LOTR : Return of the king (walkthrough)


3. WALKTHROUGH                                                           [WLKT3]


 Although you can pick any path after Helm's Deep, some stages will still be 
 locked until certain stages on other paths are completed.  This walkthrough
 presents the paths in an order that will not cause them to be interrupted by
 this.  This guide was written for single player, but since there is very 
 little difference between single player an co-op, it can be used for both 
 modes.  The Playable Characters list at the beginning of each subsection 
 applies directly to single player.  The Recommended Upgrades list at the end 
 of each subsection applies to those who use the guide from beginning to end.

 Keep in mind that to beat this game it will take a certain amount of skill.  
 This walkthrough will give the heads up and general strategy for each stage, 
 but several times over the course of the game you will be forced to fight 
 large groups of enemies to advance.  And to kill these enemies may require 
 practice.  Make sure to know your combos, banes, and any weaknesses your
 enemies may have.  This guide will give as many tips as possible, but if 
 you're still unable to complete a particular stage, it's probably because 
 you're simply not killing fast enough.  This game has a steep learning curve, 
 but once you master it, the game will seem too easy.  Good luck.


3a. HELM'S DEEP             ~The Path of the Wizard~                      [WLKA]


 "There suddenly upon a ridge appeared a rider, clad in white, shinning in the 
 rising sun.  Over the low hills the horns were sounding.  Behind him, 
 hastening down the long slopes, were a thousand men...  'Behold the White 
 Rider!' cried Aragorn.  'Gandalf is come again!'"

 Playable Characters: Gandalf

 After the opening scene you'll start the tutorial.  Which immediately thrusts  
 you into battle with four Uruk-hai, just use your speed attack to dispatch 
 them.  Now keep fighting around here near Gimli until Legolas asks for aid.  
 Then make your way to the ladder, using your fierce attack on the shielded 
 Uruk-hai in the way.  

 After you ascend the ladder (just in time too) use your ranged attack to pick
 off each archer, while parrying and backsteping their arrows.  After they're 
 defeated, Aragorn will need your help back on the ground.  Fortunately, a rope
 will appear a few feet away, take out the three charging Uruk-hai, and slide 
 down the rope. 

 Since this is a very easy level and a great place to gain lots of experience, 
 just keep fighting away here until the level ends.  You will mainly be 
 attacked by Uruk-hai, and you will be getting alot of help from your allies.
 You can try standing near a pile of spears and start chucking them at anything
 that moves, or just jump into the melee.  Your choice.

 If for whatever reason you want to end it prematurely, fire off a catapult at 
 the cart.  Either way you should end up with at least 11,000xp.  Use this to 
 purchase the Orc Bane and the Orc Hewer for the fellowship.  

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Orc Bane, Orc Hewer.
 -Gandalf:    None.


3b. ROAD TO ISENGARD        ~The Path of the Wizard~                      [WLKB]


 Playable Characters: Gandalf

 The level opens with several Uruk-hai running away from you, don't waste your 
 missles as you can't hurt them.  As you proceed up the path two Uruk-hai will
 try and jump you, since the Orc Bane wont work on them use the Orc Hewer and 
 keep going.  A little further up the path you'll see an Ent smashing some 
 Orcs.  Then a couple shield Uruk-hai backed by an archer will attack you, take
 out the Uruks while under the log then back up and shoot the archer.  

 Alittle further down the path you should spot one of those explosive carts.  
 Target it with your ranged attack and fire, it will explode and kill the Uruks
 nearby.  After killing an Archer on the rock take the left path and blow up 
 another cart, then backtrack and take the right path.  As you pass under the 
 bridge you'll get jumped, take them out and follow the path to the other side 
 of the bridge and flank the Archers.  Continue down the path, taking out Uruks
 and Archers as you go.  Soon, you will run into some small Orcs--these you can 
 bane by parrying their attacks and using your killing move--this will put you 
 in a short perfect mode, which is very useful in the upcoming fights.  Follow 
 the path downhill and to the right.


 After the Ent smashes two Orcs together, continue down the hill.  At the base 
 of the hill a counter will appear in the top right corner.  You (or the Ents)
 must kill 75 Orcs to proceed.  Just hang out near the base of the hill and
 kill the Orcs that attack you.  If you want you can enter the middle of the
 battle, but you run the risk of Ents trampling you. 

 After 75 are dead, an Ent will break some rocks revealing a new path, take it.
 As you proceed you'll hear some dialogue between Gandalf and Saruman.  Once 
 you round the next bend, two Uruk-hai backed by several Archers will attack 
 you.  Lure the Uruks back around the corner to take them out free from Archer 
 fire.  Now pick off the archers and continue down the path.  After a couple 
 more scuffles you'll reach another checkpoint.


 Run up the small hill, shoot the cart and finish off anything that survived.  
 In this next section, you'll have to shoot carts at the bases of the towers, 
 while being assaulted by arrows and waves of three Orcs each.  Just shoot the 
 nearest cart, parry the arrows, bane the Orcs (this is a great place to get 
 bane timing down), and proceed to the next tower.  

 Once you reach the bridge, take out the two towers on it's left side, kill the
 two shielded Uruks and cross it.  Take a left to grab the exp item, and kill 
 the next wave of enemies.  Now head right past the bridge.  Once you get to
 another hill two Orcs and their Archer buddys come out to attack you.  Lure 
 the Orcs away from the Archers and bane them.  Then quickly kill the Archers 
 and run down the hill.  Once you reach the base, you'll be shot at from off 
 screen, immediately backstep and take out the charging Orcs while behind cover
 from the Archers.

 Run down the hill and you'll see an Ent trying to break the dam, only he is 
 being shot at by Archers, who are guarded by a Beserker.  Approach the 
 champion and use your magic shield (R1+R2+L1+L2).  Attack him with a fierce 
 attack to break his armour, then Orc Hewer him to death.  Now it gets a little
 hectic, you must protect the Ent by killing the archers (who will ignore you 
 and only attack the Ent).  After you kill the Archers on yourside, take out 
 the ones across the river.  Then shot the dam as many times as you can before 
 the next wave comes.  Eventually, the dam breaks and the level ends.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Strength of Stone.
 -Gandalf:    Fog of War, Wizard's Power, Light of the Pilgrim.


3c. MINAS TIRITH-TOP OF WALL ~The Path of the Wizard~                     [WLKC]


 Playable Characters: Gandalf

 The Orc icon in the top right corner is your overrun meter, should it fill, 
 you will automatically lose.  The map icon next to it looks a little like 

           ST    X    X     X                     X      X      X   ST
          -----------------------              ----------------------- 
         |                      E|X          X|E                      |
          --------------------   |   X    X   |   --------------------
                             |    ------------    G
                             |C                  P|

 X: Places where ladders can appear
 C: Catapult Tower
 P: Potion Tower
 E: Empty Towers
 G: Way to the gate
 ST: Places where siege towers can appear

 Your goal here is to keep the wall from being overrun.  When you see red dots
 appear on the map, that means a ladder is going up, quickly run to it and use
 your physical attack (circle) to knock the ladders down, reducing your overrun
 meter.  So keep running from ladder to ladder knocking them down and killing 
 any Orc that climbs up.  But try not to get hung up fighting any Orcs that 
 make it onto the wall, focus mainly on knocking down the ladders.

 Note: If you need some health, there are a couple of potions in the bottom 
       right tower.

