Guild Wars
Age Emote
/age - how old your character is
Sit Emote
/sit - you sit down
Invincible HOGS
If you have the skill to tame animals. There are prize winning hogs in Wizards Folly. The cool thing about them is that they never get hit becuase the enemy doesnt realize their there. So tame a prize winning hog in Wizards Folly and you have an invincible friend. NOTE he doesnt do a lot of damage at his present level but once he is leveled properly he can be a very big help.
All Weapons
When you reach Ashford Abbey's, visit a monk and he will ask you what you want to get for free from him. Keep going back to him until he is out of stuff.
Make A Band
Here are some more commands (emotes) in addition to the ones above: