Walk up towards the helicopter to start things off.
Now pick up the left helicopter blade of the three that are laying on the ground in front of you. Click the helicopter blade in your inventory and use it on the helicopter door to pry it open, then enter the helicopter.
---------- Helicopter ----------
Take the knife, rope, bag and computer from the floor of the helicopter, then find the bag in your inventory and click unpack. This gets rid of the bag and gives you screwdriver, warm gloves, lighter and empty flask from inside.
Use the screwdriver on the white first-aid kit that's on the wall to take it, then unpack the first-aid kit [the same way you unpacked the bag] to get a flask of cleaning solution, adhesive plaster, a bandage and a tube of pills.
Use the knife next on the wires that are dangling from the broken panel by the fire extinguisher to get electric wires for your inventory.
There's nothing else for you to get inside the helicopter so click the large arrow in the top left corner to leave.
------- Outside -------
Find the computer in your inventory and click use to create a hotspot to the left of your inventory. Now you can click this black square whenever you need to use your computer.
Click it now and check the four tabs [documents, encyclopedia, mail, my photos] if you like, otherwise click the right side of the screen to walk to the next screen.
Use the helicopter blade with the large rock here to move it out of the way, then try to enter the cave. Ariane won't let you leave just yet though so check your computer and go to the mail section, then click the message with the subject "SOS". Read the message if you like, then click the icon with the green arrow below to send the message.
Find the lighter in your inventory now and click use to light it, then use your lighter on the cave to enter it and see a cutscene.
############################################################################### (C-02) THE FIRST CAMP ###############################################################################
Once Ariane stands up you should talk to the man [whose name is Adam] about the following topics:
Pick up the tip of bone beside you and use your flask on a hotspot in the water near the bridge to fill it. Use your [lit] lighter with the tip of bone to create a hard cranium, then click the bottom left corner of the screen to reach the next area.
Pick up the giant shell to the left of the mine, then use the hard cranium on the shell to make a prepared shell. There's nothing else for you on this screen so enter the mines in front of you.
----- Mines -----
Pick up the seals [purple thing] from a box to your right, then pick up an old chisel from a box by the seals [looks like a black line]. That's all you need from here for now so return outside.
------- Outside -------
Head back to the screen where you talked with Adam, then go right across the bridge to the next screen.
Take the cloth that's hanging off the debris at the very bottom of the screen, then pick up the piece of fossilized wood near the left end of the screen. Combine the old chisel and the piece of fossilized wood to make a chisel, then examine the pair of tombstones by the tree near the middle of the screen.
Click the left tombstone to get an encyclopedia entry [Ivan Platonov] for your computer, then combine the flask of cleaning solution with the cloth to make the wet cloth. Use the wet cloth on the right tombstone to reveal the writing on it, then click the writing to get another encyclopedia entry [Armand Latifère] for your computer.
Leave the tombstones and click the hotspot near the left end of the netting on the right side of the screen.
There's nothing on this screen for you yet so enter the crystal cave nearby.
------- Crystal -------
Head for the ladder at the back of the cave, then use it to get a closer view of the yellow crystal.
Find the warm gloves in your inventory and wear them [you'll be doing this MANY times during the game], then use the chisel on the piece of rough crystal to get it. Return to the front of the cave and examine the machine on your right.
Put the crystal on the stand by the right end of the machine, then use the left end of the machine as Ariane realizes that she's missing something. Leave the crystal in the stand if you want and exit the cave.
Click the hotspot near the rocks on your right to get some sand, then go back in the cave.
Return to the machine and use the sand with the small container on the bottom of the machine, then use the left side of the machine five times [or until the crystal becomes round]. Now pick up the piece of polished crystal from the stand and return to the mines.
Click the large wheel on the nearby wall to get a closer look at why it's not working.
It seems that the wiring needs to be fixed, but you've got all that's needed to get the job done. Put on your warm gloves and use the electric wire in your inventory on the wires for the wheel. The wires still need some work though, so put your warm gloves on again, then use your adhesive plaster on the wires to get the wheel moving again.
Now the lights in the mines are working so walk on to the next screen.
Approach the door up ahead and click the writing above it for the following clue:
"The Occident is the opposite of the Orient Our story begins as the sun rises Nature and technology go their separate ways First the one from whence we come Then the one that feeds us Followed by the one we mine Comes the time of transformation And of famed energy Finally those who guide us"
Back up and click on the door to start a puzzle with the seals that you picked up earlier.
Basically there are 12 slots arranged in a circle and 12 seals to be placed in the slots.
Starting from the highest slot on the right side of the doors and working clockwise:
#01 - Brown seal with picture of lighthouse #02 - Blue/green seal with picture of a hook over mountains #03 - Green seal with picture of test tube and molecular model #04 - Grey seal with picture of gears #05 - Gold seal with picture of scythe and wheat #06 - Dark blue seal with picture of waves/wind #07 - Orange seal with picture of drama masks #08 - Light blue seal with picture of a cloud and lightning #09 - Purple seal with picture of a needle, thread and clothes #10 - Purple seal with picture of a mountain #11 - Yellow seal with picture of wheat #12 - Red seal with picture of mother and baby
Once the seals have been placed properly as described above the doors open, then you can walk through them to new area beyond.
Click the giant mushrooms in the distance to get the mushrooms encyclopedia entry for your computer, then use your knife on the small patch of white mushrooms to get little mushrooms before going right to the next screen.
Continue down the path to pass this screen and the next one after Ariane makes a comment.
Have a look at the tower on this screen and start climbing it.
--------------- Wounded Soldier ---------------
Once you reach the top of the tower, talk to Lieutenant Lenkoff about these topics:
Place, Outside, Askiam, Mushrooms, Graves, Problem, Ease the pain, Pill
Pill only appears if you filled your flask with water BACK at the screen where you met Adam, if you haven't done this yet you should go do it and come back. Either way selecting pill gives the wounded soldier the pills to ease his pain.
Walk right to the next screen and check your computer for a new mail [Hi There!], then try to reply to it [green arrow] before climbing back down the tower.
Go right to the next screen and follow the path until you reach a bridge.
Examine the large stump between the bridge and the left mushroom, then use your knife on the stump to get some flat pieces of mushroom.
Work your way back to the tower and talk to Lenkoff about these topics:
Splint, Healed, Horn
Now go all the way back to the cave where you found the crystal for Adam.
Examine the machine that you used to polish the crystal earlier, then click the left end of it a couple times to get the bellows.
Now go all the way back to the tower and climb to the top, then go right a screen and walk to the giant horn nearby. Examine the giant horn and use your prepared shell with the tip of the horn, then use the bellows on the prepared shell. Go talk to Lenkoff now and pick the Horn Repaired topic for a cutscene.
------------- To The Desert -------------
Examine the table behind you and take the map, black powder pear, machete, and slender vines from it. Read the map to get the world map document for your computer.
Return to the screen with the bridge and mushroom stump, then click the bridge to reach the next screen.
A new mail [Re: SOS] is in your computer so read it if you want, otherwise continue across the bridge to the desert.
############################################################################### (C-04) TO ASKIAM ###############################################################################
Go left to the next screen and click one of the skulls on the post to get an encyclopedia entry [Bones] for your computer.
Walk towards Adam and talk with him about the following topics:
Place, Outside, Underworld, Askiam, Armand, Mushrooms, Polished Crystal, Old Bones, World
The polished crystal topic makes you give Adam your crystal and gives you access to his hut, so go inside there now.
---------- Adam's hut ----------
There's nothing for you on this screen so go right ONE screen and take the amulet from the wooden pole, then go left a screen.
