven't already done so, be sure to visit the BUGS
section and read the Spell Learning Bug. Basically, if you wait and add the
spells while you are in battle, you will likely take an extra hit, but you
will keep the scrolls which will give you some extra money later.
My suggestion: If you decide to take the captain on alone, learn the spells
before the battle begins. If you decide to enlist Georgies help (By asking
about the captain in your conversation), then you can probably wait till
mid battle. See the "Scrolls and Magic" section on how to add a spell if
you don't know how.
Walk east and approach the captain:
The captain, tells you that Wulf and Dares took off with the chest of money
in the night. Unwilling to share responsibility for the groups misfortune,
he looks to place the blame on Agavaen. No matter what you say, a fight
will break out. However, your responses will influence your character
towards evil or good. *Responses vary. Georgie may or may not help you with
the fight, depending on your previous conversation.
Fixed Encounter:
Captain, Level 4 : 45/45
Fixed Loot:
Short Sword
After the battle, it is safe to assume that the band of thieves is no more.
Agavaen is left with no clear goals other than heading north to pursue the
bandits who stole the chest and her pendant.
Before leaving camp, be sure to rest and replenish you spells by using the
Tent near the western edge of the Camp area.
Side Quests:
QUEST: Get Georgie to join your party
Following the battle with the Captain, walk west back to the
campfire and talk to Georgie. (assuming he is alive).
If you keep selecting option 1, you will eventually convince him
to escort you to Mildrew. Georgie will join your party.
Note: This is the only time in the game when you can pick Georgie
up as a companion. Once you leave the Camp Area, Georgie
will disappear, whether he escorts you to Mildrew or not.
Note: If Georgie helped you with the captain, be sure to rest
after picking Georgie up as he is likely still injured from
the fight.
QUEST: The mysterious wooden door
In the western most part of the CAMP is a tree with a wooden door.
This door is part of the Chapter 6 "Camp Key" side quest. Don't
concern yourself with it for now.
Local Map Fixed Encounters
I use a line of trees heading down the map as reference for both Mildrew
And Camp: If you look at the World Map, note that the letter "M" in Mildrew
overlaps a large tree. This is Tree-1. Just southwest of the "M" is another
large tree. This is Tree-2. In fact these large trees create a line all the
way through the Mildrew woods to the camp. With a large Tree just to the
west of Camp, that we will label Tree-7.
Exit "Camp" from the West side. Head directly west and you
cant miss him. (Almost directly under Tree-7)
Fixed Encounter:
Renegade, Level 1 : HP 35
Image a line between heading east from tree-6 intersecting
with a line coming south from the "o" in "Uthragon"
Fixed Encounter:
Wretched, Level 1 : HP 22
Renegade, Level 1 : HP 35
Fixed Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Dispel Spells
Almost directly under Tree-3
Fixed Encounter:
Wolf, Level 1 : HP 18
Wolf, Level 1 : HP 18
Wolf, Level 1 : HP 19
Fixed Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Weakness
Image a line between tree-4 and tree-5 heading west,
Intersecting with a line coming from the first "t" in "Lost
City", heading South.
Fixed Encounter:
Renegade , Level 1 : HP 48
Renegade , Level 1 : HP 41
Scoundrel, Level 2 : HP 40
Fixed Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : War Cry
On the road between Camp and Mildrew (roughly half way)
Fixed Encounter:
Higher Monk, Level 4 : 35
Monk Apprentice, Level 1 : 25
Fixed Loot:
Assignment of the Dragon Order
Mysterious Rune
2. > > > > Chapter 2: Tracks Leading North
Agavaen heads north in search of the Bandits who stole her pendant and the
chest full of money.
Talking with some city officials will net you some information on where the
Bandits went and what you need to pursue them. But even if you caught up to
them, what could you do?
Right now you need to increase your strength, however experience is only
one aspect of strength. You can also increase your strength by:
1) Finding Powerful Items
2) Finding some decent Spells
3) Finding some runes
4) Finding a traveling companion
Generally speaking most of Chapter 2 is just running around doing Quests
trying to get Gold and Experience. Be warned that you don't want to over do
it. (See Leveling Guide).
Head north to Mildrew. Just north of CAMP you will see a fixed encounter on
the road marked by 2 monk models. [Save]
Fixed Encounter:
Higher Monk, Level 4 : 35
Monk Apprentice, Level 1 : 25
Fixed Loot:
Assignment of the Dragon Order
Mysterious Rune
[Other Random]
The monk battle is much easier with Georgie. Use your fire shot on the High
Level Monk and you should be fine. The fight yields some important loot: A
note and a special ancient rune. Reading the note will enable the "THREE
STATUES" Quests. These are multi-chapter quests that yield powerful new
abilities. (Highly recommended).
After the fight is over, hit the "up" key and head directly North (yes,
leave the path). In the middle of a field of grass, you will come upon a
free chest sitting out in the open. I recommend stopping by since it is on
the way.
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe: Cancellation
If you are following this walkthrough to the letter, then this will be your
first opportunity to take advantage of the Infinite Money Bug. (See Bugs
Below if you are interested).
Continue heading North, following the line of trees on your right.
Eventually you will see the road again. As soon as you do, Georgie will
take off. [Save: F6] (incase you get caught in a fight before reaching the
city gates)
2.1 > > > > Mildrew
Agavaen reaches Mildrew only to discover that the city is locked down (no
outside visitors allowed). She must find a way into the city and gather
information regarding the whereabouts of the bandits.
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack Cost
Gawar Human M 5 120 Thrust 24/25 Butterfly 37/40 0/Day
Gawar is a hunter. He is in the area tracking a "beast" when Agavaen
arrives at Mildrew. He requests her aid in hunting down the animal.
Grade: C+ At level 5, Gawar is a superior fighter at the time you meet
him, more than capable of fighting creatures his own level.
His grade is low mostly because of his unwillingness to
fight by your side outside his own quest.
Notes: I have from time to time seen Gawar appear in other mildrew
fights. Im not certain of the pattern that caused it, but I do
know I had installed the 1.1 patch when it happened.
Reference Map
# ############## #
# ## # # # #### #
# #@ # # H # BS # # # #
# ## ############## #### #
# ---------------- C #
# ###### -------------- #
# # # ############# / #
# # # # ### GA / WC #
# # # V # A# ---- | #
# # #M -- ####### / | #
# ###### ------ __/ | #
# / {|} #
# ---/ | @WB {|} #
# / #######MT| | #
# RA # SH ###| | #
# RA #########/ | #
# | |--/ | #
# | ST =
# /---|--------------------------------- ] <- City Gate
# / TW | #### / =
# / | # # / #
# ######### | ###### # / # ###
# # ######## # / ### # # #
# # BR R#G / # # # #S#
# # ######## T # / # # # ###
# ######### | ######### / ### #
# D | / #
# -------------/ #
# #
# : Wall TW : Twins BR : Bridge BS : Blacksmith
- : Road GA : Gambler D : Dog C : Gawar the Hunter
SH : Shop G : Guard ST : Statue {|} : bridge
S : Shed A : Arena MT : Meat @ : Well
T : Tavern M : Mayor H : Haunted R : Ravik's House
WB : WaterBoy WC : Woodcutter V : Villager
RA : Random Attack Area
Barkeep (T)
Type : General Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 1500
Notes : Has an infinite number of tents. Every time you re-
enter Mildrew, his tent inventory will update.
Shopkeeper (SH)
Type : General Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
Notes : Will sell for less if you compliment him
Blacksmith (BS)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
Arena Owner (A)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : Weapons (But inventory doesn't update).
Price Cap : 1000
NOTES : Has some of the best weapons in Chapter 2, but
inventory never updates. Will purchase gear at
twice the price of all other merchants.
Principal (Circus)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : NONE
Price Cap : 200
NOTES : Located in "Circus", just east of Mildrew.
Spell Recipes
- Fire Shot
- Weakness
- Healing
- Iron Skin
- Lightning Discharge
- Deadlock
Pre-Requisite : Side Quest: "Find the Beast"
Notes : Gawar disappears after you complete section 2.3
- Stitch : Long Sword : Min Skill : 24
- Meat Chopper : Long Sword : Min Skill : 30
- Double-Sided attack : Long Sword : Min Skill : 30
- Combo : Short Sword : Min Skill : 26
- Backstab : Short Sword : Min Skill : 30? **
** : Buggy: Asking about Backstab before you have the skill
permanently breaks the trainer. (You can't learn any other
moves without reverting to a previous save game). Don't ask
about it until you have the skill requirement. And I would
suggest making it the last move that your learn from Gawar,
just in case
Pre-Requisite : Side Quest: "Help the Circus"
- Crusher : Staff : Min Skill : 24
- Breath Taker : Staff : Min Skill : 29
You will find yourself in front of the city Gate. Talk to the Guard. No
matter what you say, you cant get him to let you in.
Walk over to the shed(S) just left of the gate. Enter the shed and look
You should find a crowbar which can be used to pry open a locked chest
within the shed. Use the "Take All" button to grab the contents, also
check the container next to the chest (use "Take All" again).
Fixed Loot:
Grenegar City Guard Badge
* I have read about a bug in which some users don't find the badge within
the chest. If this happens to you, reload your save game and try try
again. If all else fails, you may have to install the patch a little
Return to the Guard and show him the badge. He will now let you into the
city, but insists on escorting you. This is just as well for now as it lets
you teleport to the main areas of interest.
* EVIL NOTE : Having a guard escort is actually pretty nice. But if you
want some extra evil points, you can leave the front
gate and approach Mildrew from the NorthWestern Side.
You will see a hole in the fence you can slip through, but
Doing so adds evil points. This will let you walk around
freely within the city.
Tell the Guard to take you to the Mayor(M).
* If you don't see "The Mayor" as an option when you talk to the guard,
simply go somewhere else first. This can happen if Agavaen levels up
during her conversation with the guard.
Talk to the Mayor about the bandits and tell him that you have heard
rumors about bandits and a haul of stolen loot.
He will confirm that they passed by the city. He also reveals that there
was more than just gold in that chest. Some sort of mysterious "precious
object" hmm....
Ask him about information concerning their movements. He will tell you they
were spotted north heading through the swamp, but "literally" disappeared.
He instructs you to go to the FOREST CAMP just north of Mildrew and talk to
the Guards there for more info.
At this point, you have all you need, but feel free to investigate the rest
of the conversation tree. I recommend asking about events in Mildrew. The
Mayor will talk about creatures spotted outside the city walls.
Before Heading to the FOREST CAMP, you need to gear up and rest. Stop by
the Shop(SH) first. If you compliment the owner, he will buy gear at a
better price. Use the conversation options:
(2) "You really look good today!"
(3) "Of course, you think I'm lying?"
Sell anything you don't need to him. Check out his inventory, but you may
want to visit the Tavern before buying anything.
* Make sure to save at least 10 GP so that you can pay for a nights
rest at the tavern
When you are ready, tell the Guard you are leaving town. Outside the gate,
save the game [F6] before entering Map Mode (always save before entering
Map Mode, or immediately after entering Map Mode.). This will be the last
time I remind you.
Finding the FOREST CAMP is simple. Just follow the road north. Talk to the
guards, explore all the dialog options. You will discover that the bandits
disappeared. You will need to secure a guide to traverse the swamp if you
want to go looking for them.
Return to Mildrew and talk to the guard outside the gate. He will tell
you that while you were gone, the mayor opened the city gates to all
visitors, so you no longer need an escort. Ask the guard about a guide
and he will basically tell you good luck.
Just inside the city gate is a signpost. If Agavaen "uses" the sign post,
a dialog will appear allowing her to teleport directly to the main areas
of the city. Whether you walk or teleport, take Agavaen to the Shop (SH)
The shop owner reveals that he knows of a guide, but that the guide is in
"distress". For more information, the shop owner requires a "Favor". It
seems he is expecting a delivery from Grenegar that hasn't arrived. He
wants you to find out what happened.
* Agavaen will never "accept" this quest, nor is it added to her quest
log. Talking to the Shopkeeper just keeps bringing up the "What kind
of Favor?" question over and over again. I believe this is a game
bug, but thankfully not a show stopper.
If you don't have your weapon type of choice yet, be sure to stop by the
Blacksmith's house (BS) before leaving the city. He doesn't carry much
armor, but generally carries an assortment of basic weapons.
To go to the Blacksmith quickly, use the sign post outside the shop to
teleport to the "Town Square". Look for a building with a sign above the
door, rocking back and forth. That is the Blacksmith's shop.
NOTE: When you talk to the Blacksmith, the Game tries to corner you into
taking a quest from him by presenting you with limited responses.
You can pick up the "Reworn Settlement: Part 1" quest now if you
wish, however if you want to focus on finishing the Chapter Main
quest before taking on side quests, you can avoid the quest by
choosing the first response:
1) "I'm really not interested in your problems. But show me the
It sounds a little rude, but it has no evil affect on Agavaen's
character. You can still pick up the quest by talking to him
again later.
If you haven't done so yet, stop by the tavern(T) and rest. When you are
ready, exit out the main gate (You can use the sign post for fast travel).
Head East towards Grenegar. On this trip, I recommend running from any
fights to save your healthspell(s) for the fixed encounter.
Along the way, you will go "under" the CIRCUS. While not part of the main
quest, the circus Principal is your first chance to buy runes. Buying 2
fire runes (50 gp each) and adding another "Fire Shot" to your daily limit
will make the next Fixed Encounter much easier.
Roughly half way between the Circus and Grenegar, you will see the symbolic
marker of a dead man on the road and a Werewolf. [F6]. When you approach, a
battle begins:
Fixed Encounter:
Werewolf, Level 5 : HP 50
After the battle, approach the corpse and hit the use button:
Fixed Loot:
NOTE: While not required, if you have some extra cash it might be worth
finishing the trip to Grenegar to access the additional merchants.
The dead body marks the half way point. At the 75% point, there is
a merchant wagon on the road that sells more runes. And in Grenegar
itself, you can access the Shopkeeper that specializes in light
armor, light weapons and offers hammer training.
[F6], Turn Around and head back to Mildrew. Talk to the Shopkeeper:
?) "I've already met your servant"
You can be good and return the money, or you can be evil and keep it all.
The Shop Keeper will tell you that the Guides Name is Ravik and that he
is the local reeve's son.
definition of reeve: A high officer of local administration.
If you check your quest book, it says "Find out what happened to Ravik".
The Mayor(M) has the info you need.
The fastest way to the Mayor is to use the signpost outside the shop and
teleport to the Mayor. (You don't appear directly in front of the Mayor.
You must walk to the left).
Talk to the Mayor:
3) Concerning Ravik, the reeve's son
The Mayor will tell you that Ravik is possessed by a demon.
Off to the reeve's house(R). The fastest way is to use a signpost to
teleport "In front of the Tavern"(T). From the Tavern, walk south, off
the bottom of the Area Map. You will see a guard(G) standing in front of
the reeve's house.
Approach the guard
1) "I know Ravik has been possessed. And I know how to help him but I have
to see him first"
The guard will let you into the house. Head left and through the first
door. You will meet Ravik's mother:
3) You said there's someone who could help Ravik, who is it:
3) I'll go to him, just tell me where I can find him.
Raviks mother will tell you that a healer in Grenegar who goes by the name
of Anxien may be able to help her son. It would appear that all roads point
to Grenegar. She will give you her ring to aid you in your journey
Fixed Loot:
Ring of Ravik's Mother : Agility +4, Endurance +4
The game will assume that you are somewhere between level 4 and level 6
when you arrive in Grenegar. You will find fixed encounters and side quests
much easier if you take the time to do some of the side quests available in
Mildrew. (Many don't even require combat).
Before moving on to section 2.2, I recommend doing as many Mildrew side
quests as you have time for. If you are in a rush, then I suggest the
following 3 as a minimum:
* Help the Circus
* Arena Fights Part 1
* Reworn Settlement: Part 1
"Help the Circus" is required for "Arena Fights Part 1". "Arena Fights Part
1" opens up access to the best merchant in chapter 2. "Reworn Settlement:
Part 1" is a pre-requisite for the very large (optional) section 2.5
Side Quests:
I have tried to order the side quests below from easiest to hardest. The
ordering is only a suggestion.
QUEST: Fetching a pair of (free) leather boots
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Use any Signpost within Mildrew to teleport "In front of the
Tavern". You will see a Dog behind a fence across the street (D).
Approach the Dog and an action icon will appear.
Agavaen peers over the fence and noticed a pair of boots. However
The large dog is in the way. She needs something to distract the
Now Teleport to "The Shop". You can walk around the shop to the
back, where you will find a pale full of meat (MT). You may have to
action the pale more than once for Agavaen to pick the meat up. Now
return to the Dog (D).
With meat in hand, when she approached the dog, she will throw the
Meat and then jump over and grab the Leather Boots.
Fixed Loot:
Leather Boots (Def 4)
QUEST: Help the Circus
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Use any Signpost within Mildrew to teleport to "The Shop". Enter and
You will see a Jester (Artist Bali) eating at one of the tables.
approach the jester and speak to Him. He will tell you that while
the circus was in town, someone stole the town's sacred golden
statue and that it showed up in one of the circus carts. Either
someone in the circus was trying to steal it, or someone was trying
to frame the circus.
1) "Hey, no offense, but you look like you belong to the circus"
2) "So you have no idea who the thief is?"
1) "Well, I could try. I rather like the Circus"
To solve the quest means questioning everyone in the circus and then
drawing your conclusion. While there is nothing to prevent the job
from being a team effort, the story developers didn't think that
deep. Assume that there is 1 bad guy who will lie when questioned.
Basically, once you have everyone's stories, the way you deduce the
bad guy is to assume that each person is lying 1 by 1 and see how
the other 3 stories match up.
While you are in the shop, speak to Bali again and ask what he was
doing the night of the robbery.
Bali says that Sam was sleeping in his tent. Does not claim to be in
the tent himself.
Now travel to the circus outside town (Feel free to run from any
Unwanted fights).
First talk to the Principal:
?) I heard that a golden statue was stolen from Mildrew. It's said
that one of you stole it.
You ask the principal what he was doing the night of the robbery and
he says he was sleeping in the tent with 1 other person, but he
doesn't know who.
To the Left of the Principal is Artist Nik. Speak to Nik and he says
that Bali was sleeping in the tent, but doesn't say that he was in
the tent.
To the Left of Artist Nik is Artist Sam. Speak to Sam and he was in
the tent with 1 person.
Assume Principal was lying:
Nik -> Bali in tent
Sam -> 2 people in tent and Sam was one of them.
Bali -> Sam was in tent.
* Bali backs Sams story, however Bali never claims to be in tent
which is inconsistent with Nik.
Assume Sam was lying:
Principal -> 2 people in tent and he was 1
Nik -> Bali was in tent with Principal
Bali -> Sam was in tent with Principal
* Nik and Bali's stories don't work out.
Assume Bali was lying:
Principal -> 2 people in tent and he was 1
Nik -> Bali was in tent with Principal
Sam -> Sam was in tent with Principal
* Nik and Sam's don't work out.
Assume Nik was lying:
Principal -> 2 people in tent and he was 1
Sam -> Sam was in tent with Principal
Bali -> Sam was in tent with Principal
* All the stories work out if you assume Nik is lying.
* EVIL NOTE : If you accuse the wrong person, they will
appear in Grenegar at the bridge and
create a distraction when you try to
shoot the slingshot. This prevents you
from being able to make money with the
sling shot or win the sling shot
championship. So if you feel like being
evil and accusing the wrong person, do
it AFTER you are finished with Grenegar.
Talk to the Principal and tell him you know who did it.
?) I know who....
1) It was Nik
1) I'm certain
The Principal will give you a letter to deliver to the Mayor.
Back to Mildrew, talk to the Mayor about the circus. He will give
you a piece of paper which allows the circus back into Mildrew.
Back to the Circus one more time to deliver the good news (Talk to
the Principal).
Fixed Loot:
Magic Sleeping Powder (Unusable on Intelligent Beings)
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 1 : A secret in town
Pre-Requisite : "Help the Circus" or "Find the Beast"
Recommended Min Level : none
After completing either "Find the Beast" or "Help the Circus",
Marten the Gambler (GA) will appear at the Town Square. (You can use
any signpost in Mildrew to get to the Town Square). For 10 GP, he
will tell you about an illegal Arena in town and the password to get
1) "What Money, Where?"
2) "What For?"
1) "Right, right. just take the money and start talking
Go to the Arena (A) (Walk left of Marten).
Enter and talk to the proprietor. He will emphasize that the Arena
is hush hush. He will also talk about a qualifying round. I don't
recommend fighting in the Arena till you are at least level 3. That
said... you can buy and sell from the Arena proprietor. Not only
does he sell the best weapons available at this point in the game,
but he will buy your gear for about 2 times the price of anyone in
all of Chapter 2.
QUEST: Food for the Woodcutters
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Use any Signpost within Mildrew to teleport to "The Mayor". You will
find yourself on a map with a "Villager" (V) sitting on the ground
just to the right of the Mayor's signpost. Talk to him:
?) "Planning on sitting here all day?"
1) "What kind of duties?"
1) "I can handle that. Give me those things and I shall carry them
back to your brothers [Accept the quest]"
The Villager is basically Lazy and asks you to do his chores for
him. The woodcutters that you are to deliver the food to are NOT in
Mildrew. Rather, they are on the World Map:
If you look at the world map (using your "Map" key, or the picture
that came with the game), beneath the Circus is a line of trees that
separates the lands of Mildrew from the lands of Grenegar. There are
lots of inlets on the Mildrew side. If you use some imagination, you
can make out the shape of the number "3". In the upper inlet of the
3 are where the woodcutter brothers are located.
After delivering the food, return to Mildrew and talk the Villager
(V) to let him know you finished the quest.
QUEST: A wolf Problem
Pre-Requisite : Food for the Woodcutters
Recommended Min Level : 3
Return to the woodcutters that you delivered food to for the
Previous quest (or simply talk to them a second time while you are
still out there).
They will tell you they are having problems because of wolves in the
area disrupting their work. Once you accept the quest, the symbol of
2 wolfs will appear in the forest just west and north of the
woodcutters. Kill the wolves and return. (Speak to them)
Fixed Loot:
Heavy Bracelet
QUEST: Find the Beast
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 2
When you approach Gawar (C), he will be busy practicing with his
sword. Talk to him. Gawar is hunting a beast and seems to think you
can help him find and kill it.
