Martian Gothic – Unification (walkthrough)

Martian Gothic - Unification

05/01/00 - - - by Talon Soft

Walkthrough and FAQ v0.01 *BETA*
by Watchfull (

FAQ released on 05/07/00
Las Updated on 05/08/00

This  FAQ  was made for the simple reason there are none  yet  and
this is a  very hard game! I've just updated this FAQ for the first
time, so it should  look  a little better. If you have problems  
viewing  this thing in Windows,  try turning off Word Wrap (as most 
lines are  no  longer than 79 characters.)

Also,  greets go out to the people who have been debating  how  to
play this  game on the Technical Support board at Talon Soft and  on  
a certain BB I frequent. You know who your are. . .

Official  greets go out to : MetalWolf (comrade in arms), Shock_XS
and WildChild  for  inspiring me to write this FAQ,  and  finally,  
my fiance, who's  been there to jump out of her skin whenever a zombie 
sneaks up on me.

Official Hosting Site(s) for this FAQ -
My Home  :

- - - - COPYRIGHT - - - -

Please note that this FAQ is copyrighted 2000 under international
copyright  laws. Reproduction and distribution is LIMITED  to  the
below guidelines.

1) Proper credit is given to the author of this FAQ (Watchfull).

2)  This   FAQ   is   not   used  as a  sales  device,  membership
incentive, or any other
   means/attempt that gains profit from such an endeavor.

3)  The  text  of the  FAQ is  in NO WAY altered from its original
form, as posted
              to            my            official            site

4)  Reproduction   of   this FAQ (In whole or  part)  without  the
author's permission
    is  called  PLAGERISM.   Don't   do   it, it's  not cool,  and
is a "sue-able"
   offense (consult your local lawyer if you want to verify it).

5)  This   FAQ   is   to   be  distributed  on  hard  media  (i.e.
Magazine discs, bonus
    material disc) only if the FAQ is advertised as the main point
of sale to the
    consumer   and   that   the  company  publishing   said  media
contacts the author

Please  note   :   Plagerism  will  not  be  tolerated  under  any
circumstances! If you
                 read  throught the copyright, you know the rules.
No excuses are
                accepted anymore (my e-mail is only listed in here
a couple of
                of times, so not having a way to contact me is BS!
I'm sorry if
                I sound miffed, but I've found three occurances of
it already!)

Please  note  that Martian Gothic: Unification  is  a   registered
trademark of Talon
Soft. I make no attempt to infringe upon this trademark and as far
as I'm aware,
they have no problem with me writing a FAQ on it.

- - - - REVISION HISTORY - - - -
05/08/00 - Version 0.01 BETA   - Some spelling fixes
                               - Some gameplay points fixed in the
                                -  Now have the proper solution to
getting the
                                 yellow key.
                                -  Everything between getting into
MOOD and
                                    opening   the   bulkheads   is
                                 -Copyright is ammended a  bit  to
solve a few
                                 issues already.
                                 -Did some "justify" formatting of
the story and
                                  copyright. Going to see  how  it

05/06/00  -  Version  0.001 BETA  - FAQ  is  released  for  public

05/04/00  -  Version 0.000 ALPHA - FAQ is created after  hours  of
playing Martian
                                 Gothic: Unification.

- - - -Enough Stupid Stuff, Let's Rock - - - -

Martian  Gothic:  Unification is best described as  a  interactive
horror game much
like  the Resident Evil series. There are a few catches (the  most
obvious being
you're on Mars, not Earth ;).

- - Story - -
Martian Gothic (herein referred to as MG, because it'll save  your
mind and mine)
occurs  on  a small archeological base on Mars, called Vita  Base.
It's purpose, to
further support  the hypothesis that life _did_ at one point  live
on the surface
of this dead planet.

A year and  two  weeks into the  dig, the crew discovers an enigma
of sorts, and
proceeds to investigate it. From  there, all hell breaks loose.  A
single message
leaves  he  station  from  the  project   director  at  the  base,
telling  the
corporation   that  they "have opened  Pandora's box,    all
the evils of old
Mars have flown out. . ." and  warning  them that ". . . if you do
send a manned
mission, warn the crew. . . Stay  Alone, Stay Alive. . . otherwise

That  was  August  of  2017. It's been 10 months  since  the  last
broadcast from Vita
base  and just now, Allenby, the corporation responsible for  Vita
base is sending
a crew of three to investigate this unusual radio silence.