Take the pieces of wood from the table, then click the green book to get a documents entry [Discoveries of a Forgotten World] for your computer. use your little mushrooms with the cup on the table to watch a short cutscene, then make a note of the dinosaur eggs on the other table. You can't pick them up just yet, so go down to the next screen for now.
Take the colored pigments from the table, then combine the amulet with the pieces of wood to start a puzzle.
Basically you need to arrange the seven wooden pieces so they fit in the outline on the amulet. You can rotate a piece by picking it up and clicking the lower arrow, otherwise the solution is pictured below.
Once you've solved the puzzle you get the opened amulet. Use the opened amulet on the chest in this room to open it up, then click the letters and the bust inside to get some documents [letter, union letter] and an encyclopedia entry [Hardwigg] for your computer.
You've done all that you can do here for now so leave Adam's hut.
------ Jungle ------
Walk down the path and head left to another bridge to get mail [News Bulletin, June 6] for your computer, then continue crossing the bridges until you see a ladder on your left.
Climb down the ladder and click the bottom left corner to go past a couple of screens. Now use your machete on the leaves in front of you to cut some down, then pick up a large leaf before walking through to the next area.
--------- Dinosaurs ---------
Go right from this screen to reach one with a hollow log pointed at the T-Rex, then click that log to examine it.
Use your large leaf on the stump, then use the colored pigments, black powder pear, and slender vines in that order. Light your lighter next and use it on the vines to scare the T-Rex away with some fireworks.
Return left a screen and work your way around the dead dinosaur to reach a mine cart and a much smaller dinosaur. Take the fruits that the small dinosaur is trying to get, then examine the mine cart by clicking near the bottom left of the wheel on it.
Read the new mail [SAR] for your computer if you like, then use the fruit with the wheel on the mine cart to start a cutscene.
Read the new mail [News Bulletin, June 8] in your computer if you want, then talk to the nearby guard [whose name is Ocine] about these topics:
Place, Outside, Camera, Tower, Chief, Watch, War, Old Camera
You get a key for doing this, so walk back down the path before walking towards the tower on your left. Use the key that you just got from Ocine to enter the tower.
----- Tower -----
Click the camera to get an encyclopedia entry [Ganz Lux 4], then click the small note on the wall to get an important document [user guide] for your computer. You can read the document if you want, but it basically tells you what I'm about to tell you anyway.
Examine the table for a closer view, then click the switch on the red box to your left to turn on a red light. Pick up the photographic paper from the nearby tray, then use the photographic paper with the large tray in front of you. Pull the little drawstring above the photographic paper to enlarge the picture, then pull the drawstring just beside the first one to shrink the picture again.
Now pick up the photographic paper again and click the large tray on your right to move to the next screen.
There are three trays here and you need to use them all. So use the photographic paper with each tray from left to right, then find the photograph in your inventory and read it.
Leave the tower now and walk to the main gates, then click them to enter the city.
----- Gates -----
Talk to the man on your right [whose name is Wallace and he's the Chief Engineer] about these topics:
Place, Outside, Street Lights, Watch, War, Poster, 2007, Contact, Askiam, Mercenaries
You get a pass and some tickets for your inventory for doing this. Click the two posters to get a pair of documents [Advertisement, History] for your computer, then click the bottom left corner to reach the previous screen.
Click the bottom right corner to reach the streets, then read the new mail [Re: unsolicited application] on your computer if you wish. Follow the left road to a building [Communications Center], then enter it.
--------------------- Communications Center ---------------------
Click the clock above the desk, then use the microphone that's sitting on the desk. Go right to the next screen and click the poster for a computer document [News 01/2007], then go through the door.
Walk down the hall and go through the door on your left. Click the posters to get three computer documents [News 02/2007, News 03/2007, Cruiser], then go left to the next screen.
Talk to the man [whose name is Enrique] with his back to you about these topics:
Place, Outside, War, Films
You receive the projection room key and a reel of film for this. Go right two screens and click the papers on the counter for a computer document [Stolen Telegram], then return to the hallway.
Use the projector room key on the right door that's behind the leaves of the plant, then click the poster inside for another computer document [War On The Surface]. Click the clipboard on the bottom shelf for another computer document [Performance Book], then use the reel of film on the projector to watch a short cutscene.
Return to the room across the hall with Enrique, then use the elevator in the middle of the room.
Talk to the man [whose name is Figaro] here about these topics:
Now go back up the elevator and look for a desk near the door that has some paper on it, then click the paper to get the calculation sheet. Find the calculation sheet in your inventory and click calculate to get an encyclopedia entry [Coordinates] for your computer.
Return down the elevator to Figaro and examine the right side of his control panel, then enter the four numbers from the "Coordinates" computer entry [6283, 1667, 5483, 2092]. Talk to Figaro again and choose "Repaired" to receive a telegram, then go back up the elevator.
Talk to Enrique now and choose "Telegram" to get the telegram sent, then leave the building.
---------- Short Walk ----------
Walk down the path until it forks, then take the bottom right path [it's the only one you haven't taken yet] and follow it straight until you come to a screen with a man riding a triceratops. Ignore this man and instead talk to the man [whose name is Heracles] standing by the green building about these topics.
Examine the counter and take the blank punch card and book, then read the book to get a computer document [prescription code]. Click the button underneath the cash register to unlock a nearby passage, then go right to the next screen.
Click the clock on the top shelf to get an encyclopedia entry [Askiam's Clock] for your computer, then enter the secret passage by clicking on the outline of a door on the wall.
Approach Adam and take the note on the desk, then read it to get a computer document [Herakles Note]. Examine the model triceratops and take the needle [white object], then examine the other shelf and use the machine there to see a hologram of a triceratops.
Talk to Adam about Place, War, Hologram, Mine, Potion
Now check your computer for the prescription code entry and use the right arrow to find the prescription code for Hanagra De Syl, the code is as follows:
O O O X = punched out diamond [hole]
O X O O = normal diamond
Use the needle on the blank punch card and click the diamonds that are marked with an X in the diagram above to create the punch card, then leave the building to return to the streets.
Follow the road away from the triceratops and around the fountain, then talk to the woman in the window [whose name is Armanda] about these topics:
Place, Prescription, Biocardamone, Ticket
This gets rid of her for you, so first you'll want to move Ariane a little since she's blocking a slot that you need. Use your punch card with the slot before clicking the lever just above the slot, then click the wheel after it stops turning to get the flask.
Return to the screen with the triceratops and exit at the bottom of the screen, then go through the yellow-bricked arch.
------ Market ------
Examine the stall that's left of the one with all the pans hanging from it, then take the grease [in the can] and the old dinosaur skin that's beside it.
Now walk to the right end of the market and click the grey tower to bring up a map of the monorail system, then click the academy on the map to go there [and play a short cutscene].
------- Academy -------
Go down a screen and follow the path, then climb the stairs and enter the building. Go left to the next screen, then enter the door there.
Talk to Armanda in here about these topics:
Place, Box
Return to the entrance once you've done this and click the bottom right corner to reach the next screen, then enter the door there.
Meet up with Wallace and Alexander here, then talk to Alexander about the following topics:
Place, Maps
Now click the green and red books on the desk for a pair of computer documents [perpetual light, beliefs and spirituality], then take the reel of film from the desk. Examine the large machine on your right and use the lever on the left side, then take the selection sheet and read it in your inventory to get another computer document [Wallace Reading Choice].
Return to room where you just talked with Armanda and examine the table, then pick up the file and the iron plate. Use the file on the iron plate to make a sheet of iron, then click the bottom of the screen to reach the next screen.
Click the bottom left of the large metal tank to pick up a helium bottle, then exit the building.