 After awhile you'll see a cutscene of a siege tower approaching, and Gandalf 
 will say you need to use the catapults.  Run to the bottom left tower, while
 knocking off any ladders in your way, and fire the catapult twice, bringing 
 the siege tower down.  Quickly go back to knocking off the ladders to lower 
 your overrun meter.  But stay either in the middle or right section of the 
 wall, as another siege tower will appear on the far right side, and this one 
 your going to have to shoot.  After you destroy it, return to the middle, and 
 keep knocking off ladders and killing Orcs (Orc Hewer is great here).  

 Keep your eye on the left side of the map for another siege tower, once you 
 see it, return to the catapult tower.  After you order the first shot, a 
 flying Ringwraith will attack the tower, shot him a couple of times and he 
 will fall, blocking off the right section.  Order the second shot to finish of
 the siege tower.  Then hurry back to the middle section.

 Once there, you'll see a cutscene of a siege tower landing on the right 
 section.  Hurry there by using the action button near one of the middle ropes 
 to lower yourself to the outer wall.   Then run to the next rope and climb up 
 over to the next section.  Run to the tower, use your magic shield, kill the 
 Orcs and destroy the tower.  After it's destruction, follow the Gondorian
 soldiers to the gate to end the level.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Final Judgment, Balrog's Gambit.
 -Gandalf:    Light of the Pilgrim, Wrath of Anor.


3d. MINAS TIRITH-COURTYARD  ~The Path of the Wizard~                      [WLKD]


 Playable Characters: Gandalf

 The goal of this level is to hold off the orcs until 200 women make it to 
 safety.  The first wave is nothing but regular orcs, and a couple of which
 carry shields.  Just use the Orc Bane and combo them to death.  Save your 
 special ability and missiles for later.  The next wave consist of unshielded
 Uruks, and unless you have the Bane of Sauron, you'll have to stick with 

 Note: The are two potions in barrels on opposite sides of the courtyard.

 Once 50 women make it to safety, several orc archers will line up at the far 
 gate.  Quickly take them out with your missles and concentrate on the new 
 waves of melee attackers.  If you have the missles to spare, wait by the gate
 for the next wave of Uruks.  Wait for the first couple to pass you then use
 your devastating attack (hold triangle), which should send you right into 
 perfect mode.

 Once 100 women make it to safety, champion Uruks will start to appear.  Use 
 your fierce attack to break their armour then take advantage of the spears 
 that are spread around.  If they have no back up, try to relentlessly combo 
 them for a perfect mode.  Catapult fire will also start to rain down, but
 always in the same spots, which you should avoid.

 When 150 women make it to safety, a short cutscene will occur.  You're now up
 against Trolls, plus everything else from the preceding waves.  Quickly use 
 your special ability and charge one of the Trolls.  After a few combos, he'll 
 go down and set you in perfect.  Now quickly grab a spear and skewer his 
 buddies, if you can't reach the spears in time, just concentrate on one with 
 your ranged attack.  Now if your low on health, retreat to the safety point, 
 where the Trolls won't go, and hold there.  Otherwise kill has many enemies as
 you can.  Once 200 women reach the safety point, a cutscene will occur and the
 level will end.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Balrog's Gambit, Strength of Iron, Bane of Sauron.
 -Gandalf:    Light of the Forges, Flame of Udun.


3e. PATHS OF THE DEAD        ~The Path of the King~                       [WLKE]


 "The way is shut.  It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it.  
 The way is shut."

 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli

 Proceed down the path and through the mists.  Once on the other side, the Dead
 will attack you, take them out with speed attacks, and continue on.  Don't 
 pick up a spear yet, instead run under the arch.  This will trigger a
 cutscene, and you will have to fight more Dead.  'Kill' them and continue on.
 Enter the mists and start walking.  About halfway through you will see 
 spectres fly over head.  Guess what?  You're right, more Dead.  When on the 
 other side of the mists, you will see two Archers appear on the bridge.  Once
 they're dispatched, take the left path up towards the bridge.  Take out the 
 next wave, grab the quiver and cross the bridge.  

 Follow the path straight and take out the two Dead that spawn.  Continue past 
 them and grab the experience slab from the ledge.  You should be level two 
 now, and if you purchased any level two upgrades for the Fellowship, your 
 character can now use them.  Right after you grab the slab, some Dead 
 predictably spawn behind you.  After you're done with them, run up to the left
 edge and push a boulder down on some enemies below.  Now backtrack to the 

 Go to the lower level and take the descending path for a red potion.  Go back 
 up and attack the shield carrying Dead.  Continue on to take out whats left of 
 those you dropped the boulder on.  After another room of enemies you should 
 run into a raised bridge.  Run to the lever on it's right side, before you 
 have a chance to turn it, three Archers spawn across the gap.  Take them out 
 and lower the bridge.  Grab the potion on it's left side and cross.


 Note: To pass through the mists quickly, turn around and backstep.

 As you proceed through the mists, the bridge will raise and you will get 
 ambushed.  Use your special ability to get into perfect and destroy them.  Run
 up to where the Archers guarding the bridge stood for a red potion, then exit 
 on the other side of the mists.  There is another red potion as you round the 
 bend.  A few steps after that you'll see a short cutscene and have to fight 
 more Dead.  Make your way through them and enter the next section of mists.  
 On the other side is more Dead, then to change things up you get to climb a 
 ladder then more Dead.  But not just normal Dead, these Dead have a champion
 Dead.  Anyway use your special ability, and kill the Dead.  After these Dead 
 are dead, continue on and fight some more Dead.  

 Now knock over the giant statue, bridging the gap across.  Once across, take 
 the left path and run under the statue to the lever on the gate's right side. 
 Feign using the lever and kill the two champions that spawn behind you.  Then
 raise the gate and pass through.  Grab the potion and start to cross the long
 bridge.  Once you reach the middle, you will be trapped and attacked from both
 sides.  A counter of 35 will appear in the upper right corner.  Aragorn and 
 Legolas should use Final Judgment on each new enemy that spawns from one side.
 Gimli can use Orc Hewer.  Once you start getting overwhelmed, use your special
 ability and finish the rest off in perfect mode.  Once you defeat 35, run to 
 the other end of the bridge and the level will end.  

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: None.
 -Aragorn:    Ranger Fury, Dunedain Arrows, Gondorian Sword Master.
 -Legolas:    Mirkwood Arrows, Light of Lothlorien.
 -Gimli:      Dwarven Fury, Lonely Mountain Lore.


3f. THE KING OF THE DEAD     ~The Path of the King~                       [WLKF]


 "The dead do not suffer the living to pass." "You will suffer me!"

 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli

Boss: The King of The Dead
 During the cutscene your allies will be cut off from you, leaving you to fight
 alone.  Once the battle starts, he will burrow into the ground and raise up at
 another location.  Avoid him as he reappears or you will take some damage.  He
 will then attack you with brief three hit combos, parry then respond in kind.
 After a few exchanges, he will borrow again and appear on the far edge of the
 area.  A cutscene will occur, and you'll have to fight four unshielded Dead.  
 Sine you can't hurt their King now, concentrate on them.  He will then attack
 with his three hit combo, hereafter he will again summon more dead, this time
 four Archers.  Take them out using the textbook parry, backstep, shoot 
 technique.  If you need more missles, there is a quiver behind one of the 
 boulders.  Once again he tests his three hit combos on you.