You  are  that  crew. Kenzo, Matlock, and Karne, sent to Vita Base
to uncover the
mystery   of  its  recent  radio  silence,  told  only two things,
they are to go
through   separate   airlocks  (Prime  Directive)   and  to  "Stay
Alone, Stay Alive"
(Secondary  Directive). One  problem mars (cheap pun) the mission,
Vita Base has
turned off it's landing beacon, and a wild dust storm forces Kenzo
to crash land
the   ship,  leaving them with only one alternative, to  find  out
what happened in
Vita  base  and  re-establish  radio  contact, or  to  die  up  on
this already dead

- - Game Controls - -

Movement Mode (when you are not prepped for combat)

UP         - Walk forward
DOWN       - Walk backwards
LEFT       - Turn Counter-Clockwise
RIGHT      - Turn Clockwise
RIGHT Ctrl - Hold down to Run
I, F4      - Enter the inventory
F1,  F2,  F3 - Switch between Karne, Kenzo, and Matlock  (in  that
SPACE BAR  - Enter Combat Mode (w.o a weapon, this will shin kick)
PrtScn     - Screenshot

Combat Mode (Ready, aim, SHOOT!)

UP         - Step forward
DOWN       - Step backward
LEFT       - Turn Counter-Clockwise
RIGHT      - Turn Clockwise
ENTER      - Fire weapon (reloads if weapon is empty)
LEFT Ctrl  - Aim down
RIGHT Ctrl - Shin kick
SPACE BAR  - Return to Movement Mode
PrtScn     - Screenshot

- - Questions? - -
Here are some commonly asked questions I should answer before I go
on (I asked these
myself,  that's how I know someone else will ask, these are  tough

Q: How do I save?
A:  If you're like me and skipped the manual,  it says on page  11
what to do.  If
    you  lost the manual (like me),  all you have to do is  access
the computer, go
   to the Martian Madness game,  and select SAVE GAME.

NOTE  -   Each Martian Madness game allows 1 to 3 saves. Use  them
wisely! Also,
         you  need  to manually go to your save games  folder  and
delete old ones
        in order to fit in new ones.

Q:  Right  in the beginning,  I'm stuck in the director's  bedroom
with the first
    Zombie  I meet. She keeps eating my neck before I can get  out
the door and now
   I'm stuck!
A:  This  one sucks. What you have to do is right after  you  free
Karne, is hit the
    ESC  key  to skip all the speech and such. Then you should  be
able to just walk
    to  the  door, open it, and skip on out before the  she-Zombie
wakes up. This is
    caused  by a bug  in the script Talon Soft used,  in that  the
Zombie is set to
    wake up  x number of seconds after the event is triggered,  so
by skipping the
   speech/cut scene, you give yourself some extra time.

Q: How do I fight the zombies without a gun?
A:  You don't.  You should instead run,  as  the shin kick  is not
meant  to kill
    Zombies.   Don't worry;  you'll be able to blast their  brains
out soon enough.

Q: What the ****? Didn't I just kill that zombie?
A:  You  probably did, but here's the catch, it's a zombie.   They
can't die, they
    are  already dead!  Instead,  they'll get up after  10  or  15
minutes (depending
    upon the importance of their location).  Also, nailing them to
the floor and
   shooting them while they're down will just revive them sooner.

Q: HELP! I keep running out of ammo!
A: Wow,  that sucks.  Try this, instead of  _always_  blasting the
zombies,  try
    avoiding them  (the zombies  in  the  arboretum can  be  dealt
with  in  this
    fashion,   as well as the zombies in most dorms and the  wider
hallways.) Also,
   try to avoid backtracking  TOO  much,  only when necessary,  as
this will cut
   down on encounters.

Q: My inventory is full! What do I do now?
A:  Well,   you  can  always put stuff  you're not  using  in  the
hatches  and lockers
    found  throughout  the  base.  Also,  if  you  lose  track  of
where you put
   something,  all  computer  terminals  will  give  you a list of
what's in the
   storage boxes (this option is in the Local Files area).