Read the new mail [News Bulletin, June 9] if you want, then return to the monorail and ride it to the Communications Center.
--------------------- Communications Center ---------------------
Return to the room with the projector, then use your second reel of film [white one, #254] to watch an interesting cutscene. Now find the first reel of film in your inventory and analyze it to get an encyclopedia entry [Films] for your computer, then leave the building.
------------ Tower Return ------------
Leave the city through the front gates and enter the tower once more, then use your sheet of iron and the grease with the camera to repair it. Exit the tower and talk to Ocine, then choose these topics:
Old Camera Repaired, Going Out
----------- Sidetracked -----------
Remember those dinosaur eggs in Adam's hut over in the desert? Well NOW you can get them, so head all the way back to Adam's desert hut. Take the dinosaur eggs from the table, then work your way back to the gates of Askiam.
A mail [Petition For Peace] appears on your computer when you reach one of the bridges, so you can read that if you wish.
Either way go talk with Heracles outside the green building and talk to him about the following topics before entering the building:
Found Eggs, Giants
Enter the building now and go through the secret passage, then talk to Adam about these topics:
Giants, Found Potion
This gets you an aerial map, so find the aerial map in your inventory and read it to get a computer document [Fly Map].
Leave the building and walk to the market, then go to the left side and walk with the man in the balloon [whose name is Gustav] about these topics:
Place, Outside, War, Mine, Heracles, Settings, Map
Now examine the basket of the balloon to get a closer view, then use your map with the flat area above the four small gauges. Just to the right of the large gauge you should see a small metal pipe that's only slightly taller than that gauge. Use your helium bottle just above this metal pipe, then use your dinosaur skin on the hole near the top of one of the larger pipes to start a cutscene.
Click the bottom left corner to reach the next screen, then talk to the giant [whose name is Kanou Palé] about these topics:
Place, Mastadons, War, Mine
Examine the black mastadon hair on the ground and pick some up, then go left to the next screen.
Approach force field until Ariane makes a comment, then return to Kanou Palé and talk to him about these topics:
Gate, Force Field
You get the aromatic pipe herbs from the conversation, so return to the force field. Use your machete with a hotspot on the ground to leave it there, then enter the force field.
------------- Giant Village -------------
Talk with the woman [whose name is Aîra Mnudé] in the closest hut about these topics:
Place, Outside, War, Magics, Hole, Intimate Spirit, Spirit Valley
Go left to the previous screen and follow the left path [keep left when the path forks as you pass a tree] to reach a fisherman [whose name is Payan Ouva], then talk to him about Tobacco to give him your aromatic pipe herbs. You should now talk to him about these topics:
Place, Outside, War, Bait
Now go back down the path and take the right path past Aîra Mnudé this time, then go left past the flowers and talk to Tohu Malla about these topics:
Place, War, Entrance
Return to Payan Ouva and talk about the Weather Forecast, then go back to Tohu Malla and talk about Fog. Head back to the fork in path by Payan Ouva, then take the path past the sitting person until you see Jahiné Duubra in a hut with a wounded creature.
Talk to Jahiné Duubra about these topics:
Place, War, Spirits Valley, Gardener, Bitter Berries, Arena
This gets you a repellent stem from her, but you should examine the shelves beside her next and take the empty shell from the right end of the highest shelf.
Return to the previous screen and walk up path, then follow the path straight past the man to reach the posts up ahead.
Walk until you get a closer view of the posts and the path, then wear your warm gloves and take the bitter berries from the plants on your left. The symbols on these posts are clues to help you with an upcoming puzzle so only write them down if you want to figure out the puzzle yourself.
Go back and talk with Jahiné Duubra about these topics:
Gathered Berries, Floating Garden, Go Up
Return to Tohu Malla and talk about the Protection Spell to get the heat-giving firefly, then return to Payan Ouva and talk about these topics:
Fire-fly, Arena of Initiation
This gets you the living shell and another clue about the upcoming puzzle.
Go back to Tohu Malla's screen and use the repellent stem on the bamboo wall to get inside.
-------------- Jousting Arena --------------
Head down to the next screen, then talk to Bârès Mohul about the following:
Place, Outside, War, Sea, Ball
Examine the stone dish on your left, then use the empty shell on the dish. Use the living shell on the dish next, then use the mastadon hair on the dish. Finally click the dish to smash the living shell, then pick up the clean vegetable lens.
-------- Sky High --------
Leave the jousting area to receive an new mail [When Do We Meet?] for your computer, then work your way back to the posts where you found the bitter berries. Follow the path ahead of you until it forks, then realize that this is the next puzzle.
There are seven points of interest in this puzzle, the mask in front of you and six poles around the giant hole. Let's say they are arranged like so:
# D C E Poles = A->F Rock/Mask = # F B A
When you examine two poles you can click a leaf beside them, which causes the leaf to cover up a hole on the pole. Once two poles are covered you can go to the rock with a mask in it and pull on the tongue to create a sound.
You need to play six different sounds in this way and play them in the correct order.
The order is as follows:
1st - F and C 2nd - D and B 3rd - A and C 4th - B and F 5th - E and D 6th - F and A
[It's worth mentioning that the order of two poles doesn't matter. I mean that F and C does the same thing as C and F.]
Once you've produced the six sounds in order you'll see a short cutscene.
--------------- Floating Garden ---------------
First of all SAVE YOUR GAME before you do anything here, because you really don't want to do the last puzzle all over again just to get back here.
Click on the beam of light that's shining a different colour [slightly green] than the others to walk over to it, then use your clean vegetable lense on the hole.
Go back down the path and talk to Adam about these topics:
Place, Outside, Halo, Mine, Rumor
--------- Submarine ---------
Once you're done talking with Adam you'll end up down below with a note in your inventory. Read the note for the submarine code, then walk back through the village and head to the spot where Gustav landed his balloon. You should see a door in the rocks in the distance and a path leading up to it, take that path to get a new mail [Appointment!!] for your computer.
Enter the doors ahead of you and go down to the next screen, then enter the sub and talk to the man inside as he orders you off the ship.
Return to Payan Ouva in the village and approach the child beside him. The child should now follow you, so walk to the next screen to end up back at the submarine. Talk to the child to send them back to the village, then enter the submarine once more.
This time there's no one to order you off the ship, so go through the left door and examine the keypad. The code is in your computer documents, but it's also right here:
Once you've entered the code, simply go through the door and watch the cutscene.
Talk to the man [he's the captain of the submarine and his name is Angus] about these topics:
Place, Outside, Leave, Help, Entrance
You should have some seeds in your inventory now, so click the bottom left corner to reach the next screen. Walk over to the nearby mine cart and examine the green part of it, then click the switch to watch a short cutscene.
Go down to the next screen and talk to the larger miner [whose name is Maoro Fi] about these topics:
Place, Outside, Seeds
This gets you a message in your inventory, find it and read it to get a computer document [MaoroFi Message]. Now take the mine cart back to Angus and talk to him about the following:
Message, Resistance
---------- The Filter ----------
Now you have a visitor's pass, so walk into the mines instead of using the mine cart. Talk to the man [whose name is Firmin] about these topics:
This gets you an order slip for your inventory, so walk to the elevator up ahead and use the panel beside it to ride it up. Read the new mail [News Bulletin On June 11] in your computer if you wish, then go right to the next screen and talk to the man [whose name is Hutha Méo] about these topics:
Place, Outside, War, Geyser
Return to the screen with the elevator, then walk into the distance to get a nice birds-eye view of the platform. Enter the warehouse once you enter the next screen and talk to the woman [whose name is Amalia] about the following:
Place, War, Geyser, Order Note
Click the scrap of paper on the ground to get an interesting computer document [Amalia Telegram], then walk around behind the shelves and take the filter from a shelf below the giant gears.
