Majesty - The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
While playing, press [Enter] then type the following
Code Result
victory is mine - Win Game
now you die - Lose Game
fill this bag - Add 10,000 Gold
revelation - Reveal Map
build anything - All Buildings Available
give me power - All Spells Available
cheezy towers - Spells Have No Range Limit
restoration - Restores Hit Points
frame it - Shows Frame Count
grow up - Highlighted Hero Gains +5 Levels
Submitted by: Jens Lohse
Upgraded marketplaces are your primary source of
gold; a distant trading post will help supplement
your income nicely.
Once you've got a steady income, your first priority
should be to keep your guilds full; you need as many
heroes as you can afford earning experience and spending
Don't be shy with the money you put on your bounties.
To really attract heroes, try placing a couple of thousand
gold pieces on a target and watch them flock to the flag.
Take houses off the tax route until they've built up about
50 gold pieces each. Then tap them for a single visit from
the tax collector. This keeps your collectors from wasting
precious time scraping together the trickle of gold that
comes into the houses.
Submitted by: rickHH