1) "How Can I Help You"
This quest is put on hold until you meet him outside the city gates.
Meet Gawar just outside the City gates (next to the shed (S)). Tell
him you are ready and he will join your party.
If you look at the World Map, note that the letter "M" in Mildrew
overlaps a large tree. This is Tree-1. Just southwest of the "M" is
another large tree. This is Tree-2. In fact these large trees create
a line all the way through the Mildrew woods to the camp. With a
large Tree just to the west of Camp, that we will label Tree-7
The beast is directly west of Tree-3 (imagine a line). However... it
is substantially west. Imagine another line going directly south
from the "h" in Agath... and that is where the beast can be found.
Run from any fights along the way. Save your HP and energy for the
fixed encounter. Also note that as you approach the beast, Gawar
will keep saying you are going to wrong way. Don't listen to him.
Finally, save [F6] before engaging. Gawar can generally handle the
beast, but if he gets deadlocked, the Beast may kill you before
Gawar kills it.
After the fight, accept the tusk (you can sell it for 100gp to the
Fixed Encounter:
Beast, Level 10 : HP 250
Spells: Deadlock
Fixed Loot:
Beast's tusk
You will likely be weak after the fight. I recommend saving before
heading back to town.
QUEST: Creature Infestation : Part 1 : The Werewolf
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : Level 3
Locate the Haunted House. (H). The closest signpost is the "Town
Square" signpost. The haunted house is the not so obvious door to
the left of the Blacksmith Shop.
When you enter the house, a werewolf will see you and attack.
Fixed Encounter:
Werewolf, Level 5 : HP 55
*Easy fight if you have 2 fire shots
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 2 : Not to the death
Pre-Requisite : "Arena Fights : Part 1"
Recommended Min Level : 4
In the Arena, unless a fight is too the death, all you need to do is
get your opponent HP to less than 40 and they will yield. If you do
too much damage and kill them in a single blow, you will not only
lose, but you will never be allowed access to the Arena again. (well
until you reload).
For this part of the Arena Fights Quest, you must survive 2 battles.
The first battle is a "Qualification Round". You must defeat a low
level mutant in 30 seconds.
Fixed Encounter:
Renegade, Level 4 : HP 100
The Renegade is generally pretty easy. In fact, you are more likely
to accidentally kill the mutant than run out of time.
After the qualification round, you can fight "for real". This means
you can place a bet on yourself.
No matter what you do, or how much you bet, at the end of each
normal "Arena Fight" the owner of the Arena will tell you that
there is no one else to fight you and to come back later. The
Game seems to use the completion of quests as a gauge to decide
how much time has passed. In general, for the next fight to
become available, you need to complete at least 1 active quest.
Some parts have additional requirements.
The second fight is against 2 city guards. You can bet up to 1000gp
("All I have").
* I recommend going to the tavern and resting between the
qualifying round and your first real fight.
Fixed Encounter:
City Guard, Level 5 : HP 120
City Guard, Level 5 : HP 120
NOTE * DEF = defense. This is subtracted from physical attack
damage. So if you roll a 33, you will only do 8 damage.
It has no impact however on Magic.
The city guards can be tough at this point in the game. Once you run
Out of magic, I recommend using a dagger and the "Thieves Trick"
attack, which bypasses armor. Buying a Combat Knife from the
proprietor before the fight makes the fight easier.
Fixed Loot:
Up to 1000gps (however much you can bet).
QUEST: Finding the family Heirloom
Locate the Twins (TW). The closest signpost is the "In front of the
tavern" signpost. Head north from the Tavern.
You will see 2 brothers arguing about a knife which was recently
Talk to them and all they can do is point the blame at each other
for the fault.
1) Oh nothing really. Maybe I can find the dagger. Where did you
lose it?
1) Ok, you two can stop arguing. I will try to find it.
Take the road north to the Forest Camp. Enter and then leave the
Forest. Agavaen will appear on the map south of the Forest Camp when
you leave.
Head directly west. Shortly after you pass a wooden tower, you will
see a pack of wolves guarding the knife (a little south-west of the
Fixed Encounter:
Wolf, Level 3 : HP 25/25 : DEF 0 : ATT 20 : SPEED 15
Wolf, Level 3 : HP 25/25 : DEF 0 : ATT 20 : SPEED 15
Wolf, Level 3 : HP 25/25 : DEF 0 : ATT 20 : SPEED 15
Fixed Loot:
Twin's dagger
Return to the twins, save [F6] and return the dagger.
1) Is this your father's dagger?
You return the dagger and they reward you with... nothing. But they
keep arguing.
So why give them such a nice dagger? That is a good question. Most
notably, after you leave the map and come back they will be
"practicing" with it. You can try to beat them at what amounts to
random game of darts for 100gp a game. The dagger sells for 250gp,
I only won about 1 in 6 games, so it takes a while to get your
money's worth.
QUEST: Reworn Settlement: Part 1
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 4
The 2 largest side quests in chapter 2 include the search for the
Blacksmiths Son (given in Mildrew) and delivery of a custom sword
(given in Grenegar). Both quests ultimately take you out to the
Reworn Settlement for their conclusion.
The road to the Reworn Settlement is blocked by a Level 22 giant.
To get past the giant, you need special sling pebbles only sold
in Grenegar. So, I decided to treat the 2 quests as 1 long multi-
part quest that starts in Mildrew. Since it does spawn multiple
sections, it is a good quest to end the sections with.
Talk to the Blacksmith (BS). You can get to his house by using any
sign in Mildrew.
?) What is it your so worried about?
The blacksmith tells you that his son has been missing for a few
1) "Alright, I'm going to help you"
1) "Of course. I will do all I can to find him [Take Quest]"
1) "Where did your son like to play?"
If you check your quest log, you will see a quest about gathering
information from the villagers. You could walk around and talk to
everyone... but why do that when you have this?
Use the signpost outside the Blacksmith shop to teleport to
"The Gate". Walk through the gate (outside city walls) and talk to
the guard next to the shed:
1) Have you seen a lost child around here?
He will tell you he saw a large man in rusty armor take off with the
child, but no one in town would believe him (Why would they, he is a
member of the city guard after all... cough).
Head back into Mildrew and use a signpost to teleport to "The Shop"
walk inside and talk to the shop keeper.
?) "Have you seen the blacksmiths son lately?"
?) The guard mentioned a man in strange armor.
The shop keeper will recall that a neighbor named Reworn has been
known to wear strange armor. Your Quest log will update.
See "Reworn Settlement: Part 2" in section 2.2 for continuation of
this quest. (you can focus solely on this optional quest if you
Local Map Fixed Encounters
I use a line of trees heading down the map as reference for both Mildrew
And Camp: If you look at the World Map, note that the letter "M" in Mildrew
overlaps a large tree. This is Tree-1. Just southwest of the "M" is another
large tree. This is Tree-2. In fact these large trees create a line all the
way through the Mildrew woods to the camp. With a large Tree just to the
west of Camp, that we will label Tree-7.
Image a line between tree-2 and tree-3 heading east,
intersecting with a line coming from the first "C" in
"Circus", heading South. You will see a small nook in the
trees. That is where they are.
Exit "Camp" from the West side. Head directly west and you
Cant miss him. (Almost directly under Tree-7)
Fixed Encounter:
Scoundrel, Level 2 : HP 43
Scoundrel, Level 2 : HP 40
Loot: (Chest)
No Scrolls (Random)
2.2 > > > > Grenegar
Agavaen needs a guide capable of navigating the swamps. Ravik, the only
man who can help her is bedridden. So Agavaen sets out for Grenegar in
search of a healer. She finds a city preparing for an important election.
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack
Frij Human M 6 150 Beheader 31/25 Scavenger 46/39
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Frij Human M 6 150 Short Sword 50gp
Frij is the son of the Inn Keeper in Grenegar. In order to gain him as
a companion, you must complete the LOVE TRIANGLE side quest as well as
Reworn Settlement Part 2.
Grade: B+ Frij is superior for his level. He has fast attacks and can
take on enemies twice his level when hasted. His hi agility
comes in handy for running away from battles. While he is a
great fighter, just having him in the party allows you to
avoid most confrontations all together. He is THE must have
companion for Chapter 2.
While his attacks will improve, his HPs will not. Around
level 13 (roughly the time you start Chapter 3) Frij will
become obsolete and more trouble to keep alive than he is
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Ciang Human M 6 120 Short Sword 300gp
Ciang is the other member of the LOVE TRIANGLE quest. If you are evil
and lie to him about his lover not wanting him, he will leave Grenegar.
You will find him on the path back to Mildrew near the Wagon Merchant
(Under a flag
Grade: B+ Ciang is very similar to Frij as a companion. Good agility
fight with 2 weapons. Slightly fewer HPs but makes up for
it with some spells (deadlock).
Reference Map
# # #
# # #
-------------- # #C #
# P W2 ####
City Gate -> [=] -------- | #
# / #
# |--------< #
# |##### H@ #
# |#CH # | #
# ##### |#G2 # | #
# # W # |##### |###
# ##### |# I # |#A#
# --{==}------------|##### |###
# SL G1 / / #
# S / L / #
# / / ##
# -- / # #
# G / # D#
# ###### / # ###
# # # ## ###
# # D2 # #GH# #
# # # # ##
# ###### ###
# #
# #
# #
# : Wall CH : Council Chamber C : Frij
- : Road G2 : Council Guard A : Anxien
W : Weapon Shop GH : Haunted House D : Donxian
G1 : Statue Guard P : Painter I : Inn
S : Statue W2 : Painter Wall L : Liu
G : Gong H : Haitik SL : Sling Contest
D2 : Temple Ruins
Anxien (A)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Potions (Healing)
Price Cap : 500
Spell Recipes : - Crooked Mirror
- Soul Voyage
Donxian (D)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Runes
Price Cap : 1000
Spell Recipes : - Crooked Mirror
- Lightning Shot
Shopkeeper (W)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : Medium Armor, Light Weapons
Price Cap : 1000
Shopkeeper (W)
- Moonshine : Hammer : Min Skill : 20
- Gravediggers Right Hand : Hammer : Min Skill : 20
- GETTING TO GRENEGAR : Bring your credit card
The path to Grenegar should look familiar as you went half way there
Earlier the section 2.1 main quest.
If you have some money to spare (like maybe 4000 gp), you might want to
stop by the circus again on your way. Often, their inventory has updated
and the Principal has new Runes (especially if you completed the side
quests in Mildrew).
You will pass a fountain on the road to Grenegar. If you drink from the
fountains waters, it will heal you 100%, no matter how many HPs you have.
However, it will only work 3 times and then it stops working. Try not to
abuse it.
There is also a merchant wagon along the road to Grenegar who also sells
runes and other supplies.
Finally, there are other runes, potions and gear available in Grenegar.
Using the money cheat, I bought every rune I came across on the way to
and in the city. I spent 4500 gp just in runes.
The first time Agavaen enters Grenegar, the gate guard will make a big show
of stopping her... and then he will let her proceed. Typical bored guard
trying to show off for a pretty girl.
Make your way through the town to the ANXIEN's house (A). Unlike Mildrew,
the signposts here wont teleport you until you have been to an area at
least once on foot.
Talk to Anxien.
1) I need you to help Ravik, a reeves son from Mildrew.
He will tell Agavaen that it will take a special potion to help Ravik. The
potion requires 2 key ingredients: The Rune of Agath and a Lotos Flower.
1) Where can I find the Rune of Agath
2) Where can I find the Lotos Flower
Anxien also mentions that the Rune is guarded by immortal undead. He
directs you to Donxian, the local mage, for a spell that will allow you to
defeat them.
Go to Donxian's cave (D) and begin a conversation with him.
1) Anxien has sent me, I need a scroll that will help me in Agath
1) I need a rune from that place. Anxien will use it to create a
medicine to cure Ravik from the demon that possesses him.
Hearing about the Rune of Agath sparks Donxian's interest. He makes you a
counter offer, saying he can also "help" Ravik if you give the rune to him
instead. His solution requires 2 additional ingredients: Goat Root and
Human Bones.
[minor spoiler] Donxian's potion will turn Ravik into a zombie. For the
main quest, this walkthrough sticks with the "good" solution. For details
on the "Evil" solution, see the Side Quest : "Alternate Potion" below.
Leave Grenegar. Once you enter Map Mode, head strait up until you hit a
burnt house. Directly east of the house is a tree with yellow flowers.
Approach the tree and an action icon will appear. Take the flower.
The fixed encounters in Agath involve 2 consecutive battles with level 6
armored skeletons. These can be challenging if you are not at level 6
yourself and well armored. Furthermore, you will need tents and healing
potions. That said, I also don't recommend going any higher than level 9
for the Agath encounter or you will begin to get into the low quality gear
limitations that are mentioned in the leveling guide.
Before moving on to section 2.3, I recommend doing all of the 2.2 section
side quests. At a minimum, I recommend:
* Love Triangle
* Reworn Settlement: Part 2.
For those of you who aren't cheating; play the sling shot
game at the bridge in Grenegar and make some money. Then upgrade your
gear and spell book to the best that Grenegar has to offer.
Side Quests:
QUEST: Sling Shot Championship
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Talk to the Merchant at the Bridge.
?) Tell me more about playing for money
?) I'd like to shoot against an enemy
?) Who could play against me here, in Grenegar?
?) Goodbye
He will recommend 2 people in town who you could challenge. The town
Guard in front of the city hall and Haitik who hangs out at the
Forget about the Guard. He wont play against you. He only tries to
use you to accomplish his own quest (which is below)
Go to "Haitik" (H). I'm guessing the name was messed up in the
French to English translation. The person beside the fountain claims
her name is Li Yen. Names matter not, she's your woman.
After you approach her, Save [F6] before talking to her. Then
Challenge her to a game. It will cost 20 gp to play.
Li Yen will miss 1 shot out of 4. You have to make 4 in a row. This
Does take some patience. I had to reload 5 times before I beat her.
If you have any equipment that increases your perception, put it on.
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Deadlock
Rune of Earth
Rune of Vision
Rune of Juptior
Rune of Protection
QUEST: The Crystal Orb
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Use a signpost to teleport to "Town Centre". Talk to the guard in
front of City Hall (G2).
?) What task?
?) What kind off artifact?
?) Where can I find that artifact?
[Optional]) OK, I accept your task
The guard was placed in charge of a crystal orb that he lost. He
wants you to retrieve it for him.
Finding the Orb: Look at your map and notice the large meadow
between Mildrew and Grenegar. There is a line of trees blocking
direct access from both cities. The only way to enter is from the
Exit Grenegar and follow the road towards the circus (NW). When you
hit the blue fountain, head strait down (south). You will see a
Faerie. (Stay away for now). A little further down and you will see
2 monks. Don't engage the monks, but head directly east. You will
see 2 statues. They will move when you take the orb, but generally
do not attack.
Save [f6] and then head back the way you came.
Return the orb to the guard.
Fixed Loot:
1000 gps.
QUEST: Love Triangle
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
Talk to Liu (L) :
1) "Come on, tell me what's wrong and I might be able to help you"
Liu will explain that she is promised to Frij, but doesn't love him.
That she in fact loves Ciang and wants to tell him so.
1) "Why don't you meet him then, in the evening as usual"
Ciang works for Frij's father who is keeping him busy so that Liu
cant get a message to him.
1) "Give me that scarf. I will take it to Ciang"
Talk to Frij (C). Explain to him the situation and he tries to bribe
you to lie to Ciang
Now the choice is yours...
If you are good and tell Ciang the truth, Frij will offer his
services to you. If you are evil and lie, Ciang leaves town and you
can pick him up on the road to Mildrew (under flag near Wagon
Merchant). This assume you are good, but feel free to be evil.
Talk to Ciang:
1) "I've got a scarf from Liu. She told me to give it to you".
Return to Liu and tell her the good news:
1) I gave the scarf to Ciang...
Liu gives you her rings as a reward:
Fixed Loot:
Ring from Liu : Perception +3, Staff +5
Return to Frig:
1) I talked to Ciang
Frig plays it off with the whole "I was too good for her anyway"
attitude. If you talk to him a second time, he will now "offer his
services" for 50gp. (You only have to pay him once)
QUEST: Statue of Grenegar
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : None
There is a statue (S) in Grenegar that would appear to possess a
powerful relic. The problem is that it is guarded and so you must
figure out a way of stealing the statue without getting caught.
Specifically, you will need a gong mallet from a broken gong
outside town.
Finding the Mallet:
Use your map key and take a look at your world map. Note in the
bottom right corner (east of Grenegar), there are 2 large trees,
one slightly below the ocean and the other directly below the
first tree.
The gong that you seek is between these two trees. (Ok, well
actually slightly above the mid point). You cant approach the
broken gong from the north. You must get "behind" Grenegar City
and approach the location from the south.
Find the broken gong, approach it. When the action icon appears,
take the mallet and return to the city.
Creating a distraction:
Now go to the gong (G). (easiest approach is from the dirt based
foot path that starts at the bridge and heads off into the
Use the gong and then begin ringing the gong with the mallet. The
guard will come several times and tell you to stop. After you ring
it 3 times, he will take your mallet and stand at the gong to
prevent you from ringing it anymore. (Which means he isn't
standing at the statue). Now head over to the statue and take the
Statue of Grenegar.
When you take the statue, you will gain +5 to your Strength.
QUEST: Reworn Settlement: Part 2
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 5
The 2 largest side quests in chapter 2 include the search for the
Blacksmiths Son (given in Mildrew) and delivery of a custom sword
(given in Grenegar). Both quests ultimately take you out to the
Reworn Settlement for their conclusion.
So, I decided to treat the 2 quests as 1 long multi-part quest that
started in Mildrew. Since it does spawn multiple sections, it is a
good quest to end the sections with. In this case however, it is a
pre-requisite for getting a fighting companion, so I am springing it
on you a little early.
The road to the Reworn Settlement will take you through the Gorge
which will be blocked by a Level 17 giant. To get past the giant,
you will need some of the sling pebbles sold by the merchant at the
bridge (S). Go buy some now. (5 should be plenty).
The first time you talk to the Shop Keeper(W), he will be shaking
his head.
1) Why are you shaking your head.
He will tell you that there was a delivery mix up and that a sword
meant for a man named Reworn was accidentally given to a local
warrior named Frij.
?) Why dont you just take Reworn's sword back from Frij.
The shopkeeper says Frij wont give it back. (duh.. it is probably
better quality than the one he ordered).
1) What will you give me if I bring you Reworn's sword.
The shopkeeper tells you he will find you a suitable reward if you
can get the sword. With this, the quest is added to your quest log.
Go to Frij (C), Save [F6] and then talk to him :
?) I've come to you because you have mistakenly been given the
wrong sword.
Frij will tell you that only he could handle his own sword so well.
Agavaen challenges him then to a fight. If you can beat him, the
sword is yours.
Fixed Encounter:
Frij, Level 6 : HP 150
Frij fights 2 handed and attacks twice as fast as most. Your best
bet is to hold him with a deadlock spell (I bought 1 from Donxian).
Also good health potions help (available from Anxien).
Return to the Shop Keeper (W):
1) About Reworn's sword
?) I brought you the sword from Frij. [Give the sword]
?) "Give it to me. I will carry it to Reworn."
See "Reworn Settlement: Part 3" in section 2.3 for conclusion of
this quest.
QUEST: Ghostbusters
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 6 (5 with companion)
Go to the Ghost Shrine (GH): Use one of the signposts to teleport to
the "Mage". Go south off the mage map to a pasture and then east
(right). You will see a small shrine with some human bones on it.
Approach the shrine and couple will appear, both ghosts.
"What kind of creatures are these? Hey, can I help you?"
Save [F6], and then walk closer. They will attack
Don't try to fight them. You cant hurt them with physical weapons
and even if you defeat them, they just respawn.
Agavaen will comment about getting attacked for no reason.
Now go visit city hall (CH). (Use signpost to go to "Town Centre",
walk up stairs where the guard is standing. The door is on the left)
Walk in and talk to Saisien the Elder (He is the one writing in the
1) Tell me more about Grenegar
?) There are ghosts in one of your temples. I saw a man and a woman.
Saisien will tell you the story of a happy marriage. A rich jealous
man named Gaijar saw the woman and wanted her as his wife, but knew
he couldn't have her (because she was already married). So... he
accused the couple of murder. The emperor at the time bought the
story and sentenced them to death.
?) But why are the ghosts appearing now
Gaijar was cursed by the brides mother to roam the land as undead.
Saisien suggests that he may be nearby which has upset the ghosts.
If you conquer him, you will set their souls to rest.
?) Is there another way to conquer the ghosts?
Instead of putting the souls to rest, you can destroy the souls with
water from a holy fountain.
NOTE : Assuming you have followed this walkthrough top to bottom,
now is a good time to go get Frij or Ciang. If you have not
done the Love Triangle and Reworn Settlement quests... you
can either do them now or take on the fixed encounter below
alone. Exit Grenegar. When you enter the world map, save
You have 2 choices: head directly north to a burnt house and fight
undead to free the souls or travel counter clockwise around the
outside of the Grenegar city walls (to about 6:00) and gather water
from the fountain to pour on the bones at the shrine.
Heading north and fighting Gaijar's skeleton is the better option as
It yields loot. Furthermore, the fountain method causes the quest to
go down as "failed" in your quest book.
That said, it is a tough fight. That is why I placed this quest
Towards the end. It helps a lot if you go ahead and pick up frij
Or Ciang as a fighting companion.
After entering map mode, hit the "up" button and head directly
north. You will run directly into the burnt house. Save [F6] before
activating the magnifying action.
Fixed Encounter:
Armored Skeleton , Level 7 : HP 163
Skeleton , Level 4 : HP 72
Skeleton , Level 4 : HP 72
Once Gaijar has been defeated, return to the shrine where the ghosts
were. They will disappear. Check the shrine for loot. You can grab
the virgin bones if you want. They are part of the "Alternate
Potion" quest.
NOTE: For those of you using the infinite money cheat, the coffin
on the shrine often contains money. If you use "Take All"
you can grab all the money you need so that you can buy
all the runes and armor you can get your hands on before
leaving town. You have the shed in Mildrew, and now you
have the shrine in Grenegar.
