Lords of EverQuest (šifre)

Lords of EverQuest

Submitted by: conner54
Start game as usual. During gameplay press ` (tilde) go to console, 
then enter the following cheats: 

Code             Result
AllIsRevealed  - Show all campaign missions 
BlingBling     - Add 10K plat 
Coinage        - Add 1K plat 
IAmNotTheOne   - Lose 
IAmTheOne      - Win 
KingMe         - Lord set to high level 
LayOnHands     - Heal all units 
LetThemEatCake - Troops gain one level 
LevelLord      - Lord gains one level 
ManaBoost      - Unit mana set to max 
ManaKing       - Unit mana never depleted 
MaxKnight      - Knights set to high level 
Omniscience    - Toggle Fog of War 
PowerBurst     - Troops set to high level 
SirKnight      - Knights gain one level 
StaminaBoost   - Unit stamina set to max 
StaminaKing    - Unit Stamina never depleted 
SuperShopper   - Get all upgrades 
Gamma          - Gamma (value) 
Help           - Bring up console help screen 
MenuBar        - Toggle Menu Bar 
Pause          - Toggle Pause 
Null           - Not Used

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