Kingdom O’ Magic (šifre)

Kingdom O' Magic

Select a character and a quest and begin game play. 
Locate an area with minimum action (no CD-ROM activity) 
and no wandering monsters (Goliath the Dwarf, Orcs and 
Ring Wraiths). Examples of such areas include 
"The Boardwalk Bridge", "The Mountain Path" and 
"The Valley O' The Gorgon". Then, type one of the 
following case-sensitive codes and press [Return] to 
activate the cheat function. 
Note: When obtaining an object, it will disappear 
from its original location in the game. 

Result           Code 
Day time       - SCIDAY  
Night time     - SCINIGHT  
Obtain object1 - SCISTUF[object name code]  

1. Select an object name code from the following list. 

Object name codes: Object Object name code  

70's clothes for Shaz       SHRN70  
70's clothes for Sidney     THID70  
Aluminium baseball bat      BBBAT  
Barrel                      BARREL  
Big book o' spells          BSPELL  
Big cork                    BGCORK  
Big spanner                 BGSPAN  
Child in a cage             CAGE  
Comedy mallet               MALLET  
Hay                         HAY  
Ice                         ICE 
Jar o' lightning?           JARLIT  
Lighter                     LIGHTR  
List of instructions        INSTRU  
Magic beans                 MAGBNS  
Microphone                  MICPHN  
Mobile phone                MOBPHN  
Orc disguise                ORCDIS  
Palantir stone              PLNTR1  
Paper bag                   PAPBAG  
Parrot                      PARROT  
Parrot in a sack            PARSAC  
Potassium grail             POTGRL  
Rolling pin                 RLLPIN  
Rope                        ROPE  
Saber o' light              SABER  
Sack                        SACK  
Sailors big book o' knots   BKNOTS  
Secret plans                SGMAN  
Sheep                       SHEEP  
Small key                   SMKEY  
Spare hair                  SPRHAR  
Spell o' airstrike          SPLAIR  
Spell o' cabbage            SPLCAB   
Spell o' dwarf              SPLDWF  
Spell o' floater            SPLFLT  
Spell o' incontinence       SPLINC  
Spell o' invisibility       SPLINV  
Spell o' kick in the shins  SPLKIK  
Spell o' kolgate shield     SPLKOL  
Spell o' left the gas on    SPLGAS  
Spell o' sloooo moooo       SPLSLO  
Spell o' teleport           SPLTLP  
Spell o' wizbang            SPLWZB  
Steam powered chainsaw      CHAINS

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