QUEST: Cleansing the Temple Ruins
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 7
NOTE: I use this encounter to brush up my skills. In this quest, if
you kill a creature, it wont be there when you return. However
anything you leave alive will be healed when you return.
I eliminated 1 of the 2 werewolves in the first room and then
kept returning to it and used the remaining werewolf as a
punching bag to get my various weapon and spell skills up to
25. (save between fights incase either one of us died). Then I
killed the werewolf and moved on to the next room where I did
the same thing with the Beast. Took out the Beasts pet
werewolves and then used the Beast as a punching bagpractice
I actually never startedfinished the quest because having
skill training area was just too handy. I got everything up to
30 using the Beast except staff which I took up to 50 so I
could learn the moves offered by Reworn.
Get this quest from Elder Saisien at the Council Chambers (CH) in
Grenegar. (He is the man writing).
?) Tell me more about Grenegar
?) Isn't there some sort of job for me?
Talk to Elder Baitjab (Kneeling on the floor)
?) I would like to talk about Grenegar
?) Why are people afraid to come near the old temple at the lake?
?) Tell me more about the woman who set the curse upon your temple.
Now head to the Temple Ruins (TR). The easiest way from the Council
Chambers is to keep heading right.
When you enter the temple, you will have your first encounter.
Fixed Encounter:
Werewolf ,Level 9 : HP 100
Werewolf ,Level 9 : HP 100
If you continue upstairs there is a much tougher encounter. I
recommend returning to the Inn and resting first. And then saving
[F6] Before actually going up the steps.
Fixed Encounter:
Beast, Level 16: HP 450
Werewolf ,Level 9 : HP 100
Werewolf ,Level 9 : HP 100
* Ice Shots work well against the Beast.
Once you finally kill them all, Return to the Council Chambers (CH)
and Speak with Saisien to complete the quest:
?) I managed to get rid of the vermin in the temple.
QUEST: Alternate Potion
You need two additional ingredients for the "evil" Ravik solution:
"Human Bones" and "Root of the goat's tooth"
"Human Bones" are easy. Just complete the "Ghostbusters" quest
above, and then grab the bones from the ghost shrine (GH) in
The "Root of Goat's Tooth" is a plant that looks the opposite of
the Lotos Flower.
Open the World Map. Under Grenegar City (South of the city) you will
notice a small path heading through the woods that creates an upside
down "T". Follow this path and at the "T" take the path WEST
(LEFT). At the end of the path is the Root you are looking for.
Local Map Fixed Encounters
South of the blue healing fountain, found on the way from the
Circus to Grenegar
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 5 : HP 92
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Cancellation
(Further) South of the blue healing fountain, (the fountain
seen on the way from the Circus to Grenegar)
Fixed Encounter:
Monk Apprentice, Level 4 : HP 60
Higher Monk, Level 7 : HP 136
Various Low level
Immediately southwest of the Monks above. In fact it is safe
to say that you can't get to the skeletons without fighting
the monks.
Fixed Encounter:
Armored Skeleton , Level 7 : HP 171
Skeleton , Level 4 : HP 74
Mysterious Ancient Rune
In the large Meadow between Mildrew and Grenegar. Intersection
of line heading West from the "G" in Grenegar and line head
South of "o" in Cartographer.
Fixed Encounter:
Beast, Level 10 : HP 250
Wolf , Level 1 : HP 18
Medium Level Misc
South of Grenegar City is a path through the woods that makes
an upside-down "T". The Ibex is at the east end of the T.
Fixed Encounter:
Male Ibex, Level 11 : HP 350
* At this point in the game, about the only way to beat him is
using the hit and run strategy. (Combined with deadlock and
Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Haste
See 2.4 Local Map Fixed Encounters
2.3 > > > > Agath
Agavaen needs the Rune of Agath for a special potion that can help Ravik.
She sets out to Agath to retrieve the ancient artifact.
Recommended Level : 6 - 8
If you want a bump in agility (+5), stop by Mildrew on the way to Agath and
complete the Statue of Mildrew Side Quest.
Even if you don't care for a bump in agility, purchase tents from the
barkeep and rest before moving on. If you plan on doing any of the side
quest out in Agath, I would recommend having between 10 to 15 tents with
you. (Exit Mildrew and return and the Barkeeps tent supply will refresh).
While Agath is quite visible on the world map, it is not easy to get to.
The path is hidden under the cover of trees.
If you look at the World Map, note that the letter "M" in Mildrew overlaps
a large tree. This is Tree-1. Just southwest of the "M" is another large
tree. This is Tree-2. Take Agavaen to Tree-2.
Now walk west and you will see a dead tree log. Walk under the tree log
heading South West and you will find you can walk under the trees. When you
emerge in a field, there will be a tree with no leaves. Go around the tree
(West side) and you can head North through the foliage into Agath.
Once in Agath, it is pretty easy to find the temple using nothing more that
your map. When you reach the temple, if Frij or Ciang is traveling with
you, they will "opt" not to enter the temple.
When you enter the "lobby" of the temple, Agavaen will say something about
things not seeming quite right. As soon as you move further into the
temple, she will be attacked by skeletons:
Fixed Encounter:
Skeleton , Level 5 : HP 60
Skeleton , Level 5 : HP 45
In the lobby is what appears to be a coffin. Open the coffin for some loot:
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Ice Shot
If you walk around a bit in the lobby, you will see stairs leading down.
You can leave the temple and rest outside using a tent before heading down
if you want. (The skeletons you fought above wont respawn)
At the bottom of the stairs, you will walk through a small hall and then
you will greeted by skeleton guardians who warn you to leave. Save [F6].
Then walk forward to begin the fight.
Fixed Encounter:
Armored Skeleton, Level 11 : HP 280/280 : DEF 15 : ATT 80 : SPEED 30
Skeleton , Level 5 : HP 45/45 : DEF 0 : ATT 30 : SPEED 40
* Strategy: I found the best strategy was to ignore the weaker skeleton
and cast 4 "Weaken" spells on the stronger skeleton. This
lowers his defense and weakens his attacks, making him more
After defeating the skeletons, they will stand back up and Agavaen will
give a little speech about how she should have read Donxian's scroll. The
skeletons give another warning (thank god)... Save [F6], retreat to the
World Map... rest and then return for round 2: (Don't forget to save before
your second round [F6])
Fixed Encounter:
Armored Skeleton, Level 11 : HP 280/280 : DEF 15 : ATT 60 : SPEED 30
Skeleton , Level 5 : HP 80/80 : DEF 0 : ATT 20 : SPEED 40
When you are finished, grab the Rune of Agath.
Before heading back to Grenegar or Mildrew, check out the Side Quests and
Local Map Fixed Encounters below to see if there are any you wish to do. I
recommend all of them.
Side Quests:
This is the first part of a World Map spanning quest to light three
statues around the lands of NeverEnd. The result lands you the most
powerful spell in the game.
In Chapter 2 you should have found an ancient mysterious rune on 2
monks that were standing on the road half way between Camp and
The rune that they held "plugs in" to a statue in Agath.
Head to Agath and complete the Local Map Fixed Encounter "2 MONKS
GUARDING STATUE" below. After defeating the monks, approach the
statue and activate it to finish the first portion of the quest.
QUEST: Statue of Mildrew
Pre-Requisite : Completion of section 2.2
Recommended Min Level : none
Like Grenegar, Mildrew also has a statue with special powers. Like
Grenegar, you will need a distraction to steal the statue.
After receiving the Rune of Agath Quest from Anxien, a bar patron
Will appear at the Tavern in Mildrew. Head to the tavern and speak
to him:
?) Swamp tobacco, what's that?
The patron enjoys his swamp tobacco and would appear to be out. Take
a quest to retrieve some for him.
?) How much will you pay me if I bring you the swamp tobacco
?) I will do my best.
Head north into the swamps (You don't need Ravik to get there, only
to cross them).
Look at your Map using the map key. To get to the swamps, follow the
road North/East toward the Gorge/Reworn Settlement until you are
under the "P" in swamp. Then head strait north.
When you appear in the swamp, there is a tree to Agavaen's immediate
Left that is the swamp tobacco. Grab some and then head back to
Inside the gate, head to the Statue (ST). you don't have to speak to
the guard if you don't want to, but you have to Perform the
magnifying action on the Statue to ensure Agavaen is aware of it.
Otherwise the alternate payment option below will not appear.
Now, return to the Tavern and speak to the patron:
?) Here, I brought you some swamp tobacco.
?) I could take the money, but I'd need something else as well.
Agavaen forfeits 25 gps in exchange for a diversion. Head back to
the Statue (SH). Position Agavaen on the Statues right (so that the
statue is between Agavaen and the Guard) and then perform the
action. Leave by heading towards to the shop, to stay behind the
guards back.
Fixed loot:
Magic Statue : (Agility +5)
Local Map Fixed Encounters
North/East of Agath (East of temple)
Fixed Encounter:
Higher Monk, Level 5 : HP 98
Monk Apprentice, Level 4 : HP 60
Fixed Loot:
Monastic Decree
Far west of Agath
Fixed Encounter:
Armored Skeleton, Level 6 : HP 140
Armored Skeleton, Level 6 : HP 125
Skeleton, Level 3 : HP 56
Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Mind Attack
North/West of Agath (West of temple)
Fixed Encounter:
Hulking Man, Level 17 : HP 1420
Hulking Man, Level 17 : HP 1300
* Even at level 6, this is an easy battle using hit and run.
(Start fight, use quick attack (20 sp or less ) and then run
away...rinse and repeat).
Fixed Loot:
Various Hi level loot (no spells)
Recommended Min Level : 6 (with companion) 7 without.
Intersection of line heading West of Tree-4 and south of "t"
in "Agath".
Fixed Encounter:
Cursed, Level 5 : HP 166
Beater, Level 6 : HP 250
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Haste
Recommended Min Level : 6 (with companion) 7 without.
At the northern tip of the canyon in the bottom left of the
Fixed Encounter:
Dark Faerie, Level 8 : HP 125
Wild Faerie, Level 8 : HP 75
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Stone Skin
Recommended Min Level : None
Hanging "over" the canyon in the bottom left of the map.
Fixed Loot:
Half of a Scroll
Recommended Min Level : 14
North of Hanged Man
NOTES: See Chapter 6 "Dragon Sword : Part 3". Avoid for now
2.4 > > > > Saving Private Ravik
Agavaen returns to Grenegar with the ingredients only to discover that the
potion requires the power of The Stone Of Sages. She must help either
Anxien or Donxian gain the power they need to complete the potion.
Recommended Level : 7 - 9
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack
Ravik Human M 10 250 Thrust 27/25 Double Thrust 46/48
Ravik is the only ranger in Mildrew capable of navigating the swamps.
Grade: C- After all the effort you go through to get Ravik, he turns
out to be a wuss in combat. He has plenty of HPs, but cant
do very much damage.
Since you just killed four Level 5 Skeletons and two Level 11 armored
skeletons, you very likely gained a level while in Agath. This means there
is a high probability that some if not all of the stores in the game just
updated their inventory. You may want to consider revisiting all the
merchants on your way back to Grenegar.
If you have followed this walkthrough from top to bottom, you will also
likely notice a significant difference in the monsters attacking you.
*If you are using the Infinite Money cheat, you may want to revisit the
shed in Mildrew and stock up.
*You will also likely get attacked on the way back. If the enemy has no
Faeries or Monks, consider writing your scrolls during combat before
running away so that you will be ready to sell them once you get to a
When you deliver the Rune to Anxien or Donxian, you are indirectly picking
your candidate for an up and coming election. You will have to help the
receiver of the rune win the election. (You cant take the Rune back once
The MAIN walkthrough is written with the assumption that you are a good
character and deliver the Rune to Anxien. See the "Alternate Potion" side
quest below for details on the evil alternative.
That said... go to Anxien(A) with the Lotos Flower and Rune in hand and
Talk to him. Once you deliver both, we will tell you that he "Should" be
Able to make the potion. Agavaen says "What do you mean by should?". Anxien
Each year, Grenegar elects a town guardian. The guardian is granted access
to the Stone of Sages which ... for 1 day... elevates the users powers 100
fold (or so). Anxien usually uses the powers to create healing and
protective potions to last the village for rest of the year. He will need
the power granted by the Stone of Sages to finish the potion that you have
started. However, this year Donxian is running against him and has enough
of a following to take the title away. If that happens, Anxien will not be
able to finish the potion. More importantly, he fears what Donxian will do
with the powers. Anxiens instincts tell him that Donxian may be studying
Dark Magics... which would explain how he became so powerful so quickly.
Your mission, should you chose to accept it or not: find proof of
Donxian's evil nature and convince the town that he is evil.
Go to Donxians house(D). In the bottom left corner of his room is a book
laying on the floor. Go up to the book and the Action will have Agavaen rip
a page out of it.
Head to the Council Chambers (CH): Use a signpost to teleport to the "Town
Centre" and head up the stairs on the right and through the door on the
left. The person who you ultimately need to talk to is Fajin. However, the
game wont give you the conversation options you need with him until you
have completed the conversation tree with Saisien.
First talk to Saisien:
?) Tell me more about the Town Guardian...
1) What is the point in electing a town guardian?
1) Tell me more about Anxien.
1) What are Donxian's chances ?
1) What is the stone of sages?
1) When does the celebration begin?
Talk to Fajin, (The younger council member laying on the floor on the left
most wall):
?) Who will get your vote for town guardian?
?) Why will you give your vote to Donxian?
?) I heard that Donxian uses forbidden magic. Are you still going to
vote for him anyway?
?) Take a look at this piece of paper I found at Donxian's place.
Fajin "has no time" to deal with you and asks you to leave. It seems you
need to use more aggressive measures.
Head to the Painter (P): From the town center, head left for 2 screens.
Talk to the painter once. It matters not what you say. Talk to him again
and Agavaen suggests that he might be thirsty and asks if he wants a drink.
The Painter will accept the offer.
Now head to the Inn (I) And talk to the Bartender. (It will cost 100gp for
a bottle of alcohol).
?) I'd like something refreshing to Drink
?) Here is 100gp. Give me the whole bottle.
Go back and talk to the Painter. Agavaen will give him the alcohol and he
will pass out. Pick up his paint brush and approach the Wall (W2). The
Action will cause Agavaen to paint a picture from the book page that she
Return to Fajin at the Council Chambers (CH) and talk to him:
?) Did you discover anything interesting in Town.
Agavaen mentions an image on the temple of the goddess of wisdom. Fajin
leaves to take a look. When you exit the building you will instantly
teleport to the temple. Talk to Fajin.
Now that Agavaen has his attention, she points out that the image is the
same as an image from a book she found in Donxian's house. Fajin will
finally admit that Donxian may not be the man he thought he was and you are
teleported out of the town.
Elder Saisien is at the exit and tells you that no outsiders are allowed in
the city during the election.
Go to the world map, use a tent to rest and then return to the city. Go
back to Anxien (A) and talk to him to receive the potion. (Or Donxian if
you did the evil path).
Before leaving town, you may want to stop by Donxian's house and buy
runesspells and or the weapon smith and see if he has any better gear.
* For Infinite Money cheaters, don't forget about the ghost shrine
(GH) as a source of money.
* The Side Quest: "Cleansing the Temple Ruins" is based in Grenegar. You
may want to try it before leaving the city just because of the hassle
of doubling back. (Not to mention you can use it as a skill builder) If
you do this quest, check for new gear/runes again after completion. I
found that it often updates the merchant stock.
* The Side Quest: THREE STATUES Part 2, is highly recommended.
Use the World Map to make your way back to Mildrew.
* If you have not yet completed Arena Fights : Part 2 from the previous
section and you are interested in doing the Arena Fights Part 3 in this
section, Do part 2 (and part 1 if necessary) BEFORE healing Ravik. Then
when you heal Ravik, you will activate part 3. Note that the Arena
Fights : Part 3 is required for several other Side Quests.
Head to Ravik's house (in Mildrew) : and talk with his mother. She will
tell you to give the potion to Ravik and then walk to his room. Follow his
mother to his room , approach his bed and give him the potion. After he
wakes up there will be a small conversation with a thank you and then you
will instantly be teleported to the Front Gate (Beside the Shed) with Ravik
added to your roster. If you talk to Ravik or attempt to re-enter Mildrew,
Agavaen will have the option to tell him that she has unfinished business.
As usual, I highly recommend completing all the side quests. If you are
having trouble with any of the Section 2.4 Side Quests, you may want to
consider completing the optional section 2.5 : "Reworn Settlement". And
then coming back to the 2.4 side quest you are having trouble with.
* "Creature Infestation : Part 2" is very hard at this point in the
No matter what you do; keep Ravik alive until you are ready to cross the
swamps. If he dies, the game is over. Save often. If you lose a companion
in a battle, reload.
Side Quests:
In Section 2.2, there were 2 Local Map Fixed Encounters which
yielded yet another Mysterious Rune. See 2.2: "TWO MONKS IN FOREST"
If you haven't already done so, complete those 2 encounters.
The Statue that the rune plugs into is located North of Grenegar.
See the Local Map Fixed Encounter "HIGHER MONK GUARDING CHEST AND
STATUE." below. If you are not yet level 10, I would recommend
completing the Reworn Settlement side quests first.
Plug the Statue in and you will receive Lighting Shot if you do not
already know it.
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 3 : Already Dead
Pre-Requisite : *Special (Read Below)
Recommended Min Level : 4
In order to activate Part 3, you must complete the first two Arena
Side Quest (part 1 and part 2), you must have met Donxian and you
must completed at least 1 major active quest since you finished part
2. Section 2.4 has a simple Mildrew conversation (With Ravik's mom)
which fulfils the Active Quest requirement.
Head to the arena for your third fight. Talk to the Owner and he
will tell you there is another fight Ready. You wont bet this time.
You win 300 gps if you win, period. Oh, the other catch is that it
is to the death.
Fixed Encounter:
Skeleton, Level 5 : HP 80
Skeleton, Level 5 : HP 80
As you might have guessed, the 4th Arena Fight requires completion
of yet another Active Quest. The Reworn Settlement optional section
2.5 does the trick quite nicely. (That is where you will find Part 4
QUEST: Settling a Debt
Pre-Requisite : Arena Fights : Part 3
Recommended Min Level : none
Go to the Tavern (Use a signpost and select "In front of Tavern")
and speak to the Barkeep:
?) I'd like to ask you a few Questions
?) Do you know where I can get a job?
He will tell you about the Arena that you have already been to. He
will ask you how it went and you should be able to tell him that you
won 3 fights. Figuring your a capable fighter, he will ask you to
remove a pesky man named "Marten" who keeps trying to borrow money
from everyone.
?) Accept
Leave the Tavern and use the Signpost to travel to the town square.
Marten is standing in front of the barn.
There are 2 ways of doing this quest:
Good : (costs you 1200 gp or 400 if you take adv of bug)
Approach Marten and speak to him.
2) They say you owe the innkeeper money
2) What are you going to do about it?
1) Alright, Sounds Good [Accept]
Marten says he will give you magic runes if you settle his debt
for him. As proof he promises you one up front. You agree.
Fixed Loot :
Rune of Creation * VERY RARE RUNE
Head back to the Tavern and speak to the Barkeep:
?) I'd like to ask you a few Questions
?) I heard Marten owes you 1200 gold pieces. If I pay his debts,
will you leave him alone?
1) [Pay]
Return to the Town Center and Talk to Marten. He will give you
another rune and a key to a chest and tell you it is South East
of Mildrew. (See below for directions).
Fixed Loot :
Rune of Creation * VERY RARE RUNE
An interesting bug: if you return to the Barkeep, the option "I
took care of Marten" is still there. If you choose it, the
barkeep will pay you 800gp even through you didn't kill Marten.
(No evil points for this).
Evil :
Approach Marten and speak to him.
2) They say you owe the innkeeper money
2) Lets go somewhere a little quieter where we can talk better
[Kill Him]
You will appear in the living room of the Haunted house (Mildrew
Map: H). Check his body and grab the key.
Fixed Loot :
Head back to the Tavern and speak to the Barkeep:
?) I'd like to ask you a few Questions
?) I took care of Marten
Fixed Loot :
800 gold pieces
Whether you were good or evil, the last stage is heading down to
Camp and finding the locked chest East of camp. Look at the Map and
locate the first letter "C" in Circus. Image a line going strait
down. It is on that line slightly north and east of Camp. It is
located in what appears to be the base of a tower and is guarded by
2 skeletons.
Fixed Encounter :
Armored Skeleton, Level 6 : HP 125
Skeleton , Level 3 : HP 53
Fixed Loot :
Assorted Runes (about 6 in all. I believe they are random).
QUEST: Creature Infestation : Part 2 : The portal
Pre-Requisite : Settling a Debt
Recommended Min Level : 13 (With Companion) 15 without.
NOTE: Don't do this quest for the loot. Every time I did it the
loot was crappy and the battles were really hard. If you
were ever going to skip a side quest, this would be the one.
That said... I suppose this quest is a good test of your
fighting ability. I was able to get through it at level 12
by the skin of my teeth.
After completing the "Settling a Debt" Side quest, this quest will
Become available in Mildrew. If you are following this walkthrough
top to bottom (ie: you just completed "Settling a Debt" above), you
will need to leave Mildrew (go to the world map) and come back.
Notice the min level recommendation. Since you need to leave Mildrew
anyway, I would suggest skipping ahead to Section 2.5 and doing the
optional Reworn Settlement section and then come back. That will
help you get your level up and equip you with some better gear.
Whether you do Reworn or not, when you return to Mildrew, go to
"Town Centre" to begin the quest:
You will now notice a guard standing in front of the Haunted House
(H). If you try to enter, he will tell you that the house is
infested and that you must speak to the Mayor if you would like to
Learn more.
Head to the Mayor and speak to Him:
?) Concerning Mildrew...
?) Why are the soldiers guarding a ramshackle house next to the
?) Alright [Accept Quest]
Go back to the house and enter. If you didn't complete "Creature
Infestation : Part 1" earlier, then there will be a werewolf waiting
for you. If you did, Agavaen will comment, saying the house seems
abandoned. Move forward into the next room and you will see a
monster running into a portal. Follow it.