 Got his pattern yet?  Well, too bad he's about to change it.  Another cutscene
 will occur.  You will gain control behind one of the boulders, right as The 
 King does his wind attack.  This will break away a section of the boulder.  
 Quickly jump out and shoot a few arrows his way.  Do the same through his 
 second wind attack.  On the third, just parry, as the rest of the boulder 
 crumbles, he will try to get some cheap shots from behind the dust.  He will
 then attack you with his five hit combo, parry his attacks (his last strike is
 somewhat delayed) and give him a Orc Hewer right back.  He will now switch 
 between; summoning more powerful dead (including champions), his wind attack,
 and attacking you physically.  Just keep wearing him down, and he'll fall.


 After the cutscene, the mountain starts to collapse.  Your two allys take off,
 which is a clue (besides the dialogue of course) that you should too.  
 Seriously, if the dust bowl catches up to you, you will die, so start running.
 Once you reach the main gate, the path you used to enter will be cut off, and
 you are forced to go a different way.  Unfortunately, there is alot of Dead 
 ready for you.  So use your special ability, jump into the mob, and start 
 parrying.  Once you hit perfect, use speed attacks to kill as many as you can.
 Once they're dead, continue on.

 Note: You can't help but notice all of the boulders crashing down, although 
       they CAN hurt you, I've only be hit once in the several times I've 
       played through.

 A little further up the path you come to a piece of the way you took in.  Soon
 you'll encounter another short cutscene, producing more Dead.  Use your 
 special when available and go for any Champions first.  Continue on and you 
 will run into some more mists...which you still walk cautiously through.  Once
 on the other side you'll meet up with your allys and a green potion.  Get 
 ready for several more waves of all types of the Dead.  Just use Orc Hewer or
 Final Judgment until the Champions start appear, then use your special and go 
 into perfect to maximize your experience.  Since the dust bowl can still catch
 up, don't linger once they are all defeated.  Quickly run out the opening to 
 end the level.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Warrior Bane, Dark Deliverance.
 -Aragorn:    Wilderness Rage.
 -Legolas:    Elven Fury, Lothlorien Arrows.
 -Gimli:      Mountain Rage, Eredor Axes.


3g. THE SOUTHERN GATE        ~The Path of the King~                       [WLKG]


 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli

 To start off, just head to the wide open gate.  Once you set foot on the 
 bridge, you will be ambushed.  A Troll will shut the gate and jump down from 
 above, and several Uruks and Orcs will try and surround you.  Quickly run from
 the Troll (he will stay on the bridge) back towards the starting postion.  
 Start thinning out the Orcs and make your way back towards the left side of 
 the bridge.  Now get into perfect mode, and quickly pick up a spear and skewer
 the Troll.  

 Note: If you don't kill the Troll here, you can easily kill it using the 
       burning oil on top of the wall.

 This level has tons of enemies that just keep respawning, as such it is 
 capable of producing massive experince points.  So just keep killing as many 
 as you see fit.  You do have an objective though.  On either side of the path 
 are catapults, one on the right and two on the left.  The one on the right 
 will just fire at a Troll on top of the wall.  The two on the left will 
 destory a tower in such a way that it gives access to the top of the wall.  
 Make your way there.

 A few feet from the ladder, three Uruks will attack you.  Go into perfect by
 using the Bane of Sauron (if avialable) or your special ability.  Quickly run
 up the stairs and repeatedly fire at the Troll until he's down.  Take out the 
 remaining enemies and knock down the ladders.  

 Eventually a Mumak (Elephant) will show up.  Periodically fire at it while 
 taking out new waves of Uruks, and it will fall.  Finish off the Uruks and
 open the gate.  A few Orcs will come from the other side of the gate and wait
 on the bridge.  Keep using the nearby pots of burning oil on them until 
 they're dead.  Climb down from the wall and enter the gate to end the level.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Strength of the Fellowship, Shield Cleaver, Killing Zone.
 -Aragorn:    Rivendell Arrows, Wrath of Numenor, Kingmaker, Mithril Arrows.
 -Legolas:    Arrows of the Valar, Galadriel's Gift, Elrond's Rage.
 -Gimli:      Wrath of Moira, Moria Axes, Axe Mastery of Kings.


3h. PELENNOR FIELDS          ~The Path of the King~                       [WLKH]


 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli

 Once your start, run as far right as you can.  A counter will appear in the 
 upper right corner.  You must kill sixty enemies, mostly Uruks and Shielded 
 Easterlings, before you can move on.  I recommend staying away from the 
 middle, where several champions are, and just picking off enemies from the 


 You will now have to stop a Mumakil before it can trample Eowyn and Merry.  
 Keep running left until you see it, and use the Ballistae and arrows to bring
 it down.  Once it's defeated, another Mumakil will start advancing, but it's
 on the other side of the chasm and you are out of range.  In between the 
 second and last Ballistae (heading left) is a flag, and to the left of the 
 flag is a path leading into the chasm.  Run down and stright across, ignoring 
 all enemies, to the other side.  Take out the Mumakil as you did the first 
 one, only this time you are going to have to deal with a few Uruks and 

 A cutscene will occur and the Witchking will start attacking Eowyn and Merry.
 Run to the left until you see him.  Knock down the charging Easterling and 
 shoot as many arrows into the Witchking's side as you can.  After Witchking 
 flies off, go back to the path leading down into the chasm, but don't go down 
 yet.  Wait here until you see another Mumakil start to advance.  Now pay 
 careful attention to which side of the chasm it's coming from, if you see 
 torches, it's on this side, if you see a flag, you will have to cross.  Take 
 it out as fast as possible, then go back and attack the Witchking.  This 
 process could happen several times, but once the Witchking runs out of life,
 the level will end.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Helm's Hammer, Swift Justice.
 -Aragorn:    Mithril Arrows, Strength of the Evenstar, Sword Mastery of Kings.
 -Legolas:    Elrond's Rage, Elven Bow Mastery.
 -Gimli:      Axe Mastery of Kings, Strength of Gloin, Strength of Khazad-dum.


3i. THE BLACK GATE         ~The Path of the King~                         [WLKI]


 "Men of Rohan, of Gondor, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that 
 would take the heart of me.  A day may come, when the courage of men fails, 
 when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship. An hour of 
 wolves, and shattered shields, when the Age of men comes crashing down. But it
 is not this day, this day, we fight!"

 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf

Boss: Mouth of Sauron
 Alright a one versus one fight to the death against this...boss?  He really is
 nothing more then a Champion Uruk without armour, but with an extended life
 bar.  All you have to do is baskstep his jump attack, then combo, parry, 
 combo, parry ect.  That's it.  If you don't reach perfect mode by 
 combo/parrying don't bother wasting your special, as you won't get any extra 
 points.  Or you could just to spite him ;)


 There will then be a cutscene where thousands of Orcs will, literally, come 
 through the gate.  You will now have to defend your little stronghold from 
 their onslaught.  A counter will appear in the upper right corner, signalling 
 how many champions you must kill.  As you fight portraits of your allies will
 appear along the top, and if they should die, you will lose.  Depending on who
 you are playing as, they will be in different postions:

Playing As |Front   |Right   |Left    |Back   |
Aragorn    |Aragron |Gandolf |Legolas |Gimli  |
Legolas    |Legolas |Aragorn |Gandalf |Gimli  |
Gimli      |Gimli   |Aragorn |Gandalf |Legolas|
Gandalf    |Gandalf |Aragron |Legolas |Gimli  |

 Note: If you move next to an ally who is low on health they will begin 
       glowing, similar to how you glow when you pass a checkpoint, and start 
       rapidly recovering health.

