Heroes of Might and Magic V v1.02 patch

Heroes of Might and Magic VUbisoft i Nival Interactive su izbacili novi patch za igru Heroes of Might and Magic V . Ova zakrpa podiže vašu kopiju igre na verziju 1.02 i dodaje dve nove mape Last Hope i War of The Worlds, Camera mod, Hot-seat duel mod, novi status (range) za sve likove u igri i još mnogo toga… Kompletnu listu promena možete videti u nastavku teksta. Postoje nekoliko verzija patcha za različite jezike, svi teže otrpilike oko 50MB a link se nalazi ispod.

Heroes of Might and Magic V v1.02 patch


  • Extended tool tips for buildings on the adventure map.
  • Melee attack performed when holding CTRL.
  • A hotkey (R) to invoke the creature-hiring interface from any town interface.
  • All creatures now have a new status (Range), describing the range at which the creature's attack is halved.
  • A new Video Option: Camera Mode.
  • A new End of Combat interface.
  • Hot-seat duel mode.
  • Hall of Fame.
  • Two new maps: 'Last Hope' and 'War of The Worlds'.

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