Little Fighter 2 (šifre)

Little Fighter 2

Function Keys
F1: Pause
F2: Pause/Step
F3: Function Keys Locked (F6,F7,F8,F9)
F4: Restart
F5: Turn off the frame control timer (for performance
F6: Unlimited MP
F7: Recover
F8: Drop some weapons from the sky
F9: Destroy all weapons
ESC: Quit

Template, Bandit and Hunter do not have special moves.

('D' means Defend button, 'A' means Attack button, 'J' means
Jump button) ('>', '^', 'v' means the arrow buttons)
You can setup the Key Configuration by choosing OPTION in the
main menu.

1.Energy Blast (15mp)
  Input method: D + > + A
2.Heal (others) (70mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J
3.Energy Shield: (20mp)
  Input method: D + > + J
4.Energy Disk: (50mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + A
5.Heal (myself): (70mp)
  Input method: D + v + J

1.Energy Blast (15mp)
  Input method: D + > + A  ( + A + A...)
2.Strike (15mp)
  Input method: D + v + A
3.Leap Attack: (15mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J + A
4.Leap Attack2: (15mp)
  Input method: Strike + J + A
5.Dashing Strafe: (30mp)
  Input method: D + > + J

1.Dragon Palm (30mp)
  Input method: D + > + A
2.Multiple Shot (30mp)
  Input method: D + J + A  ( + A + A...)
2.Critical Shot (40mp)
  Input method: D + > + J
2.Sonata of the Death (70mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J

1.Leap Attack: (0mp)
  Input method: D + > + J
2.Multiple Ninja Star: (20mp)
  Input method: D + > + A  ( + A + A...)
2.Transform (30mp)
  Input method: Gripping Other + D + J + A
3.Hide (70mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J
4.Double (70mp)
  Input method: D + v + J

1.Thunder Punch (10mp)
  Input method: Run + A
2.Thunder Punch (15mp)
  Input method: Run + J +  A
3.Thunder Kick (10mp)
  Input method: D + > + J
4.Whirlwind Throw (15mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J
5.Phoenix Palm (30mp)
  Input method: D + > + A

1.Fire Ball (15mp)
  Input method: D + > + A  ( + A + A...)
2. Blaze (15mp +...)
  Input method: D + > + J
3. Inferno (30mp +...)
  Input method: D + v + J
4. Explosion (60mp + 8hp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J

1.Ice Blast (20mp)
  Input method: D + > + A
2. Sommon Sword (30mp)
  Input method: D + v + J
3. Icicle (30mp)
  Input method: D + > + J
4. Whirlwind (60mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J

1.Energy Blast (10mp)
  Input method: D + > + A  ( + A + A...)
2.Shrafe (15mp)
  Input method: D + v + A
3.Whirlwind Kick (15mp + ...)
  Input method: D + > + J
4.Chasing Blast (20mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + A

1.Flip Kick (0mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + A
2.Turning Kick (10mp)
  Input method: D + v + A
3.Teleport (10mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J (to enemy)   /   D + v + J (to friend)
4.Energy Blast (25mp)
  Input method: D + > + A
5.Tiger Dash (40mp)
  Input method: D + > + J

1.Leap Attack (5mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + J + A
2.Energy Blast (10mp)
  Input method: D + > + A  ( + A + A...)
3.Shrafe (20mp)
  Input method: D + v + A
4.Dragon Punch (40mp)
  Input method: D + ^ + A

1.Crash Punch (0mp)
  Input method: D + > + A (+ A)
2.Body Attack (0mp + ...)
  Input method: D + > + J

Go into stage mode or championship etc and before you choose your character
type in
and you will have firzen, bat, sorceror, all the characters and EVEN THE BIG
VERSE AT THE END! You can also play a new difficulty "CRASY!" this cheat
will work on
any mode(championship. stage ect;)

How to morph LoisEx?
You must have 1/3 hp left and then press defense,jump,attack together.
So,now should me
LoisEx if you did press right buttons.
How to get all the SECRET CHARACTERs???
For example you want to get Firzen,
First double click lf2_v171 (the folder) then double click Data and swap the
file name with the one
you want For example, TEMPLATE you change the name to Firzenn with a extra
letter behind as it
cannot have two data with the same name than change the actual folder of
firzen to TEMPLATE than
delete the extra letter from the folder. Then you will get Firzen.
You can try on every character using this code.

Get freeze and firen down to 1/4 of their health.Then make them run into
each other if you did it right
there will be an arctic volcanoe and firzen will appear and freeze and firen
will disappear, or you could
just type in in one of the menus and be able to choose anty
character you want from the start.

Submitted by: owen crind

to get firzenx play with julian and firzen at 1/2 health run into 
eachother there will be a giant purple and red explosion and youll 
have a guy with to lasers red eyes and a green helmet on.i will get 
you his special attacks as soon as i figure them out.

Moves for Firzen:
Submitted by: Dustin

Z is Defend , X is Jump, C is attack <> ^ . = movement
Fire Beam Z > C
Fire/Ice Explosion Z ^ X
Homing Fire Z ^ C
Tested it out and everything..

Dark Julian:
Play with julian and louisex.When left with half life.Run into each 
other a Greenish puple explosion will appear.Dark Julian shold have 
2 axes and amoured body!

Submitted by: B15H2003

To get Firzen run Firen & Freeze at the start and there should be an 
arctic volcano and Firzen will appear.

Submitted by: sravan & varun

You see the below cheats first. then you will see is there, 
now in any mode you take julian and play, then use soul bomb which 
is his greatest power. remember it will work only in version 1.9.

How to make Julian to multiply?:
Submitted by: Spil

first double clik lf2_v1.71(thefolder)then double click Data and swap 
the file name of deep to juliann then change the file of the real 
julian with deep then delete the extra leter from juliann Nwo when you 
play the game with julian instead of deep u should prees run+j(+j...) 
and julian should multiply to deep.

Submitted by: Andrew

take Justin and Bat when your life run 1/4 and your get a guy whit red mask and to work one 100%..:-)

Submitted by: Shitiz

If you have to grab your opponent, go close to him/her 
and press the direction button(left or right) in which 
the opponent is than press action button and it will 
grab him/her. 

When you have transformed Rudolf , do not drink the 
bottle full just drink it less then it will turn back 
into Rudolf . After that use double and then do not 
grab any one just press action jump and defend 
button then all three Rudolf will transform. 
Submitted by: khoi

get rudolph and another person on the same team. when u start the game, 
get rudolph to hold ur teammate and start multiplying him/her. u will 
eventually get a lot of teammates..

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