Go left to get a view of the second set of shelves, then click the paper to get a lead pencil and a blank sheet of paper. Use the pencil with the paper to get an important document [Schema] and a new mail [News] for your computer, then click the end of these shelves to return to the previous screen.
Walk up to the end of the warehouse next and click the bulletin board for a couple of computer documents [Mine Schedule, Mine Rules], then talk to the man [whose name is Kia Tran] about the following:
Place, Outside, War, Geyser
Head back down the elevator and talk to Firmin [pick Repaired], then calculate the calculation sheet in your inventory. Examine the control panel behind Firmin and click the first dial so a green light appears, then move the slider to 15. Do the same thing with the second dial as you move the slider to 37, then do the some thing while moving the slider to 8 for the last dial.
---------- The Geyser ----------
Talk to Firmin once more [about Machine] to get a map, then read the map to add it to your computer. Go back up the elevator and approach the entrance to the warehouse, then walk down to reach a smaller building.
Go inside the building and talk to the man [whose name is Tâal Nadi] about the following:
Place, Outside, War, Geyser, Bares Mohul
Go down a screen and take the sheet of metal beside the nearby machine, then examine the control panel of that machine to start a puzzle.
- Move the white 8 left - Move the black 8 & 1 right - Move the white 8, 1 & 4 left - Move the black 8, 1, 4 & 6 right - Move the white 8, 1, 4, 6 & 2 left - Move the black 8, 1, 4, 6 & 2 right - Move the white 8, 1, 4, 6 & 2 left - Move the black 2, 6, 4 & 1 right - Move the white 2, 6 & 4 left - Move the black 2 & 6 right - Move the white 2 left
By using the moves above you can solve the puzzle, but there's nothing more for you to do in here so leave the building and return to the screen with the elevator.
Use the sheet of iron on the hotspot at the end of the pipe, then climb down the stairs just right of that hotspot. Click your machete next and use it on the red belt that's connecting two of the gears, then go back up the stairs and click the bottom right corner to reach the next screen.
Go up from this screen to reach Hutha Méo, then talk to him to get him to investigate your little act of sabotage. Now approach the geyser and click the door to climb inside.
Examine the plaque of buttons on your right and check you computer for the Schema entry [or check the diagram below], then just press the buttons with X's on them.
This starts a short cutscene as you travel up to the platform above.
------- Choices -------
Enter the door near the bottom of the screen and wait for Armanda to leave, then exit this screen at the bottom left. Click the red flask on the next screen to get a phial of acid, then return to the previous screen and walk towards the bookcase.
Open the door to the bookcase and click the red book by the photograph to get a computer document [Diamonds Cuters], then go left a screen and click the wooden desk where Armanda was talking earlier to walk over to it.
Click the sheets that are visible at the end of the desk to get an important computer document [Balls Enigma], then get ready for an annoying puzzle.
----------- Ball Puzzle -----------
Now this puzzle can of course be solved a number of different ways like a lot of puzzles, but I find this way to be the easiest.
When using the scale, the following happens each time you click the middle of the scale.
Click #1 - First weighing Click #2 - Reset the scale Click #3 - Second weighing Click #4 - Reset the scale Click #5 - Third Weighing Click #6 - Cutscene that shows new set of balls being swapped in [puzzle resets!]
So Once you've done your third weighing and you've found the right ball DON'T click the scale or you'll reset the puzzle!
For all cases you start by putting balls 1-4 on the left and balls 5-8 on the right, then weighing them.
This means that balls 1-8 are normal balls and the one that's different is in balls 9-12.
So leave ball 12 behind and put 9 & 10 on the left scale and 11 on the right scale with ball 1 (one that we know is normal).
A) If they're even once again, then the ball you want is the one that you left out (12) and you're done!
B) If they're different then you need to make a note of which side is heavy and which side is light. (eg: 9H, 10H, 11L | 12 you don't care about because you know it's normal.)
Weigh the two similar balls against each other (one in each side) and leave the third one out. [So in the example above the two similar balls are 9 and 10 because they were both on the heavy side, while 11 was the only ball on the light side. Remember that 12 was a normal ball, it just happened to be on the light side.]
1. If the two similar balls are equal, then the one that you left out (11) is the one that you want.
2. If the two similar balls are different then have a look at what you classified them as in the last step. If they were both H's (heavy) then the heavy ball is the one you want, if they were both L's (light), then it's the light ball that you want.
=======================CASE 02: LEFT LIGHTER THAN RIGHT========================
This means that the unique ball is among balls 1-8, mark balls 1-4 as light (eg: 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L) and balls 5-8 as heavy (eg: 5H, 6H, 7H, 8H).
Put 1L, 5H & 6H on the left side and 2L, 7H, 8H on the right side [as you leave out 3L and 4L].
1. If they balance then the unique ball is one of the two that you left out [3L,4L]. Weigh either one of those against any other [normal] ball.
1A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
1B) If they're different then the ball that you weighed against the normal ball is the unique one.
2. If the left side remains light, then the unique ball is one of the following: 1L, 7H, 8H. Now put 7H on one side and 8H on the other side and weigh them.
2A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
2B) If they're different, then the ball that's on the heavy side is the unique one.
3. If the left side changes to heavy, then the unique ball is one of the following: 5H, 6H, 2L. Now put 5H on one side and 6H on the other side and weigh them.
3A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
3B) If they're different, then the ball that's on the heavy side is the unique one.
=======================CASE 02: LEFT LIGHTER THAN RIGHT========================
=======================CASE 03: RIGHT LIGHTER THAN LEFT========================
This means that the unique ball is among balls 1-8, mark balls 1-4 as light (eg: 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H) and balls 5-8 as heavy (eg: 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L).
Put 5L, 1H & 2H on the left side and 6L, 3H, 4H on the right side [as you leave out 7L and 8L].
1. If they balance then the unique ball is one of the two that you left out [7L,8L]. Weigh either one of those against any other [normal] ball.
1A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
1B) If they're different then the ball that you weighed against the normal ball is the unique one.
2. If the right side remains light, then the unique ball is one of the following: 5L, 3H, 4H. Now put 3H on one side and 4H on the other side and weigh them.
2A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
2B) If they're different, then the ball that's on the heavy side is the unique one.
3. If the left side changes to light, then the unique ball is one of the following: 1H, 2H, 6L. Now put 1H on one side and 2H on the other side and weigh them.
3A) If they're equal then the ball that you left out is the unique one.
3B) If they're different, then the ball that's on the heavy side is the unique one.
=======================CASE 03: RIGHT LIGHTER THAN LEFT========================
-------- Snooping --------
Once you've done three weighings and you think you've found the right ball, click that ball and it should go into your inventory. Now MAKE SURE you don't click the scale or you'll reset the puzzle. Instead click the arrow in the top left to exit the puzzle. Now pass your cursor over the ball in your inventory.
If it just says "white ball" you messed up somewhere, but if it also says "unique specimen very hard to find" you've got the right ball.
Once you have the right ball SAVE YOUR GAME so you never have to do this puzzle again!
Click the door to get a closer view, then use the phial of acid on the handle to get outside. Return to the geyser and use the white ball [that you worked so hard to get] with the brown pipe beside the seat and the plaque of buttons.
Go down a screen here and examine the nearby desk, then click the open book for a juicy computer document [Diary]. Take the reel of film, the photographs and the disk, then read the photograph to see how they created the fake footage of you sabotaging Figaro's equipment. Analyze the disk to see some more evidence that the rumours are true, then walk towards the large doors and go up the stairs on your left to get a new mail for your computer [HRM AdvAntures Press]. Before you do anything else you should SAVE YOUR GAME on a couple of save slots.