Q: What are the brown herb and lichen used for?
A:  The   brown herb, when used by Matlock in the MedLab  chemical
extractor,  will
    usually  yield about 3 or 4 health boosters.  Lichen when used
in this device
    will yield about 2 to 4 anti-tox. Very handy if you run out of

Q: What is the pass code to such-and-such?
A:  I  can't  tell you that. Although the codes are the  same  for
every game played,
    you   can  use   these codes without going through  the  right
paths,  which means
   you miss vital plot and maybe other items!

Q: How do I open the door?
A:  What door? Huh? Be more specific when you e-mail me questions.
I can't answer
   something like that.

- - Walkthrough - -
If  you sit through the introduction, the character you start  out
with will be
Karne.  Immediately  hit F2 to switch to  Kenzo.  First  open  his
helmet, grab and
use  the radio to talk to everyone else. Now go to the open locker
across the
room  and stash everything but his watch and his radio insdie  for
safe keeping.
Now  you  should walk on up to the door out of the air lock,  open
it, and exit.
Welcome  to the Decontamination Room. Go ahead a bit and  use  the
control panel to
contaminate   yourself  (no,  that's  not  a  spelling/grammatical
error). Walk through
forward more and out the door.

Welcome  to  the  Madison Avenue corridor. Go to your  character's
left to get a
tidbit  about how the corridors are named (useful) and  then  turn
around to hear a
quirky little joke. Walk through the door and meet you first  dead
man. Don't
worry, he's not getting up yet to introduce himself, so walk on by
and hang a
left at the intersection.

Search the body of the base director to get his tape recorder  and
key tag.
Listen to the recorder to figure out that this guy had some issues
(most people
would  have  a  hint of hysteria to their voice  at  the  time  he
recorded). Turn
around  and  go  through the door, walking  forward  to  meet  the
magical floating

Now  hang  a right and use the door with the key tag the  director
had. Head on in
and  notice the dead person on the left. Go on up to her and  take
the ammo from
her  (don't worry, she won't miss it). Notice the vac tubes on the
right rear
wall  and the locked dresser on the left front wall. Go up to  the
computer on the
right  front wall and use it with the recorder to get the password
and access to
the computer.

Listen  to  the project director's emergency message to Earth  and
take a moment to
think  about  the  deathtrap these poor three people  have  walked
into. I pity them.
Anyway, read through the public documents for some background info
on what has
happened here, and read the local files for some item locations.

When  you feel up to it, select "Door Controls" from the menu  and
open up the
decontamination  room door for good old Karne. Be  ready,  because
after you do
that, the she-Zombie isn't too happy, so now would be a good  time
to book it out
the door! Switch to Karne now.

Go through the airlock door into the decontamination room; use the
panel, and then exit. Follow the corridor until Karne remarks that
his watch has
stopped. This is _very_ important! Now keep walking down the  hall
until you spot
a  hatch. Go ahead and open it with the number on your watch. Grab
the green tag
and health boost. Stash in here your silver bullet and wrapper.

Turn  to  your left and walk over to the vac tubes. Use them,  and
then put the
green tag inside. Press the up arrow and away they go! Switch back
to Kenzo now.

As  Kenzo, walk through the door opposite of the magical  floating
zombie, and
keep  going straight through the next. Stop by the hatch just past
the second
door  to  grab a health booster (just in case that zombie got  you
and you need
it).  Now  hang  a left and follow the corridor, stopping  by  the
second body to
grab  the MED key off of him, and then proceeding all the  way  to
the end, where you
should  see a vac tube. Use it, take the note from Ben Gunn  (read
this for later
use  of  the pass code within it. Believe me, if you don't  you'll
get stuck later)
and  then  hit  the down arrow to get the green  tag  Karne  sent.
Backtrack in this
corridor  a  bit  to about halfway, where there  is  a  door  that
requires the green tag.
Use it and enter into the gym.

After  sobbing  a bit over the suicide in front of you,  grab  the
deflated hopper,
and  then open up the bike and grab the drive belt. Now head  over
to the suicide
victim and grab everything under her. After that, examine her body
to grab a
recorder and another green tag. Wow, lot's of green here.