 Stay near the front and wipe out as many enemies as you can (devasting attack 
 works great for each new wave), don't worry too much if a few slip by.  Once 
 the first Champion enters, immediately break his armour with a Dark 
 Deliverence, and combo him to death.  After he's dead make sure all your 
 allies are fine.  Don't take to long though, as you might miss another 
 Champion entering through the front, and they make quick work of your allies.

 After you have killed the third Champion, another cutscene will occur.  You 
 now have to defend not only the front, but the right and left as well.  The 
 forth Champion should come fairly quickly out of the right.  After your done
 with him make sure your allies health is fine, and look for the next two
 Champions to come from the front.  As long as you keep your allies (and your 
 own) health high, and kill the Champions fairly quickly, you shouldn't have 
 much of a problem.  

 Note: For some reason, you may have to kill seven Champions instead of just 
       six. I think this is because of the small delay in the counter, and if 
       you kill a second Champion before the counter displays the first, the 
       second kill won't count.


 After surviving that last part, your treated to another cutscene, and as an 
 added bonus you get to fight:

Boss: Three Ringwraiths
 Quickly use the three nearby spears on the first one you target, then finish 
 this one off with your ranged attack.  Now run next to who is ever lowest on 
 health.  Use spears if your near any, otherwise use your ranged attack.  After
 the second one is down, you can either engage in melee combat, or take him out
 long range.  After their defeat, the level ends.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: Rising Revenge, Lightning Strike.
 -Aragorn:    Strength of the Evenstar, Sword Mastery of Kings.
 -Legolas:    Elven Bow Mastery.
 -Gimli:      Strength of Khazad-dum, Dwarven Axe Mastery.
 -Gandalf:    Enchantment of the Heavens, Power of the Istari, Light of the 


3j. ESCAPE FROM OSGILIATH   ~The Path of the Hobbits~                     [WLKJ]


 Playable Characters: Sam

 Your goal here, as the name infers, is to escape the city of Osgiliath.  
 Follow Gollum and you will run into some Orcs, take them out and head up the 
 stairs.  You should see a Ranger fending off some Orcs on the far end, head 
 towars them and the wall to the right explodes, giving you points for the 
 kills.  Head through the new opening and use your ranged attack on the Orc 
 archer behind the rubble.  

 Once you ascend the nearby stairs, a timer will appear in the upper right 
 corner.  The timer will slowly start to fill, and once it does, a Ringwraith 
 will swoop down and grab Frodo.  You can however reverse this by moving Sam
 (Frodo can still be out in the open) under some sort of roof.  Head up to the 
 next section of the roof.  Go behind the three Orcs who get crushed by 
 catapult fire to find a ladder.  

 After decending the timer will disappear.  Take out the archers from behind 
 and go down into the next section.  Keep fighting Orcs here and you should 
 reach level two.  Which means you should now have access to the Orc Bane, use
 it on the rest of the Orcs.  Once your done, grab the red potion thats next to
 Gollum and head up the next set of stairs.  Continue along this path, slaying 
 any Orc in your way.  Once you see a green potion, grab it and exit to the 


 After ascending the ladder, the timer comes back again.  This is a much larger
 area then the last, so be quick with your kills.  To the left after the 
 bridge/ramp is a roof, lower the timer and continue on.  Soon you'll come to 
 a ladder, as you decend you'll see a Ranger get killed by a couple Orcs.  Once
 you reach the bottom, follow the spiral stairs all the way up.  Kill any Orc 
 in your way, grab the red potion, then push the bell down the stairs.  The 
 bell will then break through debris, providing a new path.  

 Slaughter the Orcs in your way, and run up to another roof area.  The timer 
 will appear again, right as you see a few poor suckers get nailed by siege 
 fire.  You can take your time killing here, as there is a small roof 
 sheltering a green potion nearby.  Be a little quicker through the next 
 section though, lower the timer and continue on.  At the end is a ladder, a 
 very long ladder.  Take it down to the next floor, ice the Orcs there and 
 decend yet another ladder.  You should now be in the sewers.  After running 
 through the first set of Orcs, you should see a Champion.  Stay where you are
 and used your throwing knifes against the Archer.  Once he's down, use your
 special ability to sneak around the the Champion's back.  Now instantly kill 
 him using your killing move.  Take out any remaining Orcs, and open the gate 
 to end the level.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: None.
 -Sam:        Poison Blade, Cloak of Haldir.


3k. SHELOB'S LAIR           ~The Path of the Hobbits~                     [WLKK]


 Playable Characters: Sam

 This level is a small maze, and it's very easy to get lost in.  To top that 
 off there are spiders, large spiders, everywhere.  They respawn fairly 
 frequently, so if you backtrack, you'll run into them again.  Final Judgment 
 is more then effective on these spiders.  However if your up against three or 
 more, knock a couple on their backs before you start using Final Judgment.

 To start off, stick to the right path, all the way to it's end.  Here you will
 find an experience slab, grab it and you will be ambused by three Spiders.  
 Take them out, and backtrack to the start.  Now take the left path, you should
 see a Spider run off to the left.  Following it will lead you into a trap, go 
 for some experince then return.  Go right for a few steps and you will come to
 a large intersection.  You should now be able to go either right, left, or 
 straight.  Head straight, and take the first right.  Weave inbetween all the 
 spiderlings for a green potion.

 A few steps down the path opposite of the green potion, Sam will get ambushed.
 Squash them and go right.  You will find an Orc fending off a couple of 
 Spiders, help him out, then kill him yourself.  Go back to where you where 
 last ambushed and take a left.  You should see a couple torches, this is the 
 way to the next section.  First kill the three approaching Spiders, then run 
 past the torches.  Take the first right (up) you come across.  Here is another
 experience slab, and predictably, another ambush.  Once your done, return to 
 the torches. 

 Note: To get to the torches from the start, go left, right, straight (middle),
       second left, left.

 Use a torch to scatter the Spiderlings, and pass safely through them.  Kill
 the three Spiders that drop down.  Pick up the nearby torch, and throw it at 
 the web.  Once it stops burning, head through and you will see several Orcs 
 huddled in the middle of the room.  Go right and the camera switches, two 
 Spiders will come from behind.  Kill them, and grab the nearby torch.  Target
 one of the cocoons, and watch the Orcs burn alive.  Do the same with the next
 torch, and take out any survivors with the hot coals or the Orc Bane.  

 Head over to the corridor on the far end.  Bane the first two Orcs you come 
 across, and walk around the bend.  Grab the nearby torch and throw it at the 
 coccoon hanging over the Orcs.  You will come to another fork in the road, 
 take the left path to a ridge overlooking a few Archers.  Use your knifes or 
 the torches to take them out, and return to the fork.  Follow the right path 
 around for a room with more Orcs.  Ascend the ramp to the right, stop and grab
 the torch, and throw it at the coccoon.  Once the fire is out, go and push the
 pile of boulders on the hapless Orcs below.  As you approach the area that 
 they were guarding, three Spiders come out to greet you.  Destroy them and 
 head through. 


 As you cross the bridge, a few Orcs will come out from the other side.  As 
 they stand there and watch, grab the torch, and light up the coccoon.  Fight 
 your way through the next corridor, using torches to scatter the Spiderlings 
 in the way.  The end is blocked by a web, burn it and enter.  Kill the next
 group of Spiders and Orcs. You'll then come to a large room, filled with 
 pockets of Spiderlings.  Ascend the right path, scattering Spiderlings and 
 slaying any Spiders in the way. 