This is due to the fact that you are about to make a VERY large choice in the game.
There are two doors to go through, a large set of doors, and a smaller set that you entered the room through originally.
If you pick the large doors then the game ends now and you get the bad ending, but if you pick the small door then the game continues. So watch the bad ending if you like, then reload your save and continue on with the game.
Go through the small door that leads back to the geyser, then click the plaque of buttons to ride down to the upper platform. Read the new mail [News Bulletin, June 13] for your computer if you wish, then return to the geyser and use the lever to reach the ground floor.
Talk to Tâal Nadi about Place and War, then return to the screen with the elevator and take the ladder near the elevator. Go into the small building by the warehouse once more and take the sheet of metal inside for the second time, then click the paper on the ground to get an important computer document [Chemical Formula].
Talk to Adam about the following:
Allies, Prooves, Safe
Now leave the building and head to the back of the warehouse [where you talked to Kia Tran earlier], then climb the stairs in the corner and click the black grate on the floor to reach the next screen.
There's a small pile of powder on the left conveyor belt, so click the hotspot on it to get the black diamond powder and the white diamond powder. That's all you need here for now so go back to the geyser and use the plaque of buttons to reach the upper platform.
Enter the building and go all the way to the sink at the back where you found the acid earlier, then pick up the strips for chemical analysis beside the hammer. Analyze them in your inventory and read the encyclopedia entry [Test Strips], then go back towards the door and head right to the safe. Examine the safe next as you get ready to put that high school chemistry to good use.
Use the test strips on all three of the tubes on the safe to learn that the red one is acidic and the blue one is basic [while the yellow is neutral]. Now use your white diamond powder with the red tube and use the black diamond powder with the blue tube. Click the safe handle to open the door, then click the documents on the top shelf to get a couple of incriminating computer documents [Account Report, Clients (Confidential)].
Leave the building now and return to the geyser, then use the lever to take it down to the ground floor. Talk to Tâal Nadi about the Order Book, then go to the elevator and ride it down. Cross the tracks and use your ladder just left of the dials that you adjusted earlier, then climb the ladder to reach some dynamite. Use your knife on the fuse to get the dynamite, then go left two screens and examine the mine cart to discover that it's loaded with dynamite.
Walk out of the mines and talk to Angus about the Conspiracy, then walk left a screen and walk towards the tracks. Use the sheet of iron with the far right end of the tracks and walk back to the mine cart that's loaded with dynamite. Look for the switchbox between the two tracks and a faint black beam pointing from the box to the mine cart. Wear your warm gloves and click that beam to switch the tracks, then click the mine cart and watch the cutscene.
Go back outside and talk to Angus about Dynamite to take the submarine back to the docks.
############################################################################### (C-10) THE RETURN ###############################################################################
Read the new mail [Don't Give Up] for your computer if you want, then go through the door and talk to Gustav in the balloon. Choose Giants when he gives you the option, then enter the giant's village to find it deserted.
Go towards the back of the village and talk to Jahiné Duubra about the following:
Examine the shelves behind Jahiné, then click the large red flower on the second shelf to get the trapping plant.
Head to the jousting arena and use your flask on the yellow flower at the front to water it, then use the butterfly on the same flower before entering the jousting arena.
Use the trapping plant on the stone square ahead of you to get the memory ball, then go back and talk to Jahiné Duubra about the Ball of Memory to receive a flute. Go towards the floating garden and use the flute on the force field to get rid of it, then follow the path around to the rock from the annoying puzzle that you solved here earlier. Examine the rock to discover it's missing its tongue, then take the message [Alexander Message] in its mouth and read it.
Go back to Gustav now and talk to him about the City to fly to Askiam.
Go to the same booth that you got the grease and old dinosaur skin from [left of the booth with all the hanging pans], then take the [blue] cloth and the telephone token from the right side of the booth. Walk to the right side of the market to see Armanda standing guard, then leave the market and go right to the screen with the fountain. Talk to Enrique about these topics:
Chief Engineer, Conspiracy
Now walk towards the Communications Center to spot Bârès Mohul and hear Ariane talk about a plan, then go back to Enrique and talk to him about Phone to get a list.
Read the list and check the entry in your computer to find out that there are five phone numbers in the city:
123-04 123-05 123-06 123-08 123-09
Examine the phone just past the green house [with the secret passage] on this screen and make a note of it's number, then return to Enrique's screen and go down to the next screen.
Examine the number of the phone on the street corner and keep track of it, then enter the market and go to the right side [where Armanda is]. Examine the phone by the booth and record the number, then go back to the gates of the city and examine the phone just left of the gates to get the final number.
Compare these four phone numbers with your list, the only one you didn't find is the one that you need to use. So examine the phone in front of you and use the cloth with the dial/microphone, then use the telephone token with the coin slot to carry out your plan.
Walk to the Communication Center now and use the monorail just left of it to reach the Academy.
------- Academy -------
Enter the building like before, then go through the door on your left to get a new mail [News Of Rescue Mission] for your computer. Examine the table and open the small box, then take the papers and the note. Read and analyze them respectively, then read the new documents [Conference, Energy Collector] in your computer.
Go down a screen and examine the desk in the corner, then pick up the paper to get a computer document [Hanoi Tower]. Read the document and get ready to solve yet another puzzle.
There are seven pieces to the tower, but you can only move the highest piece on a tower so there's no need to number the pieces. Instead I've numbered the towers from left to right 1, 2 & 3.
eg: 1 3, means to click tower one and then click tower 3 [moving the disk in tower one to tower 3 in the process].
This is a famous puzzle that takes a LONG time to beat with a minimum of 127 moves, and here they are:
111 - 3 2 112 - 1 3 (THIRD LARGEST DISK GETS MOVED INTO PLACE!) 113 - 2 1 114 - 2 3 115 - 1 3 116 - 2 1 117 - 3 2 118 - 3 1 119 - 2 1 120 - 2 3 (FOURTH LARGEST DISK GETS MOVED INTO PLACE!)
121 - 1 3 122 - 1 2 123 - 3 2 124 - 1 3 (FIFTH LARGEST DISK GETS MOVED INTO PLACE!) 125 - 2 1 126 - 2 3 (SIXTH LARGEST DISK GETS MOVED INTO PLACE!) 127 - 1 3 (FINAL DISK GETS MOVED INTO PLACE!)
Take the note and the flask and MAKE SURE you save you game, because you really don't want to do that puzzle all over again!
Read the note to get a computer document [Plimentaire Formula], then leave the room and go right past the entrance to the room where you originally met Alexander.
Examine the machine to the right of the desk once more and use the lever twice, then take the selection sheet and read it to get a computer document [RectorChoice]. Read it if you wish, then leave the room and talk to Alexander about the following:
Walk right to the next screen and walk towards the cabinet, then click the paper sitting on top to get a computer document [Message To Peter]. Now walk towards the stone door ahead of you and click the left side to open it, then enter the next room and click the white paper on the desk to get a computer entry [Periscope Map].
Take the fuse [black object] beside the paper and head left a screen, then talk to Peter about the following:
Place, Outside, Instrument, Rector, Spare Parts
Go down a screen and click on the periscope, then go back to the previous room and combine the dynamite and fuse. Use the dynamite with the basket that's hanging in front of you, then use your [lit] lighter on the fuse to start a cutscene.
Pick up the iron bar and combine the rope with it, then go down a screen and use the iron bar with the hole in the ceiling to climb through it.