Backtrack to the vac tube and send your new green tag to Karne (in
case you
forgot,  that's use the vac tube, place the item you want in,  hit
the up arrow).
Now,  switch back to Karne and grab the tag out of the tube.  Back
track back to
the first door in the corridor and open it with the green tag.

Notice  the nice slides these dead people picked. Then go to  your
left, and open the music box. Grab the key and then note the  song
that plays.
Karne  gets it, do you? Anyway, next, move to the table  and  grab
the pop gun and
the  bioscanner. Now, carefully walk up to the corpse in front  of
the slide
projector. As soon as you can, search him and take his green  tag,
then turn
around  and go out the door. Careful, the dead guy will follow  as
far as the door.

Now  you  can  walk back to the hatch, and stash the pop  gun  and
magnetic checker
piece. Now walk over to the vac tube and give Kenzo the green tag.
Switch to Kenzo,
grab the tag, and use it on the door right next to the vac tube.

Walk a little ways in and listen to Kenzo's description of the air
in here. It
certainly  looks that way too, but regardless. Walk  over  to  the
stall with the
corpse  in  it  and  take the vibrobrush and  everything  off  the
corpse, including
his  purple tag and his pass code. Now walk over to the other dead
body and a
little  beyond,  switching your view. Go over to the  lockers  and
grab the green
tag and the dorm 2 tag. Leave the bathroom and send the vibrabrush
and purple
tag to Karne.

Switch  over to Karne and grab the vibrabrush and the purple  tag.
Then go stash
the vibrabrush in the hatch and use the purple tag on the door  to
open up the
library.  Go over to the desk and unlock it with the key from  the
music box.
Grab  the  blue  key  from inside there and now  go  over  to  the
computer and read the
three  reports in the local files area (as this saves  time  later
and gives some
background  info). Now leave. Don't worry about the zombie,  he'll
get up to show
you the door, but you're already there, so head on out.

Stash  anything else you don't need now in the hatch (if  you  run
out of space in
this hatch, you can backtrack all the way back to the airlock  and
use the locker
in  there)  and head towards the end of the hall with  the  keypad
locked door. Use
the  pass code that Kenzo found in the bathroom and you're now  in
the arboretum!

Walk  to the right and search the suicidal corpse, making note  to
read his note.
Also  grab the note about the altar they found, so you don't  need
to grab it later.
Start  walking away from Mr. Suicidal and he'll get up  to  invite
you to death. Simply
evade  him, and run back to where he was sitting. Well well  well,
looks like a certain
someone  dropped his gun. Pick it up and avoid him as  you  circle
around the fountain.
That  is until you meet your next zombie. Kill this one with  five
shots from the gun,
and  loot  his  body  for another Piccilo Gun for  Kenzo  and  his
recorder. This recorder
has the pass code to release Matlock with.

Try  and venture near the other exit and a new friend will pop  in
to visit. This
guy  is called the "TriMorph" (although I think there's more  than
three people in
there).  Just  say hi to him and go back to the  vac  tube,  being
cautious because now
another zombie will get jealous and rise from the dead. Shoot  him
down and
send the spare gun you just got to Kenzo. Retreat all the way back
to your
airlock and then switch to Kenzo. (The reason for retreat is  that
even if you
are  not controlling the character, time passes for them, so  when
that zombie
wakes up, he's going to have a nice snack of your character!)

As Kenzo, grab the gun (remember that ammo I told you to get? This
is why!) and
head  back to the director's office. Blow the she-zombie away  and
use the
computer. Go down to the Door Control and type in the pass code on
the recorder
that  Karne found. This will now free Matlock! Get Kenzo out  into
the hallway and
switch to Matlock.