You will emerge in Map Mode with a symbol of the monster in front of
Fixed Encounter:
Enchanter, Level 10 : HP 200/200
If you look at your Map using the map key, you will notice that the
portal has teleported you deep into the woods to an area that you
cant normally reach by foot.555
If you walk around, there wont be anything of interest other than
The symbol of a Virago monster guarding a chest to the North.
Fixed Encounter:
Female Ibex, Level 15 : HP 450/450
Virago , Level 13 : HP 220/220
Male Ibex, Level 12 : HP 412/412
*This is a very hard battle. I managed it using Stone Skin +
Iron Skin for Defense. 2 Ice Shots, 2 Lighting Shots and
some well landed Hammer hits. (and a 150 healing potion)
Loot :
Misc Medium
QUEST: [Optional] Alternate Potion
Once you have the Rune of Agath, return to Donexian and speak to
?) I've got the Rune you wanted [Give him the Rune]
Donxian will tell you the same thing Anxien told you. He will need
the stone of sages to complete the potion which means helping him
win the election. To do so, you must discredit the healer.
Use the sign outside the Mages Cave and head to "Town Centre". Go
Up the stairs to the Council Chambers (CH). So start by talking to
?) Tell me more about the Town Guardian...
1) What is the point in electing a town guardian?
1) Tell me more about Anxien.
1) What are Donxian's chances ?
1) What is the stone of sages?
1) When does the celebration begin?
Now speak with Baitjan. (He is the one on the far right kneeling.)
?) I'd like to talk about the City Guardian
?) To whom will you submit your vote?
1) Why are you on Anxien's side?
?) Medicine won't keep you safe from your enemies!
?) What's your problem with Donxian?
?) What can you tell me about the stone of sages?
?) Lets talk about something else. OK?
?) Is Everything alright? Is there nothing that worries you?
?) Of course I can help...
Head to Anxien and ask for Baitjan's Medicine:
?) Baitjan sends me. He needs his medicine
Now head to the Shop Keeper's (W) house. In the bottom right corner
of his shop is a bucket of oil. Action the bucket to taint the
Return to the council chambers and speak with Baitjan. He will
complain about pain and tell you that Anxien has lost his vote. You
will appear outside the city, unable to enter until the election is
over. Use a tent and sleep outside. Return to Donxian for the
potion. You can now continue the Walkthrough above : RETURN TO
Local Map Fixed Encounters
Recommended Min Level: 10
North of the "n" in "Grenegar" (close to the sea).
Fixed Encounter:
Higher Monk, Level 12 : HP 250
Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Dispell Spells
* SEE Section 2.4 : THREE STATUES : PART 2
Reach the location by following the road Northeast from
Mildrew towards the Gorge. North of the "i" in Circus, on the
northern side of the fence and just west of a lookout tower.
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 5 : HP 92/92 : ATT 30 : DEF 10
Faerie, Level 5 : HP 75/75 : ATT 30 : DEF 10
Loot: (Chest)
Spell Recipe : Regeneration
Spell Recipe : Stone Skin
2.5 > > > > [OPTIONAL] Reworn Settlement
The Reworn Settlement is a large optional area where Agavaen can gain
information about the happenings in the world of NeverEnd as well as
additional gear and XP before moving on to Chapter 3.
While not a mandatory part of the plot, it is highly recommended.
ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE SPECIALIZING IN AXE. It requires that you complete
the Reworn Settlement Side Quests in Sections 2.1 and 2.2
Pre-Requisite : Reworn Settlement: Part 2
Recommended Level : 8 - 10
Notes: If you complete section 2.4 and cured Ravik, you may want to bring
him along as an extra companion. However, save often, especially
before fixed encounters. If Ravik dies, the game is over.
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack
Alzor Alsatian ? 5 100 Ripper 199/22 Bite 199/30
Alzor is Reworn's pet dog. You can pick him up near the Reworn
settlement and either use him as a traveling companion, return him or a
little of both.
Grade: F Because of the pre-requisites, by the time you get Alzor,
most monsters in the game can kill the dog with a single
blow. (it has no defense). Alzor is only useful if you have
focused on the Reworn Settle Side quests 100% since the
beginning of the game (and Agavaen herself is not much over
level 5. Don't know how you would manage to kill the Ibex)
Type : General Store
Specialty : None (Inventory doesn't update).
Price Cap : 800
Pre-Requisite : Ask him about his history
- CounterStrike : Staff : Min Skill : 50
- Meat-grinder : Axe : Min Skill : 30
- Tornado : Axe : Min Skill : 50
At the exit of Mildrew, there are 4 paths. 1 leads south to Camp, one leads
east to Grenegar, one leads north to the Forest Camp and one leads north
east to the Gorge and The Reworn Settlement. Take the North East Path.
When you reach the Gorge, you will come upon a Giant. Talk to the Giant.
?) Why wont you let me get by?
?) Is there anything I can do for you, so that you will let
me get by?
The giant tells you he wants "shiny things". However, there is a problem...
like most bullies, if you give in and give him any shiny things he will
always want more... so there are 2 ways to get past him.
OPTION 1 : Fight Him
You can certainly fight him and kill him. Fighting doesn't add any
"evil" points, especially if you get him to attack you first. (Self
Defense is never Evil). Just talk to him a second time and lie to him
about putting things in the chest. Insult him a little and the fight
is on.
This is one of those moments in the game when the "hit and run"
strategy will work. You can attack him for a round or two (or more if
you have deadlock spells) and then run away. Use a tent to rest (you
have to enter Map Mode), save, and then return and attack again...
rinse and repeat until he is dead.
The upside is that you will get some loot. You may also get a
significant amount of experience. This could be good or bad depending
on your level.
Fixed Encounter:
Hulking Man, Level 22 : 2500 HP
Various Hi Level Items
OPTION 2 : Outsmart him
End the conversation and then take note of a large boulder/rock in the
cliff side just above the giant. Back away from the giant, walk up to
the cliff and a little action icon should appear. If Agavaen has
played the sling shot game and has some sling shot pebbles handy, she
will get an idea.
Save [F6] before trying to throw a rock at the boulder above the giant
in case you miss.
The Boulder Falls, the Giant Dies. Proceed up the road to the
settlement. (No loot, not as much XP)
WHICH ONE? My suggestion is, if you are level 10 or less, attack him. You
probably need the experience. If you are level 11 or 12 it is a toss up.
More than level 12 and I would avoid the fight.
When you reach the settlement, there will be several fixed encounters
scattered about the Area Map. In order to reach Reworn's house, you must go
left or right at a fork. Left is the easier fight, right is not only
harder, but it is the hardest encounter on the map. I recommend going left
for now.
Fixed Encounter:
Scoundrel, Level 5 : HP 75
Renegade , Level 4 : HP 100
At the center of the map is a log cabin surrounded by a magical barrier.
Reworn is at the front door. Stay away from the demons in the area as they
will attack if you get too close. There is a shimmering white corner that I
normally walk through. Talk to Reworn.
?) Some people in Mildrew Suspect you of kidnapping the
blacksmith's son.
Reworn explains that the boy was highly gifted with magic and that the boy
was therefore a target. Even the blacksmith knew he couldn't hide the boys
powers forever. So Reworn offered the boy a chance to travel north and
become an apprentice under the Auntin magicians. The boy accepted. The boy
left a note, but it would seem it must have gotten lost. He hands you a
letter to deliver to the blacksmith.
?) I've got the sword that you had made in Grenegar for you.
Fixed Loot:
750 gp
?) How come you live with those creatures by yourself.
He will tell you that demons and monsters started showing up one day, so he
cast a protective spell around his house that should not only prevent
access from demons, but humans as well. But you are obviously neither as
you walked through with no problem.
The game then gives you no choice but to accept the Side Quest to rid the
settlement of demons... however you can either do it out of the goodness of
your own heart... or for money. Good or evil, take your pick. (He pays you
either way). I chose good.
1) What did you do before all the monsters showed up.
He was a teacher of martial arts using Axe and Staff. He also was a scout
for children with magical talents and steered them to places where they
could learn to control their talents. Now he just wants to retire in peace,
but he cant because of all the monsters.
1) Who are you anyway?
He tells you he used to be in the military many years ago. Before the lands
were split between Sarathaan's Uthragon... and the independent south.
1) Do you know where I could take a nap or at least rest a little?
This will open up a dialog option that will give you access to free rest as
well as his wares.
1) How did you do the protective spell?
He got it from Auntin's magicians.
1) Who are those magicians, Auntina?
A school for magicians. Located in the mountains. However, the roads
leading there were destroyed by monsters. Furthermore, the school is now
concealed by magic.
Before leaving or moving on to side quests, be sure to rest and visit his
While normally you might complete the main quest before considering side
quest, since the main quest takes you back to Mildrew and Grenegar, you
will probably want to do any 2.5 side quests now rather than have to double
back (as well as any local Map Mode Fixed Encounters.
Once you have completed any side quests you care for, Return to Mildrew and
Talk to the Blacksmith:
?) I do know where you son is, but he can't return from where he is now.
NOTE : Check out Side Quest : Arena Fights Part 4.
Go to Grenegar and talk to the Merchant.
?) About Reworn's Sword...
?) Here's your half of the money
Side Quests:
QUEST: Slay the creatures around Reworn
Pre-Requisite : None (other than reaching the settlement)
Recommended Min Level : 8 (With Companions) 9 without.
Basically go around and kill all the monsters.
Fixed Encounter:
Beater, Level 8 : HP 285
Fixed Encounter:
Possessed, Level 8 : HP 155
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 8 : HP 162
Werewolf, Level 9 : HP 100
You may want to rest again and save [F6] before taking on the Ibex
in the bottom left of the map. This will be a tough fight. Hit and
and Run does not work. Because Ibex can cast healing spells, they
will automatically heal between fights.
Fixed Encounter:
Female IBex, Level 11 : HP 330
* A series of Ice Shot spells help do damage while keeping her
slowed. If you don't have Ice Shot, Weaken or Soul Voyage can
also help.
When all the demons are dead, return to Reworn.
QUEST: Finding Alzor
Pre-Requisite : "Slay the creatures around Reworn"
Recommended Min Level : None
After completing "Slay the creatures around Reworn", talk to Reworn:
1) All the monsters are dead
Fixed Loot:
750 gp
He will reveal to you that he wasn't always alone. He had a pet
Alsatian (dog) named Alzor. And asks if you would help find him.
?) I'd like to help you
?) Where can we find him?
?) What does he look like
?) Actually, I don't want to concern myself with that anymore.
Reworn tells you he liked to hang out by a lake in the North East.
Yes, the last option is backing out, but there is no way to leave
the conversation tree without otherwise lying and telling Reworn
that the dog is dead.
Finding Alzor:
Press the Map key and look at the Reworn Settlement. To the west of
the settlement is a group of trees the form an "C" (only turned
clockwise 90 degrees). Within the C is a green area that you can
walk. The dog is to the far west of that area. Alternatively, you
could imagine a line heading west from the "R" in Reworn Settlement
intersecting with a line heading south from the "C" in Cartographer.
The Dog is located there.
You have to cross the river to get to the area. Follow the road
towards the gorge. The bridge is just North and East of the sign
that you pass on the road.
Approach the dog and it will instantly join your party. You wont
even have to hit the action icon. Make sure to save before heading
back to the settlement incase you get attacked and the dog gets
killed before you get back. Even running cant stop 3 magic users
from killing the dog before you can run away.
When you enter the Reworn Settlement, the dog will disappear from
your party. Talk to Reworn and he will immediately reward you:
Fixed Loot:
Metal Belt : AC 6, Axe +40
The belt is cool because it will allow you to learn all the axe
moves Reworn has to teach by simply putting it on. (You will meet
the min skill requirement for axe).
QUEST: Finding the Auntin's Chest
Pre-Requisite : None
Recommended Min Level : 9 (With Companions) 10 without.
If you end a conversation tree with Reworn by saying "Nice to meet
you", he will mention a chest outside the settlement with some
valuables in it.
Finding the Chest:
The chest is hard to miss as it is guarded by 2 rather hi level
Faeries. If you are up for the fight, the loot is worth it.
Look at the Map using your Map key. The chest is located south of
the two "tt"s in Reworn Settlement.
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 12 : HP 250/250 : DEF 25 : ATT 50 : SPEED 20
Wild Faerie, Level 15 : HP 175/175 : DEF 30 : ATT 30 : SPEED 35
Fixed Loot:
Hi level spells and runes:
Spell Recipe : War Cry
Spell Recipe : Cancel all Spells
Spell Recipe : Arise
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 4 : A Faerie Tale
Pre-Requisite : Arena Fights : Part 3. *Special (read below)
Recommended Min Level : 6
At the end of "Arena Fights : Part 3" the owner of the Arena will
tell you that there is no one else to fight you and to come back
In general, "Come back later" means you must complete at least 1
more Active Quest.
When you return to Mildrew, talk to the Blacksmith. Once you give
him the letter from Reworn, that should be just the thing you need
to activate the 4th fight. Stop by the Arena on the way out and talk
to the owner.
For your fourth fight you can bet up to 500 gps and you will be
fighting a Faerie. *This is not to the death.
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 6 : HP 110
QUEST: Poisoned Waters
Pre-Requisite : Special (See Below)
Recommended Min Level : 4
After returning to Mildrew and Grenedar and finishing up the Reworn
Settlement quests, if you return to Reworn a second time, Reworn has
a new quest for you. It would seem someone is trying to poison the
local waters. He wants you to put an end to it.
Leave the Reworn settlement by exiting off the northern portion of
the area map. This will place Agavaen on the North side of the
Follow the River to the East and eventually you will enter a
detailed area map. Look around (climb up the cliff) and you will
find a monster pouring green liquid into the river.
Fixed Encounter:
Possessed, Level 5 : HP 80
Return to Reworn for your Reward:
Fixed Loot:
500 gps
Local Map Fixed Encounters
Following the road from Reworn to Mildrew, shortly after you
pass the sign, head south along a path through the woods. At
the end is a Rabid guarding a chest. *Good candidate for hit
and run.
Fixed Encounter:
Rabid, Level 16 : HP 900
Loot: (Chest)
Various Hi Level Armor.
Immediately after exiting Gorge (heading east toward Reworn),
go South down the edge of the valley wall. 2 Samurai's stand,
guarding a chest. The High Level one is near impossible to
hit. Had to fight him with magic.
Fixed Encounter:
Samurai, Level 10 : HP 150
Samurai, Level 13 : HP 187
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Spell Blockade
Look at the Map using your Map key. The Faeries are located
south of the two "tt"s in Reworn Settlement.
Fixed Encounter:
Faerie, Level 12 : HP 250
Wild Faerie, Level 15 : HP 175
Fixed Loot:
Hi level spells and runes:
War Cry
Cancel all Spells
** SEE QUEST : CHAPTER 2.5 : "Finding the Auntin's Chest"
3. > > > > Chapter 3: The Swamp
Agavaen sets out across the swamp and runs into a old acquaintance who
kills her guide. Agavaen must finish the journey on her own.
Pre-Requisite : Reworn Settlement: Part 2
Recommended Level : 10 - 12
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack
Fort Commander Human M 18 474 Shallow Attack 45/25 Rotation 53/50
Fort Commander is... well... the Fort Commanders.
Grade: B- Good HPs and Good Armor, but his attacks are actually
pretty weak for his Level. I'm sure they would improve, but
he only sticks around for 1 battle, so I guess we will
never know.
- Companion : If you have been traveling with Frij or Ciang, I recommend
leaving them behind for Chapter 3. Chapter 3 is where the
REAL game begins and you will become very frustrated trying
to keep your companion alive. Neither Frig nor Ciang has
enough HPs to survive level 15+ battles. You can just
let them die in battle or return them to their city.
(Grenegar for Frij, Mildrew for Ciang).
- Patch : Most of the "fixes" addressed by the patch apply to the later
half of the game. As such, the further into Chapter 3 you
get, the less stable the game becomes and also the less
likely your save games will load after installing the patch.
Generally however, any save games made before crossing the
swamp will load. So my advice is : Save a game before
crossing the swamp, install the patch and then continue.
Of course for money cheaters, this means no more free money.
So you might want to stock up before saving the game and THEN
install the patch. If you don't want to have to worry about
money.. I recommend about 100,000 gps. I mastered every
weapon and had 3 separate specialized suites for int, str and
agility and still had 20,000gp to spare.
- Fort : The Fort Area iswas the buggiest portion of the game. There
was a set of side quests at the Fort which required you to do
things in a specific order. It appears that the developers
decided to just strip the Fort side quests out all together
with the patch. The problem is, they didn't do a good job.
There are still "hints" of side quests in the Fort
conversations. If you ask the wrong questions, you can still
get assigned side quests that you will never be able to
So... you still have to do things in a specific order, but
now the trouble doesn't yield loot or experience, it simply
avoids getting quests added to your quest book that you will
never be able to complete. I have provided step by step
instructions to ensure proper avoidance.
If Ravik is not already in your party, go to Mildrew and Talk to him at the
Front Gate.
?) Can we go to the Swamp
Look at your Map using the map key. To get to the swamps, follow the road
North/East toward the Gorge/Reworn Settlment until you are under the "P" in
swamp. Then head strait north.
See above.
When you are ready, talk to Ravik to move on to the next part of the game.
Ravik : Are you sure you are ready?
Agavaen : Yes I am, and I need to get there as soon as possible.
Ravik will begin climbing on the tree. Approach the tree to follow.
Agavaen will appear on a new Area Map with Ravik Standing in the middle.
Approach Ravik. When you get close to him, another Auren will teleport into
the screen. Ravik will begin to attack her and the Auren will kill him.
Agavaen will speak to her:
1) Where... where did Ravik Disappear too?
1) You killed him? You .... (Good points)
?) What do you actually want from me?
?) I'm not that little bandit that I used to be a long time ago.
?) I'm glad that someone noticed.
?) No, Not now. (Good Points)
?) I have some personal matters to arrange first.
?) Really.
** There are other conversation options, some will yield evil
points, however all end up the same and none result in any
extra spells or info.
Agavaen will give a little narrative about her history with the other
Agavaen will find herself in the middle of the swamp slightly above the
* To return to Mildrew, use this area map and approach the spiky log that
Agavaen entered from in the top left of the map).
To exit the Transition Map, leave the Transition Map on the west side or
bottom side.
Use the Map Key and you should notice the "Fortress" to the North West.
That is where you are heading. However... while we are in the Swamp, we
might as well pick something up.
Hit the "left" button and head directly west. In no time you should come
across a wheelgear sitting on the ground.
Approach the gear and hit the action key. Agavaen may express some
knowledge of the object even though she hasn't taken a quest.
Now Save [F6] and head North.
* I found this area to be buggy. Sometimes the game would crash for
no reason (despite the patch). Sometimes running from a fight
would teleport you to odd places in the world map (like mildrew).
So save often.
When you reach the fort, you will see what amounts to the top of a bridge
with a gate manned by 2 guards in the distance.
At first, don't talk to anyone, just try to walk through the gate: The
guards will stop you:
1) Couldn't you make an exception
1) Maybe a few gold pieces would ...
1) Is there no way of getting through this gate?
The commander tells you if you help their mechanic, that he will let you
Begin a second conversation with the commander (the guard on the left)
1) What are you doing here?
3) You are in Command Here?
1) Have you seen two bandits passing by? One of them had a wooden leg?
1) What kind of trouble are you having?
1) It was a pleasure talking to you [End Dialog]
The commander complains about the local villagers making fun of him
because he claims to have seen a chain moving on it's own through the
From the screen with the 2 guards, exit screen left. You will see a
staircase heading down under the bridge.
Walk down the stairs and on the next map below, you will see a vest laying
on the ground under the center arch of the bridge.
Fixed Loot:
Luxury Vest : Agility + 30, Dagger +25
* Yes, it is better than Chain Male. AC equivalent of 27 and it allows
Agavaen to run away from battles.
When you pick up the vest, you should notice a chain flying around. "Chase"
the chain around until it stops moving near the Staircase. (You should
still see it when you return to the staircase area map). Keeping your
distance from the chain, go up the stairs. (If it jumps away, you will need
to chase it again)
From the screen with two guards, walk down the bridge and up to the stone
statue on the left. An action gear will appear. The action will push the
statue over the edge, revealing the secret of the chain.
The chain was being held by a partially invisible Beast. The commander will
join you for the battle:
Fixed Encounter:
Creature, Level 12 : HP 330
From the screen with the 2 guards, now exit screen right. You will see a
wooden door. Save before heading through the door [F6].
* It is reported that the game tends to crash when entering the
mechanics room when shadows are enabled. If the game crashes for
you, try turning off shadows and then reload. I have never
experienced this myself. It may have been fixed with the patch
Talk to the mechanic. The key to avoiding the broken quests is to square up
with him immediately. You already have the items he needs, so you can just
give them to him without asking any unnecessary questions:
?) I have the Chain
?) I have the gear
You will see a little cut scene as the water begins to flow again.
With the machine fixed, you can now pass through the gate. HOWEVER, there
is one more thing in the swamp you need to get before moving on. Cross the
bridge and head back to the swamp.
After you appear on the World Map head directly west and you will notice a
yellow flower. Approach it and the action icon will appear. Pick some
Agrimony Flowers.
You have now completed Chapter 3. I have found that the event of fixing
the machine tends to update all the merchants. However, the gear available
in Uthragon is 5 times better than anything you can buy south of the swamp.
The 1 exception is Runes. The Wagon Merchant between Mildrew and Grenegar
and Donxian occasionally spawn some hi level runes that are worth the trip.
With your vest of Agility, you shouldn't have to worry too much about
getting into a fight you can't run from. Then again, if you are not
cheating, you probably don't have the money to blow on Runes. Ultimately
the decision to back track is yours.
When you are ready to move on, walk through the fort gate. Agavaen will
pause and give a little narrative:
Narrative : People are still mad at me. They have hated my people since
the Agathian Catastrophe, because none of us joined the
battle. After that, we were all banished.
Narrative : Maybe I should find a way back. A way to my world.
Narrative : But first, I need to go to Uthragon. I have to find those 2
good for nothing bandits that stole my amulet.
4. > > > > Chapter 4: Uthragon
Agavaen continues north to Uthragon in search of her pendant but begins
dreaming about returning to her world.