---------- Collecting ----------
Click the bottom left corner to reach the next screen, then go to the back of the mines and exit to the mushroom area. Talk to Adam on this screen about the following:
Mine, Alexander, Prison, Epidemic, Proof
Enter the mine again and go to the screen with the large wheel, then click the empty box and the small pile of coal at the end of the tracks to pick up both.
Go back to Adam and head left a screen, then click the ferns in the foreground on the right side of the screen to pick some up. Work your way to the tower nearby and climb to the top, then examine the table and take the food reserves. Go left to where the wounded soldier was earlier and take his blanket, then go back to Adam and talk to him about the Installation topic.
Now work your way to the desert to get a new computer mail [Instructions], then go left past Adam's lair and take the little crushed bones by the rocks. Continue to the area where you saw the T-Rex and talk to Gustav about these topics:
Conspiracy, Tyrannosaur, Secret
------ Giants ------
Go left to the next screen to get another computer mail [New Bulletin, June 15], then pick up the dry mastadon dung and the coconuts in the distance before entering the village. Talk to Payan Ouva about the following:
Matriarch, Firefly, Tackles
This gets you some crawfish bait, so go left to the next screen for a short puzzle.
Examine the three traps in the distance and use your crawfish bait on one of the three rocks. It will either be a red or a green crawfish.
Click the red trap first, the green trap second, the grey trap third and any trap fourth.
Click the green trap first, the grey trap second, the red trap third and any trap fourth.
Go back and talk to Payan Ouva about Results to get a very bright firefly, then go talk Jahiné Duubra about the following:
Head towards the floating garden and examine the farthest of the poles [the one just past the bitter berries] on the left side of the path, then put on your warm gloves and click on the blue berries to get berries of the five senses.
Return to Jahiné Duubra and use the dry mastadon dung with the large rock beside her, then use your [lit] lighter on it. Use the coconut on the flames next and add the berries and little crushed bones, then talk to Jahiné Duubra about the Preparation topic.
Put on your warm gloves and click the coconut to get a ready sponge, then go to the front of the village and enter the hut where Aîra Mnudé once was. Talk to Tâal Nadi instead about these topics:
Conspiracy, Matriarch, Sponges
Now go right a screen and use the ready sponge on any of the holes, then talk to Tâal Nadi about the Warn topic.
Walk towards the floating garden and talk to Aîra Mnudé about the following:
Conspiracy, Periscope, Epidemic, Evidences
Head back to Gustav and talk to him to get back to Askiam.
------ Askiam ------
A phone behind you starts ringing when you get here, so run over to it and click the dial to answer it. Head back to the balloon and click the basket, then pick up the helium bottle and head for the communications center.
Go inside and go to the room with the elevator, then talk to Enrique about the following:
Telegram, Conspiracy, Wallace, Evidences, Rector
This gets you a master key, so use the elevator and take the pliers from the floor. Examine the control panel and click the button under Academy to make it red, then go to the screen where you got the phial from Armanda originally.
Talk to Wallace here about these topics:
Place, Plimentary, Evidences, Rendez-vous, Alexander
Now walk around the fountain and go to the green building with the secret passage, then use your master key to get inside. Go through the secret passage and examine the triceratops model, then use your pliers on the magnifying glass to get the magnifying lens.
Leave the city through the main gates and talk to Ocine about the following:
Outside, Mirror
Enter the tower on your left and click the camera to get a small mirror, then leave the tower to get a new computer mail [Tracking] before using the nearby mine cart to end up back at the periscope.
--------- Periscope ---------
Examine the periscope and use the very bright firefly near the top of the screen to light up the periscope. Click the middle to give you more room, then place the magnifying lens in the clamps and the small mirror at the bottom. Click the firefly once more and talk to Peter, then go back around the periscope and click the scroll near the blackboard to get a computer document [Coordinates].
Now simply click the periscope and watch the ending.
This game has some very backward logic in a lot of places and you can get stuck for some bizarre reasons. I'll try to answer the more common concerns that people have here.
[Question 01]
I can't leave the helicopter crash site through the cave, why not?
[Answer 01]
You don't have all the items from the area yet. Be sure to pry open the helicopter door with the helicopter blade, then get the following items from inside:
knife, rope, bag, and computer
Also be sure to unpack the bag, use the screwdriver on the first-aid kit and use the knife on the wires that are dangling from the broken panel.
Once you do all of this you should be able to leave the area.
[Question 02]
Why can't I fix the wires in the cave?
[Answer 02]
First of all you need to wear the warm gloves when doing anything here. Use the wires from your inventory on the wires here, then use the adhesive tape on the wires to cover up the exposed sections.
[Question 03]
Why can't I pick up the sand?
[Answer 03]
First you need to get the crystal, and second you need to put it in the machine in the same cave and use the bellows. Once you've done this the hotspot for the sand should be active, allowing you to pick it up.
[Question 04]
How do I fix the soldier's leg?
[Answer 04]
You need the flat pieces of mushroom first. These are found a few screens up ahead by the first bridge, simply use the knife on the mushroom stump there to get them. The hotspot on the stump WON'T appear though if you haven't talked to Lenkoff first.
[Question 05]
Why can't I heal the soldier?
[Answer 05]
You need to make sure that you have your flask filled with water. If your flask has no water, then Lenkoff will not give you the option of talking about pills.
[Question 06]
How do I fix the horn to help the soldier?
[Answer 06]
First of all you have to make sure that you've already given the soldier the splint and the pills.
If you've done this then you need to use your [lit] lighter on the tip of bone to create a hard cranium. Now use the hard cranium with the shell to create a prepared shell. Head back to the cave where you found the crystal and examine the machine that you used to polish it, then take the bellow [left part of the machine].
[Question 07]
Why can't I use my knife to get the flat pieces of mushroom?
[Answer 07]
You need to talk with Lenkoff in the tower before you're able to get the flat pieces of mushroom, so make sure to do this first!
Ariane becomes incredibly famous and gets all the great assignments as well as getting the chance to be first on the scene for a lot of major events.
However Alexander is also made famous and becomes an owner of several television networks. Humans also enter the center of the Earth and shoot the dinosaurs while annoying many of the people that lived peacefully before. The humans even drive away the giants completely to some unknown location.
---- GOOD ----
Everyone Ariane invited takes there turn to look through the periscope and sees the proof that there is no war on the surface. Ariane then leaves her computer and camera underground as she returns to the surface. Ariane flies out over the sea wondering what to tell her boss as a flash memory card falls to the ground with her pictures on it.
Here are the various files that you collect for your computer, for those that are interested.
========= DOCUMENTS =========
-------------------------------- Discoveries of a Forgotten World --------------------------------
Discoveries of a Forgotten World
"Sequel to Journey to the Center of the Earth by Professor Hardwigg"
Karl Schulze
...and the colony was set up on the edge of the jungle. This resettlement was a harrowing experience for the survivors of the first camp: they had left their founder there, Armand Latifere. He had been the only one who believed Professor Lidenbrock's expedition had actually taken place: the great scientist's discoveries had been too astounding and a few envious people had prepared his downfall; he had gone mad and nobody had showed the slightest interest when he died in 1865. Armand believed in this Eden and put together an international group of scientists to explore and inhabit the bowels of the earth. He succeeding in convincing our brave elders to join him on this arduous journey and together they made it possible for us to live in this brave new world.
Great minds were roused by the discovery of the flora and fauna and the building of a city. A bridge was constructed as well, inaccessible to most of the animal species, permitting scientists to study the various species without putting themselves in any danger. Technology is indeed the mark of the superiority of our race: we can adapt everywhere, even in these hostile lands.