 Once at the top, use the torch on the web, and decend the ramp.  As you head
 through the pockets of Spiderlings, Orc archers will assult you from the exit.
 Use your knifes to take them out, and head through the last pocket of
 Spiderlings.  Once at the end, after learning that three is never enough, four
 Spiders attack you, kill them, and continue up to the tunnel's exit.


Boss: Shelob
 Use a combo to get her attention, and then parry her counter attack.  Try to 
 corner her, or she will make good use of her backstep.  Once she has taken 
 enough damage, she will retreat to a ledge and several Spiders will appear.  
 Quickly take out the lone ones first, before attacking the group in the middle.
 Once her children are dead, she leaps at you from the ledge.  If she misses 
 she will be stunned after the landing, use this to get in a couple of cheap 
 shots, then start exchanging combos.  She will again retreat to her ledge, 
 and have more Spiders attack you, do the same as last time.  This time before
 returning to the ledge, she will start charging randomly around the area.  Use
 your special ability, and she will again return to a ledge.  Destory the next 
 wave of Spiders, dodge her leap attack, and finish her off. 

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: None.
 -Sam:        Cloud of Shadow, Poison Daggers.


3l. CIRITH UNGOL            ~The Path of the Hobbits~                     [WLKL]


 Playable Characters: Sam

 As soon as you start, a counter appears in the upper right corner.  Your goal
 here is to kill 80 enemies.  The Orcs and Uruks are have a little brawl going,
 and will hardly notice you, that is until you stab them in their backs.  Start
 off by using your cloak and backstabbing the Uruk Champion.  Then take out the 
 nearby Orcs using the Hot Coals and their Bane.  Lower the nearby ramp. and 
 kill the two Orcs that notice you.  Continue along until the camera changes 
 and take out the two charging Uruks.  Head into the corridor.  Quickly bane 
 one of the Orcs and use the resulting perfect mode and your cloak to take out
 the nearby Champion.  At the end of the corridor, you should have twelve 

 Note: Sam can't use the Bane of Sauron until level six.

 You will enter a large room with several fights going on.  Use the spears on
 the nearby enemies then go down the steps.  Kill the mob in front of you.  Try
 to get into perfect and use the nearby coals.  Ignore the fight off to the 
 right, and enter the nearby corridor.  Fight your way through.  At the end is 
 a small room with a large brawl going on.  Bane the shielded Orc that notices
 you, then quickly knock over the coal basket, clearing the room.  Pick up the
 green potion then exit on the other side, you should have around 35 kills.

 You'll come to yet another melee.  Use you cloak and sneak around to the 
 stairs on the other side.  Fight your way up and enter the first exit.  Use 
 the Oil on a large group fighting down below for a nice 15+ kills.  Continue
 up the stairs, and you'll encouter a Champion at the top, don't sneak attack 
 him or use the spears.  Instead take him out with strings of combos and try 
 for perfect mode.  Then immediately use the action button to cut the rope 
 suspending the chandelier causing it to crash down on the melee below...all 
 while in perfect mode.  When you regain control, some Orcs start running up 
 the stairs.  Use the nearby coals to take 'em out.

 Now head back to the large room after the first corridor.  Take out the Orcs
 if you need to, otherwise just run past.  Keep heading right and you'll see 
 another ramp.  Hit the switch to lower it, killing half a dozen Orcs in the 
 process.  Run up the path, Bane the Uruk and push the barrel onto the Orcs
 below.  If you didn't have 80 kills by now, you should.  Head up the wodden 
 ramp and you'll see a cutscene of the Orcs retreating.  Head across the 
 bridge, then up the steps to the Ballistae guarded by a Champion.  Sneak 
 attack him, then set off the Ballistae.  Now enter the tower.

Boss: Pissed off Orc
 Damn did you see that drop kick?  Anyway this guy is easy.  Just pick a stack
 of spears and don't stop throwing them at him (they replenish faster then you
 can throw them).  The first spear breaks his shield.  The second spear stuns 
 him.  The rest thrown will hurt him.  If your too slow he will pick up another
 shield, so you'll have to start over.  After he kicks it, the level is over.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: None.
 -Sam:        Cloak of Celeborn, Morgul Daggers, Halfling Strength.


3m. THE CRACK OF DOOM       ~The Path of the Hobbits~                     [WLKM]


 Playable Characters: Frodo

Boss: Gollum
 Your regular attacks can't harm him, but they will cause him to backstep.  
 Stand near the edge and parry his first attack.  Then move around to his side 
 and attack so he backsteps towards the edge.  This will cause him to lose his 
 balance.  Quickly use your physical attack and he'll slip and grab the edge.  
 Now use your killing move to make him fall.  This only takes away a fifth of 
 his life, but after each fall your given a red potion.  

 After his second fall, boulders will start to rain down.  After his third 
 fall, lava will cover the ledge.  After his forth fall, part of the ledge will 
 break off (if your on it during the cutscene don't worry, you'll live).  After
 his fifth fall, boulders and lava will rain onto the small platform, dodge 
 these hazards and knock off Gollum for the last time.

Recommended Upgrades:
 -Fellowship: None.
 -Frodo:      Poison Blade, Cloak of Haldir.

 *Game Over*

 Or is it?  You've now unlocked three secret characters, some more interviews, 
 a couple bonus stages(see below), some cheat codes, and are now able to use 
 any character on any level in the game.  Enjoy.


3n. PALANTIR OF SARUMAN         ~The Palantirs~                           [WLKN]


 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, 
                      Pippin, Faramir

 The Palantir of Saruman is a bonus stage unlocked after you beat 'The Crack of
 Doom'.  It is an 'endurance' level, where your goal is to defeat twenty waves
 of various enemy groups.  After each wave you are returned to the starting 
 postion and given a red potion.  This stage features many different types of 
 enemies found in the different paths of the game.  Some of these enemies have 
 even doubled in size and are that much stronger.  Good luck and godspeed!

 Note: Numbers are approximated.

 Wave One:          12 Dead
 Wave Two:          12 Uruks
 Wave Three:        6 Dead, 6 Uruks
 Wave Four:         8 Dead Archers
 Wave Five:         8 Uruk Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Six:          8 Dead Archers, 8 Uruk Archers
 Wave Seven:        6 Shielded Dead
 Wave Eight:        6 Shielded Uruks
 Wave Nine:         4 Shielded Dead, 4 Shielded Uruks
 Wave Ten:          6 Dead, 6 Uruk Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Eleven:       40+ Spiders, 4 Big Spiders
 Wave Twelve:       6 Shielded Dead, 5 Uruk Archers
 Wave Thirteen:     6 Shielded Uruks, 6 Dead Archers
 Wave Fourteen:     4 Shielded Dead, 4 Uruks, 4 Dead Archers
 Wave Fifteen:      6 Shielded Uruks, 4 Dead, 3 Dead Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Sixteen:      6 Champion Dead
 Wave Seventeen:    5 Champion Uruks
 Wave Eighteen:     20+ Spiders, 2 Trolls, 2 Small Trolls
 Wave Nineteen:     10+ Spiders, 4 Shielded Uruks, 2 Champion Dead, 
                    1 Huge Troll
 Wave Twenty:       20+ Spiders, 4 Big Spiders, 2 Champion Dead, 2 Huge Trolls

 * Save your potions for the later waves, you will need them.

 * The waves that have several melee attackers aren't all the bad, as most of 
   the melee enemies will just run around in circles.

 * When facing waves of unshielded melee attackers, the combo Swift Justice is 
   your friend.