Recommended Level : 11 - 13
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Faerie Amalia Faerie F 15 225 Magic Attacks 1250gps
You meet Amalia between the swamp and Uthragon. Unlike most Faeries
who attack you, Amalia seems lonely and seeks companionship. Preferably
with a fellow Auren. Amalia has no physical attacks.
Grade: C Her Lighting Discharge attack is just too weak. She only
has 3 and then she has to rest. And Im sorry, but 1250 is
just too much to pay for target fodder.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Lisa Human F 10 150 Staff Free
You save Lisa from the Faerie Tree. She remains in your party until you
return to Uthragon.
Grade: F She is a quest companion with low HPs and crappy attacks.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Scoundrel Scoundrel M 5 250 Staff/Spear Free
You run across the scoundrel while looking for an Uthragon shopkeeper's
lost shipment.
Grade: C- More useful than the Faerie, but there are better
companion options.
Reference Map
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# #~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# MA GG #~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##### %%%%%%%%~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~######## %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~# < %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# R # ##%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~#####^# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~# [] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~######### #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~######~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~# # ###%%%%%%~~~~~~~~~~# #~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~# < [] #~~~~~~~~~~# M #~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~# I # #### #~~~~~~~~~~# #~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~####### #~~# #~~~~~~#####^####~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~# X < #### #~~~~~~#@ @ #~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~##### #~~#C #~~~~~~# @#~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~# M # #######~~#G ###~~~# Z #~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~#######^# F #### #### #~~~# @#~~~~~~~#
#~~~~#SK P V ###G #~~# ###~~~~~~#
#~~~~~# #~~~# G #~~# #~~~#~~~~~#
#~~~###[]##### #~~~# ###~~~# #~~~#~~~~#
#~~~# #~~~# ### #~~~#~# ###~##~~#
###### ####~~# G1 #~~~# #ST #~~#
# #D #~~# G1### # #~~#
#GK #######~~~## [] [] #~~~#
#~~###~~~~~~~~~~~## ### # ### B##~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~## #W# ##V# #~~~# #~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### # H #~#~~~##~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~~~~~# F ######~~###~~~~~~~~#
#~~~~~~### S #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~#~~~# ### #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#~~~# ### # ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
### #~~~## #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# #~~~####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# # ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# # #~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# # #~~~~~~#
# # #
# #
# : Wall < : Door, enter from right V : Door, enter from top
[] : Stairs or Arch < : Door, enter from left ^ : Door, enter from bottom
% : Fence @ : Pillars ~ : filler
I : Inn G : Guard F : Rhiannon, local Herbalist MA : Malin
W : Well F : Farmer Z : Zither Musician C : Conrad
ST : Stim S : Statue M : General Merchant
GK : Gareck SK : Shop Keeper V : Robbery Victim
H : Healer P : Potter Woman R : Rohel, Sword Master
D : Dawners X : Local Wizard M : Marcus, Hammer Master
NOTES: See "UPGRADE YOUR GEAR" main quest below.
Rhiannon the Herbalist (F)
Type : General Store
Specialty : All
General Merchant (M)
Type : General Store
Specialty : WeaponsArmor
Xavier,local Wizard (X)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : RunesSpells
Notes : Sometimes you have to speak to him 2 times for the
spell recipes to appear.
Spell Recipes
- Meteor
- Ice Shot
- Dispel Spells
- Morena's Revenge
Inn Keeper (I)
Type : General Store
Specialty : None
Notes : Sells "Alcohol" needed for side quest
Gareck (GK)
Type : Weapon Store
Specialty : Supposedly axes, but his selection isn't as good as
the General Merchant, the Healer or the Herbalist.
Healer (H)
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Potions
Spell Recipes
- Adamantite skin
- Advanced Healing
- Regeneration
Shop Keeper (SK)
Type : General Store
Specialty : none
Notes : No inventory till finish quest (Good buy price, but
sells crap)
Price Cap :
- Offense : Long Sword : Min Skill : 42
- Legionary Attack : Short Sword : Min Skill : 35
- RoundAbout : Short Sword : Min Skill : 52
Notes : Once you purchase training, you must "action" the
combat dummy nearby to actually gain the training.
- Deathbearer : Hammer : Min Skill : 40
Notes : Don't speak to Marcus until after speaking with Rohel. See
Quest: "Dragon Sword : Part 1" Gain training by activating
the combat dummy near Marcus. He will not mention training
in conversation.
The path to Uthragon is pretty strait forward. A hike through the
woods along a rather strait path. About half way there you will
see a deer. The Deer doesn't activate an encounter, but the Path
to the right of the deer leads to a Faerie who will join your
party if you speak to her (Faerie is only present after you install
the patch).
1) What can you tell me about the surroundings?
1) Why do you want to join me?
2) What do you have against humans?
You can either take her on or leave her behind. You can always return
and pick her up if you change your mind. However, what Amalia didn't
mention was that it will cost you 1250 gps for her companionship.
Furthermore, she wont enter a Human area with you and will only travel
with you if you are alone. (She hangs back when you enter Uthragon and
if you pick up another companion, she wont rejoin your party so long as
they are around. My recommendation is... don't waste the money.
Just outside the entrance to Uthragon (slightly west) is the symbol
of a dead monk laying on the ground. While not part of the main quest,
on his bogy you will find the last of the mysterious runes. Now all you
need to do is go to the fixed local encounters section below and find
the statue to plug it into.
* It is above the C in Cartographer. But it is guarded by some Hi-level
monks. Best not attempt the battle until you complete the Uthragon,
main quest and upgrade your equipment.
When I tried playing through the game start to finish without the money
cheat, I found myself short on money at this point. I was also only level
10. You may consider jumping down and doing some side quests to raise some
money and gain experience before confronting the bandits if you are in the
same situation. On the other hand, if you have around 20,000+ gps and
you are already level 12 or more, then you can put off the side quests till
the main quest is finished.
Uthragon is huge. It is the size of Camp, Mildrew and Grenegar all
combined into one. Unlike Mildrew and Grenegar, there is no quick and
easy transportation system for getting around. However there is another
difference which comes to your advantage.
In Mildrew and Grenegar, all merchant inventories were randomly
populated the first time you entered the city. In Uthragon, merchant
inventories are not populated until you enter the area map that contains
the merchant.
This can be used to your advantage as you can save before approaching
each merchant and reload until the merchant offers something you really
want or need.
The amulet you seek is at the Inn (I). But for many playing this game,
getting the amulet will involve fighting. So it is probably in your best
interest to upgrade your gear before going for the amulet.
The only Merchant that you MUST encounter on the way to the Inn is Rhiannon
the Herbalist (F). So we will address her first:
Rhiannon the Herbalist (F):
Cross the bridge. When you see the city's magical statue, exit screen
bottom. You should see 2 guards and a well in front of you. Approach
the left side of the Well ScreenArea, but before transitioning to the
next area, stop and Save [F6]. Now, exit screen left.
You should see "downtown" in front of you with all sorts of buildings
and people standing around. The Inn is the third building on the left,
but you aren't going there just yet.
Using the Reference Map, you should be able to spot Rhiannon the
Herbalist (F). (Left most human in green). Approach her and begin a
3) Your shelves are bare. Why do you have so few herbs?
1) Yeah, tell me about it. It is not safe out there!
2) I'll look around your shop.
Look at her inventory.
Recommendation : I personally reload until I see either a ring or
necklace. What properties you go for are obviously
up to you, but I recommend holding out for a piece
that costs more than 2500. Dragon armor with some
sort of enhancement is also nice.
If you don't see what you want, exit the trading screen and reload.
Most stuff shows up within about 5 tries.
** If you are short on money you can skip the other merchants and
skip ahead to the next Main Quest item
General Merchant (M)
Once you get what you want from Rhiannon, save [F6] and trot over
to the general Merchant. His door is just left of Rhiannon.
Recommendation : Look for a hi quality weapon, Gloves or Belt. (You
wont find those items at the other merchants). When
you find what you think you want. Save [F6] and then
reload 3 more times to be sure.
Reload until you get something you need.
Xavier,local Wizard (X)
Once you get what you want from the General Merchant, save [F6] and
head over to Xavier the local Wizard. His door is just above Rhiannon.
Recommendation : He generally carries the best quality earrings. Again,
the more expensive, the better. But make sure it is
something you can use. He also occasionally carries
dragon boots, but rarely with any special
Healer (H)
Once you get what you want from the Wizard, save [F6] and head over to
the Healer. This requires leaving the "downtown" map Screen bottom.
Then, in front of the well and to the right of the Guards you will see
an alley. Head back there, down some stairs.
Agavaen will appear in a grassy courtyard facing you. Almost
immediately to Agavaen's right (your left) is a small hidden set of
stairs. These lead to the healer. When you get to the door, save before
Recommendation : If you haven't gotten Dragon Armor, make sure to get a
good set from the Healer. He has top notch armor 3/5
reloads. If you already have armor, look for a nice
ring or necklace.
Using the Reference Map above head to the Inn (I):
When you enter the Inn you will see the Inn Keeper. Avoid him for now.
* The Inn Keeper dialog will not let you sleep until you have talked to the
bandits. I avoid talking to the Innkeeper all together at this point as
mentioning the Bandits can sometimes cause bugs. If you REALLY need to
sleep, you may need to exit Uthragon and use a tent.
Save the Game [F6] and then exit screen Right
You will see the Bandits Drinking together at a table. When you approach a
conversation will begin. You have 2 options for handling this, both
with their own consequences:
* You talk them into giving you your amulet (plead with them)
* You barter (buy) the amulet from them (for 300 gps)
* You fight them (without finishing them off)
A non-violent resolution may be important to you if you are not well
leveled or didn't have the money to upgrade your gear. I personally
prefer fighting them just because you can squeeze money out of them if
you do.
The non-violent path is rather strait forward. After you get your
amulet, you will continue your conversation with the bandits. The
developers have crafted the conversation so that no matter what you
say, you will end up asking for info on how to get home and you will
receive the new "Talk to Sarathaan" main quest. Furthermore they will
point you to Gareck for help with the task.
The second (preferred) approach is to fight them. Note that fighting
them doesn't "kill" them. Rather, it leaves them lying on the ground
pleading for their lives.
Getting into a fight isn't very hard. I personally prefer provoking
them into attacking Agavaen:
3) You thought you would get away with this? Give me my amulet and my
part of the loot right now!
2) I've come a long way and I'm not giving up right now.
3) I'm losing my patience
Fixed Encounter:
Wulf, Level 15 : HP 370
Dares, Level 15 : HP 425
* Don't cast Deadlock on Dares. It will break the game. (But you can
cast on Wulf).
Once they are on the ground, you can be more demanding and coax up to
300gps out of them if you are insistent. Think of it like this: That is
less money for them to spend on beer.
Eventually the conversation tree will force you to make a decision;
heal them or kill them. Go ahead and heal them and then you will enter
the same conversation tree as you would above had you chosen a
non-violent solution. You can't exit the conversation without receiving
the "Meet Sarathaan" Quest. So the main quest becomes meeting
Sarathaan, but with the intention of getting his help.
* You fight them and then kill them
Begin a fight with them however you wish. Here is one option:
3) You thought you would get away with this? Give me my amulet and my
part of the loot right now!
2) I've come a long way and I'm not giving up right now.
3) I'm losing my patience
Fixed Encounter:
Wulf, Level 15 : HP 370
Dares, Level 15 : HP 425
* Don't cast Deadlock on Dares. It will break the game. (But you can
cast on Wulf).
After they are on the ground threaten them and they will give you all
their money. Actually killing them requires you to ignore their cries for
mercy. That is why it is considered evil. Finish them off.
There are some consequences for being evil. The first consequence is that
you will find a key on the corpse of Dares. This key is part of the main
walkthrough later in the game if you are evil. It is a door to the cellar
back in Camp. (Remember that door you couldn't open on the very first
area map of the game). However the loot inside is absolutely worthless to
anyone besides the Cartographer and he only asks you for it if you end up
playing out the evil ending of the game. So if you are evil (which you
probably are if you killed them), pick the key up because you will need
it later.
** NOTE good characters can still request the key from Dares later in
the game, but you must wait till Chapter 7.
The second consequence of killing them is that they don't live long
enough to tell you about Sarathaan or Gareck. So the game fixes this by
having Denevera confront you outside the Inn (but only if you kill them).
Meeting Denevera isn't a big issue, however the real problem is that the
special effects used for her entry cause the game to crash 85% of the
time. The only work around is to save right before opening the door.
Restart the game and during start up, change the refresh rate. This may
not be an option if you have a limited graphics card or monitor. Point
is: killing the bandits may lead to a bug that you can't get past, in
which case, letting them live may be your only option.
Assuming you get past the bug, Denevera will give you her own quest,
asking you to kill Sarathaan. So the main quest becomes meeting
Sarathaan, but with the intention of killing him. She tells you to
Seek a local named Gareck for help with the task.
All roads now lead to a Dwarf named Gareck. Using the Reference Map above,
he is marked as (GK). He is the western most object of interest on the map.
From the "Downtown" area map, exit off the bottom left of the screen. You
should see a shop keeper and his guard at the end of the alley. To the left
of the guard are some stairs heading up (screen left). Take the stairs.
Just keep following the alley and you will eventually run into the Dwarf.
When you meet him, he will tell Agavaen to come closer to talk to him.
1) What's your business?
This will lead to his inventory. He specializes mostly in Axes, and Armor.
Talk to him again:
2) Tell me about Uthragon
2) What do you know about Sarathaan?
2) I need to get to Sarathaan
3) See you around maybe [End Dialog]
He mentions that he doesn't want money. That the price involves taking a
Small "trip" together. Basically he wants to join your party. It is a
babysitting job. Gareck travels with you, keeping his eyes open for
something that he wont tell you about... all the while your job is to keep
him alive.
The truth is that he wants to retrieve a relic of his ancestors from the
Dungeon and needs an experienced companion to help. Too bad his
conversation doesn't tell you this.
My Advice : If you want to do some side quests, you may want to avoid
Gareck until later as he is not so agile and prevents you from running
without taking a few hits. On the other hand, when it comes to actually
fighting, he is one of the better companions the game has to offer. The
main thing to realize is that once you pick him up, you are stuck with him
until you complete his quest (Chapter 5).
The Dungeon is actually not all that hard if you use the right
strategiesspells. The recommended minimum starting level is only 14
(partially because you have a level 18 dwarf along who acts as a nice
punching bag).
Skeletons are mostly brute strength based fighters. So spells like
"Deadlock" come in handy.
The hardest part of the Dungeon is that it is a sequence of Area Maps, so
you can't rest. Basically this means avoid using spells except big
encounters and take some healing potions since you can't rest. I recommend
8 150 HP potions, 4 300 HP potions and 2 scrolls of "Arise" (Just in case)
Side Quests:
QUEST: Farmer's Suffering
There is a lonely and depressed farmer just within the Uthragon city
walls (F). Talk to him:
1) Good Day to you, My name is Agavaen
1) What happened to you?
1) Is there anything I can do for you?
It seems his farm was attacked and his family murdered. He wasn't
able to give his wife proper burial before leaving. He asks if you
could see to it if you are out that way.
1) I shall do as you ask.[Accept]
The Farm house is roughly directly above the "F" in Fortress on your
map. About half way to the lake above. (The dark brown area).
When you arrive there will be 3 monsters.
Fixed Encounter:
Enchanter, Level 11 : 210
Gusher , Level 18 : 560
Beater , Level 8 : 285
When the fight is over, you will see a set of bones to the left of
the farm house. Approach them and perform the action to pick them
To the right of the Farm House are 3 graves. Approach the left most
grave (unfilled) and perform the action to place the bones.
Return to the Farmer in Uthragon:
1) Your wife can rest eternally now
Fixed Loot:
450 gps
QUEST: Find Lost Goods
The local Shop Keeper (SK) is expecting a shipment but it never
arrived. (Sound Familiar?). Talk to him to begin the Investigation:
He is the man standing at the end of an alley, west of "Downtown"
with a guard standing next to him.
2) Tell me more about it
2) I'll find those wagons for you
Finding the missing shipment is easy. Follow the road north of
Uthragon (the one that goes through the "h" in Uthragon). Towards
the top of the map, you will enter a detailed area map. On it you
will see a Scoundrel and 2 wagons.
As you approach the scoundrel, he will plead for his life.
Examine the dead horse and then the broken wagon. Finally speak to
the Scoundrel
1) Why should I let you live?
1) Alright, you can help me with the wagon.
** I advise not killing him. Even if you are evil, you need to
keep him alive to get around a game bug
Now examine the operational Wagon
1) Take Now
When you enter Map Mode, Save [F6] just incase the scoundrel gets
killed on the way. Now head back to Uthragon.
When you enter the city, you will see an animation of Agavaen and
the Scoundrel pushing the Wagon up to the City Gate. The shop keeper
will make a comment about the Scoundrel:
1) You should be safe here in front of the gate. Don't pay any
attention to them. They are harmless.
The Shopkeepers will offer 1500 gps reward. You can try to haggle
(get him up to 1875) but it will give you evil points. So I normally
just take 1500.
2) Alright then, 1500 gps
Fixed Loot:
1500 gps
** You can now proceed to the Shopkeeper (SK) and buy gear from
him. His gear is so poor I don't even mention him as a merchant.
** Don't talk to the scoundrel or usemove him in any way until
after completing "Statue of Uthragon" Quest below.
QUEST: Stim's Ghost & The Family Sword
The Farmer's son Stim was robbed and murdered shortly after arriving
at the city. (Talk about bad luck). Stim's soul can't find rest
without his belongings.
Stim is located at (ST). To reach him, From the entrance of
Uthragon (Screen with moving Statue), exit screen bottom. Then
follow the alley in front of the well (to the right of the 2
You will appear in a small courtyard. There are 2 stairwells to
Agavaen's Right (your left). A small one, near Agavaen and a larger
one further down the path near a lizard hanging out on a rock. Take
Larger set of stairs up.
You will appear on a screen with a bench. Exit screen bottom from
The bench and Agavaen will appear in front of a large bell. Approach
the Bell and Stim will appear.
(This is why I draw text maps).
Stim gives a little agonizing speech about how he can't rest. He
mentions a tunic and a platinum ring. He can only rest if they are
returned to his grave.
Now leave Stim and talk to the Farmer (F) at the gate:
2) I saw the Ghost of your dead son Stim
2) Goodbye
Where are Stim's Things? If you look at the Map with your Map key,
you will notice a lake south west of the Cartographers house with a
bridge going across it. If you follow the right side of the lake
North, at the top is a Locust Man in a small alcove in the tress.
He blocks access to a chest and some items sitting on the ground.
That is your target... however, on the way, I suggest stopping by
the log cabin on the west side of the lake (it is on the way). Talk
to the owner to discover that he also had some things stolen
including a family sword.
Yes, we are going to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Now go fight the Locust Man:
Fixed Encounter
Locust Man, Level 25 : HP : 1450
* He is not THAT hard. Use a deadlock if you must.
In the chest you will find "Conqueror", the family sword. On the
ground, in a pile just north of the chest, you will find Stim's
Return to the Merchant at the Lower Lake.
** Make sure the Conqueror sword is not equipped or the game will
?) Here is your sword [Give the Merchant the sword]
Fixed Loot:
5000 gps
Now that is what I call a Reward. =)
Head to Stim's Grave: The Farm house is roughly above the "F" in
Fortress on your Map. About half way to the lake above. (The dark
brown area). Stim's is the Right Most Grave. Approach it and Perform
the action twice. Once to identify the grave and again to place
Stim's things.
Last but not least, return to Stim (ST). Speak to him and he will
thank you as he fades off.
** Dont speak to the Farmer again until you are ready for the
Statue of Uthragon Quest.
QUEST: The Statue of Uthragon
Pre-Requisite : Farmer's Suffering,
Find Lost Goods,
Stim's Ghost & The Family Sword
I know the Pre-Requisite list seems odd, however there is a game bug
where you can't get the Statue of Uthragon unless the Scoundrel is
standing at the City Gate.
Assuming you are doing the side quests top to bottom: After Putting
Stim's Soul to Rest, return to the entrance of Uthragon (screen with
moving statue) and SAVE [F6].
Now speak to the Farmer.
?) I helped your son find his peace as well
He will thank you for all that you have done and mentions that he
has seen you eyeing the Statue. He spontaneously decides to distract
the guard, but warns you that there wont be a second chance.
Like Mildrew, you must be careful to stay out of the Guards View.
Go around to the left side of the statue and grab it from there (be
certain the tower guard isn't facing you either) then quickly leave
screen left. If you mess up, reload and try again.
Fixed Loot:
Magic Statue : Endurance +10
QUEST: The Sarathaan StatuesArmor
Pre-Requisite : The Statue of Uthragon,
The Statue of Mildrew,
The Statue of Grenegar
If you have managed to grab all three city statues you now have a
With the three statues in your hands, you have +5 Agility, +5
Strength and +10 Endurance. Note how all of these are fighter
North East of Uthragon is a small lake. (You have to head east to
the merchants log cabin and head north from there to get to the
At the north-western tip of the lake is a "mysterious" monument. If
you go to the monument and plug each of the three city statues in,
you will gain a special "Armor". It provides no defense (since it is
scarcely any clothing at all), however it boosts each one of your
magical Skill levels by 35 points.
The 105 combined Skill points are much more valuable in my opinion
than the 20 Attribute points. (Besides, I like Agavaen in leathers).
However, which is better mostly depends on your character concept.
with no def bonus, you might want to grab a nice quality Staff or
short sword to add defense for when you are casting spells. (It may
mean switching outfits a lot more).
Fixed Loot:
Body Tattoo Armor : +35 All Magic Abilities
If you tend to fight more than cast spells, you may wish to opt to
keep the statues.
QUEST: Helping out the Inn Finding work for the Musician
Head to the Inn (I) and talk to the Innkeeper:
1) It is quite empty in here
?) Thank you, I don't need anything [End]
He offers 500gps for someone who can help the Inn pick up business.
Now head to the Zither Musician (Z) and talk to her
1) hey, My name is Agavaen
1) What are you doing here?
3) The Innkeeper said he doesn't have many customers these days. Do
you think your music could change that?