But today the diversity of species teaches us to take a mode moderate view: for aren't we just as vulnerable as they are to the changes in climate? The study of nature yields plenty of surprises and invaluable lessons... It's possible that one day a tremendous discovery will call into question...
------ Letter ------
Dear Friend,
Please take care of the bust of this great forgotten man and pass it down to your children as a souvenir of our humanistic conquest. May this fellowship flourish and progress along the paths of science!
Armand Latifere
------------ Union Letter ------------
Our agreements have been concluded. They will not admit of any other alternative; by writing against the danger, we will thwart any threat from abroad. Our wise and well-preserved world would not survive a ruthless war of conquest.
Take heart! Our cherished children will safeguard future generations without bloodshed. Armand would be proud of them.
------------- Advertisement -------------
If you want to serve the fellowship, if you refuse to remain passive, if you believe in peace, come and join the convoys of the brotherhood. Let us unite for the greater glory of the City of Askiam and the memory of Armand Latifere!
Wallace, Chief Engineer of Askiam
---------- User Guide ----------
1. Place a sheet of photosensitive paper under a red lamp. 2. Expose the film in the camera for about five seconds. 3. Place the exposed paper in the first tray, then rinse and let dry.
------- History -------
This city was founded in 1874 by the first colony in accordance with the wishes of Armand Latifere. The secret city will remember its great founder forever! We thank you for having chosen us to follow in your footsteps, and we shall make this city a paradise of Science and Reason.
--------------- Stolen Telegram ---------------
---------------- Performance Book ----------------
2007 18 March
Screening No 253
subject-matter: departure of a convoy - discovery of a new species - presentation of scientific awards - a family is growing
------------- Herakles Note -------------
Remind Armanda to order some biocardamon: she doesn't have any left in stock.
--------------- Perpetual Light ---------------
Perpetual Light
The first pioneers were astonished to find that it was light at all times at the center of the Earth. They conducted a swift investigation of the makeup of the air and found that the friction produced by the compression of the atoms generates light and heat. Theretofore observed only in test tubes, this phenomenon was reproduced here on a grand scale. The air seems to be renewed, however, through a few cracks in the surface, which makes our world quite vulnerable: a wide breach could plunge our world into darkness. Conversely, if our air were taken captive, the plants would produce the oxygen we need but the bacteria would remain suspended in the air, creating highly adverse living conditions. Bear in mind that the photosynthesis of sunlight carried on by plants at the surface actually evolved here: the heat recovered permitted the regulation of our ambient atmosphere (plants convert the heat into oxygen, which cools off our atmosphere). This process of energy conversion, known as calosynthesis, sometimes produces a very thick fog: the humidity condenses into tiny droplets.
------------------------ Beliefs And Spirituality ------------------------
Beliefs and spirituality
The giants live in harmony with nature: they don't eat meat (except some seafood) or chop down trees. Their life is ruled by respect for the Earth, which they consider a fragile and unique being and for which they feel responsible. Their way of life may well appear primitive, as they are less interested in technological progress than in preserving their sacred traditions. They do not recognize the existence of any divinities other than the Community in and of itself and the Earth. Furthermore, all their decisions are submitted to meditation rites; all the giants are initiated therein from childhood so as to know their destiny. After having had a vision, they choose their path accordingly: whether to pursue a simple craft or spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this race seems to have developed gifts that are unknown to us and much resemble wizardry. Practicing these arts does not enable them to do anything they want - first of all, because of their beliefs; secondly, because their gifts are developed only in certain domains. For instance, they are capable of healing the body by means of persuasion and of using telepathy and even teleporting people. The arts of the giants are divided up into two main disciplines: representation and recomposition. These arts are much esteemed but do not endow the wizard with greater social status. The best giants periodically engage in jousts, featuring a spectacular demonstration of their powers of mental representation. The winners are rewarded food and honors until the next games.
selection 1: Technical Encyclopedia of Film by G. Parana
Call No:TECH/PAR 7.40
selection 2: Retouching Films by H. Jaipur
Call No:TECH/JAI 7.47
selection 3: Media and Public Opinion by D. Kaiser
Call No:SOC/KAI 9.24
--------------- MaoroFi Message ---------------
Heard tell of a revolt: some would rather fight than mine. No names but keep your eyes peeled.
--------------- Amalia Telegram ---------------
---------- Mine Rules ----------
Work is organized as follows:
Each worker is assigned to a team with its corresponding schedule
Access to some buildings is subject to authorization (show your pass).
Any complaints should be addressed to your immediate superior.
Salary: Men are paid every two weeks by the city via telegram (to the worker or, if he so desires, to his family). Giants work for free.
--------------- Diamonds Cuters ---------------
[Supposed to be Diamond Cutters?]
Antwerp - year 2004
Van Hekners agency
This merchant buys cut and uncut diamonds. He supplies expensive jewelry. Exceptional quality only. Diamonds of gem quality, clarities IF, VVS1 et VVS2; color white D, E, F, or fancy color.
Jiansens and Sons offices
Wholesale diamond-cutters for European jewelers. Also give expert opinions on cuts. Rough diamonds, gem quality. Clarities IF, VVS1 and VVS2; color white D, E, F, or fancy color.
------------ Balls Enigma ------------
12 white sisters
One of them has a different weight.
In three weighings you have to find out which one of them it is.
Otherwise she'll change her name...
----- Diary -----
I have earned my position as rector. Everyone respects and consults me. Our plan was the right one... But I can't leave on account of my brother. We are each other's prisoners.
I'll have to leave you one day Peter... You will die. When the time is ripe.
---------------- Chemical Formula ----------------
Add the black diamond powder to the acidic solution and the white diamond powder to the basic solution.
----------------- Alexander Message -----------------
Bares Mohul, Ariane knows too much. I thought she'd give priority to her career but she's a silly goose. How disappointing! Try to locate her. I will meet you after my conference.
---------- Conference ----------
Areas at risk
Recent expeditions have revealed significant differences between giants and man. The more our community grows, the more our races seem to diverge. These findings are of little consequence for the time being, but in the workings of Nature the weaker will eventually give way to the stronger: the age-old process of evolution of the species always restores the proper balance between competitors.
What are [we] to do now that we know this state of affairs? Can we be sure of our superiority? But if so, are we to let this unique and primitive race of giants simply die out? On the other hand, will we fear extinction? And if so, what hope will we have, seeing as there is no place to hide? Finally, how do we know that both our races aren't in jeopardy?
Gentlemen, the object of this conference is to consider all our options if and when such a situation should arise, even if, according to our experts, that won't be for another two generations. We need to pause and deliberate now on ways to continue to live in harmony and security.
----------- Hanoi Tower -----------
Move each roll of film to the third post to reconstruct the same tower.
Caution: Never put a bigger roll on a smaller one (this may bend it out of shape).
---------------- Message To Peter ----------------
Please detain the young lady until I arrive
----------- Coordinates -----------
view harbor: 125 - 87
============ ENCYCLOPEDIA ============
------------- Ivan Platonov -------------
Ivan Platonov 1830-1864
Russian physician. Through 1850, he worked on a project developing a strange tasting metal, called the zinzulotrum synthesis. His research concerned energy, and he succeeded in 1856 in his efforts to create an auto-regenerative combustible mix that was able to deliver a power of 1 volt. Passionate about electricity, he invented several models that can store this energy. His research was halted by his tragic drowning suicide. Author of Comparative Studies of the Transfer of Energy. (1859)
--------------- Armand Latifère ---------------
French researcher and biologist known for bringing together concerned scientists. His project, the Universal Community, remained unfinished after his disappearance in 1864 in Iceland. Author of Marine Species Classification. (1863)
--------- Mushrooms ---------
Unknown species
----- Bones -----
expert's report: organic prehistoric structure carbon date: between 1600 and 1650 AD conclusion: incoherent data!