Whew,  finally, we get to play the girl. Anyway, search the locker
in the airlock
to  get a gun and a lot of ammo. Also, stash your picure, nicotine
patch, and contact
lense  in  there. Go through the door, use the control  panel,  go
through the next door.
First head to the tunnel on your character's right, searching  the
corpse to get the

Now, go to the tunnel on oppositte side of the screen (if you  use
the map, this is
the  tunnel  that leads to Piccadilly Circus. When you  reach  the
hatch, grab the note
detailing some treachery and the hacksaw. Make your way  into  the
"hub" of labs and
search  the corpse. This will yield a recorder and the tag to  the
door which is now
in  the  scene, as well as the lighter on the corpse.  Go  on  in,
using the tag to open
  it,  and  immediatly send the hacksaw over to Karne.  Switch  to

As  Karne,  make  your way back to the vac tubes,  being  sure  to
dispatch or avoid
any  zombies. Now grab the hacksaw and go into arboretum. Take the
his left this
time towards the shed. The zombie you shot down will get back  up,
so put him back
down.  Then use the hacksaw to open the padlock and grab the  weed

Run  on  back to the vac tube, open the weed sprayer  to  get  the
cartridge out,
and  send that (the cartridge) to Matlock, along with the  hacksaw
and your two blue
tags.  Switch to Kenzo, rush into the director's office,  blasting
the she-zombie you
woke earlier, and grabbing the hacksaw out of the tube, and adding
the MED key to
the  stuff to be sent to Matlock. Now run back out into  the  hall
and quickly switch
to Matlock.

As  Matlock,  grab _EVERYTHING_ out of the tube, then  turning  to
place the cartridge
into the chemical combiner. Go over to the computer and select the
Chemical Combiner
option. Next select Hydrochloric Acid. As soon as that's done, pop
the cartridge
into  the tubes to Karne. Hopefully, you did this all fast  enough
to avoid Karne's
neck from becoming the zombie substitute for steak.

Quickly  switch  to Karne, grab the cartridge, open  up  the  weed
sprayer, and pop the
cartridge back in. Run quickly through the arboretum, avoiding the
zombies and
making your way to the recycle ante chamber. Step forward a little
(but not too
far  or  you'll be TriMorph chow!) and use the weed sprayer.  Step
into the ante
chamber and grab the respirator and bicycle pump before heading on

BEWARE!  There is now a 5 minutes time limit on the next sequence.
You will
suffocate if you do not work fast enough.

Run  to the corpse and grab the nail gun and ammo off of him.  Use
to  fire at the crabs that come at you (enter combat mode and  hit
the left
control key once to aim down, again to shoot). This will keep them
out of our
hair.  Switch back to your main gun and go to the computer. Access
the Recycle
option,  and watch the fan turn off. Turn around just  briefly  to
take out the
nail  gun-less corpse and then climb up into the fan  through  the
left side. Use
the  vibrobrush  to  clean out the air filters.  Go  back  to  the
computer and
reselect "Recycle". Voila, done before the air has run out.

Before you leave this room, return to the corpse (he should  still
be down) and
grab the oily rag from him. Go back to the vac tubes, and send the
rag through (for
Matlock)  along with the bicycle pump and respirator (for  Kenzo).
Now head back to
the airlock, stopping to grab the pop gun and checker piece of out
the locker
(it's going to be out of your way from now on).

Note  that now those crab things (known as extrusions) will be  in
the hallways at
random. The only reason we didn't move Kenzo is that the Blvd. St.
Micheal seems
safe from them, making it the perfect haven for him at this point.

Switch to Matlock. Grab the oily rag out of the vab tube and  then
venture outside
the  ChemLab and wonder why no one bothered to radio her and  tell
her the dead aren't
really  dead. Avoid him and go to the door that's on  the  'north'
side of the room,
opening it with one of the two blue tags. Search the corpse in the
middle of the
disinfection  room to get the yellow key and his recorder.  Listen
to the recorder for
some clues on how to open Airlock 2. (Note : I'm not far enough to
know what to do with
this  info)  Now  go  open the remaining door. Head  towards  that
airlock and examine
the  door. Then wonder why in the world Matlock would want to open
it! Anyway, open
the  door  to  the  MedLab with the key. Now, using  the  chemical
extractor, you can make
boosts   and  anti-tox  from  the  various  plants  you've   found

Use  the  vac tubes and add the desk key you have to the stockpile
(it should of been
either  in  the  MedLab locker or the ChemLab locker.)  Head  back
outside and blast the
corpse away (finally!)