 * When facing waves of shielded melee attackers, the combo Helm's Hammer is 
   your friend.

 * When facing the mixed groups of Dead/Uruks, bane the Uruks and use the 
   resulting Perfect mode on the Dead.

 * When facing the mixed groups of Melee/Archers, keep some of the Melee 
   attackers alive as you go from archer group to archer group.  The archers 
   will still be firing at you, but will hopefully hit the melee enemies.

 * When facing a mixed wave of shielded/unshielded take out or break the 
   shields first.  If you don't your combos will constantly be broken up 
   because you'll hit a shield.

 * When facing the groups of spiders, the combo Swift Justice will tear them 

 * If you start losing health when up against Champions, Don't use one of your 
   saved potion(unless you really have to).  Instead concentrate on killing the 
   Champions as they will drop a potion.

 * Trolls have a wicked backhand, so either stick to short combos + backstep, 
   or use ranged attacks.


3o. PALANTIR OF SAURON          ~The Palantirs~                           [WLKO]


 Playable Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, 
                      Pippin, Faramir

 The Palantir of Sauron is a bonus stage unlocked after you beat 'The Crack of
 Doom' and reach level 10 with Gandalf, Sam and either Aragorn, Legolas, or 
 Gimli.  It is an 'endurance' level, where your goal is to defeat twenty waves
 of various enemy groups.  After each wave you are returned to the starting 
 postion and given a red potion.  This stage features many different types of 
 enemies found in the different paths of the game.  Some of these enemies have 
 even doubled in size and are that much stronger.  Good luck and godspeed!

 Note: Numbers are approximated.

 Wave One:          30 Orcs
 Wave Two:          30 Easterlings
 Wave Three:        15 Orcs, 15 Easterlings
 Wave Four:         16 Orc Archers
 Wave Five:         16 Uruk-hai Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Six:          10 Orc Archers, 10 Uruk-hai Archers
 Wave Seven:        20 Shielded Uruk-hai
 Wave Eight:        20 Shielded Easterlings
 Wave Nine:         10 Shielded Uruk-hai, 10 Shielded Easterlings
 Wave Ten:          20 Uruk-hai, 6 Uruk-hai Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Eleven:       20 Easterlings, 6 Orc Archers
 Wave Twelve:       15 Shielded Uruk-hai, 10 Uruk-hai Archers
 Wave Thirteen:     15 Shielded Easterlings, 10 Orc Archers
 Wave Fourteen:     20 Easterlings, 10 Shielded Uruk-hai, 8 Orc Archers
 Wave Fifteen:      20 Shielded Easterlings, 10 Orcs, 6 Orc Archers
         *Envoroment Change*
 Wave Sixteen:      3 Champion Uruk-hai(Beserkers), 3 Large Champion Uruk-hai
 Wave Seventeen:    3 Champion Easterlings, 3 Large Champion Easterlings
 Wave Eighteen:     4 Large Beserkers, 2 Large Champion Easterlings, 
                    1 Huge Troll
 Wave Nineteen:     5 Large Beserkers, 5 Large Champion Easterlings,  
                    1 Enormous Troll
 Wave Twenty:       10 Orc Archers, 10 Large Beserkers, 10 Large Champion
                    Easterlings, 2 Enormous Trolls

 * Save your potions for the later waves, you will need them.

 * The waves that have several melee attackers aren't all the bad, as most of 
   the melee enemies will just run around in circles.

 * Easterlings have more life/defense then the Uruk-hai.  If you have the 
   option, Bane an Easterling over an Uruk-hai.

 * When facing waves of unshielded melee attackers, the combo Swift Justice is 
   your friend.

 * When facing waves of shielded melee attackers, the combo Helm's Hammer is 
   your friend.

 * When facing waves of all archers, keep parrying (this will easily send you 
  into perfect).  When ever possible use a backstep and slowly inch over to a 
  group of archers.  After taking out a few groups, the wave is much easier.

 * When facing the mixed groups of Melee/Archers, keep some of the Melee 
   attackers alive as you go from archer group to archer group.  The archers
   will still be firing at you, but will hopefully hit the melee enemies.

 * When facing a mixed wave of shielded/unshielded take out or break the 
   shields first.  If you don't your combos will constantly be broken up
   because you'll hit a shield.

 * If you start losing health when up against Champions, Don't use one of your 
   saved potion(unless you really have to).  Instead concentrate on killing the 
   Champions as they will drop a potion.

 * Trolls have a wicked backhand, so either stick to short combos + backstep,
   or use ranged attacks.


4. UPGRADES                                                              [UGRD4]


 As you progress through the game you will acquire experience points.  At 
 certain thresholds you will gain a level, which will unlock upgrades you can 
 then spend your experience points(xp) on.  The controls listed here are for 
 the Playstation 2 version of the game.


 Note: If an upgrade is purchased for the fellowship, it cannot be used by
       other characters until they reach their required level.

Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 8000   |
Two   | Strength of Stone         | 15000  |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 3000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 8000   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 20000  |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 8000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 10000  |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 15000  |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 11000  |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 11000  |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 12000  |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 11000  |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 20000  |
Eight | Strength of the Fellowship| 15000  |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 20000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 20000  |

 Must Get: Orc Bane, Strength of Stone/Iron/Fellowship, Orc Hewer, Final 
           Judgment, Warrior Bane, Bane of Sauron, Killing Zone, Swift Justice.

Level Two
 Orc Bane: 8,000xp
  Square + R2
  LINKED MOVE: Parry, then instantly kill an attacking orc.

 Strength of Stone: 15,000xp
  Permanently increases your health. 

 Orc Hewer: 3,000xp
  X, X, Triangle
  COMBO: An effective combo for taking out unshielded foes.

 Final Judgment: 8,000xp
  X O R2
  COMBO: Wound, knock down, then finish off powerful enemies with this combo.

Level Three
 Rising Revenge: 20,000xp 
  Attack as you regain your feet, taking enemies by surprise.

Level Four
 Balrog's Gambit: 8,000xp
  X, Circle, Triangle
  COMBO: Wound, knock down, and strike your enemy with this combination attack.

Level Five
 Warrior Bane: 10,000xp
  Square + R2
  LINKED MOVE: Parry, then instantly kill a man-sized enemy.

 Strength of Iron: 15,000xp
  Permanently increases your health. (Requires Strength of Stone)

 Dark Deliverance: 11,000xp
  Triangle, X, X, Triangle
  COMBO: Effective for rapidly dispatching enemies.

Level Six
 Shield Cleaver: 11,000xp
  Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  COMBO: Use on powerful foes to smash a shield, knock him to the ground, and 
         then strike.

Level Seven
 Bane of Sauron: 12,000xp
  Square + R2
  LINKED MOVE: Parry, then instantly kill an attacking uruk.

Level Eight
 Lightning Stirke: 11,000xp
  X, Triangle, X, X
  COMBO: A series of quick and powerful strikes that will take down one or more 
         unshielded enemies.

 Killing Zone: 20,000xp
  Increases the amount of time during combat that you remain in perfect mode.

 Strength of the Fellowship: 15,000xp
  Permanently increases your health. (Requires Strength of Iron)

Level Nine
 Helm's Hammer: 20,000xp
  Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
  COMBO: A deadly combination to shatter enemy shields and strike again.

Level Ten
 Swift Justice: 20,000xp
  X, X, X, X
  COMBO: A fast combination deadly against unshielded enemies.


Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 5000   |
Two   | Ranger Fury               | 4000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 1000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 5000   |
Three | Dunedain Arrows           | 5000   |
Three | Gondorian Sword Master    | 3500   |
Three | Strength of Stone         | 5000   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 10000  |
Four  | Wilderness Rage           | 5000   |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 5000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 7000   |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 5000   |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 7000   |
Six   | Wrath of Numenor          | 7000   |
Six   | Rivendell Arrows          | 5500   |
Six   | Strength of the Fellowship| 5000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 7000   |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 9000   |
Seven | Kingmaker                 | 7000   |
Eight | Mithril Arrows            | 7000   |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 7000   |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 10000  |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 12000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 12000  |
Ten   | Strength of the Evenstar  | 5000   |
Ten   | Sword Mastery of Kings    | 25000  |

 Must Get: Gondorain Sword Master, Kingmaker, Strength of the Evenstar, Sword
           Mastery of Kings.

Level Two
 Ranger Fury: 4,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A devastating attack that causes lightning damage.

Level Three
 Dunedain Arrows: 5,000xp 
  L1 + X
  These blessed Elven arrows cause additional damage.

 Gondorian Sword Master: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special 

Level Four
 Wilderness Rage: 5,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A more devastating attack that sets enemies on fire. (Requires Ranger Fury)

Level Five
 None Character Specific.

Level Six
 Wrath of Numenor: 7,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A most devastating attack that emits a ring of fireballs. 
  (Requires Wilderness Rage)

 Rivendell Arrows: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  These arrows emit a lightning arc on impact. (Requires Dunedain Arrows)

Level Seven
 Kingmaker: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special 
  Ability. (Requires Gondorian Sword Master)

Level Eight
 Mithril Arrows: 7,000xp
  L1 + X
  These magical arrows set your enemies on fire. (Requires Rivendell Arrows)

Level Nine
 None Character Specific.

Level Ten
 Strength of the Evenstar: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Strength of the Fellowship)

 Sword Mastery of Kings: 25,000xp
  Increases the damage of your Speed Attack.


Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 5000   |
Two   | Mirkwood Arrows           | 5000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 1000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 5000   |
Three | Light of Lothlorien       | 3500   |
Three | Strength of Stone         | 5000   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 10000  |
Four  | Elven Fury                | 4000   |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 5000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 7000   |
Five  | Lothlorien Arrows         | 5500   |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 7000   |
Six   | Strength of Iron          | 5000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 7000   |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 9000   |
Seven | Arrows of the Valar       | 7000   |
Seven | Galadriel's Gift          | 7000   |
Eight | Elrond's Rage             | 5000   |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 7000   |
Eight | Strength of the Fellowship| 5000   |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 10000  |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 12000  |
Nine  | Mithril Arrows            | 10500  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 12000  |
Ten   | Elven Bow Mastery         | 25000  |

 Must Get: Mirkwood Arrows, Lothlorien Arrows, Arrows of the Valar, Mithril 
           Arrows, Light of Lothlorien, Galadriel's Gift, Elven Bow Mastery.

Level Two
 Mirkwood Arrows: 5,000xp
  L1 + X
  These blessed Elven arrows cause additional damage.

Level Three
 Light of Lothlorien: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special

Level Four
 Elven Fury: 4,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A devastating attack that causes lightning damage.

Level Five
 Lothlorien Arrows: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  These blessed emit a lightning arc on impact. (Requires Mirkwood Arrows)

Level Six
 None Character Specific.

Level Seven
 Arrows of the Valar: 7,000xp
  L1 + X
  These magical arrows set your enemies on fire. (Requires Lothlorien Arrows)

 Galadriel's Gift: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode even faster. 
  (Requires Light of Lothlorien)

Level Eight
 Elrond's Rage: 5,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A more devastating attack that sets enemies on fire. (Requires Elven Fury)

Level Nine
 Mithril Arrows: 10,500xp
  L1 + X
  These arrows penetrate and set on fire all enemies in their path.
  (Requires Arrows of the Valar)

Level Ten
 Elven Bow Mastery: 25,000xp
  Fire two arrows at two targets with a single shot.


Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 8000   |
Two   | Dwarven Fury              | 4000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 3000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 8000   |
Three | Lonely Mountain Lore      | 3500   |
Three | Strength of Stone         | 15000  |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 20000  |
Four  | Mountain Rage             | 5000   |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 8000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 10000  |
Five  | Erebor Axes               | 5000   |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 15000  |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 11000  |
Six   | Wrath of Moria            | 7000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 11000  |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 12000  |
Seven | Moria Axes                | 5500   |
Seven | Axe Mastery of Kings      | 7000   |
Seven | Strength of the Fellowship| 15000  |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 11000  |
Eight | Strength of Gloin         | 5000   |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 20000  |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 20000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 20000  |
Ten   | Strength of Khazad-dum    | 5000   |
Ten   | Dwarven Axe Mastery       | 25000  |

 Must Get: Lonely Mountain Lore, Axe Mastery of Kings, Strength of Gloin, 
           Strength of Khazad-dum, Dwarven Axe Mastery.

Level Two
 Dwarven Fury: 4,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A devastating attack that causes lightning damage.

Level Three
 Lonely Mountain Lore: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special

Level Four
 Mountain Rage: 5,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A more devastating attack that sets enemies on fire. (Requires Dwarven Fury)

Level Five
 Eredor Axes: 5,000xp
  L1 + X
  These enchanted throwing axes cause additional damage.

Level Six
 Wrath of Moira: 7,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A most devastating attack the emits a ring of fireballs. 
  (Requires Mountian Rage) 

Level Seven
 Moria Axes: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  These enchanted axes emit a lightning arc on impact. (Requires Erebor Axes)

 Axe Mastery of Kings: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode even faster. 
  (Requires Lonely Mountain Lore)

Level Eight
 Strength of Gloin: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Strength of the Fellowship)

Level Nine
 None Character Specific.

Level Ten
 Strength of Khazad-dum: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Strength of Gloin)

 Dwarven Axe Mastery: 25,000xp
  Increases the damage of your Fierce Attack.


Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 5000   |
Two   | Fog of War                | 4000   |
Two   | Strength of Stone         | 5000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 1000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 5000   |
Three | Wizard's Power            | 3500   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 10000  |
Three | Light of the Pilgrim      | 5000   |
Four  | Wrath of Anor             | 5000   |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 5000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 7000   |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 5000   |
Five  | Light of the Forges       | 5500   |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 7000   |
Six   | Flame of Udun             | 7000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 7000   |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 9000   |
Seven | Power of the Palantir     | 7000   |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 7000   |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 10000  |
Eight | Strength of the Fellowship| 5000   |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 12000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 12000  |
Ten   | Enchantment of the Heavens| 10500  |
Ten   | Power of the Istari       | 25000  |
Ten   | Light of the Valar        | 7000   |

 Must Get: Fog of War, Wizard's Power, Light of the Pilgrim, Wrath of Anor, 
           Light of the Forges, Flame of Udun, Power of the Palantir, 
           Enchantment of the Heavens, Power of the Istari, Light of the Valar.

Level Two
 Fog of War: 4,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle (Costs ten missiles)
  This attack invokes an expanding fod cloud that knocks enemies from their 

Level Three
 Wizard's Power: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  The magic shield causes increased damage and persists longer.

 Light of the Pilgrim: 5,000xp
  L1 + X
  This lightning bolt projectile causes increased damage.