Head back to the Inn and speak to the Inn Keeper again:
1) I met a girl playing the Zither. She says her music is the right
thing to revitalize your tavern.
?) Thank you. I don't need anything [End Dialog]
One more trip back to the musician:
?) The Innkeeper has decided to accept you.
Fixed Loot:
Spell Scroll : Time Stop (Too bad it isn't the Recipe)
* Most powerful spell in the game. Save for last
QUEST: Medicine for Granny
The Potter Woman (P) is a little old Lady with tooth problems. She
is found in Downtown. There are 3 people on the Downtown Map. Granny
is the one in the middle. Talk to her:
1) Hi there. How are you?
2) A mug?,,, well, I'll have to think about it. maybe later.
1) I'll think about it later, really...
2) What's the matter Granny? You look to be in some pain.
1) I can go there for you.
1) Don't worry Granny. I can find some coins for you.
Granny mentions an "herbalist" in the conversation but what she
meant was a healer.
Head to the Healer (H) and talk to him:
?) I need a medicine that will sooth tooth pains.
?) When will you get some more?
?) OK, I will try to get some for you
* You should have some Agrimony since I told you to pick it up
south of the Fort in the main walkthrough. If not, see the
"Flowers for Merchant" quest below for a list of where the flower
can be found.
?) here's the Agrimony.
It will cost you 15 gps for the medicine.
1) Take it
Head Back to the Granny(P)
?) I brought you the medicine, granny.[Give her the medicine)
Quest: Saving (or not saving) Xavier's Daughter
The local Mage's daughter has been kidnapped. However the odd thing
is, no one will tell you this. Rather you will "happen" upon his
daughter while you are roaming the lands near Uthragon. The quest
actually begins when you rescue his daughter. It is mostly an escort
The Daughter is located on the top floor of the Faerie Tree. It is
already marked on your map.
When you arrive, 2 body guards will tell you to leave.
1) Attack
Fixed Encounter:
Enchanter, Level 13 : 250 HP
Gusher , Level 20 : 600 HP
Save [f6] and then enter the tree.
Go around and "action" all the items on the first floor. Then climb
the ladder to the top.
Before talking to Lisa, "action" the three items around her one
EVIL NOTE: You have the option of using Lisa to make a potion
of magic resistance. It requires looking for a Lotus
Flower near the northwest side of the lake, east
of the "Faerie Tree" and 3 other potions: ice
resistance, fire resistance and lightning resistance.
Used the 4 items on the distillation set on the first
floor of the Faerie tree to obtain a flask. Place the
flask on the pedestal to the left of Lisa. Pull the
lever to the right of Lisa and walla. Potion provides
15% permanent resistance to all magic damage.
Before talking to Lisa, heal up using potions if you need to.
Talk to Lisa. The first time, she will pass out. The second time you
will undo her shackles and she will awaken:
1) How did you get here?
2) Who did this to you?
3) Where in Uthragon do you want to go?
4) Enough Talking, we have got to go
You will appear outside the tree and the body guards will have
1) Who is your mistress?
1) Why don't you attack Auren?
2) Attack
Fixed Encounter:
Enchanter, Level 13 : 250 HP
Gusher , Level 20 : 600 HP
Talk to Lisa again (she is standing on the screen). She doesn't
remember the fight.
4) Enough talking, we have got to go
Save before entering Uthragon incase the game crashes. When you
enter, she will tell you to come along with her to her fathers
house. Head to Xavier's Shop (X).
Her father sets a pile of items on his desk. You must walk over and
"action" the desk to pick them up:
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Arise
Various Runes
Quest: Dragon Sword : Part 1 : Learning about the Legend
The Dragon Sword is the most powerful weapon in the game. This
may not interest you if you do not specialize in Long Sword, but
even if you don't pick up the long sword, the quest offers
experience and other useful loot.
The KEY to getting this quest rolling is talking to the Rohel the
Sword Master and learning about the legendary sword BEFORE talking
To Marcus, the Hammer Trainer.
Head to the Rohel the Sword Master's Shop (R) and begin a
1) I'd like to improve in Sword Combat
1) Tell me more about the BEST sword
1) So the best sword I can get is the Massacre Sword?
1) Tell me more about the Legendary Sword
1) Tell me more about Enakhaan
1) What is so strange about the Illiah Gorge?
1) What do you mean the scroll was split up?
3) See you around Rohel [End Dialog]
Summary: Legend has it that the sword belonged to Enakhaan the dark
mage before Sarathaan struck him down. The sword is now
located at the Illiah Gorge with a powerful spell
protecting it. The scroll containing the only counter spell
was split in 2. Half was given to the Mountain Folk and the
other was given to the Wandering Folk.
Now pay a visit to Marcus, the Hammer Master (M) and begin a
1) What kind of people are the mountain folk?
1) Who's Isabelle?
1) Why is that Statue here in Uthragon? Don't you have towns of your
1) I heard your people were custodian of a special scroll. One half
of the spell that cancels the magic protecting Enakhaan's sword
in Illiah.
1) Could you take me to the mountain town?
He will turn you down. And if you keep asking him, he will keep
turning you down till Chapter 6. (Look there for "Dragon Sword :
Part 2")
QUEST: Flowers for Merchant
To get this quest, talk to Rhiannon, the local Herbalist (F).
Rhiannon has not been able to gather herbs because it has become too
violent outside the city walls. You can volunteer to help her.
The quest involves walking around the world map and looking for
flowers. If you like running from random encounters, I recommend
putting on some agility enhancing equipment and doing this quest
without a companion.
* Before the patch, you weren't able to access her inventory
without gathering at least 1 of each type of flower. However
after the patch, you have access to her inventory without doing
the quest. Patched, she simply pays you for each flower.
Camomile : Look at the Map using the Map key. There is
a large Tree above the "F" in Fort. Directly
above the tree is Camomile
Camomile : From the Map Key, look to the word
"Faerie Tree". East of the last "e" (at the
tree line)
Camomile : From the Map Key, note the lake to the North
west of Uthragon. There is a dock and boat
at the northern end. Flowers are hidden just
north of dock, under cover of some trees.
Camomile : From the Map Key, trace west of the "U" in
Uthragon till you hit the first large tree
bordering the South-Eastern edge of the lake.
N/E of the tree are some graves. Flowers below
Agrimony : From the Map Key, trace left of the "D" in dungeon
intersect with line south of "n" in Uthragon. (At
large tree)
Agrimony : When you exit Fort, Swamp side: Directly West
** You should already have this one
Salvia : Above the "o" in "Uthragon" (at tree line)
Agrimony : Under the "o" in Cartographer. In the
"Dungeon" side of the forest, on tree line.
(You cant get to it from the Cartographers
path. You must go UNDER the lake)
Salvia : Trace Line south of the "a" in Cartography until
it hits large tree East of Dungeon. Flower is under
large Tree.
Agrimony : Above "o" in Dungeon. Tree line at North side of lake
(have to go around lake starting at the log cabin on
the west side of lake)
Camomile : Just North of "C" in Cartographer
Agrimony : To the NorthEast of Uthragon is a lake. At the North
Western tip is the Sarathaan Statues Monument. Above
the monument are some flowers.
Agrimony : North of the "t" in Uthragon, near the tree line.
Agrimony : North of the "e" in Fortress, directlty east of the
Farmhouse graves.
Salvia : North of "y" in "Lost City", directly west of the Farm
Salvia : Under "h" in Uthragon, just north of swamp boarder
QUEST: Helping the Robbery Victim
** NOTE: This quest is buggy. Should you decide to do it,
save before starting. If the game crashes before you finish
the quest, reload and then skip it. It doesn't yield any items
or money, it only yields XP, which you should be avoiding
There are three people on the Downtown Uthragon area map. The right-
most person is the victim of a robbery (V). Talk to him:
2) What do you sell?
3) I don't steal!
1) I could help you with that one.
The victim tells you that the robbers name is Ramos and that he
often hangs out in the beggars ward.
You will find Ramos the robber sitting on the bench (B)near the
healer. Go there and speak to him:
1) Your Ramos?
1) I'm Agavaen
1) I am looking for some things that were stolen
from the merchant in the market.
Fixed Encounter
Ramos : Level 1, 475 HP.
Defeated, Ramos will give you the items. Return to the victim:
?) I managed to get your things back
Local Map Fixed Encounters
North of the first "r" in "Fortress", intersecting with line
west of "Dungeon".
Fixed Encounter:
Werewolf Level 9 : HP 100
Werewolf Level 9 : HP 100
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Meteor
NorthWest of Uthragon is a lake with a dock. North (somewhat
West) of the at the sea border.
Fixed Encounter:
Gusher, Level 18 : HP 560
Hulking Man Level 21 : HP 2379
Chest tends to go invisible after fight. Just move forward and
you should see the magnifying glass appear. Hit the action key
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Dispel Spells
North from the "c" in "Lost City" intersecting west from
"Cartographer". (Just outside the Faerie Tree).
Fixed Encounter:
Rabid, Level 17 : HP 1000
Dark Faerie Level 15 : HP 350
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Calling of Death
South West of entrance to Uthragon.
Fixed Encounter:
Possessed Level 9 : HP 180
Beater Level 9 : HP 312
Enchanter Level 12 : HP 235
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Morena's Revenge
5. > > > > Chapter 5: Dungeon
Recommended Level : 15 - 18
Agavaen helps Gareck retrieve a relic of his ancestors in exchange for
information on how she might meet Sarathaan.
Race Sex Lev HP Weapon Cost
Gareck Dwarf M 18 550 Axe Free
Gareck is a well connected Dwarf whom you meet in Uthragon. He agrees
to help Agavaen meet Sarathaan if she does a favor for him.
Grade: A Gareck has lots of Hit Points and Does lots of Damage.
If his Agility was a little better, he would be the
best companion in the game. (Not so good from running
from fights... but great at actually fighting).
Reference Map
######### ######### #########
# # # # # #
# # # ######## #
# # # 2 #
# # # #
# # # ######## #
# # # # # #
### ### ### ### #########
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
######### ### ### ### ### #########
# # # # # # # #
# ######## ######## ######## #
# #
# 1 #
# ######## ######## ######## #
# # # # # # # #
### ### ### ### ######### #########
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
######### ### ### ### ### #########
# # # # # # # #
# ########### # # ######## #
# 4 ||3 # # #
# || # # #
# ########### # # ######## #
# # # # # # # #
######### ######### ###[=]### #########
Type : Magic Store
Specialty : Runes
Notes : Merchant actually located North of Dungeon
at log cabin, west side of Bridge.
Spell Recipes
- Cancellation
- Iron Skin
- Mind Attack
This is optional, but will make the dungeon boss battles much easier.
If you have followed this walk through top to bottom, you should have
found 2 mysterious Runes South of the swamp and plugged them into
their corresponding statues in Agath and Grenegar.
(Search this document for "THREE STATUES" if you don't know what I am
talking about).
Just outside Uthragon, you should have picked up the last Mysterious Rune
off the corpse of a dead Monk. All that is left to do is plug the final
Mysterious rune into the final statue to gain the "INFERNO" Spell, the
most powerful spell in the game.
The final statue is located slightly North West of the "C" in
"Cartographer" on your Map.
South-West of the Cartographers house is a lake with a bridge going
across it. You must trace one of the edges of this lake north to gain
access to the area containing the statue.
With Gareck in your party, proceed to the described area, avoiding any and
all battles along the way. When you see the monks, Save [F6].
Even with Gareck this can be a hard battle, however you can use the Hit and
Run Strategy here and heal yourself using tents. A luxury you wont have in
the Dungeon.
Fixed Encounter:
Monk of the Dragon Order, Level 20 : HP 650
Monk of the Dragon Order, Level 25 : HP 800
* Focus on 1 monk at a time (preferably the weaker one first).
Once one falls, I suggest running and healing.
* Agility potionsHaste comes in handy for getting in extra hits
between fights
Once they are dead, plug the statue in to gain your spell
South-West of the Cartographers house is a lake with a bridge going
across it. On the west side of the bridge is a log cabin with a
merchant and a Guard. I generally stop by and check out his wares
before entering the Dungeon. Why? Because you will normally be
a few levels higher when you leave the dungeon, so his inventory
may have updated.
From the Cabin, head South. The entrance to the Dungeon is directly
on the first "n" in "Dungeon".
When you approach the cliff face you will enter an area map with Gareck
standing in front of a shimmering entrance. If you are not at full health,
I recommend leaving the Area Map, sleeping and then re-entering.
Talk to Gareck:
"This is it". Gareck will cast a spell and open the door. Then he will tell
Agavean that this is the Tomb of Hagar's elite warriors and that one of his
elite ancestors is buried there.
1) Who was hagar?
1) What do you need me for?
1) Who is Enakhaan?
1) How old is Sarathaan?
1) And what about you? Do you hate us as well?
2) [End Dialog]
Summery: Many years ago, a dark mage named Enakhaan ruled the entire
Empire. Sarathaan with the help of Hagar and his band of warriors rose up
against Enakhaan and defeated him. Sarathaan then left while Hagar stayed
and became the first ruler of Uthragon. When Hagar's lineage ended,
Uthragon was without ruler and Sarathaan returned. However, Sarathaan is a
mage... and so the people of the land are rebelling. Since he is abnormal,
people think he must be evil. Something Agavaen should be able to
empathize with.
The Tomb is suppose to be a maze. However it is rather square.
The Relic Gareck Seeks is located at (4), however that room has a locked
door (3)... the key to which is held by the Ghost of Garecks ancestor (2).
However, the ancestor will only give the key if Gareck proves he deserves
it by cleansing his tomb of a nasty group of skeletons (1).
Normally, I would walk you through the tomb in a way that made sense... Go
to the door first, discover you need a key, go to the ghost, get the quest
to cleanse the tomb and then go to the tomb.
The problem is that many of the skeletons in this tomb are immortal. That
is: you fight them, they fall into a pile of bones, but then get back up
after about 20 seconds. Furthermore, every time they respawn, they are
stronger and a higher level than before.
So to avoid unnecessary fights, We do things in an order that minimizes
back tracking.
Head directly to (1). Try to keep running. Sometimes you can get through a
hallway before the bones can pick themselves up to begin fighting.
In the room to the left of (1), stop and Save.
The final boss is not actually located at (1). Rather there is a Skeleton
Mage and a set of stairs leading down. The boss is down the stairs.
Fixed Encounter (1a: Upstairs):
Skeleton, Level 12 : HP 310
Fixed Encounter (1b: Downstairs)
Skeleton Boss, Level 13 : HP 575
Armored Skeleton, Level 12 : HP 450
Skeleton, Level 15 : HP 500
When you are finished, don't forget to loot the tomb. =)
Head directly to (2). Try to keep running. Sometimes you can get through
before the bones can pick themselves up to begin fighting.
When you reach the room, you will see a Ghost standing there, looking at a
break in the wall. Talk to him:
1) Why are you here? Is there no rest for your soul?
1) You are the guardian of these catacombs. Why didn't you cast them off
long ago?
1) What? What is going on with the world. Tell me!
1) Gareck will be honored to prove to you he is your son, am I right
You will gain the key and get credit for the quest you didn't know you were
Head directly to (3). Guarding the door are 2 armored skeletons.
Before entering the door, use potions to heal up.
The final boss isn't really that much harder than the first boss. In
fact his companions are weaker. The main difference is that you have
been wondering around the tomb without rest.
Fixed Encounter
Skeleton Boss, Level 15 : HP 650
Armored Skeleton, Level 11 : HP 280
Skeleton, Level 14 : HP 350
* If you have inferno, it makes the fight much easier
When the fight is over, Gareck will approach the throne and take his axe.
Save [F6] before leaving, incase the game crashes before you make it out of
the tomb.
You have the axe, but you still have to get out of the tomb alive. Use some
potions to heal up and make your way out. You should be able to run from
most encounters and they will "push" you in the direction you were heading.
Chapter 6 doesn't officially begin until you return Gareck back to the
Alley that you first met him and picked him up. (Uthragon, (GK)).
Note that you likely leveled up, so there is a good chance that all the
merchants have also "reset". This means you can use the strategy you used
in Chapter 4 to gain yet some more "selective" items back in Uthragon.
There aren't a lot of side quests in Chapter 5, however the Cartographer
side quests are time sensitive (Do them now... or don't do them).
Side Quests:
QUEST: Helping the Cartographer : Part 1 : Map Readings
NOTE1: Towards the end of Chapter 6, the Cartographer will leave his
house and his side quests will no longer be available.
NOTE2: If you like playing solo, probably should drop off Gareck
(begin chapter 6) before starting quest.
Head to the Cartographers house on the World Map. When you enter his
house, he will begin speaking to you:
1) What are you doing here?
2) How can I help you with the mapping?
2) I'll gladly help you [Accept]
Summary : He hands you a mapping device and asks that you walk
around the world map with it until you have visited all of his map
markers. (He is taking readings with it)
When you leave the Cartographers house, the exit path will go
downhill. At the bottom of the hill is an example marker. I don't
count this one as you can't even leave his house without stepping on
The first three "real" markers are at the corners of the lake south-
west of the Cartographers house (The one with the bridge)
1) North-Eastern Corner of the Lake (Above the "o" in Dungeon)
2) North-western Corner of the Lake.
3) South-Western corner of the Lake (Below the Cabin)
The remaining 2 markers are South of the lake, around the Dungeon:
4) Above entrance to the Dungeon (north of "n" in Dungeaon)
5) East of "Dungeon", South of the "r" in "Cartographer".
Once you have finished returned to the Cartographer and
speak to him:
1) I've mapped the surroundings
Fixed Loot:
Agavaen will remain unmovable while the Cartographer casts a spell
on his magic mirror. You will see monsters running around killing
people in the mirror. The Cartographer will speak to you again. He
asks you to do 2 more things.
- Activate a magical early warning system near his house
that will let him know when Monsters approach
- Get 4 spell scrolls for him: Spell Blockade, Storm,
Deadlock, Crooked Mirror
1) I'll gladly help
QUEST: Helping the Cartographer : Part 2 : Signaling Device
To activating the signaling device, you need a special crystal. It
sits in a chest to the east of dungeon guarded by some monsters. See
the Local Map Fixed Encounter: "IBEX FEMALE, IBEX DESTROYER AND DARK
So now you have the crystal. Where does it go? When you leave the
Cartographers house there is an exit path that heads south down the
mountain. At one point there is a right angle where the path changes
direction and heads off to the west. At the change in direction is a
large stone sticking up in the air. That is the signaling device.
Approach the stone with the crystal in hand and an action icon
should appear. Perform the action and you are done.
QUEST: Helping the Cartographer : Part 3 : Scroll Shopping
Note the Cartographer said "Scrolls" Not "Recipes". Spell Recipes
wont work (I know... I tried).
Spell "Scrolls" are the 1 shot deals. Basically, visit all the magic
dealing merchants and look for the scrolls.
When I played the game, the lower lake (Log Cabin) merchant had 3 of
the 4 scrolls:
- Spell Blockade
- Deadlock
- Crooked Mirror
The Healer in Uthragon had the 4th
- Storm
* An interesting bug. When you end this quest, you can get
multiple Rewards, however you have to do it when you finish the
quest. The conversation option is gone the next time you talk to
him. See Bugs section in Appendix.
Return to the Cartographer:
?) The signal device is repaired
2) Its not worth mentioning (Good Points)
?) I have the scrolls [hand over the scrolls] ** Buggy Repeatable
Fixed Loot:
Potion of Permanent Fire Resistance : +10 Fire Resistance.
?) That's all I wanted to know [ End Dialog]
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 5 : Body Guard
Pre-Requisite : *Special (Read Below)
Recommended Min Level : 15
In order to activate Part 5, you must complete the first 4 Arena
Side Quests. I'm not exactly sure what triggers the availability,
but I found that it became available after finishing the Dungeon
with Gareck. The event is likely linked to Agavaen's level, but I'm
not certain.
Head to the arena for your fifth fight. Talk to the Owner and he
will tell you there is another fight ready. You can bet up to 500
gps if you win. Note this is NOT to the death. Be careful not to
accidentally kill him. You might want to buy a dagger or some other
"light" damage weapon from the Arena Master.
Fixed Encounter:
Brigand, Level 15 : HP 327
Local Map Fixed Encounters
Under "h" in "Uthragon". North of swamp, at edge of tree line.
Fixed Encounter:
Rabid Level 15 : HP 849
Rabid Level 16 : HP 900
Various Random (No Spells)
West (slightly North) of "Dungeon". Intersects line heading
north from first "g" in "Gorge".
Fixed Encounter:
Gusher Level 18 : HP 550
Gusher Level 18 : HP 550
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Storm
South-West of "Cartographer" is a lake with a bridge going
across it. At south/eastern corner of lake.
Fixed Encounter:
Virgo Level 13 : HP 220
Ibex Level 15 : HP 550
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Spell Blockade
From the entrance to the Dungeon, head east till you hit the
sea. Then head south.
Fixed Encounter:
Ibex Female Level 10 : HP 300
Ibex Destroyer Level 20 : HP 640
Dark Faerie Level 15 : HP 350
Fixed Loot:
Energetic Crystal
Spell Recipe : Frost Bite
North of the "D" in "Dungeon", at sea border.
Fixed Encounter:
Beast Level 16 : HP 450
Beast Level 16 : HP 450
Hulking Man Level 21 : HP 2379
Fixed Loot:
Spell Recipe : Cancel All Spells
Spell Recipe : Sanitation
Above "n" in "Uthragon" at sea border (piece of land that
sticks out a bit).
Fixed Encounter:
Locust Man Level 25 : HP 1450
Ibex Destroyer Level 25 : HP 1000
Fixed Loot:
Various Random (No Scrolls)
6. > > > > Chapter 6: Fellowship of the Dawners
Gareck introduces Agavaen to secret group who desires to overthrow
Sarathaan. Whether she agrees with their motives or not, they are the best
chance she has of meeting the mage.
Recommended Level : 18 - 21
Race Sex Level HP Fastest Attack Power Attack
Marcus Human M 20 500 Head Smacker 434/25 Hacker 607/50
Marcus is possibly the last of the Mountain Folk. He joins with you to
take you to the Mountain Town. However, if you skip the Mountain town you
can land yourself a permanent travel companion.