-------- Hardwigg --------
Professor Hardwigg
Hero of Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne (1864.) Accompanied by his nephew Axel and an Icelandic guide, Hardwigg discovered the way to the center of the earth. After multiple adventures, the three returned to the Earth's surface when ejected by the volcano, Stromboli.
---------- Ganz Lux 4 ----------
The Ganz factory produced the Ganz Lux 4 enlarger in 1859. It works with a photographic plate made with wet Collodion. A double-bottom and extra tough bellows protect the interior. The lens is equipped with a Deklas lens that creates high quality images. The lens was considered innovative, because of the clever aiming system of articulate mirrors. A lever allowed one to raise the mirror to enlarge the photo. This same system is still used in contemporary enlargers. The mechanism used to move the mirror and the back of the box was fragile, due to a defective screw, and often broke.
----------- Coordinates -----------
Analysis of the details Attention! Correction of the old details: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092
-------------- Askiam's Clock --------------
Clock analysis Anomaly detected. Detail: minute rhythm faster = about 0.75 second more for one minute.
----- Films -----
Pictures identification in progress Converging of the recognized data: world wars of the 20th century.
----------- Test Strips -----------
The simplest way to learn a substance's ph is to use test strips. Several types exist. The table below lists results. (reading results table) Standard strips GARFIELD - type 089 to 512
color stays the same neutral solution
color becomes deep acid solution
color becomes light basic solution
==== MAIL ====
--- SOS ---
This is an urgent SOS: I am stranded on Snaeffels volcano in Iceland. Our helicopter has been severely damaged by rock fall. I am fine but my pilot is missing. I am going to try to find help. Ariane
--------- Hi There! ---------
Hey Little Sister, Is it true that you're off snapping pictures in Iceland? That must be really incredible. I'm going to see Dad with the kids. Do you think you can make it? Being with our family makes all of us stronger. I'm praying hard for peace! Love, Eva
------- Re: SOS -------
SOS received 10PM June 5, 2005. Rescue workers are on their way. They will need two days to get there. Hang in there! Rescue Team
--------------------- News Bulletin, June 6 ---------------------
The Crisis in Asia Threatens World Peace: Rising tensions in Asia are coming to a head, forcing the major powers to take sides. The United States has declared a state of emergency and is deploying troops. Europe is in a state of readiness, while Russian troops are beginning to gather on its eastern border. China and North Korea seem to be forming an alliance again[st] the western world.
--- SAR ---
We have just rescued your pilot. We see no trace of you here...but we see you have received our emails. We are continuing to look for you around the volcano, in the hope that you haven't fallen into the deep crevice we discovered. Rescue Team
--------------------- News Bulletin, June 8 ---------------------
Threat of Atomic Strikes: At UN crisis talks the United States reported that its satellites have located operational nuclear missile launch pads in China and North Korea. The two belligerent states seem to be dead set on initiating hostilities. European leaders say they are powerless despite calls for moderation.
Dear MAdam, We regret to inform you that, after having considered your resume, we are unable to offer you the team position requested owing to your lack of editorial experience. Nonetheless, in view of the latest developments in world affairs, we could reconsider your application with a view to proposing a freelance contract. Yours truly, Human Resources Management at Gaia, "the first global daily paper"
--------------------- News Bulletin, June 9 ---------------------
Aerial Alert: A North Korean fighter that violated United States air space has been shot down. The incident has triggered waves of global protests. The entire international community is asking both countries for an explanation.
------------------ Petition For Peace ------------------
Important! We are gathering up as many signatures as possible for our cause. Please send it back as soon as you get 100 signatures. No War! Don't let words give way to weapons!
---------------- When Do We Meet? ----------------
Ariane, just arrived at the office and heard about your accident. Where on earth are you? Tried to call you at home, but got your voicemail every time (a reporters work is never done). I'm worried... We've got to get together so you can tell me everything!!! BTW, got a tip for you: Sport and Nature is looking for a fearless freelance photographer to cover the rock-climbing championship staff@sportnat.net . Tell them I send you! Guess I'm a masochist, was actually hoping to TRY to see you! But hurry up, you're right! Hector Mallet, Editor-in-Chief, Preliminaries
------------- Appointment!! -------------
Ariane, it's so annoying never hearing from you! I waited for you until 4, and had to present the mock-up by myself! He likes it, but wants to meet you first: after all this magazine is your idea!!! Call him and make an appointment ASAP! I'm off to cover a fashion show in Prague. (LOL! I can picture your face right now!) Bettina
------------------------ News Bulletin On June 11 ------------------------
Update: International diplomatic efforts have succeeded in easing the tension. The US Secretary of State says the crisis is on the verge of resolution, and Chinese and North Korean foreign ministers will meet soon to work out their differences.
---- News ----
Hey Little Sister, I didn't have Internet access at Dad's you know how he loathes technology! Heard about your accident...your office said that you're find but they can't locate you. You know, I may be hard on you at times, but I think we simply see life differently. You sacrifice everything else for your profession, which makes you seem sort of cold sometimes, but you're getting ahead because of it. I've got to hand it to you for that! Dad's doing fine. I promised him you'd come see him when you get back. It's important. We're getting anxious waiting for the phone to ring. Love and kisses from all of us, Eva
Dear Madam, As we have yet to receive your photographs (article on African deserts), we regret to inform you that your contract was cancelled for professional misconduct pursuant to clause 7. HRM AdvAntures Press Group.
---------------------- News Bulletin, June 13 ----------------------
International Detente: North Korea has apologized and the major powers are offering to withdraw their troops as a sign of appeasement. China welcomed these announcements and expressed full confidence in their being carried out, affirming moreover that the country would begin negotiations to disarm the region.
------------- Don't Give Up -------------
Ariane, Sorry for my last email; I was quite upset! I've just learned from Hector that you had an accident in Iceland... The pilot is back and thinks you fell into a crack in the ground, but I know you get my emails. Hold on!!! We, i.e. mainly Hector, are developing a program to locate you by tracking your laptop via satellite. You know Hector really wants you back in one piece! He's moving Heaven and Earth to find you... If only I were you... I have a pass for Cannes 2006... if you change your mind; you know I'd love to have you by my side. Hugs and Kisses, Bettina
---------------------- News Of Rescue Mission ----------------------
Ariane, We heard they couldn't find you so I'm assembling a team to locate you or actually your laptop by satellite. We'll find you in no time. Since your accident I realize I have so many things to say to you, but I won't waste anymore time. We have a lot to share. You Hector (worried but confident)
------------ Instructions ------------
Hi, Ariane, I don't know if you remember me... This is Gary, we went to High School together. A guy named Hector who needs a team to find you has just contacted me... Well, you know the story. Here's the plan: We'll make the necessary adjustments so don't waste your batteries. Turn your laptop on and off every five minutes. We'll take care of the rest. Seems a little weird to be getting back in touch under these circumstances. As a matter of fact, strange as it may seem to you, I still think about you... I have been following your career your photos are great! I think you'll make it big as a journalist. Gary Gardener, SUPERSAT ENGINEER
--------------------- New Bulletin, June 15 ---------------------
Asian Agreement: U.N. ratifies Resolution 2014 on the progressive disarmament of the Asia region. An international delegation of inspectors will be sent on location to draw up a timetable and work out the details.
-------- Tracking --------
Ariane, it's Gary again. I'm getting strange readings here: looks like your laptop is moving! Could you switch it on and off at five minute intervals? I couldn't make it to the chopper, which is already on its way, but you know I'd be very happy to see you again! You have my coordinates! Gary