Move back to the ChemLab and grab the receptor panel, along with a
flask and the
receptor  panel. Put the flash in the chemical combiner, and  fill
it with nitro-
glycerine.  Now,  carefully walk back to Times  Square  (the  area
right outside your
airlock), walking very carefully because running will make you  go

After making it to Times Square, go to the hallway across from the
your airlock. Use
the  oily  rag  on  the  wire, and then the flash  with  the  rag.
Finally, use the lighter
with  the  rag and run like hell! If you're fast enough, you  will
narrowly avoid
getting killed. Congrats. Now head into the receptor power area.

Switch to Kenzo. Head all the way back to the bathroom again,  now
equipped with a
hacksaw. If you're lucky, you should be able to get there  without
shooting anything
(maybe a few neck bites, but nothing a health boost won't fix  ;).
Inside the bathroom,
use  the  hacksaw  on  the  corpse  near  the  showers.  Vomit  if
nessecary. Run out quickly
before the other zombie finishes his business on the can. Grab the
bicycle pump,
repirator,  and  key  from the tube and  send  the  hand  over  to
Matlock. Now head back to
Blvd. St. Micheal, right outside the director's room.

Switch  back to Matlock and use the vac tube in the power room  to
get the hand. Use the
hand with the computer to lower the receptor. Now go the around to
the other side of
the  receptor and use the spare panel with it. Head back  over  to
the other side, and
raise  the  arm back up. Hurrah, now there's more power,  too  bad
some power cells fried.

Anyway, now would be a good time to exit this room, as the  zombie
doesn't share the
same  feelings you do about getting more power to the  base.  Make
your way back to
Picadalily  Circus and open the remaining door. Head towards  that
airlock and examine
the  door. Then wonder why in the world Matlock would want to open
it! Anyway, open
the  door  to  the  MedLab with the key. Now, using  the  chemical
extractor, you can make
boosts   and  anti-tox  from  the  various  plants  you've   found

Switch  yet again to Kenzo. Make sure he has the following  items:
Bicycle pump, mars
hopper,  and respirator. Also, he should have read the  note  from
Ben Gunn (it may be
a  good  idea  to bring it with you, just in case.)  Go  into  the
director's room (for
the  millionth time, right?), blast the zombie, and  open  up  the
drawer with the desk
key you got from Matlock (weird, looks like a dresser to me). Grab
the bell out and
now head over to the director's corpse (plugging him if he decides
to dance with you),
and now open the locked door with your yellow tag. Enter this next
area. You will want
to use your respirator immediatly!

You have 3 minutes before your run out of air (again). Work fast!

Head  over  to  the hole and use the mars hopper and bicycle  pump
with it. If that
doesn't  fix the hole, try use the in it then the hopper. If  that
doesn't work, use
the  pump with the hopper, then use that on the hole (not sure  on
exact order here,
I  paniced,  sorry). You should be able to fix  it  with  about  a
minute or two to spare.

Head into the MOOD room and talk to MOOD. She's going to sass  you
a bit, being based
upon an old actress (I'm guessing from around 1950 ;). Talk to her
about everything,
gaining  two  passwords and being told to find  the  password  for
getting into bulkhead
control system. (This password is PARK LANE, as told by Ben  Gunn.
I can tell you this
cuz  it's  one of the few you have to find to use.) Talk  to  MOOD
about bulkheads twice
to give her the password. Now you can use the infomesh chair!

Get into the infomesh chair, and you will enter MOOD. Use the bell
with the guitar to
open the door. Now go out and use the rock. Select one bulkhead to
open them all up.
Finally, now we can really start exploring. Unfortunatly  this  is
the end of what I know
so far!


Well,  I have 3 dorm tags now, along with some other junk (I found
a scarab, but not sure
if  I  should  have  it already). I've started exploring  the  new
areas, but I'm none to sure
on  the  exact  next step. Stand by for an update  by  Tuesday  or

Also,  is it just me or does the game go into an endless  loop  if
you have Karne use his
bioscanner  near  the canteens (right next to  where  he  starts),
finally running itself to
crashing? There are some circumstances leading to this I  believe,
and maybe it's me jumping
the gun. . .

Oh  well, as usually, all questions and comments can go to  me  at
Also, the place to always get the newest edition of this FAQ is:

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