Grade: A+ Best Fighting Companion in the Game. He is more agile than
Gareck and you can keep him around till the very end if you
don't care for the long sword. Ideal companion for magic user
concepts who need a fighter to draw attention.
- Massacre : Axe : Min Skill : 50
Notes: Gareck will only train Agavaen after her meeting with
the Dawners. Once you purchase the training, you must
activate the nearby combat dummy to learn the move.
Return to the place where you first met Gareck (Uthragon, GK). When
you get to the alley, there will be some words between Gareck and
Agavaen with Gareck ending the conversation by saying that he will
not take Agavaen to Sarathaan. He then walks off screen and tells Agavaen
to follow him. Exit Screen Right.
Gareck will approach a door and knock with the "secret password". After
an exchange of words he will tell you to follow him inside. Approach
the door and perform the action.
You will see several people in front of you. Left to Right:
- Xerxes
- Sabrock
- Gareck
- Styx
* Take your time reading through the conversations. If you finish them
before Gareck begins to shake Sabrocks hand you will lock the game
Sabrock will address you:
1) I'm Agavaen, Gareck's err ummm. Friend
He will tell you to come closer. (Nothing like a circle of 4 large armored
strange men in someone's basement asking a woman to "come closer" to make
her feel right at home...) Talk to Sabrock:
1) Anyway, who are you Sabrock?
1) What is the purpose of your fellowship?
1) I need to get to Sarathaan urgently. Gareck brought me here. He
said you can help me.
1) But I HAVE to get to him!
1) Tell Me..
1) Why do you want to overthrow Sarathaan?
1) How will I benefit from membership in the fellowship?
1) Then I want to join the fellowship.
* Yes she "says" leave, but it was a recording error.
1) Of course which in particular?
Now Talk to Styx ( To the right of Gareck ).
3) I want to become a member of the fellowship.
1) Yes! [Accept]
1) Why such a heavy subscription? Are you rolling in gold here?
1) How can I show my loyalty?
1) That's what you call a 'little extra'?!
1) Conflict between Guardians? But how?
2) I want to ask you something
3) Alright, I'm going for it
It costs a 1000 gps to join. If you don't have the money, you may need walk
around outside and fight, but I'm guessing that you do. Talk to Styx again:
?) I've got money for you.
3) I have to go
If you want to do any side quests, this is a good time to do them. Good
opportunity to gain a companion or a powerful sword.
Basically, this quest involves getting some guards to fight each other.
Head to the guards at the center of town (G1). They are located on the
screen with the well on it:
Talk to the one on the left first:
1) What are you guarding?
4) What is Sarathaan like as a ruler?
4) Phew... why do you stink so bad?
Talk to the one on the left again:
5) If you wont tell me what you are guarding, your colleague will
Now talk to the one on the right:
2) What are you standing here for!?
1) I'd like to ask you something about one of your colleagues.
* Voices switch (bug?)
1) Do you always stand Guard together?
2) Why don't you get along? Is it because he stinks so much?
1) What happened to your former colleague?
1) Were you there when they killed the commander?
1) Nothing happened to you during the attack?
1) I can help!
* Voices switch back (thank god... that was weird)
1) And where does your fellow have his grave?
2) I'm going to it [End Conversation]
Head to the Cemetery: Using your Map key, you will see a Lake NorthWest of
Uthragon. On the South-Eastern edge of the lake is the cemetery. Only one
of the coffins has a set of armor on it. That is the one you need to
Now head back to the Guards (G1) and talk to the one on
the right:
?) I've accomplished the task. The sword is where it should be.
?) What can you tell me about this town?
?) Is Sarathaan a good ruler?
3) I want to ask you something else
?) Goodbye
Now talk to the one on the left:
3) Your colleague has told me what you are guarding.
The guards begin fighting. Return to the Dawners (D) and talk to Styx (The
one on the right):
?) I think I have caused quite a pandemonium with the guard
He will congratulate you. A cut scene will begin showing your initiation.
After the cut scene, Styx will talk about your first task:
2) So what do we need to do for it?
1) Where are the stores of the guard?
2) Are the stores guarded?
3) Alright, I'm going for it!
Summary: Styx asks you to hang out near the Guards supply area and discover
what's going on. What kind of supplies are coming in to Uthragon and when
will they arrive.
Head to the Inn (I) and purchase a bottle of alcohol. While you are there,
you might want to ask the Innkeeper what he thinks about Sarathaan.
Now head to the northern most part of town and talk to Malin (MA):
1) Hello, I'm Agavaen
1) What are you doing here?
1) Store man? And where are your stores?
1) I don't like guards much, do you?
1) Sure, I understand you. A man can get thirsty from time to time.
1) It looks like you don't have much work on right at the moment.
1) Are you expecting some new goods to arrive?
1) What kind of supplies are those?
1) What the guards don't know wont hurt them.
2) Your a lucky man. I just happen to be carrying such a bottle!
He tells you that they are expecting beer.... (I'm seeing a pattern here.)
And that it is late.
Return to the Dawners (D) and speak with Styx again (The one on the right):
1) I managed to find out what reserves should arrive.
Styx will tell you to talk to "his enlightenment". He means Sabrock. He
stands in the middle of the 3 men
Talk to Sabrock:
1) I've managed to find out that the guard will come for beer supplies, but
Styx and I haven't figured out how to take advantage of it.
He says he will think about it. Meanwhile, he has a task for you: Deliver a
small sealed sack to a Merchant.
1) Which merchant is that. There are many of them in Uthragon
3) Alright, I'm going [End Conversation]
The delivery is for the cabin merchant out near the Cartographer: Using
your map key, South-west of the Cartographer is a lake with a bridge on it.
The Merchant is at the western side of the bridge.
Head to the merchant and talk to him:
?) The Dawners sent you this little gift [Give Him Sack]
Fixed Loot:
750 gps
1) What do you need the small gift for?
He wont tell you... hmmm...
Return to the Dawners in Uthragon (D) and speak to Sabrock:
You speak to Sabrock:
1) I gave the merchant that small gift. He looked delighted!
1) I'm curious. Tell me more.
1) But how can we Sabotage those supplies?
2) Destroying the Beer Supplies would have such a devastating impact?
3) Ok, we can start our mission.
Summary: Sabrock compares the importance of beer with food (another
important lesson for our children) and says if the beer supplies are
sabotaged that it would destroy moral for the city guard. He gives you a
scroll with a spell to cast on the barrels that will make the beer
"disappear". (Likely teleported to Sabrock's private stash).
Head back to the area where you talked to Malin (MA). You will notice that
the beer.. errr... supplies have arrived. Walk between the barrels and the
cement block so that Agavaen ia on the side opposite the guards (barrels
between Agavaen and guards). You should see an action icon appear on the
barrels. Do the action and return the Dawners. Talk to Sabrock:
1) Yes, I have succeeded in sabotaging the supplies.
Sabrock tells you to talk to Styx
Talk to Styx:
1) Brother Styx, his enlightenment is sending me...
1) To kill Sarathaan?!
?) [End Dialog]
Summary: The brotherhood is almost ready to send you to meet Sarathaan, but
first you must prove to them that you have the ability to kill
him. So they have lured a group of mutants north of Uthragon that
you are to go kill.
You might want to stop by the Inn on the way out and rest up. While you are
there you can ask the InnKeeper what the beer situation is like.
The monsters are north of Uthragon, standing on the road (The one that goes
through the "h" in Uthragon).
Fixed Encounter
Ibex Destroyer ,Level 25 : HP 1000
Ibex Female ,Level 15 : HP 450
Scoundrel ,Level 4 : HP 100
* This fight is a lot easier if you have Inferno and the Body Tattoo.
Once they are dead, return to the Dawners in Uthragon (D) and talk to Styx
(The guy on the right):
1) As proof of my combat skills...
Styx says they know who stocks the guards with Armour. Their suits may be
uncomfortable, but it "should" get you in. However... that is not all.
There is a bigger plan brewing in Sabrocks head. He tells you to talk to
Talk to Sabrock:
1) Yes, Im going for it!
Plan: You and "another" Dawner attack Captain Conrad at the entrance of the
barracks. Meanwhile, Sabrock will block Sarathaan's magic eye in that
area so that the true events of the fight go un-noticed. You are to
defeat Conrad, then put on fake armor and when the guards arrive, act
like the other Dawner is your captive. Conrad will be out of the way
and since the other guards will believe the attacker to be captured,
the tower wont go on alert. You will have free reign to enter the
Sabrock ends by telling you to get the armor from styx.
Talk to Styx:
2) I need the armor of the town guard.
You will gain Uthragon Plate Mail (un-wearable).
*** Once you fight Conrad, the Chapter 5 Cartographer side quests will
no longer be available. You may wish to do them now before
continuing if you wish to do them at all.
Before approaching Conrad, you should probably stop by the Inn and rest up.
When you ready, head to Conrad (C):
On the screen, you will see a Dawner standing to the right of Conrad. Speak
to him:
1) What is going to happen to you?
Summary : He is going to cast a sound proof spell that will prevent anyone
from hearing the battle. However it only lasts 180 seconds. So
you must defeat Conrad before the timer is up.
When you are ready tell him to begin
Fixed Encounter:
Conrad, Level 25, HP 1000
Guard, Level ??, HO ???
When the fight is over, you will see a small animation of Agavaen putting
on Armor. When the cut scene is over, exit screen left and then up the
On the patio, you will see even more stairs heading up to the tower. Take
keep going up. Eventually you will see an animation of Agavaen taking her
armor off and then you will be face to face with Sarathaan. Naturally, he
is a bit surprised and asks you who you are.
There are 2 ways that this can go down. Note that how you handle this
Confrontation determines the ending. (Not your alignment)
If you are a good person, you will not attack Sarathaan. However, you will
betray the Dawners. Below is a suggested conversation route, but
obviously, as long as you dont attack Sarathaan, what you say is really
your own business. If you are evil, basically just avoid any option that
says [Attack...]
1) Hmm.. that's a long story
3) By Sabatoging the Guards plans. I just had to meet you
1) Why are you asking?
1) I'm a member of the fellowship. But I joined them because I didn't have
any choice at the time.
2) My Sister? But why?
1) In Enakhann's times?
1) I can't stay here anymore. I want Auren back.
1) Shall I take care of Denevera?
You will appear in downtown Uthragon. And so begins Chapter 7...
* You should still feel free to do any side quests that interest
you. Chapter 7 is the end of the game after all...
If you are evil, you will attack Sarathaan no matter how convincing his
argument. Well... you wont actually get to attack him. He will cast a spell
and you will wake up in the street with all your gear and clothing missing.
Here is a suggested conversation for Sarathaan, but obviously, as long as
you attack him, what you say is really your own business:
3) I got as far as here using only mind tricks
1) Why are you asking?
1) I'm a member of the fellowship. But I joined them because I
didn't have any choice at the time.
2) My sister? But Why?
3) I'll stand by my sister no matter what the consequences [attack]
You will awaken laying on the street in downtown with your gear missing
Head back the Dawners base (D) and speak to Sabrock:
1) What's going to happen now?
2) I need to get to my stuff
3) Isn't dangerous to go the barrack again?
4) I need to find my sister Denevera. We can defeat
Sarathaan, but only with her help.
4) I'm going now.
Now leave the Dawners and head back to the Barracks (Where Conrad was (C))
Talk to the 1 Guard standing there.
2) I have no idea what you are talking about.
1) I need to get in.
1) I want Agavaen's stuff
2) What do you want for these things?
You need the head of ANOTHER woman... You will find such woman's grave
North/West of Uthragon on the South/East side of the lake. (North of "t" in
Fortress, west of "Cartographer").
There is a Tomb marked "Elizabeth". Action the tomb for the head and then
return to the guard.
2) I've got Agavaen's head for you.
Welcome to the barracks. Action the chest to get your gear. Now you are
ready for Chapter 7...
* You should still feel free to do any side quests that interest
you. Chapter 7 is the end of the game after all...
Side Quests:
Quest: Dragon Sword : Part 2 : Lost City
Pre-Requisite : Dragon Sword : Part 1
After you join Gareck's little group of rebels, Marcus will change
his tone when you ask him to take you to the mountain town.
Head to Marcus, the hammer master and begin a conversation:
1) Could you take me to the mountain town?
2) Lets go to the town in the mountains. I need that scroll. [Join
The entrance to the lost city is West of the Farm House. The gate is
north of the "c" in "Lost City". It is guarded by 2 monsters:
Fixed Encounter
Beater , Level 10 : HP 320
Cursed , Level 8 : HP 220
When you approach the gate, Marcus will open the door.
The path through the city is rather strait forward with occasional
Fixed Encounter
Cursed , Level 8 : HP 220
Beater , Level 10 : HP 320
Cursed , Level 8 : HP 220
Marcus and Agavaen will speak a little... Save [F6]. This
is the point where you can abandon this quest and return
later should you decide to keep Marcus. By getting this far
he wont bug you with "The Lost city is this way" all the
If you decide you would rather have the sword, continue down
the path a little further:
Fixed Encounter
Hulking Man , Level 20 : HP 2139
After the fight with the level 20 Hulking Man, Marcus will leave.
Just to the righteast of the battle with the Hulking man is a chest
containing the scroll half.
NOTE: Despite the Dragon sword being powerful, I personally
preferred keeping Marcus. Consider how much damage Agavaen
can do by herself versus how much 2 people can do working
together. After you get the sword, if you aren't impressed,
you always have the save above to revert to. =)
Quest: Dragon Sword : Part 3 : Illiah Gorge
Pre-Requisite : Dragon Sword : Part 2
The second half of the scroll is located on a hanged man in the
bottom left hand corner of the map (West of "Camp"). See Section 2.3
Local Map Fixed Encounter : "HANGED MAN"
Just North of the Hanged map is the gorge.
It is a long trip: head south, past the fort, through the swamp,
past Mildrew, etc...... The Gorge is North of the obvious crater,
intersects with line heading West from the word "Grenegar".
The entrance is guarded by 3 ghosts:
Fixed Encounter
Ghost of woman , Level 13 : HP 160
Ghost of woman , Level 13 : HP 160
Ghost of woman , Level 13 : HP 160
**Remember that ghosts can only be damaged with Magic
The Inferno Spell works VERY well. Especially combined
with the Body Tattoo Armor (if you happen to have it).
Approach the gorge (ONLY WITH THE COMPLETED SCROLL!) and
perform the action at the edge. A bridge will form. Walk out
to the sword and take it.
Fixed Loot
Dragon Sword
As you leave, you will be attacked by the swords guardian
Fixed Encounter
Gargoyle , Level 25 : HP 1000
7. > > > > Chapter 7: Final Confrontation
Agavaen needs the help of the Cartographer to find the source of all the
Recommended Level : 21+
- GOOD CHAPTER 6 ENDING (Skip if you are evil)
If you did NOT attack Sarathaan:
The Dawners intercept you on the way to the Cartographers house. They are a
little upset that you didn't kill Sarathaan. They will have a little chat
with you.
1) Where did he go?
1) Why doesn't it?
They will attack:
Fixed Encounter:
Sabrock, Level 25 : 900 HP
Styx , Level 18 : 300 HP
Xerxes , Level 18 : 275 HP
Fixed loot:
Head Hunter
When you get to the Cartographers house, he will not be there. However,
there is note on his dresser saying that he has gone to Grenegar.
Furthermore, you can "investigate" his house for some additional loot. At
the back of his house, if you approach his bedroom doors, you can rest for
free before moving on.
Head to Grenegar and when you get there, go to the Healers House. There you
will find the Cartographer. Speak to him:
?) What are you doing here?
?) I need to locate a fellow Auren. I'm told you are the
only person in the whole land that can do that.
During the spell, he begins to falter but Anxien Helps him. He tells you
that Denevera is North-West of Uthragon near some Obelisks, however the way
is blocked by some strange Trees.
- EVIL CHAPTER 6 ENDING (Skip if you are good)
If you attacked Sarathaan at the end of Chapter 6:
Go to the Inn and Rest if you haven't done so.
When Chapter 7 begins, the state of the game updates so that if you talk to
the bandits, you can NOW request the cellar key. Of course if you killed
the bandits, you probably already have the key AND the Irising Crystal,
however if you didn't kill them, go ahead and speak to them now and request
the key:
?) Give me the key to the cellar back in our old camp.
This will save you a trip later.
Goto the Cartographers house and speak with him:
?) I need to locate an Auren. They say you are the best at
these things
?) What energy source do you mean?
?) So just use one
The cartographer needs a crystal that is located in the Bandit Camp's
cellar. While the Cartographer called it the Crystal of Shielding, the Game
calls it the Crystal of Irising.
If you killed the Bandits earlier in the game, you may already have the
crystal, if not, you need to head to the bandit Camp (Bottom of the Map)
and "action" the cellar door. Inside, hanging from the ceiling is the
Fixed Loot
Crystal of Irising
Now Return to the Cartographer and Speak to him again:
1) I have the Crystal
He tells you that Denevera is North-West of Uthragon near some Obelisks,
however the way is blocked by some strange Trees.
North-West of Uthragon is a lake. On the North/West side of the lake are 2
power emitting Obelisks. Head West of the Obelisks and you will see 2
strange trees. An Action icon will appear. "action" the trees to begin the
Fixed Encounter:
Cursed Tree , Level 25 : 2500 HP
Cursed Tree , Level 25 : 2500 HP
* NOTE: They are resistant to blunt weapons, but have a weakness to fire
and axes (inferno anyone?). You can also hold them with deadlock
Now use a tent and rest.
If you have been traveling with Marcus, you probably noticed back in
chapter 6 that he didn't show up to help you fight Conrad. The same thing
will happen with the final confrontation. Since you are just north of the
Lost City, now would be a good time to finish the Chapter 6 Dragon Sword
quest before finishing the game. If you have any Skill with the long sword,
it can make the final battle a lot easier.
See : Dragon Sword : Part ... above for details.
Also, if there any side quests for this chapter that you would like to
perform, go ahead and do them now....
From where you fought the giant trees, rest and save [F6]. I found the
final battle crashes the game about 2 out of 3 times. (guess it is all the
magic special effects). If you have TIMESTOP, I recommend scribing it so
that it is ready to cast, It makes the final battle MUCH MUCH easier.
Also feel free to take a swig of any potions you have. That helps as well.
** Note : dont execute any physical moves with time stop. Only cast
You don't have any choice in the final battle. Even if your character stats
screen says "conviction: good", you may get the "evil" ending and vice
versa. The deciding factor is the earlier fight with Sarathaan in chapter
6. If you asked for Sarathaan's help getting back to your world (ie, you
didn't attack him), then that is the ending you will get. If you didn't
all other options involved attacking him, so you will side with Denevera
for the final battle.
As proof, I played the game 100% good except for fighting Sarathaan and I
still got the evil ending. I played it 100% evil, except for fighting
Sarathaan and I got the good ending. Note that I had to try a little harder
to avoid attacking Sarathaan when I was evil, but it was still possible.
As you approach Denevera, a conversation will emerge. The exact details and
tone of voice are different whether you are "evil" or "good".
good: Denerva says upfront that you have always been a burden to her. She
blames you for her misery because it was your vote in the Council
that banished her this pitiful world.
Agavaen suggests that they try to return together to the world of
Auren, but Denevera is not interested. She continues by saying that
she used to be good to humans, but all she heard in return was
"Auren" and "Witch".
Then Denevera scolds Agavaen for protecting the mortals. After all,
Agavaen was a lowly bandit. Then she says that yes, she used magic
to "help" the 2 bandits escape to Uthragon. It worked... it forced
Agavaen to leave. Then she admits to cursing Ravik.
Denevera takes credit for everything that you are and then says "And
look at you now. This is how you repay me!" -> Referring to your
alliance with Sarathaan.
Que Sarathaan... he teleports in and thanks Agavaen. He was beginning
to think he would never find Denevera.
Denevera says she will destroy Sarathaan. She would have done it in
Uthragon had Agavaen not interfered with her plan.
Fixed Encounter:
Denevera, Level 30 : 5000 HP
Locust Man, Level 25 : 1450 HP
Gargoyle, Level 25 : 1000 HP
* Good time to use timestop + inferno then cast protection spells
(Stone, Iron, Adamantite, Spell Block, War Cry once or twice).
NOW Agavaen is a formidable opponent (4000+ HPs of attack
damage... hell yeah...) Also note, if Sarathan casts storm,
the storm keeps rolling during timestop. If you have the
patience, you can wait for the lighting to kill everyone.
The ending sequence shows Denevera falling and then Sarathaan casting
a grand spell that both opens a portal and covers Agavaen in light.
As the light breaks away, Agavaen is once again a faerie with wings.
The portal opens up in the sky and you see her fly away waving
goodbye to Sarathaan... into the portal you see a worm-hole effect as
the screen fades to credits.
evil: Denevera says that when she first entered the world of the humans,
she tried to befriend them, but she was called an Auren witch
everywhere she went. The humans hated her and after a while, she got
tired of taking it... so she decided she would "show them". She would
conquer their world.
Sarathaan interupts the meeting by teleporting in. He says "Thank you
for leading me to your sister Agavaen". Denevera basically says case
in point: Sarathaan doesn't care about you, he just used you to find
An argument breaks out between Sarathaan and Denevera. Sarathaan
says that it was Denevera who split your bandit group up. It was
Denevera who summoned the Locust Man who attacked you in Mildrew. It
was Denevera who had a demon possess Ravik and it was Denevera who
sent 100s of monsters to kill you.
Denevera rebuttals by admitting to it, but says that she
was trying to help you grow in power. That is why the Level 20 Locust
Man didn't kill you in Mildrew. She didn't want to kill you, only
push you towards your potential and provide a means for you to
develop your skills. In essence, all the conflicts you experienced
throughout the game were devised by her to help you grow powerful
enough to share the throne.
Agavaen speaks up and is pissed at Sarathaan for not telling her what
he knew earlier. Then Sarathaan says that both sisters are evil and
that you must both die this day.
Fixed Encounter:
Sarathaan, Level 30 : 5000 HP
Inept Guard, Level ?? : 350 HP
Inept Guard, Level ?? : 350 HP
* Good time to use timestop + inferno then cast protection spells
(Stone, Iron, Adamantite, Spell Block, War Cry once or twice).