Level Four
 Wrath of Anor: 5,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle (Costs ten missiles)
  A more devastating attack that creates a ring of lightning.
  (Requires Fog of War)

Level Five
 Light of the Forges: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  This magical porjectile lights enemies on fire. 
  (Requires Light of the Pilgrim)

Level Six
 Flame of Udun: 7,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle (Costs ten missiles)
  A most devastating attack that creates a ring of flame that sets foes on 
  (Requires Wrath of Anor)

Level Seven
 Power of the Palantir: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  The magic shield deflects enemies further and persists longer. 
  (Requires Wizard's Power) 

Level Eight
 None Character Specific.

Level Nine
 None Character Specific.

Level Ten
 Enchantment of the Havens: 10,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  The magic shield knocks enemies to the ground and persists longer. 
  (Requires Power of the Palantir) 

 Power of the Istari: 25,000xp
  Increases the damage of your Ranged and Devastating Attacks.

 Light of the Valar: 7,000xp
  L1 + X
  This projectile of pure light passes through multiple foes, setting them 
  aflame. (Requires Light of the Forges)


 Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin all share the same upgrades.  However, buying 
 for one does not give the upgrade to the others.

Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 8000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 3000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 8000   |
Three | Poison Blade              | 4000   |
Three | Cloak of Haldir           | 3500   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 20000  |
Three | Strength of Stone         | 15000  |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 8000   |
Four  | Warrior Bane              | 10000  |
Five  | Cloud of Shadow           | 5000   |
Five  | Poison Daggers            | 5500   |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 15000  |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 11000  |
Six   | Cloak of Celeborn         | 7000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 11000  |
Six   | Bane of Sauron            | 12000  |
Seven | Strength of the Fellowship| 15000  |
Seven | Morgul Daggers            | 7000   |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 11000  |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 20000  |
Eight | Halfling Strength         | 5000   |
Nine  | Cloud of Rage             | 7000   |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 20000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 20000  |
Ten   | Cloak of Galadriel        | 10500  |
Ten   | Strength of the Gaffer    | 25000  |
Ten   | Baggins Strength          | 5000   |

 Must Get: Cloak of Haldir, Cloak of Celeborn, Cloak of Galadriel, Halfling 
           Strength, Strength of the Gaffer, Baggins Strength.

Level Two
 None Character Specific.

Level Three
 Poison Blade: 4,000xp 
  (Hold) Triangle
  A devastating attack that causes continuing damage.

 Cloak of Haldir: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increases the time that a hobbit is hiddin by using his Elven Cloak.

Level Four
 None Character Specific.

Level Five
 Cloud of Shadow: 5,000xp 
  (Hold) Triangle
  Generate a poison cloud that causes continuing damage. 
  (Requires Poison Blade)

 Poison Daggers: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  Each dagger that hits a foe causes continuing damage.

Level Six
 Cloak of Celeborn: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increases the time that a hobbit is hiddin by using his Elven Cloak.
  (Requires Cloak of Haldir)

Level Seven
 Morgul Daggers: 7,000xp
  L1 + X
  The hobbits' most damaging ranged attack. (Requires Poison Daggers)

Level Eight
 Halfling Strength: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Strength of the Fellowship)

Level Nine
 Cloud of Shadow: 7,000xp 
  (Hold) Triangle
  A most devastating poison cloud that causes continuing damage. 
  (Requires Cloud of Shadow)

Level Ten
 Cloak of Galadriel: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increases the time that a hobbit is hiddin by using his Elven Cloak.
  (Requires Cloak of Celeborn)

 Strength of the Gaffer: 25,000xp
  Increases the damage of all sword attacks when attacking an enemy from behind.

 Baggins Strength: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Halfling Strength)


Level | Ability                   | xp Cost|
Two   | Orc Bane                  | 5000   |
Two   | Ranger Fury               | 4000   |
Two   | Orc Hewer                 | 1000   |
Two   | Final Judgment            | 5000   |
Three | Dunedain Arrows           | 5000   |
Three | Gondorian Sword Master    | 3500   |
Three | Strength of Stone         | 5000   |
Three | Rising Revenge            | 10000  |
Four  | Wilderness Rage           | 5000   |
Four  | Balrog's Gambit           | 5000   |
Five  | Warrior Bane              | 7000   |
Five  | Strength of Iron          | 5000   |
Five  | Dark Deliverance          | 7000   |
Six   | Wrath of Numenor          | 7000   |
Six   | Rivendell Arrows          | 5500   |
Six   | Strength of the Fellowship| 5000   |
Six   | Shield Cleaver            | 7000   |
Seven | Bane of Sauron            | 9000   |
Seven | Kingmaker                 | 7000   |
Eight | Mithril Arrows            | 7000   |
Eight | Lightning Strike          | 7000   |
Eight | Killing Zone              | 10000  |
Nine  | Helm's Hammer             | 12000  |
Ten   | Swift Justice             | 12000  |
Ten   | Strength of the Evenstar  | 5000   |
Ten   | Sword Mastery of Kings    | 25000  |

 Must Get: Gondorain Sword Master, Kingmaker, Dunedain Arrows, Rivendell 
           Arrows, Mithril Arrows, Strength of the Evenstar, Sword Mastery of 

Level Two
 Ranger Fury: 4,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A devastating attack that causes lightning damage.

Level Three
 Dunedain Arrows: 5,000xp 
  L1 + X
  These blessed Elven arrows cause additional damage.

 Gondorian Sword Master: 3,500xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special 

Level Four
 Wilderness Rage: 5,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A more devastating attack that sets enemies on fire. (Requires Ranger Fury)

Level Five
 None Character Specific.

Level Six
 Wrath of Numenor: 7,000xp
  (Hold) Triangle
  A most devastating attack that emits a ring of fireballs. (Requires 
  Wilderness Rage)

 Rivendell Arrows: 5,500xp
  L1 + X
  These arrows emit a lightning arc on impact. (Requires Dunedain Arrows)

Level Seven
 Kingmaker: 7,000xp
  L1 R1 L2 R2
  Increase damage and get to Perfect Mode more quickly with this Special 
  (Requires Gondorian Sword Master)

Level Eight
 Mithril Arrows: 7,000xp
  L1 + X
  These magical arrows set your enemies on fire. (Requires Rivendell Arrows)

Level Nine
 None Character Specific.

Level Ten
 Strength of the Evenstar: 5,000xp
  Permanently increase your health. (Requires Strength of the Fellowship)

 Sword Mastery of Kings: 25,000xp
  Increases the damage of your Speed Attack.


5. UNLOCKABLE FEATURES                                                   [UNFR5]


 * Film Concept Art
   Unlock by: Complete 'Helm's Deep'

 * Game Concept Art
   Unlock by: Complete 'Paths of the Dead'

 * Film Production Stills
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Southern Gate'

 * Hobbits on Gaming
   Unlock by: Complete 'Helm's Deep'

 * Christopher Lee(Saruman) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'Road to Isengard'

 * Ian Mckellen(Gandalf) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall'

 * Sean Astin(Sam) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'Escape From Osgiliath'

 * Elijah Wood(Frodo) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'Shelob's Lair'

 * Dom Monaghan(Merry) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * Billy Boyd(Pippin) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * Andy Serkis(Gollum/Smeagol) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * David Wenham(Faramir) Interview
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * Secret Codes
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * Palantir of Saruman
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

 * Palantir of Sauron
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom' and reach level 10 with Gandalf, Sam 
   and either Aragorn, Legolas, or Gimli

 * The Secret Characters(Faramir, Merry, and Pippin)
   Unlock by: Complete 'The Crack of Doom'

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