NOW Agavaen is a formidable opponent (4000+ HPs of attack
damage... hell yeah...) Also note, if she casts storm,
the storm keeps rolling during timestop. If you have the
patience, you can wait for the lighting to kill everyone.
The ending sequence shows the two sisters conquering Ugrathon and
taking the throne. People being shuffled in to bow down to their new
Side Quests:
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 6 : Champion Ship
Pre-Requisite : *Special (Read Below)
Recommended Min Level : 15
In order to activate Part 6, you must complete the first 5 Arena
Side Quests (in a timely fashion). I'm not exactly sure what
triggers the availability, but I found that it became available
around the beginning of Chapter 7.
Head to the arena for your sixth fight. Talk to the Owner and he
will tell you there is another fight ready. You will finally face
off against the arena champion, Otaker: The best of the Mildrew City
Guard. You can bet up to 500 gps if you win. Note this is NOT to the
death. Be careful not to accidentally kill
Fixed Encounter:
Guard (Otaker), Level 15 : HP 300
QUEST: Arena Fights : Part 7 : A Final Good Deed.. sort of.
Pre-Requisite : Arena Fights Part 3
Recommended Min Level : none
Shortly after you gain some standing in the Arena, you can be a
tattle-tale and let the Mayor know about the operation.
Turning in the Arena master yields good points. More importantly,
anything that you have sold him throughout the game, you will get
back. Including things you sell him before turning him in. If you
wait till late game, this can be the best money maker in the game.
I wouldn't recommend it early on. After all, you want to be able to
compete in the fights. But towards the end of the game you might as
well. The final battle characters have fixed HPs and levels no
matter how much experience you have.
I would start off by talking to the Arena Master and selling
anything to him that you don't need for the up and coming battle.
Now, head to the Mayor and speak with him:
?) Concerning Mildrew
?) Do you know there is an illegal Arena. It is just here in the
next house.
Back to the Arena, knock on the door:
Fixed Encounter:
Loth, Level 12 : HP 1000
Guard, Level 9 : HP 192
Brigand, Level 9 : HP 220
* Some city guards will join you for the battle:
Fixed Loot:
Q: Why aren't there any Frequently asked questions?
A: Because this is the first release of the Walkthrough.....
< < < < < APPENDICES > > > > >
A. > > > > Weapon Attacks
Daggers Att Sp Extra
Jugulation : 70% : 12 :
Penetrance : BASE : 17 :
Thieve's Trick : BASE : 20 : 60% chance of disruption
Spike : 115% : 22 : 40% chance of disruption, Bleeding 10% *1
*1 : Gained at Skill 25
Short Swords Att Sp Extra
Sand Storm : BASE : 22 :
Stab : BASE : 27 : Def 25%, Disruption 50%
Behead : 115% : 25 : 60% Disruption *1
Head Remover : 120% : 30 : Disruption 50%, DefBonus 40% *2
Backstab : 145% : 32 : Bleading 10% (8s)
Combo : 200% : 45 : Causes Defense Reduction
Castling : 150% : 35 : DefBonus : 60% *3
Legionary Attack : 160% : 40 : Disruption 40%, Bleeding 15% (10s)
RoundAbout : 200% : 45 : Weakening 20% (10s), DefRecourse 33%
*1 : Gained at skill 30
*2 : Gained at skill 50
*3 : Gained at skill 70
Staffs Att Sp Extra
Finisher : 70% : 15 :
Head Repulsor : BASE : 20 :
Bash : BASE : 24 : +Critical
CounterStrike : 125% : 30 : Def 60%
Leg Slower : 130% : 30 : Def Bonus 40%, Weakening 15% (5s) *1
Breath Taker : 150% : 35 : Stunning 50% (2s)
Crusher : 150% : 35 :
Striker : 180% : 50 : Causes Defense Reduction 55% *2
*1 : Gained at Skill 45
Long Swords Att Sp Extra
Cut : BASE : 30 :
Thrust : BASE : 32 : 71% Stunning for 2s
Stitch : 120% : 40 : Bleeding 10% (10s)
Dble Sided Att : 120% : 42 : Weakening 30% (4s)
Meat Chopper : 120% : 45 : Weakening 40% (8s), Bleeding 15% (8s)
Severing : 130% : 40 :
Offense : 180% : 55 : +Critital, DefRecourse 33%
Limb Remover : 200% : 60 : Weakening 20% (15s) *1
*1 : Gained at Skill 40
Hammers Att Sp Extra
Bluff : 20% : 10 : *1
Slam : BASE : 30 :
Head Crusher : BASE : 48 : 60% Crushing damage
Bone Fracture : 120% : 32 :
Moonshine : 130% : 41 : 71% Stunning for 6s
GraveDigger : 160% : 50 : 25% Stunning for 3s
Deathbearer : 190% : 60 : 50% Stunning for 3s, DefBonus 50%
*1 : Gained at skill 35
Axes Att Sp Extra
Head Chopper : BASE : 40 : Disruption 50%
Brain Eater : 110% : 45 : Disruption 50%
Dispersion : 110% : 35 : Disruption 30%, Bleeding 10% (3s) *1
Tornado : 140% : 45 : Disruption 30%, +Critical, DefBonus 150%
Meat-Grinder : 160% : 53 : Disruption 40%, Weakening 30% (4s)
Massacre : 195% : 70 : Disruption 70%, DefRecourse 33%
*1 : Gained at skill 35
- Disruption : Attack ignores target's armor
- DefBonus : Defense bonus while preparing
- Weakening : Weakens enemy for period of time (like Weaken Spell)
- Bleeding : Enemy continues to lose a percentage of damage done even
after the hit (for several seconds).
- Stunning : Percentage chance that Enemy is Stunned for a few moments
- +Critical : Increased chance of performing critical hit.
- DefRecourse : Agavaen sacrifices a percentage of her own defense bonus
for additional damage or chance at critical.
B. > > > > Weapons
- Dagger Att : 10 Def : 0 S/A : 44/56
- Dirk Att : 15 Def : 0 S/A : 50/50
- Twin's Dagger Att : 15 Def : 0 S/A : 25/75 *1
- Combat Knife Att : 24 Def : 0 S/A : 38/62 *2
- Stiletto: Att : 35 Def : 0 S/A : 38/62
- Dragon Dagger: Att : 45 Def : 0 S/A : 44/56
- Short Sword Att : 14 Def : 2 S/A : 69/31
- Rapier Att : 22 Def : 5 S/A : 55/45
- Reworn's Sword Att : 28 Def : 0 S/A : 66/34 *3
- Sabre Att : 40 Def : 6 S/A : 75/25
- Storm Blade Att : 60 Def : 20 S/A : 84/16
- Staff Att : 8 Def : 4 S/A : 50/50
- Head Hunter Att : 10 Def : 0 S/A : 50/50 *4
- Solid Staff Att : 14 Def : 10 S/A : 55/45
- Long Staff Att : 25 Def : 20 S/A : 55/45
- War Staff Att : 35 Def : 40 S/A : 64/36
- Broad Sword Att : 20 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- Long Sword Att : 30 Def : 0 S/A : 79/21
- Bastard Sword Att : 42 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- Two-Handed Sword Att : 60 Def : 0 S/A : 94/6
- Conqueror Att : 75 Def : 0 S/A : 50/50 *5
- Massacre Sword Att : 85 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- Dragon Sword Att : 200 Def : 0 S/A : 75/25 *6
- Hammer Att : 20 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- Mace Att : 30 Def : 0 S/A : 100/0
- Heavy Hammer Att : 45 Def : 0 S/A : 100/0
- Dwarf Hammer Att : 70 Def : 0 S/A : 94/6 *7
- Large Hammer Att : 100 Def : 0 S/A : 100/0
- Hatche Att : 18 Def : 0 S/A : 85/15
- Axe Att : 30 Def : 0 S/A : 75/25
- Skeleton's Axe Att : 40 Def : 0 S/A : 79/21 *8
- Heavy Axe Att : 45 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- War Axe Att : 65 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
- Avenger Axe Att : 90 Def : 0 S/A : 89/11
*1: Agility +3, Perception +3
Part of Side Quest "Finding the family Heirloom"
*2: Normally Available Early at Arena in Mildrew
*3: Quest Item for "Reworn Settlement: Part 2"
*4: Staff/Spear. See Chapter 7 : "GOOD CHAPTER 6 ENDING"
*5: Quest Item for "Stim's Ghost & The Family Sword", Chapter 4
*6: Quest Item "Dragon Sword : Part 3", Chapter 6
*7: Normally Available Early at Arena in Mildrew
*8: Found in Temple of Agath
C. > > > > Armor
- Vest Def : 3
- Luxury Vest Def : 5
- Leather Armor Def : 10
- ChainMail Armor Def : 20
- Mythryl Armor Def : 35
- Dragon Armor Def : 60
- Bracelets Def : 1
- Leather Bracelets Def : 2
- Heavy Bracelets Def : 4
- Metal Bracelets Def : 8
- Plate Bracelets Def : 10
- Dragon Gloves Def : 18
- Belt Def : 1
- Cloth Belt Def : 2
- Heavy Belt Def : 4
- Metal Belt Def : 6
- Plate Belt Def : 8
- Dragon Belt Def : 10
- Boots Def : 2
- Leather Boots Def : 4
- Heavy Boots Def : 6
- Metal Boots Def : 10
- Dragon Boots Def : 14
D. > > > > Spells and Runes : Quick Reference
BASE = Int Attribute score (including gear bonuses) + 1/2 Spell Type Skill.
EX : INT=100, Att skill = 50: BASE DAMAGE = 125
Fire Shot : [ROF][ROF] : BASE fire damage
Lightning Discharge : [ROL][ROL] : BASE elect damage
Mind Attack : [ROM][ROE][ROF] : 80% mind damage
Frost Bite : [ROI][ROI][ROL] : 120% ice damage
Crooked Mirror : [ROM][ROL][ROM]
: 33% Chance 2/3 Enemy HP
Lightning Shot : [ROL][ROF][NR ][ROL] : 200% elect damage
Ice Shot : [ROJ][ROI][ROC][ROI] : 200% ice damage + slow
Morena's Revenge : [RR ][ROI][PR ][ROI][RTM] : 800% ice damage + stun
Meteor : [ROA][ROP][ROA][ROF][GR ] : 250%,500%,250% fire
Storm : [ROL][ROA][RC ][ROE][ROT] : 300% rand area elect dam
Inferno : EARNED NOT LEARNED : 1600% fire damage, all
Healing : [ROH][ROH] : BASE hp healed
Iron Skin : [ROC][ROH][ROC] : Def + fireice resist
Soul Voyage :
[ROL][ROP] : attacker shares damage
Stone Skin : [ROP][ROF][ROE] : Def Bonus
Regeneration : [ROP][ROJ]
[ROI] : Healing over time
Advanced Healing : [ROH]
[ROP][NR ] : 300% hp healed
Sanitation : [ROZ][RR ][PR ][ROH] : FULL HEALING
Spell Blockage : [OR ][ROP][ROA][SR ][OR ] : Attack SpellType immunity
Adamantite Skin : [RR ][OR ][ROH][RTM][PR ] : Def + mindelect resist
Weakness : [ROE][ROE] : Hurt enemy attributes
Cancellation : [NR ][NR] : remove all spells 1 targ
War Cry : [NR ]
[ROE] : increased party attack
Haste : [ROJ][ROV][ROF][OR ] : movecast 50% faster
Cancel all Spells : [SR ][PR ][SR ][GR ] : like it says,except storm
Arise : [ROH][RTM][SR ][RR ] : raise dead or adv heal
Deadlock : [ROE][ROV][ROJ][ROP][GR ] : immobilize target
Dispel Spells : [GR ][ROJ][SR ][ROC][NR ] : selective spell removal
Calling of Death : [RC ][ROA][ROM][RTM][NR ] : fatal area for non humans
Timestop : Spell Scroll Only : Stop time for 10s
[GR ] : General's Rune [ROA] : Rune of Anarchy [ROL] : Rune of Lightning
: hallowed rune [ROC] : Rune of Carma [ROM] : Rune of Mind
[NR ] : Nether Rune [ROE] : Rune of Earth [ROP] : Rune of Protection
[OR ] : Order Rune [ROF] : Rune of Fire [ROT] : Rune of Tremor
[PR ] : Protector Rune [ROH] : Rune of Healing [ROV] : Rune of Visions
[RC ] : Rune of Creation [ROI] : Rune of Ice [ROZ] : Rune of Zodiac
[RR] : Ritual Rune [ROJ] : Rune of Jupiter [RTM] : Rune of the Mage
[SR ] : Summoner Rune
RUNE OF ZODIAC (Used by Sanitation)
RUNE OF CREATION (Storm, Calling of Death)
E. > > > > Spells : Details
- Fire Shot
1) Rune of Fire
2) Rune of Fire
Basic fire damage to normal target.
- Frost Bite
1) Rune of Ice
2) Rune of Ice
3) Rune of Lightning
Basic electric damage to normal target.
- Lightning Discharge
1) Rune of Lightning
2) Rune of Lightning
Basic electric damage to normal target
- Mind Attack
1) Rune of Mind
2) Rune of Earth
3) Rune of Fire
Basic psionic (mind) damage to normal target
- Ice Shot
1) Rune of Jupiter
2) Rune of Ice
3) Rune of Carma
4) Rune of Ice
Moderate ice damage to normal target.
Slows target for several seconds (about 120 - 160s).
- Lightning Shot
1) Rune of Lightning
2) Rune of Fire
3) Nether Rune
4) Rune of Lightning
Moderate electric damage to normal target.
Stuns target for a few seconds (3 to 6s)
- Crooked Mirror
1) Rune of Mind
2) Rune of Lightning
3) Rune of Mind
4) hallowed rune
Psionic Damage. randomly chooses 1 of 3 affects:
* Moderate psionic damage to target (2/3 of targets HP)
* damages 1 point of damage
* "symbolic" damage. (whatever that means).
- Meteor
1) Rune of Anarchy
2) Rune of Protection
3) Rune of Anarchy
4) Rune of Fire
5) General's Rune
Advanced Fire Damage to Primary Target.
Moderate Fire Damage to Adjacent Targets.
- Morena's Revenge
1) Ritual Rune
2) Rune of Ice
3) Protector Rune
4) Rune of Ice
5) Rune of the Mage
Advanced ice damage to normal target.
Freezes target for several seconds (3s).
- Inferno
Description: Fatal (1000+ HPs) of Fire Damage to All
- Healing
1) Rune of Healing
2) Rune of Healing
Weak healing
- Iron Skin
1) Rune of Carma
2) Rune of Healing
3) Rune of Carma
Defense Bonus + Resistance to Fire and Ice Spells
- Soul Voyage
1) hallowed Rune
2) Rune of Lightning
3) Rune of Protection
Creates "bond" with enemy. 60% of any damage done to Agavaen is
transferred to the enemy.
- Spell Blockade
1) Order Rune
2) Rune of Protection
3) Rune of Anarchy
4) Summoner Rune
5) Order Rune
Protects Target user from all "Attack" spells. Note that
support and defense spells will still work.
- Stone Skin
1) Rune of Protection
2) Rune of Fire
3) Rune of Earth
Moderate Defense Bonus applied to caster
- Regeneration
1) Rune of Protection
2) Rune of Jupitor
3) hallowed Rune
4) Rune of Ice
Constantly heals user for duration of spell.
- Sanitation
1) Rune of Zodiac
2) Ritual Rune
3) Protector Rune
4) Rune of Healing
Heals even the most serious wounds.
- Adamantite Skin
1) Ritual Rune
2) Order Rune
3) Rune of healing
4) Rune of the Mage
5) Protector Rune
Substantial Defense Bonus + resistance to Lighting and Psionic spells
- Advanced Healing
1) Rune of healing
2) hallowed Rune
3) Rune of Protection
4) Nether Rune
Moderate Healing of target
- Weakness
1) Rune of Earth
2) Rune of Earth
Very Fast Spell which shifts enemy attributes around. Moving them
from Intelligence, Strength and Agility to Endurance. Target will
become slower and easier to hit but will gain HPs until the spell
wears off.
- Cancellation
1) Nether Rune
2) Nether Rune
Removes all affects, both beneficial and harmful, from 1 target.
- War Cry
1) Nether Rune
2) hallowed rune
3) Rune of Earth
Increase attack of all party members (including Agavaen).
- Haste
1) Rune of Jupitor
2) Rune of Visions
3) Rune of Fire
4) Order Rune
Increases Target's Speed. Affects both physical and magical attacks.
- Deadlock
1) Rune of Earth
2) Rune of Visions
3) Rune of Jupitor
4) Rune of Protection
5) General's Rune
Immobilizes target for several seconds. (about 160 - 200s). During
this time the target can not perform any physical attacks. (However
they can cast spells).
- Cancel All Spells
1) Summoner Rune
2) Protector Rune
3) Summoner Rune
4) Generals Rune
Removes all spells from ALL characters including area affect
- Dispel Spells
1) General's Rune
2) Rune of Jupitor
3) Summoner Rune
4) Rune of Carma
5) Nether Rune
Removes all positive spells from an enemy or all negative spells from
an ally.
- Arise
1) Rune of Healing
2) Rune of the Mage
3) Summoner Rune
4) Ritual Rune
Raises a fallen comrad during battle andor restores 50% of living
- Calling of Death
1) Rune of Creation
2) Rune of Anarchy
3) Rune of Mind
4) Rune of the Mage
5) Nether Rune
Similar to Inferno, however it is all or nothing. Inferno does
thousands of HPs of damage, even if target doesn't fall. Calling of
Death kills all targets beneath a certain HP level, but if they are
above the level, they are unaffected. Also.. it doesn't work on
F. > > > > Bugs and Tricks
- Infinite Money Bug (Only bug fixed by the 1.1 patch)
If you have not installed the patch and you find gold in a container such
as a chest, you can take advantage of this bug.
Basically, clicking on "Take All" does not remove money from containers
or chests, allowing you to continue taking money over and over again.
Following the walkthrough, the first opportunity will be on the way from
the CAMP to MILDREW. (Chest in an open field) However, chests in map mode
disappear when you walk away from them. Their usefulness is limited by
your patience.
However... chests found in Area Mode, do not disappear after use. These
are very valuable (and rare) as you can revisit them and get more money
whenever you need it. Furthermore, since they are in area mode, they are
normally safer to access.
The first example is the shed outside the MILDREW gate. There is also a
tomb in Agath and Grenegar that offer the infinite money opportunity.
*The alternative is saving/reloading over and over with games of chance
built into the game, which can really test your patience.
- Learn Spells without destroying scroll
Typically when you dbl click a scroll in your inventory to "learn" a new
spell, the scroll is consumed in the process. If, however, you wait until
a combat round to "learn" your spells, there is a bug where the game does
not remove your scroll. However, the action still takes time... equivalent
to drinking a potion. So I recommend waiting until you are up against a
low level, slow creature before using this tactic.
The obvious advantage is that you can turn around and sell the spell
recipe after you no longer need the scroll. A little extra cash never
- Sell (nearly) all gear twice
This isn't a bug so much as a quest exploit. The Arena quests open up a
merchant in Mildrew at the Arena who will buy your items at a much higher
price than any other merchant in the game (because the operation is
illegal). If you search this document for "Arena Fights : Part 7", you will
notice that you have the option of turning the Arena Master in at any point
in the game and the result is that you gain all of his inventory.
An even better result is that you gain an inventory that you just sold him.
And an even better result than that is if you gain a LARGE inventory that
you have been selling him over the course of the game.
If you have the patience, back track to Mildrew and sell all your wares to
that merchant throughout the game. When you run out of money, you can
effectively get it all back and then sell it all again.
** Buyer wise, the 2nd best merchant is (SK) in Uthragon, but you have to
finish his quest first "Find Lost Goods".
This is less useful for people using the infinite money cheat, but a must
have exploit for people playing without it. For the non-cheaters, I
recommend holding out till the end of chapter 4 and then doubling your
money so you can buy some hi-end gear for the last 3 chapters (when you
really need it).
- Make Agavaen and her companion Fire Resistant
At the end of the "Helping the Cartographer" set of quests, the
Cartographer offers you a potion that increases the drinker's fire
resistance by 10 PERMANENTLY. The final quest conversation is broken and
you can collect the potion as many times as you want. *(I Believe bug
introduced by 1.1 patch).
So the question is : 10 what? HPs resisted? Percentage damage resisted?
With some experimenting, I found it seems to be percentage based, but
anything over roughly 85% resistance is ignored. In other words, no matter
HOW MUCH resistance you have, you still take at least 15% damage. In fact,
I found that going substantially over 100 actually increased the amount of
damage Agavaen took on average... so I recommend no more than 9 potion
bottles for Agavaen. And maybe another 9 to 18 for her current and future
travel companion.
* Traveling companions can only be instructed to drink potions during
combat. Find a non-magic creature, deadlock it and have your companion
drink up.
NOTE: Unfortunately, the potion wont sell for any money, so you cant use
this as a post 1.1 patch money cheat.
- Weakness Spell
This isn't so much a bug, but doesn't behave the way you might think.
Weakness doesn't decrease attributes, it simply shifts them around. That
is.. it moves them from Agility, Intelligence and Strength to Endurance.
It makes the opponent slower, easier to hit and decreases their damage,
but you are unlikely to kill them while the spell is in effect because of
their increased HPs. When the spell wears off, any damage you have done
will be applied to their original hit points all at once... The game wont
kill the opponent when this happens, but will lower their HPs to 1 if they
"should" be dead.
G. > > > > EditorsTrainers
As of this writing, there are no Trainers or SaveGame editors for NeverEnd.
But it is buggy enough that you may not need one: See Bugs and Tricks above.
There is a nice tutorial on how to hack NeverEnd using Artmoney here:
ArtMoney is a general purpose Game Hacking tool... it is not specifically
designed for Neverend. I followed the tutorial and was able to give Agavaen
additional Runes even in the patched game.
< < < < < Contributing Authors > > > > >
Dheu : For the initial version
< < < < < Final Words.... > > > > >
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NeverEnd is Copyright © 2006 by Mayhem Studios
I am not affiliated with Mayhem Studios or Dream Catcher Interactive Inc.
(North America Distributor) or anyone who had anything to do with the creation
of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED
and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You may not charge for, or
in any way profit from this FAQ.
Miloš Vučić